Increased sleep during EQ?

John B,修改在7 年前。 at 16-12-9 上午9:34
Created 7 年 ago at 16-12-9 上午9:34

Increased sleep during EQ?

帖子: 69 加入日期: 16-6-16 最近的帖子
I wasn't sure where to put this post, and I've been looking around trying to find out about sleep changes during low/high equanimity, but mostly finding stuff about decreased need for sleep during A&P. I'm trying to separate whether some general/subtle fatigue during the day is related to my practice, as well as needing about an extra hour of sleep per night, or if it's related to just my daily life and stressors. I've looked around for this while spending time in equanimity in my sits before, because I think this has been a common experience for me.

One reason I thnk it's connected is because during my sits I had been going through daydream-like qualities for a while, which I've recently moved through. I had one sit in particular that was very daydreamy with fluid sensations where I felt lost in a woosh of sensations in the head area, but I tried to maintain strong mindfulness through it. After that sit I was refreshed and felt much more alert.

A little more info on my practice - I'm pre-SE, had a retreat earlier this summer and have had a couple near misses that have semeed to put me back towards the beginning of the insight map. This most recent go around has taken me several months to work up to equanimity. I do body scanning now combined with open-awareness, observing other senses and consciousness of objects, and trying to be more inclusive in investigating the big picture.

Does anyone experience an increased need for sleep while in EQ? Possibly specifically while in mid EQ? I've been in EQ for a couple of months now and have noticed the fatigue/need for sleep the majority of that time. Thanks for the help.
Ben V,修改在7 年前。 at 16-12-12 上午7:56
Created 7 年 ago at 16-12-12 上午7:56

RE: Increased sleep during EQ?

帖子: 417 加入日期: 15-3-3 最近的帖子
I'm not sure if I can answer this satisfactorily, but I can tell you I have similar experiences. I'm also pre-SE. In my sits it's usually very quickly from the beginning that I start experiencing A&P like phenomena. Then later in the sitting I can get in some sleepy zone. I've read recently in a Vipassana book by Chamnyay Sayadaw (a student of Mahasi Sayadaw) that in the Dissolution nana one can become aware, or fall into states, of unconsciousness (bhavanga-citta). Maybe that is similar to sleep and maybe this could happen all the way up to equanimity. Not sure. 
Most of the time I experience this in an evening meditation so maybe it is the day's accumulation of fatigue.
John B,修改在7 年前。 at 16-12-12 上午9:10
Created 7 年 ago at 16-12-12 上午9:09

RE: Increased sleep during EQ?

帖子: 69 加入日期: 16-6-16 最近的帖子
I appreciate the response. I had been wondering if I might be falling back into reobservation.

Since posting I've been more motivated to investigate the fatigue in my sits, and have found it helpful in opening me to the characteristic of suffering. I've had some difficulty observing that in the past, in particular it's more subtle forms, but have found the fatigue to help me tune into it better. I think the investigation has been shifting the experience of the fatigue as well. In some sits over the weekend observing suffering led to a better understanding of no-self and observing consciousness of sensations and whatever quality it is accompanied with. 

All all that to say, fatigue turned out to be a fruitful object of investigation leading to other objects and a more inclusive awareness.
Ben V,修改在7 年前。 at 16-12-13 上午10:23
Created 7 年 ago at 16-12-13 上午10:23

RE: Increased sleep during EQ?

帖子: 417 加入日期: 15-3-3 最近的帖子
Could you share with me some more details of how you observe the characterisitic of suffering?

John B,修改在7 年前。 at 16-12-13 上午11:45
Created 7 年 ago at 16-12-13 上午11:45

RE: Increased sleep during EQ?

帖子: 69 加入日期: 16-6-16 最近的帖子
Sure, I can give my two cents. Lately, I've observed suffering in terms of the first and second arrow analogy, where the first arrow is unpleasant sensaiton or experience and the second arrow is a critical or negative reaction to it. I've been trying to see as much of the first arrow as possible - it is often an unpleasant emotional feeling in the pit of my stomach, or it might be the irritable nature of fatigue, the heaviness in my eyes - some type of emotional or phsyical pain. I also try to find and eliminate the second arrow - do I have an attitude of acceptance and is my observation clear, or is it filtered through attachment or aversion? Generally it's been an oppenness to unpleasant sensations. I read recently of someone, I think Daniel, explaining it as recognizing that you want things to be a little different - somehow the current situation could be better. And there's the very apparent suffering of life stressors, anxieties, the inevitability of dying, getting sick physically or mentally, and things not going how you want them to. I've found that with all of that, suffering is pretty much always there in some form or another. 

Dukkha as a characteristic of existence has confused me in the past becuase the purpose of the eight-fold path is to reduce it. And what I understand a little bit better now is that suffering, the first arrow, is a part of living and will always be there. Part of waking up is acknowledging that it is always there - maybe very subtly, yet it is there.
John B,修改在7 年前。 at 16-12-14 下午3:03
Created 7 年 ago at 16-12-14 下午3:03

RE: Increased sleep during EQ?

帖子: 69 加入日期: 16-6-16 最近的帖子
I found out the fatigue/sleep was related to some medical stuff, so most likely not related at all to where I am at in my meditation practice. Difficult to sit with fatigue, but makes for an interesting object of investigation.
Ben V,修改在7 年前。 at 16-12-15 下午8:09
Created 7 年 ago at 16-12-15 下午8:09

RE: Increased sleep during EQ?

帖子: 417 加入日期: 15-3-3 最近的帖子
Thanks for sharing. Whatever that sleepiness meant, you certainly made good use of it since you cultivated insight into dukkha with it!