Book Recommendations?

Sam Gentile, modified 4 Years ago at 6/25/20 5:52 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/25/20 5:52 PM

Book Recommendations?

Posts: 1310 Join Date: 5/4/20 Recent Posts
When I first came here and I comitted to changing to Vipassana, Chris Marti had me get two books

  • MCTB2
  • Seeing That Frees by Rob Burbea
I have read those both extensively. In addition I have read all the  Pragmatic Dharma e-books. Now, I'm looking for some dharma/meditation books that I can buy and highlight. So, I'm looking for your recomendations?
Pawel K, modified 4 Years ago at 6/25/20 6:00 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/25/20 6:00 PM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 1172 Join Date: 2/22/20 Recent Posts
Pepe ·, modified 4 Years ago at 6/25/20 6:35 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/25/20 6:35 PM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 736 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
Check the book list at the introduction Shargrol's Post Compilation and Noah's Resources list in his blog 
An Eternal Now, modified 4 Years ago at 6/25/20 9:39 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/25/20 9:39 PM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 638 Join Date: 9/15/09 Recent Posts
Sam Gentile:
When I first came here and I comitted to changing to Vipassana, Chris Marti had me get two books

  • MCTB2
  • Seeing That Frees by Rob Burbea
I have read those both extensively. In addition I have read all the  Pragmatic Dharma e-books. Now, I'm looking for some dharma/meditation books that I can buy and highlight. So, I'm looking for your recomendations?

Two other books that Daniel Ingram and myself liked: gesture of awareness, clarifying the natural state

Gesture of awareness

For Mahamudra style shamatha and vipashyana: Clarifying the natural state which you can get for $2 at

Personally i think this one is also great for mahamudra:
Brian, modified 4 Years ago at 6/25/20 10:08 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/25/20 10:08 PM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 114 Join Date: 1/21/19 Recent Posts
_The Path to Nibbana_, and/or _Buddha's Map_
Brandon Dayton, modified 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 10:16 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 10:16 AM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 511 Join Date: 9/24/19 Recent Posts
Wizard of Earthsea -- one of my favorite books of all time and also referenced in MCTB. A mytho-poetic description of the journey of human development that maps well to the maps. 

I nice departure from the technical dharma stuff.

Leigh Braisington's Right Concentration is also a quick read with some good pointers on Jhana ect.
Eric G, modified 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 11:41 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 11:41 AM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 133 Join Date: 5/6/10 Recent Posts
Sam Gentile, modified 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 12:20 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 12:20 PM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 1310 Join Date: 5/4/20 Recent Posts
Brandon Dayton:
Wizard of Earthsea -- one of my favorite books of all time and also referenced in MCTB. A mytho-poetic description of the journey of human development that maps well to the maps. 

I nice departure from the technical dharma stuff.

Leigh Braisington's Right Concentration is also a quick read with some good pointers on Jhana ect.

Brandon, on Right Concentration, I haven't discussed the Jhanas at all with Abre. Does this book show you how to get into them?
Pepe ·, modified 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 12:35 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 12:35 PM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 736 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
Sam Gentile, modified 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 12:50 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 12:50 PM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 1310 Join Date: 5/4/20 Recent Posts
Brandon Dayton, modified 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 1:48 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 1:48 PM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 511 Join Date: 9/24/19 Recent Posts
It does, but it's also just a good general guide to concentration practice. I think I've only every stumbled into Jhanas a handful of times but I still found it useful.
Brandon Dayton, modified 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 1:51 PM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/26/20 1:51 PM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 511 Join Date: 9/24/19 Recent Posts
Which reminds me. I also like The Mind Illuminated, at the least the first half. I don't know about the higher end of the practice, but I think the first half of TMI has some of the best instruction on concentration practice out there. 
Sam Gentile, modified 4 Years ago at 6/27/20 11:34 AM
Created 4 Years ago at 6/27/20 11:28 AM

RE: Book Recommendations?

Posts: 1310 Join Date: 5/4/20 Recent Posts

Thanks to Pepe, and Brandon for leaning in the Right Concentration direction. While I did not end up with Right Conccentration, Pepe, for you 2nd link where Brassington lists all the Jhanic teachers, I remembered the name of Shalia Catherine who gave a great talk on the Jhannas with Ajahn Brahmavamso, so I bought her Jhana book instead.

I also ended up with Shinzen Young's The Science of Enlightenment and The Way of Effortless Mindfulness By Loch Kelly which is a non dual book.

Thanks everyone!
