Pureland Jhana Walkthroughs Transcribed

Eric G,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-18 下午3:44
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-18 下午3:43

Pureland Jhana Walkthroughs Transcribed

帖子: 133 加入日期: 10-5-6 最近的帖子
There are two walkthoughs here, the first one is from Kenneth and Nick's walkthrough of jhanas that is on youtube.  The second is I believe from the Hamilton Project featuring Nick, Owen and Clayton.  I'll put that one in the next post.  The sources for these contain more, but this is just the Pureland part of the descriptions and contains the Kenneth Folk style of 5 Pureland jhanas.

Kenneth and Nick:

that it's like that focus on nothingness it's still a focus
and here from there it kind of all zooms in whoomp
i feel that there is some kind of centering of focus
or landing on the pineal gland or whatever that pressure point is behind the 3rd eye
and then all things just go weird and like
moment to moment there's like some perception and then
then there's no registering of what's happening
and something the mind is registering what it's feeling
registering and then not registering


but there's like a
the eyes kind of zoom in almost cross eyed


it lands on that pressure point
behind the 3rd eye

yes it's the eyes are looking at something in there


and when they contact it
it's an indescribable situation
and i can't say whether there's anything going on there or not

it just feels like
if feels like a
it's not the same as say when i would try and get nirodha and
i would have an experience of blipping in and out of a fruition
but there's some relation to something related something similar there
but not the same not the same

yeah for me the difference is that
i don't sense that i'm really ever losing consciousness here

it's more registering
like conceptually registering it


i just ah
can a have to snap myself out of that one too
um after the 8th
it's exhilarating

[1st PL]

hard to think
it just becomes very
just then it became very exhilarating and full bodied
that pressure at the third eye

it feels like there is a bottleneck of energy and the energy moves thru it to get above it
it's kind of like pushing yourself up thru of one of those attic access holes
you lever yourself up with your arms and suddenly you're up inthe attic
instead of down below that ceiling
and now from this new vantage point you're much freer

i used the analogy once i think in my notes
from the 8th it feels like you're in the car and all the windows shut
and then suddenly you open the sunroof and you put your head out and the wind is hitting your face

how nice yes
you get up, you stick your head and your torso up thru the sunroof
and then you're out in the open

it feels like you just come out and the sun is shining down on you, just came out of the dark

and you wonder why you didn't notice you were so oppressed before when you were below this threshold

***[next video]

the vibrations are extremely subtle
and blissful
very subtle bliss, nothing like 3rd

or 4th

[2nd PL]

gotta snap myself out of that one too
from now on the whole focus shifts very quickly up to the crown
i actually don't feel the pressure at the 3rd eye
i feel a slight pressure at the crown
the whole focus shifts up to the shoulders upwards
and it just feels
so relaxing and calm and not as exhilarating as the previous one
vibrations are generally felt at the top of the head
and the focus is the head, the crown and the head
more the crown than anything

yes it's sounds it feels as though the top of my head at the crown chakra has opened up so that it's just there's uh free flow now between the in between what's in my head and outside is just a big open space

and i feel like it's uh it's kind of it's like when you've got a hose and that the water's spurting out from the hose kinda like in a outward fashion that's what it feels like at the crown

there's energy just whoosh going out

like a sprinkler at the end of the hose

and actually sometimes actually right now i feel a physical movement of my head as it goes in a clockwise direction there's a slight movement
i don't know if i'm physically movement or a sensation but it feels like it's coming from the crown

it feels very very light and clear and open

less embodied than the previous jhana

and uh
yeah definitely
it's almost like formless jhana

almost yes
more like a super light body jhana
super open

the space the bliss
the subtleness is so subtle

i feel my eyes locked into position rolled up into my head and now here again there's a kind of mudra where the eyes are looking at the crown chakra whereas before the eyes were looking at the brow chakra

oh i sense that too

i think that if i don't know what i look like right now but i suspect that rolling my eyes up and showing the whites of my eyes

theres a slight tension in my eyes now that i focus
quite a lot of tension not a lot but obvious teneion

i feel that i'm breathing very freely

whoa i've never focused on the breath in this way

it has a different quality to it than normal breathing

yeah so light


i've just shifted down back into the previous jhana

[3rd PL]

let's keep going up
let's go up to the next jhana the 3rd pureland jhana
we're going to let the focus come back to the 3rd eye but this time
there's we're going back into the body
it's more embodied than the 2nd so i can feel very subtle vibration twitching in my hip

oh yeah

and there is a sense of kinda solidity
and like a sense that there is a circuit being completed from the level of the 3rd eye
so everything above the 3rd eye is just open but from the 3rd eye down it's like kinda like an alex grey painting with all of the circulating patterns and i've completed the circuit so here i am you can imagine one of those buddhas with rubies stuck in his 3rd eye
you can feel the whole body

it feels so centered, not centered, cemented in my sitting position
yes that's it

and i really sense like a connection from the 3rd eye right down to the bottom of uh
my buttocks where i'm sitting i feel very grounded

yes so we've got the whole seamless unit
of the body and the energy body grounded to the seat
quite stable

ah it is

i think i could sit like this all day


i can feel uh
very subtle
kind of twitching or arythmic pulsing in my in my head
the body is fully online so this is a very embodied state

i feel very very connected
to just sitting here feel like uh
a big trunk of the tree
and there a sense of like a with the crown the hose
there's that feeling at the 3rd eye

yeah it's very 3rd eye focus

i'm starting to get a little
feels like physical movements of my head
but from the 3rd eye
like it's turning in a clockwise direction

[4th PL]

let's go on to the 4th pureland jhana where we feel the we put the attention again at the crown chakra but this time

where we put the attention again at the crown chakra
but this time
as it goes up there it feels embodied still and it feels like
now theres a circuit that's completed from the level of the crown chakra
so now that part between the 3rd eye and the crown chakra has also become included

i just got a massive uh flash of blue

so now i can breath freely again because the crown chakra is back on line

oh yeah like the respiration must influence somewhat in the previous one

yes it was somewhat inhibited by the bottlenecking of energy at the 3rd eye
now we're opened it all up completely integrative

i've never actually focused on this never actually experienced this
but the breath is bliss


i'm getting images of this is heavenly
the breathing just the breath the touch of the breath it feels
i don't know i've ever felt this
it's divine
i feel a connection from
from where i'm sitting to the sky almost, in that direction

yes we have the complete circuit the complete connection now with
the body and the universe are all integrated and hooked up

i feel like i'm between two things whereas previously i felt i was on top of something
sitting grounded and now i feel like the trunk connected to the sky

[5th PL]

from here if we go to the 5th pureland jhana we find that there is just
the sense of consciousness
the eyes move up a little bit higher
and there's this turning the attention back to where consciousness itself
but in a much more subtle and pure way than the witness for example

oh yeah

just pure knowing, bright, clear, knowing
no object there's not even an object of the knower taking itself as object there's just knowing


little bit of a visual of brightness

i just get the image of the previous one being
being like
like this hole going thru the body connecting you
connecting the bottom to the top
but now this hole kind of just disappeared
or expanded out and now the whole thing is the hole
doesn't make sense
i don't know how to describe this
it's like the witness but floaty
a floating witness

and the more it
the more i let this consciousness be
the purer it gets

i feel i think a fruition i'm not sure
is a kind of
just when you said that it kind of expanded somewhat and kind of evaporated
felt like similar to a fruition
oh it's feeling similar to 3rd gear
i'm snapping myself out of this but

now notice that 3rd gear
is not this because we're still in a compound state
we're still noticing this

there's a knowing there

yes there's a compound phenomenon here
now we can notice we can recognize 3rd gear from this perspective
and it looks just exactly like it always does
the clear light always looks the same from any perspective
it's just completely pristine stainless unstainable

it's different

now i feel the tug to begin descending the arc
a little bit of regret


and a little bit of the
already the sense of the toothpaste being forced back in the tube just a little bit
a sense of resignation
and yet also a sense of relief because i realize for a moment i was grasping
to try and remain up high like that
so i now i just let myself come back down

i'm feeling a bit of craving to stay

so just acknowledge that and then realize that it's actually going to be relief to go back to the 4th pureland jhana because you can let go whatever subtle sense of craving there was and then back to this state where the crown chakra is
there's a circuit completed from the point of view of the crown chakra

i'm back in the 4th pure 4th one

yes again noticing the exquisite quality of the breath

that's nice
a little like silk


i'm in the 3rd or the 2nd
and now just feel very grounded
very stable

have you shifted from the 4th pureland jhana

yeah i'm back in the 2nd now

the 3rd or the 2nd

the 2nd pure abode
oh no what am i

the 3rd pure abode

the one after the one feels like you are a trunk

that's the third
so now we've got the circuit being completed from the point of the brow chakra
feels like a trunk
firmly rooted
and again a sense of relief as i feel very thoroughly embodied
i'm not having to strain to stay up higher than what it wants to be and just letting it come down

extremely confident feeling
Eric G,修改在10 年前。 at 14-6-18 下午3:46
Created 10 年 ago at 14-6-18 下午3:46

RE: Pureland Jhana Walkthroughs Transcribed

帖子: 133 加入日期: 10-5-6 最近的帖子
2nd Pureland Jhana Walkthrough, Nick, Owen & Clayton:

but if you stay in long enough you'll hit the pureland jhana
it feels like you're popping up and out
you get a sensation of the jhana being done
and then like it's cooked
and then you notice a sensation of floating

it's very much
it seems very much connected
and it seems like a seamless transition from the 8th
because of the focus in the 3rd eye there where it's fluttering in and out
and the perception
and then it's like perception takes hold
and you're up and out of the dark
and like you said it feels like you're floating
you've just risen above everything
it's quite exhilarating
and the sensations from myself seem to
get heightened and much subtler and quite blissful

and up into PL 1

and there's a feeling of thank god i'm here

and it's not a
doesn't feel like a material or an immaterial jhana
the way the body is presented again

yeah it's full bodied but all focus on the 3rd eye

it's full bodied and yet the body is light
like ...

i notice that there is
3rd eye focus tends to come in
there's a delay between the rising and the feeling of gratitude
and then the 3rd eye focus will start to show up
and will get very tingly and kind of delicious

[PL 2]

i feel yeah
i've just shifted up to the 2nd pure abode
and it's immediately it's a shift in focus to the crown
and that pressure that pleasant pressure and flow of vibrations at the 3rd eye shifts up immediately to the crown and feels like the body moves upwards and i get a sense that this is almost like a formless jhana however i'm sensing the whole body so it's not completely the attention is more from the shoulders on upwards and there's a fountain of energy it feels like out of the crown

yes disembodied
very restful

very very very blissful

i say it's also very restful

the other one, the previous one was very exhilarating
this one is more restful

[PL 3]

and then there's this shift downwards to the 3rd eye again
and this time the 3rd eye focus is much more intense
it feels connected with everything else
it's a much stronger sensation

it feels like I shift back down to the 1st one and but then i get an immediate surge of energy from the 3rd eye down thru the body right thru down to the bottom
and it feels like i'm just have been anchored into the ground into the floor where i'm sitting

for me i usually notice it shifting back to the 3rd eye
and my attention goes to the root chakra and from there i feel the energy rising up to meet my 3rd eye whereupon i feel very like you say centered
for some reason the respiration seems a little bit more depressed than usual

seems really subtle

yeah you don't want to you almost don't want to take deep breaths
the energy it feels very bi-directional like it's a channel

and i'm feeling like clayton said the base i'm feeling like a vortex of energy seemingly emanating from there downwards and that's connecting all the way up to the 3rd eye

[PL 4]

this moves into the 4th pure abode
i get up to crown focus again
and i notice
the breathing restarts in a way and gets a lot more pleasant
and i will
it feels as if there is a channel of energy going down from the top of my head thru my spine out the buttocks and then going back up again
very solid
i breath thru my nose it's very very pleasurable

feels lighter to me than the previous and yet more solid
the energy connecting from the root all the way up to the crown
very pleasant especially the focus on the breath

the transition from the 3rd to this one to the 4th pure abode
from that kind of
cemented position like a trunk a tree trunk
it's just like up and out up to the crown
and i feel like there's like a pole going right down my body
connecting me to the ground to the earth up into the sky
it's very unifying feeling

and it's very pleasant this energy surge going up and down
without any hindrance thru the body up thru the out thru the crown
down thru the out thru the buttocks and the breath is like silk

[PL 5]

shifted again
and it's hard to explain but
i would say
a distillation of the witness
very diffuse
it's like theres a witness and yet centerless

when i first came across this, it was kind of like is this 3rd gear, is this rigpa, is this primordial awareness
there's a slight similarity to it it's not the same
like you said it's like the witness has been diffused
there's no physical kind of location for it
just seems to be floating just kind of knowing

yeah it's
i can still sense the barest outline of the body
it just feels like sensations and a cloud of knowing
that's all it is
it's just knowing
i also notice that the it's vaguely luminous
whatever comes thru the perceptual field anything that comes into awareness gets
it's almost like objects in awareness gets caressed

they almost get included
it's very inclusive
