Enlightenment, it's just a glorified rubber hand, yeah ? - Discussion
Enlightenment, it's just a glorified rubber hand, yeah ?
Stickman2, modified 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 4:10 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 4:10 AM
Enlightenment, it's just a glorified rubber hand, yeah ?
Posts: 375 Join Date: 7/24/17 Recent Posts
In the rubber hand illusion the experimentee comes to feel that a rubber hand is part of themselves.
Why stop at hands, why not the mountains, the trees and the great sky above ?
Why stop at hands, why not the mountains, the trees and the great sky above ?
Andromeda, modified 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 5:26 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 5:26 AM
RE: Enlightenment, it's just a glorified rubber hand, yeah ?
Posts: 393 Join Date: 1/15/18 Recent PostsStickman2:
In the rubber hand illusion the experimentee comes to feel that a rubber hand is part of themselves.
Why stop at hands, why not the mountains, the trees and the great sky above ?
Why stop at hands, why not the mountains, the trees and the great sky above ?
I kind of see what you're trying to get at, but don't agree. A lot of words have been said over thousands of years about what "enlightenment" is or isn't and there is plenty of disagreement, but probably no one who has actually experienced it would concur that "it's just a glorified rubber band."
Are you interested in actually cultivating insight, Stickman2? I'm curious as to why you are here on this forum. You seem to be posting a lot of things that suggest you are trying to understand things intellectually, which isn't the way insight happens.
Stickman2, modified 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 7:13 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 7:13 AM
RE: Enlightenment, it's just a glorified rubber hand, yeah ?
Posts: 375 Join Date: 7/24/17 Recent PostsAndromeda:
In the rubber hand illusion the experimentee comes to feel that a rubber hand is part of themselves.
Why stop at hands, why not the mountains, the trees and the great sky above ?
Why stop at hands, why not the mountains, the trees and the great sky above ?
I kind of see what you're trying to get at, but don't agree. A lot of words have been said over thousands of years about what "enlightenment" is or isn't and there is plenty of disagreement, but probably no one who has actually experienced it would concur that "it's just a glorified rubber band."
Are you interested in actually cultivating insight, Stickman2? I'm curious as to why you are here on this forum. You seem to be posting a lot of things that suggest you are trying to understand things intellectually, which isn't the way insight happens.
Discussion of rubber hands is a minority sport, I'd go that far. Nothing ventured, as they say!
Maybe it's to do with one of the stops on the way. How about that ?
It's a science forum so I ask about science.
Andromeda, modified 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 7:22 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 7:22 AM
RE: Enlightenment, it's just a glorified rubber hand, yeah ?
Posts: 393 Join Date: 1/15/18 Recent PostsStickman2, modified 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 7:29 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 7:29 AM
RE: Enlightenment, it's just a glorified rubber hand, yeah ?
Posts: 375 Join Date: 7/24/17 Recent PostsAndromeda:
What makes you say that this is a science forum?
Cuz it sez "science and meditation" on the header.
Andromeda, modified 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 8:23 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/20/18 8:23 AM
RE: Enlightenment, it's just a glorified rubber hand, yeah ?
Posts: 393 Join Date: 1/15/18 Recent PostsStickman2:
What makes you say that this is a science forum?
Cuz it sez "science and meditation" on the header.
At any rate, best wishes for your practice.
terry, modified 6 Years ago at 11/21/18 11:23 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/21/18 11:23 AM
RE: Enlightenment, it's just a glorified rubber hand, yeah ?
Posts: 2846 Join Date: 8/7/17 Recent PostsStickman2:
In the rubber hand illusion the experimentee comes to feel that a rubber hand is part of themselves.
Why stop at hands, why not the mountains, the trees and the great sky above ?
Why stop at hands, why not the mountains, the trees and the great sky above ?
aloha stick,
Makes sense to me, bra.
Identification with less than everything is the problem. If you realize that identification with the body is not fixed and that it can be extended, why not extend it to the limits of the universe and beyond?
Sounds like a plan. Or, the Way.
from the tao te ching, trans feng:
Chapter 47.
Without going outside, you may know the whole world.
Without looking through the window, you may see the ways of heaven.
The farther you go, the less you know.
Thus the sage knows without traveling;
He sees without looking;
He works without doing.
Stickman2, modified 6 Years ago at 11/22/18 12:37 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 11/22/18 12:37 PM
RE: Enlightenment, it's just a glorified rubber hand, yeah ?
Posts: 375 Join Date: 7/24/17 Recent Posts
Soooo...... I actually did the rubber hand trick last night, and I think it's a must for any contemplative. All you need is a cardboard box, a rubber glove and two paintbrushes and, viola!, watch your self boundary dissolve in 30 seconds.