Request for participance in research

James Yen, modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 15:06
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 15:06

Request for participance in research

Apunts: 270 Data d'incorporació: 06/09/09 Publicacions recents
Hi I'm making a video or powerpoint which I will present to my psychology class and probably eventually post on youtube.

I'm interviewing enlightenment claimants. If you do respond then your answers, BFI score, and name will be included in the powerpoint or video (along with a picture of you if I can find one).

If you don't claim full enlightenment (as defined by the DhO and other communities) then please state what your claimed attainment is.


•How is your life different from before, after your experience of enlightenment?

•What’s your mood like? How is your mood different from before, or during or
after your enlightenment?

•How has enlightenment changed your perception of the world?

•Are there any bizarre psychologically abnormal phenomenon or
occurrences that occurred in conjunction with enlightenment, after
enlightenment or during the process of enlightenment (black outs,
hallucinations etc.)?

•What bizarre psychological experiences have you had during your lifetime?

•How did enlightenment or the process of enlightenment affect your
feelings or emotions, what feelings or emotions did they generate?

•Are you happy?

•Have you ever been diagnosed with a psychiatric illness?

Big 5 Inventory:

I think the only required personal information responses are age and gender. But they will not be included in the link to your results. Only your BFI scores (you'll notice that the url contains the information to the scores). You can copy the url.

If you're uncomfortable with posting it here then you can email me at:

creekutsu (at)
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 16:21
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 16:21

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 2227 Data d'incorporació: 27/10/10 Publicacions recents
James Hao Yen:
•Are there any bizarre psychologically abnormal phenomenon or
occurrences that occurred in conjunction with enlightenment, after
enlightenment or during the process of enlightenment (black outs,
hallucinations etc.)?

hehe, should get some fun ones if anyone replies...

what's the goal of this research?
James Yen, modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 16:25
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 16:25

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 270 Data d'incorporació: 06/09/09 Publicacions recents
Nothing, it's sort of supposed to be a epic video.
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 16:34
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 16:34

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 2227 Data d'incorporació: 27/10/10 Publicacions recents
James Hao Yen:
Nothing, it's sort of supposed to be a epic video.

epic in what way? what's the point of making it?
James Yen, modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 18:21
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 18:21

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 270 Data d'incorporació: 06/09/09 Publicacions recents
Well the Psych class gave me an excuse but I always wanted to make a movie or documentary about the DhO and it's members.

Epic in the sense, that anyone who watches it will be dumbfounded that these people are claiming enlightenment.
Nikolai , modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 19:10
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 19:08

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents
Having just read over some of your past posts, i would say you are out to use people's claims here as a means to ridicule. I may be wrong. But using words like "epic" in order to make others shocked or give rise to some eyebrows seems dodgy.

Jmes Hao Yen said:

The problem is that the people here are fundamentally against what the Buddha taught, their very being is against the teachings of the Buddha. Which is why I don't like it when they quote the Buddha here. Because they tend to do so only on the periphery in order to prove of a point while ignoring that the majority of the suttas would contradict what they're doing.

It seems you have an agenda. Although i agree with some of the things you have posted, I am wary that you are just out to point your finger at and say "Look, what crazy loons!" ....Epic!

James Hao Yen said:
The problem is that your interpretation of the suttas (I'm guessing that you are interpreting the suttas in way in order to back up your attainment of arahatship) is incorrect and so is the DhO's.

There is no interpretation to make, you just read the sutta like facts and in that case both the claimed enlightenment of the DhO and Jhanananda fall flat. There is no one in either community that interprets the suttas in a purist way.

And so whatever attainment you're talking about (assuming that you did indeed reach an attainment that was compelling enough for you to regard it as enlightenment, as opposed to the other way around where one is not compelled but rather looks for a reason or interpretation to call himself enlightened because he want's to be) must necessarily be something else.

It's very simple: if you're ever indignant, every angry, anxious or hateful at all then you're not an arahat, if you have any emotion you're not an arahat. How you're able to miss this despite reading several suttas is incredible (cognitive dissonance, holding two facts in the mind that contradict and considering them both to be true), they're unambiguous, you don't have to interpret them.

James Yen, modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 19:19
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 19:19

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 270 Data d'incorporació: 06/09/09 Publicacions recents
Hi, no, epic as in the sense that it is grand. Actually claiming enlightenment is epic.

I know there are gurus that claim enlightenment etc. But they seem wishy washy, and thus there attainment doesn't "hard". But the aesthetic of the DhO and other communities is that they literally claim enlightenment "we are serious". Which is why it is epic.

Do you understand what I'm saying.

They endeavour to strip away beliefs, attain enlightenment without dogmas which is why their claim to enlightenment (stripped away) has more "punch" then an indian guru who says "I'm one with God".

Do you see what I'm saying?
Nikolai , modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 19:32
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 19:32

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents
You do not have permission to use my name. Just saying..
James Yen, modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 19:38
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 19:37

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 270 Data d'incorporació: 06/09/09 Publicacions recents
Ok then, if you do choose to participate, then I will not use your name, or use a picture, post any information about you, or doing anything that may identify in any way.

I'll just call you Enlightenment Claimant # something, depending on how many other people there are. Or you can choose a nickname.
Nikolai , modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 19:43
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 19:41

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents
James Hao Yen:
Ok then, if you do choose to participate, then I will not use your name, or use a picture, post any information about you, or doing anything that may identify in any way.

I'll just call you Enlightenment Claimant # something, depending on how many other people there are. Or you can choose a nickname.

Is this project's aim to produce some positive outcome? Or is it just you getting your jollies off via "exposing" the crackpots you obviously think we all are here, firstly, to your clasmates, then to the world with a million hits on youtube? It seems very much to be leaning to the latter, doesn't it?

You seem to have an agenda. Am I wrong?
James Yen, modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 19:43
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 19:43

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 270 Data d'incorporació: 06/09/09 Publicacions recents
Erm, no I don't. If you want I'll just present it to my psych class and that will be it. Never to be seen again by anyone else, except me, if I choose to view it again.
Nikolai , modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 19:44
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 19:44

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents
Why? What is the purpose? You haven't really been convincing, have you?
James Yen, modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 19:47
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 19:47

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 270 Data d'incorporació: 06/09/09 Publicacions recents
Well I guess it's because a) It makes me feel epic. b) Someone should really make a movie or documentary that brings out a lot of information of this website and related communities.
Nikolai , modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 20:01
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 19:57

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents
Although in an ideal world, it'd be great if everyone in the world could change themselves for the better via insight or AF practice, I don't think that is going to happen. The DhO is eventually found by those who are looking. I don't think it needs an influx of youtube surfers (or maybe your classmates)who want to be audience to the ring circus of "so called" enlightenment claimants. Sorry dude, still not convinced. It seems dodgy as hell and your questions seemed slanted towards showing the claimants as mentally ill.

What is your current "personal" opinion of the DhO and other related sites, as well as those who claim MCTB 4th path? If you were to lay it all out bare as a baby's bottom, any hidden voltions may surface and that might help make a decision.
James Yen, modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 20:04
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 20:01

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 270 Data d'incorporació: 06/09/09 Publicacions recents
Well I don't think they're enlightened, I believe they're Human Children as per Jed McKenna's model (but then again I think Jed McKenna is a human child too).

The irony is that I used to believe that you guys were the exact opposite, that you had fulfilled Human Adulthood and solidified it into enlightenment. But I kind of stopped believing that around the actualism controversy.

Nowadays I don't care about whether or not other people are human adults. Only if I am one.
Nikolai , modificat fa 13 anys at 06/05/11 20:03
Created 13 anys ago at 06/05/11 20:03

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 1677 Data d'incorporació: 23/01/10 Publicacions recents
Thanks for your honesty. I'll pass on the project.
Becky ZZ, modificat fa 13 anys at 11/05/11 20:50
Created 13 anys ago at 11/05/11 20:50

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 10 Data d'incorporació: 22/08/09 Publicacions recents
I'm curious whether your psych class reviewed basic principles of human subjects research, and if this project has been reviewed by an ethics board such as an Institutional Review Board. Usually, when personal health information is gathered (such as reported psych history and name), institutional review is required, and the project leader is required to state that IRB approval for the project was obtained when recruiting participants. This would especially be the case if said information were going to be released to the class in association with the participant's name.
Yadid dee, modificat fa 13 anys at 12/05/11 10:18
Created 13 anys ago at 12/05/11 10:18

RE: Request for participance in research

Apunts: 258 Data d'incorporació: 11/09/09 Publicacions recents
Part of the misrepresentation here is that there is no actual "Research" that the poster is conducting / looking to conduct.

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