

The History of the DhO

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Tired of getting strange and sometimes hostile reactions when they attempted to have ordinary conversations about their practice on other websites about meditation, a loose international group of meditators formed a password-protected website called The Dharma Underground where they could discuss hardcore practice, states, stages and the like free from the ordinary taboos and cultural complexities that plagued other sites they found.

They quickly realized that having the discussion among themselves seemed too limited and wasn't in keeping with the spirit of open, straightforward dharma, so they founded The Dharma Overground, which was originally a Wetpaint site.

The Dharma Underground website promptly dried up, as the Dharma Overground was much more interesting, and within a year the DhO had over 200 members, and had already had one in-person gather among some of it's core members at Hurricane Ranch in Alabama. However, it lacked a proper wiki, which was much wanted by some members of the community, so it was reworked and is now here as you see it.