Recommendation -- for the scientifically trained, skeptical newbie

Robert McLune,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-21 下午5:57
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-21 下午5:57

Recommendation -- for the scientifically trained, skeptical newbie

帖子: 255 加入日期: 12-9-8 最近的帖子
(This will be old hat to the veterans -- I'm talking here to people like me but maybe a month or year behind me in the process of figuring out what All This is about.)

The post's subject describes me. I am trained in science (doctoral level and beyond), and don't like touchy feely, new-age-ish fluff. So as I practice, I continue to read and study, sifting what I consider gems out of the large volumes of what I consider dross. In that quest for understanding, I recently came upon Shinzen Young (hat tip to Mario for pointing me in that direction).

I've just watched this Google Talk of Young's, and I found it quite simply jaw dropping. As far as is possible, he completely strips out everything that appears as fluff to the newcomer -- he talks about taking the "mist" out -- and produces a carefully constructed, lucid description of Buddhist meditation (although it's clear he believes the underlying "core" technology is more widespread than Buddhism) and what it's all about. He builds to a conclusion that is on the one hand, quietly articulate and stripped of emotion, but on the other hand ... well I don't think "thrilling" is too strong a word for it.

If you're curious about what All This is about, but find that a lot of what you read and hear leaves you bemused and asking "WTF are you *talking* about!?", then watch this video. It's long, but I can't recommend it highly enough. The overall impact for me was as quickly as possible to get to my computer so I could write this recommendation so I could then get onto my ass and get to work with practice.

Run, don't walk, to listen to this guy. Me, I'm off to sit.
John Wilde,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-21 下午6:17
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-21 下午6:17

RE: Recommendation -- for the scientifically trained, skeptical n

帖子: 501 加入日期: 10-10-26 最近的帖子
I like him too. If you haven't already seen this, check it out:

It's delightfully geeky; the guy is a compulsive systematiser, but in a light and playful way.
Robert McLune,修改在11 年前。 at 12-11-22 上午12:26
Created 11 年 ago at 12-11-22 上午12:26

RE: Recommendation -- for the scientifically trained, skeptical n

帖子: 255 加入日期: 12-9-8 最近的帖子
John Wilde:
I like him too. If you haven't already seen this, check it out:

It's delightfully geeky; the guy is a compulsive systematiser, but in a light and playful way.

I've been looking at it over the past few days. I'd swear he's trying to build an algebra of mindfulness! I really hope he doesn't though, 'cos you just know some kid would then come along and Gödel the shit out of it and then where will be? emoticon
