What should I do about persistent sensations (I'm a vipassana practitioner)

Pablo A H,修改在7 年前。 at 17-4-19 下午7:56
Created 7 年 ago at 17-4-19 下午7:56

What should I do about persistent sensations (I'm a vipassana practitioner)

发布: 1 加入日期: 17-4-19 最近的帖子

I've been practicing vipassana for about 1 year. I started at a retreat in the tradition of Sayagyi U Ba Khin spread by S N Goenka. There I discovered these tingling sensations in my mouth. My first reaction was trying to find an explanation for the sensations. Then I finally left that tendency and just started noting them, some time after the retreat. As far as I understood from Mahasi Sayadaw's Manual of Insight, noting them would prevent them from hindering my practice.

My question is: Should I just persistently focus on these sensations, no matter how intense they might get, raising awareness that it is the mind that perceive them, etc., or I should ignore it, going back to the primary object of meditation (breath)? Sometimes they get very intense, and some rapture in around my head follows when I'm successful at noting the sensations. I've been getting better at not getting agitated, but i don't know if that means I'm developing some clinging towards it. I don't know whether I should in fact regard them as a distraction or as an appropriate object and a good chance for me to keep observing. 

I'm not sure if I'm stuck or in the right way. I'd be very grateful if you could give me a word of advice. 

With Metta,

Bruno Loff,修改在7 年前。 at 17-4-20 上午1:36
Created 7 年 ago at 17-4-20 上午1:36

RE: What should I do about persistent sensations (I'm a vipassana practitio

帖子: 1097 加入日期: 09-8-30 最近的帖子
I think this is normal, noting them is the right thing, don't worry if they get intense, the intensity will die down.

If it gets too intense to handle (i.e. gives you bad side effects), just back off a bit and try another day (it will eventually subside into a managable experience). Otherwise just note away.
P A HP,修改在7 年前。 at 17-6-1 下午8:42
Created 7 年 ago at 17-6-1 下午8:42

RE: What should I do about persistent sensations (I'm a vipassana practitio

帖子: 4 加入日期: 17-6-1 最近的帖子
Thank you very much (I had to make a new account). After your reply I kept on practicing but I started emphasizing dhammavicaras such as Metta and Upekkha. Especially the latter one. Emphasizing this equanimity has brought me to a state where the sensations are still intense but much more manageable. Thanks again.
