My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Daniel M. Ingram 8/5/20 7:18 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Ben V. 8/5/20 7:43 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Martin 8/6/20 11:29 AM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Milo 8/5/20 8:10 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Pepe · 8/5/20 8:30 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Siavash ' 8/5/20 8:17 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Noah D 8/5/20 9:41 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Bagpuss The Gnome 8/5/20 11:51 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died JohnM 8/5/20 11:57 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Ricky Lee Nuthman 8/6/20 3:12 AM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died mrdust 8/6/20 7:33 AM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Chris M 8/6/20 7:33 AM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died shargrol 8/6/20 8:10 AM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö 8/6/20 8:53 AM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Small Steps 8/6/20 1:37 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Laurel Carrington 8/6/20 4:06 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Stirling Campbell 8/6/20 4:27 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Aurora Schatzberg 8/6/20 7:39 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Pawel K 8/6/20 11:58 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Alex Ford 8/7/20 7:25 AM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died This very moment 8/7/20 8:17 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died A. Dietrich Ringle 8/7/20 8:44 PM
RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died Rob DL 8/30/20 2:23 PM
Daniel M Ingram, modified 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 7:18 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 7:18 PM

My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 3275 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
My stepson, Ian, creator of the now iconic MCTB1/2 covers (and the original cover of the rare real first edition, the local 50-copy print version made long ago), died on Friday, apparently in his sleep, cause unknown.

He had had coronavirus in March and got moderately sick but not hospitalized, then got better, then recently had bad "cold" symptoms, got a fever as early as last Wednesday, but apparently was in pretty good spirits at least a few hours before his death, according to some who texted with him. The coroner thinks he passed peacefully in his sleep. Autopsy results are pending.

I have spent the last few days going through his stuff, and now understand something of the fatigue that people report who have had to do it for their family members and friends. It is a bit like wading through cold syrup.

Hip tip of the week: if you don't have a will, make one. If you don't have a list of what people who come after you should do, whom they should call, where your key passwords are, how you would want your body disposed of, what accounts you hold, etc., make one and put it somewhere safe that those who would take care of things would know where it is. Yes, I know, nobody likes to do this, but someone will thank you, as we will all die, and someone will have to do this for us all.

Not typically one to plug products, but a cool book you can use that I own a copy of and have used as a template for my own work in this regard and recommend you do something like:

It makes it pretty easy as these things go.

Momento Mori, and make good use of the time you have.

Best wishes,

Ben V, modified 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 7:43 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 7:43 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 417 Join Date: 3/3/15 Recent Posts
My sincere condolences. 

And thanks for the tip. 
Milo, modified 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 8:10 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 8:10 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 371 Join Date: 11/13/18 Recent Posts
Condolences. May you find closure, and thank you for the reminder about preparations.
Pepe ·, modified 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 8:30 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 8:11 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 736 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
I'm sorry for your loss, Daniel 
Siavash ', modified 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 8:17 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 8:17 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 1697 Join Date: 5/5/19 Recent Posts
So sorry for your loss Daniel.
I hope you find answer to your questions about what was the cause.
Noah D, modified 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 9:41 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 9:41 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 1211 Join Date: 9/1/16 Recent Posts
I'm so sorry for your loss.  Wishing you & your family love & healing at this time.
Bagpuss The Gnome, modified 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 11:51 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 11:51 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 704 Join Date: 11/2/11 Recent Posts
Sorry to hear that Daniel. Must be devastating for you and your wife and everyone else that loved him. 
JohnM, modified 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 11:57 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/5/20 11:57 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 88 Join Date: 1/7/18 Recent Posts
I'm so sorry to hear this, Daniel. I've been benefiting so much from your talk with Richard, whose passing while tragic at least seemed to be expected. Warmest thoughts to you and your family. xoj
Ricky Lee Nuthman, modified 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 3:12 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 3:12 AM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 92 Join Date: 4/22/18 Recent Posts
Sorry for your loss, Daniel, and thank you for the advice.
mrdust, modified 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 7:33 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 7:33 AM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 50 Join Date: 7/17/19 Recent Posts
Very sorry to hear that.
Chris M, modified 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 7:33 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 7:33 AM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 5339 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Very sorry to hear about the loss of your stepson, Daniel.
shargrol, modified 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 8:10 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 8:10 AM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 2580 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Sorry to hear about Ian, best wishes to your family.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 8:53 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 8:53 AM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 7134 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
I'm so sorry. 
Martin, modified 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 11:29 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 11:29 AM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 923 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent Posts
I am sorry for your loss.
Small Steps, modified 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 1:37 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 1:37 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 246 Join Date: 2/12/14 Recent Posts
Daniel, so very sorry to hear about your stepson. Condolences to your family in this sad moment.
Laurel Carrington, modified 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 4:06 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 4:06 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 439 Join Date: 4/7/14 Recent Posts
I am so sorry, on behalf of you and your wife. 
Stirling Campbell, modified 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 4:27 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 4:27 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 634 Join Date: 3/13/16 Recent Posts
My condolences, Daniel. I'll echo what you say about having some sort of will in place... do it now friends. Also send positive thoughts for his estate not being the tangled mess my late fathers was.
Aurora Schatzberg, modified 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 7:39 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 7:39 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 5 Join Date: 12/6/17 Recent Posts
Most sincere condolences to you and your family. 
Pawel K, modified 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 11:58 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/6/20 11:58 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 1172 Join Date: 2/22/20 Recent Posts
Condolences. Good advice with the will.
Alex Ford, modified 3 Years ago at 8/7/20 7:25 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/7/20 7:25 AM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 2 Join Date: 12/27/19 Recent Posts
Condolences.  My thoughts and best wishes are with you and your family.

This very moment, modified 3 Years ago at 8/7/20 8:17 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/7/20 8:17 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 71 Join Date: 7/6/17 Recent Posts
I am deeply sorry for your loss.  My most sincere condolences. 
A Dietrich Ringle, modified 3 Years ago at 8/7/20 8:44 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/7/20 8:44 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 881 Join Date: 12/4/11 Recent Posts
Sorry to hear of your loss.
Rob DL, modified 3 Years ago at 8/30/20 2:23 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/30/20 2:23 PM

RE: My stepson, creator of MCTB iconic cover, has died

Posts: 36 Join Date: 10/31/15 Recent Posts
Best wishes Daniel and for your family too.

Good point about the will, to our responsibility here and beyond!
