
fifthbusiness Davies, modified 3 Years ago at 12/20/20 3:37 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/20/20 12:55 PM


Posts: 28 Join Date: 6/20/18 Recent Posts
Hi Linda! 

Forward note: there are reasons why I post in a certain way and one day I hope that I can explain the reasons for this.

I'm posting this information in this area since I think it is the most relevant area of DhO - please move/delete/whatever as you see fit...
Several weeks ago there was really (really) nice weather along the eastern portion of North America - and I also note that 2020 has not been such a great year for many on either a climate or other agenda. And I'm not even going to mention politics.

I went for a great walk in the countryside - a place that I have been a bunch of times over the years. The trail comes a lovely spot where the forest takes a break and there is some open meadow and even a small spring-fed pond. A place that those of taoist background might say has "good qi" (it does and I've worked on improving it over the years)

The trail breaks from the tree cover and I could see about 8 people sitting/standing near the pond. They all had some kind of chair set up.

While observing a person walked out of the trail behind me...we exchanged some pleasantries (they talked about being part of the group) and I asked if they had come out to meditate...

"Oh, we don't do that kind of crazy stuff. We come out here to contact and talk to aliens"

C5 protocols...Fascinating...


I put this out to this group for a few reasons:

- In some of our traditions there are both spirits and aliens that are discussed...
- Their protocols have history in various traditions
- Some of us watch other places and see events taking place


Now, on a meta-level, I did log the event that I actually ended up at the exact spot where this group was doing this exercise. There's far too many such events over the years for me, an engineer, to really be able to ascribe some probability that makes any sense. But that would be a different post as well...

Honestly, "integrated Daniel"...

Stop peddling yer bullshit and actually tell people something truthful...


I know...Sweden has always been so...



There are some great posts regarding the science,not so much the science...

and Linda...the new mod...


So many countries log yer flag colours on their sleeves, Linda...

But I suspect that\ you know that...

Let's talk about the relevance here....

Nazis loved sweden....
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 3 Years ago at 12/20/20 4:31 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/20/20 4:27 PM

RE: /

Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
Hi there, Yuri!

Sounds like a lovely day. I'm glad you were able to enjoy it out in the nature. Where I live we have barely seen the sun at all for a couple of months now. The last few days it has miraculously showed itself again. What a relief! Even though I live in the more southern parts of Sweden, the sun rises as late as 9 am and sets at 3 pm. At 4 pm it's pitch dark, and these last couple of months have been so gray that it was hard to believe that it was day at all, and it has been raining a lot. I really should be out more in the nature anyway, because I find it healing. Thanks for the reminder! I do know what you mean with that kind of energy place. I can feel that very tangibly. I actually go to places like that to meditate and/or to connect with the elements. I need that.

So aliens, huh? Did you get to talk to any? It is a funny story that a group of people contacting aliens would call meditating crazy stuff, but sure, meditation can get pretty crazy sometimes, so they aren't wrong. I like to keep an open mind about what I don't know and even the stuff that I still believe that I know. Given how enormous space is, it seems highly unlikely to me that we would be alone in it. It's the communication part that seems more tricky, isn't it? I imagine that it would be difficult to find some common ground, even if the technical barriers are overcome. Misunderstandings are so common even inbetween humans because we come into the interaction with different perspectives and different brain wirings. When we add language barriers and cultural barriers the complexity increases, and that's still the same species from the same planet in very globalized times. So how do they approach this?

I've got to say that Daniel's teachings have saved my life. His book was exactly what I needed to get a grip on starting a systematic daily practice. Before that, I had chronic pain and chronic fatigue and chronic brain fog. I could barely stand up long enough to cook some simple food. For a while I even had a mattress in the kitchen for that purpose. After a few weeks of meditation, I managed to take up yoga again, and the meditation and yoga together made me healthy. Within six months I got stream entry, and then I just kept going. I love it. And Daniel has been there for me when I have needed guidance at challenging points of the practice and some weird territory (I was prone to weird territory even before meditating, and it sounds like maybe you are too). So maybe you can see why I'm partial here. He's a lifeline. Also, I just really like the guy. But hey, to each their own. Maybe your needs and experiences differ, and you are obviously disappointed with him. 

Yeah, WWII was a dark time. So many monstrosities happening while people looked the other way. Not okay.

So, have you found what does the trick for you? Did you join the group you met? Is that what you need at this point in time? 
Hector L, modified 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 11:29 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 11:29 AM

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Posts: 141 Join Date: 5/9/20 Recent Posts
Interesting that they say they don't do meditation when if you dig a bit the guy who did that C5 video also
leads a meditation in this clip https://youtu.be/2UbMNE0eZwk?t=6264 turns out he's a meditating doctor too.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 12:37 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 12:37 PM

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Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
Lol! Maybe the other group members didn't know that.
Jim Smith, modified 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 2:37 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 2:25 PM

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Posts: 1795 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent Posts
This is from my blog

Astronauts Say UFOs are Real

High Ranking Government and Military Officials Say UFOs are Extraterrestrial Craft Visiting the Earth

UFOs and Defense: What Should We Prepare For? The COMETA report produced by the Institute of Advanced Studies for National Defense in France. Part III concludes: "A single hypothesis sufficiently takes into account the facts and, for the most part, only calls for present-day science. It is the hypothesis of extraterrestrial visitors."

Unidentified Flying Objects Briefing Document The Best Available Evidence by Don Berliner with Marie Galbraith Antonio Huneeus, Presented by CUFONS, FUFOR, MUFON December 1995

Video: "Debunking the UFO Debunkers" in which Stanton Friedman explains why you cannot trust the "skeptics".
Jim Smith, modified 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 2:32 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 2:32 PM

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Posts: 1795 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent Posts
This is from my web site. 

Alien Healers

The subject of alien intelligences comes up occasionally in the context of mediumship and spiritual healing. One of the members of my development circle worked in a health profession and he would sneak in spiritual healing while he had his hands on the patients doing conventional treatments. His healing guides were aliens, they would come through during mediumship class occasionally.

We are not the only group that has had this type of contact. Alien contact is something that comes up for mediums whether they are spiritualist or not. It isn't talked about too much because mediums have a credibility problem among some people to begin with. The UFO pseudo-skeptics are just as malicious as the psi pseudo-skeptics. Mediums don't really need the additional personal attacks they would attract if they were more forthcoming about it.

"The Reconnection" by Dr. Eric Pearl is a book about the author's experiences as a chiropractor who became an energy healer. He had a type of mystical realignment done by an unusual mystical practitioner. Afterwards, his chiropractic patients started getting healing for conditions unrelated their chiropractic treatments. Some patients started channeling aliens during treatment.

I think these aliens do this work because they are compassionate and want to help other beings who are suffering. If you knew someone was suffering and you could help them with a thought, would you do it? Since psi seems not to be limited by distance or time, if some aliens have surplus healing capacity there is no reason they could not apply it wherever it is needed in the universe.


Remote viewers have also reported contact with aliens. Psychics, remote viewers and mediums, are all communicating with entities that appear to be aliens.


I actually got interested in spirituality after reading about UFOs. Back when I was a materialist, I picked up a book at the supermarket about UFOs because I thought it would be entertaining to read. It turned out to be interesting and credible so I started reading more books on the subject. Sprinkled throughout the UFO literature I found hints here and there of a project going on between the aliens and souls of the dead. Since I found many of the UFO stories credible I thought I better investigate the afterlife as well.
Hector L, modified 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 3:06 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 3:06 PM

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Posts: 141 Join Date: 5/9/20 Recent Posts
How do you differentiate between thought forms / angels / spirits / aliens ?
Is it the same kind of self animated visual objects outside of conscious control from fire kasina or dreaming?
Jim Smith, modified 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 3:49 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 3:33 PM

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Posts: 1795 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent Posts
How do you differentiate between thought forms / angels / spirits / aliens ?
Is it the same kind of self animated visual objects outside of conscious control from fire kasina or dreaming?
An entity will identify itself, if it chooses to do so, as part of what it communicates.

I don't know about fire kasina.

With sprits, we usually received identifying information that the person acting as the medium didn't know but the person who the spirit came to give a message to could verify. I have written about what it is like for me to communicate (see links below) (it can be different for different people). I experience mostly visual communications, but also bodily sensations, words in my mind, words forming in my mouth, sounds/hearing. With the sounds it seems to me like it is really happening objectively (as if anyone present would hear it too - other trained/sensitive people might hear it too but not everyone), the other types of sensations I can tell are subjective.


Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 5:32 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 5:32 PM

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Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
Maybe you can answer my questions above about finding common ground in the communication with aliens then, Jim? If your friend has shared anything about that. I sure wouldn't mind the idea of beings all over the universe collaborating for the benefit of all sentient beings. That would be awesome. 
Jim Smith, modified 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 7:16 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 6:58 PM

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Posts: 1795 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent Posts
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö:

Given how enormous space is, it seems highly unlikely to me that we would be alone in it. It's the communication part that seems more tricky, isn't it? I imagine that it would be difficult to find some common ground, even if the technical barriers are overcome. Misunderstandings are so common even inbetween humans because we come into the interaction with different perspectives and different brain wirings. When we add language barriers and cultural barriers the complexity increases, and that's still the same species from the same planet in very globalized times. So how do they approach this?


The common ground is that consciousness is not physical/biological. All souls are the same.

Communicating mind to mind as we did in my development circle does not have the same limitations as communicating in language and does not depend on brain wiring. However the greater the number of common experiences two entities have, the easier mind to mind communication would be. I think a human and a whale or a bat could communicate emotions, but I don't know if an entity that creates spatial maps with sonar could communicate spatial information with an entity that uses vision to create spatial maps. It might work, I don't know. I have communicated with spirits of humans, dogs, and a bird and with a humanoid alien. The alien was more like a human spirit than was the bird.

If one believes biological organisms evolve by chance due to natural phenomena it seems like a puzzle that there would be common ground, but if you consider that biological containers are designed to give non-physical entities experiences they can't get in non-physical realms, then it is reasonable that there would be common ground - even between the designed containers themselves.

ESP is possible only because consciousness is not produced by a physical process. Differences in brain wiring make it pretty hard to explain telepathy by any physical means.

It might interest you to know that after death, human spirits have to learn to communicate, some are faster learners, and the characteristics of the communication vary from spirit to spirit.
Linda ”Polly Ester” Ö, modified 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 8:06 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 1/4/21 8:05 PM

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Posts: 7135 Join Date: 12/8/18 Recent Posts
Thanks for your reply! This actually seems to resonate with Tibetan Buddhism, at least if one lets go of the idea of continuous and separate souls and instead talks about awareness (as a process rather than as an entity). 

I have heard about people who have shapeshifted into octopuses in the dreamtime and done energy work with a totally different system of channels. They learn to do it but the knowledge is situated. It can't be accesses in the human body but is there the next time they shapeshift into an octopus. 

I look forward to reading your links during daytime. I really should be sleeping now.