Just looking for some guidance

Andrew S, modified 11 Months ago at 8/17/23 9:14 PM
Created 11 Months ago at 8/17/23 9:14 PM

Just looking for some guidance

Post: 1 Join Date: 8/17/23 Recent Posts
After about 45 mins of awareness of sensations of breath at the tip of the nose. I consistently end up feeling heavy hands, feeling of open space and very buoyant. There is still physical pain but some joy. I have noticed that if I remain non reactive it intensifies. Any advice or tips where to go from here? 
User 08, modified 11 Months ago at 8/17/23 10:35 PM
Created 11 Months ago at 8/17/23 10:35 PM

RE: Just looking for some guidance

Posts: 57 Join Date: 7/31/23 Recent Posts
Why do you feel like you need advice on this situation? It doesn't sound like there's a problem.
jhanic ceramic, modified 11 Months ago at 8/18/23 8:18 AM
Created 11 Months ago at 8/18/23 8:18 AM

RE: Just looking for some guidance

Posts: 40 Join Date: 7/25/23 Recent Posts
Try sitting in a chair - seriously just try it. 

There's an interview of Rob Burbea where he talks about how sometimes sitting upright on the floor was just an exercise in pain. You might get insight there but samadhi comes from feeling good and you can take steps to ensure that.
Adi Vader, modified 11 Months ago at 8/18/23 8:40 AM
Created 11 Months ago at 8/18/23 8:40 AM

RE: Just looking for some guidance

Posts: 335 Join Date: 6/29/20 Recent Posts
Cultivate the four jhanas and then the four arupa ayatanas.