sudden enlightment.

james, modified 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 1:27 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 1:27 PM

sudden enlightment.

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/4/19 Recent Posts
if one where to experience sudden enlightment, explotion kind

and one don`t want anybody to know, but it is impossible to hide

so i can`t go outside

I need help right now
JP, modified 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 1:57 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 1:57 PM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 175 Join Date: 3/31/17 Recent Posts
The good and bad news here is that people really never notice that you've had an enlightenment experience unless you talk about it in detail with them.  They just interpret your behavior and will assume that you're feeling anxious or open or whatever other emotion you're experiencing.

If you've just had a very mind-blowing change happen, then I'd say give it some time to settle down and don't push yourself to do a ton of practice or do stuff that you normally wouldn't.  So make sure you eat, make sure you sleep, find a comforting book or movie or music, exercise, clean up your house, show up to work or school on time, do relaxing stuff like taking a bath or shower, etc.  
james, modified 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 2:28 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 2:28 PM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/4/19 Recent Posts
I am talking about sudden enlightement. They will notice unless I act. 
And that is ok but I am very new to this.

The urge to make moves get strong.

If you know what I mean by that, please answer.
james, modified 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 2:37 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 2:37 PM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/4/19 Recent Posts
I made a grown man cry and apologize for being rude to me today.
By litteraly telling him to shut up and listen to me. 
james, modified 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 7:13 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 7:13 PM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/4/19 Recent Posts
I have such an urge to write. It keeps coming.  Hard to ground.

Meeting my family tomorrow, do not trust myself.  
james, modified 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 8:24 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/4/19 8:24 PM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/4/19 Recent Posts
from shinzen yong:

An enlightened teacher becomes very important when the sudden version of enlightenment occurs. If you happen to have one of those sudden enlightenment experiences it’s very useful to have someone to talk to that knows exactly what you’re talking about.
james, modified 5 Years ago at 6/5/19 2:50 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/5/19 2:40 AM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/4/19 Recent Posts
Thank you.
Todo, modified 5 Years ago at 6/5/19 7:43 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/5/19 7:43 AM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 222 Join Date: 8/20/18 Recent Posts
What if it is not what you think it is?
neko, modified 5 Years ago at 6/6/19 6:33 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/6/19 6:33 AM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts
Sounds like you might want to talk to a mental health specialist.
james, modified 5 Years ago at 6/6/19 10:43 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/6/19 9:46 PM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/4/19 Recent Posts
Hi. Thank you for the replies.

I came calmed down now. I have read about sudden enlightment, I did`t know it was so commom.
But, and this is a big but, it`s very different for everybody and not everybody copes with it that well.

For me it was so strong I just wanted to go out and tell the world about love.
If I had not put a leash on myself, I would have hurt my family. (By being clamed insane by my local community.)

That was also the reason I put the leash on myself. ( my family)

And for grounding, housework was good until I started to wash dishes... I took out the trash five times, (pretending the last four)

So here`s my 2 cents.

First off, don`t talk to anybody. Calm way down first. 
Second, when you have calmed down and are ready to talk, the better someone knows you, the easier they will notice the change(shocker). I did go out of town for a day, just to pratice being with people. I`m glad I did. 
I found out that if I made my posture bad, that would actually make me feel "normal" pretty quick.
As far as telling your meditation friends, it may not be a good idea, but if you know how, please let me know.

I am not wise. I guess you would call it stream entry. For me music is music. For osho it was individual sounds.
I still have thoughts, it`s just that they don`t bother me anymore. The big difference is that I have no fear. 
I used to worry so much about money and people, now I feel like I`m gonna be ok no matter what. 

james, modified 5 Years ago at 6/6/19 9:52 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/6/19 9:52 PM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/4/19 Recent Posts
What if it is not what you think it is?

It doesn`t really matter anymore. But I don`t think I could, even if I tried. 
james, modified 5 Years ago at 6/6/19 10:14 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/6/19 10:14 PM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/4/19 Recent Posts
Sounds like you might want to talk to a mental health specialist.

If someone needs help, this sort of reply is very dangerous. I agree my first posts came off kinda like from a madman, but eigher way this answer is very bad.

If someone becomes insane, and have never had experiance with meditation. Do you think they would find this site, create an acount and ask about it. That does not sound insane to me.

Also, before sending someone off the psykward. It would be better to have them talk to a yogi or someone first. What if it was strong arising and passing away, if I had talked to a doctor he would not understand one thing. I may wake up the next day stripped of all my rights.

Maybe you were trying to be funny, but you should have seen it was my first post and I wouldn`t have caught it.
Even if you were trying to be funny, many people here are very vunerable, you sould know this. Just because their experiance is differnet from yours, doesn`t give you the right to call them crazy.

Sorry I am a bit harsh here but you need to think before you post. (we all do) 

neko, modified 5 Years ago at 6/7/19 5:42 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/7/19 5:42 AM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts
Mental health professionals can be useful in many cases. I for one have sat through about a dozen sessions of cognitive therapy, found great long-lasting value in the thing, and never thought of myself as insane.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 5 Years ago at 6/7/19 8:31 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/7/19 8:31 AM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
I’m glad you are okay now. It seems like what you went through was quite overwhelming. It sounds like you found helpful strategies.
alguidar, modified 5 Years ago at 6/7/19 10:55 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/7/19 10:55 AM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 106 Join Date: 6/4/17 Recent Posts
Hi james, great to read about your experience.

do you feel/know the world like a dream?
james, modified 5 Years ago at 6/8/19 7:53 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/8/19 7:53 PM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/4/19 Recent Posts
Hi james, great to read about your experience.

do you feel/know the world like a dream?

For me it's a feeling that every day is holyday. It's all new and fresh.
My thoughts are very much here still, but they don't own me...
Anxeity as good as gone. It's a miracle, it really is.
Hac Phi^2 Vita, modified 5 Years ago at 6/11/19 8:08 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/11/19 8:08 PM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 132 Join Date: 5/27/19 Recent Posts
Hi James,

Thank you for sharing your description of this whole experience (so far).

I am also glad that you found ways to "cope with it" or "find your way back", or whatever you want to call it.

Looking forward to seeing how this state change matures further if you feel like sharing.
terry, modified 5 Years ago at 6/13/19 9:56 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/13/19 9:56 PM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 2851 Join Date: 8/7/17 Recent Posts
Hi. Thank you for the replies.

I came calmed down now. I have read about sudden enlightment, I did`t know it was so commom.
But, and this is a big but, it`s very different for everybody and not everybody copes with it that well.

For me it was so strong I just wanted to go out and tell the world about love.
If I had not put a leash on myself, I would have hurt my family. (By being clamed insane by my local community.)

That was also the reason I put the leash on myself. ( my family)

And for grounding, housework was good until I started to wash dishes... I took out the trash five times, (pretending the last four)

So here`s my 2 cents.

First off, don`t talk to anybody. Calm way down first. 
Second, when you have calmed down and are ready to talk, the better someone knows you, the easier they will notice the change(shocker). I did go out of town for a day, just to pratice being with people. I`m glad I did. 
I found out that if I made my posture bad, that would actually make me feel "normal" pretty quick.
As far as telling your meditation friends, it may not be a good idea, but if you know how, please let me know.

I am not wise. I guess you would call it stream entry. For me music is music. For osho it was individual sounds.
I still have thoughts, it`s just that they don`t bother me anymore. The big difference is that I have no fear. 
I used to worry so much about money and people, now I feel like I`m gonna be ok no matter what. 


aloha james,

   As you say, "sudden enlightenment" is commoner than most people think. Why is that? Because they hide it, like you.

   We have actually seen quite a few first time posters say something similar. After a brief period, no more than two weeks, they quit posting and we never hear from them again. 

   The process appears to involve an initial period of utter helplessness, followed by a progressive managing and massaging of the "experience," until normality is restored. As churchill once said (or something like), "Most men stumble across the truth at some point in their lives, and they usually pick themselves back up and carry on as before."

   A rare individual has this experience and it becomes the centerpiece of their lives, the pivot. They never lie, cheat, steal or deliberately hurt anyone ever again. They are converted, changed; reborn.


from franz kafka, aphorisms:


“'And then he went back to his job, as though nothing had happened.' A sentence that strikes one as familiar from any number of old stories—though it might not have appeared in any of them.”

from merton's "the way of chuang tzu":


Tao is obscured when men understand only one of a pair of opposites, or concentrate only on a partial aspect of being. Then clear expression also becomes muddled by mere word­ play, affirming this one aspect and denying all the rest.

Hence the wrangling of Confucians and Mohists; each denies what the other affirms, and affirms what the other denies. What use is this struggle to set up "No" against "Yes," and "Yes" against "No"? Better to abandon this hopeless ef­ fort and seek true light!

There is nothing that cannot be seen from the standpoint of the "Not-I." And there is nothing which cannot be seen from the standpoint of the "I." If I begin by looking at any­ thing from the viewpoint of the "Not-I," then I do not really see it, since it is "not I" that sees it. If I begin from where I am and see it as I see it, then it may also become possible for me to see it as another sees it. Hence the theory of reversal that opposites produce each other, depend on each other, and complement each other.

However this may be, life is followed by death; death is followed by life. The possible becomes impossible; the im­possible becomes possible. Right turns into wrong and wrong into right - the flow of life alters circumstances and thus things themselves are altered in their turn. But disputants continue to affirm and to deny the same things they have always affirmed and denied, ignoring the new aspects of reality presented by the change in conditions.

The wise man therefore, instead of trying to prove this or that point by logical disputation, sees all things in the light of direct intuition. He is not imprisoned by the limitations of the "I," for the viewpoint of direct intuition is that of both "I" and "Not-1." Hence he sees that on both sides of every argument there is both right and wrong. He also sees that in the end they are reducible to the same thing, once they are related to the pivot of Tao.

When the wise man grasps this pivot, he is in the center of the circle, and there he stands while "Yes" and "No" pursue each other around the circumference.

The pivot of Tao passes through the center where all affirmations and denials converge. He who grasps the pivot is at the still-point from which all movements and oppositions can be seen in their right relationship. Hence he sees the limitless possibilities of both "Yes" and "No." Abandoning all thought of imposing a limit or taking sides, he rests in direct intuition. Therefore I said: "Better to abandon disputation and seek the true light!"

[ii. '.]
james, modified 5 Years ago at 6/19/19 6:50 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 6/19/19 6:33 AM

RE: sudden enlightment.

Posts: 19 Join Date: 6/4/19 Recent Posts
Hi. Thanks again. 
I will post an update, as I should, I also got some questions.

First I can talk about my spiritual path, (or history on work on myself)
I first got into meditation around 14 years ago. I had absolutely no clue what I got myself into. No teacher, a bad book on visualitation technice was all I had. But it did not really matter because as soon as I started I knew I was on to something. As a year past by, I had gotten into "watching the breath", I did go back and fourth between different styles I landed on zen style, with or without counting, which became my favorite. Just doing nothing seemed nice after watcing my thoughts, trying to attain jhana, dyana or whatever.
I did this every, and I mean every day for years. Even though I was heavily depressed, and sitting was just pain 9 out of 10 times.

I also got into Osho somewhere along the way, which led me to Gurdieff and self-rememering. Which suited me way more, and I got my taste of heaven doing this. Later I got into AF ( Actual freedom), the time it was pretty big on this forum. Even though (for me) it was almost the same as self-remembering, it was kind of fresh and people got pretty creative here which was fun. I steered away from the controversis though. Wheather it was spiritual or something different, for me it was on the path for sure.
As I said Osho got to me, and as time got by, I had almost stopped sitting. If I did It was only after dynamic meditation or when it happend naturally.
I did alot of stuff in my everyday life like witnessing, wathing my thoughts and so on. Later I also played with mushrooms, liberty caps, which was great and helpful every time.

Also I read tons of books. the ones I read the most was from Shunryu Suzuki and Krishnamurtu. ( J not U.G emoticon)
I also read Daniels book ( the first ).  It was way to technical and did`t appeal to me. But I thought it was great. 
I love Daniel, he is brave. He is enlightend for sure, because the couarge it takes to do what he did. Knowing he would have much of the spiritual community against him but still did it, that was awesome. Also he flew to Australia to meet this dude behind AF, that was cool and just shows the open mind approach that one needs I think.

Anyways, after doing work on myself (like a madman) for something like 5 years I just quit. I knew that the more i tried to get somewhere, the more impossible it got, I`ve had days of pce and asc or whatever but it never lasted and i got fed up. It was impossible to get anywhere.
But once begun you never finish right. So it`s been there all the time, but as soon as something did happen( on the path) I just let it be without trying to hold on. And I always knew I would somehow get back ( on the path). And here I am.

I do not know what happend to me 3 weeks ago, and it has faded to a point where the high is gone. But something is still different, way different. Even though I for the most part still live in my head. The senses are allways present to a degree which I never felt before, and there is a calm that I`ve never had before. Also self esteem is on another level.
And I am back on the path, doing yoga at the moment. I have always been sensitive about this stuff, and yoga seems good to learn to control the energies. 

What led up to the "comeback" was a serious injury in my back/hips that I have been working on for more than a year. I guess that made me mindfull. Also some personal shit that had been bad for awhile and needed attention. The last months everything has gotten better though, the back got better, the shit got cleaned up and everything was good, but I still felt like shit. And one night while walking and thinking about this shit, that`s when it happend, and I came here with my first post. This does sound like not a big deal, but to realize that my life finally where good, but I still felt like shit, that led to a place between a rock and a hard place. Like when everything is perfect after years of struggeling, and you still feel like shit, that was a powerfull feeling. There is more to it, and it is hard to explain... Also I had been smoking way too much weed the last years.. Now I have had half a splif in three weeks, ( and felt bad about it) as opposed to a couple of months ago I would have had a few before breakfast....for my backpain but also to get high.

Haha, I`ve never told the story of my path before, and it feels good to share. Sorry if this came off as rambeling, but hopefully you got something out of it. 

I have more stuff about the experience and alot of questions too, ( one that I posted on "the day ego came") 
But thats for another time. Any questions you might have, feel free.

Take care.