Chakra Opening Experiences

Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在3 年前。 at 20-8-3 上午4:09
Created 3 年 ago at 20-8-3 上午4:00

Chakra Opening Experiences

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
Over the last week or so I have had had some interesting experiences that would seem to be the chakras opening. I was hoping to get some comment and hear some others experiences of similar energetic phenomena.

Here’s what happened with me so far…

A few days ago I noticed the throat and heart chakras come online. I’ve always had third eye / forehead tension and have been able to feel the chakras faintly if I focused on them but this was much more like “coming online” than any intentional effort. The third eye seems to link up to them but not completely and the tension remained.

The feeling was of increased vibration at the throat and heart space and a mildly pleasant feeling of well-being in the body as a whole. My sense of self (where “I” am located) felt like it was in the heart space.

Prior to this, some weeks back now I was vaping cannabis (since given up as it no longer feels helpful for sleep) and the heart came online spontaneously and I was filled with an almost overwhelming feeling of love felt as a force radiating from the heart space. I have never felt love like that. In fact, I now wonder if I have ever felt love. I can only compare it to seeing both my kids born but it wasn’t really the same.

Then a few days later the next 2 chakras down opened up. Again, same feeling of being deep, deep down under a heavy heavy blanket or under water, located somewhere in the body rather than the head and the feeling of the chakras all starting to communicate, albeit not completely.

Then this morning I felt (in isolation from the others) the root chakra come online. I was not doing anything to initiate this other than to “let go” and be with whatever happened. It was felt as a mildly pleasant vibration right in the perineum which stayed like that for a long time. The depth of experience was even deeper however. I get a lot of energetic stuff so it’s not so big a deal for me to have lots of energy in the body but as the sit progressed I felt the others all coming online as well (but less so than the root) and as attention naturally explored that energy spread through the whole body in a very agreeable way. Lots of contentment in the body at first but then fading away and lots of what may be described as semi-formless experience. At points only the head tension remained constant but the rest of the body was gone bar a general feeling of energy in the general vicinity of where it lay.

Please share any similar experiences or add comments to this one,


Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö,修改在3 年前。 at 20-8-3 上午4:24
Created 3 年 ago at 20-8-3 上午4:22

RE: Chakra Opening Experiences

帖子: 7134 加入日期: 18-12-8 最近的帖子
I tend to have increased vibration in the throat during reobservation and always saw that as a sign that I needed to work with issues related to that, but maybe that's a different kind of vibration. Comparing experiences like this is so hard since we all use words somewhat differently and words aren't really adequate for capturing the experience. 

In a review phase I once had the experience of energy flowing out through the crown and down around me in a sphere shape. Prior to that I'd had the experience of something coming online above me, sort of. 
Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在3 年前。 at 20-8-3 上午4:56
Created 3 年 ago at 20-8-3 上午4:56

RE: Chakra Opening Experiences

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
Agreed Linda. Sometimes meditative experience can be somewhat ineffable emoticon

I haven't tried to connect to the higher ones outside the body but have definitely felt the connection to a lower one either beneath the feet (especially when standing barefoot on grass) or beneath the tailbone when sitting. Seems to match up somewhat with a description I read in "hands of light" by Barbara Brennan. 
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö,修改在3 年前。 at 20-8-3 上午6:27
Created 3 年 ago at 20-8-3 上午6:27

RE: Chakra Opening Experiences

帖子: 7134 加入日期: 18-12-8 最近的帖子
I can feel a connection to the earth but never thought of that as chakra opening in my case. I think I still need to work on getting more grounded. It's very interesting that you have had the experience of the root chakra coming online. Maybe you are doing things in the right order. I seem to do everything backwards. 
Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在3 年前。 at 20-8-3 上午11:12
Created 3 年 ago at 20-8-3 上午11:12

RE: Chakra Opening Experiences

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
Actually I think it may be me who has it arse backwards as it were Linda. AFAIK most people deliberately trying to open chackras start at the bottom. Think kundalini yoga, they start working at the base of the spine right?

I had a teacher at the start of the year who told me I was a "top down developer" like this was a thing. Can't think why I didn't ask for more details but I didn't. 

Pawel K,修改在3 年前。 at 20-8-3 下午2:28
Created 3 年 ago at 20-8-3 下午2:26

RE: Chakra Opening Experiences

帖子: 1172 加入日期: 20-2-22 最近的帖子
Good that root chakra is working. It is pretty much the most important one as far as chakras go.
I would not say heart chakra is exactly "love" and much as they all are and if anything root chakra is more like love. Also my personal idea about how "metta" feels is different than any of the chakras and more outside raibbow colors emoticon

The hardest for me to unlock was throat chakra and I guess it is universal. After all, many people can hardly tell difference between blue and cyan...
Dodge E Knees,修改在3 年前。 at 20-8-4 下午1:28
Created 3 年 ago at 20-8-4 下午1:28

RE: Chakra Opening Experiences

帖子: 74 加入日期: 11-9-25 最近的帖子
Hi Bagpuss,

My first big opening was in the shape of a massive release in the perineum and navel area. To paraphrase myself, 'like the first rush of teenage love...only better'!

Daniel diagnosed A&P, and I guess he was correct. A couple of weeks later there was a big surge up the spine, through the brain and out the top of the head. The blast through the head is still easily triggered by simple concentration, and is often so intense, my eyes and face often screw up.....I am sure that looks great when it happens in public.

It can be wonderful, but also difficult when the surge gets trapped - for me generally in the neck. I used to try and line these energy stages up with nanas, but don't really feel compelled to do that anymore.

Recently I have been practicing Tai Chi and Chi Gong, allowing the joints to open and stretch, and allowing the stuck energy to travel along the arms and legs, out through the extremeties. I am finding this really helpful; the piti feeling when you get it right is astounding.

I also sometimes vape cannabis before practice. While it doesn't really help concentration in the conventional sense, I find it does help me absorb in a relaxed and natural way.

Enjoy your practice!


Bagpuss The Gnome,修改在3 年前。 at 20-8-5 下午1:17
Created 3 年 ago at 20-8-5 下午1:17

RE: Chakra Opening Experiences

帖子: 704 加入日期: 11-11-2 最近的帖子
Hey Dodge, 


Daniel diagnosed A&P, and I guess he was correct. A couple of weeks later there was a big surge up the spine, through the brain and out the top of the head. The blast through the head is still easily triggered by simple concentration, and is often so intense, my eyes and face often screw up.....I am sure that looks great when it happens in public.

I think a lot of what is going on with me happens in the A&P also but it lingers afterwards. Feels like everything is connected up to the third eye and my whole being is centred on that line of connected energy.


Recently I have been practicing Tai Chi and Chi Gong, allowing the joints to open and stretch, and allowing the stuck energy to travel along the arms and legs, out through the extremeties. I am finding this really helpful; the piti feeling when you get it right is astounding.

I've tried this too but it seems to exacerbate the third eye tension so am putting it to one side until I complete the current path. I'd really like to return to it though. Your report is very encouraging!

Re cannabis, I had to give that up because it was just too unpredictable what it might trigger. Horrible pain in my back at best, paralysing fear at worst! And during the A&P it could be really scary with sudden formless states and everything going so white I couldn't see my way round the apartment. Oddly, it took me a little while to figure out this was not helping me have a peaceful evening and encourage good sleep! Habits...

Oskar M,修改在3 年前。 at 21-3-22 下午3:48
Created 3 年 ago at 21-3-22 下午3:48

RE: Chakra Opening Experiences

帖子: 266 加入日期: 21-3-22 最近的帖子
Hi, I have had experiences of chacras opening, some of what is similar to your experience though not completely. First, when you had them opened (online?) did they close again, or does it feel like they stay open?

In my practice (which is Pemako Buddhism ) there is clear description on how to work with the central channel (going through the body and upwards and downwards about 6-8 meters. There are 6 centers inside the head, and then 7 above, and you practice to open all of them, having the whole central channel opened like a plummer cleaning for shit). 
When one of the chacras in the central channel opens, there are parrallel openings inside the body. The point to make here is that its final when one first is opened. Also, the charkras in the body is in this contect very assosiated with storing negative emotions, so when one of them opens, emotions are released, not to return again. 
I have had several of these now, the one I remember clearest was in the solar plexus, I woke up in the middle of the night and the solar plexus hat have always stored loads of anxiety, was suddenly very painful. Then that pain was sort of liften, and spread around a sort of star dust dizzling sense around the body. I have never had that kind of anxiety again emoticon Similar has happened in the heart area, throat and head many times, sometimes "taking with it" heavy feelings, and at one point thoughts changed permanently, like they suddenly had "shorter life span" if that makes sense? There always is this period of highten awarness afterwards, sometimes the element of love is very strong, other times its more about clearity, sometimes its so strong as if self drops completely of, thoughts watching thoughts etc... In this contect it should be mentioned that this happens due to insight practice, like seeing selflessness. In my experience when this is achieved in different degrees, these chacras opens, emotions release, and its permanent meaning those emotions doesnt come back again (others new and fancy ones, then showe themselves, but thats another story emoticon)..

Hope this was helpful
