MCTB Audiobook version?

Bronson Michael Miller,修改在9 年前。 at 14-8-12 下午8:10
Created 9 年 ago at 14-8-12 下午8:10

MCTB Audiobook version?

帖子: 18 加入日期: 14-7-2 最近的帖子
I offered to record the MCTB into a serialized 'podiobook' version (several podcasts making up the whole audiobook) but Daniel said there was already an audiobook version of the MCTB. 

I have searched everywhere and can't seem to find it. Anybody know how I can get ahold of a copy of that?


Malte,修改在9 年前。 at 15-6-6 上午2:23
Created 9 年 ago at 15-6-6 上午2:23

RE: MCTB Audiobook version?

帖子: 38 加入日期: 15-4-24 最近的帖子
Also interested in this question, any news on this one?
Daniel M Ingram,修改在9 年前。 at 15-6-6 下午12:25
Created 9 年 ago at 15-6-6 下午12:25

RE: MCTB Audiobook version?

帖子: 3275 加入日期: 09-4-20 最近的帖子
There was a guy who had an audiobook version made for his private use by a guy named Kirk at Voiceovers by Kirk. Their timing couldn't have been worse in terms of two things: when they were getting in touch with me about this, I was in the depts of a serious work-venue disruption that basically took all my time and attention away from paying attention to what they were doing, and I was thick into revising MCTB2, so thoughts about the first one sort of vanished in the long push to get MCTB2 worked on. I actually totally forgot about the fact that this had been done, which is my fault. So much for mindfulness. Anyway:

I will contact him and see whatever happened to that.

Chris M,修改在9 年前。 at 15-6-6 下午2:26
Created 9 年 ago at 15-6-6 下午2:24

RE: MCTB Audiobook version?

帖子: 5269 加入日期: 13-1-26 最近的帖子 

Daniel, the link to your book on that website takes the user to an page. Apparently, didn't do the voiceover for your book.

Hope all is well with you!

- Chris Marti
Kirk Ziegler,修改在9 年前。 at 15-6-6 下午7:50
Created 9 年 ago at 15-6-6 下午7:49

RE: MCTB Audiobook version?

发布: 1 加入日期: 15-6-6 最近的帖子

Here's the link to the audibook that I listed on Learn Out Loud,

Chris M,修改在9 年前。 at 15-6-7 上午7:22
Created 9 年 ago at 15-6-7 上午7:22

RE: MCTB Audiobook version?

帖子: 5269 加入日期: 13-1-26 最近的帖子
Malte,修改在9 年前。 at 15-6-10 下午8:04
Created 9 年 ago at 15-6-10 下午8:04

RE: MCTB Audiobook version?

帖子: 38 加入日期: 15-4-24 最近的帖子
That's amazing!

Thanks so much!
Malte,修改在9 年前。 at 15-6-16 下午6:39
Created 9 年 ago at 15-6-16 下午6:39

RE: MCTB Audiobook version?

帖子: 38 加入日期: 15-4-24 最近的帖子
I found it at Learn out Loud but it was a total hassle to download it. To relieve everbody else interested from the painstaking process I've made a shareable google drive folder for it which you access here:

Let me know if it works.
Jeff Wright,修改在9 年前。 at 15-6-17 下午1:59
Created 9 年 ago at 15-6-17 下午1:59

RE: MCTB Audiobook version?

帖子: 82 加入日期: 15-4-16 最近的帖子
Thanks for uploading to GDrive. My download attempt from LoL aborted. :-(

Q: Is Kirk's voice really like that? Seems somewhat stilted, a little like an autobot speaking text.
ANNA AIYAR,修改在7 年前。 at 16-11-19 上午2:02
Created 7 年 ago at 16-11-19 上午2:02

RE: MCTB Audiobook version?

帖子: 40 加入日期: 16-1-8 最近的帖子
I found it at Learn out Loud but it was a total hassle to download it. To relieve everbody else interested from the painstaking process I've made a shareable google drive folder for it which you access here:

Let me know if it works.

Thank you so much for this great link! 
