Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Raving Rhubarb, modified 5 Years ago at 8/9/19 5:19 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 3/26/19 12:14 PM

Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 73 Join Date: 7/5/18 Recent Posts
Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?
Z , modified 5 Years ago at 3/26/19 1:50 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 3/26/19 1:50 PM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 201 Join Date: 3/16/18 Recent Posts
Nevertheless, I still have chronic physical tension which is ALWAYS present and leaves me unable to walk except for short distances.

This sounds like a pretty serious condition. Have you seen a doctor, had bloodwork done, routine checkup, etc. recently? Oftentimes it can help to touch base with good ol' western medicine when other modalities don't seem to be moving the needle much. 

Other than that I would suggest taking a look at the usual things: sunlight, spending time in nature, moderate exercise, diet, spending time with friends and family, volunteering and serving others if you're able to. 

Wishing you the best for your health and practice. 
F V, modified 4 Years ago at 2/12/20 7:25 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 3/26/19 2:54 PM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 13 Join Date: 10/13/17 Recent Posts
I have decided to delete my posts in this thread, because after some reflection I have decided I do not think it is ethical or wise to condone psychedelic drug use.  Please be heedful and safe.
Jyet, modified 5 Years ago at 3/26/19 3:01 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 3/26/19 2:59 PM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 59 Join Date: 7/15/12 Recent Posts
Please don't take psychedelics at a meditation retreat center. I say this as someone who had my awakening/AnP while on a shamanic retreat and is forever grateful for that.

You never know how you will react and doing it among other people who are unaware of what you are doing seriously make you prone to paranoia or the like.

If you're doing it yourself, which I don't recommend, be at a space where you feel safe and will be undisturbed. Maybe try microdosing for a week first.

Why not find an ayahuasca retreat instead? Thereby you will be doing it in the right context and have some support available. I also feel that Mother Ayas love and healing power is slightly better than shrooms.

Although i find the idea to do it while in the feeling of metta to be intriguing, but wait until your not at the center.

That's my internet advises on a sensitive topic. You are obviously responsible for you own decisions 

With Metta
Dhamma_no_drama Dhamma_no_drama, modified 5 Years ago at 3/26/19 10:09 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 3/26/19 10:07 PM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 27 Join Date: 2/26/19 Recent Posts
I know through my own experience with close relatives that mushrooms can help people with depression. 
I have a few journeys working with mushrooms, san pedro (cactus similar to peyote) and ayahuasca. They are all different entheogens and create unique experiences. Make sure you don't have any history of schizophrenia or related mental issues on your family before experimenting with those power plants.

The main thing to know is to approach the experience with respect.
Do it from a wholesome place with an open hearth and genuine intention to learn and heal.
If it is your first time would be good to have someone that you trust and feel comfortable around. But avoid being focused too much on the outside. Really sit with the entheogen and explore what will be shown to you. Keep your eyes closed if you can.
The set up helps a lot: a quiet and isolated place close to nature is a good choice. 
You can start with a small dose: 1 to 2 grams.

Very important to remember: there is a beginning, middle, and end for the experience. Keep that in mind especially if you find yourself in some difficulties. 

After your first journey, you will have a good base to plan in case you want to work with it again. 
Jyet, modified 5 Years ago at 3/27/19 4:13 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 3/27/19 4:13 AM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 59 Join Date: 7/15/12 Recent Posts
You sound like a responsible person who has deeply contemplated his options I sincerely hope that you can find relief. The throwing up on Aya is pure healing. You're basically getting rid of emotions locked in the body or that's my experience at least. But start with shrooms if that is your calling emoticon

As you're close to the Netherland I have a suggestion to you of someone I've met once and who is a serious mushroom nerd and who also serves 5meo DMT in 1/1 sessions. Could be worth looking into. I found him very caring and knowledgable.

I'll send you a PM

No, I have not done shrooms or anything like it after metta retreat but I've had my heart blown open for months after Aya experinces of the past. But basically the last 10 years have been meditation only for me.

Best of luck
Jyet, modified 5 Years ago at 3/29/19 12:51 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 3/29/19 12:48 AM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 59 Join Date: 7/15/12 Recent Posts
Why people choose meditation I don't know but I can try to explain what happened in my journey.

I simply felt finished with Aya, like she had given me what I needed and now it was up to me to find it for myself. Threw myself into some intense spirutual seeking and had more than enough with handling the ups and downs of that.

The last few years I've contemplated doing it again for as you say, getting at the "stuff", locked emotion in the stomach. But as my spirutual practice has been destabilizing enough. I haven't felt that the pay off would be worth it. Maybe I'm just getting old and lack the gung ho attitude of my twenties?

By that said if I seriously thought they where the best option at some point I would not hesitate. They are a wonderfully powerful tool.
Jyet, modified 5 Years ago at 3/29/19 7:17 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 3/29/19 7:17 AM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 59 Join Date: 7/15/12 Recent Posts
For inspiration........Daniels account from this thread.....


"Then, on day fourteen, just on a lark, I did something I hadn't done in 10 years. After the world reappeared after even nothing had vanished, I made a quiet resolution to attain to Nirodha Samapatti. About 30 seconds later: total mental power failure, like someone had pulled the plug on experience itself, then power back up, then massive afterglow. It felt like coming out of deep anesthesia, for those who have had surgery or some fully-sedated procedure.

Since it had been 10 years since I had done this, I was stunned by the afterglow. This time the effects were clearly evident over 24 hours later. My body felt totally different, like every single little hint of muscle tension or pain had just vanished.

I went to get a massage during this time, and the massage therapist commented, "Wow, you have no tension at all!", which is basically unheard of for my back, which does bad things sometimes and basically always has some moderate number of knots. I had had two massages by her during the previous 15 days, and each time there had been plenty to work on. She also kept commenting that my skin feld oddly cold, but I felt warm myself. She said this was very different from how it had felt before. I am not sure what to make of that, but just offering it as a phenomenological data point."
Jyet, modified 5 Years ago at 3/29/19 10:22 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 3/29/19 10:22 AM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 59 Join Date: 7/15/12 Recent Posts
Yes funny how we started in different ends.......

No it has nothing do do with psychedelic emoticon neither is it an attempt to discourage you from that path 

I simply found it today and as he spoke about deep bodily relaxation I thought I'll share it with you. Of course hard to attain to NS. But inspiring to read about for me, maybe you too?

And as other's have done it, like Daniel, it must be possible.
Stickman2, modified 5 Years ago at 4/1/19 7:03 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 4/1/19 7:03 AM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 375 Join Date: 7/24/17 Recent Posts
Don't forget to make a contribution to science!

Raving Rhubarb, modified 5 Years ago at 4/1/19 7:23 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 4/1/19 7:23 AM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 73 Join Date: 7/5/18 Recent Posts
Don't forget to make a contribution to science!


Hey, this is pretty cool! Didn't know about that one yet. However, I don't think it's necessary anymore, at least not for Psilocybin, which will probably be an official therapy medication 5 years from now.
Stickman2, modified 5 Years ago at 4/1/19 10:15 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 4/1/19 10:01 AM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 375 Join Date: 7/24/17 Recent Posts
Raving Rhubarb:
Don't forget to make a contribution to science!


Hey, this is pretty cool! Didn't know about that one yet. However, I don't think it's necessary anymore, at least not for Psilocybin, which will probably be an official therapy medication 5 years from now.
Maybe in the USA, - https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/psilocybin-legal-therapy-mdma-753946/ -

but the conservative UK government are less civilised and recently tightened the prohibition. However, they're toast, and future govs may be more open. I don't know how it is in other countries. But there's a lot of pressure and activity coming from academia now so yeah maybe you're right. And I suppose the new Silicone Valley tycoons are not averse to hallucinogens so a change of mood is in the pipes.

Raving Rhubarb, modified 5 Years ago at 4/2/19 9:53 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 4/2/19 9:53 AM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 73 Join Date: 7/5/18 Recent Posts

Maybe in the USA, - https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/psilocybin-legal-therapy-mdma-753946/ -

but the conservative UK government are less civilised and recently tightened the prohibition. However, they're toast, and future govs may be more open. I don't know how it is in other countries. But there's a lot of pressure and activity coming from academia now so yeah maybe you're right. And I suppose the new Silicone Valley tycoons are not averse to hallucinogens so a change of mood is in the pipes.

There has been pressure and activity from academia since the 60s, so I wouldn't bet on that. But the thing is now everyone can read the countless articles on the internet about the actual research, people can read the actual scientific studies, people can read the first person accounts on the internet, which are getting more by the minute as people take their fate into their own hands and just try it out. Lots of people still are (and maybe always will be) opposed to recreational drug use, but approximately no one is opposed to medications which heal themselves or their loved ones. As soon as any first-world country introduces psilocybin (or similar) as official therapy and it works, all others will have no choice but to follow suit. Even your UK head-of-government-porn-star will not be able to wait that storm out. I'd bet on that.
Squirrel Master, modified 5 Years ago at 4/21/19 2:17 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 4/21/19 12:53 PM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 28 Join Date: 7/8/11 Recent Posts
Hey Raving Rhubarb,

just read this post and would like to add my thoughts on taking Psilocybin Mushrooms. I took mushrooms around 15 times so far with the highest dose of 2 Gramm dry weight and i also did a few days of Micro-Dosing with 0.1 Gramm.

I think with the condition u are describing u could benefit from PM, especially the thing with the tension. For me when taking PM my body feels really deeply relaxed after one or two hours into the trip, so it could be helpful. The higher the dosis the more relaxed the body gets.

Before i took PM the first time i also had a lot of concerns but finaly decided to do it and in the right setting it was always a great experience. Also the trips where sometimes difficult in the beginning with difficult feelings and strange bodily sensations coming up, things got more pleasant after one hour and most times it became an extremly blissfull experience (with dose of 2 Gramm).

I myself prefere to be alone while doing PM for spiritual journeys, but if it gives u a sense of comfort when someone is being around than go for that.

You can order a PM grow kit in the netherlands as shipping to Germany is legal. (at least it was 2 years ago when i ordered mine).

I would not do it on retreat, as the mind is already in an altered state, so things could get messy.

Here are some points u should consider when taking PM in dosis from 1 Gramm upwards:

-Music is essential, it works like a base to where the mind is anchored. Make a playlist so u dont have to care about it while tripping.  I like to start with something like Reggae and after an hour go to electronic music, but whatever makes u feel good.

- A Helpfull mindset is to completly accept everything that might come up during the time on PM: Any Fear, any sensation of dissolfing, any panic, any bodily discomfort, just give urself comletly into everything that comes up. Dont put up resistant or try to control the experience. Just remember that its part of the trip and in a few hours u will be fine.

- I prefere to lie down, put something over my eyes, darken the room, have a blanket ready, some water ready and put on earphones so there is no  disturbance from outside

- A great book i read before my first trip was "the psychedelic explorer's guide" so i can highly recomment it

- Enjoy the Trip

Grüsse aus Dresden ;)
Gus Castellanos, modified 5 Years ago at 4/22/19 5:50 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 4/22/19 5:50 AM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 22 Join Date: 1/2/18 Recent Posts
Not sure if this was mentioned already on this thread, but here is a study just published: Psilocybin-assisted mindfulness training modulates self-consciousness and brain default mode network connectivity with lasting effects

Its a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study with 38 participants following a single administration of the psychedelic psilocybin (315 μg/kg p.o.) during a 5-day mindfulness retreat, with pre and post-intervention brain fMRIs.
I am not sure how they double-blinded the psilocybin group not what type of mindfulness retreat this was, as I do not have access to the entire paper, just this abstract.

Squirrel Master, modified 5 Years ago at 5/12/19 1:25 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 5/12/19 1:25 PM

RE: Taking Psilocybin at the end of a Metta retreat?

Posts: 28 Join Date: 7/8/11 Recent Posts
Try it with music on and eyes closed
