Looking for participants on our study on meditation’s dose-response effects - Discussion
Looking for participants on our study on meditation’s dose-response effects
Merle Kock, modified 1 Year ago at 10/17/23 6:30 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 10/17/23 6:30 PM
Looking for participants on our study on meditation’s dose-response effects
Post: 1 Join Date: 10/17/23 Recent Posts
Discover the Power of Mindfulness Meditation
Do you want to help researchers at the University of Melbourne better understand the potentially powerful effects of mindfulness meditation on health and wellbeing?
We invite you to participate in this survey if you:
What you will do:
Complete an online survey lasting 20 - 25 minutes in total.
If you would like to participate, please click this link. There you can find a plain language statement that explains the study in more detail.
Responsible Researcher: A/Prof Nicholas Van Dam, Melbourne School of Psychological
Sciences, University of Melbourne (Tel: 8344 3644 E: nicholas.vandam@unimelb.edu.au)
Approved by the University of Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee, HREC# 2056439.
*Please refer to the Plain Language Statement of the study to check full eligibility criteria.
Do you want to help researchers at the University of Melbourne better understand the potentially powerful effects of mindfulness meditation on health and wellbeing?
We invite you to participate in this survey if you:
- Practice mindfulness meditation
- Are between 18 - 65 years of age
- Live in Australia, UK, or the US.
What you will do:
Complete an online survey lasting 20 - 25 minutes in total.
- After you have completed the survey, you will be entered into a drawing for 1 of 40 electronic gift cards (administered by GiftPay) with value equivalent to AU$100.
- For every participant who completes the survey we will donate AU$5 to the charity (World Wildlife Fund, UNICEF, Cheetah House) with the most votes.
If you would like to participate, please click this link. There you can find a plain language statement that explains the study in more detail.
Responsible Researcher: A/Prof Nicholas Van Dam, Melbourne School of Psychological
Sciences, University of Melbourne (Tel: 8344 3644 E: nicholas.vandam@unimelb.edu.au)
Approved by the University of Melbourne Human Research Ethics Committee, HREC# 2056439.
*Please refer to the Plain Language Statement of the study to check full eligibility criteria.