First experience with Transcendental meditation

Han Solo, modified 1 Year ago at 2/8/24 2:53 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/8/24 12:01 PM

First experience with Transcendental meditation

Posts: 4 Join Date: 2/8/24 Recent Posts
Hi everybody,

Firstly, a quick word about me. I have been doing mindfulness meditation by myself since one year. I started, because I wanted to calm down and realised that my mind was often in a state of alarm, especially in larger social groups. You could probably also call this social anxiety. Meditation has helped me, but not to any particular extent. Nevertheless, I have continued to do it, simply to feel better over time.

Last week I tried TM for the first time. I didn't know much about it, a friend just told me about it. I was curious and found various videos about it on YouTube. I finally listened to one of those videos and followed the instructions. Soon my body and extremities started to tingle. During this half hour, I was in a state that I had never experienced before. When the meditation was over, I cried. But not out of sadness, more as if the pressure was falling off me.

I was amazed, surprised and then started to do it every day. The second time I did it, in addition to the tingling sensation, I felt a very strong arousal. It felt as if all my energy was focussed on my genital area and pretty similar to an orgasm. I hope these are not too intimate details, but that's how it was. After most of the meditation, I also get a little teary-eyed. I was also more energised the following days, my mind was generally more relaxed and more dreamy. Also I noticed, that I looked at the people around me with more compassion, seeing more how they feel, not being always occupied with my own anxiety thoughts. And that is sth which I really appreciate.

This morning I did that meditation again. I was still very tired and didn't sleep very much. I had to present sth at university and I was hoping that if I meditate beforehand it will be help to be more relaxed on stage. The meditation itself felt very similar to the days before. Except that I remained afterwards in a trance-like state afterwards. I still felt tired, but also with a kind of basic relaxation. The feeling was very similar to a Mariuhana high. I don't know if these words can really describe my experience, but it's really hard to grasp it somehow. And just to say it, that condition didn't help me at all for the presentation, supriseemoticon

I don't have anyone around me who knows more about meditation and I really have some questions. What happens to me during those meditation session? Is it what people refer to as Piti and Jhanas? I started to read things about it, and watched some Videos, but still I would be really happy to get some background to my experiences or explanations. The effects are kind of that strong, yes I also enjoy them, but I was getting a bit nervous and aksed myself, if this could also be unhealthy pursuing experiences like this unguided. I also felt the need to share this, also getting in a way in exchange.

Thanks a lot and sry for my mistakes, I am not a native english speaker.
Derek2, modified 1 Year ago at 2/8/24 2:57 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/8/24 2:57 PM

RE: First experience with Transcendental meditation

Posts: 236 Join Date: 9/21/16 Recent Posts
Last I heard, TM was only taught by thousand-dollar, in-person instruction. Can you tells us which video you were following?
Han Solo, modified 1 Year ago at 2/8/24 3:10 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/8/24 3:00 PM

RE: First experience with Transcendental meditation

Posts: 4 Join Date: 2/8/24 Recent Posts
Yes sure, it was that one:

I know it is just a basic video, but was still quite powerfull to me.
Derek2, modified 1 Year ago at 2/8/24 7:20 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/8/24 7:20 PM

RE: First experience with Transcendental meditation

Posts: 236 Join Date: 9/21/16 Recent Posts
Ah, okay, thanks. That is a guided meditation that just happens to use the word "transcendental" in its title. It is not the Transcendental Meditation (TM) taught by the so-called "Maharishi" Mahesh Prasad Varma and his followers.
Dream Walker, modified 1 Year ago at 2/8/24 8:45 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/8/24 8:45 PM

RE: First experience with Transcendental meditation

Posts: 1770 Join Date: 1/18/12 Recent Posts
Han Solo
Hi everybody,

  1. Firstly, a quick word about me.
  2. I have been doing mindfulness meditation by myself since one year.
  3. I started, because I wanted to calm down
  4. and realised that my mind was often in a state of alarm,
  5. especially in larger social groups. You could probably also call this social anxiety.
  6. Meditation has helped me, but not to any particular extent.
  7. Nevertheless, I have continued to do it, simply to feel better over time.
  1. Quick? many words actually emoticon
  2. What is mindfulness meditation to you? what do you do?
  3. did you get calmed down? how would you evaluate that?
  4. alarming ya whatever that is
  5. Ok, fear, in groups, larger is more? in what way? family? friends? 
  6. helped but is so clear
  7. feel? better? what time?
So far, you are vague as SH!!!!!T

  1. Last week I tried TM for the first time.
  2. I didn't know much about it, a friend just told me about it.
  3. I was curious and found various videos about it on YouTube.
  4. I finally listened to one of those videos and followed the instructions.
  5. Soon my body and extremities started to tingle.
  6. During this half hour, I was in a state that I had never experienced before. When the meditation was over, I cried. But not out of sadness, more as if the pressure was falling off me.
  1. What is TM to you? what did you actually do? how long? one time? several days? can you be more vague?
  2. about it? it? what about IT?
  3. Wow, youtube. ok. some good, some crap there.
  4. one? followed what instructions?
  5. oh good, tingle. finally you actually explain your word...
  6. I too have experienced vagueness before that is just like that other thing that I didn't experience before. 
summary - you did something, physical tingles, unknown nondescriptive something, cried, less pressure.

I was amazed, surprised and then started to do it every day. The second time I did it, in addition to the tingling sensation, I felt a very strong arousal. It felt as if all my energy was focussed on my genital area and pretty similar to an orgasm. I hope these are not too intimate details, but that's how it was. After most of the meditation, I also get a little teary-eyed. I was also more energised the following days, my mind was generally more relaxed and more dreamy. Also I noticed, that I looked at the people around me with more compassion, seeing more how they feel, not being always occupied with my own anxiety thoughts. And that is sth which I really appreciate.
You got to the A&P stage. ---->
Read that

This morning I did that meditation again. I was still very tired and didn't sleep very much. I had to present sth at university and I was hoping that if I meditate beforehand it will be help to be more relaxed on stage. The meditation itself felt very similar to the days before. Except that I remained afterwards in a trance-like state afterwards. I still felt tired, but also with a kind of basic relaxation. The feeling was very similar to a Mariuhana high. I don't know if these words can really describe my experience, but it's really hard to grasp it somehow. And just to say it, that condition didn't help me at all for the presentation, supriseemoticon
Glad you are enjoying it.

I don't have anyone around me who knows more about meditation and I really have some questions. What happens to me during those meditation session? Is it what people refer to as Piti and Jhanas? I started to read things about it, and watched some Videos, but still I would be really happy to get some background to my experiences or explanations. The effects are kind of that strong, yes I also enjoy them, but I was getting a bit nervous and aksed myself, if this could also be unhealthy pursuing experiences like this unguided. I also felt the need to share this, also getting in a way in exchange.
You read things? great. you watched stuff? great.
yes, it is unhealthy and scary to pursue anything, especially vague stuff.

Thanks a lot and sry for my mistakes, I am not a native english speaker.
What language do you speak? Besides vagueness?
I am trying to be funny, I hope you read the link. It will most likely answer your questions. Maybe not, I have very little information to evaluate.
emoticon emoticon emoticon
Good Luck,
Martin V, modified 1 Year ago at 2/9/24 10:55 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/9/24 10:55 AM

RE: First experience with Transcendental meditation

Posts: 1091 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent Posts
Thanks for describing that in detail. Details help. I know from experience that it's hard to describe things in a second language. Your English is very good, by the way. 

It sounds like you might have an affinity for meditation. The things you describe are not uncommon. Generally, most people who have cool experiences around mediation, especially the sort of practices you are describing, don't experience any significant problems. Unfortunately, it is also true that they often don't experience much lasting benefit. That can be a bit of a waste.

It could be useful to ask yourself what you would like to get out of meditation from this point on. Some people, and particularly people who have a lot of suffering in their lives, really want to reduce or end suffering. Other people are mostly looking for relaxation. Some people are very curious about the things that happen during and after meditation. Some want to find out how the mind works. Some are driven to discover the ultimate truth. There are various practice traditions that focus on or prioritize these sorts of things. It is not the case that all meditation is the same, or equivalent, or that all the different types of practice produce the same results. 

If you talk a bit about what you are looking for, people here might be able to point you to practices. For some people, it can be useful to have a plan and to move forward systematically. 
Han Solo, modified 1 Year ago at 2/10/24 4:34 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/10/24 4:34 PM

RE: First experience with Transcendental meditation

Posts: 4 Join Date: 2/8/24 Recent Posts
Thanks for your respond and your link!emoticon I read it, was pretty interesting and I can relate my experience pretty good to that description of A&P.

I can see you struggled a lot with my infosemoticon but still I appreciate it. I am happy to answer to your questions, guess makes it a bit easier for me .


  • What is mindfulness meditation to you? what do you do?

    I am doing it with app called Balance. Those are guided meditations, which involve a couple of techniques. Breath watching, focusing on objects or parts of your body, controlling breath (e.g. 4 sec inhaling, 7 holding, 8 exhaling). There are so many exercises which you are guided through. They are usually 20 minutes long.
  • did you get calmed down? how would you evaluate that?

    I feel more relaxed afterwards. My body feels similar like after I did an workout. They help me to focus, stop me cycling around my own thoughts. There is one exercise in the App called "Letting Go". You imagine a tree, leaves falling into a river and floating away. It is a visualization exercise, which makes you aware, how thoughts are coming up constantly, but you don't have to stick to them. They just pass by and you are just letting them go. That changed for me my perception, made me realize the harder you try to change your thoughts the more they stick to you.
  • alarming ya whatever that is

    hmm alarming is pretty obvious for me. Means my body in tensed, I can feel that there is a lot of stress inside of me. I feel stiff, can't react to my enviroment. I think it is basically that stress hormones are released.
  • Ok, fear, in groups, larger is more? in what way? family? friends?

    yes normally more than two people, I feel more stressed. But just for the record, that is not everyday the case. Can happen with all kind of groups friends and family as well.
  • feel? better? what time?

    Feeling better in that sense, that in situations which are stressing me, I can handle them better. My fight and flew respone isn't that high anymore than it used to be. Before I started with meditation, when I was feeling super uncomfortable, I just had in my mind how I can get out of the environment.

  1. What is TM to you? what did you actually do? how long? one time? several days? can you be more vague?

    As Derek2 already said in his answer, apperently I was not doing TM. It is a guided meditation on youtube, which is called "DEEP TRANSCENDENT" by Raphael Reiter. Each meditation is 30 minutes. I did it everyday since one week, makes 7 days so far.
  2. about it? it? what about IT?

    About TM. Isn't that obvious, that I referred to the sentence before?emoticon Basically a friend told me about David Lynch, and he heard that he is really into meditation. I watched an interview with him, and there he explained TM. I got curious and thats how I ended up on those Youtubevideos with guided meditations.
  3. Wow, youtube. ok. some good, some crap there.

    Sure, I guess that's the whole thing with internetemoticon
  4. one? followed what instructions?

    Meditations starts with instruction, that this is not about trying to focus on sth to hard. Just giving your thoughts free space and acknowleding them. Then there is a subtle sound which starts, and there is one vibrant sound in that soundscape. The guided voice tells you to try to keep, that sound in the forehead. That is basically it, listening for 30 minutes to that subtle music.
  5. oh good, tingle. finally you actually explain your word...

    I triedemoticon But your link helped me with its explanation. Couldn't describe it with those words. Thanks a lot again for your effort reacting to my vagueness!;) Much appreciated

Han Solo, modified 1 Year ago at 2/10/24 4:42 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/10/24 4:41 PM

RE: First experience with Transcendental meditation

Posts: 4 Join Date: 2/8/24 Recent Posts
Thanks Martin for your answer as well.

Thanks for your advise. That is useful.

I will think about it and come back with an answer. Since I need a bit more time to really express it in an good way in english. Just wanted to show, that I acknowledged your reply and appreciate it.
Dream Walker, modified 1 Year ago at 2/11/24 4:45 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 2/11/24 4:45 AM

RE: First experience with Transcendental meditation

Posts: 1770 Join Date: 1/18/12 Recent Posts

I triedemoticon But your link helped me with its explanation. Couldn't describe it with those words. Thanks a lot again for your effort reacting to my vagueness!;) Much appreciated
I'm glad you took my feedback well. 
What is your native language?
Do you have any questions that the link did not answer?
