Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo - Discussion
Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 2 Months ago at 11/13/24 1:21 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/4/24 6:21 PM
Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
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Summary of past logs: I had gotten off a 2 month mahasi retreat, before which I had been DN/low eq cycling. That retreat got me to more high EQ places, and got me unstuck. I still had a bit of head attachment, and would cycle. That gradually lessened over time. My ability to do jhanas came in during my daily sits. I had some cool visions. Largely, I think I stabilized into EQ now.
Next logs:
Summary of past logs: I had gotten off a 2 month mahasi retreat, before which I had been DN/low eq cycling. That retreat got me to more high EQ places, and got me unstuck. I still had a bit of head attachment, and would cycle. That gradually lessened over time. My ability to do jhanas came in during my daily sits. I had some cool visions. Largely, I think I stabilized into EQ now.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Year ago at 2/4/24 6:40 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/4/24 6:38 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Today was interesting. I had two sits. An hour long one in the morning, that started off with sensations flowly. I figured yesterday I was probably overefforting near the end, since there isn't actually anything to do to be present. This was a lot more gentle. About four times I felt things slow/down and lighten up. At first it was just slowing of thoughts, but each time the sit got much more peaceful.
The second sit was similar. My mind was excited a bit more, and kinda wanted to drill into head pressures more, but then would just go back to wide observing. Similar just letting go periodically, but not as many or as deep. Had some shaking, and combo (eye twitching, pressure strobing) in my head. At the end the head pressure disappeared, and peace was had in the lands.
I do think at this point I'm stabilized in EQ a bit. So I've noticed that you can get reinforcement loops in meditation (a feeling of craving might lead to thoughts of craving, which leads to a stronger feeling, etc) until the loop is seen through. I think this is mainly what was going on with the head pressure was that it would cause 1. identification (zooming in) 2. grasping (holding onto it) 3. unpleasent mental states 4. Aversion, but I think at this point the cycle is broken. It doesn't seem to be tightly coupled anymore, and seems pretty bearable, last much shorter, less intense, etc. I don't really "zoom into" it at all anymore either.
You might be thinking, "wow thats really not that much meditation for Geoffrey". And that's because its been an interesting day. Some people came in to put 24k gold foil on our buddha statues and what not. During lunch, something about the food tasted awful (like it had dishsoap), so I chucked my plate and just ate rice and springrolls. Afterwards they started foiling one of the Buddhas, and it became clear that a bunch of people were getting food poisoning. The worker was mostly interesting in doing her work though, and I was interested in watching. Early watching, I realized tons of gold leaf was blowing off, so I went to get a bag to start collecting it. I did this for several hours (instead of meditation), and got quite a nice bag of 24k gold foil. At one point someone came over to see the process, and they instead went and started vomiting in the bushes nearby (so this is going one while one person dilligently works and I'm going around picking up expensive trash). After the foiling was done, I mostly spend the rest of the day helping take care of people, and hauling around statues. Basically everyone got sick except me, and a monk, who, due to the fact he is in his early twenties, had naturally decided to opt for the rice/springroll lunch because that's what you do when you're young. So like later in the evening, I literally had to take him away from tending to the sick so we could haul these golden arhant statues inside.
On the bright side, even if I dont end up getting SE here, at least I will have a bag of literal gold as a consolation prize. It has it's downsides, though. It's super thin, and basically turns into dust if you handle it, and its essentially just the fine art equivalent of glitter. Like that shit is everywhere now, on my clothes, in the building (from everyone not just me), like caked into my phone screen.
Welcome to my second practice log!
The second sit was similar. My mind was excited a bit more, and kinda wanted to drill into head pressures more, but then would just go back to wide observing. Similar just letting go periodically, but not as many or as deep. Had some shaking, and combo (eye twitching, pressure strobing) in my head. At the end the head pressure disappeared, and peace was had in the lands.
I do think at this point I'm stabilized in EQ a bit. So I've noticed that you can get reinforcement loops in meditation (a feeling of craving might lead to thoughts of craving, which leads to a stronger feeling, etc) until the loop is seen through. I think this is mainly what was going on with the head pressure was that it would cause 1. identification (zooming in) 2. grasping (holding onto it) 3. unpleasent mental states 4. Aversion, but I think at this point the cycle is broken. It doesn't seem to be tightly coupled anymore, and seems pretty bearable, last much shorter, less intense, etc. I don't really "zoom into" it at all anymore either.
You might be thinking, "wow thats really not that much meditation for Geoffrey". And that's because its been an interesting day. Some people came in to put 24k gold foil on our buddha statues and what not. During lunch, something about the food tasted awful (like it had dishsoap), so I chucked my plate and just ate rice and springrolls. Afterwards they started foiling one of the Buddhas, and it became clear that a bunch of people were getting food poisoning. The worker was mostly interesting in doing her work though, and I was interested in watching. Early watching, I realized tons of gold leaf was blowing off, so I went to get a bag to start collecting it. I did this for several hours (instead of meditation), and got quite a nice bag of 24k gold foil. At one point someone came over to see the process, and they instead went and started vomiting in the bushes nearby (so this is going one while one person dilligently works and I'm going around picking up expensive trash). After the foiling was done, I mostly spend the rest of the day helping take care of people, and hauling around statues. Basically everyone got sick except me, and a monk, who, due to the fact he is in his early twenties, had naturally decided to opt for the rice/springroll lunch because that's what you do when you're young. So like later in the evening, I literally had to take him away from tending to the sick so we could haul these golden arhant statues inside.
On the bright side, even if I dont end up getting SE here, at least I will have a bag of literal gold as a consolation prize. It has it's downsides, though. It's super thin, and basically turns into dust if you handle it, and its essentially just the fine art equivalent of glitter. Like that shit is everywhere now, on my clothes, in the building (from everyone not just me), like caked into my phone screen.
Welcome to my second practice log!
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Year ago at 2/4/24 10:45 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/4/24 10:45 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 1 Year ago at 2/5/24 9:24 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/5/24 9:23 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsBahiya Baby
Woo !! May we all be coated in gold foil !!
Woo !! May we all be coated in gold foil !!
You see what you did now?!

Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Year ago at 2/5/24 9:29 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/5/24 9:29 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
You should go for a chrome/mirror spray paint. It looks essentially the same (except it's silver), but it's much cheaper and won't get everywhere forever.
Chris M, modified 1 Year ago at 2/5/24 7:38 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/5/24 7:38 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 1 Year ago at 2/5/24 9:21 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/5/24 9:21 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
You see what did now Chris?!
You scared Sha-Man away into a new log!
But he found gold here so ... not all causality leads to bad outcomes!
May he find other stuff of benefit in this new log of his!
Best wishes and May this log be of benefit to many!

But he found gold here so ... not all causality leads to bad outcomes!

May he find other stuff of benefit in this new log of his!

Best wishes and May this log be of benefit to many!
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Year ago at 2/7/24 5:50 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/7/24 5:50 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I ended up taking one of the monks that got hit hard by the food poisoning to the hospital, and it turns out he has COVID, so I'm preemptively isolating for a few days to see if anything develops.
practice has been gone well. The head pressure is still there but basically a non issue at this point. It usually just feels like it's part of the show. Sometimes when I start meditating it feels like there might be swirls of stuff, like thought, cravings or being uncomfortable. But that generally settles fairly quick. Usually things keep settling in big chunks all at once. Starting again to see thoughts appear. Mostly things a are chill, maybe a bit boring
practice has been gone well. The head pressure is still there but basically a non issue at this point. It usually just feels like it's part of the show. Sometimes when I start meditating it feels like there might be swirls of stuff, like thought, cravings or being uncomfortable. But that generally settles fairly quick. Usually things keep settling in big chunks all at once. Starting again to see thoughts appear. Mostly things a are chill, maybe a bit boring
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Year ago at 2/7/24 6:03 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/7/24 6:03 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 12 Months ago at 2/8/24 7:30 PM
Created 12 Months ago at 2/8/24 7:22 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
So my inclination to practice these last few days is basically nil. Still doing a couple hours a day, not too much. When I do practice it is usually nice and peaceful. Everything flowing in a broad 3d field of flux. Nothing too strange happening (but I'm probably not putting in the hours to have the concentration or energy build ups). I'm probably going to start a new job soon. Which will mean leaving the monastery and finding a new place to live. I'll probably keep living out of my two bags of clothing mostly. My mind tries to spin worries about this, but the worry is really not found in experience.
In summary of everything, I just can't be bothered to care really. Ive been reflecting a lot on how everything prior to Now is just gone. It's a double edge sword. It was helpful dealing with the annoying sits, but it leaves me with an apathy towards the future.
however when meditating the other day, when interest did arise, I found it so space curious. There was a part that was trying to understand, but it was just a part in space. That space is being known is strange. I don't think I can rule out a giant knowing super space quite yet.
In summary of everything, I just can't be bothered to care really. Ive been reflecting a lot on how everything prior to Now is just gone. It's a double edge sword. It was helpful dealing with the annoying sits, but it leaves me with an apathy towards the future.
however when meditating the other day, when interest did arise, I found it so space curious. There was a part that was trying to understand, but it was just a part in space. That space is being known is strange. I don't think I can rule out a giant knowing super space quite yet.
Bahiya Baby, modified 12 Months ago at 2/8/24 8:37 PM
Created 12 Months ago at 2/8/24 8:31 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Each aspect of the journey is just that, an aspect, and while early on these aspects fascinate us, in time, they become just more grist for the mill.
"Concentration and energy build ups" - Sneezes and piss shivers.
"I'll probably keep living out of my two bags of clothing mostly" - I live out of one ;) Good luck with whatever course of action you choose.
Practice sounds good. Keep doing it. There's nothing special about it and there doesn't need to be. It's just plain old -wide and inclusive- relaxation.
"I don't think I can rule out a giant knowing super space quite yet" - All in due time my friend
Sometimes we notice a sort of disenchantment with the self and its activities. This disenchantment leads to less attachment, there's less activity to occupy us, it can be a little boring or unusual at times. There's a strange sort of emptiness where "we" (and all our usual sculduggery) used to be
"Concentration and energy build ups" - Sneezes and piss shivers.
"I'll probably keep living out of my two bags of clothing mostly" - I live out of one ;) Good luck with whatever course of action you choose.
Practice sounds good. Keep doing it. There's nothing special about it and there doesn't need to be. It's just plain old -wide and inclusive- relaxation.
"I don't think I can rule out a giant knowing super space quite yet" - All in due time my friend

Sometimes we notice a sort of disenchantment with the self and its activities. This disenchantment leads to less attachment, there's less activity to occupy us, it can be a little boring or unusual at times. There's a strange sort of emptiness where "we" (and all our usual sculduggery) used to be
Papa Che Dusko, modified 12 Months ago at 2/9/24 1:50 AM
Created 12 Months ago at 2/9/24 1:50 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Best wishes Sha-Man with opening to life and letting it unfold! Worry is a normal thing for this human being. Of course this worry will be a moving factor to find a shelter and a job etc ... if there is a thunderstorm approaching I wound be wreck less to just sail into it without worry it will crash and sink my ship!
Worry is fine ... however being utterly absorbed in a worry is heavy suffering. But if the worry is part of the whole experience , swirling and flickering within myriad of stuff , then the Dukkha aspect is far less. In High Equanimity this is very evident. Stuff can be unpleasant-ish, pleasant-ish or neutral-ish ... suddenly this "-ish" becomes a thing.
Sitting with "boring-just-stuff-in-space-sitting-here" is your best friend. Once a day just sitting for 45 minutes looking at the room you sit in is a fine practice.
Best wishes!

Worry is fine ... however being utterly absorbed in a worry is heavy suffering. But if the worry is part of the whole experience , swirling and flickering within myriad of stuff , then the Dukkha aspect is far less. In High Equanimity this is very evident. Stuff can be unpleasant-ish, pleasant-ish or neutral-ish ... suddenly this "-ish" becomes a thing.
Sitting with "boring-just-stuff-in-space-sitting-here" is your best friend. Once a day just sitting for 45 minutes looking at the room you sit in is a fine practice.
Best wishes!
shargrol, modified 12 Months ago at 2/9/24 5:51 AM
Created 12 Months ago at 2/9/24 5:51 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsSha-Man! Geoffrey
In summary of everything, I just can't be bothered to care really.
I don't think I can rule out a giant knowing super space quite yet.
In summary of everything, I just can't be bothered to care really.
I don't think I can rule out a giant knowing super space quite yet.
Who can't be bothered to care? What can't be bothered? Look into that.
You aren't practicing to rule things out. You're practicing to directly experience. Go >into< that giant knowing super space experience and check it out. Check out the mind that knows. How does knowing happen?
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 12 Months ago at 2/9/24 6:33 PM
Created 12 Months ago at 2/9/24 6:28 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Today was a good day. It started off with me testing negative, so I was freed from my covid prison. I had coffee which I hadnt had in a few days, and when I went to meditate before my job interview (its most like hashing out details at this point, they want to employ me and i want to join) I was too nervous and restless to make it past 20 minutes. Everything felt just kinda terrible. The interview went well until my rural internet shat itself hardcore, but we will resume it tomorrow. I had DI's acutalism blog post open on my laptop from who knows when, and I looked over it and this caught my eye
And I was like, why dont i do that? That sounds nice. So I did. And it was. My mind immediately chilled out about stuff, and started making metta magic materialize, and even the more abrasive sensations it chill out about and got interested in.
Meditated a bit before taking a nap and it was interesting being this thing hanging out in space but not different than space. Everything was pretty soft and gentle at this point. Crazy dreams during my nap (and also last night too. I had a dream about Bobby Hill and his two AI robot brides. I'm going to need a master craft Jungian to detangle that one).
Did a two hour meditation tonight. The head pressure came back, but it was pretty grippy. Everything was soft and nice. The head pressure died down until it just felt like my right ear needed to pop. Then it came back and it was super vague (like I couldnt tell you how big or where it started, it was perfectly blended), but pretty strong. Eventually it died down some more, but at this point, everything was super sharp and 3d. My body was well-defined. Things felt ordinary. I got some piti, but it was unusal. It wasn't the nice la-di-da piti I was getting recently, it was very sharp, clear, and had a very distinctive electric feeling (like I was getting little 9v shocks or something). It kinda was just brewing off and on. Then things would kinda alternate between sharp/clear/ordinary (and also getting faster) with going back to being soft and diffuse and relaxing, until my mind just said fuck it, and jumped into a j4.j6 type deal. Then it was nice, everything was just going by itself in a relax peaceful manor. The head sensations gently dropped. The j4.j6 really only lasted maybe 10 minutes, then I came out and ended the session (with no head pressure!).
Notice the beauty and niceness in ordinary and beautiful things, sounds, tastes, textures, feelings, the body, visuals, smells and the like.
And I was like, why dont i do that? That sounds nice. So I did. And it was. My mind immediately chilled out about stuff, and started making metta magic materialize, and even the more abrasive sensations it chill out about and got interested in.
Meditated a bit before taking a nap and it was interesting being this thing hanging out in space but not different than space. Everything was pretty soft and gentle at this point. Crazy dreams during my nap (and also last night too. I had a dream about Bobby Hill and his two AI robot brides. I'm going to need a master craft Jungian to detangle that one).
Did a two hour meditation tonight. The head pressure came back, but it was pretty grippy. Everything was soft and nice. The head pressure died down until it just felt like my right ear needed to pop. Then it came back and it was super vague (like I couldnt tell you how big or where it started, it was perfectly blended), but pretty strong. Eventually it died down some more, but at this point, everything was super sharp and 3d. My body was well-defined. Things felt ordinary. I got some piti, but it was unusal. It wasn't the nice la-di-da piti I was getting recently, it was very sharp, clear, and had a very distinctive electric feeling (like I was getting little 9v shocks or something). It kinda was just brewing off and on. Then things would kinda alternate between sharp/clear/ordinary (and also getting faster) with going back to being soft and diffuse and relaxing, until my mind just said fuck it, and jumped into a j4.j6 type deal. Then it was nice, everything was just going by itself in a relax peaceful manor. The head sensations gently dropped. The j4.j6 really only lasted maybe 10 minutes, then I came out and ended the session (with no head pressure!).
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 12 Months ago at 2/10/24 6:08 PM
Created 12 Months ago at 2/10/24 6:08 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
So funny enough, I did toss out my vapes that I had smuggled into the monastery last night. This morning I was definitely more like fidgety, but it wasnt too bad. Overall, today my body and mental states feel clearer and less like just kinda gross?
Things have also been chill today. Went on a hike for a few hours.
I only meditated for 1.5. At first, it felt like my attention was grippy at my head pressure when i tried to just sit there. So I switched over to trying to be with the current moment pretty actively. At first this was relaxing the grippiness and things felt flowy, but eventually things would kinda solidify out of the flow and I'd end up back in the sort of just sitting there mode of attention. I tried this a few times, but the same thing happened every time, so eventually I gave up and just sat there. Things were pretty boring. My body felt well-defined. Still head pressures, but not super annoying. I feel like there was something interesting insight wise I was doing or learning but like I cant remember and this was like 30 minutes ago? Ooops. Just imagine it was deep and wise I suppose.
Things have also been chill today. Went on a hike for a few hours.
I only meditated for 1.5. At first, it felt like my attention was grippy at my head pressure when i tried to just sit there. So I switched over to trying to be with the current moment pretty actively. At first this was relaxing the grippiness and things felt flowy, but eventually things would kinda solidify out of the flow and I'd end up back in the sort of just sitting there mode of attention. I tried this a few times, but the same thing happened every time, so eventually I gave up and just sat there. Things were pretty boring. My body felt well-defined. Still head pressures, but not super annoying. I feel like there was something interesting insight wise I was doing or learning but like I cant remember and this was like 30 minutes ago? Ooops. Just imagine it was deep and wise I suppose.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 12 Months ago at 2/11/24 6:22 PM
Created 12 Months ago at 2/11/24 6:22 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
So this morning before breakfast there were a few minutes where my heart just exploded and body felt like it needed to run. My mind was perfectly calm though, and it asked "so is this a panic attack without the panic". Then after breakfast, I felt sick for a few minutes. So no cigs is going great haha.
I meditated for like 1.5-2ish hours this morning. When I sat down, at first things just felt perfectly still. There was no need to do anything, I just existed. The thought "What can't be bothered?" came into mind. After a bit, it seemed more interesting to ask yesterday when attention was shifting between two modes (flowly and solid), how did that work? That seems like there must of been a controller there. After thinking about that for a bit and trying to notice the flowiness of sensations and to see how that changed by itself, I noticed "oh bothering is back". It was a small sensation in my head (which felt mostly vanished and just like space at this point), but it had a bit of struggle to it that created the sense of a doer. That doer sensation fluxated a bit, before finally just fading. There was a much gentler sensation of pressure, which creates the feeling of a center at my head. That flucated in and out until it stayed. Eventually my body just started to feel awful and I remembered
So I just did that for probably an hour or so, so when the tension and awfulness came up in my body it was just allowed to relax.
The other two sits (maybe 3 or 4 more hours) looked a decent amount like the last part of the morning sit. But what was different about all today is this feeling of struggling has never really came back today. Like the entire day I've just been pretty contented with whatever has been happening then, not trying to rush to the next thing.
I've also been doing a side practice. For awhile I've been reflecting on how the past is basically vanished, and the present is constantly slipping away and changing. This has been really helpful getting me to be less aversive on a moment to moment basis, but has also been helpful keeping me from sinking into memories of the past. However, one thing that slipped by the radar was I've still been letting the future stuff bog me down. Yesterday I was talking to another resident here and he told me a story. One day at a monastery, a guy was rushing to finish the dishes. A monk saw that and asked "what's after this?" and the guy explains that he is rushing so he can go meditate. And the monk asks "and what's after that?", and the guy says the next thing. And the monk asks "and what's after that?". And so on. I think just as the reflections on the past can be used both on a momentarily level and a narrative level, so can the future reflection. I think between the past reflections, the future reflections, and settling into the present as outlined above it seems very well-rounded.
I will say, today has just felt like the most present and content day I've had so far.
I meditated for like 1.5-2ish hours this morning. When I sat down, at first things just felt perfectly still. There was no need to do anything, I just existed. The thought "What can't be bothered?" came into mind. After a bit, it seemed more interesting to ask yesterday when attention was shifting between two modes (flowly and solid), how did that work? That seems like there must of been a controller there. After thinking about that for a bit and trying to notice the flowiness of sensations and to see how that changed by itself, I noticed "oh bothering is back". It was a small sensation in my head (which felt mostly vanished and just like space at this point), but it had a bit of struggle to it that created the sense of a doer. That doer sensation fluxated a bit, before finally just fading. There was a much gentler sensation of pressure, which creates the feeling of a center at my head. That flucated in and out until it stayed. Eventually my body just started to feel awful and I remembered
Settle into this moment. Gently relax into it when laying down, when just sitting. Learn the basic, simple art of just being able to be at ease. It is more profound and not necessarily as easy as it sounds. Notice how there are tensions in the joints and muscles that seem to be bracing against life itself even when there is no threat: gently feel into those tensions, allowing gentle mindful attention and gentle reassurance to slowly relax them such that you learn to sit at ease, just here, appreciating this moment in a very ordinary, quiet, easy, simple, straightforward way.
So I just did that for probably an hour or so, so when the tension and awfulness came up in my body it was just allowed to relax.
The other two sits (maybe 3 or 4 more hours) looked a decent amount like the last part of the morning sit. But what was different about all today is this feeling of struggling has never really came back today. Like the entire day I've just been pretty contented with whatever has been happening then, not trying to rush to the next thing.
I've also been doing a side practice. For awhile I've been reflecting on how the past is basically vanished, and the present is constantly slipping away and changing. This has been really helpful getting me to be less aversive on a moment to moment basis, but has also been helpful keeping me from sinking into memories of the past. However, one thing that slipped by the radar was I've still been letting the future stuff bog me down. Yesterday I was talking to another resident here and he told me a story. One day at a monastery, a guy was rushing to finish the dishes. A monk saw that and asked "what's after this?" and the guy explains that he is rushing so he can go meditate. And the monk asks "and what's after that?", and the guy says the next thing. And the monk asks "and what's after that?". And so on. I think just as the reflections on the past can be used both on a momentarily level and a narrative level, so can the future reflection. I think between the past reflections, the future reflections, and settling into the present as outlined above it seems very well-rounded.
I will say, today has just felt like the most present and content day I've had so far.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 11 Months ago at 2/12/24 6:49 PM
Created 11 Months ago at 2/12/24 6:44 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Today really started off with a walk. During that walk a got hit by a five minute wave of depression, and then some bursts of anger-craving (where there is just so much idiocy that you should smoke to calm yourself down) and some hide-somewhere-and-die-craving (where you just want to shrink and disappear, and smoke because its so pathetic).
During the first sit of the day I was interested in what craving is. I had three ideas to test out, as the emotionally charged craving had made me wonder if I had ever seen bare-craving. The ideas were 1. Craving is a component thing you can point to, like heat 2. Craving is an illusory thing you can point to (like the things you mistake as a doer) 3. Craving is actually the name for a sequence of (unpleasant emotion -> thought or action to mitigate). In that sit I was being hit with waves of different emotionally charged craving. It did seem like there was something subtle to tag them as craving, instead of that emotion. Eventually, I did see "bare-craving" as a thin mass element in my chest (similar to how the sense of a center is created by like a thin mass element in my face). Interestingly enough, it kept triggering craving thoughts. And between the thoughts when I looked, it definitely seemed more neutral, but identifiable as craving, but I do think the sole reason its identifiable as craving is because of the craving thoughts. So I think 2&3. Then I had an idea for fun. The bare-craving was not stable. But I started to think horny thoughts. At first nothing happened, my mind seemed disinterested and had a hard time sustaining them. But then eventually, I got it to sync with the bare-craving and made it into lust! How neat. Eventually that died down and after that I just kinda sat there peacefully for maybe 20-30 minutes, not really doing anything.
Throughout the rest of the afternoon I got micro-hits of depression that would usually last maybe 30s or so.
My second sit was maybe like 1.5 or 2 hours, but I just sat there. No head pressure or anything notable really. At least if i recall correctly?
My evening sit was 1.5 hours. The first 45-60 minutes or so there was some head pressure. What was interesting is that the sense of a me hasnt really been here at all today or any head pressure, but during this sit was the first it came. It wasn't a super solid sense of it either, but it was when the head pressure comes and its kinda grippy but that grippiness is somehow mistaken as "I did that". So it was really just flaring up for quick moments. But the whole show eventually died down, and came back and forth a few times in a more neutered form. In between that, I just kinda sat there doing nothing really.
I did come across this snooping around Martin's log today. I find it rather interesting because it's analogous (pun intended) to the VR analogy that Angelo Dillou uses in his book
During the first sit of the day I was interested in what craving is. I had three ideas to test out, as the emotionally charged craving had made me wonder if I had ever seen bare-craving. The ideas were 1. Craving is a component thing you can point to, like heat 2. Craving is an illusory thing you can point to (like the things you mistake as a doer) 3. Craving is actually the name for a sequence of (unpleasant emotion -> thought or action to mitigate). In that sit I was being hit with waves of different emotionally charged craving. It did seem like there was something subtle to tag them as craving, instead of that emotion. Eventually, I did see "bare-craving" as a thin mass element in my chest (similar to how the sense of a center is created by like a thin mass element in my face). Interestingly enough, it kept triggering craving thoughts. And between the thoughts when I looked, it definitely seemed more neutral, but identifiable as craving, but I do think the sole reason its identifiable as craving is because of the craving thoughts. So I think 2&3. Then I had an idea for fun. The bare-craving was not stable. But I started to think horny thoughts. At first nothing happened, my mind seemed disinterested and had a hard time sustaining them. But then eventually, I got it to sync with the bare-craving and made it into lust! How neat. Eventually that died down and after that I just kinda sat there peacefully for maybe 20-30 minutes, not really doing anything.
Throughout the rest of the afternoon I got micro-hits of depression that would usually last maybe 30s or so.
My second sit was maybe like 1.5 or 2 hours, but I just sat there. No head pressure or anything notable really. At least if i recall correctly?
My evening sit was 1.5 hours. The first 45-60 minutes or so there was some head pressure. What was interesting is that the sense of a me hasnt really been here at all today or any head pressure, but during this sit was the first it came. It wasn't a super solid sense of it either, but it was when the head pressure comes and its kinda grippy but that grippiness is somehow mistaken as "I did that". So it was really just flaring up for quick moments. But the whole show eventually died down, and came back and forth a few times in a more neutered form. In between that, I just kinda sat there doing nothing really.
I did come across this snooping around Martin's log today. I find it rather interesting because it's analogous (pun intended) to the VR analogy that Angelo Dillou uses in his book
So as the POI is not what is going on for me, I might describe the changes that have occurred in this way. A person lives in a garden surrounded by a high, thick hedge. Never having been out of the garden, they never question the garden or the hedge. Then one day, there is a gap in the hedge. There are things out there that the person has never seen, and it feels both wonderful and weird/frightening to step outside the hedge, so they return to the garden. After that, sometimes they can find the gap in the hedge and sometimes they cannot. But as time goes on they remember where the gap is, they cut it a little wider, and they get used to going beyond the gap and exploring the outside world up to a newly found hedge, so the gap is not really a gap anymore, it's just part of the shape of the hedge. Gradually, more gaps appear and the garden becomes progressively larger. In this analogy, meditation/mindfulness can be seen as hedge work: trimming, thinning, and ultimately cutting away.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 11 Months ago at 2/13/24 12:25 PM
Created 11 Months ago at 2/13/24 12:25 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
"I just kinda sat there peacefully for maybe 20-30 minutes, not really doing anything."
This is where I usually suggest, instead of toilet paper, using sandpaper! It is very effective during the High EQ stage! Choose the sandpaper grit which resonates best with you, of course!
This is where I usually suggest, instead of toilet paper, using sandpaper! It is very effective during the High EQ stage! Choose the sandpaper grit which resonates best with you, of course!

Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 11 Months ago at 2/13/24 6:44 PM
Created 11 Months ago at 2/13/24 6:44 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Something very interesting happened last night/ early today. I was playing around more with this idea of constructive meditation. Like what I was doing the other day with "sync into the beautiful qualities" and that creating beauty. So I tried to do that with other qualities, where I might say "relief" and then I could feel myself let go a bit or "anger" and I'd feel the tension rise. This seems to work with a ton of things I tried (happiness, sadness, anger, relief, depression, excitement, tired, relaxed, basically anything I could think of). It also seemed to work with weired things like slow/fast (which would tune awareness into slower and faster freq things) or 2d/3d (which would tune into the spatial relationships or not [when then kinda makes it more like a 2d painting of a 3d space]).
It was interesting throughout today when something like anxiety would pop up, I'd go "no im actually happy", and then it would turn into happiness. Really I think what's happening is the "vibe" of the present moment is shifting (like the emotional overtone), and then a bit of how the stuff in the present shifts as well (like maybe the grip loosens or softens or becomes more vague or more pronounced, etc). The only time it seemed to create new stuff was when i did "excitement" and that made some piti in my hands. Really the reverse noting only misfired once that I saw, and a few times didn't really work.
My first I probably played with that for half the sit or so, and then just kinda sat there for the second half (at least I think I did that?)
My second sit, I just kinda sat the whole 1.5 hours. There was some head pressure. About an hour in I opened my eyes and that was fun, because when you stare into space eventually color turns off, and things go gray and blobby, and occasionally you can see outlines of objects made from almost like blue lightening really quickly. This also helped degrip the pressure in my head and made it more flowy. But after maybe 10 minutes my eyes were pretty dried out so I just went back to just sitting.
It was interesting throughout today when something like anxiety would pop up, I'd go "no im actually happy", and then it would turn into happiness. Really I think what's happening is the "vibe" of the present moment is shifting (like the emotional overtone), and then a bit of how the stuff in the present shifts as well (like maybe the grip loosens or softens or becomes more vague or more pronounced, etc). The only time it seemed to create new stuff was when i did "excitement" and that made some piti in my hands. Really the reverse noting only misfired once that I saw, and a few times didn't really work.
My first I probably played with that for half the sit or so, and then just kinda sat there for the second half (at least I think I did that?)
My second sit, I just kinda sat the whole 1.5 hours. There was some head pressure. About an hour in I opened my eyes and that was fun, because when you stare into space eventually color turns off, and things go gray and blobby, and occasionally you can see outlines of objects made from almost like blue lightening really quickly. This also helped degrip the pressure in my head and made it more flowy. But after maybe 10 minutes my eyes were pretty dried out so I just went back to just sitting.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 11 Months ago at 2/14/24 6:22 PM
Created 11 Months ago at 2/14/24 6:22 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Head pressure stuff today. When I was doing laying meditation, it felt so fant, 3d, and out there. It really felt similar to body tension, and would periodically disappear completely.
1:45 sit tonight - head pressure started off lighter like body tension, occasionally disappearing. Then it came back and would more intense, as a kinda wall of pressure across my head. Eventually it just cycled through lots of it. Doesn't feel like I'm controlling it or anything now, but still has a sense of being "inside" my body somehow (vs say like the piti in my hands which feels like its part of the environment). Around the 1:30 mark are the pain in my body just switched on all at once, and energy started swirling, and more electric distinct piti started up in my hands.
1:45 sit tonight - head pressure started off lighter like body tension, occasionally disappearing. Then it came back and would more intense, as a kinda wall of pressure across my head. Eventually it just cycled through lots of it. Doesn't feel like I'm controlling it or anything now, but still has a sense of being "inside" my body somehow (vs say like the piti in my hands which feels like its part of the environment). Around the 1:30 mark are the pain in my body just switched on all at once, and energy started swirling, and more electric distinct piti started up in my hands.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 11 Months ago at 2/17/24 6:21 PM
Created 11 Months ago at 2/17/24 6:21 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Okay so practice wise the last few days have been kinda meh, with today as an interesting exception.
Basically most of the day has consisted of just walking around, where everything is chill and happening where it is. Then when I meditate in the evening (or try to go to bed at night) the head pressure builds up, does its thing and is still kinda annoying. Interesting enough, when I walk around or do any kind of daily activities the pressure goes away.
Today however, I tried something new. Basically, I was inspired by a comment Metizinger made in his talk that DW posted on the other thread. He talks about how a lot of times when people have these 'pure consciousness experiences' they realized that there is something there to regular experience, thats always there, that they never noticed, that's a relief. I remember learning about this a little bit (or something that sounded similar) in Dzogchen, but not knowing too much about it. I think I always assumed it was something along the lines of an active process where you unhook your attention and put it on space itself. I decided to try to look for this subtle thing that is always there. The rules I was playing by are
1. It should be effortless
2. It should lower dukkah
3. it should be subtle but once realized it should be somehow 'persistent'
I think I found something along these lines? It's basically like becoming aware (without the need to shift attention, change objects, or put any effort into) the negative space that is always there regardless of if stuff is zoomed in, out, there are/aren't objs etc etc. It's more 'bare' awareness, and so it feels unbound, spacious, and just kinda nice. And its a thing that seems always there. Plus as I tried to be aware of it during tonights sit, the things I noticed were that 1. the head pressure didn't build up on itself as it had been the past two days (it was still there, but less frequent, less magnitude, and less feedback loopy?) 2. it shifts perspective away from a me here with space there, to a blank awareness canvas that has things painted ontop of them. And the things ontop of the cavas arent as a big of a problem.
I also started a book 'The nonexistence of the real world', which is basically the emptiness philosophy, but built up through modern western thought and tools. Like the emptiness is called irrealism. And its very interesting. So the idea is we have a few of these models for reality. There is direct realism, which is basically that there is a material world, that we are directly aware of (like a very what you see is what you get kind of logic). This obviously has problems with things like hallucinations. The next step is indirect realism that has something along the lines of
Perceiver -> perceived || veil of perception|| <- object
Then a popular idea here is representationalism, that basically we have a little virtual reality in our head. Here though, people vary wildly on how good that map in our head is. You have some people that believe it is essentially correct - like we see rocks, trees, etc and there is a world of things itself that has groups of atoms that are rocks, trees, etc (they might not have say color in the way we think about it), but that we really are navigating a material world. Then there are camps that are basically saying our map is basically useless. So the analogy is a computer GUI, the GUI has things like a mouse, files, an hourglass, etc but none of this looks remotely like the insides of the computer. We couldn't make the slightest deduction about the insides of the computer from the GUI. The problem with these is 1. we have no idea about how accurate these maps are 2. there isn't really any compelling evidence of the existence of the world from them.
Here comes irrealism. This is basically saying no the map is the territory, there is nothing outside the representation. (Like we have this idea of trying to see 'the objective world' but there is no we in that world...). Like the virtual world is this all consuming thing. Any evidence we have of something outside of it, or statements we can make about an outside world, or whatever exist within the virtual world. (Basically direct realism assumed there was a material world and no veil of perception, irrealism assumes there is no veil of perception, but no material world).
fwiw they arent denying there is a world out there, or matter, or objects or anything. But how its explained in the book is
But even this idea that there is an outside world, is a concept within the VR that is useful to help navigate the VR.
Basically most of the day has consisted of just walking around, where everything is chill and happening where it is. Then when I meditate in the evening (or try to go to bed at night) the head pressure builds up, does its thing and is still kinda annoying. Interesting enough, when I walk around or do any kind of daily activities the pressure goes away.
Today however, I tried something new. Basically, I was inspired by a comment Metizinger made in his talk that DW posted on the other thread. He talks about how a lot of times when people have these 'pure consciousness experiences' they realized that there is something there to regular experience, thats always there, that they never noticed, that's a relief. I remember learning about this a little bit (or something that sounded similar) in Dzogchen, but not knowing too much about it. I think I always assumed it was something along the lines of an active process where you unhook your attention and put it on space itself. I decided to try to look for this subtle thing that is always there. The rules I was playing by are
1. It should be effortless
2. It should lower dukkah
3. it should be subtle but once realized it should be somehow 'persistent'
I think I found something along these lines? It's basically like becoming aware (without the need to shift attention, change objects, or put any effort into) the negative space that is always there regardless of if stuff is zoomed in, out, there are/aren't objs etc etc. It's more 'bare' awareness, and so it feels unbound, spacious, and just kinda nice. And its a thing that seems always there. Plus as I tried to be aware of it during tonights sit, the things I noticed were that 1. the head pressure didn't build up on itself as it had been the past two days (it was still there, but less frequent, less magnitude, and less feedback loopy?) 2. it shifts perspective away from a me here with space there, to a blank awareness canvas that has things painted ontop of them. And the things ontop of the cavas arent as a big of a problem.
I also started a book 'The nonexistence of the real world', which is basically the emptiness philosophy, but built up through modern western thought and tools. Like the emptiness is called irrealism. And its very interesting. So the idea is we have a few of these models for reality. There is direct realism, which is basically that there is a material world, that we are directly aware of (like a very what you see is what you get kind of logic). This obviously has problems with things like hallucinations. The next step is indirect realism that has something along the lines of
Perceiver -> perceived || veil of perception|| <- object
Then a popular idea here is representationalism, that basically we have a little virtual reality in our head. Here though, people vary wildly on how good that map in our head is. You have some people that believe it is essentially correct - like we see rocks, trees, etc and there is a world of things itself that has groups of atoms that are rocks, trees, etc (they might not have say color in the way we think about it), but that we really are navigating a material world. Then there are camps that are basically saying our map is basically useless. So the analogy is a computer GUI, the GUI has things like a mouse, files, an hourglass, etc but none of this looks remotely like the insides of the computer. We couldn't make the slightest deduction about the insides of the computer from the GUI. The problem with these is 1. we have no idea about how accurate these maps are 2. there isn't really any compelling evidence of the existence of the world from them.
Here comes irrealism. This is basically saying no the map is the territory, there is nothing outside the representation. (Like we have this idea of trying to see 'the objective world' but there is no we in that world...). Like the virtual world is this all consuming thing. Any evidence we have of something outside of it, or statements we can make about an outside world, or whatever exist within the virtual world. (Basically direct realism assumed there was a material world and no veil of perception, irrealism assumes there is no veil of perception, but no material world).
fwiw they arent denying there is a world out there, or matter, or objects or anything. But how its explained in the book is
Note that this position (which we will refer to as irrealist) is not a variety of external world scepticism. The irrealist does not make the epistemological claim that we cannot have certain knowledge that there is an external world. That mental representations represent is not under dispute, what the irrealist and the foundationalists disagree about is an ontological question, namely what the nature of the represented entities is. For the foundationalists they are objects of a fundamentally different kind, belonging to whatever kind of most fundamental objects he wants to assume (fundamental particles, tropes, sets, ideas in the divine mind etc). For the irrealist they are objects of the same kind. What the representing parts of the model represents are other parts of the same model that appear as if they belonged to a separate kind of thing.
But even this idea that there is an outside world, is a concept within the VR that is useful to help navigate the VR.
Chris M, modified 11 Months ago at 2/18/24 7:27 AM
Created 11 Months ago at 2/18/24 7:27 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
I read this book by Donald Hoffman (UC Irvine) about a year ago. It's right along the lines you're thinking about now:
The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth From Our Eyes
Bonus - a related video interview
The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth From Our Eyes
Bonus - a related video interview
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 11 Months ago at 2/18/24 9:43 AM
Created 11 Months ago at 2/18/24 9:43 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsBonus - a related video interview
There is a part of me that thinks, "well duh!". Like there are things like this littered over our perceptual makeup. Like humans are the only primate that sees red (probably for finding food), our eyes are extremely sensitive to green (ever see a green laser pointer? You can see a weak battery powered one for miles), disgust gets turned off when we are aroused. It's interesting that people just assumed that our senses would evolve to be accurate (like this seems like some kind of enlightenment bias [and not the fun kind of enlightenment]). But like it feels almost obvious to say "the selective process that biases things towards thing-replication would result in perceptual systems that are themselves biased towards biological replication".
Okay it is almost lunch, so I will have to take a break from this interview. However, I do think this is getting into this interesting logic that irrealism is about. Because this guy is talking about how physicist think we're done with spacetime (it doesnt work when you get to 10^-30 whatever), but you basically need these crazy mathematical geometries, and weirds sets of equations, etc. But is this actually getting to the core of what reality is? Like sure, it may give us equations to predict things better. But is reality really an amplituhedron that
In planar N = 4 supersymmetric Yang–Mills theory, also equivalent to the perturbative topological B model string theory in twistor space, an amplituhedron is defined as a mathematical space known as the positive Grassmannian
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 11 Months ago at 2/18/24 6:08 PM
Created 11 Months ago at 2/18/24 6:08 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I do actually fuck with this guy. Like okay if we're starting to make a theory, why not assume consciousness experience as the primitives (because that's what we have access to?) and build things out from there. I think Ill look into his book and his papers
Chris M, modified 11 Months ago at 2/19/24 6:55 AM
Created 11 Months ago at 2/19/24 6:44 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsI think I'll look into his book and his papers.
The book is the best place to start, IMHO. In it, Hoffman lays out the modern science history of consciousness studies, explains the inadequacies of some and the promise of others, then proposes his ideas and answers its common critiques. The book gets pretty geeky - so you'll probably like it

Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 11 Months ago at 2/18/24 6:12 PM
Created 11 Months ago at 2/18/24 6:12 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Today was good practice wise. I've been doing more of what I did yesterday, which I might describe as "immediately accessing the 6th jhana element there in normal experience".
First sit - tired. My experience got super light and easy, and my head kept slumping down.
Second sit - head pressures came up but were no bother. Seem to be coming out more from the background of lightness, and my attention never really sank into them
Third sit - similar to the second, until at one point on the crown of my head started to vibrate for a few minutes. It felt similar to hair standing up or when you have pins and needles from falling asleep. After that the head pressure seemed much smaller and gentler (I think it released some of the attachment?), and would also flicker more and more.
First sit - tired. My experience got super light and easy, and my head kept slumping down.
Second sit - head pressures came up but were no bother. Seem to be coming out more from the background of lightness, and my attention never really sank into them
Third sit - similar to the second, until at one point on the crown of my head started to vibrate for a few minutes. It felt similar to hair standing up or when you have pins and needles from falling asleep. After that the head pressure seemed much smaller and gentler (I think it released some of the attachment?), and would also flicker more and more.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 11 Months ago at 2/19/24 7:30 PM
Created 11 Months ago at 2/19/24 7:30 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Morning sit - similar to yesterday, where everything became peaceful and clear, and i probably became a little sleepy
Afternoon sit - cant remember well
Even sit - lots of head pressure, this then started lots of crawling/tingling/itching/tickling in my skin. At one point my head was in pain for a little, then my stomach immediately after. At one point my head muscle began to pulsate. Did a couple cycles of head pressure. Sitt lasting just shy of 2 hours, pretty organically.
Afternoon sit - cant remember well
Even sit - lots of head pressure, this then started lots of crawling/tingling/itching/tickling in my skin. At one point my head was in pain for a little, then my stomach immediately after. At one point my head muscle began to pulsate. Did a couple cycles of head pressure. Sitt lasting just shy of 2 hours, pretty organically.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 11 Months ago at 3/11/24 8:03 AM
Created 11 Months ago at 3/11/24 8:03 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
About a week ago I had a session where I was trying to pay attention to the current moment, and I noticed there was an urgency to it. Upon further investigation, there was a bit of tension in my chest that I hadn't really noticed, and that was creating the feeling of this restlessness, and as i noticed it, my attention on it loosened and it went away. This made me realize that there were probably things I wasnt noticing because my attention was too broad. I tried zooming in on my head, so that my whole head was the center of attention, so not narrow nor broad, and there were a lot of little pressure waves going in the background behind the big sense of pressure. These small pressure waves corresponding to things like feeling tired, annoyed, shifting view points, etc. A good amount of them got released during that meditation sit, and since then there has still been some pressure, but magnitude/frequency wise it cut down to maybe 25% what it was.
Since then I've been keeping my attention mostly at a head level, and a lot of the action up there has simplified. There are still some subtle pressures and stuff, but before where there was maybe 4-5 things happening with one big thing in the foreground, now there might be 1-3 things.
Since then I've been keeping my attention mostly at a head level, and a lot of the action up there has simplified. There are still some subtle pressures and stuff, but before where there was maybe 4-5 things happening with one big thing in the foreground, now there might be 1-3 things.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 11 Months ago at 3/13/24 8:18 AM
Created 11 Months ago at 3/13/24 8:18 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I met with a teacher about two weeks ago. I gave him my backstory, and talked a bit about the head pressure and formlessness like stuff I've been experiencing lately. I also talked about switching from "object-view" to "frame/flow-view". He brought up an interesting point that Noting tends to reify objects and form and doesn't necessarily build up insight into the deathless.
He gave me some interesting things to think about.
1. What is this underlying space made out of?
2. What happens at the edges of space?
3. Where do things come from, and where do they go? (He phrased it as what exactly is the deathless?)
I started off practicing this, then went down the side road that I was describing last time where I noticed a lot of self-processes happening in the background that had skated by without deep investigation. Today however the side road merged back into the regular road organically.
It started off me focusing on the little bits of tension in my head that indicate things like effort, sleepiness, dissatisfaction, etc. At a certain point it was noticed that they were changing very rapidly, and my attention switched from an object view more to a change view (but was still very zoomed in). The little bits of tension were just kinda splashing in and out of existence. The interesting thing I noticed was that these tensions were still creating a sense of a 3d thing onto/separate from a 2d background. At a certain point I decided to play around with viewing everything as a 2d image. This automatically made my attention zoom out to do everything, and suddenly the grippiness that created the separated 3d head stuff went away. Everything just felt broad and flowly then (and also very 2d), without a big sense of seperation.
The interesting thing is the answers I'd give to the questions. To answer 1. experience feels almost like a watercolor with thin colors. Even though there are chromatic differences across the page, you can tell the whole thing is paper. It's like the stuff I feel is like a thin thing ontop of something else. But the stuff in the picture seems almost conserved in a certain sense. Like its not being created nor destroyed, but morphing itself into something else every moment.
The answer to number 2 (from my earlier investigates a few weeks ago), was the edges seeming inaccessible in a weird way. Like if my attention tries to get close, usually a mental image of a boundary arises (like the walls of a room or something). It also just seems like there is nothing there really. Like space doesnt seem to exist in a real way (behind me doesnt exist until I look for behind me, for example), and when im looking broadly there doesnt seem to be anything there around the edges.
He gave me some interesting things to think about.
1. What is this underlying space made out of?
2. What happens at the edges of space?
3. Where do things come from, and where do they go? (He phrased it as what exactly is the deathless?)
I started off practicing this, then went down the side road that I was describing last time where I noticed a lot of self-processes happening in the background that had skated by without deep investigation. Today however the side road merged back into the regular road organically.
It started off me focusing on the little bits of tension in my head that indicate things like effort, sleepiness, dissatisfaction, etc. At a certain point it was noticed that they were changing very rapidly, and my attention switched from an object view more to a change view (but was still very zoomed in). The little bits of tension were just kinda splashing in and out of existence. The interesting thing I noticed was that these tensions were still creating a sense of a 3d thing onto/separate from a 2d background. At a certain point I decided to play around with viewing everything as a 2d image. This automatically made my attention zoom out to do everything, and suddenly the grippiness that created the separated 3d head stuff went away. Everything just felt broad and flowly then (and also very 2d), without a big sense of seperation.
The interesting thing is the answers I'd give to the questions. To answer 1. experience feels almost like a watercolor with thin colors. Even though there are chromatic differences across the page, you can tell the whole thing is paper. It's like the stuff I feel is like a thin thing ontop of something else. But the stuff in the picture seems almost conserved in a certain sense. Like its not being created nor destroyed, but morphing itself into something else every moment.
The answer to number 2 (from my earlier investigates a few weeks ago), was the edges seeming inaccessible in a weird way. Like if my attention tries to get close, usually a mental image of a boundary arises (like the walls of a room or something). It also just seems like there is nothing there really. Like space doesnt seem to exist in a real way (behind me doesnt exist until I look for behind me, for example), and when im looking broadly there doesnt seem to be anything there around the edges.
Bahiya Baby, modified 10 Months ago at 3/13/24 5:38 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/13/24 5:29 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
"object-view" to "frame/flow-view"
This is important. Noting has to become noticing. I've mentioned elsewhere my own beginner practice went straight to this kind of meta awareness and I struggle with knowing when to point this out to people or knowing whether or not they've grokked it. I guess because my own practice did not originate in the context of Buddhism or noting.
1. What is this underlying space made out of?
2. What happens at the edges of space?
3. Where do things come from, and where do they go? (He phrased it as what exactly is the deathless?)
So, experience is happening in a space and you can be aware of that space in a surfy flowing way; reality can sort of stream past your ears. Then, you can notice that the stream, both all of it and its various components, are impermanent, disatisfactory and not self. The flow and its parts happen on their own, no lasting pleasure can be found in them and they are made of lots of shimmering particles. The phenomeonology of that recognition isn't something that's pointed at it is something that is felt to be true about reality itself. The whole realization is flowing, from one moment into the next and the more we return to the space, the more we free ourselves from particularly sticky thoughts, patterns, worldviews, etc. You'll notice the sticky stuff often happens habitually without any awareness of the space around it but as we return to awareness of that space, time and time again, the neurotic habits starts to relax, they start to be just more experience in space.
Anyway, good, cool, nice... good luck !!
* I firmly believe a deep reading and re-reading of the three characteristics chapter in MCTB points us to "flow-view". But, I also think the significance of this chapter is missed by many people (Not you specifically Geoffrey, I'm just venting something into the ether)
This is important. Noting has to become noticing. I've mentioned elsewhere my own beginner practice went straight to this kind of meta awareness and I struggle with knowing when to point this out to people or knowing whether or not they've grokked it. I guess because my own practice did not originate in the context of Buddhism or noting.
1. What is this underlying space made out of?
2. What happens at the edges of space?
3. Where do things come from, and where do they go? (He phrased it as what exactly is the deathless?)
So, experience is happening in a space and you can be aware of that space in a surfy flowing way; reality can sort of stream past your ears. Then, you can notice that the stream, both all of it and its various components, are impermanent, disatisfactory and not self. The flow and its parts happen on their own, no lasting pleasure can be found in them and they are made of lots of shimmering particles. The phenomeonology of that recognition isn't something that's pointed at it is something that is felt to be true about reality itself. The whole realization is flowing, from one moment into the next and the more we return to the space, the more we free ourselves from particularly sticky thoughts, patterns, worldviews, etc. You'll notice the sticky stuff often happens habitually without any awareness of the space around it but as we return to awareness of that space, time and time again, the neurotic habits starts to relax, they start to be just more experience in space.
Anyway, good, cool, nice... good luck !!
* I firmly believe a deep reading and re-reading of the three characteristics chapter in MCTB points us to "flow-view". But, I also think the significance of this chapter is missed by many people (Not you specifically Geoffrey, I'm just venting something into the ether)
Chris M, modified 10 Months ago at 3/13/24 9:41 AM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/13/24 9:36 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
I think you've made a good decision to take this new track.
Experience plays out from a view, a lens of sorts. We can sometimes choose the view to use, so what we experience is changed by our assumed view. It can also be changed by our expectations. This is logically obvious when we grok that the mind is the source of experience, but practicing using different suppositions (views) can help make this a deeper, more "felt" insight. Views are also prone to develop as habits over time, so we walk around in our lives assuming things like the mental maps we have to "see" where we are in space, or time. Really investigating these things can help free us from all manner of assumptions, which at some point becomes really handy in the awakening process.
Experience plays out from a view, a lens of sorts. We can sometimes choose the view to use, so what we experience is changed by our assumed view. It can also be changed by our expectations. This is logically obvious when we grok that the mind is the source of experience, but practicing using different suppositions (views) can help make this a deeper, more "felt" insight. Views are also prone to develop as habits over time, so we walk around in our lives assuming things like the mental maps we have to "see" where we are in space, or time. Really investigating these things can help free us from all manner of assumptions, which at some point becomes really handy in the awakening process.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 10 Months ago at 3/14/24 8:48 AM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/14/24 8:48 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Some kind of evolution seems to be happening. It seems like doing the 2d relaxes the feeling of a self in a peculiar way, where the 3dness gets squashed into 2d and that naturally makes my mind let go. Last night, I did the trick I learned months ago from feedback from Bahiya, where first I do it intentionally a few times, then I just try to notice it happen on its own as consistently as I can, then it just becomes a kind of mind habit.
Today's sit had a few different states. There was a primary state where it just felt like my whole body was sitting there, no center, but with a little bit of solidity in my head, but not feeling like I was attaching to it (like my whole body feels relaxed, even with the head solidy. Nothing is fighting its existence anymore). A state where there was some flat solidity in my head that appeared to center the frame there, and an in between state where the solidity was there and subtlety different, and I could feel like had whatever this quality been turned up, my attention would be centered there, but it wasn't. But in all the cases, this 3d gripping that feels a bit self-creating and self-perpetuating was gone. Most of the slight feeling of dissatisfaction/nausea in my head is gone as well.
It does just seem like my mind has learned significantly how to just let this aspect of self creation go and to just be.
Today's sit had a few different states. There was a primary state where it just felt like my whole body was sitting there, no center, but with a little bit of solidity in my head, but not feeling like I was attaching to it (like my whole body feels relaxed, even with the head solidy. Nothing is fighting its existence anymore). A state where there was some flat solidity in my head that appeared to center the frame there, and an in between state where the solidity was there and subtlety different, and I could feel like had whatever this quality been turned up, my attention would be centered there, but it wasn't. But in all the cases, this 3d gripping that feels a bit self-creating and self-perpetuating was gone. Most of the slight feeling of dissatisfaction/nausea in my head is gone as well.
It does just seem like my mind has learned significantly how to just let this aspect of self creation go and to just be.
shargrol, modified 10 Months ago at 3/14/24 10:26 AM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/14/24 10:26 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
The way I think about flow state is that at a certain point, the movement of attention itself needs to be studyed.
It sounds impossible when "I am" is identified with being "the observer" but at a certain point, especially in EQ, there should be a sense that we can just watch where attention moves to next. Attention moves on it's own, which suggests that "I am the observer, I am attention" isn't quite true.
This shift is very important for the kind of letting go that needs to occur for Stream Entry.
It sounds impossible when "I am" is identified with being "the observer" but at a certain point, especially in EQ, there should be a sense that we can just watch where attention moves to next. Attention moves on it's own, which suggests that "I am the observer, I am attention" isn't quite true.
This shift is very important for the kind of letting go that needs to occur for Stream Entry.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 10 Months ago at 3/14/24 9:53 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/14/24 9:53 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
I wish to describe the few weeks before SE happened to me ... if I can ... certainly "flow" would be too romantic of a description.
Ehm ... lemme see ... I'm doing this without any pre pondering ... so ...
A bit like an empty pot, a pot without substance. A bit ... dream like and slightly numb. A bit like just not knowing and stuff is just stuffing itself but without such pondering.
There certainly ain't no meditator or one who knows this. There is knowing but has no weight. A bit like a wind. Not sure. Control has fallen away, but I dont know this.

Ehm ... lemme see ... I'm doing this without any pre pondering ... so ...
A bit like an empty pot, a pot without substance. A bit ... dream like and slightly numb. A bit like just not knowing and stuff is just stuffing itself but without such pondering.
There certainly ain't no meditator or one who knows this. There is knowing but has no weight. A bit like a wind. Not sure. Control has fallen away, but I dont know this.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 10 Months ago at 3/15/24 3:12 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/15/24 3:12 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Had a very chilled out meditation this morning. It mostly felt like waves rocking on a boat.
Had a second meeting with the new meditation teacher. My notes from his suggestions.
Played around with 1 and 3 today. For 1, I found when I zoomed in, it was much easier to let attention manage itself (it seems like trying to manage it is refocusing on subtle sensations around the sensation of interest). It does seem like the big pressure is bits of little pressures, similar to what got dissolved a few posts ago. At one point my sinus like twitched, which has never happened before. For 3, it seems like thing-ness is a specific moment when things just become really clear? Like it doesn't happen for all objects, but for some object it feels like there is just a moment where something "pops" and because more clear and defined. I noticed there were a few instances of thing-ness seeming to last for a few fractions of a second, where something seems more objecty than the normal flow. It didn't seem like everything ever was a thing though.
Had a second meeting with the new meditation teacher. My notes from his suggestions.
- zoom in (to the head pressure), examine things in detail, see emptiness/nothingnessness. dissolve it once and for all
- try for cessation. two kinds of cessation. Low arousal mode (expanded, things just fizzle out), high arousal mode (focused into something, space disappears). This wont be obvious without short term memory (looker goes away before cessation). look for the blips and reflect on them.
- try to look for thing-ness getting attachted to things (ha). It has a phenomological quality, but it is going to be very quick, and you'll have to use amodal attention (like how things are known in a non-direct way, like how a head tension might be just known as a doer).
Played around with 1 and 3 today. For 1, I found when I zoomed in, it was much easier to let attention manage itself (it seems like trying to manage it is refocusing on subtle sensations around the sensation of interest). It does seem like the big pressure is bits of little pressures, similar to what got dissolved a few posts ago. At one point my sinus like twitched, which has never happened before. For 3, it seems like thing-ness is a specific moment when things just become really clear? Like it doesn't happen for all objects, but for some object it feels like there is just a moment where something "pops" and because more clear and defined. I noticed there were a few instances of thing-ness seeming to last for a few fractions of a second, where something seems more objecty than the normal flow. It didn't seem like everything ever was a thing though.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 10 Months ago at 3/18/24 11:18 AM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/18/24 11:18 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I actually think just subtle noticing things is the way to go here. When I sit, there is subtle flowiness, which is hard to spot during daily life (unless the head pressure comes back, in which case its noticeable but not intrusive). Even counting my breath has been helpful, because getting the mind that little bit more settled helps me notice more subtle things. But the last few days have been a bit more hectic, so my meditation has been a bit more haphazard.
Today was interesting though. I used breath stuff to calm my mind down. I noticed one aspect of self that had flown over the radar, when my head pressure changes rapidly, it creates a bit of an impulse, which comes before thoughts sometimes, but gives it the feeling that I'm thinking my thoughts. I watched that for a good while today to see the times where thoughts happen with no impulses, and impulses happen with no thoughts to try and destick that a bit. When my mind was calm, a lot of the headpressure felt formless, like no edges or shapes but I could still feel like it was there. The other interesting thing I noticed was there are moments where it feels like the system stutters a bit. They might be single moments where it seems like my vision flickers out (to black), or it feels like an energy impulse through the body? (kinda hard to tell because it happens so quickly), but there is a bit of that like system startling.
Today was interesting though. I used breath stuff to calm my mind down. I noticed one aspect of self that had flown over the radar, when my head pressure changes rapidly, it creates a bit of an impulse, which comes before thoughts sometimes, but gives it the feeling that I'm thinking my thoughts. I watched that for a good while today to see the times where thoughts happen with no impulses, and impulses happen with no thoughts to try and destick that a bit. When my mind was calm, a lot of the headpressure felt formless, like no edges or shapes but I could still feel like it was there. The other interesting thing I noticed was there are moments where it feels like the system stutters a bit. They might be single moments where it seems like my vision flickers out (to black), or it feels like an energy impulse through the body? (kinda hard to tell because it happens so quickly), but there is a bit of that like system startling.
Bahiya Baby, modified 10 Months ago at 3/18/24 6:35 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/18/24 6:35 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsI actually think just subtle noticing things is the way to go here.
Nice, subtle relaxed awareness is the gateway to things noticing themselves.
I watched that for a good while today to see the times where thoughts happen with no impulses, and impulses happen with no thoughts to try and destick that a bit.
This kind of meta awareness is great !!
Papa Che Dusko, modified 10 Months ago at 3/18/24 8:55 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/18/24 8:54 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
The thing about High EQ stage is it seems as the head is in the clouds but not "up there" and rather all THIS is just in the clouds and stuff is stuffing itself and I just cant even do stuff as I have no clue about any of this. I think High EQ is the one stage one can not just imagine and make a thing out of it. As one can do out of DN for example or other lower stages so to speak. One can think oneself into a DN Dukkha and make a holy shit out of oneself
(speaking out of experience). Low EQ is of no benefit and is best to be regarded as "fake EQ" if you ask me
so do not cling or hold onto it. keep NOTING all its aspects ... Not sure what I wanted to say here but yeah ... I guess Best wishes!
May my words be of no harm!

Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 10 Months ago at 3/19/24 2:15 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/19/24 2:15 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Yesterday was an odd one. The pressure felt higher, but like it was "being forced over to the other side". Like, sometimes it feels like its gripping onto itself and creating a "this side" but yesterday the mind decided to be donezo with that i suppose. Today, the pressure stuff feels much lighter through the day and always feels on that side. During the meditation, with no pressure, it just feels like everything is completely flowy and wavey and nothing has to happen for meditation to happen, awareness/objects just flow into creation. When the pressure comes back, it feels on the other side, but an interesting thing is you can see attention alternate between to things rapidly, which if you werent paying attention would feel like two things existing at once. This alternation feels really clean, like the objects arent appearing or dissapearing or anything (existentially) but are just appearing and disappearing from the mind in sequence.
But it feels like the self is thawing out ultimately
But it feels like the self is thawing out ultimately
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 10 Months ago at 3/22/24 12:06 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/22/24 12:06 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I think I figured out the next step forward! I had a flight yesterday, and I meditated for the bulk of the 4 hours. I was trying not zooming in on my head pressure, but instead trying to stay with everything as it came up. What ended up happening was I started to notice more and more things that weren't my head, and as that happened my head pressure would soften, and the system naturally learned to automatically divert focus to start softening the head (and it learned to start naturally lowering the levels itself). But it got to the point where it can soften it out of being the center of attention/fairly distinct thing. It feels that on some deep level im relaxing something that I wasn't able to relax before. And things are getting more flowy.
It split over into today's meditation. The focusing on other stuff softened the head pressure to the point where it felt like it was just energy. Although still unpleasant. I've started to get glipses of witness consciousness, where the stickiness of the head pressure disappears, and it seems like everything is happening in this 3d space that is untouched by anything it contains. I've noticed that it helps to get into super-flow-mode, which isnt an active thing (because you dont have to do anything to notice things as they occur), but requires that deep level of relaxation. As I spent more time in super flow mode today, it became the flowiest state ive achieved, and the head pressure stuff seemed to lose it's unpleasantness.
It split over into today's meditation. The focusing on other stuff softened the head pressure to the point where it felt like it was just energy. Although still unpleasant. I've started to get glipses of witness consciousness, where the stickiness of the head pressure disappears, and it seems like everything is happening in this 3d space that is untouched by anything it contains. I've noticed that it helps to get into super-flow-mode, which isnt an active thing (because you dont have to do anything to notice things as they occur), but requires that deep level of relaxation. As I spent more time in super flow mode today, it became the flowiest state ive achieved, and the head pressure stuff seemed to lose it's unpleasantness.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 10 Months ago at 3/22/24 5:19 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 3/22/24 5:19 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Can't say about you and your developmental journey but the sense of "solid" witness knowing all this, happened to me back in 2010 and I see it as happening after the experience of the thinking self falling far into the background and all what's left was that "awake witness" watching all this stuff.
I described it to Kenneth Folk (years later) as if it was a witness (felt like true self/subject) looking though a transparent curtain (breath awareness) out into the world (objects).
btw that sense of a thinking self falling far far away into the background didn't last more than that one session. However it did show that I am not these thoughts. But the rumbling stuff came back to the forefront again of course. It's part of this human stuffing.
I described it to Kenneth Folk (years later) as if it was a witness (felt like true self/subject) looking though a transparent curtain (breath awareness) out into the world (objects).
btw that sense of a thinking self falling far far away into the background didn't last more than that one session. However it did show that I am not these thoughts. But the rumbling stuff came back to the forefront again of course. It's part of this human stuffing.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 10 Months ago at 4/1/24 11:30 AM
Created 10 Months ago at 4/1/24 11:30 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
There hasn't been any big things that have happened in the last few days so I havent been logging as much. Overall it feels like the head pressure has thawed out a bit, it now feels much more goopy, morphy, and "organic". The overall intensity is down, consistently across the board, and I dont really seem to get the big flare ups late at night when im trying to sleep.
For practice, usually when i first go to sit, the combo of head pressure and restlessness will make it feel like my attention is behind (temporally) and trying to catch up. Eventually, though, things "click" into place, and it feels like everything is exactly where it is, where it needs to be, and just doing it's thing, like it doesnt feel like anything is off or there is anything to do (or really that there is any separation). From there its just chilling with everything with no real effort. Sometimes things can feel a little jumpy, sometimes they can feel calm and my head sort of slowly nods down, sometimes things can start to flow fast. But there is that level of peace.
Outside of practice, life has seemed to flow by pretty effortlessly since leaving the monastery. It feels like good times, bad times, boring times, etc just flow by. I feel less existentially stress out, and before where I was comparing my life to my friends, now it just feels like we're playing different games. I am a bit blown away how sharp and precisely, I feel emotions now.
For practice, usually when i first go to sit, the combo of head pressure and restlessness will make it feel like my attention is behind (temporally) and trying to catch up. Eventually, though, things "click" into place, and it feels like everything is exactly where it is, where it needs to be, and just doing it's thing, like it doesnt feel like anything is off or there is anything to do (or really that there is any separation). From there its just chilling with everything with no real effort. Sometimes things can feel a little jumpy, sometimes they can feel calm and my head sort of slowly nods down, sometimes things can start to flow fast. But there is that level of peace.
Outside of practice, life has seemed to flow by pretty effortlessly since leaving the monastery. It feels like good times, bad times, boring times, etc just flow by. I feel less existentially stress out, and before where I was comparing my life to my friends, now it just feels like we're playing different games. I am a bit blown away how sharp and precisely, I feel emotions now.
Bahiya Baby, modified 10 Months ago at 4/1/24 7:37 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 4/1/24 7:37 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 10 Months ago at 4/3/24 10:34 AM
Created 10 Months ago at 4/3/24 10:34 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I decided to investigate the head pressure today. It was interesting, at the start, parts of it would feel very well defined, like beads. So I'd look at the beads, the would quickly fade, then there would be like this burst of aversive/unpleasant/"oh god" energy. That would quickly fade too, and then I'd rinse and repeat. Basically, I would just put my attention on the most salient part of the head pressure. It also felt like some of the head pressure would make muscle contract a bit, which would add, and so the system would just periodically relax itself (without a strong feeling of me doing it). Over the course of the hour however, the bursty aversive stuff just kinda faded, and the well-defined bits just seemed to become less defined and more spacious. Overall things feel much more pleasant and nice right now, and I have a feeling that if I just sat and really did this exercise for half a day maybe I could dissolve everything.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 10 Months ago at 4/6/24 2:20 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 4/6/24 2:20 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
A few days ago I had a long flight. I wanted to meditate through the flight. I decided to work on trying to see when the mind makes sensations into things. I decided to try using noting. So really examining the process of sensations -> thing construction -> labelling. One of the interesting things is that the thing of construction isnt really apparent, the whole process really just seemed very smooth. The big side effect though was I really realized that thoughts are independent of head pressure. Phenologically it felt like thoughts are kinda operating in a different space (they have no weight to them), and it sort of felt like body and thoughts were separable (like happening independently, and not "touching" each other). I continued to meditate for a couple more hours and it climaxed at a point when there was annoying head pressure, but all the sensations in awareness became really transparent, and it sort of dawned on me "even if things suck there doesnt have to be any suffering, thats being created". It reminded me of an old teacher who used to say "awareness passes through all objects" or how the non-dual people talk about "awareness can hold all objects good or bad without being effected".
Over the next few days the relationship to my head pressure changed a lot. The first day, I would actively remember "even if things suck there doesnt have to be any suffering", and I could feel the system relax, awareness broader, and the head pressure feeling more as an object "over there". Over the next few days, the remembering to do it faded and it felt like it became more and more automatic and default.
Today I went to meditate and I figured out the why. I noticed what was happening was attention is would alternate between the head pressures (which would tend to become an attention sync), and space itself. The amount that attention would focus on one versus the other would create a feeling of a persistent self or of equanimity, and I think since the flight the percentage of where attention would naturally land had shifted. As attention would broaden, and I felt like "I" became everything, it dawned on me to ask what exactly the "I" was. Im not 100% sure about this, but it feels like when things go broad, there is still a bit of thin "substance" that attention is landing on (vs thick "substance" which makes up the head pressure, attachment, etc) - like its almost like a thin wall, with fuzzy edges, that is very big. Eventually even the thin wall faded, and there was a deep sense of peace (like the peacefulness you could spend eternity in), and at this point my mind intended to just surrender into the flow. This was probably about an hour into the sit, and I stayed in the calm mode for another hour. At a certain point, the head pressure and stuff came back, but it felt so soft and nice in comparison in to how it normally feels. I also noticed that the constellation of self would come up periodically, and it had this effect where sometimes it seemed like it was over on this side, sometimes on the other side, but it would just switch (like that optical illusion of the old lady and young lady from the same picture), and my mind would just interpret it differently sometimes.
Over the next few days the relationship to my head pressure changed a lot. The first day, I would actively remember "even if things suck there doesnt have to be any suffering", and I could feel the system relax, awareness broader, and the head pressure feeling more as an object "over there". Over the next few days, the remembering to do it faded and it felt like it became more and more automatic and default.
Today I went to meditate and I figured out the why. I noticed what was happening was attention is would alternate between the head pressures (which would tend to become an attention sync), and space itself. The amount that attention would focus on one versus the other would create a feeling of a persistent self or of equanimity, and I think since the flight the percentage of where attention would naturally land had shifted. As attention would broaden, and I felt like "I" became everything, it dawned on me to ask what exactly the "I" was. Im not 100% sure about this, but it feels like when things go broad, there is still a bit of thin "substance" that attention is landing on (vs thick "substance" which makes up the head pressure, attachment, etc) - like its almost like a thin wall, with fuzzy edges, that is very big. Eventually even the thin wall faded, and there was a deep sense of peace (like the peacefulness you could spend eternity in), and at this point my mind intended to just surrender into the flow. This was probably about an hour into the sit, and I stayed in the calm mode for another hour. At a certain point, the head pressure and stuff came back, but it felt so soft and nice in comparison in to how it normally feels. I also noticed that the constellation of self would come up periodically, and it had this effect where sometimes it seemed like it was over on this side, sometimes on the other side, but it would just switch (like that optical illusion of the old lady and young lady from the same picture), and my mind would just interpret it differently sometimes.
Martin V, modified 10 Months ago at 4/6/24 11:48 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 4/6/24 11:48 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 1075 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent Posts
"even if things suck there doesnt have to be any suffering, thats being created"
Yes, everything is being created. It can be fun to get curious about the mechanism. When is there suffering and when is there no suffering even though things suck? What's the difference between the two states? Are the states stable? How does the suffering come about? What time scales do these things operate on?
Just as questions, even without answers, they are interesting.
Yes, everything is being created. It can be fun to get curious about the mechanism. When is there suffering and when is there no suffering even though things suck? What's the difference between the two states? Are the states stable? How does the suffering come about? What time scales do these things operate on?
Just as questions, even without answers, they are interesting.
shargrol, modified 10 Months ago at 4/6/24 5:32 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 4/6/24 5:32 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
I think it's wise to question whenever something becomes seen as A Big Problem. What I've noticed is that often it's a bit of a smokescreen for a higher/deeper sense of uncertainty. Does that make sense? I'm drunk posting.
Sometimes people need their Big Problem as a protection mechanism as the move into a vagueness/uncertainty. Usually the Big Problem is a constellation of sensations that are confused (fused together) into a fetish like object.
I only know this... because I've been guilty of it.

Sometimes people need their Big Problem as a protection mechanism as the move into a vagueness/uncertainty. Usually the Big Problem is a constellation of sensations that are confused (fused together) into a fetish like object.
I only know this... because I've been guilty of it.

Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 10 Months ago at 4/10/24 12:30 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 4/10/24 12:30 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Since I posted a few days ago, the head pressure stuff has been much less of a bother. It's not a problem unless I make it a problem, eh?
Today my sits were very easy and peaceful. I just sit and my mind naturally goes from thing to thing. Things all feel very flowy, and without distinct boundaries. The pressure in my head feels like a contraction, and it just comes and flows and goes away. I can feel the little bits of it that before trigger a feeling of unease, and this part flows in and out of existence. My mind doesn't feel squirmy, even when attention rests of this part for awhile (its seems to have lost some of the self grippiness).
Over the past few days I've noticed more and more of "social" things just happening automatically - like talking or writing this blog post.
Today my sits were very easy and peaceful. I just sit and my mind naturally goes from thing to thing. Things all feel very flowy, and without distinct boundaries. The pressure in my head feels like a contraction, and it just comes and flows and goes away. I can feel the little bits of it that before trigger a feeling of unease, and this part flows in and out of existence. My mind doesn't feel squirmy, even when attention rests of this part for awhile (its seems to have lost some of the self grippiness).
Over the past few days I've noticed more and more of "social" things just happening automatically - like talking or writing this blog post.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 10 Months ago at 4/10/24 4:05 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 4/10/24 4:01 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
A good practice at this stage can be 'Look How Its ...' as suggested by Kenneth Folk.
Look how its thinking it has figured it all out. Look how its looking at the automaticity of self. Look how it feels flowy and without boundaries. Look how its thinking its Mind is not squirmy. Look how its walking. Look how its hearing and knowing ... Look how its (add what ever is actually arising). Such practice doesnt need to go fast. Just now and then Look at what Its doing ... Look how its ...
Or ignore it if it doesnt resonate of course. (if indeed you are in high EQ then not much really can be done and best is just to be, even that can feel like too much effort in high EQ)
Best wishes!
Look how its thinking it has figured it all out. Look how its looking at the automaticity of self. Look how it feels flowy and without boundaries. Look how its thinking its Mind is not squirmy. Look how its walking. Look how its hearing and knowing ... Look how its (add what ever is actually arising). Such practice doesnt need to go fast. Just now and then Look at what Its doing ... Look how its ...
Or ignore it if it doesnt resonate of course. (if indeed you are in high EQ then not much really can be done and best is just to be, even that can feel like too much effort in high EQ)
Best wishes!
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 10 Months ago at 4/11/24 12:15 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 4/11/24 12:15 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Gave "look how its" a shot today, and it seemed weird. Like im not doing anything, stuff is just doing itself, and it seems like its in contraction and expansion cycles so im not sure what it's doing. I've been doing a modification of what shargrol was talking about by going to myself "what seems to be the problem officer?" whenever unpleasant things come up.<br /><br />Today there were more contractions in my head pressure. It seems to have a couple things it cycles through. At a certain point, there felt like there was a distance between observing and what was being observed. It occured that it might be interesting to minimize the distance (trying to "become all of the sensations). The distance seemed to collapse. What was interesting is then I could see little tiny bits of unpleasantness (maybe the size of grains of sand or rice) around the edges. My attention looked through each one of these, and after a few minutes they dissolved, and while there was still pressure (and no distance), everything seemed to flow really smoothly.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 10 Months ago at 4/11/24 5:40 PM
Created 10 Months ago at 4/11/24 5:40 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 9 Months ago at 4/19/24 12:09 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 4/19/24 12:09 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Practice over the last few days has been going well. It feels like good portion of the head pressures are naturally releasing. Right now it feels like self-like, the weightiness to it has dropped off, and it feels like attention thrusts itself/centers around it a lot less now. A lot of the time it just feels like a boundless sensation floating there on a big screen.
What I've been doing practice wise for the last few days is to really dial back the effort and let everything just be as it is. After about an hour of this usually this leads to a spot where everything feels like and easier and flowier. My concentration has gotten good the last few days, with me feeling consistent piti, a little bit of head bobbing, and getting into a 2nd jhana effortless state today. It seems that by dialing back effort (in a way i didnt realize i was efforting), it relaxes the feeling of trying to control how the meditation unfolds. Today I was able to get into the zone where I just completely surrendered to the flow. This felt like the best way to practice atm, because it seems to cultivate a subtle but pervasive form of equanimity. There are points where I can see attention flow between head stuff and space to create this easier non-self creating view. The flow stuff also creates a strong effect where it seems like everything happens automatically.
What I've been doing practice wise for the last few days is to really dial back the effort and let everything just be as it is. After about an hour of this usually this leads to a spot where everything feels like and easier and flowier. My concentration has gotten good the last few days, with me feeling consistent piti, a little bit of head bobbing, and getting into a 2nd jhana effortless state today. It seems that by dialing back effort (in a way i didnt realize i was efforting), it relaxes the feeling of trying to control how the meditation unfolds. Today I was able to get into the zone where I just completely surrendered to the flow. This felt like the best way to practice atm, because it seems to cultivate a subtle but pervasive form of equanimity. There are points where I can see attention flow between head stuff and space to create this easier non-self creating view. The flow stuff also creates a strong effect where it seems like everything happens automatically.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 9 Months ago at 4/21/24 2:34 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 4/21/24 2:34 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
tI'm pretty optimistic at this point. I think the way I've started to practice is the way that's going to get me to the finish. I meditated for three hours today, and everything head pressure/"self" wise felt much much lighter than yesterday. It also seems like whats going on is there is the zoomed in self mode, which when done from a place of deep relaxation and equanimity softens the dualism. Then when that get's softened enough, there is no zoom in, and these pressures are just there in a big spacious place, not really being different from everything. My hunch is that when Im in the second mode that is also slowly releasing the pressure. Three times during the meditation today I went into these periods of everything getting much lighter, zero effort, the sense of trying to hold things (very subtle) disappears, and if feels like attention can just lightly feel everything. There have also been more "bit" of self that have seemingly been ultrasoften (like a little bit of a feeling of nervousness in my stomach for example), to the point where they no longer pop up as an issue. The general geometry of everything going on has simplified a bit as well.
shargrol, modified 9 Months ago at 4/21/24 4:49 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 4/21/24 4:49 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Sounding really good.
One thing I've sorta debated mentioning is the idea of "dropping any worrying about head pressure as a expression of deep optimism". By that I mean, it can be good to have something that sort of propels us to practice, some core problem or some core question, e.g. fixing head pressure... but the other side of it is then everything is sort of forced through that "view" and the possibilty of creativity/surprise in our practice is kinda crushed.
Sometimes when were trying to fix a problem with our practice we miss out on all the insights that have nothing to do with that problem. And ultimately the big things like SE/nibbana are completely outside of our own personal relationship/battles with reality -- really the whole point of this spiritual stuff is to drop our narrow and personal focus and get a sense of the bigger picture...
In a way, I'm kinda thinking along the lines of how Daniel talk about dropping "the big issue" as part of maturing in practice: 24. From Content to Insight –
So for what it's worth, I think it's totally okay to just let practice go where it wants to and to follow along with where it goes. It seems like you are in a very good place now. Of course, it is still important to have a consistent daily non-heroic practice, but "just sitting and watching where it all goes" seems to match where you are at right now.
One thing I've sorta debated mentioning is the idea of "dropping any worrying about head pressure as a expression of deep optimism". By that I mean, it can be good to have something that sort of propels us to practice, some core problem or some core question, e.g. fixing head pressure... but the other side of it is then everything is sort of forced through that "view" and the possibilty of creativity/surprise in our practice is kinda crushed.
Sometimes when were trying to fix a problem with our practice we miss out on all the insights that have nothing to do with that problem. And ultimately the big things like SE/nibbana are completely outside of our own personal relationship/battles with reality -- really the whole point of this spiritual stuff is to drop our narrow and personal focus and get a sense of the bigger picture...
In a way, I'm kinda thinking along the lines of how Daniel talk about dropping "the big issue" as part of maturing in practice: 24. From Content to Insight –
So for what it's worth, I think it's totally okay to just let practice go where it wants to and to follow along with where it goes. It seems like you are in a very good place now. Of course, it is still important to have a consistent daily non-heroic practice, but "just sitting and watching where it all goes" seems to match where you are at right now.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 1:54 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 1:54 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 1:56 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 1:53 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Okay I've had a whirlwind of a few days, so lots to say and please bear with me.
A few nights ago, after reading shargrols comment, I decided to give it a try when I was having a huge amount of difficulty sleeping. I wanted to focus on trying to see beyond my head pressure, so I decided to try and look more broadly. Ironically, after a bit thing cleared up and I got a big insight into the head pressure workings. It was built up on lots of little insights that have been happening over the past few weeks that I haven't been super vocal about. Let me explain - imagine you pull up MS paint, and in the center you draw a filled yellow rectangle. Great. Now imagine you come in with a tool to draw half translucent orange balls, and you just start covering the yellow rectangle, and you just keep doing this randomly like 20 times until you have a blob of mostly orange, some parts darker than the other. Now I think naively I was meditating like this whole thing was one object, but then occasionally I'd see one ball kinda by itself and it would become less of a problem (and these balls have kinda a 1-1 "interpretation" where before I would say something like "oh i feel irritated" because a specific ball would be present). But tonight the interesting thing was all the balls cleared, and I just saw the yellow rectangle (its not actuall rectangular) - this kinda substance-y, pressure, thing. But it was separate from all the moving energy, and like this is the thing my mind was picking up on that made the whole monster object seem so different than everything else on. The other super interesting thing was that, these brief periods where it feels like there is a "me" is when attention zooms in on the movement/morphing of one of the orange balls and that perceptually creates this feeling of two planes of existence. But this process stopped that night, and my mind just stopped zooming in on the energy balls, and since then reality has felt very screen-like with just one plane of existence.
Okay so that leads into yesterday. Now, life wise, I've been in a bit of a rut and I was starting to feel like I was stalling out with a lot of big life choices to make and no clear direction. So I decided to do some DMT. I had three small, sub-blast of trips, but they were all kinda right on the line.
Trip 1 - Very pleasant. My body dissolved, and I flowed through a dazzling scene. Mostly this trip seemingly snapped me out of my life funk where the conclusion was "holy shit reality is so beautiful, why am I letting myself basically waste my time on social media". In terms of spiritual questions, the big one I was left with was "where the fuck did this magically reality come from, where did it go?"
Trip 2 - Very eerie. It started off with a bunch of eyes looking at me. Then a rusty metal box appear, and the feeling of having a body was like projected onto a box. So my big head pressure problem was on one corner, my chest was on another, my other body parts were distributed around the box (and the box was "over there"). Coming out of this, with a completely rearranged body it really did force me to focus on "why am i making my head pressure be an issue?" Like this thing is just sort of arbitrarily being made into a body? Why is that corner over there so special and so different and so problematic? Also what the fuck is looking at this whole thing? How can those eyes over there be looking?
Trip 3 - It felt almost like a test I guess. Like an evil feeling entity appear (I got the vibe of a medusa gorgon thing). And the entity came in and probed me, which felt like my body kinda got more energetic solid, but not earth element solid, and it just felt like each little bit of it was being known (by both me and the entity). Then after that, I spent some time in shadow prison, where there was just dispair everywhere, negative thoughts, etc. But it felt so breezy and easy, like bim-bam-boom now we're done with the shadow prison and that was a nothing burger, and then there was a big feeling of confidence and it felt like I had passed some test. The big spiritually thing that my mind has seemingly shifted beliefs into the existence of other worldly spiritual. Like I've seen them before, on psychedelics and never on meditation, but if you had asked me if they were real I would have waffled, but now my mind seems more onto the idea that like they exist, as real as any other phenomena, but the ontological status is questionable. But I am left wondering if perhaps the world is more magickal than expected, and probably more biased in that direction.
Then that leads into practice today. I wanted to focus more on exactly why the head pressure was being made into a big issue. So what I did was more or less try to keep attention loosely on the breath at the stomach, so that it wouldn't just fall into the head pressure as a force of habit, and just try to notice things more in the totality. What became quickly evident was that there was a lot of negative stuff happening elsewhere, like feelings of aches or irritation or whatever, and so I let those be my primary object, and I would just feel them wash over experience. A few interesting things happened. One as negative stuff washed over me, I realized that I was subtley ignoring them and they were building, but by noting them specially, they go away and overall negativity doesn't build up as much. Occasionally I would see it flare up across the whole system and then settle. But all these negative objects were different things going on, outside the head pressure, and they were providing the context of a problem because they weren't being seen. Also at one point, all the negative stuff disappeared, excitement arose, and all of a sudden these head pressures became fascinating, alive, and wonderful and seemed like a great object of investigation. Over time, by maintaining this kinda J3 peripheral awareness style, the head pressure was in the background, but eventually went away and would occasionally come back very minorly. There was then a good amount of rapture (my eyes fluttered for a bit, and I got two rounds of full body goosebumps). I think doing this style of investigating into dukkha-vedana for a few days seems like a good practice plan, to help my mind detangle and de-react to everything that's going on.
So overall, Im excited about life again. Practice seems like its going well. My overall existence today feels much better than the last few weeks.
One thing I'm thinking about now, is I feel like there has been a bit of a blind spot in my practice - namely, I'm biased towards this "things are the way they are and you have no control over it". Like 99.99% of it has focused on deconstruction and tranquility, and Im curious if maybe adding in some constructive/imaginal practices could help round this out a bit or if its better left for the future (since Ive gotten the impression this stuff is useful much later on). Like the two experiences making me lean this way are the body-box, and my big problem becoming super cool for a brief moment. Like clearly, things are more arbitrary and constructed in a particular way than I've given it credit for, but I still feel a bit clueless for how one might go about systematically practicing and studying this. Thoughts?
A few nights ago, after reading shargrols comment, I decided to give it a try when I was having a huge amount of difficulty sleeping. I wanted to focus on trying to see beyond my head pressure, so I decided to try and look more broadly. Ironically, after a bit thing cleared up and I got a big insight into the head pressure workings. It was built up on lots of little insights that have been happening over the past few weeks that I haven't been super vocal about. Let me explain - imagine you pull up MS paint, and in the center you draw a filled yellow rectangle. Great. Now imagine you come in with a tool to draw half translucent orange balls, and you just start covering the yellow rectangle, and you just keep doing this randomly like 20 times until you have a blob of mostly orange, some parts darker than the other. Now I think naively I was meditating like this whole thing was one object, but then occasionally I'd see one ball kinda by itself and it would become less of a problem (and these balls have kinda a 1-1 "interpretation" where before I would say something like "oh i feel irritated" because a specific ball would be present). But tonight the interesting thing was all the balls cleared, and I just saw the yellow rectangle (its not actuall rectangular) - this kinda substance-y, pressure, thing. But it was separate from all the moving energy, and like this is the thing my mind was picking up on that made the whole monster object seem so different than everything else on. The other super interesting thing was that, these brief periods where it feels like there is a "me" is when attention zooms in on the movement/morphing of one of the orange balls and that perceptually creates this feeling of two planes of existence. But this process stopped that night, and my mind just stopped zooming in on the energy balls, and since then reality has felt very screen-like with just one plane of existence.
Okay so that leads into yesterday. Now, life wise, I've been in a bit of a rut and I was starting to feel like I was stalling out with a lot of big life choices to make and no clear direction. So I decided to do some DMT. I had three small, sub-blast of trips, but they were all kinda right on the line.
Trip 1 - Very pleasant. My body dissolved, and I flowed through a dazzling scene. Mostly this trip seemingly snapped me out of my life funk where the conclusion was "holy shit reality is so beautiful, why am I letting myself basically waste my time on social media". In terms of spiritual questions, the big one I was left with was "where the fuck did this magically reality come from, where did it go?"
Trip 2 - Very eerie. It started off with a bunch of eyes looking at me. Then a rusty metal box appear, and the feeling of having a body was like projected onto a box. So my big head pressure problem was on one corner, my chest was on another, my other body parts were distributed around the box (and the box was "over there"). Coming out of this, with a completely rearranged body it really did force me to focus on "why am i making my head pressure be an issue?" Like this thing is just sort of arbitrarily being made into a body? Why is that corner over there so special and so different and so problematic? Also what the fuck is looking at this whole thing? How can those eyes over there be looking?
Trip 3 - It felt almost like a test I guess. Like an evil feeling entity appear (I got the vibe of a medusa gorgon thing). And the entity came in and probed me, which felt like my body kinda got more energetic solid, but not earth element solid, and it just felt like each little bit of it was being known (by both me and the entity). Then after that, I spent some time in shadow prison, where there was just dispair everywhere, negative thoughts, etc. But it felt so breezy and easy, like bim-bam-boom now we're done with the shadow prison and that was a nothing burger, and then there was a big feeling of confidence and it felt like I had passed some test. The big spiritually thing that my mind has seemingly shifted beliefs into the existence of other worldly spiritual. Like I've seen them before, on psychedelics and never on meditation, but if you had asked me if they were real I would have waffled, but now my mind seems more onto the idea that like they exist, as real as any other phenomena, but the ontological status is questionable. But I am left wondering if perhaps the world is more magickal than expected, and probably more biased in that direction.
Then that leads into practice today. I wanted to focus more on exactly why the head pressure was being made into a big issue. So what I did was more or less try to keep attention loosely on the breath at the stomach, so that it wouldn't just fall into the head pressure as a force of habit, and just try to notice things more in the totality. What became quickly evident was that there was a lot of negative stuff happening elsewhere, like feelings of aches or irritation or whatever, and so I let those be my primary object, and I would just feel them wash over experience. A few interesting things happened. One as negative stuff washed over me, I realized that I was subtley ignoring them and they were building, but by noting them specially, they go away and overall negativity doesn't build up as much. Occasionally I would see it flare up across the whole system and then settle. But all these negative objects were different things going on, outside the head pressure, and they were providing the context of a problem because they weren't being seen. Also at one point, all the negative stuff disappeared, excitement arose, and all of a sudden these head pressures became fascinating, alive, and wonderful and seemed like a great object of investigation. Over time, by maintaining this kinda J3 peripheral awareness style, the head pressure was in the background, but eventually went away and would occasionally come back very minorly. There was then a good amount of rapture (my eyes fluttered for a bit, and I got two rounds of full body goosebumps). I think doing this style of investigating into dukkha-vedana for a few days seems like a good practice plan, to help my mind detangle and de-react to everything that's going on.
So overall, Im excited about life again. Practice seems like its going well. My overall existence today feels much better than the last few weeks.
One thing I'm thinking about now, is I feel like there has been a bit of a blind spot in my practice - namely, I'm biased towards this "things are the way they are and you have no control over it". Like 99.99% of it has focused on deconstruction and tranquility, and Im curious if maybe adding in some constructive/imaginal practices could help round this out a bit or if its better left for the future (since Ive gotten the impression this stuff is useful much later on). Like the two experiences making me lean this way are the body-box, and my big problem becoming super cool for a brief moment. Like clearly, things are more arbitrary and constructed in a particular way than I've given it credit for, but I still feel a bit clueless for how one might go about systematically practicing and studying this. Thoughts?
Chris M, modified 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 3:38 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 3:38 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsLike clearly, things are more arbitrary and constructed in a particular way than I've given it credit for, but I still feel a bit clueless for how one might go about systematically practicing and studying this. Thoughts?
It sounds like you may be meditating with an objective in mind - a target kind of reality, a certain assumption about the universe, a map, or oeuvre, if you will. Drop that. Just let experience play out on its own (which it does anyway), but by trying to force-fit it, you're obscuring the real breadth and depth of what's happening.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 3:52 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 3:43 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I get what you're saying, and I am a bit worried that I might be a little like "oh wow a shiny new thing!". However, I think the reason I'm interested in it is not for a specific targeted reality, but instead to see a range of reality to try to shake up the view that things are a specific way, or happen in a specific unfolding, etc. Like to see to shake set views on stuff that I dont even know I've internalized because its always been that way.
Like it seems like different practices have different functional side effects. Concentration still the mind so you can see clearly and see more subtly, vispassana lets you see the pieces, and when you see the pieces the whole breaks apart, and imaginal practices let you rewrite stuff so you can see the non-substantiality of it all.
Like it seems like different practices have different functional side effects. Concentration still the mind so you can see clearly and see more subtly, vispassana lets you see the pieces, and when you see the pieces the whole breaks apart, and imaginal practices let you rewrite stuff so you can see the non-substantiality of it all.
Chris M, modified 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 4:01 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 3:59 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Replying to your edit:
Doesn't vipassana help you see the non-substantiality of it all? Isn't that called "impermanence?"
You no doubt think I'm being a picky asshole, and I probably am being that. But I'm trying to get you to see that manipulation of the process ain't where you probably need to be right now. It could be getting in the way of your next big step. Or, as Ingram might say. "Keep noting because that's the gold standard of getting to stream-entry.
... vispassana lets you see the pieces, and when you see the pieces the whole breaks apart, and imaginal practices let you rewrite stuff so you can see the non-substantiality of it all.
Doesn't vipassana help you see the non-substantiality of it all? Isn't that called "impermanence?"
You no doubt think I'm being a picky asshole, and I probably am being that. But I'm trying to get you to see that manipulation of the process ain't where you probably need to be right now. It could be getting in the way of your next big step. Or, as Ingram might say. "Keep noting because that's the gold standard of getting to stream-entry.
Chris M, modified 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 3:52 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 4/23/24 3:48 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
That still strikes me as an attempt to engineer the process. I'm suggesting neutral observation. It's pretty easy to make this stuff complicated and even easier to think we can determine how to goes. My experience has been that doing this creates more difficulty, takes more time, and can lead us down into box canyons.
Stream entry came for me, if you get my drift. It came while I was just letting reality roll on just as it was, watching an object arise and fall over and over, just doing its thing.
Stream entry came for me, if you get my drift. It came while I was just letting reality roll on just as it was, watching an object arise and fall over and over, just doing its thing.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 9 Months ago at 4/29/24 6:41 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 4/29/24 6:41 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Practice has been interesting the last few days. I've been trying more to do just sitting. A few days ago I had a little bit of an insight where I realized, that similar to how words in the diction are defined by words in the dictionary and its a self closed loop. Similarly, the contents of consciousness are all kinda self defining in a way - the thing that feels annoyed at another part of consciousness is just an object of consciousness. There is an awareness that is beyond all of that though. The head pressure stuff has continued to soften over the days, although it ebbs and flows so some days it seems like its going up (but an overall trend of becoming lighter, less intrusive, and more just a non-special thing going on on its own). The texture of reality changed a few days back. It feels less energetic and flowly and splashy, and things feel like more well-defined objects (feels more "real" somehow), and a bit of the pervasive chill has decreased.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 9 Months ago at 5/1/24 4:21 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 5/1/24 4:21 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Postsshargrol, modified 9 Months ago at 5/1/24 8:21 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 5/1/24 8:21 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 9 Months ago at 5/7/24 10:07 AM
Created 9 Months ago at 5/7/24 10:07 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Sorry for the sparse logging. Life has been kicking my ass lately. Since returning the life since leaving the monastery I've been getting depressed. Interestingly enough, the depression has a different feeling to it - it feels much more brittle. Instead of just a sinking thing that feeds into itself, these days I am much better at recognizing the components, and the components come and go much easier, plus I've found my mind falling victim to it less and less, but it still sucks. It feels a bit like I have some natural resiliency to it that I didnt before. I feel a bit rutterless at the moment. Like when I go and do fun or meaningful things, it feels neutral and passes quickly, so Im not sure what to work towards. Part of me feels back in trapped about worrying for the future.
Practice wise I've been doing more do nothing, but today I switched it up to "look how it X". I think part of what has been happening, is i havent been emotionally honest in my practice. Like I think im trying to stay equanimious, and if i can just bear all the unpleasantness it will go away. But like sometimes things fucking suck, and sometimes the system doesnt want things to fucking suck, and you just have to be honest that it fucking sucks and you want it to go away? yeah? Sometimes it is doubtful, restless, contracted, etc. Sometimes experience seems to hate itself and want to reject itself.
I found a very powerful label was "look how it wants to be free from suffering" when the system would start to suffer and start to feel like it wants to reject experience. The global labelling feels interesting. It feels like it gives me a bit of distance from everything, and I think its doing well to identify component experiences where there are multiple aspects going on. It's a depersonalization on a bigger level than im used to, so it seems helpful atm.
Phenomonologically, it seems like im always looking at once place. When a contraction arises, generally it feels blended into everything, and only sometimes can I discern edges, but it usually feels like some portion of space its all weird. It doesn't feel like i need to really do anything to meditate, my attention seemlessly goes from thing to thing, and things pulsation around the frequency of my breath. Meditation feels like slowly waves of energy going back and forth. Usually about an hour into sits, my mind will find a super restful state where it feels like awareness thins out substantially.
Practice wise I've been doing more do nothing, but today I switched it up to "look how it X". I think part of what has been happening, is i havent been emotionally honest in my practice. Like I think im trying to stay equanimious, and if i can just bear all the unpleasantness it will go away. But like sometimes things fucking suck, and sometimes the system doesnt want things to fucking suck, and you just have to be honest that it fucking sucks and you want it to go away? yeah? Sometimes it is doubtful, restless, contracted, etc. Sometimes experience seems to hate itself and want to reject itself.
I found a very powerful label was "look how it wants to be free from suffering" when the system would start to suffer and start to feel like it wants to reject experience. The global labelling feels interesting. It feels like it gives me a bit of distance from everything, and I think its doing well to identify component experiences where there are multiple aspects going on. It's a depersonalization on a bigger level than im used to, so it seems helpful atm.
Phenomonologically, it seems like im always looking at once place. When a contraction arises, generally it feels blended into everything, and only sometimes can I discern edges, but it usually feels like some portion of space its all weird. It doesn't feel like i need to really do anything to meditate, my attention seemlessly goes from thing to thing, and things pulsation around the frequency of my breath. Meditation feels like slowly waves of energy going back and forth. Usually about an hour into sits, my mind will find a super restful state where it feels like awareness thins out substantially.
Chris M, modified 9 Months ago at 5/7/24 11:06 AM
Created 9 Months ago at 5/7/24 11:06 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
It feels to me while reading your comment that you're looking for deliverance from your depressed feelings. A new outlook, a new kind of practice. Yeah?
Papa Che Dusko, modified 9 Months ago at 5/7/24 6:16 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 5/7/24 6:16 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
This reminds me of a story from a Swedish Zen monastery where the abbot decided to send away the most dedicated practitioner monk. He told him its time he moves out of the monastery and go live his life. The guy got depressed as he was so good at meditation and he might even had dreams about his place in the monastery and what not. Now his master is getting rid of him! How will he find his place in this wretched world away from the peaceful structured life of the monastery and the presence of his master!? But the master sends him away anyway. End of story. What happen to him dunno.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 9 Months ago at 5/8/24 1:45 PM
Created 9 Months ago at 5/8/24 1:45 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Had a very interested sit today. I started off doing "look at it X", and was paying particular attention to see if I could suss out things like push/pull, expand/contract, hold/grasp/resist, etc. Eventually some piti kicked in on my face, awareness thinned out, and then eventually I got to j4 or eq land (where everything felt perfectly synced up, perfectly known with out resistance, effortless, etc). Then I switched over to just noting expanded or contracted. At first, these would alternate between expanded and contracted for about 30s a piece, then it started to flip over faster and faster. Then eventually it got to a point where it would pretty much remain in solid expanded land, with brief arising and passing of contraction, and eventually even that itself kinda smoothed itself and the boundary between expanded and contracted started to appear really blurry. At this point most of the head sensations appear really dull, generally formless, and it seemed like the contracting energy started to dull itself out.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 9 Months ago at 5/10/24 8:45 AM
Created 9 Months ago at 5/10/24 8:45 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Later that night of my last post something interesting happened. I was focusing on the continuity of the visual field, and as the contraction built up more and more, it felt like all of a sudden the world out there stabilized immensely. Suddenly, as opposed to seeing head pressure "over here" and space/visual field "over there", its like they are in two planes that I can see at the same time (and the stability comes from my attention not contracting so hard so frequently). Sometimes one plane is in front of the other, some times they both seem to be active at once with an unclear notion which is in front of which (Like how do you compare the depth of vision to the depth of tactile sensations, they arent even mapping to the same space?). Plus it appears that 90% of the contractions are gone, and with that most of the sensations that I found to be super irritating.
Things have felt noticeably and significantly more peaceful.
Things have felt noticeably and significantly more peaceful.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 8 Months ago at 5/18/24 4:16 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/18/24 4:16 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
These past few days, practiced has seemed much easier. I usually start trying to feel into the automaticity of the sensations, and quickly the mind settles into that. Then I try to notice in a moment that there isn't anything special required to perceive, hold onto, drop anything. After that my mind generally gets settled into a very natural state of just doing nothing and letting everything be where they are. Sometimes things still settle and it makes it feel like everything is perfect. The contraction can sometimes feel very faint and part of everything, sometimes it still feels more lava lampy. A lot of times it feels as if the whole things are gradually softening as it goes through these patterns again and again.
shargrol, modified 8 Months ago at 5/18/24 4:33 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/18/24 4:33 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Words are tricky, but what I'm hearing in your words is a lot more relaxation... but also a certain amount of aloofness to the sits?
If things get just a little too aimless, I always found that looking right at the point of a sensations/emotions arising kept me engaged enough. Mostly just putting my awareness wherever attention was going OR intentionally seeking residual tension/lacking and resting my attention there right at the point of "contact".
Sometimes just a little curiousity/investigation is needed to keep the interest levels high enough to make it an engaged sit.
If things get just a little too aimless, I always found that looking right at the point of a sensations/emotions arising kept me engaged enough. Mostly just putting my awareness wherever attention was going OR intentionally seeking residual tension/lacking and resting my attention there right at the point of "contact".
Sometimes just a little curiousity/investigation is needed to keep the interest levels high enough to make it an engaged sit.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 8 Months ago at 5/18/24 5:45 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/18/24 5:45 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Aloof doesnt seem like the right word. Like everything is being known right as it appears, right as it is. Attention cannot really miss anything or be late (or be stopped from looking). So like what exactly is aloof?
It's definitely fair to say some sensations are clear vs vague, formed vs formless, annoying vs not, etc. But these come and go and don't seem important.
But the mood is definitely just like trying to watch play on all sensations happening. A lot of the time is doesnt seem like things could be different, so it doesn't seem clear to me that there is anything to balance? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It's definitely fair to say some sensations are clear vs vague, formed vs formless, annoying vs not, etc. But these come and go and don't seem important.
But the mood is definitely just like trying to watch play on all sensations happening. A lot of the time is doesnt seem like things could be different, so it doesn't seem clear to me that there is anything to balance? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
shargrol, modified 8 Months ago at 5/18/24 7:43 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/18/24 7:43 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 8 Months ago at 5/22/24 8:50 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/22/24 8:50 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I think there's an insight brewing, but I haven't quiet figured it out yet. I've been doing a lot of do nothing meditation, and over the course of the past few weeks, it feels like the system doing nothing is gradually training it at doing nothing. I mean this on the level of like, the contraction parts have started to naturally smooth themselves out, pull attention in less, soften, etc etc - like just the friction of the system is smoothing out. And as it smooths out, I can see deeper into very subtle configurations of the self, that would be hard to describe but seem to carry some non-language narrative interpretation (like I know this thing, it feels like something to me, a specific thing, but Im not sure I could explain what. Like a cognitive emotion).
Anyways, but practice still has like kinda phases to it. One phase might be where things kinda seize up, contract a bunch, attention becomes very quick and things become fluttery vs times when the metaphysical substance thins out and becomes more centerless etc. But the thing I noticed that was very peculiar today was like a level of doing that had been completely invisible, I think? The best way to describe it might be like a system level gestalt doing. Like when my mind goes through these different phases, they are kinda like different meditative mode - sometimes the system naturally very interested in the super subtle things and does a very gentle vipasanna experiencing of the sensation, sometimes its relaxing into a fine mist , sometimes its like tightly concentrated on a contraction [there was also a degree of feeling like I was "doing nothing" well or poorly depending on which mode I was in. *womp womp*]. But the insight is these kind of modes are a form of doing that my mind is going between naturally by itself (like the switch so seemlessly I didnt even notice until today).
Anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk!
Anyways, but practice still has like kinda phases to it. One phase might be where things kinda seize up, contract a bunch, attention becomes very quick and things become fluttery vs times when the metaphysical substance thins out and becomes more centerless etc. But the thing I noticed that was very peculiar today was like a level of doing that had been completely invisible, I think? The best way to describe it might be like a system level gestalt doing. Like when my mind goes through these different phases, they are kinda like different meditative mode - sometimes the system naturally very interested in the super subtle things and does a very gentle vipasanna experiencing of the sensation, sometimes its relaxing into a fine mist , sometimes its like tightly concentrated on a contraction [there was also a degree of feeling like I was "doing nothing" well or poorly depending on which mode I was in. *womp womp*]. But the insight is these kind of modes are a form of doing that my mind is going between naturally by itself (like the switch so seemlessly I didnt even notice until today).
Anyways, thanks for coming to my ted talk!
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 8 Months ago at 5/22/24 9:26 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/22/24 9:26 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I think in the different meditation modes, your mind falls into the trap of that mode. When the mind inclines itself to curiosity and dissection youre hoping that there is something to understand that will make the problem go away. When it's expanding out and dematerializing, you're hoping that you can just let go for good and there won't be any more problems. And when its seizing up, your attention is glued to the suffering and there's a part of you that becomes determined that you just need to somehow "look through" this.
Martin V, modified 8 Months ago at 5/22/24 10:22 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/22/24 10:22 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 1075 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent Postsshargrol, modified 8 Months ago at 5/23/24 8:19 AM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/23/24 8:19 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Nice! This is perfect.
This is exactly how the mind searches/finds nibbana, sorta on it's own. Practice time is needed, no way around it, but the mind keeps searching by it's own intuition different subtle frames/views/states for relief, but each one --- even if initially promising/comforting -- has a sort of hidden trap to it. And that's why when the mind is calm but not supressed, relaxed but not in trance, sensitive but not easily triggered, etc. will intuitively jump to the nibbana "experience". And doing it is beyond our control because any attempt to change/manipulate has a sort of hidden trap to it.
The nice thing to remember is the pressure is off. You don't know when it will happen, you can't make it happen, and you'll only know it happened after it happened. It really is just a matter of spending time in practice and --- well, I guess the word is faith --- faith that it will happen when it is supposed to happen.
Best wishes!!
This is exactly how the mind searches/finds nibbana, sorta on it's own. Practice time is needed, no way around it, but the mind keeps searching by it's own intuition different subtle frames/views/states for relief, but each one --- even if initially promising/comforting -- has a sort of hidden trap to it. And that's why when the mind is calm but not supressed, relaxed but not in trance, sensitive but not easily triggered, etc. will intuitively jump to the nibbana "experience". And doing it is beyond our control because any attempt to change/manipulate has a sort of hidden trap to it.
The nice thing to remember is the pressure is off. You don't know when it will happen, you can't make it happen, and you'll only know it happened after it happened. It really is just a matter of spending time in practice and --- well, I guess the word is faith --- faith that it will happen when it is supposed to happen.
Best wishes!!
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 8 Months ago at 5/25/24 6:27 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/25/24 6:27 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
The last few days I started letting myself cut my sits shorter, but I noticed that they dropped down to like 30 minutes or so (pretty naturally), and that's all my mind felt like doing it for a few days. After I noticed, I gently tried to do a 45 minute sit to see if there was a boundary that had popped up that I was avoiding. It was definitely a bit antsier of a sit but I was able to make it through it. Today however, my sit was very different. It had a very burn-void pit feeling my stomach that just kinda dwarfed everything else. Plus there was tension and what not coming and going in my body. It made me think of this from Daniel
Overall the meditation wasn't too bad, and my mind was fairly still with it, but it was pretty high levels of energy for what I've been seeing lately. Eventually near the end of the sit it settled down basically all the way (iirc?). I dont feel bothered or anything right now, but it definitely was a bit anomalous.
Notice how there are tensions in the joints and muscles that seem to be bracing against life itself even when there is no threat
Overall the meditation wasn't too bad, and my mind was fairly still with it, but it was pretty high levels of energy for what I've been seeing lately. Eventually near the end of the sit it settled down basically all the way (iirc?). I dont feel bothered or anything right now, but it definitely was a bit anomalous.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 8 Months ago at 5/30/24 10:33 AM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/30/24 10:33 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Things have been going interestingly. I think the last meditation log mostly came from the fact that I started taking a multivitamin in the morning, on an empty stomach, and it was giving me some digestive issues.
There has been a switch. My mind feels a lot more restless, but there is less contraction and aversion. The 30-45 minutes sits have stayed, with them ending more naturally around the 45 minute mark. What happens is that everything feels like a mix of buzzy and undulating, and over time it slows down, and eventually gives way. It seems like I've been more prone to mind wandering, specifically intellectual thinking. The really interesting subtle switch though is that it feels like in the last few weeks I've been trying to build up do-nothing
Now it just seems like I dont have to do all that, like my mind already has the implicit knowledge it doesnt need to do anything to notice, or hold on to or let go or whatever (I guess now come to think of it, the contracts have seemed to be lacking that specific felt sense of being grasped onto by me), and so the contractions still come, but it doesnt feel like "I'm holding on this" or "doing this", but instead the contractions just feel more personal. Like there is just something to them that makes them different and that I should care about it. Also recently my mind feels detuned from any and all patterns or cycling that it is doing. I think before my mind was getting invested in the different modes, and trying to resolve them within the paradigm of the mode (which may explain why i was meditating for so long, because I was trying to "get to the end"), where now my mind doesnt seem to care as much (and as a result there doesnt seem to be a natural end time or a strong motivation to go hard)
Also interestingly enough, I think my interest in the academic part of spirituality is starting to bounce back. It was like all I cared about during the main part of the DN, then at a certain point it just plummeted off a cliff to basically nil, and now Im like "yeah I kinda wanna read my copy of the Masinavi or maybe the bible", and I've been thinking a lot lately of like how did language start, is the function of the mind to reduce suffering, and I feel like there was a third matter of life and death thats not coming to mind right now, oh well.
There has been a switch. My mind feels a lot more restless, but there is less contraction and aversion. The 30-45 minutes sits have stayed, with them ending more naturally around the 45 minute mark. What happens is that everything feels like a mix of buzzy and undulating, and over time it slows down, and eventually gives way. It seems like I've been more prone to mind wandering, specifically intellectual thinking. The really interesting subtle switch though is that it feels like in the last few weeks I've been trying to build up do-nothing
I usually start trying to feel into the automaticity of the sensations, and quickly the mind settles into that. Then I try to notice in a moment that there isn't anything special required to perceive, hold onto, drop anything. After that my mind generally gets settled into a very natural state of just doing nothing and letting everything be where they are.
Now it just seems like I dont have to do all that, like my mind already has the implicit knowledge it doesnt need to do anything to notice, or hold on to or let go or whatever (I guess now come to think of it, the contracts have seemed to be lacking that specific felt sense of being grasped onto by me), and so the contractions still come, but it doesnt feel like "I'm holding on this" or "doing this", but instead the contractions just feel more personal. Like there is just something to them that makes them different and that I should care about it. Also recently my mind feels detuned from any and all patterns or cycling that it is doing. I think before my mind was getting invested in the different modes, and trying to resolve them within the paradigm of the mode (which may explain why i was meditating for so long, because I was trying to "get to the end"), where now my mind doesnt seem to care as much (and as a result there doesnt seem to be a natural end time or a strong motivation to go hard)
Also interestingly enough, I think my interest in the academic part of spirituality is starting to bounce back. It was like all I cared about during the main part of the DN, then at a certain point it just plummeted off a cliff to basically nil, and now Im like "yeah I kinda wanna read my copy of the Masinavi or maybe the bible", and I've been thinking a lot lately of like how did language start, is the function of the mind to reduce suffering, and I feel like there was a third matter of life and death thats not coming to mind right now, oh well.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 8 Months ago at 5/30/24 10:43 AM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/30/24 10:43 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Oh the other thing to note is like I just naturally quit all my bad habits over the course of maybe two weeks? So my fairly habitual use of caffeine, weed, and nicotine I just kinda gradually stopped them.
Chris M, modified 8 Months ago at 5/30/24 10:57 AM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/30/24 10:57 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsOlivier S, modified 8 Months ago at 5/30/24 1:19 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/30/24 1:19 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 1021 Join Date: 4/27/19 Recent PostsMartin V, modified 8 Months ago at 5/30/24 12:24 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 5/30/24 12:24 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 1075 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent Posts
This is lovely!
Now it just seems like I dont have to do all that, like my mind already has the implicit knowledge it doesnt need to do anything to notice, or hold on to or let go or whatever (I guess now come to think of it, the contracts have seemed to be lacking that specific felt sense of being grasped onto by me), and so the contractions still come, but it doesnt feel like "I'm holding on this" or "doing this", but instead the contractions just feel more personal. Like there is just something to them that makes them different and that I should care about it.
finding-oneself ♤, modified 8 Months ago at 6/3/24 7:44 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 6/3/24 7:44 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 577 Join Date: 1/7/14 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 8 Months ago at 6/6/24 8:59 AM
Created 8 Months ago at 6/6/24 8:59 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Odd practice yesterday. I was doing nothing, and really nothing notable happened with the exception of it just felt like it was cycling between periods of everything becoming very clear and lucid (it felt like coming to in a lot of ways) and "real" and that kinda just fading (in hindsight it wasn't clear what it was fading to!). So today I just tried to note the entire hour. So today I tried to just note for an hour, to see what maybe was happening, and the whole hour just flew by before I knew it. Nothing really crazy happened today.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 8 Months ago at 6/6/24 11:47 AM
Created 8 Months ago at 6/6/24 11:47 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
When I was walking today there were a few times where it just kinda felt like my body turned into a ghost. Like I could still feel my body, but it was made of very light energy that just flowed around. But it had this weird feeling of ease and aloofness?
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 8 Months ago at 6/9/24 2:02 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 6/9/24 2:02 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
So I think I’ve started seeing views more clearly over the past few days. There have been a couple of rebirths in the hell realm, but the interesting part is by thinking “this is empty” my mind seems to immediately pull back from being invested in the anger, and it gets pulled out. There was another moment when a dog was passing, and visually everything seemed hyper detailed and saturated and there was just this global sense of peace.
Today’s practice was interesting. I went to a group sangha, and wasn’t expecting much. However I happened to have rock solid concentration today. Everything expanded and my body was very warm, and it seems like I could feel the energy flowing through space/space itself was flowed. There was the contraction in my head, but what I noticed was that I could “see” the energy flow part of the contraction that was flowing with the background, like I could “see through” the object. Then I started to notice how the contraction itself also had this flowly quality that was synchronized with the space itself. Somehow it all the sudden made sense that somehow this is being made the same everything else is. It really felt like a “not two, not one” moment.
Today’s practice was interesting. I went to a group sangha, and wasn’t expecting much. However I happened to have rock solid concentration today. Everything expanded and my body was very warm, and it seems like I could feel the energy flowing through space/space itself was flowed. There was the contraction in my head, but what I noticed was that I could “see” the energy flow part of the contraction that was flowing with the background, like I could “see through” the object. Then I started to notice how the contraction itself also had this flowly quality that was synchronized with the space itself. Somehow it all the sudden made sense that somehow this is being made the same everything else is. It really felt like a “not two, not one” moment.
Bahiya Baby, modified 8 Months ago at 6/9/24 4:25 PM
Created 8 Months ago at 6/9/24 4:25 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 7 Months ago at 6/13/24 7:32 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/13/24 7:32 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
So I think I’ve started seeing views more clearly over the past few days. There have been a couple of rebirths in the hell realm, but the interesting part is by thinking “this is empty” my mind seems to immediately pull back from being invested in the anger, and it gets pulled out. There was another moment when a dog was passing, and visually everything seemed hyper detailed and saturated and there was just this global sense of peace.
Today’s practice was interesting. I went to a group sangha, and wasn’t expecting much. However I happened to have rock solid concentration today. Everything expanded and my body was very warm, and it seems like I could feel the energy flowing through space/space itself was flowed. There was the contraction in my head, but what I noticed was that I could “see” the energy flow part of the contraction that was flowing with the background, like I could “see through” the object. Then I started to notice how the contraction itself also had this flowly quality that was synchronized with the space itself. Somehow it all the sudden made sense that somehow this is being made the same everything else is. It really felt like a “not two, not one” moment.
So I think I’ve started seeing views more clearly over the past few days. There have been a couple of rebirths in the hell realm, but the interesting part is by thinking “this is empty” my mind seems to immediately pull back from being invested in the anger, and it gets pulled out. There was another moment when a dog was passing, and visually everything seemed hyper detailed and saturated and there was just this global sense of peace.
Today’s practice was interesting. I went to a group sangha, and wasn’t expecting much. However I happened to have rock solid concentration today. Everything expanded and my body was very warm, and it seems like I could feel the energy flowing through space/space itself was flowed. There was the contraction in my head, but what I noticed was that I could “see” the energy flow part of the contraction that was flowing with the background, like I could “see through” the object. Then I started to notice how the contraction itself also had this flowly quality that was synchronized with the space itself. Somehow it all the sudden made sense that somehow this is being made the same everything else is. It really felt like a “not two, not one” moment.
One thing that could be helpful here is observing the "inside" and "outside". What is "inside" and what is "outside"? Why is that so? No reason to answer this, just keep observing these directions. These two "spaces".
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 7 Months ago at 6/14/24 1:33 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/14/24 1:33 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Yesterdays and today's meditation were quite a break from the usual. I've started seeing more hypnagogic type imagery, where normally visual-thoughts occur so fast that its hard to tell they are happening in the same space as eye-ball-space, but these thoughts almost like splash onto existences and take up the whole visual field. They vary in fidelity, but some of them are so vivid it feels like im there (albiet briefly, these seem to last a few seconds max). Yesterday it felt more like I was falling into these and mind wandering again (like getting sucked into the narrative of the thoughts), but today the system was much better at just letting them come and go. Before that started to happen, there was maybe 30 minutes of some light head contract that felt pretty unbothersome, and just seemed to go through different modes and approaches all its own.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 7 Months ago at 6/14/24 1:37 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/14/24 1:37 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Postsshargrol, modified 7 Months ago at 6/14/24 4:14 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/14/24 4:13 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Get curious about what "knows" this is happening. What is the mind that knows?
(that is, if you want)
(that is, if you want)
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 7 Months ago at 6/22/24 7:21 AM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/22/24 7:18 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
It's been a morality couple of days. There's a couple different things in play, but maybe a week ago I started watching Dr. K's guide to trauma, and its 100% the best resource I've found on the subject, but let me tell you, watching each video is just like him describing different points of my life. It's the meme "im in this photo and i dont like it". The idea of somatic illness popped up in the course, and basically what trauma can do to people is you get good at numbing your emotions, because typically youre thrusted into a situation where you cant act on your emotions and its more functional to ignore them. But this actually causes your brain to rewire in a way where it gets worse at feeling your feelings, but it cant ignore all of them all the time. So what happens is the sensations that break through are basically the really intense unpleasant ones, and your mind also gets trained in trauma to be hyper aware and hyper sensitive, so you start being aware of all this intense unpleasantness (which starts reinforcing itself) and that kinda forms into these somatic illnesses (like IBS is an example).
I bring all this up because I think there is some degree of this in my practice. There just an intense degree of aversion sometimes that I think has to do a lot with the trauma healing process. For exmaple, enough meditators have looked at me weird when i talk about all this contraction and pressure in my head, and how consistent it is, I've realized that it's pretty atypical - its a me thing and DhO and what not can only be so useful. Also a lot of the time when im in a contracted mode of being everything just sucks. My body hurts, I get angry, life sucks, friends suck etc etc. But there is a lot of emotion here that Im not sure if it really gets processed particularly well? So one of the things I am giving a shot is switching from my bread and butter practice (dry-vipasanna), to some simple anapanasati. I'm hoping just having a more consistent awareness of the breath leads to a bit more tranquility, and that bit more of the break on the system just lowers the hatefulness, and then my mind accepts and processes all the pain and suffering a bit better.
On a related note, I picked up smoking weed and tobacco again after a few months off, when someone left a vape at my house. After a bit of that, I woke up a few days again and my lungs just hurt so bad. I realized I needed to quit, but like actually quit this time. So I picked up the Alan Carr book. It dawned on me for the first time that I really am an addict. Like I always saw people who were chainsmokers or daily potsmokers and like because I tend to binge in times of stress, I figured somehow I was in control (but given how many times I quit that's a lie). The smoking book has started to make me realize all the wrong beliefs I had (like Im an addict, smoking doesnt help me calm down it will only add more stress, it will catch me in a cycle of addiction where my health and wellbeing goes down over time), weed does the same, but I do feel like the high from weed is more palatable so its harder to apply the smoking logic to it (a good chunk of the book is like 'look nictonine highs arent even good', and he's not even wrong!).
But now I've been clean again for two days, my body feels better, my lungs feel a lot better, and my mental health is bouncing back again. It's very clear to me that my substance cravings get triggered by these just like moments of intense hate and aversion.
I've also decided to give yoga a bit of a try before I sit. It does feel really nice, and its energetic (like I can feel the heat flow through me occassionally, and i even got some piti today).
But being in the throes of the meditation maps, trauma maps, addict maps. This Nishitani quote stuck out to me the other day
"First, the laws of nature govern all things, ranging from inanimate objects to human beings, according to the mode of being proper to each dimension. Here we see the control, that law exercises Over things, permeating them on various dimensions. While inanimate things exist merely as matter, animate things are possessed of life as well, and in addition to existing as matter and life, human beings are further endowed with intellect. The control of the laws of nature that pervades these various dimensions as they unfold one after another within the domain of existence reveals a gradual deepening of the control of natural law over those things. The rational order of existence exhibits a manifold perspective whose teleological character becomes increasingly more marked as it ascends the levels of being until it eventually comes to complete actualization in the machine, where the purposive activity of man functions in a purely mechanical manner. Here the rule of the laws of nature may be said to attain its final and deepest point."
It's comes from an essay where he's talking about how machines are a kind of purified form of nature (in that they are an isolated system that is in control over a natural law), but as we make more and more machines (and deepen our understanding of stuff), we start to develop the view that we are somehow not apart from Natural law, instead we are the sidelines control it, as separate beings. But I think there is something toward realized that we are all subjected to casual law at the end of the day.
I bring all this up because I think there is some degree of this in my practice. There just an intense degree of aversion sometimes that I think has to do a lot with the trauma healing process. For exmaple, enough meditators have looked at me weird when i talk about all this contraction and pressure in my head, and how consistent it is, I've realized that it's pretty atypical - its a me thing and DhO and what not can only be so useful. Also a lot of the time when im in a contracted mode of being everything just sucks. My body hurts, I get angry, life sucks, friends suck etc etc. But there is a lot of emotion here that Im not sure if it really gets processed particularly well? So one of the things I am giving a shot is switching from my bread and butter practice (dry-vipasanna), to some simple anapanasati. I'm hoping just having a more consistent awareness of the breath leads to a bit more tranquility, and that bit more of the break on the system just lowers the hatefulness, and then my mind accepts and processes all the pain and suffering a bit better.
On a related note, I picked up smoking weed and tobacco again after a few months off, when someone left a vape at my house. After a bit of that, I woke up a few days again and my lungs just hurt so bad. I realized I needed to quit, but like actually quit this time. So I picked up the Alan Carr book. It dawned on me for the first time that I really am an addict. Like I always saw people who were chainsmokers or daily potsmokers and like because I tend to binge in times of stress, I figured somehow I was in control (but given how many times I quit that's a lie). The smoking book has started to make me realize all the wrong beliefs I had (like Im an addict, smoking doesnt help me calm down it will only add more stress, it will catch me in a cycle of addiction where my health and wellbeing goes down over time), weed does the same, but I do feel like the high from weed is more palatable so its harder to apply the smoking logic to it (a good chunk of the book is like 'look nictonine highs arent even good', and he's not even wrong!).
But now I've been clean again for two days, my body feels better, my lungs feel a lot better, and my mental health is bouncing back again. It's very clear to me that my substance cravings get triggered by these just like moments of intense hate and aversion.
I've also decided to give yoga a bit of a try before I sit. It does feel really nice, and its energetic (like I can feel the heat flow through me occassionally, and i even got some piti today).
But being in the throes of the meditation maps, trauma maps, addict maps. This Nishitani quote stuck out to me the other day
"First, the laws of nature govern all things, ranging from inanimate objects to human beings, according to the mode of being proper to each dimension. Here we see the control, that law exercises Over things, permeating them on various dimensions. While inanimate things exist merely as matter, animate things are possessed of life as well, and in addition to existing as matter and life, human beings are further endowed with intellect. The control of the laws of nature that pervades these various dimensions as they unfold one after another within the domain of existence reveals a gradual deepening of the control of natural law over those things. The rational order of existence exhibits a manifold perspective whose teleological character becomes increasingly more marked as it ascends the levels of being until it eventually comes to complete actualization in the machine, where the purposive activity of man functions in a purely mechanical manner. Here the rule of the laws of nature may be said to attain its final and deepest point."
It's comes from an essay where he's talking about how machines are a kind of purified form of nature (in that they are an isolated system that is in control over a natural law), but as we make more and more machines (and deepen our understanding of stuff), we start to develop the view that we are somehow not apart from Natural law, instead we are the sidelines control it, as separate beings. But I think there is something toward realized that we are all subjected to casual law at the end of the day.
Olivier S, modified 7 Months ago at 6/22/24 8:48 AM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/22/24 8:48 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 1021 Join Date: 4/27/19 Recent Posts
(Just want to say good on you for picking up the Alan Carr book! It is very good! Best of luck with everything).
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 7 Months ago at 6/23/24 7:46 AM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/23/24 7:46 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 7 Months ago at 6/23/24 7:48 AM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/23/24 7:48 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I'm starting to see why the hippies are into yoga so much. It feels awesome.
Anyways, there was a very interesting moment in practice today when the tactile sense of self died down and went away, and there was just spaciousness - and the strangness of "wait what's actually looking at this?" all sort of caught up to me at once. Like its very bizzare?
Anyways, there was a very interesting moment in practice today when the tactile sense of self died down and went away, and there was just spaciousness - and the strangness of "wait what's actually looking at this?" all sort of caught up to me at once. Like its very bizzare?
Chris M, modified 7 Months ago at 6/23/24 8:37 AM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/23/24 8:37 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 7 Months ago at 6/25/24 10:23 AM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/25/24 10:23 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Things have been going well. I think the yoga has been a nice addition. I think it's a good auxiliary practice, because there is a higher frequency of like "tension, release, tension release, etc", and the tension/release cycles tends to be shorter as well. So it seems to be helpful to get my mind a bit less aversive to contracting. But that combined with the quitting smoking means i feel physically so much better.
I had an interesting emptiness moment the other day, where I got kinda angry and went for a walk to cool off a bit. I knew I was in a hell realm, but at one point I thought "its actually good im angry, for a long time I was cut off from my emotions and now im reconnected", and that just made me happy, while I was (physically?) angry. That seemed interesting, so I tried to incline my mind to be sad and then excited, and both worked in the sense that I was able to shift the vibe of the emotion.
Today's sit was very interesting. There were head contractions and stuff as normal, but instead of really getting bogged down in that, I was able to "see through it all". What I mean by that is, okay so every sensation happens in the same space, but across sense basis they never touch. Like regardless of what is happening in tactile space, that never blocks the ability to see the whole visual field, or hear the whole audio field. Sam Harris likes to describe consciousness as like the empty container that can hold all the contents of consciousness effortlessly, and I think he is getting at like this phenomenal realization. But then my mind was just not getting bogged down in any of the contractions or whatnot. It was a really chill mode of awareness.
I had an interesting emptiness moment the other day, where I got kinda angry and went for a walk to cool off a bit. I knew I was in a hell realm, but at one point I thought "its actually good im angry, for a long time I was cut off from my emotions and now im reconnected", and that just made me happy, while I was (physically?) angry. That seemed interesting, so I tried to incline my mind to be sad and then excited, and both worked in the sense that I was able to shift the vibe of the emotion.
Today's sit was very interesting. There were head contractions and stuff as normal, but instead of really getting bogged down in that, I was able to "see through it all". What I mean by that is, okay so every sensation happens in the same space, but across sense basis they never touch. Like regardless of what is happening in tactile space, that never blocks the ability to see the whole visual field, or hear the whole audio field. Sam Harris likes to describe consciousness as like the empty container that can hold all the contents of consciousness effortlessly, and I think he is getting at like this phenomenal realization. But then my mind was just not getting bogged down in any of the contractions or whatnot. It was a really chill mode of awareness.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 7 Months ago at 6/30/24 11:47 AM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/30/24 11:47 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I’m starting to see how people become identified with “everything”. There have been these moments lately where I flash into kinda a formless feeling, even with formed stuff still there. It feels like going beyond my body.
Todays sit I focused on the flowing nature of sensation. In the beginning the sensation were coming in fast and flowing, and it felt like a river. There was this impression that everything in consciousness was flowing and there really wasn’t a ground for anything except for maybe the container itself. As the sit progressed and things calmed down, the flow dried up a bit and there were much fewer objects and they felt more solid, but there was still a bit of flow to them.
Todays sit I focused on the flowing nature of sensation. In the beginning the sensation were coming in fast and flowing, and it felt like a river. There was this impression that everything in consciousness was flowing and there really wasn’t a ground for anything except for maybe the container itself. As the sit progressed and things calmed down, the flow dried up a bit and there were much fewer objects and they felt more solid, but there was still a bit of flow to them.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 7 Months ago at 7/9/24 1:09 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 7/9/24 1:09 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I’ve been traveling the past two week, and the last week has been a hectic travel week. So practice has been a bit more guerrilla - 20 minutes here, 20 minutes there.
I did have one interesting sit a few days ago. It was one where I was noting everything, pretty steadily, and maybe 2-3 notes per half breath. My concentration definitely increases and I get a more steady stream of piti. Anyways there was a bit more of a release of the contraction in my head. So the attachment is slowly but steadily getting dropped.
Another thing I’ve been playing around with is when my attention wants to contract around the head tension, I use a bit of effort to keep it expanded. What’s interesting is it seems like there a bit of anxiety around my chest that maybe goes a bit under seen. Luckily when I stay out in expanded mode, the anxiety and squeezing comes in bursts but eventually fades. Even after a bit of keeping up the intention/effort to keep things expanded, eventually it gets to a point where it doesn’t really need much effort and the squeezing in the head lightens up over its cycles.
Anyways things seem to be slowly but steadily working. My friend built a little meditation cabin at a small monastery, so I might try to sneak away for 2-3 weeks to do a solo retreat maybe in a month or so .
I did have one interesting sit a few days ago. It was one where I was noting everything, pretty steadily, and maybe 2-3 notes per half breath. My concentration definitely increases and I get a more steady stream of piti. Anyways there was a bit more of a release of the contraction in my head. So the attachment is slowly but steadily getting dropped.
Another thing I’ve been playing around with is when my attention wants to contract around the head tension, I use a bit of effort to keep it expanded. What’s interesting is it seems like there a bit of anxiety around my chest that maybe goes a bit under seen. Luckily when I stay out in expanded mode, the anxiety and squeezing comes in bursts but eventually fades. Even after a bit of keeping up the intention/effort to keep things expanded, eventually it gets to a point where it doesn’t really need much effort and the squeezing in the head lightens up over its cycles.
Anyways things seem to be slowly but steadily working. My friend built a little meditation cabin at a small monastery, so I might try to sneak away for 2-3 weeks to do a solo retreat maybe in a month or so .
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 6 Months ago at 7/12/24 2:24 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/12/24 2:24 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I've been playing around with just noting "expanding" or "contracted". Basically, contracted is when there is tension in my head and it is in focus, and expanded is when my attention goes forward and there isn't really boundaries (it does feel like "this side" vs "that side" to an extent). At first in a sit, it goes back and forth between the two. Eventually the boundaries between expanded and contracted start to blur (like my attention will feel forward, and boundless, but I will still be able to feel some of the contracted tension, but its like I have both objects in awareness at once). Then after some time, awareness itself feels delocalized, and its not moving from "here" to "there" but instead it's everywhere, and both the tension in my head and the space "in-front" are held effortlessly at the same time (I'm starting to see why people start to identify with space itself, because it seems like something is there watching everything - and its beyond my physical body). Today, after a bit of time in that state, everything started to appear holographic. Even though there were solid and not solid things, everything just appear to be largely see through to an extent I've never seen before.
Bahiya Baby, modified 6 Months ago at 7/12/24 6:17 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/12/24 6:17 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsI'm starting to see why people start to identify with space itself
Even though there were solid and not solid things, everything just appear to be largely see through to an extent I've never seen before.
Also nice, there's great freedom in spaciousness.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 6 Months ago at 7/16/24 1:13 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/16/24 12:16 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
A few things have happened over the past few days
- I went to my allergist, mentioned the sinus pressure and how it comes up via meditation, he checked in out and said medically it probably wasnt a big deal
- I realized there was a little bit of doing a song-and-dance to get to this eq state, but it has this feeling of being ever present (all though if i have to do a song-and-dance to get into it, who knows?), so I started playing around with more trying to recognize it immediately and effortlessly, which is kinda like "letting space hold everything going on it in"
- The other day during a sit, it came to me what Burbea is talking about in the "emptiness and awareness" chapter, where he talks about how some people feel that experience is made up of a single thing.
The other day I did some meditation under a substance. It was very interesting. Some of the insights I had are
- A lot of the sensations have like weird associative interpretations with them. Like there are head pressure configurations where the best way to describe it would be like the sensation feels like it wants to be push out, or investigated thoroughly, or it might lead to almost a primitive emotional reaction (like a frustrated grunt, or an "ahhhhh"). The insights I had here were two fold. One was that these feelings of "wanting to be investigated" or "wanting to be pushed out", are the sensations themselves? Like the "wanting X" is an interpretation (that's essentially just how the mind has labeled it over time), but that's not coming from an I, its intrinsic to the sensation itself though (if that makes sense). The flip side is that all the other stuff like the mental chatter it leads to, is just an ingrained behavior coming from like the seed of the sensation. But at the end of the day the sensations are like contained in themselves, and have their own internal logic and dynamical evolution. I don't know if this makes any sense to a reader, but it makes a lot of sense to me
All these things (the everything being made of one kind of stuff, all the sensations having their own internal logic and dynamic, and letting space hold everything effortless) cumulated in a sit today that was something else entirely. It felt extremely temporal, but it was like this one pyscho-physical story that just kept changing and morphing continuously all by itself. Like it wasn't things really coming in and out of existence, but existence itself kept continiously reconsitituting itself into different forms and shapes. And there was a strong no-self component where it was basically happening by itself and with its own logic (there was still a bit of a sense of some sort of separate watcher, but it certainly wasnt in my body in any way). But the best way to describe it was like a continious temporal morphing pyscho-physical story.
- I went to my allergist, mentioned the sinus pressure and how it comes up via meditation, he checked in out and said medically it probably wasnt a big deal
- I realized there was a little bit of doing a song-and-dance to get to this eq state, but it has this feeling of being ever present (all though if i have to do a song-and-dance to get into it, who knows?), so I started playing around with more trying to recognize it immediately and effortlessly, which is kinda like "letting space hold everything going on it in"
- The other day during a sit, it came to me what Burbea is talking about in the "emptiness and awareness" chapter, where he talks about how some people feel that experience is made up of a single thing.
The other day I did some meditation under a substance. It was very interesting. Some of the insights I had are
- A lot of the sensations have like weird associative interpretations with them. Like there are head pressure configurations where the best way to describe it would be like the sensation feels like it wants to be push out, or investigated thoroughly, or it might lead to almost a primitive emotional reaction (like a frustrated grunt, or an "ahhhhh"). The insights I had here were two fold. One was that these feelings of "wanting to be investigated" or "wanting to be pushed out", are the sensations themselves? Like the "wanting X" is an interpretation (that's essentially just how the mind has labeled it over time), but that's not coming from an I, its intrinsic to the sensation itself though (if that makes sense). The flip side is that all the other stuff like the mental chatter it leads to, is just an ingrained behavior coming from like the seed of the sensation. But at the end of the day the sensations are like contained in themselves, and have their own internal logic and dynamical evolution. I don't know if this makes any sense to a reader, but it makes a lot of sense to me

All these things (the everything being made of one kind of stuff, all the sensations having their own internal logic and dynamic, and letting space hold everything effortless) cumulated in a sit today that was something else entirely. It felt extremely temporal, but it was like this one pyscho-physical story that just kept changing and morphing continuously all by itself. Like it wasn't things really coming in and out of existence, but existence itself kept continiously reconsitituting itself into different forms and shapes. And there was a strong no-self component where it was basically happening by itself and with its own logic (there was still a bit of a sense of some sort of separate watcher, but it certainly wasnt in my body in any way). But the best way to describe it was like a continious temporal morphing pyscho-physical story.
shargrol, modified 6 Months ago at 7/16/24 6:54 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/16/24 6:54 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Very nice.
If I'm understand what you are describing, it seems like there is a very gentle balance to this state that feels less like observing or doing and more like "participating". Like you are right there participating with the immediacy of changing experience?
Did you notice how thoughts could become broken into sort of "sub-thoughts" that are sort of like partial sounds with partial "meanings"?
If I'm understand what you are describing, it seems like there is a very gentle balance to this state that feels less like observing or doing and more like "participating". Like you are right there participating with the immediacy of changing experience?
Did you notice how thoughts could become broken into sort of "sub-thoughts" that are sort of like partial sounds with partial "meanings"?
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 6 Months ago at 7/18/24 12:01 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/18/24 12:01 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsIf I'm understand what you are describing, it seems like there is a very gentle balance to this state that feels less like observing or doing and more like "participating". Like you are right there participating with the immediacy of changing experience?
Yeah that's not a bad way to describe it
Did you notice how thoughts could become broken into sort of "sub-thoughts" that are sort of like partial sounds with partial "meanings"?
Hmm, I've started to see chunks of thoughts (usually at the beginning) where it might be a word, sound, or a flash of an image. I'm not sure I've really seen an extended thought in that light (beyond what I used to do in my more DN type practice where you focus on thoughts and see them break into pieces)
shargrol, modified 6 Months ago at 7/18/24 1:59 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/18/24 1:59 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
"this one pyscho-physical story that just kept changing and morphing continuously all by itself"
sometimes during meditation, when the experience has this kind of morphing/changing feel, you can got along and -into- the sense of flow... not in an observer way, but in a very intimate and participatory way. And the discreetness of experience can get oddly broken apart, like thinking/hearing partial words with partial meaning--- that kind of experience. It's nothing super special, just a direction that can be explored.
sometimes during meditation, when the experience has this kind of morphing/changing feel, you can got along and -into- the sense of flow... not in an observer way, but in a very intimate and participatory way. And the discreetness of experience can get oddly broken apart, like thinking/hearing partial words with partial meaning--- that kind of experience. It's nothing super special, just a direction that can be explored.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 6 Months ago at 7/26/24 1:26 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/26/24 1:26 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Meditation has taken on this interesting quality to it lately. I'm not really ever going in with a plan, a goal, motivation, or whatever. I just sit and the thing takes off and goes wherever it wants. Over the past week there was a stretch where it felt very smooth and easy vipasanna. Basically, selfing would kinda happen, and then my mind would slowly juggle through the different components one by one and gently investigate them. So like it might go to the tightness in my chest, then a sense of solidity in my face, then the head pressure, then some adversion, etc. It felt like it was slowly pulling the strands apart and it had echos of the lesson (which im not sure has been fully internalized) "everything you perceive is some sort of sensation". Then yesterday, there was a flip from that mode to a more just chilly vibing mode, where things just seem to pulsate and ungulate a lot more, everything feels calmer by default, more spacious, and more tranquil.
The thought chunks shargrol was talking about make a lot more sense. I see it a lot with visual thoughts, because they often come in very quick fragments that are like brief flashes.
Also started poking around clarifying the natural state. Some of it is kinda confusing (I have concluded mind is either everything, nothing/a red herring, or just beyond my skill level XD), but some of the hints in the viphasya section have been fun (like what is the substance of thoughts, and when you find mind, is there a second mind looking at the first mind?)
I'm about to go on a three week person retreat in a few day. I'm curious if anyone has advice for getting to stream entry? My current game plan is to do maybe 20 mintutes of yoga a day to help with stiffness, and then mostly to do walking then sitting. I kinda like this meditation doing itself, so Im considering just doing that and being less technique oriented for this one. I was considering getting Burbea's emptiness talks from a ~3 week retreat he did and listening to those in the evenings, but I may just skip it as well.
The thought chunks shargrol was talking about make a lot more sense. I see it a lot with visual thoughts, because they often come in very quick fragments that are like brief flashes.
Also started poking around clarifying the natural state. Some of it is kinda confusing (I have concluded mind is either everything, nothing/a red herring, or just beyond my skill level XD), but some of the hints in the viphasya section have been fun (like what is the substance of thoughts, and when you find mind, is there a second mind looking at the first mind?)
I'm about to go on a three week person retreat in a few day. I'm curious if anyone has advice for getting to stream entry? My current game plan is to do maybe 20 mintutes of yoga a day to help with stiffness, and then mostly to do walking then sitting. I kinda like this meditation doing itself, so Im considering just doing that and being less technique oriented for this one. I was considering getting Burbea's emptiness talks from a ~3 week retreat he did and listening to those in the evenings, but I may just skip it as well.
shargrol, modified 6 Months ago at 7/27/24 5:51 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/26/24 2:44 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Wow, three weeks -- that's great.
Some ideas:
But be more focused on those insights: how is my approach or attitude or intensity of experiencing causing me unnecessary suffering? What problems am I creating in this space of just being a human in a safe place with nothing that needs to be done? Why do I do that? Why is it a problem? Can I just be with this problem? Can I let it be? Can I allow it to arise and pass, too? Isn't a problem just sensations, emotions, and thoughts? Then what makes a problem a problem? What prevents experiences from arising and passing naturally? What do I cling to? What do I avoid? What do I ignore?
SE can never be forced, never anticipated, and won't be known until afterwards. So don't worry about trying, predicting, or hoping --- that's all a waste of time except for noting "trying" "anticipating" "predicting" "hoping" etc. The pressure is completely off, there is nothing you "should" be doing except directly and intimately experiecing this moment, being an aware human, THIS.
Good luck and best wishes!
Keep what is useful and discard the rest!
Some ideas:
- The IMS schedule is pretty good as far as a daily routine goes: FAQs About Retreats – Insight Meditation Society ( Pick a schedule and mostly stick to it.
- Definitely have an exercise session and/or a mindful physical work-as-practice session each day.
- It's okay to sleep in. It's okay to nap. But don't be lazy. Stay on retreat.
- Use any of the meditation practices you know as it seems appropriate at the time. Meditation doing itself is fine if you are in the zone... if not, mindfulness of breathing... if dull, then add gentle noting on each outbreath. Remember the hierarchy of vipassina practice: 12. Conformity –
- If practice drops into jhana, soak in the jhana. But no need to try to "make jhana happen" -- either it will happen naturally or it will be more of a vipassina jhana kind of flavor after you get established/momentum. But if you are experiencing delight/pleasure born of renunciation and meditation and it feels good to soak in it then soooooooooak in the experience. It conditions the mind in a very good way.
- Evening sessions are very important for SE. When the intellectual/analytical mind gets tired by the end of the day, then a more direct and intimate and subtle mind seems to operate. Definitely sit into the night. Try taking a shower and changing into pajamas and sitting until you basically don't want to sit anymore.
- Definitely keep sitting even if you are nodding off and catch yourself slumping over - also known as "the zen lurch".
Many times a lurch resets the mind.
- Definitely keep sitting if you feel like you are sleeping/dreaming while sitting. If you aren't falling over, no problem.
- ...BUT, if you do the zen lurch three times, then mindfully go to bed.
- When you go to bed, mindfully go into bed and then watch the mind as you sleep. Watch it disappear.
- Similarily notice how the mind "appears" when you wake up, notice how your first experience can be one of mindfulness/vipassina/clear knowing.
- Mindfully put on clothes, mindfully brush teeth, mindfully eat, mindfully pee/poop, mindfully wash, mindfully scratch, mindfully walk, mindfully sit --- really feel what it's like at the level of sensations to be a human on retreat. Don't assume you know.
- Stay on retreat -- this means be intimate with what is occuring right now.
- Don't be seduced -- Don't bother with past problems or future worries. Don't even bother with ideas "about" the present, just live right now. Delight in this renunciation attitude. Give up the seduction of trying to achieve anything beyond being intimate with your experience right now. No plans, no goals, just mindfulness/meditation.
- Walk about 30 meters/yards in length, then turn around and walk back (this takes the "hiking a path" feeling away and makes you just focus on the mechanical experience of walking). Don't lose mindfulness as you get to the end, don't lose it as you turn around. Look at the world that you are walking in before you start --- how nice to be here and walking! Notice the mind deciding and willing your first step. And then mindfully start walking and find what feels good and natural.
- Don't do walking meditation like a soldier (rigid, tight) and don't do it like tai chi (slow) and don't do it lazily (sloppy) --- find what is natural and good, which is usually a moderate pace with good posture yet looseness.
- Enjoy making and eating and excreting meals --- it's meditation with all five senses!
- Enjoy getting clean -- it's meditaion with all five senses!
- Enjoy hand washing clothes - IMWA5S!
- etc.
- SE comes from "mastering" the basics -- and the basics are nothing more than knowing a sensation as the sensation, knowing an emotion as the emotion, and knowing a thought as the thought. It's that simple. Keep doing that and/or keep noticing how the mind naturally does this.
- Sometimes the mind gets very clear/subtle in which case it is more like knowing primal/proto/partial sensations, knowing primal/proto/partial emotions, and knowing primal/proto/partial thoughts. This tends to happen in 3 characteristics, A&P, Reobs, and high/drifty EQ for example.
- Read about the nanas again --- and definitely read about the corruptions of insight: The Sixteen Stages of Insight ( Many a mighty meditator has been defeated by a corruption of insight. "Experiences are to be noticed and noted." Don't indulge in experiences.
- SE is a natural result of mindfulness. The mind wants to let go of clinging and avoiding and over-reacting. The mind wants the peace of simplicity. And even further, the mind wants a break from "having to be the knower all the time" and it will leap to nibbana naturally. It leaps itself because it sees the dukka of having to be a knower. But it won't leap until it fully becomes the knower by having a complete and intimate experience of this moment.
- Fully becoming the knower means being intimate with experience. Directly experiencing.
- EDIT: Play with finding the sensations associated with being a knower.
- Before SE there will be returns to A&P events (which is a kind of not-knowing event) and there will be other events like gradual brownouts or momentary blackouts or leaps into formless realms --- many kinds of near misses. No big deal. Keep practicing. Near misses are just one more thing to notice and note.
- Play with going to the center of your mind.
- Play with going to the point where sensations arise in the body
- Play with going to the point where emotions arises in the body/mind.
- Play with going to the point where thoughts arise in the mind.
- Play with "listening to the sounds of thoughts".
- Don't get seduced by creativity or inspiration -- your good ideas will seem like really really good ideas. Just write a few sentences about what you want to remember, but don't indulge in it. If it really is a good idea, it will be a good idea after the retreat.
- Let purification happen. Let old memories, bad feelings, regrets, doubts, worries happen. Be intimate with what arises. Don't repress, but also don't indulge. Be gentle but firm.
- Learn to trust yourself. Ultimately your own mind is healing your own mind. Let it happen naturally, through trial and error. Don't try to be perfect but don't be lazy either.
- Dharma talks often hit deeply, so try to include one or two each day.
- Don't read if you can avoid it. Barely do any writing.
- If you're like me and get songs in your head, feel free to write it down -- then you'll have a soundtrack from your retreat
But seriously, sometimes the lyrics/emotions are meaningful so experience the song. Don't repress, but also don't indulge. Be gentle but firm.
- Overall: Don't repress, but also don't indulge. Be gentle but firm.
- Overall: be mindful throughout the day and then watch what happens to the mind when it gets subtle at night.
- Straight ahead!
But be more focused on those insights: how is my approach or attitude or intensity of experiencing causing me unnecessary suffering? What problems am I creating in this space of just being a human in a safe place with nothing that needs to be done? Why do I do that? Why is it a problem? Can I just be with this problem? Can I let it be? Can I allow it to arise and pass, too? Isn't a problem just sensations, emotions, and thoughts? Then what makes a problem a problem? What prevents experiences from arising and passing naturally? What do I cling to? What do I avoid? What do I ignore?
SE can never be forced, never anticipated, and won't be known until afterwards. So don't worry about trying, predicting, or hoping --- that's all a waste of time except for noting "trying" "anticipating" "predicting" "hoping" etc. The pressure is completely off, there is nothing you "should" be doing except directly and intimately experiecing this moment, being an aware human, THIS.
Good luck and best wishes!
Keep what is useful and discard the rest!
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 5 Months ago at 8/17/24 7:26 PM
Created 5 Months ago at 8/17/24 7:26 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
So here more or less what happened on retreat. I ended up listening to rob burbeas 4 week (it’s roughly 3 weeks of talks though) emptiness retreat talks daily so that had a big impact on things
Week 1 -
Started off just trying to get intimate with experience. Felt like I was getting more intimate every day, but wasn’t close enough. The head pressure was usually fine, and I could “surf” it, but occasionally would see it hit critical points, then some other form of tension or something would come in and make everything worse. Lots of long sits. Around day 4 I got strep, so had to pull out my phone, coordinate getting antibiotics, and spent maybe half a day going to the pharmacy. Retreat talks focused a lot on the 3cs, but I wasn’t getting tons of mileage from them. Had one moment a few days in where all the gentle noting felt useless, I was getting very frustrated, so I said screw it and went back to trying to note everything. What I didn’t notice was all the objects were very clear and defined, and noting everything sequentially work very well, but I could feel the effort in my head steadily increasing until it plateaued. Then the sounds and other objects all kind of faded into the background to form one big object (but you could still make out the sounds), and the effort in n my head naturally died down. I laughed at what just happened, I had never seen that transition so clearly.
There was a death reflection that got me hard. “If you’re a human you live to be maybe 100. Scientists estimate the universe is 14B years old, and has about another 14B years left. Our lives are just as he barest flickers in all this”. Had some states of flow and formlessness, but nothing to write home about.
Week 2 -
came across a talk about the 7 fold reasoning (basically 5 aggregates and the self), and I was listening to it in a state of formlessness where you can see the objects come out of it and back into it very clearly. I’ve previously had the insights 1. Reality is also sense data 2. The self is all sense data (but this was definitely getting more refined during the first week) but my mind was able to jump to 3. So this sense of self exists entirely dependent on sense 4. It’s not really special in any way, it’s just the mind turning a bit of it into an arbitrary object. Then after that the sense of attachment had noticeably decreased, the compression felt smoother and smaller, and the new texture kept reminding me of the insights. Spent like a day or two stabilizing that. After this, this felt sense of “somehow being not close enough to experience” disappeared.
A few days after was introduced to his spaciousness awareness stuff, although the order had gotten mixed up on dharmaseed so I first heard the talk and then I heard guided meditation. During the talk he mentioned something along the lines of “seeing how the space itself could effortlessly hold all its contents”, and I decided to give that a try. When I was doing this in meditation, all the objects turned transparent, and then they turned kinda cloudy in a way that made them all seem fake/unreal in a meaningful sense. The spacious awareness guided meditation ended up being super useful, and i was doing that for awhile, but fell back into a more DN shitfest for a couple days. Somewhere in there I was doing big sky mind shit with my eyes open, and for maybe 10 minutes it felt like I became everything? (It felt godly), but like I was also the visual field (it got a certain thickness to it). It felt very trippy at the time, but then maybe an hour or so after it felt kinda ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. After being stuck in the DN stuff for maybe two days, I decided to try to maintain big sky mind for a whole day, and in the morning after I had established i remember it feeling effortlessly, then all the sudden effort popped up and it felt like I was struggling to maintain it, but there was the realization that it was still effortless to maintain, it was just the appearance of a struggle/problem/effort that arose. After a few hours BSM stabilized in a way where somehow it became the current baseline. I already had wide peripheral vision, but somehow it’s more stable? Perhaps I’m getting hooked less into head contractions??
After the stabilization, I’ve started to get these moments daily that last for a few seconds or minutes where there is no sense of self or contradiction, and everything just feels big and free and easy. The first few times it was a bit strange; and almost confusing as my mind didn’t know where to land. Normally this happens when I eat or walk or am not just sitting there.
Week 3 -
Had some good insights into DO and emptiness early on in the week. I realized that suffering is contraction + unpleasantness. Like basically definitionally. To say this causes that is essentially wrong because it’s implying separate objects. This also gave me more of an intuitive feeling for “causes cause effects and effects cause causes”, cause like if you just see unpleasantness or mild contraction in the wild, it’s not suffering until there is the effect of suffering. (Like if you mix blue and yellow paint, they are the causes until there is green paint). The core dependency between knowing/known also makes a lot of sense to me as well (the idea of awareness has always confused me a bit cause you can’t really ever find it?? And attention can be look at as like the changing in object saliency over time). I will say, stuff also seems interconnected, but still real in some sense.
Also came across a emptiness and compassion practice that seems cool
1. Metta towards beings
2. Metta towards beings, holding into account their death and fragility
3. Metta towards beings as the brief flickers of existence
4. Metta towards the individual mind moments of suffering
5. Compassion towards beings qualified by emptiness (so you reflect on how they might be inseparable from the universe - in terms of any of the aggregates, how we might share the same elements from a supernova, they are not separate from past or future they are infinite and unfindable as a separate thing).
I tried 2&3, and they hit me light a freight train compared to normal metta.
Things week 3 were coasting until about the halfway point, where I got sick again, and hit with mor DN stuff that knocked me out for another 2 days (definitely pulled out my phone this time and was dick around). Much to my credit though, when these big full body complex emotions came up I would fully investigate them and go into them (a lot of them have hit the turning point where there doesn’t seem to be big self components in them and they have lost their ability to get under my skin). Getting both sick and DN definitely knocked the wind out of my sail for the rest of the retreat. Like the sickness had some weird symptoms that I’ve never had, so I needed to call my doctor, occasionally pull my phone out to check on new symptoms, started worrying about when I can schedule an appointment because I am only back home for a few days after the retreat before I’m off the grid again, etc (plus just feeling like shit lol).
I rallied a little bit and had a good half day of investigating how the structure of thoughts create a self and solidify experience (like my mind has a tendency to narrated the meditation as it’s happening, in past tense, which is wild when you actually investigate it because its narrative is solidifying things in ways that they aren’t).
Then had a bit more casual kinda half days of playing around with big sky mind meditation. At first I was trying to see how easy it was to rest in the formless aspect, but that can be kinda hard with the contractions, so my mind started playing around with like progressive relaxation, and kinda surprisingly it can progressively relax out most of the remaining tension/pressure/contractions. Then when that gets relax and is stable then you can rest in formlessness. It is almost like a fun game my mind has started to learn by itself. I’m going to play with this for awhile as my main practice and see where it takes me. I think a lot of the shikantaza/gentle noting has gotten stale and my practice has been kinda stagnant for awhile now.
Week 1 -
Started off just trying to get intimate with experience. Felt like I was getting more intimate every day, but wasn’t close enough. The head pressure was usually fine, and I could “surf” it, but occasionally would see it hit critical points, then some other form of tension or something would come in and make everything worse. Lots of long sits. Around day 4 I got strep, so had to pull out my phone, coordinate getting antibiotics, and spent maybe half a day going to the pharmacy. Retreat talks focused a lot on the 3cs, but I wasn’t getting tons of mileage from them. Had one moment a few days in where all the gentle noting felt useless, I was getting very frustrated, so I said screw it and went back to trying to note everything. What I didn’t notice was all the objects were very clear and defined, and noting everything sequentially work very well, but I could feel the effort in my head steadily increasing until it plateaued. Then the sounds and other objects all kind of faded into the background to form one big object (but you could still make out the sounds), and the effort in n my head naturally died down. I laughed at what just happened, I had never seen that transition so clearly.
There was a death reflection that got me hard. “If you’re a human you live to be maybe 100. Scientists estimate the universe is 14B years old, and has about another 14B years left. Our lives are just as he barest flickers in all this”. Had some states of flow and formlessness, but nothing to write home about.
Week 2 -
came across a talk about the 7 fold reasoning (basically 5 aggregates and the self), and I was listening to it in a state of formlessness where you can see the objects come out of it and back into it very clearly. I’ve previously had the insights 1. Reality is also sense data 2. The self is all sense data (but this was definitely getting more refined during the first week) but my mind was able to jump to 3. So this sense of self exists entirely dependent on sense 4. It’s not really special in any way, it’s just the mind turning a bit of it into an arbitrary object. Then after that the sense of attachment had noticeably decreased, the compression felt smoother and smaller, and the new texture kept reminding me of the insights. Spent like a day or two stabilizing that. After this, this felt sense of “somehow being not close enough to experience” disappeared.
A few days after was introduced to his spaciousness awareness stuff, although the order had gotten mixed up on dharmaseed so I first heard the talk and then I heard guided meditation. During the talk he mentioned something along the lines of “seeing how the space itself could effortlessly hold all its contents”, and I decided to give that a try. When I was doing this in meditation, all the objects turned transparent, and then they turned kinda cloudy in a way that made them all seem fake/unreal in a meaningful sense. The spacious awareness guided meditation ended up being super useful, and i was doing that for awhile, but fell back into a more DN shitfest for a couple days. Somewhere in there I was doing big sky mind shit with my eyes open, and for maybe 10 minutes it felt like I became everything? (It felt godly), but like I was also the visual field (it got a certain thickness to it). It felt very trippy at the time, but then maybe an hour or so after it felt kinda ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. After being stuck in the DN stuff for maybe two days, I decided to try to maintain big sky mind for a whole day, and in the morning after I had established i remember it feeling effortlessly, then all the sudden effort popped up and it felt like I was struggling to maintain it, but there was the realization that it was still effortless to maintain, it was just the appearance of a struggle/problem/effort that arose. After a few hours BSM stabilized in a way where somehow it became the current baseline. I already had wide peripheral vision, but somehow it’s more stable? Perhaps I’m getting hooked less into head contractions??
After the stabilization, I’ve started to get these moments daily that last for a few seconds or minutes where there is no sense of self or contradiction, and everything just feels big and free and easy. The first few times it was a bit strange; and almost confusing as my mind didn’t know where to land. Normally this happens when I eat or walk or am not just sitting there.
Week 3 -
Had some good insights into DO and emptiness early on in the week. I realized that suffering is contraction + unpleasantness. Like basically definitionally. To say this causes that is essentially wrong because it’s implying separate objects. This also gave me more of an intuitive feeling for “causes cause effects and effects cause causes”, cause like if you just see unpleasantness or mild contraction in the wild, it’s not suffering until there is the effect of suffering. (Like if you mix blue and yellow paint, they are the causes until there is green paint). The core dependency between knowing/known also makes a lot of sense to me as well (the idea of awareness has always confused me a bit cause you can’t really ever find it?? And attention can be look at as like the changing in object saliency over time). I will say, stuff also seems interconnected, but still real in some sense.
Also came across a emptiness and compassion practice that seems cool
1. Metta towards beings
2. Metta towards beings, holding into account their death and fragility
3. Metta towards beings as the brief flickers of existence
4. Metta towards the individual mind moments of suffering
5. Compassion towards beings qualified by emptiness (so you reflect on how they might be inseparable from the universe - in terms of any of the aggregates, how we might share the same elements from a supernova, they are not separate from past or future they are infinite and unfindable as a separate thing).
I tried 2&3, and they hit me light a freight train compared to normal metta.
Things week 3 were coasting until about the halfway point, where I got sick again, and hit with mor DN stuff that knocked me out for another 2 days (definitely pulled out my phone this time and was dick around). Much to my credit though, when these big full body complex emotions came up I would fully investigate them and go into them (a lot of them have hit the turning point where there doesn’t seem to be big self components in them and they have lost their ability to get under my skin). Getting both sick and DN definitely knocked the wind out of my sail for the rest of the retreat. Like the sickness had some weird symptoms that I’ve never had, so I needed to call my doctor, occasionally pull my phone out to check on new symptoms, started worrying about when I can schedule an appointment because I am only back home for a few days after the retreat before I’m off the grid again, etc (plus just feeling like shit lol).
I rallied a little bit and had a good half day of investigating how the structure of thoughts create a self and solidify experience (like my mind has a tendency to narrated the meditation as it’s happening, in past tense, which is wild when you actually investigate it because its narrative is solidifying things in ways that they aren’t).
Then had a bit more casual kinda half days of playing around with big sky mind meditation. At first I was trying to see how easy it was to rest in the formless aspect, but that can be kinda hard with the contractions, so my mind started playing around with like progressive relaxation, and kinda surprisingly it can progressively relax out most of the remaining tension/pressure/contractions. Then when that gets relax and is stable then you can rest in formlessness. It is almost like a fun game my mind has started to learn by itself. I’m going to play with this for awhile as my main practice and see where it takes me. I think a lot of the shikantaza/gentle noting has gotten stale and my practice has been kinda stagnant for awhile now.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 4 Months ago at 9/25/24 1:47 PM
Created 4 Months ago at 9/25/24 1:44 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I went to Burning Man like a week after that meditation retreat. Practice wise, I had some interesting experiences on psychedelics where the evil spirits came out, and I practiced metta for them and then over time that pacified them and made them very friendly. Also, some experience just with how fragile emotions are.
My sitting the past month has been okay. There have been a few low motivation days I've dropped it, but otherwise Ive been sitting for ~1 - 1.5 hours. I've started starting off my sessions now with a few minutes of metta before going into shikintaza/light relaxation. My sits in general feel very peaceful. There is still some tension and pressure in my head, but it feels lighter and more formless - a lot of the time it feels like a vague energy over there, where I can't really tell you where it starts or stops and doesnt feel connected to any object. It's started to periodically feel like its not even "connected" (maybe associated is a better word?) with rupa at all. I've also started playing around with occasionally sending out the intention to release all tension. Sometimes, those intentions seem to work to have a little bit of the tension relax. But this generally will get the system to the point where everything is baseline relaxed, and the system is automatically learning how to release things where it can.
I've also been thinking a bit more about working with wholesome/unwholesome thoughts and been thinking about what are good ways to actually do that. I also picked up a semi-related book, learned optimism.
My sitting the past month has been okay. There have been a few low motivation days I've dropped it, but otherwise Ive been sitting for ~1 - 1.5 hours. I've started starting off my sessions now with a few minutes of metta before going into shikintaza/light relaxation. My sits in general feel very peaceful. There is still some tension and pressure in my head, but it feels lighter and more formless - a lot of the time it feels like a vague energy over there, where I can't really tell you where it starts or stops and doesnt feel connected to any object. It's started to periodically feel like its not even "connected" (maybe associated is a better word?) with rupa at all. I've also started playing around with occasionally sending out the intention to release all tension. Sometimes, those intentions seem to work to have a little bit of the tension relax. But this generally will get the system to the point where everything is baseline relaxed, and the system is automatically learning how to release things where it can.
I've also been thinking a bit more about working with wholesome/unwholesome thoughts and been thinking about what are good ways to actually do that. I also picked up a semi-related book, learned optimism.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 4 Months ago at 9/25/24 3:24 PM
Created 4 Months ago at 9/25/24 3:24 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
So in the Learned Optimism book, he talks about how the form of how we explain things to ourselves largely impacts our happiness. He goes a bit into the form of explanations, and talks about them on a few different dimensions
- Permanence (optimists will tend to think of bad things as impermanent, and good things as permanent)
- Pervasiveness (optimists will tend to think of bad things as having a narrower scope and good things as being more general and universal)
- internality vs Externality (again positive things get attributed to "I" and negative things get attributed to "them")
This is interesting, because I initially picked up this book thinking it was going to be in the realm of working with wholesome thoughts, but with a bit more of a modern Western understanding. The thing that strikes me is it seems like insight develops these axes in weird ways (like everything is impermanent good and bad, the objects in question when thinking about pervasiveness are pretty conceptual and usually obviously empty, and there isn't an "I" to put traits onto).
But I am still largely intrigued by this idea of changing mental patterns.
- Permanence (optimists will tend to think of bad things as impermanent, and good things as permanent)
- Pervasiveness (optimists will tend to think of bad things as having a narrower scope and good things as being more general and universal)
- internality vs Externality (again positive things get attributed to "I" and negative things get attributed to "them")
This is interesting, because I initially picked up this book thinking it was going to be in the realm of working with wholesome thoughts, but with a bit more of a modern Western understanding. The thing that strikes me is it seems like insight develops these axes in weird ways (like everything is impermanent good and bad, the objects in question when thinking about pervasiveness are pretty conceptual and usually obviously empty, and there isn't an "I" to put traits onto).
But I am still largely intrigued by this idea of changing mental patterns.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 4 Months ago at 10/7/24 3:05 PM
Created 4 Months ago at 10/7/24 3:05 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Some interesting sub-patterns have popped up in my practice the last few days. So right now my routine is 1. have a bit of caffeine 2. exercise and do some chores then meditate. So usually when I start to meditate, my mind is very energize. I start off doing some self-metta for like 1-3 minutes (and my mind has been getting used to it more and more, but there is still a bit of me need to set the intention to really wish for myself to be happy, health, free from suffering, etc). Then I sit and do nothing, there is the head pressures and a this creates a bit of a sense of me, but things largely feel big open and easy. Then as I do nothing, the energy usually settles before these states of phantasmagoria ("A fantastic sequence of haphazardly associative imagery, as seen in dreams or fever. / A constantly changing scene composed of numerous elements."), where visual thoughts are being created so quickly and flowing between one another its not really making any coherent thought, I just have let it flow over. Then after that things seem mushy? Its hard for me to remember exactly what this feels like, its mostly contrasted with afterward there's a period of like things re-solidifying. At this point the like jonesy energy of the caffeine is completely gone. Then I've been getting energetic stuff - lots of head banging, some piti in my hands, my eyes start to flutter and I see the lightening behind them (although these days it feels like stuff is clentched, so its much smoother - and as a result the lightening pattern is way more consistent, and im 95% sure this is just the veins behind my eyes). Then eventually the energy just kind cuts off all at once, and usually this about ~1 hour into a sit, and everything feels peaceful and plain, so thats usually when I call it it quits.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 10/9/24 1:23 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/9/24 1:23 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
My head pressure has been easing up significantly since my last retreat. I noticed a huge decrease from the retreat after the burn, and it’s been easing up over the past month.
There was a significant decrease since yesterday. It feels so light and easy now. It’s no problem to sit with it. It’s actually kind of nice. Nothing to do no but be present and patient. Also today near the end of my sit I saw the small bit of contraction start flowing up and down and it transformed into the head movement. Normally they seem connected but still two separate thing, but this was the first time I saw one turn into the other.
I’ve noticed some “raw pain” in my head yesterday, maybe an inch or two behind where the contraction usually is. It was a bit strange. It feels like an energy where the only characteristic I can make out is pain.
Despite the last two things, everything is quite easy. Just coasting. I feel much more like myself (on a good day), I’ve been getting back into art, reading philosophy. I’ve kinda let my career stall since Covid so I’m starting to get that back on track.
Straight ahead.
There was a significant decrease since yesterday. It feels so light and easy now. It’s no problem to sit with it. It’s actually kind of nice. Nothing to do no but be present and patient. Also today near the end of my sit I saw the small bit of contraction start flowing up and down and it transformed into the head movement. Normally they seem connected but still two separate thing, but this was the first time I saw one turn into the other.
I’ve noticed some “raw pain” in my head yesterday, maybe an inch or two behind where the contraction usually is. It was a bit strange. It feels like an energy where the only characteristic I can make out is pain.
Despite the last two things, everything is quite easy. Just coasting. I feel much more like myself (on a good day), I’ve been getting back into art, reading philosophy. I’ve kinda let my career stall since Covid so I’m starting to get that back on track.
Straight ahead.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 10/16/24 2:40 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/16/24 2:40 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
I had an interesting 5-meo experience today.
The peak experience was me dropping away, and the experience really just felt like there was a direct experience of the "life-force". It had that transcendent, hard to put in words experience a lot of psychs do. The fascinating part though was honestly the come down. If seemed like this stream of "life-force" re-congealed back into reality. The world reformed from nothing - people came back into existence, my body did, war, suffering. I got a sense that this was just the natural way for these things to be, like how water forms into ice crystals in a particular way this "life-force" congealed into everything people take for granted. Like relationships, behavior, war, etc was all just what emerges by these things following their rules. I also got a very strong sense of the illusory nature of things. If it can dissolve so completely and come back, the way it is is not "how it is". Things can't be real in the way people always assume.
It reminded me a lot of this analogy I found over in Martin's practice log that has been living rent free in my head for some time now. I wonder if perhaps this is what's past the garden.
The peak experience was me dropping away, and the experience really just felt like there was a direct experience of the "life-force". It had that transcendent, hard to put in words experience a lot of psychs do. The fascinating part though was honestly the come down. If seemed like this stream of "life-force" re-congealed back into reality. The world reformed from nothing - people came back into existence, my body did, war, suffering. I got a sense that this was just the natural way for these things to be, like how water forms into ice crystals in a particular way this "life-force" congealed into everything people take for granted. Like relationships, behavior, war, etc was all just what emerges by these things following their rules. I also got a very strong sense of the illusory nature of things. If it can dissolve so completely and come back, the way it is is not "how it is". Things can't be real in the way people always assume.
It reminded me a lot of this analogy I found over in Martin's practice log that has been living rent free in my head for some time now. I wonder if perhaps this is what's past the garden.
A person lives in a garden surrounded by a high, thick hedge. Never having been out of the garden, they never question the garden or the hedge. Then one day, there is a gap in the hedge. There are things out there that the person has never seen, and it feels both wonderful and weird/frightening to step outside the hedge, so they return to the garden. After that, sometimes they can find the gap in the hedge and sometimes they cannot. But as time goes on they remember where the gap is, they cut it a little wider, and they get used to going beyond the gap and exploring the outside world up to a newly found hedge, so the gap is not really a gap anymore, it's just part of the shape of the hedge. Gradually, more gaps appear and the garden becomes progressively larger.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 10/17/24 11:38 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/17/24 11:38 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Had a meeting with Roger Thisdell this morning. Went super well, he's a fantastic teacher. Walked him through the 5-meo stuff, my 3 week retreat, and the hypnagogic cycling I experience every day. I was very much like, "how do I know what's real? What's beyond 'the screen' of stuff I see?" and he thought that was a great line of inquiry.
The task I've been giving to meditate on, is when I get into these relaxed hypnagogic states, where consciousness is shutting off and proto-thoughts are popping up is to - look for when the arising of "a thing" happens (not specific examples of things coming in and out, but when does stuff get their thing-ness). He also told me to examine nothingness (in this case, the formless aspect of space) and it's relationship to thing-ness.
The task I've been giving to meditate on, is when I get into these relaxed hypnagogic states, where consciousness is shutting off and proto-thoughts are popping up is to - look for when the arising of "a thing" happens (not specific examples of things coming in and out, but when does stuff get their thing-ness). He also told me to examine nothingness (in this case, the formless aspect of space) and it's relationship to thing-ness.
Martin V, modified 3 Months ago at 10/17/24 11:48 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/17/24 11:48 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 1075 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent PostsChris M, modified 3 Months ago at 10/17/24 12:28 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/17/24 12:28 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsWhat's beyond 'the screen' of stuff I see?"
For me, this was THE line of inquiry. I asked it differently, but had the same theme.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 10/18/24 3:14 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/18/24 3:14 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Okay my sit today started off with me getting really tired really quickly (which is fine cause i want to investigate the hypnagogic stuff). I started having head drop outs, which kept waking me back up, so I went and laid in my bed to try and stabilize things a bit more. At first when I was looking for the thing-ness in thoughts, I would miss the beginning of thoughts and I would notice them once they were formed and in a jolted way switch my attention to it. I looked for the end, and they would just disappear like that, with any baggage just poof gone. Eventually, I was able to catch a thought come from nothingness, and it just felt like the opposite of it disappearing, it almost just popped in from nowhere. At this point, my mind kinda trolled me and stopped thinking, and the visual field because a very sparkly flickery diffused color blobs. Then the door bell rang and my new couch got delivered so I had to call it, and was definitely a bit groggy coming out.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 10/18/24 8:48 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/18/24 8:46 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
okay i gave another shot to this later on when i wasnt super tired, and its super weird. I meditated for about 50 minutes or so, and basically over the course of that time thought's and the perception of thoughts seemed to change.
So at first, thoughts seemed very quick, vague and murky. Like I could tell there is something going on, but not exactly what. There might be these slight moments of recognition of what the image was but generally it was impossible to differentiate the thought part from the rest of the visual field (it kinda didnt even seem like it was happening in the visual field per say, like it was in the same spot, but not arising from visual field). Then it got to the point where thoughts kinda "popped" out, like there would be murkiness (but activity???), more murkiness, then boop, the images would pop into existence super briefly, and there would be a clear moment of being able to see the image, recognize the content, and then it would disappear again (like very fast and brief). As the sit progressed, thoughts seemed like they were getting longer, clearer, and like the image was arising from the visual field (like the pixels of the visual fields would fade into the pixels of the thoughts).
It does seem like this "pop" moment of recognition might be the moment where it get's thing-ness (like that's the moment where it gets fully separated from the back and becomes its own distinct thing). It really does seem to be a specific moment where like the thought fully crystallizes into an image, perception picks that up and can tag it, memory comes it and you know its X person or Y place or whatever.
So at first, thoughts seemed very quick, vague and murky. Like I could tell there is something going on, but not exactly what. There might be these slight moments of recognition of what the image was but generally it was impossible to differentiate the thought part from the rest of the visual field (it kinda didnt even seem like it was happening in the visual field per say, like it was in the same spot, but not arising from visual field). Then it got to the point where thoughts kinda "popped" out, like there would be murkiness (but activity???), more murkiness, then boop, the images would pop into existence super briefly, and there would be a clear moment of being able to see the image, recognize the content, and then it would disappear again (like very fast and brief). As the sit progressed, thoughts seemed like they were getting longer, clearer, and like the image was arising from the visual field (like the pixels of the visual fields would fade into the pixels of the thoughts).
It does seem like this "pop" moment of recognition might be the moment where it get's thing-ness (like that's the moment where it gets fully separated from the back and becomes its own distinct thing). It really does seem to be a specific moment where like the thought fully crystallizes into an image, perception picks that up and can tag it, memory comes it and you know its X person or Y place or whatever.
shargrol, modified 3 Months ago at 10/19/24 5:51 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/19/24 5:51 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Just wanted to say that my motivation for SE was phrased very similarly. I would follow the nature of body sensations, right at the point of the sensation, which became more like proto-sensations... which mellowed into a whole body flowing experience which became more about mind-space and the arising of thoughts, and then I would follow thoughts right at the point of arising, which became more like proto-thoughts --- sort of tracing experience upstream to its source.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/1/24 3:47 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/1/24 3:45 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
So practice update.
The 5-meo stuff definitely put me in a weird space for a few days. There was a bit of release of suffering in a similar way to how Rob talks about it, where I feel like I'd get caught up in something, and then realize it's all fake to a large extent, and then the suffering just goes away. And it was a really nice, carefree couple of days (even my roommate pointed out to me that I was way different). But I have seemingly dropped that insight on the floor now, so if anyone knows a basket or something i can hold all these insights in, it would be appreciated. This difference between "me" vs "space itself" now feels extremely contrived (like it was not the right level to be looking at), on a level that feels more baseline.
Practice wise, looking for the arising of objects for a few days was interesting. Similar stuff to how I posted before. But it does seem like the thing-ness does flash into/out of existence, but thing-ness is itself another thing (like another quality (might not be the right word) but another thing perception can pick up when its there)? I also started to do more of this type of investigation for rupa. A few days into, I started to play around a bit with different attentional modes, and that seems to have an interesting effect. There do seem to be like different things to focus on that change the texture of reality in interesting ways. Like if I try to take the flowiness of objects as my object, then everything seems to get flowier in general. Do-nothing seems to make things more spotty and undulating. In general though, it does seem like practice is still picking out more and more subtle elements of the "me-ness", like theres been a lot of investigation of how getting absorbed into something that moves creates the first person perspective. But there are threads that are being pulled, and just piece by piece the stuff is being investigated. But that area seems to be undergoing a shift (like the frame keeps stabilizing more and more, and the movements don't capture the camera as much so the frame is steady, but ive come to realize lately the frame seems always steady to some extent.). The transition from 0th person, through semi-me objects, from 1st person seems to be very flowy and automatic.
I've been thinking more about the 5-meo experience in the context of non-dualism. Here's an exchange I had with a buddy:
I recently did bufo, and reality completely melted into “life force” and then the super interesting things was when it resolidifed back and got reconstructed from nothing.
The two really deep impressions for me seemed to be 1. Yeah the screen of sensory data seems to be an illusion (the analogy of a mirror seems interesting here) 2. Reality congealing back seemed to follow a specific set of rules. Like it seemed like everything came back a specific set of rules and that gave a impression of like everything is exactly the way it has to be, and there is some logic to the u folding
And so if you really by into emptiness of there are no things, how can there be these rules/dynamics?
Like why did reality come back to the way it was?
And his response was
Excellent insights. When you continue these experiences and investigations I’m confident you’ll begin to understand them more. I haven’t done bufo. My experience is entering and exiting cessation (nirodha or the 9th jhana). I can verify your experiences are authentic as if you had them without bufo, similar to mine. The Dharma is more aligned with patterns than anti-patterns. It’s dhareti or that which carries. Without patterns we couldn’t awaken. Without anti-patterns we couldn’t awaken. The dharma carries laws and no laws. It IS interesting and fresh tho not too surprising that reality deconstitutes itself and reconstitutes itself according to patterns/rules/progressive orderings. I have no doubt that even in the big bang the whole of chemistry for example was already there. The really richly insightful zones for me are even before the patterns are activated, when you really slow down the reconstruction of reality, that there is something like an objectless and lawless wakefulness before reality fabricates itself in an orderly way. You can call it nibbanadhatu for now. It never leaves. It can’t. In DO, that lawless and purely creative wakefulness is the opposite of avijja which as soon as it arises is accompanied by sankharas that come with orderly and complexifying patterns. For me avijja starts at an ultra-precise point in the evolution of consciousness that is generated first as a field and then out of curiosity it becomes condensed into a point of knowing, an object wakefulness without a subject. If you stay at this stage for a while, you realize the coalescing qualities of an object like a field altering that arose with the object of knowing. Ajahn Amaro at Amaravati tried to argue this is what prevents people on the other side from entering nibbana. Upaddhaviveka for him is this ultra-low level of consciousness that is not yet free, it’s dhir in sanscrit or coalescing in a field. Then the witness (separating from a seen) arises when perception becomes the object singularity and develops as its own reference point to which feelings coalesce. So already perception and feeling are a lie that try to stretch and alter the initial field. They’re inherently samsaric and fabricated as separate due to the lack of field harmonics with the initiating objectless field. The body starts breathing more and thinking and processing happen much faster. The world will continue to pixelate the rest of your life the deeper you see. It will come and go quickly. It’s fruitful to look as closely as the grain of sand as to infinity of the higher jhanas now. Keep deepening your understanding of emptiness of things and impermanence.
Reflecting on it the last few days reminded me of a quote from one of the first books of Buddhism I picked up, when things fall apart.
"Things falling apart is a kind of testing and also a kind of healing. We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.”
There is definitely something metaphysically profound I missed the first. But like yeah, things come together and they fall apart. What else is there?
The 5-meo stuff definitely put me in a weird space for a few days. There was a bit of release of suffering in a similar way to how Rob talks about it, where I feel like I'd get caught up in something, and then realize it's all fake to a large extent, and then the suffering just goes away. And it was a really nice, carefree couple of days (even my roommate pointed out to me that I was way different). But I have seemingly dropped that insight on the floor now, so if anyone knows a basket or something i can hold all these insights in, it would be appreciated. This difference between "me" vs "space itself" now feels extremely contrived (like it was not the right level to be looking at), on a level that feels more baseline.
Practice wise, looking for the arising of objects for a few days was interesting. Similar stuff to how I posted before. But it does seem like the thing-ness does flash into/out of existence, but thing-ness is itself another thing (like another quality (might not be the right word) but another thing perception can pick up when its there)? I also started to do more of this type of investigation for rupa. A few days into, I started to play around a bit with different attentional modes, and that seems to have an interesting effect. There do seem to be like different things to focus on that change the texture of reality in interesting ways. Like if I try to take the flowiness of objects as my object, then everything seems to get flowier in general. Do-nothing seems to make things more spotty and undulating. In general though, it does seem like practice is still picking out more and more subtle elements of the "me-ness", like theres been a lot of investigation of how getting absorbed into something that moves creates the first person perspective. But there are threads that are being pulled, and just piece by piece the stuff is being investigated. But that area seems to be undergoing a shift (like the frame keeps stabilizing more and more, and the movements don't capture the camera as much so the frame is steady, but ive come to realize lately the frame seems always steady to some extent.). The transition from 0th person, through semi-me objects, from 1st person seems to be very flowy and automatic.
I've been thinking more about the 5-meo experience in the context of non-dualism. Here's an exchange I had with a buddy:
I recently did bufo, and reality completely melted into “life force” and then the super interesting things was when it resolidifed back and got reconstructed from nothing.
The two really deep impressions for me seemed to be 1. Yeah the screen of sensory data seems to be an illusion (the analogy of a mirror seems interesting here) 2. Reality congealing back seemed to follow a specific set of rules. Like it seemed like everything came back a specific set of rules and that gave a impression of like everything is exactly the way it has to be, and there is some logic to the u folding
And so if you really by into emptiness of there are no things, how can there be these rules/dynamics?
Like why did reality come back to the way it was?
And his response was
Excellent insights. When you continue these experiences and investigations I’m confident you’ll begin to understand them more. I haven’t done bufo. My experience is entering and exiting cessation (nirodha or the 9th jhana). I can verify your experiences are authentic as if you had them without bufo, similar to mine. The Dharma is more aligned with patterns than anti-patterns. It’s dhareti or that which carries. Without patterns we couldn’t awaken. Without anti-patterns we couldn’t awaken. The dharma carries laws and no laws. It IS interesting and fresh tho not too surprising that reality deconstitutes itself and reconstitutes itself according to patterns/rules/progressive orderings. I have no doubt that even in the big bang the whole of chemistry for example was already there. The really richly insightful zones for me are even before the patterns are activated, when you really slow down the reconstruction of reality, that there is something like an objectless and lawless wakefulness before reality fabricates itself in an orderly way. You can call it nibbanadhatu for now. It never leaves. It can’t. In DO, that lawless and purely creative wakefulness is the opposite of avijja which as soon as it arises is accompanied by sankharas that come with orderly and complexifying patterns. For me avijja starts at an ultra-precise point in the evolution of consciousness that is generated first as a field and then out of curiosity it becomes condensed into a point of knowing, an object wakefulness without a subject. If you stay at this stage for a while, you realize the coalescing qualities of an object like a field altering that arose with the object of knowing. Ajahn Amaro at Amaravati tried to argue this is what prevents people on the other side from entering nibbana. Upaddhaviveka for him is this ultra-low level of consciousness that is not yet free, it’s dhir in sanscrit or coalescing in a field. Then the witness (separating from a seen) arises when perception becomes the object singularity and develops as its own reference point to which feelings coalesce. So already perception and feeling are a lie that try to stretch and alter the initial field. They’re inherently samsaric and fabricated as separate due to the lack of field harmonics with the initiating objectless field. The body starts breathing more and thinking and processing happen much faster. The world will continue to pixelate the rest of your life the deeper you see. It will come and go quickly. It’s fruitful to look as closely as the grain of sand as to infinity of the higher jhanas now. Keep deepening your understanding of emptiness of things and impermanence.
Reflecting on it the last few days reminded me of a quote from one of the first books of Buddhism I picked up, when things fall apart.
"Things falling apart is a kind of testing and also a kind of healing. We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It’s just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.”
There is definitely something metaphysically profound I missed the first. But like yeah, things come together and they fall apart. What else is there?
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 3:09 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 3:09 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Is there nothingness throughout somethingness?
Is there nothingness around somethingness give it is shape and form??
Is there nothingness around somethingness give it is shape and form??
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 3:12 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 3:12 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 3:56 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 3:56 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:25 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:25 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:32 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:32 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsAdi Vader, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:38 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:38 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 415 Join Date: 6/29/20 Recent Posts
I can share with you my understanding of emptiness.
In practice the mind can lock onto characteristics of experience and experiencing. One of those characteristics is emptiness or the construct nature of experience as well as experiencing. The direct perception and therefore the emergent understanding that both experience and experiencing are assembled.
This moment of experience and its experiencing is put together, assembled.
Everything is a construct ... including the judgement that everything is a construct.
This is deeply experiential and we cook up language to describe it.
In practice the mind can lock onto characteristics of experience and experiencing. One of those characteristics is emptiness or the construct nature of experience as well as experiencing. The direct perception and therefore the emergent understanding that both experience and experiencing are assembled.
This moment of experience and its experiencing is put together, assembled.
Everything is a construct ... including the judgement that everything is a construct.
This is deeply experiential and we cook up language to describe it.
Adi Vader, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:40 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:40 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 415 Join Date: 6/29/20 Recent Posts
emptiness is a dhamma - small case 'd'
A property or a pattern that is consistent and thus can be considered equivalent to a law of nature, in case we want to find a comparison.
So we go about living our lives seeing apples falling from trees and pianos falling out of windows and .... one day instead of these things we see 'gravity'
A property or a pattern that is consistent and thus can be considered equivalent to a law of nature, in case we want to find a comparison.
So we go about living our lives seeing apples falling from trees and pianos falling out of windows and .... one day instead of these things we see 'gravity'
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 5:31 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 5:31 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 5:44 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 5:44 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
The direct perception and therefore the emergent understanding that both experience and experiencing are assembled.
Yeah dude this 100%. DO makes way more sense now. It's hard to put into words other than like the different layers of consciousness building themselves out of each other (think like fractals that lose complexity), and it builds into this like projection of consciousness.
Yeah dude this 100%. DO makes way more sense now. It's hard to put into words other than like the different layers of consciousness building themselves out of each other (think like fractals that lose complexity), and it builds into this like projection of consciousness.
Chris M, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 7:38 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 7:38 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Another way to tease out what we think we mean when we define emptiness (thanks to Ken McLeod) is to ask yourself a "where" question. Assume any given object in your attention. Exactly where is that object? Is it over there? Is it in your mind? Both places? Neither place? Place???
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 12:07 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 12:07 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Okay, tabling what an object is for right now, the question of where seems really strange. Like the where is being made by the thing, no?
Bahiya Baby, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 5:54 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 5:50 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
If a thing has location or it has a "where". Does knowing it's location within the vastness of your experience tell you anything about it or about the anything that is not it? What does it have location in relation to? Where is it fixed? How is it fixed? How is it that something can have location? Can something not have location?
These questions and this kind of inquiry have been representations of a lot of what's been going on with me for months.
I always found in general, and often early in the paths it was sufficient for deep insight, to identify the location of dukkha and thus gain insight into it.
This may sound simple but there are layers of dukkha to which we are numb and thus struggle to locate. One day then we catch ourselves feeling something and say "Hey, what is this strange object?" This realization alone can often be accompanied by that "ping" of insight.
Obviously one can't really find something they don't know they're looking for but yet it happens by accident time to time.
These questions and this kind of inquiry have been representations of a lot of what's been going on with me for months.
I always found in general, and often early in the paths it was sufficient for deep insight, to identify the location of dukkha and thus gain insight into it.
This may sound simple but there are layers of dukkha to which we are numb and thus struggle to locate. One day then we catch ourselves feeling something and say "Hey, what is this strange object?" This realization alone can often be accompanied by that "ping" of insight.
Obviously one can't really find something they don't know they're looking for but yet it happens by accident time to time.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:50 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:50 AM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
It feels very holographic? Like that nothing is projecting somethingness out somehow.
like an illusion or shadow for the flicker of a fire
like an illusion or shadow for the flicker of a fire
Papa Che Dusko, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 3:54 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 3:54 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 6:05 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 5:52 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Okay lets give a stab at trying to do a full rundown at what happened last night. I didnt end up sleeping at all, and ive been a bit on and off tired throughout the day, but its mostly comes in waves, and it just like built into the experience itself, so its not much of a bother. Also the general arc of last night was "falling down the hole" and coming back up maybe like 5 or 6 times to different depths, so the exact ordering and stuff might not be exactly right. But overall the impression I have now is that a ton of the pieces of the puzzle fell into place. The overall way I'd describe it is like reality comes in different resolution that kinda fractal down into itself (and its building itself up in layers) while kinda simplify, and you get basically further and further past "this reality" closer and closer to source. And as you go down the different levels things change texture (massively), and you see how its all made (very recursive and psychedelic). But the layers I was able to pick out were
It was this initial question of
"Is there nothingness throughout somethingness?
Is there nothingness around somethingness give it is shape and form??"
Then this pulled (and I kept using these as anchor questions to repull back down), but that kinda pulls things into the sensations themselves. Then things like zoom in and start to go past it, and the mind starts to play with the nothingness that is making the somethingness. And from there feeling this nothingness go through, there was this sense that the something-ness (still like decently formed at this point) is kinda constituting itself (like pushing against itself to make itself, and it exists as its own ground).
Then I think this is where things start to be "their own light" (its like holographic) (like the nothingness/somethingness are like deconstructing the materiality of things, visually it almost gives hints of like when visual phenomona are fully seen but seen through). First its kinda like flashlights making each other stronger when pointed at the same spot, but even the light breaks down. Illusion, mirage, flickering lamp - seem like good descriptions.
From there things keep zooming in, and like that light is being constructed by energy and vibrations like basically constructively interfering, and as things keep zooming in (it feels very much like youre looking at newspaper halftones and starting to see the dots and the no-dots), and it gets to the point where everything is simple and theres basically like something-ness and like nothing-ness around the somethingness that like interaction vibrationy stuff is like the low level generator (I dont think you can go lower?)
At some point there was a very distinct impression of like the self-making nano-machines of reality (like seeing the threads kinda weaving themselves in a very visual way). Like this. I also remember seeing visually my energy channels at somepoint.
But a *lot* of pieces of the puzzle make sense. Like saying things are their own light, or the vibration and energy, or why its called neither perception nor non-perception, or what my old dhamma teacher used to say “This moment is pregnant with all others”. This idea of realms being like psychological states vs real actual places (i see this for the misunderstanding it is). I think perceptually there is a new unifed framework? Like before there were a lot of disparate artifacts - like visual snow, this sense of attachment, when you stare for too long and colors fade, and shape fades, and "me-ness", the differnt "vibes" of different psychs, etc are all like artifacts of the fabrication process. It's just the thing rebuilding itself constant, at this like different levels of reality. This whole idea of different types/degrees of consciousness make sense now. It also seems much more clear that space and time are being fabricated. Like time is just the fabrication production rate, and space is created more by like the light and nothingness kinda interacting??? (kinda unclear). Also the last big question this solved was like "where" the different senses are happening. Like if things are all happening in space, there are like invisible tactile sensations seeminly in front of of the visual stuff, so I always kinda wondered where they are, but they are all like being fabraciated together as like a package deal (where they are), but it does seem like the distinct senses come to be around the light solidification layer.
Either this was a hit, or a near miss. If we're being honest, though, I'm really not sure if there was a time where it all went away.
"In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters."
It was this initial question of
"Is there nothingness throughout somethingness?
Is there nothingness around somethingness give it is shape and form??"
Then this pulled (and I kept using these as anchor questions to repull back down), but that kinda pulls things into the sensations themselves. Then things like zoom in and start to go past it, and the mind starts to play with the nothingness that is making the somethingness. And from there feeling this nothingness go through, there was this sense that the something-ness (still like decently formed at this point) is kinda constituting itself (like pushing against itself to make itself, and it exists as its own ground).
Then I think this is where things start to be "their own light" (its like holographic) (like the nothingness/somethingness are like deconstructing the materiality of things, visually it almost gives hints of like when visual phenomona are fully seen but seen through). First its kinda like flashlights making each other stronger when pointed at the same spot, but even the light breaks down. Illusion, mirage, flickering lamp - seem like good descriptions.
From there things keep zooming in, and like that light is being constructed by energy and vibrations like basically constructively interfering, and as things keep zooming in (it feels very much like youre looking at newspaper halftones and starting to see the dots and the no-dots), and it gets to the point where everything is simple and theres basically like something-ness and like nothing-ness around the somethingness that like interaction vibrationy stuff is like the low level generator (I dont think you can go lower?)
At some point there was a very distinct impression of like the self-making nano-machines of reality (like seeing the threads kinda weaving themselves in a very visual way). Like this. I also remember seeing visually my energy channels at somepoint.
But a *lot* of pieces of the puzzle make sense. Like saying things are their own light, or the vibration and energy, or why its called neither perception nor non-perception, or what my old dhamma teacher used to say “This moment is pregnant with all others”. This idea of realms being like psychological states vs real actual places (i see this for the misunderstanding it is). I think perceptually there is a new unifed framework? Like before there were a lot of disparate artifacts - like visual snow, this sense of attachment, when you stare for too long and colors fade, and shape fades, and "me-ness", the differnt "vibes" of different psychs, etc are all like artifacts of the fabrication process. It's just the thing rebuilding itself constant, at this like different levels of reality. This whole idea of different types/degrees of consciousness make sense now. It also seems much more clear that space and time are being fabricated. Like time is just the fabrication production rate, and space is created more by like the light and nothingness kinda interacting??? (kinda unclear). Also the last big question this solved was like "where" the different senses are happening. Like if things are all happening in space, there are like invisible tactile sensations seeminly in front of of the visual stuff, so I always kinda wondered where they are, but they are all like being fabraciated together as like a package deal (where they are), but it does seem like the distinct senses come to be around the light solidification layer.
Either this was a hit, or a near miss. If we're being honest, though, I'm really not sure if there was a time where it all went away.
"In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness covered the face of the deep, while a wind from God swept over the face of the waters."
Papa Che Dusko, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 6:29 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 6:29 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 6:36 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 6:36 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 3342 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
What or who knows this holographic somethingness and nothingness? Where is this knower of this somethingness and nothingness? Is it infront of these or behind them? Is it in the mind? Are they all the mind? If so then Where is this mind located in experience? Above, bellow or all around or nowhere at all or I don't know?
I don't have my Kyosaku at hand but when I find it I will come back to schmack you with it twice or trice!
I don't have my Kyosaku at hand but when I find it I will come back to schmack you with it twice or trice!
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 7:18 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 7:18 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Okay there are like these momentary glitches in the matrix now?
like it seems like the visual field just cuts out and gets replaced with like an image but only for a single moment or it also seems like there gets a little pixelated static. But now I'm seeing single moments??
like it seems like the visual field just cuts out and gets replaced with like an image but only for a single moment or it also seems like there gets a little pixelated static. But now I'm seeing single moments??
Bahiya Baby, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 7:37 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 7:35 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 7:44 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 7:44 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 7:52 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 7:52 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
No, that was a more direct question. Just trying to make sense of some things.
What is your experience of the jhanas?
Which ones do you have access to? Which ones present themselves in your experience?
What is your experience of the jhanas?
Which ones do you have access to? Which ones present themselves in your experience?
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 8:17 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 8:16 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Well literally as I got the notification for you think the glitchiness was starting to swell, and get really energetic and like tingly. And then for a brief bit it felt like there was a cool, calming breeze that went over/through the tingle (felt very acid-y), then a bit of the holographic light stuff for a second and then it cooled back down.
Whatever that series of events was, that's a brand new thing. But like it may have been jhanic?
Whatever that series of events was, that's a brand new thing. But like it may have been jhanic?
Bahiya Baby, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 8:20 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 8:20 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
In a sense it's all jhanic.
Sounds very interesting man. The nervous system and the myriad experiences possible within its realm are really quite astonishing.
Sounds very interesting man. The nervous system and the myriad experiences possible within its realm are really quite astonishing.
Bahiya Baby, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 8:23 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 8:22 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Also in relation to holograms I wanted to post something like this. Everyone please forgive me. Avert your eyes. Indecent things are to follow.
'In contrast, from the egoic “point of view” of the first three stages of life, the body is encountered as solid “stuff”, solid “me”. From that “point of view”, the body is not encountered as an apparent modification of Infinite Energy. Rather, in the “disposition” of the first three stages of life, the body is the “point of view” from which even Consciousness Itself is examined. From that “disposition”, all references that are made to Consciousness Itself are made from the “point of view” of egoic “self”-identification with the body. All of that is, itself, an intrinsically false view of conditionally apparent existence.
You must have a right understanding of conditionally apparent existence. In the Position of Self-Existing Consciousness Itself, everything that arises to Consciousness Itself is “Perfectly Known” to be a merely apparent, non-necessary, and intrinsically non-binding modification of the Self-Radiant Energy of Self-Existing Consciousness (or of the One and Indivisible Conscious Light That Is Reality Itself). Even the most solid forms are only apparent modifications of Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Energy (or Conscious Light). From the Position of Consciousness Itself, This Is Intrinsically Self-Evident.
In contrast, from the “point of view” of the body-mind-complex, it is not at all Self-Evident What the Status of individual conscious awareness Is, or What the Status of any thing, or any conditionally apparent state of being, Is. From the “point of view” of the body-mind-complex, everything is just “stuff”, “thingness”, “separateness”—or all of mere “self” and “not-self”. Apart from Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization, the Divine Status of conditionally apparent existence is not intuited or presumed.
In the Position of Consciousness Itself, It Is Intrinsically Self-Evident That There Is Only Consciousness Itself In and As the Indivisible Domain of Infinite Energy. All kinds of beings, things, and events are arising conditionally, but they are only apparent modifications of the Self-Radiant Energy of Self-Existing Consciousness—or Divine and One and Indivisible and Perfectly egoless and Perfectly Acausal Conscious Light.'
'In contrast, from the egoic “point of view” of the first three stages of life, the body is encountered as solid “stuff”, solid “me”. From that “point of view”, the body is not encountered as an apparent modification of Infinite Energy. Rather, in the “disposition” of the first three stages of life, the body is the “point of view” from which even Consciousness Itself is examined. From that “disposition”, all references that are made to Consciousness Itself are made from the “point of view” of egoic “self”-identification with the body. All of that is, itself, an intrinsically false view of conditionally apparent existence.
You must have a right understanding of conditionally apparent existence. In the Position of Self-Existing Consciousness Itself, everything that arises to Consciousness Itself is “Perfectly Known” to be a merely apparent, non-necessary, and intrinsically non-binding modification of the Self-Radiant Energy of Self-Existing Consciousness (or of the One and Indivisible Conscious Light That Is Reality Itself). Even the most solid forms are only apparent modifications of Self-Existing and Self-Radiant Energy (or Conscious Light). From the Position of Consciousness Itself, This Is Intrinsically Self-Evident.
In contrast, from the “point of view” of the body-mind-complex, it is not at all Self-Evident What the Status of individual conscious awareness Is, or What the Status of any thing, or any conditionally apparent state of being, Is. From the “point of view” of the body-mind-complex, everything is just “stuff”, “thingness”, “separateness”—or all of mere “self” and “not-self”. Apart from Most Perfect Divine Self-Realization, the Divine Status of conditionally apparent existence is not intuited or presumed.
In the Position of Consciousness Itself, It Is Intrinsically Self-Evident That There Is Only Consciousness Itself In and As the Indivisible Domain of Infinite Energy. All kinds of beings, things, and events are arising conditionally, but they are only apparent modifications of the Self-Radiant Energy of Self-Existing Consciousness—or Divine and One and Indivisible and Perfectly egoless and Perfectly Acausal Conscious Light.'
Bahiya Baby, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 8:26 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 8:26 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Postsshargrol, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 9:11 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 9:11 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 2827 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate
But now I'm seeing single moments??
But now I'm seeing single moments??
Sounds like seeing formations. Congrats. Keep going.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 9:20 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 9:12 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 738 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Something is different now. Somehow, even the conceptual layer of stuff seems a lot smoother now. Just like a lot more random stuff makes a lot more sense
Bahiya Baby, modified 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 9:26 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 11/2/24 9:26 PM
RE: Geoffrey's Logs 2: Electric Bugaloo
Posts: 953 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Nice and remember, the real beauty of it all is that none of it has to make sense.