Your First Time...

Shaun Steelgrave, modified 5 Years ago at 9/7/19 8:24 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 9/7/19 8:24 PM

Your First Time...

Posts: 121 Join Date: 7/7/19 Recent Posts
What was your very first sit like? Mine was a few years ago.
I had no idea what to do but I gave it a go. Texted a vegan girl, lol, and asked her. She said something about picturing beach paradise or something. That sounded like a terrible idea so i did my own thing.

Set the timer for 20 min, donned a night mask and put in ear plugs and sat under a fan in a totally dark room.
Hit start on the timer and probably thought "now what?" I remember just feeling the breeze on my head and, i guess, just body scanned, and i remember how it stuck out that the hands have so much sensation in them. I waited for the timer to go off.

And it felt like FOREVER. 

Eventually I said, screw this timer and took off my night mask and unplugged my ears, and checked out the ipad timer which read something like 19:59.

I had double clicked start without realizing.

It was 42 minutes later and i felt great, refreshed and slept like a baby.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 2:17 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 2:17 AM

RE: Your First Time...

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
I was a weird kid who did meditative stuff without knowing that it was meditation, so I don’t know. However, the first time I intentionally meditated (although that was less of a meditation than what I was doing unintentionally) was as a teenager in 1991. I tried out some new agey visualization stuff (meeting your spiritual guide) from a ridiculous book by Shakti Gawain despite practically non-existing visualization skills, got into a hypnagogic state and saw a blue person with eight arms. Sooooooo scripted. I did those exercises for a few days but was freaked out when there were buzzy tinglings in my whole body and then the sense of having a body started to fall away. Then I avoided meditation for a couple of decades or so.
Shaun Steelgrave, modified 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 9:58 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 9:58 AM

RE: Your First Time...

Posts: 121 Join Date: 7/7/19 Recent Posts
Shakti Gawain sounds amazing lol
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 10:58 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 10:58 AM

RE: Your First Time...

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
Your vegan girl friend might have liked it.
Stephen McClard, modified 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 11:37 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 11:33 AM

RE: Your First Time...

Posts: 15 Join Date: 9/8/19 Recent Posts
We were young the first time.  When I met her...Wait.  Oh.  You mean meditation.

I started meditation after years of studying the esoteric side of the Hebrew language.  It wasn't until I started studying Sanskrit that I realized the "Great Mother" was the inner parallel linguistic to the Hebrew language (Father and Son as outer image).  This was my introduction into doing yoga, giving me my first experience bending my mind toward the breath (Spir in Latin).  In Hebrew, the breath is Ruach, or the Spririt of God (consciousness) in Genesis 1, hovering over the formless void (waters of chaos).  AM in Hebrew (like AUM) means chaos (Aleph Mem is Mother in Hebrew), or waters (like a womb).  Many people do not realize that Ruach is a feminine in Hebrew.  The union of God and Mind is one absolute, which then gives away the awakening of the mind in meditation (BUDH) as our common united consciousness.  Maya (illusion) gives birth to the mind in Samsara, as we know, which is the Mother of Buddha.  Joining our nature with the absolute is finding the consort, which is knowing (Union), as in Adam knew Eve.  My first time with the Spirit in meditation was my introduction to the meaning behind Namaste, or the Divine in me greets the Divine in you (yoga / two hands as one).  The God in me greeted me by identity, nature and unity (the there Jewels). 

In truth, my mind began to awaken to the breath while absorbing the Sanskrit language. When I learned that the English word Man is Manu (meaning to think) from Sanskrit, I then realized that my contemplation of Sanskrit beside the already known Hebrew word awakened my mind fully.  From an esoteric Buddhist perspective, I then began to weave my Tantra (woven cloth) reading the Sutras (threads) one line at a time.  In Hebrew, I was already famaliar with the Father's name being Aleph Bet (Strong House, or alphabet / letters) and the WORD being the Tantra (text worn as a robe).  This is allusion to the Word being our identity as an ego (son) and our Father being the letters (like DNA) weaving our robe (body).  After weaving in the Sutras to my robe so to speak, the entire picture of letters and words appeared in meditation as the body I wear around my own breath / spirit.  

To me, meditation is the intercourse of the mind with the Spirit of our first face, revealing the image back to the mind with clarity.  Identity, Nature and Unity, or said another way, Buddha-Dharma-Sangha.  One Mind, One Nature and One Unity.  Realization of true self. 

In a way, I was prepared ahead to see the light inside.  I had flipped the switch so to speak before entering through the gateless gate.  

End Transmission

Shaun Steelgrave, modified 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 1:59 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 1:59 PM

RE: Your First Time...

Posts: 121 Join Date: 7/7/19 Recent Posts
Thx for sharing. A perspective i didn’t, or would never have, predicted.
Stephen McClard, modified 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 8:54 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 9/8/19 8:54 PM

RE: Your First Time...

Posts: 15 Join Date: 9/8/19 Recent Posts
Shaun Steelgrave:
Thx for sharing. A perspective i didn’t, or would never have, predicted.

And they say you can't explain enlightenment in words.  
Shaun Steelgrave, modified 5 Years ago at 9/9/19 3:36 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 9/9/19 3:36 PM

RE: Your First Time...

Posts: 121 Join Date: 7/7/19 Recent Posts
Stephen McClard:
Shaun Steelgrave:
Thx for sharing. A perspective i didn’t, or would never have, predicted.

And they say you can't explain enlightenment in words.  
Oh no, you just fed my delusional self!
Stephen McClard, modified 5 Years ago at 9/10/19 7:29 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 9/10/19 7:24 AM

RE: Your First Time...

Posts: 15 Join Date: 9/8/19 Recent Posts
Shaun Steelgrave:
Stephen McClard:
Shaun Steelgrave:
Thx for sharing. A perspective i didn’t, or would never have, predicted.

And they say you can't explain enlightenment in words.  
Oh no, you just fed my delusional self!

Let me take out my Jewel Sword and cut through.  No sword cuts itself.  
