World War 3!

thor jackson, modified 1 Year ago at 11/17/22 4:05 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 11/17/22 4:05 PM

World War 3!

Posts: 42 Join Date: 11/17/22 Recent Posts
Sorry, but I have to mention it. It is going to effect us ALL whether we like it or not.
This whole website is dedicated to expressing the truth about life so it should not be shy about the physical aspects of it aswell as the spiritual parts.
The whole concept of enlightenment is being aware of the present moment. How aware are we if ignore what is happening on the whole planet we inhabite. 
Part of the reason I come to this site is because everyone here is devoted to the TRUTH. The REAL truth. The whole idea of meditation is to uncover the truth of what we are in essense. To realise the fact we are not a body, we are awaresss itself.
So lets explore the truths about the political situation that controls are physical lives. If any of you have a modicum of experience in the field of internet surfing, you will understand that ALL governments are liars. Democracy is a scam. Leaders get selected, not elected.
If anyone has a different opinion to this concept I am willing to debate it.
To cut a long story short, "elite" bloodline families who have consolidated their wealth over hundreds of years, control every aspect of our lives, around the world. They are now playing their end game. The "vaccine" for the FAKE pandemic, is a depopulation tool. Covid was the normal yearly flu, rebranded.
The obvious proof is the fact that the normal flu count went to zero while Covid was "active". But the Covid numbers were the same as the flu.
 Now they are reducing our food supplies, and energy supplies, ON PURPOSE. Using the excuse of the Ukraine war. 
ALL WARS ARE BANKER WARS. Look up that film on the net. They control both sides, ALWAYS.
Siavash ', modified 1 Year ago at 11/17/22 4:18 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 11/17/22 4:18 PM

RE: World War 3!

Posts: 1697 Join Date: 5/5/19 Recent Posts
 Hi thor, and welcome,

As a suggestion, it would be better if you post all your ideas and posts in a single thread, and instead of clicking new thread for each post, use the reply function on that one thread of yours. The recent posts page is now mostly about your posts! This makes it harder for users to navigate the recent posts in the forum.
Chris M, modified 1 Year ago at 11/17/22 5:42 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 11/17/22 5:42 PM

RE: World War 3!

Posts: 5339 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Thor, please do as Siavash has suggested. Post your stuff in one thread, not a thread for every thought that arises.

- Chris

​​​​​​​DhO Moderator
thor jackson, modified 1 Year ago at 12/7/22 7:13 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 12/7/22 7:13 AM

RE: World War 3!

Posts: 42 Join Date: 11/17/22 Recent Posts
