The power of the gods and god's people !

Charles Chan QW,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-9 上午1:29
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-9 上午1:29

The power of the gods and god's people !

发布: 1 加入日期: 12-11-8 最近的帖子
I suffered from delusion and hallucination after one panic stride after waking up and seeing somebody outside my house in the middle of midnight, I don't know how that I got the feeling these guys are out not to rob but to scare ! From then I had several delusion and hallucination of seeing laser beams shooting and moving shadow. I saw a psychiatric and he prescribed medicine and I had it for a year and things seems to be subside. So, I thought that was schizo. This was 2005.

Then came 2007 and towards our country election (Malaysia)towards 2008 and I did write couple of political comments and then things started even worst that things in my house started moving and that my computer got "disturbed" even today my pc got disturbed that my music kept turning on/off for no reasons. I believed that I was charmed by a group of people by using some spirits or a kind of elves to disturb me. So much so that I cannot take the torture these "aliens beings" started screaming within me and had me swing my head non stop if I get to sleep...kind of torture in the prison. I think staying in the prison is much better than I stay outside with these torture. My questions is that I have been torture by these "aliens beings" that talked through my body I felt so much pressure from my head down to my groin and they used to play with my sex organs also and arouse my organism. THen I asked what gods are these and what spirits are these?

I had seen lots of spiritual healers that include muslim, taoists, monks and contemporary healers. Nothing helps and that most told me these were the "devils within myself" but I thought these devils are not afraid of any prayers, charms being done by these holy and spiritual healers. So, what are they? THey can moved things and they most like disturbing my mind and my daily routine especially they wanted so much to deprive my sleep.

These things some times they called themselves god's people and gods. I asked what gods and they do not respond but they wanted to challenge my best and worst disposition. But I know that from my long years of suffering and observation these "beings" had some worpshipped from some group of people or some shaman. I did nothing wrong in my life and had no enemies. But I gathered that some group of people here used to kept these gods staying within somebody so that they can worpshipped them and had these "beings" carry out their instructions to destroy or to disturb for thier own power and monetary gains. So, these are sorcery to the worst in Malaysia. The worst of which is that I do not believe in gods nor neither a God. And, these "beings" hate me so much that I am into Buddhism and not believing there are gods or God and they wanted to torture me till I understood that's gods or God.

2012, I am still suffering so much that I am contemplating another time of suicide if these "Beings" kept torturing because I really cannot take it anymore. I do not understand one thing is that these "beings" are so happy when I am in the worst and that those group of people out there are suffering because whatever I am thinking these "beings" relate back tho these shamans and "owners" about what I said about their religion and race. How can I be blamed if these "political people" try to see others' mind? Why I come into this conclusion is that the there are plainclothes men following me day/night for about several months..who could that be if not from the "organised power"?

So, who can help me? To me it sounds weird and silly after so many years and I still reluctant to believe that there are gods that I should submit to follow what are those instructions uttered out from my own mouth.
Shashank Dixit,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-9 上午2:03
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-9 上午2:03

RE: The power of the gods and god's people !

帖子: 282 加入日期: 10-9-11 最近的帖子
I hope its not a case of schizo , but from a meditational point of view here is my advice :-

Please do not contemplate suicide because its another delusion..

Try concentration practise and try to enter a jhana..whatever else comes up ( "beings" or any thoughts
or feelings ) , simple ignore them...focus on the object of your meditation as if your life depends
on it..bring your mind back to your object of meditation forcibly..refuse to pay attention to anything
but your object of meditation

It might take a bit of practise and diligence in the beginning and there will be frustration , but dont give up..
things and people are only as important as you want them to be..instead , make your object of meditation
(breath or body or anything else you are comfortable) as the most important focus..

May you be well and happy
Brother Pussycat,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-9 上午3:11
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-9 上午3:09

RE: The power of the gods and god's people !

帖子: 77 加入日期: 11-12-21 最近的帖子
I second the advice above. Remember that the mind can make unreal things seem very, very real.

That said, it might be a good idea to post at Kenneth Folk Dharma

and/or get in touch with someone from the Awake Network

phil (at)

because there are some people there with both psychiatric and spiritual training, including experience with 'malevolent entities'

Another suggestion would be to contact Alan Chapman or Duncan Barford:

May you be safe, happy, at ease and free of suffering.
An Eternal Now,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-19 下午3:10
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-9 上午4:06

RE: The power of the gods and god's people !

帖子: 638 加入日期: 09-9-15 最近的帖子
Charles Chan QW:
I suffered from delusion and hallucination after one panic stride after waking up and seeing somebody outside my house in the middle of midnight, I don't know how that I got the feeling these guys are out not to rob but to scare ! From then I had several delusion and hallucination of seeing laser beams shooting and moving shadow. I saw a psychiatric and he prescribed medicine and I had it for a year and things seems to be subside. So, I thought that was schizo. This was 2005.

Then came 2007 and towards our country election (Malaysia)towards 2008 and I did write couple of political comments and then things started even worst that things in my house started moving and that my computer got "disturbed" even today my pc got disturbed that my music kept turning on/off for no reasons. I believed that I was charmed by a group of people by using some spirits or a kind of elves to disturb me. So much so that I cannot take the torture these "aliens beings" started screaming within me and had me swing my head non stop if I get to sleep...kind of torture in the prison. I think staying in the prison is much better than I stay outside with these torture. My questions is that I have been torture by these "aliens beings" that talked through my body I felt so much pressure from my head down to my groin and they used to play with my sex organs also and arouse my organism. THen I asked what gods are these and what spirits are these?

I had seen lots of spiritual healers that include muslim, taoists, monks and contemporary healers. Nothing helps and that most told me these were the "devils within myself" but I thought these devils are not afraid of any prayers, charms being done by these holy and spiritual healers. So, what are they? THey can moved things and they most like disturbing my mind and my daily routine especially they wanted so much to deprive my sleep.

These things some times they called themselves god's people and gods. I asked what gods and they do not respond but they wanted to challenge my best and worst disposition. But I know that from my long years of suffering and observation these "beings" had some worpshipped from some group of people or some shaman. I did nothing wrong in my life and had no enemies. But I gathered that some group of people here used to kept these gods staying within somebody so that they can worpshipped them and had these "beings" carry out their instructions to destroy or to disturb for thier own power and monetary gains. So, these are sorcery to the worst in Malaysia. The worst of which is that I do not believe in gods nor neither a God. And, these "beings" hate me so much that I am into Buddhism and not believing there are gods or God and they wanted to torture me till I understood that's gods or God.

2012, I am still suffering so much that I am contemplating another time of suicide if these "Beings" kept torturing because I really cannot take it anymore. I do not understand one thing is that these "beings" are so happy when I am in the worst and that those group of people out there are suffering because whatever I am thinking these "beings" relate back tho these shamans and "owners" about what I said about their religion and race. How can I be blamed if these "political people" try to see others' mind? Why I come into this conclusion is that the there are plainclothes men following me day/night for about several months..who could that be if not from the "organised power"?

So, who can help me? To me it sounds weird and silly after so many years and I still reluctant to believe that there are gods that I should submit to follow what are those instructions uttered out from my own mouth.
From Tibetan medical viewpoint, even schizo is a spirit-induced illness. It need not be that you are "hexed", it could be a matter of past life issues.

I don't know how to help you but you might want to try Lama Dawa's divination to see why are those spirits harming you and ask for any solutions? www​

Also according to Tibetan medical doctor:

"There are many possible causes of depression. These will be treated according to their causes which are imbalances in the dośas (humors) caused by diet, behavior, season or spirits or a combination of these.

What western medicine terms "schizophrenia" will generally be considered a spirit induced disorder. This will be treated generally with massage, herbs, diet and lifestyle, depending on the type of spirit diagnosed.

Robert McLune,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-19 下午5:32
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-19 下午5:32

RE: The power of the gods and god's people !

帖子: 255 加入日期: 12-9-8 最近的帖子
Robert McLune,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-19 下午5:34
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-19 下午5:34

RE: The power of the gods and god's people !

帖子: 255 加入日期: 12-9-8 最近的帖子
Charles Chan QW:
I saw a psychiatric and he prescribed medicine and I had it for a year and things seems to be subside. So, I thought that was schizo. This was 2005.

Why did you stop the medication?
Tom Tom,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-19 下午5:40
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-19 下午5:36

RE: The power of the gods and god's people !

帖子: 466 加入日期: 09-9-19 最近的帖子

"Scientific reception" is a product of people's ego's and beliefs which allow people to think they inherently exist. If it works for you, it works. If it doesn't, then it doesn't. It's that simple.
Robert McLune,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-19 下午5:41
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-19 下午5:40

RE: The power of the gods and god's people !

帖子: 255 加入日期: 12-9-8 最近的帖子
Tom A Vitale:

"Scientific reception" is a product of people's ego's and beliefs which allow people to think they inherently exist. If it works for you, it works. If it doesn't, then it doesn't. It's that simple.

You offered some information, I offered some information. It's good to have balance.
Robert McLune,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-19 下午6:29
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-19 下午6:29

RE: The power of the gods and god's people !

帖子: 255 加入日期: 12-9-8 最近的帖子
Tom A Vitale:
The following people and corporations have a vested interest in protecting themselves and their personal security:

Tom, with respect, I'm not interested in engaging you on this kind of discussion on this thread. Charles has expressed concern for his own health and has asked for help. I'm here to offer help to Charles, not to argue with you.
