Bahiya 2: The log strikes back - Discussion
Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Bahiya Baby, modified 7 Months ago at 6/2/24 4:27 AM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/2/24 4:27 AM
Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I haven't really been practicing much. I got hit by inspiration and had to spend as much time as I could making music for awhile. My inclination to practice and actually do good practice has returned. I think it's important to let myself do regular life stuff from time to time because I pushed pretty hard through the first couple paths and that involved some "heroic" and rather alienating doses of meditation. It's good to cut loose and shake a few tail feathers.
So... I will start a new log in hopes that I might stick with it.
In practice and more and more throughout the day I notice the self activity falls away and there's a softening of the heart and an opening of the senses. The thing I enjoy the most about it is that my heart, breath, chest all come to rest and just do their thing. I tend to practice in this state because I can just be with the world and my experience in a very natural "just right" kind of way. It is also easy to see the selfish activity that remains. Mainly just a certain looping narrator that picks up and falls away over and over and also sometimes an urge to strategise and schedule. Sometimes it's like watching a movie when the audio glitches out and isn't in time with the image. Or like... the ridiculousness of having some voice in my head narrate shit to me that I already know, have already cognized, sensed, experienced. ... The absurdity.... THE AUDACITY !!!
I'm really just working with that edge. Being as open and restful as I can without ignoring the remaining dissatisfaction. (Soften, include, relax). There's a strange tension to practice in some sense, in the juxtaposition of great restfulness and the annoyance of subtle dissatisfaction. I'm not trying to avoid this but as I said, soften, include and even lean in a little.
If this thing I'm pointing at is natural mind, or whatever, what's interesting about it, is that it's so real and obvious and normal that it can be super tempting to be like "well, hey this is it" but the more I "supress" or ignore dukkha the less I can be in this natural way of being.
Yeah... the juxtaposition is interesting.
Woooo Bahiya 2 Baby !!!!! Lets go !!!!!!!!!!!!!
So... I will start a new log in hopes that I might stick with it.
In practice and more and more throughout the day I notice the self activity falls away and there's a softening of the heart and an opening of the senses. The thing I enjoy the most about it is that my heart, breath, chest all come to rest and just do their thing. I tend to practice in this state because I can just be with the world and my experience in a very natural "just right" kind of way. It is also easy to see the selfish activity that remains. Mainly just a certain looping narrator that picks up and falls away over and over and also sometimes an urge to strategise and schedule. Sometimes it's like watching a movie when the audio glitches out and isn't in time with the image. Or like... the ridiculousness of having some voice in my head narrate shit to me that I already know, have already cognized, sensed, experienced. ... The absurdity.... THE AUDACITY !!!
I'm really just working with that edge. Being as open and restful as I can without ignoring the remaining dissatisfaction. (Soften, include, relax). There's a strange tension to practice in some sense, in the juxtaposition of great restfulness and the annoyance of subtle dissatisfaction. I'm not trying to avoid this but as I said, soften, include and even lean in a little.
If this thing I'm pointing at is natural mind, or whatever, what's interesting about it, is that it's so real and obvious and normal that it can be super tempting to be like "well, hey this is it" but the more I "supress" or ignore dukkha the less I can be in this natural way of being.
Yeah... the juxtaposition is interesting.
Woooo Bahiya 2 Baby !!!!! Lets go !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Martin, modified 7 Months ago at 6/2/24 2:43 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/2/24 2:43 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 1064 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent PostsOr like... the ridiculousness of having some voice in my head narrate shit to me that I already know, have already cognized, sensed, experienced. ... The absurdity.... THE AUDACITY !!!
That brings to mind Daniel's Kazzo player.
finding-oneself ♤, modified 7 Months ago at 6/2/24 3:54 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/2/24 3:54 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 577 Join Date: 1/7/14 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 7 Months ago at 6/3/24 6:34 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/3/24 6:34 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 7 Months ago at 6/3/24 7:15 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/3/24 7:12 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
A warning... We're working out our dilligence with salvation here so there will be no messing, no shooting the breeze and absolutely no "joking around" on this log. Very serious, very uptight, very dry meditation discussion is all that's allowed. NO FUN !!! NO RAMBLING NONSENSE !!! NO COMEDIC CHARACATERIZATIONS OF EGOIC PROCESSES !!!
This goes for you too Bahiya ... !!!
This goes for you too Bahiya ... !!!
finding-oneself ♤, modified 7 Months ago at 6/3/24 9:51 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/3/24 9:51 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 577 Join Date: 1/7/14 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 7 Months ago at 6/4/24 6:42 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/4/24 6:42 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 7 Months ago at 6/7/24 11:26 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/7/24 11:26 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Doing 40 or so mins a day
Will bump that up to 2 sessions per day soon. Naturally inclining toward more practice which is good.
There are periods of restlessness and clarity. The periods of restlessness are tough. The mind is scattered, obsessing over motivation, inspiration, creativity. Very difficult to concentrate.
The periods of clarity are nice, for obvious reasons, but interesting because it seems I can see the root dilemma, the backwards self referencing process, this activity that takes like a slice of experience and starts winding up fantasy's around it. At first clarity was so interesting on its own I only saw this process obliquely. Now I'm starting to see it more clearly. I just watch it stop and start. Contract and relax. This is the edge that I need to practice at. Light touch, vigilant senses
Practice at this point seems to be all about gentle, consistent concentration. Just staying tuned into the groove of insight. I don't know how else to say it.
During periods of clarity the three characteristics are sort of already there, through all the senses, just kind of implicit in the experience so it's really just about letting that continue to occur. No interference mostly but subtly keeping an eye on the self referencing back tracking fabrication machine. There between my eyes. It's spooky man. That subtle realization that you're looking at a reflection, like realizing youve been talking to a hallucination.
I feel ready for this next leg of the journey. A few months ago I was not ready. I was a bit apprehensive, a bit avoidant, a bit lazy. It's time now.
Will bump that up to 2 sessions per day soon. Naturally inclining toward more practice which is good.
There are periods of restlessness and clarity. The periods of restlessness are tough. The mind is scattered, obsessing over motivation, inspiration, creativity. Very difficult to concentrate.
The periods of clarity are nice, for obvious reasons, but interesting because it seems I can see the root dilemma, the backwards self referencing process, this activity that takes like a slice of experience and starts winding up fantasy's around it. At first clarity was so interesting on its own I only saw this process obliquely. Now I'm starting to see it more clearly. I just watch it stop and start. Contract and relax. This is the edge that I need to practice at. Light touch, vigilant senses
Practice at this point seems to be all about gentle, consistent concentration. Just staying tuned into the groove of insight. I don't know how else to say it.
During periods of clarity the three characteristics are sort of already there, through all the senses, just kind of implicit in the experience so it's really just about letting that continue to occur. No interference mostly but subtly keeping an eye on the self referencing back tracking fabrication machine. There between my eyes. It's spooky man. That subtle realization that you're looking at a reflection, like realizing youve been talking to a hallucination.
I feel ready for this next leg of the journey. A few months ago I was not ready. I was a bit apprehensive, a bit avoidant, a bit lazy. It's time now.
shargrol, modified 7 Months ago at 6/8/24 7:04 AM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/8/24 6:45 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Sounds really good.
It's really hard to talk about this phase of practice. Something deep is figuring this all out, but there is also a need for "me" to participate by formally practicing which allows us to stumble on the kind of quality data that fuels the developing understanding. And yet, what is formal practice at this stage? It's barely more than intending to be aware of how attention works within awareness for a pre-determined amount of time. But if we don't lend ourselves to practicing like this, it's really unlikely we'll wake up. Habits of mind are so strong...
There is clinging and there is resistance... and there seems to be a hint of what it would be like to be beyond this grabbing-onto and this pushing-away. The trick --- as always --- is to look directly INTO this grabbing and pushing away rather than search for something that must be missing. The answer is in the dukka itself, there is a misunderstanding somewhere in there. Enlightenment is realizing the misunderstanding in dukka, rather than realizing an understanding outside of dukka.
That's why those dukka-ish "no clarity" sits are really important. Awareness is still there even though there is apparently no attention. We "know" there is no clarity, awareness knows there is no attention. This is perhaps most spooky of all, because we personally identify with clear-knowing and feel that "I" am lost when there is no clarity. Very interesting, what is making this assessment? I am lost. What is I and what is lost? Where is the problem I think I'm having?
When we first start practicing, we are so identified with the body that if there is discomfort or disturbance, we think "I'm not meditating well". Then the body relaxes and becomes tranquil and we think "now I can really pay attention to my mind, I'm learning to meditate well!" The knowing mind can become so strong that the body can be in turmoil (e.g. in the midst of turbulent reobservation or in the midst of a nasty inter-personal argument), but as long as the knowing mind is strong we say "I am meditating well" and "I am fully present". The last stage is nearly impossible to describe because the body can be in turmoil and the mind can be completely confused, but there is a growing realization that awarness itself is still there and even in this chaos "I am still meditating well!, even though we couldn't explain why we still think so.
The enlightened mind is really good at being home in uncertainty.
It's also really important not to assume there will be constant progress. Somedays there will be deep juicy sits and you can just soak in jhana. Somedays there will be diamond-like clarity and you can vipassina the heck out of the subtlest sense impressions. And other days you just need to sit through a bunch of noise. My teacher at the time used the metaphor, "sometimes you feel good and you put on your pack and grab your rifle and go hunting deep into the mountains... and sometimes you go down the street and buy some hamburger meat at the grocery."
All of these are important experiences to soak in. The good, bad, and ugly experiences all leave an hard-to-describe impression which gets refined into wisdom/awakening. And the mind seems to evoke what is needed in sort of a shadow psychology way --- we unconsciously get attracted to what we superficially don't want to experience because somehow know deep down we need to to experience it to gain power/wisdom. To face our overblown fears. To crumble our false persona. (Which evokes the fear-of-annilation instinct, which is spooky and eventually funny -- how many times do we have to experience "I think I'm gonna die?!" in meditation??? )
“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.” ― Mark Twain
This can get pretty humbling at times, we can feel like a beginner meditator all over again.
Best wishes!!
It's really hard to talk about this phase of practice. Something deep is figuring this all out, but there is also a need for "me" to participate by formally practicing which allows us to stumble on the kind of quality data that fuels the developing understanding. And yet, what is formal practice at this stage? It's barely more than intending to be aware of how attention works within awareness for a pre-determined amount of time. But if we don't lend ourselves to practicing like this, it's really unlikely we'll wake up. Habits of mind are so strong...
There is clinging and there is resistance... and there seems to be a hint of what it would be like to be beyond this grabbing-onto and this pushing-away. The trick --- as always --- is to look directly INTO this grabbing and pushing away rather than search for something that must be missing. The answer is in the dukka itself, there is a misunderstanding somewhere in there. Enlightenment is realizing the misunderstanding in dukka, rather than realizing an understanding outside of dukka.
That's why those dukka-ish "no clarity" sits are really important. Awareness is still there even though there is apparently no attention. We "know" there is no clarity, awareness knows there is no attention. This is perhaps most spooky of all, because we personally identify with clear-knowing and feel that "I" am lost when there is no clarity. Very interesting, what is making this assessment? I am lost. What is I and what is lost? Where is the problem I think I'm having?
When we first start practicing, we are so identified with the body that if there is discomfort or disturbance, we think "I'm not meditating well". Then the body relaxes and becomes tranquil and we think "now I can really pay attention to my mind, I'm learning to meditate well!" The knowing mind can become so strong that the body can be in turmoil (e.g. in the midst of turbulent reobservation or in the midst of a nasty inter-personal argument), but as long as the knowing mind is strong we say "I am meditating well" and "I am fully present". The last stage is nearly impossible to describe because the body can be in turmoil and the mind can be completely confused, but there is a growing realization that awarness itself is still there and even in this chaos "I am still meditating well!, even though we couldn't explain why we still think so.
The enlightened mind is really good at being home in uncertainty.
It's also really important not to assume there will be constant progress. Somedays there will be deep juicy sits and you can just soak in jhana. Somedays there will be diamond-like clarity and you can vipassina the heck out of the subtlest sense impressions. And other days you just need to sit through a bunch of noise. My teacher at the time used the metaphor, "sometimes you feel good and you put on your pack and grab your rifle and go hunting deep into the mountains... and sometimes you go down the street and buy some hamburger meat at the grocery."
All of these are important experiences to soak in. The good, bad, and ugly experiences all leave an hard-to-describe impression which gets refined into wisdom/awakening. And the mind seems to evoke what is needed in sort of a shadow psychology way --- we unconsciously get attracted to what we superficially don't want to experience because somehow know deep down we need to to experience it to gain power/wisdom. To face our overblown fears. To crumble our false persona. (Which evokes the fear-of-annilation instinct, which is spooky and eventually funny -- how many times do we have to experience "I think I'm gonna die?!" in meditation??? )
“I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them have never happened.” ― Mark Twain
This can get pretty humbling at times, we can feel like a beginner meditator all over again.
Best wishes!!
shargrol, modified 7 Months ago at 6/9/24 4:35 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/9/24 4:35 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
p.s. if you haven't read "Seeing that frees", it might be a good time for it. I personally don't like the "voice" of the writing, but the content is very very very good. Jump around to the sections that seem to draw you in -- don't try to read it from front to back.
(as always, just my opinion and people pay me.... well nothing... for my opinions. Which is about what they are worth. )
(as always, just my opinion and people pay me.... well nothing... for my opinions. Which is about what they are worth. )
Bahiya Baby, modified 7 Months ago at 6/15/24 5:05 PM
Created 7 Months ago at 6/15/24 5:04 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Practice is continuing to pick up. A number of decent length sessions everyday.
I guess the crux of practice now is attention. In the earlier stages of meditation you sort of use attention to be aware of or "attend" to awareness (aware of awareness). Then third path is when you start to recognize oh I'm attached to attention and maybe can afford to loosen my grip on it a little. Now it's like noticing I don't need to pay attention to be aware and that chronic attending actually creates suffering. Further I find that I can practice and have the sense of attention fall away which is what I think caused some of the earlier fireworks I experienced with this path but I notice now that when attention drops off what remains is the oddest dukkha. It's like a nebulous tension. It's I suppose somewhere in the head but is also kind of impossible to point directly at. It can be missed if things have more of an A&P type hue or if I'm basking in something nice but it is there.
The only thing I feel I should add to practice is a little metta.
I have read seeing that frees but I will flick through some chapters. I do find when I read it I tend towards over saturating experience with emptiness which can be nice in a jhanic way and useful when mind is busy but I've been more inclined to a "just be with it" style of practice. I know there's some things deep into the book that it may be useful for me to reread. I will keep flicking through.
Adi Da used to talk about divine ignorance. Ignorance is obviously a tricky subject when you're talking with Buddhists but there is a sort of "ignoring the impulse to chronically attend to things" that allows one to become more immediately aware.
Emptiness can be a bit God realm. I try work with it the way a drop of dye hits a body of water. One can be tempted into seeking emptiness and when practice becomes seeking emptiness it feels like it's missing the point of where im at.
I feel the edge I'm working at is a super subtle intention to include everything, a tacit or implicit recognition of emptiness/3cs like the body mind can be allowed to just do that itself without direction. I don't have to direct the investigation at all. This is where the falling away of attention occurs. So then I notice what still judges the experience. What still tries to start up patterns of activity because it has determined that something is wrong with experience. Noticing the subtle difference between attention dissolving and attending to no attention
I guess the crux of practice now is attention. In the earlier stages of meditation you sort of use attention to be aware of or "attend" to awareness (aware of awareness). Then third path is when you start to recognize oh I'm attached to attention and maybe can afford to loosen my grip on it a little. Now it's like noticing I don't need to pay attention to be aware and that chronic attending actually creates suffering. Further I find that I can practice and have the sense of attention fall away which is what I think caused some of the earlier fireworks I experienced with this path but I notice now that when attention drops off what remains is the oddest dukkha. It's like a nebulous tension. It's I suppose somewhere in the head but is also kind of impossible to point directly at. It can be missed if things have more of an A&P type hue or if I'm basking in something nice but it is there.
The only thing I feel I should add to practice is a little metta.
I have read seeing that frees but I will flick through some chapters. I do find when I read it I tend towards over saturating experience with emptiness which can be nice in a jhanic way and useful when mind is busy but I've been more inclined to a "just be with it" style of practice. I know there's some things deep into the book that it may be useful for me to reread. I will keep flicking through.
Adi Da used to talk about divine ignorance. Ignorance is obviously a tricky subject when you're talking with Buddhists but there is a sort of "ignoring the impulse to chronically attend to things" that allows one to become more immediately aware.
Emptiness can be a bit God realm. I try work with it the way a drop of dye hits a body of water. One can be tempted into seeking emptiness and when practice becomes seeking emptiness it feels like it's missing the point of where im at.
I feel the edge I'm working at is a super subtle intention to include everything, a tacit or implicit recognition of emptiness/3cs like the body mind can be allowed to just do that itself without direction. I don't have to direct the investigation at all. This is where the falling away of attention occurs. So then I notice what still judges the experience. What still tries to start up patterns of activity because it has determined that something is wrong with experience. Noticing the subtle difference between attention dissolving and attending to no attention
Bahiya Baby, modified 6 Months ago at 6/27/24 7:41 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 6/27/24 7:13 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
A lot has happened since I last posted. Some really well defined path cycles, some nuclear world melting states, I found myself having to really square up to SENSUAL DESIRE (sex teehee), I was looking at the roots of craving and reactivity etc etc etc.
The usual shite.
Anyway ... I was practicing recently and I was struck by the question what does it mean for suffering and impermanence to arise without a self. Then I saw a dependent link between the three characteristics. If impermanence then suffering and no self and all the various permutations of that.
Which seemed significant but in many respects is actually just the same insight I've been having throughout this path. It just fractals and deepens as my mind seems to clear up.
It often seems that I'm debunking the notions that permanence, satisfaction of self can be found. Like I'll have a meditation session where it's immediately obvious that there's no self or permanence but something is looking for satisfaction. And on a different day it might be a different characteristic.
There is this thing that I see the Buddha talk about in the suttas. This restraining of the senses. As though the mechanism of mind that attaches to things can just be withdrawn. I suppose this is basically an equivalent idea to Adi Da's divine ignorance.
Practice is good but very subtle. It isn't always obvious that anything is happening. I don't feel I need to change anything or add anything to it. It really just feels like I'm letting something ripen.
I have to say the combination of some attainments, regular exercise and disciplined regulation of sexual energy makes life a joy to live. Adi Da's approach was always very full package, encompassing almost all aspects of life. It really took me until third path to start maturing in some of these other areas of development. I have really come to understand why he would emphasize things like fitness, health, community and proper reverence for and relationship to sexual energy.
The body is complicated and having it function well is just good, no matter how enlightened you are. Craving always leads us to degeneracy. Whether you crave sex or abstinence, money or love. Craving holds us back from expressing ourselves wholeheartedly. It contorts us into shapes of chronic discomfort and disease.
... It's weird coming to terms with my capacity to be aware without being attached to or invested in sensations
The usual shite.
Anyway ... I was practicing recently and I was struck by the question what does it mean for suffering and impermanence to arise without a self. Then I saw a dependent link between the three characteristics. If impermanence then suffering and no self and all the various permutations of that.
Which seemed significant but in many respects is actually just the same insight I've been having throughout this path. It just fractals and deepens as my mind seems to clear up.
It often seems that I'm debunking the notions that permanence, satisfaction of self can be found. Like I'll have a meditation session where it's immediately obvious that there's no self or permanence but something is looking for satisfaction. And on a different day it might be a different characteristic.
There is this thing that I see the Buddha talk about in the suttas. This restraining of the senses. As though the mechanism of mind that attaches to things can just be withdrawn. I suppose this is basically an equivalent idea to Adi Da's divine ignorance.
Practice is good but very subtle. It isn't always obvious that anything is happening. I don't feel I need to change anything or add anything to it. It really just feels like I'm letting something ripen.
I have to say the combination of some attainments, regular exercise and disciplined regulation of sexual energy makes life a joy to live. Adi Da's approach was always very full package, encompassing almost all aspects of life. It really took me until third path to start maturing in some of these other areas of development. I have really come to understand why he would emphasize things like fitness, health, community and proper reverence for and relationship to sexual energy.
The body is complicated and having it function well is just good, no matter how enlightened you are. Craving always leads us to degeneracy. Whether you crave sex or abstinence, money or love. Craving holds us back from expressing ourselves wholeheartedly. It contorts us into shapes of chronic discomfort and disease.
... It's weird coming to terms with my capacity to be aware without being attached to or invested in sensations
Bahiya Baby, modified 6 Months ago at 6/27/24 7:50 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 6/27/24 7:50 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Impermanence comes naturally to me. Self is a little more pervasive but easy to debunk. I am a whore for pleasure though. I noticed these process that like scan my sensations to determine "is this nice" and it's funny to just start seeing through that because its happening so often
Bahiya Baby, modified 6 Months ago at 6/28/24 3:17 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 6/28/24 3:17 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsChris M, modified 6 Months ago at 6/28/24 4:18 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 6/28/24 4:18 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Postsshargrol, modified 6 Months ago at 6/28/24 4:26 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 6/28/24 4:25 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
I can still viscerally recall when I realized that the human realm was the realm of desire... Wow -- and fuck!! All my hopes are desires But then, oh yeah... Desires never satisfy in the end. ("I want a car! Okay, I got a car now I want an XYZ!") Okay, I get what you were saying buddha, let those desires arise and pass, don't cling...
(By the way bahiya, I can see that your insights/observations are getting very granular at this point --- that's a GREAT sign. Once you start seeing how all these threads get woven together, you also get a sense of why the whole spiritual quest gets unravelled. And then you have that "whoa" moment.)
I can still viscerally recall when I realized that the human realm was the realm of desire... Wow -- and fuck!! All my hopes are desires But then, oh yeah... Desires never satisfy in the end. ("I want a car! Okay, I got a car now I want an XYZ!") Okay, I get what you were saying buddha, let those desires arise and pass, don't cling...
(By the way bahiya, I can see that your insights/observations are getting very granular at this point --- that's a GREAT sign. Once you start seeing how all these threads get woven together, you also get a sense of why the whole spiritual quest gets unravelled. And then you have that "whoa" moment.)
Bahiya Baby, modified 6 Months ago at 6/29/24 5:42 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 6/29/24 5:42 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Impermanence has something to do with our relationship to time
Suffering has something to do with our relationship to the senses
No self has something to do with our relationship to space, or location, "point of view"
It's this point of view that wants to be debunked now.
Suffering has something to do with our relationship to the senses
No self has something to do with our relationship to space, or location, "point of view"
It's this point of view that wants to be debunked now.
Bahiya Baby, modified 6 Months ago at 7/7/24 5:53 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/7/24 5:53 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
So yeah, something kind of clicked with this desperate seeking for an impossible reality and practice moved on. At first I was looking at the self and that sort of evolved into investigating this need to be doing something moment to moment and then noticing "hey, I actually don't need to do anything moment to moment, there doesn't need to be a persistent agent engaged in activity, I don't even need to know what to do"
I sort of flip in and out of realizing that. I had already seen it earlier. I think it was an Insight that led to some of my earlier holy shit experiences but now I'm investigating it in a much more day to day type of way.
It's becoming clearer that suffering is caused by a chronic search for things to suffer about. Lol.
It's painful to admit I don't know how to do things that it's purposeful for me to do. I am compelled in certain directions and the self scrambles for like activities to busy itself in order to seem like progress is being made toward some goal. That obviously works like if I need to be fit I can go work out but there are situations where what you're after is a bit more ineffable and the means of acquiring this ineffable thing are obscure and I'm like coming to terms with this kind of ultimate unknowability. There are things I dont need to do. Things I do need to do that I can't know how they'll turn out and things I do need to do that I can't actually know how to do and things I need to do that will never get done.
I sort of flip in and out of realizing that. I had already seen it earlier. I think it was an Insight that led to some of my earlier holy shit experiences but now I'm investigating it in a much more day to day type of way.
It's becoming clearer that suffering is caused by a chronic search for things to suffer about. Lol.
It's painful to admit I don't know how to do things that it's purposeful for me to do. I am compelled in certain directions and the self scrambles for like activities to busy itself in order to seem like progress is being made toward some goal. That obviously works like if I need to be fit I can go work out but there are situations where what you're after is a bit more ineffable and the means of acquiring this ineffable thing are obscure and I'm like coming to terms with this kind of ultimate unknowability. There are things I dont need to do. Things I do need to do that I can't know how they'll turn out and things I do need to do that I can't actually know how to do and things I need to do that will never get done.
shargrol, modified 6 Months ago at 7/7/24 7:07 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/7/24 7:02 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Nice, yes this is the classic "conceit" and "restlessness" flavor of fetters that becomes much more in-your-face when sensitivity is developed. An "I" always seemingly needing "to do" something, yet in a millisecond this dynamic is obvious as (very mild) dukka -- yet why do I keep falling into the habit? Even just chilling can feel kind of contrived if it yet another something that I need to do...
There is a general feeling of circling the drain --- like it's all heading somewhere as things slow down. This whole path seems to have been described and the inherent intelligence of the mind has led here... but what is next? More discipline?, maybe but that seems contrived and draining. Just living life?, maybe but there is obviously something still to get/understand. Keep going?, maybe but what is next? Ugh, there's the "wanting something that is next" thing again. FUCK, I just did that loop again of wondering/wanting/desiring and going through a mini-dukka-loop to wind up where I started!!
The human realm truly is desire and it becomes more and more daunting how much of a tautology desire it is. But desiring to understand desire is the clever trick that allows the transcendance-and-inclusion of the human realm in the psyche... And this is a big part of seeing the conceit fetter. You could say that all the other fetters were also desire, but conceit is sort of a very granular version of desire. Conceit is sort of "the seed".
Time is also an interesting tautology and understanding "the time view" is a big part of seeing the restlessness fetter. I found a lot of relief from Burbea's "seeing that frees" sections on time near the back of the book. "there is no present moment", it's a fabricated idea/view we stuggle to maintain --- whoa. That's in part why we cannot "rest in the present" -- even maintaining "the present" is ultimately contrived and creates (very mild) dukka. Restlessness is sort of "the water"
It takes a lot of faith to keep trusting in the inherent intelligence of the mind and give it time to figure it out. It can be good to hang around/have conversations with people you know "have it". For me it was, what is it that Hokai has that I don't? I understand what he understands, but I know he has something that I don't. Same thing with Chris, he's done and we can have dharma conversations for hours... and I know he's done but I'm not. This also was also really a riddle when I did a short retreat with Ajahn Viradhammo - Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, he's seen it all, studied with the great teachers of our time, but he's totally normal and yet he's clearly done, what does he have that I don't have...
But the heart/mind figures it out. We have definitely been making things complicated for ourselves for a very long time... but in a very smart way that has led us through all this development and insight, so we can't complain... yet do we have to keep complicating things? Is there an easier way?
Basically yes. That's awakening. Fundamental ignorance is sort of the soil, there is no place for the seed and water to get planted without any soil. In what does conceit and restlessness exist, where is it?
And yet even after awakening there is still weeding and gardening to do. It's just that you aren't confused about it anymore.
There is a general feeling of circling the drain --- like it's all heading somewhere as things slow down. This whole path seems to have been described and the inherent intelligence of the mind has led here... but what is next? More discipline?, maybe but that seems contrived and draining. Just living life?, maybe but there is obviously something still to get/understand. Keep going?, maybe but what is next? Ugh, there's the "wanting something that is next" thing again. FUCK, I just did that loop again of wondering/wanting/desiring and going through a mini-dukka-loop to wind up where I started!!
The human realm truly is desire and it becomes more and more daunting how much of a tautology desire it is. But desiring to understand desire is the clever trick that allows the transcendance-and-inclusion of the human realm in the psyche... And this is a big part of seeing the conceit fetter. You could say that all the other fetters were also desire, but conceit is sort of a very granular version of desire. Conceit is sort of "the seed".
Time is also an interesting tautology and understanding "the time view" is a big part of seeing the restlessness fetter. I found a lot of relief from Burbea's "seeing that frees" sections on time near the back of the book. "there is no present moment", it's a fabricated idea/view we stuggle to maintain --- whoa. That's in part why we cannot "rest in the present" -- even maintaining "the present" is ultimately contrived and creates (very mild) dukka. Restlessness is sort of "the water"
It takes a lot of faith to keep trusting in the inherent intelligence of the mind and give it time to figure it out. It can be good to hang around/have conversations with people you know "have it". For me it was, what is it that Hokai has that I don't? I understand what he understands, but I know he has something that I don't. Same thing with Chris, he's done and we can have dharma conversations for hours... and I know he's done but I'm not. This also was also really a riddle when I did a short retreat with Ajahn Viradhammo - Amaravati Buddhist Monastery, he's seen it all, studied with the great teachers of our time, but he's totally normal and yet he's clearly done, what does he have that I don't have...
But the heart/mind figures it out. We have definitely been making things complicated for ourselves for a very long time... but in a very smart way that has led us through all this development and insight, so we can't complain... yet do we have to keep complicating things? Is there an easier way?
Basically yes. That's awakening. Fundamental ignorance is sort of the soil, there is no place for the seed and water to get planted without any soil. In what does conceit and restlessness exist, where is it?
And yet even after awakening there is still weeding and gardening to do. It's just that you aren't confused about it anymore.
Martin, modified 6 Months ago at 7/7/24 12:26 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/7/24 12:26 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 1064 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent Posts
This moment-to-moment need to do is indeed a curious thing. I notice it when I am having a particularly unwell spell and I am too unwell to think, which is distressing (not the unwell part, the not being able to think part). And then I remember that there is no need to think. Nothing needs to be solved. In most of life, there is no need to boot up an agent to, as you say, go out and search for suffering. The world keeps spinning on just fine without my agency.
Chris M, modified 6 Months ago at 7/8/24 7:40 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/8/24 7:34 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsBut the heart/mind figures it out. We have definitely been making things complicated for ourselves for a very long time... but in a very smart way that has led us through all this development and insight, so we can't complain... yet do we have to keep complicating things? Is there an easier way?
Riffing off of that quote from shargrol: In mid-2010, I was sucked into wondering what some people could see that I couldn't. Then this:
May 19 2010, 1:47 PM EDT
Some pieces of what I e-mailed to Kenneth a day later: The tipping point, if there really is any one thing I can point to that seems to have caused “this” whatever-it-is, is the notion that the seeking is hiding the sought. That, weirdly, is everything in a nutshell. This is a cosmic joke. When this happened, I laughed out loud. I’m still laughing out loud when I think of this. It’s just funny. I seem to have taken a walk, aiming for the nearest corner but ended up going all the way around the city just to travel a few feet. The seeking, the urge and the act, are done. There is nothing to go out and find because it’s all right here, right in front of me. It always has been. Recognizing this and the utter simplicity of it clicked in my head as if a switch had been thrown. A void exists where the seeking was. The conveyor belt that has driven me to seek, to believe there was something I could or would find, has been turned off.
So… now what?
There is a leveled experiential playing field. There is a deeply felt removal of an innate, heretofore unexamined hierarchy of experiential existence. All things, all processes, all experiences, are absolute equals. There are no experiences or processes that are in control, bigger, better, or somehow more important, than other processes and experiences. I see, more clearly than ever, that “I” am a collection of little things that only seem to add up to a bigger thing. These little things are always scurrying around and they each have their own problems, concerns, delights and interests. Taken as a whole they appear to the world as “Chris." Do not be fooled! I’ve been staying awake at night a lot, right after I go to bed. Not upset. Not worrying. Just in awe of “this.” Whatever has occurred has opened a universe to me. It’s huge. HUGE. It echoes with curiosity and wonder. And it brings energy.
May 19 2010, 1:47 PM EDT
Some pieces of what I e-mailed to Kenneth a day later: The tipping point, if there really is any one thing I can point to that seems to have caused “this” whatever-it-is, is the notion that the seeking is hiding the sought. That, weirdly, is everything in a nutshell. This is a cosmic joke. When this happened, I laughed out loud. I’m still laughing out loud when I think of this. It’s just funny. I seem to have taken a walk, aiming for the nearest corner but ended up going all the way around the city just to travel a few feet. The seeking, the urge and the act, are done. There is nothing to go out and find because it’s all right here, right in front of me. It always has been. Recognizing this and the utter simplicity of it clicked in my head as if a switch had been thrown. A void exists where the seeking was. The conveyor belt that has driven me to seek, to believe there was something I could or would find, has been turned off.
So… now what?
There is a leveled experiential playing field. There is a deeply felt removal of an innate, heretofore unexamined hierarchy of experiential existence. All things, all processes, all experiences, are absolute equals. There are no experiences or processes that are in control, bigger, better, or somehow more important, than other processes and experiences. I see, more clearly than ever, that “I” am a collection of little things that only seem to add up to a bigger thing. These little things are always scurrying around and they each have their own problems, concerns, delights and interests. Taken as a whole they appear to the world as “Chris." Do not be fooled! I’ve been staying awake at night a lot, right after I go to bed. Not upset. Not worrying. Just in awe of “this.” Whatever has occurred has opened a universe to me. It’s huge. HUGE. It echoes with curiosity and wonder. And it brings energy.
<Posted on Kenneth Fok Dharma, now part of>
Papa Che Dusko, modified 6 Months ago at 7/9/24 3:56 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/9/24 3:56 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 6 Months ago at 7/11/24 3:46 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/11/24 3:46 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Ok, so
I was continuing to practice when I realized just looking directly at suffering would cause 99% of it to stop. It feels like opening the aperture on a camera lens and all of a sudden there's a lot more light in the picture.
I went through a kind of funny process of just seeing all these things in my life that I was attached to and realizing I just didn't really have to give a fuck about them. As in, I didnt have to have any default invested attachment in any of them and that by withdrawing that attachment it sort of reempowers me to deal with them, or not, in a more sane, humorous, playful way
Following on from this I came to the realization that "every moment was suffering" and I could start to see the ways the ego was trying to gratify itself moment to moment. There was a lot of seeing all three characteristics here in a way that showed me suffering flowing impermanently and without self from moment to moment and then that all sort of resolved itself and what is left is a strange clarity which I am still exploring.
I was continuing to practice when I realized just looking directly at suffering would cause 99% of it to stop. It feels like opening the aperture on a camera lens and all of a sudden there's a lot more light in the picture.
I went through a kind of funny process of just seeing all these things in my life that I was attached to and realizing I just didn't really have to give a fuck about them. As in, I didnt have to have any default invested attachment in any of them and that by withdrawing that attachment it sort of reempowers me to deal with them, or not, in a more sane, humorous, playful way
Following on from this I came to the realization that "every moment was suffering" and I could start to see the ways the ego was trying to gratify itself moment to moment. There was a lot of seeing all three characteristics here in a way that showed me suffering flowing impermanently and without self from moment to moment and then that all sort of resolved itself and what is left is a strange clarity which I am still exploring.
Chris M, modified 6 Months ago at 7/12/24 7:53 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/11/24 3:53 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Yes, every moment has an element of suffering inside it. That's because of attachment to something, but it's something that's not obvious to almost anybody. One way to investigate this is to wonder: who, or what, is doing the suffering? Who, or what, is gaining clarity? Is this just about deciding not to care, or something different, much deeper? Does deciding have anything to do with anything? What is doing the deciding?
Just stirring your pot a bit.
Just stirring your pot a bit.
Bahiya Baby, modified 6 Months ago at 7/11/24 4:01 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/11/24 4:01 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I am struck by the notion that recognizing there is suffering is the path to the end of suffering.
Bahiya Baby, modified 6 Months ago at 7/11/24 4:06 PM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/11/24 4:06 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Yes, thank you for stirring it up. Inquiry into whose doing what has already been super fruitful but it's also one of those things I find hard to directly look at until one day I'm looking up and it's looking straight back at me lol
Bahiya Baby, modified 6 Months ago at 7/13/24 12:55 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/12/24 11:36 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I can see the "deciding"
I can see the seeking
Something wants this to be something else
I don't know who, it's really just some process
It feels like cycling lately but not through paths but layers of mind where there's some fundamental insight and then a new layer of mind is revealed and it takes a while to see what about that layer requires investigation and the state of mind requiired to see it gets more and more refined.
Literally, making decisions, its just a flicker. Just this instantaneous flicker tha happens sporadically not a chain of thought just a flick, like switching on a light.
I can see the seeking
Something wants this to be something else
I don't know who, it's really just some process
It feels like cycling lately but not through paths but layers of mind where there's some fundamental insight and then a new layer of mind is revealed and it takes a while to see what about that layer requires investigation and the state of mind requiired to see it gets more and more refined.
Literally, making decisions, its just a flicker. Just this instantaneous flicker tha happens sporadically not a chain of thought just a flick, like switching on a light.
shargrol, modified 6 Months ago at 7/13/24 7:12 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/13/24 7:12 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
The last little self contraction due to ignorance/not-understanding the nature of desire... and pure "seeking" is basically the purest, most distilled version of desire, a kind of desire-without-object...
Desire is a funny dynamic of "having an absence"... which begs the question: is it actually possible to have an absence? what do you have?
so this last stage feels like the snake eating it's own tail: seeking to seeing the seeking, desiring to seeing the desire.
It's so hard to pin down, so hard to prevent spinning out into a bunch more discursive thinking about it. It's important at this stage to go directly where it seems to lead and trust the natural intelligence of the heart/mind. It's the simplist thing that's important here, not the thougths about it, but that "knotted" aspect, this tiny knot.
But eventually you realize you didn't have the problem you thought you had.
Desire is a funny dynamic of "having an absence"... which begs the question: is it actually possible to have an absence? what do you have?
so this last stage feels like the snake eating it's own tail: seeking to seeing the seeking, desiring to seeing the desire.
It's so hard to pin down, so hard to prevent spinning out into a bunch more discursive thinking about it. It's important at this stage to go directly where it seems to lead and trust the natural intelligence of the heart/mind. It's the simplist thing that's important here, not the thougths about it, but that "knotted" aspect, this tiny knot.
But eventually you realize you didn't have the problem you thought you had.
Chris M, modified 6 Months ago at 7/13/24 8:12 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/13/24 8:08 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
I want to weigh in here to emphasize shagrol's comment: In my experience, there was no way to use intent to trigger this last realization. It's a product of the matrix of our life - all the connections and influences that surround us. Having a deep curiosity about what's missing and letting the mind seek that level on its own seemed to be a big part of the untying of the knot. And it really is a small, insignificant knot but once untied, it has cosmic import.
Bahiya Baby, modified 6 Months ago at 7/13/24 9:27 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/13/24 9:27 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsConal, modified 6 Months ago at 7/14/24 1:41 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/14/24 1:41 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 86 Join Date: 6/3/17 Recent Posts
Hi Shargol,
I was interested to see that you have done a retreat with Amaravati. Was that an in-person one or online? I visited there about a year ago and had a chat with Ajahn Amaro and I was very impressed.
I was interested to see that you have done a retreat with Amaravati. Was that an in-person one or online? I visited there about a year ago and had a chat with Ajahn Amaro and I was very impressed.
shargrol, modified 6 Months ago at 7/14/24 7:22 AM
Created 6 Months ago at 7/14/24 7:22 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsConal:
Hi Shargol, I was interested to see that you have done a retreat with Amaravati. Was that an in-person one or online? I visited there about a year ago and had a chat with Ajahn Amaro and I was very impressed. Conal
Let's not to fill up Bahiya's thread, happy to discuss in a separate thread... But quickly: Viradhammo and Passano gave weekend retreats in Wheaton, IL at the Theosophical Society -- which is where I saw/retreated with them. Here's some links to the talks they gave to the general public earlier in the week:
Ajahn Viradhammo: Awakening to the Way Things Are ( - recommended!
The Buddhist Path of Serenity and Insight with Ajahn Pasanno | Theosophical Classic 2012 - YouTube
Bahiya Baby, modified 5 Months ago at 7/24/24 4:50 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 7/24/24 4:30 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I got really curious about intention and decision until I could really clearly identify that layer of mind and relax it. Then the sense of agency started to vanish, things happen of their own accord and the mind feels weirdly splayed out. I found this unsettling at first but then mind realized it could see the 3c's without, I dunno, me needing to be active in that process. Since then there is lots of energy, I am once again oscillating between stunning clarity and persistent, dogged, selfishness but that selfishness drops away when reality is allowed to just be itself and that being itselfness is happening deeper and deeper, like dye soaking deeper into a fabric. Sometimes the self whirs up but the whole system recognizes that it's really just a pretty cheap imitation of experience and the bodymind is then content to let it fall away.
I find myself doing a lot of walking meditation, the basic bodily activity stuff has been agencyless for awhile and so walking meditation helps seep the mind into the stream of "letting it do itself".
The ego in some senses remains very captivating it has basically solved all of life's problems, has cultivated an elegant multi level plan for arriving at the ultimate satisfaction of all possible desires and has an infinite supply of energy, charm and brain power to execute this.
Usual shite but... We are slowly learning that maybe life is just better without all the "noise" / "fuss" / "palaver"
I find myself doing a lot of walking meditation, the basic bodily activity stuff has been agencyless for awhile and so walking meditation helps seep the mind into the stream of "letting it do itself".
The ego in some senses remains very captivating it has basically solved all of life's problems, has cultivated an elegant multi level plan for arriving at the ultimate satisfaction of all possible desires and has an infinite supply of energy, charm and brain power to execute this.
Usual shite but... We are slowly learning that maybe life is just better without all the "noise" / "fuss" / "palaver"
Bahiya Baby, modified 5 Months ago at 7/24/24 4:37 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 7/24/24 4:37 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I had a very funny cessation/fruition
Whatever we call it when it's not a path moment.
I was walking when at the end of the street I saw a series of faces and these faces were a number of different people across a series of different timelines. I was looking into each of these faces as this epic tangle of realities, lives, stories all converged around a single point and in a moment of ghastly and embarrassing awkwardness completely failed to resolve themselves.
Whatever we call it when it's not a path moment.
I was walking when at the end of the street I saw a series of faces and these faces were a number of different people across a series of different timelines. I was looking into each of these faces as this epic tangle of realities, lives, stories all converged around a single point and in a moment of ghastly and embarrassing awkwardness completely failed to resolve themselves.
Bahiya Baby, modified 5 Months ago at 7/28/24 3:59 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 7/28/24 3:58 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
At first I was applying attention to the deconstruction of the self. Watching the play of thoughts, emotions memores, sensations and investigating them. Then I turned attention on itself and continued the deconstruction on a subtler and more meta level. I watched the mechanism of abstraction, the generation of delusion and the dukkha that underlay it.
Now... We have to let mind handle the deconstruction, mind has to figure out, mind has to meditate... Mind has to meditate me. Because... "I" am the problem.
Now... We have to let mind handle the deconstruction, mind has to figure out, mind has to meditate... Mind has to meditate me. Because... "I" am the problem.
Bahiya Baby, modified 5 Months ago at 7/28/24 4:01 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 7/28/24 4:01 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
That's what's revealed at this level.
Because there isn't an observer persay watching mind and then being distracted
There is simply mind and I am the distraction.
Because there isn't an observer persay watching mind and then being distracted
There is simply mind and I am the distraction.
Bahiya Baby, modified 5 Months ago at 7/28/24 4:10 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 7/28/24 4:10 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsChris M, modified 5 Months ago at 7/28/24 8:21 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 7/28/24 8:05 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts"I" am the problem.
There is simply mind and I am the distraction.
I suggest a deep, long-term investigation into what you meant when you posted this. What is a distraction? What is being distracted? Why are some experiences distractions, and others not?
(IOW: There may be deeply held, long-standing assumptions about your reality buried in your comment.)
Bahiya Baby, modified 5 Months ago at 7/29/24 1:26 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 7/29/24 12:11 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I got a glimpse of something. I see now how I was wrong.
During practice today I understood for some amount of time that this whole thing was just parts, parts that are themselves whole and parts of greater wholes. There doesn't have to be any agency at all anywhere. It's not required. The distraction I was tripping over is just more parts. It has as much rite to arise as anything else. The distraction can know itself as it arises.
It was specifically accepting that last point that flipped me into seeing the world in this strange, hive mind, inter-relational way. Fucking weird and exhausting and stunning. I guess it's no self seen deeper, all the way through.
I wrapped back up into my self after some amount of time. Will continue to explore deeper.
I find meditation kind of exhausting lately. Yet, it doesn't feel like I'm putting much effort into it. The last week or so it feels like every time I hit the cutting edge there's something rapidly tiring me out. I keep saying "I ought to spend a whole day in practice" but I get a bit overcooked around 40mins in.
I would have thought I would be a stronger meditator by now lol.
I got a glimpse of something. I see now how I was wrong.
During practice today I understood for some amount of time that this whole thing was just parts, parts that are themselves whole and parts of greater wholes. There doesn't have to be any agency at all anywhere. It's not required. The distraction I was tripping over is just more parts. It has as much rite to arise as anything else. The distraction can know itself as it arises.
It was specifically accepting that last point that flipped me into seeing the world in this strange, hive mind, inter-relational way. Fucking weird and exhausting and stunning. I guess it's no self seen deeper, all the way through.
I wrapped back up into my self after some amount of time. Will continue to explore deeper.
I find meditation kind of exhausting lately. Yet, it doesn't feel like I'm putting much effort into it. The last week or so it feels like every time I hit the cutting edge there's something rapidly tiring me out. I keep saying "I ought to spend a whole day in practice" but I get a bit overcooked around 40mins in.
I would have thought I would be a stronger meditator by now lol.
shargrol, modified 5 Months ago at 7/29/24 6:13 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 7/29/24 4:36 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Does one experience ever "touch" an other experience? But is one experience ever unrelated to any other experience?
A good definition of emptiness is that no thing is exactly what it seems and no thing is completely unrelated to how it seems.
Sometimes all enlightenment leaves you with is yourself and you still don't understand what you are. "Not knowing is most initimate".
Dizang asked Fayan, “Where are you going from here?”
Fayan said, “I’m on pilgrimage.”
“What sort of thing is pilgrimage?”
“I don’t know.”
“Not knowing is most intimate.”
Fayan suddenly had a great awakening.
—PZI Miscellaneous Koans Case 62 & Book of Serenity Case 20
A good definition of emptiness is that no thing is exactly what it seems and no thing is completely unrelated to how it seems.
Sometimes all enlightenment leaves you with is yourself and you still don't understand what you are. "Not knowing is most initimate".
Dizang asked Fayan, “Where are you going from here?”
Fayan said, “I’m on pilgrimage.”
“What sort of thing is pilgrimage?”
“I don’t know.”
“Not knowing is most intimate.”
Fayan suddenly had a great awakening.
—PZI Miscellaneous Koans Case 62 & Book of Serenity Case 20
Chris M, modified 5 Months ago at 7/29/24 7:21 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 7/29/24 7:18 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
In the same vein as shargol's last comment, and in answer to your last comment, Bahiya - you said:
You can stop trying. Just sit, or lay down, and just be. We reach a point at which our striving becomes that which hides the insight we're seeking. Maybe you're there, maybe not, but you can test this.
I find meditation kind of exhausting lately. Yet, it doesn't feel like I'm putting much effort into it. The last week or so it feels like every time I hit the cutting edge there's something rapidly tiring me out. I keep saying "I ought to spend a whole day in practice" but I get a bit overcooked around 40mins in.
You can stop trying. Just sit, or lay down, and just be. We reach a point at which our striving becomes that which hides the insight we're seeking. Maybe you're there, maybe not, but you can test this.
Martin, modified 5 Months ago at 7/29/24 11:49 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 7/29/24 11:49 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 1064 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 5 Months ago at 7/29/24 7:21 PM
Created 5 Months ago at 7/29/24 7:21 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 5 Months ago at 8/6/24 7:01 PM
Created 5 Months ago at 8/6/24 6:52 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Ok so...
I was exploring not knowing and not trying. Then something opened up inside my brain and I could feel a lot of the self contraction release. Then the mind became mirror like and collected, collected the way a pool of water can be both vast and collected together despite being made of lots of little drops.
I notice some intention pop up around maintaining deep meditation and I'm gently relaxing past that.
I notice also how I dont necessarily need anywhere to rest. The effort that has been going into finding some lasting state of satisfaction could cease and I'm working with relaxing into and beyond that compulsion.
There are other things too I noticed like vapours of intention that arise but they're not really that big a deal. I feel I've developed a good grasp of the phenomenology or even physicality of the process of intention and how self sort of bootstraps itself with intention and attention.
I flip in and out of the mirror mind throughout the day, the contraction when it knots itself up has such a distinct, such a deep physical component to it that I have started practicing greater degrees of awareness throughout my day to day life.
Today I had this massive like trauma response. I saw this intensely neurotic and rather familiar narrative take hold and just take my whole psycho-chemical body on a joyride of suffering. I would flip into mirror mind and be free of the compulsive narrative yet still saturated in the pain of it and it was, like, horrifying, the self indulgence of it. How are these stories, mind patterns, so compelling? Gnarly.
Overall practice is good !! Intense but good. Finding myself able to relax into longer sessions again.
I pray this time I don't forget that I do not know what any thing is.
I was exploring not knowing and not trying. Then something opened up inside my brain and I could feel a lot of the self contraction release. Then the mind became mirror like and collected, collected the way a pool of water can be both vast and collected together despite being made of lots of little drops.
I notice some intention pop up around maintaining deep meditation and I'm gently relaxing past that.
I notice also how I dont necessarily need anywhere to rest. The effort that has been going into finding some lasting state of satisfaction could cease and I'm working with relaxing into and beyond that compulsion.
There are other things too I noticed like vapours of intention that arise but they're not really that big a deal. I feel I've developed a good grasp of the phenomenology or even physicality of the process of intention and how self sort of bootstraps itself with intention and attention.
I flip in and out of the mirror mind throughout the day, the contraction when it knots itself up has such a distinct, such a deep physical component to it that I have started practicing greater degrees of awareness throughout my day to day life.
Today I had this massive like trauma response. I saw this intensely neurotic and rather familiar narrative take hold and just take my whole psycho-chemical body on a joyride of suffering. I would flip into mirror mind and be free of the compulsive narrative yet still saturated in the pain of it and it was, like, horrifying, the self indulgence of it. How are these stories, mind patterns, so compelling? Gnarly.
Overall practice is good !! Intense but good. Finding myself able to relax into longer sessions again.
I pray this time I don't forget that I do not know what any thing is.
Dustin, modified 5 Months ago at 8/6/24 7:21 PM
Created 5 Months ago at 8/6/24 7:21 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 148 Join Date: 12/28/17 Recent PostsBahiya Baby
I find meditation kind of exhausting lately. Yet, it doesn't feel like I'm putting much effort into it. The last week or so it feels like every time I hit the cutting edge there's something rapidly tiring me out. I keep saying "I ought to spend a whole day in practice" but I get a bit overcooked around 40mins in.
I would have thought I would be a stronger meditator by now lol
I get what your saying. I find practice exhausting too here lately and feel like I am not pushing at all. Just following instructions and I have practiced so long I think, I can't believe I am not a better meditator. Today I realized I may be holding on to a world view of "this should feel better" or "this should look different". I know I am good at meditation because of what I am meditating in would be way harder years ago. I think I just need to see through some ideas that this should be different but I don't know where to note ideas because I can not see them clearly I guess. Just my 2 cents
I find meditation kind of exhausting lately. Yet, it doesn't feel like I'm putting much effort into it. The last week or so it feels like every time I hit the cutting edge there's something rapidly tiring me out. I keep saying "I ought to spend a whole day in practice" but I get a bit overcooked around 40mins in.
I would have thought I would be a stronger meditator by now lol
I get what your saying. I find practice exhausting too here lately and feel like I am not pushing at all. Just following instructions and I have practiced so long I think, I can't believe I am not a better meditator. Today I realized I may be holding on to a world view of "this should feel better" or "this should look different". I know I am good at meditation because of what I am meditating in would be way harder years ago. I think I just need to see through some ideas that this should be different but I don't know where to note ideas because I can not see them clearly I guess. Just my 2 cents
shargrol, modified 5 Months ago at 8/7/24 7:53 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 8/7/24 6:05 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
That does sound good.
There can be a state-like experience where "the mind" becomes beyond transparent -- i've described it as the difference between looking into a perfectly clean glass aquarium (where the fish and plants are crisp and clear) to suddenly being in the aquarium (nearly the same view but somehow everything is "here"). One of my teachers called that "natural mind". Sometimes there is more awareness of motion parallax.
"What is awareness?" can be an interesting inquiry in the midst of natural mind.
Much like Stream Entry, no one knows how to find awakening, or knows when it will happen, or will know it happened until afterwards. So in a big way, the pressure is off: you aren't expected to know what to do. Yet like Stream Entry, it doesn't mean you quit and stop looking. Intention and intuition is very important, yet it is definitely not the same as intention or intuition.
It's also very traditional to mention some verion of this:
it's too close, so we overlook it
it's too accessible, so we strive past it
it's too simple, so we don't trust it
it's too good, so we can't appreciate it
There can be a state-like experience where "the mind" becomes beyond transparent -- i've described it as the difference between looking into a perfectly clean glass aquarium (where the fish and plants are crisp and clear) to suddenly being in the aquarium (nearly the same view but somehow everything is "here"). One of my teachers called that "natural mind". Sometimes there is more awareness of motion parallax.
"What is awareness?" can be an interesting inquiry in the midst of natural mind.
Much like Stream Entry, no one knows how to find awakening, or knows when it will happen, or will know it happened until afterwards. So in a big way, the pressure is off: you aren't expected to know what to do. Yet like Stream Entry, it doesn't mean you quit and stop looking. Intention and intuition is very important, yet it is definitely not the same as intention or intuition.
It's also very traditional to mention some verion of this:
it's too close, so we overlook it
it's too accessible, so we strive past it
it's too simple, so we don't trust it
it's too good, so we can't appreciate it
Bahiya Baby, modified 5 Months ago at 8/13/24 7:59 PM
Created 5 Months ago at 8/13/24 6:02 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Mirror mind is like standing at the precipice of the mountain. There is clearly void in front of me, around me, above me but below is still the mountain.
I felt in practice there was a capacity or a growing willingness to take a step off, like I could thoroughly relinquish agency.
This led to experiencing things as I had described before. Everything as parts or perhaps like my body mind transitioning from a chaotic democracy to a totally decentralized autonomous system of governance.
So then I started seeking that experience and I started to notice all this aversion, greed, etc. So I got really honest with my self about my tendency to try and create perfect experiences. I started to notice how expectation played a role in all of this. You expect x but things are like y so you try to do z. Dropping expectation helped. Dropping the thing that was practicing not knowing / not doing and then... I guess I started to see and genuinely get curious about the who.
Because sometimes the who shimmers (which is rad)
But mostly I notice the who way back in the recesses of the system just gently impressing upon everything.
Sometimes just locating the who causes it to shimmer.
Other times there's a little bit of gristle to chew over. Subtle tight heart gristle for awhile and then shimmer (nice !)
In the latter occasion it's minutely frustrating that I don't know how to do the shimmer in the former it's just kind of funny that it has happened without me really understanding how or why.
I just want everything to shimmer forever but I'm not sure forever or everything... OR I... have any tangible substantiality. Which is also really funny.
I felt in practice there was a capacity or a growing willingness to take a step off, like I could thoroughly relinquish agency.
This led to experiencing things as I had described before. Everything as parts or perhaps like my body mind transitioning from a chaotic democracy to a totally decentralized autonomous system of governance.
So then I started seeking that experience and I started to notice all this aversion, greed, etc. So I got really honest with my self about my tendency to try and create perfect experiences. I started to notice how expectation played a role in all of this. You expect x but things are like y so you try to do z. Dropping expectation helped. Dropping the thing that was practicing not knowing / not doing and then... I guess I started to see and genuinely get curious about the who.
Because sometimes the who shimmers (which is rad)
But mostly I notice the who way back in the recesses of the system just gently impressing upon everything.
Sometimes just locating the who causes it to shimmer.
Other times there's a little bit of gristle to chew over. Subtle tight heart gristle for awhile and then shimmer (nice !)
In the latter occasion it's minutely frustrating that I don't know how to do the shimmer in the former it's just kind of funny that it has happened without me really understanding how or why.
I just want everything to shimmer forever but I'm not sure forever or everything... OR I... have any tangible substantiality. Which is also really funny.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 5 Months ago at 8/13/24 8:27 PM
Created 5 Months ago at 8/13/24 8:27 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
"Mirror mind is like standing at the precipice of the mountain. There is clearly void in front of me, around me, above me but below is still the mountain. "
Oh will you just shut up! Where is this "you" standing anywhere in all "this" ??? What void??? How do you know its "void"??? Void my hairy ars!
Best wishes! xoxo
Oh will you just shut up! Where is this "you" standing anywhere in all "this" ??? What void??? How do you know its "void"??? Void my hairy ars!
Best wishes! xoxo
Will G, modified 5 Months ago at 8/14/24 2:52 PM
Created 5 Months ago at 8/14/24 2:36 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 46 Join Date: 4/7/21 Recent Posts
One way to cut through this whole business of having to let go of or release into this 'void' is to forego our substantialist views altogether. Easier said then done, but its very easy for the mind to get jammed into this kind of posture, to feel as though perched on this precipice with every part of the 'view' still bound by some kind of spatial metaphor and thus essentialist expectations. You can have all the concentration, all the clarity at your disposal, perched ready to let go, but if the view, the framing of it is still substantialist/essentialist in some subtle way, you're scripting yourself to let go into a really existing void.
You're clearly having moments where this framing eases up, and shargrol's aquarium metaphor describes this well. What allows you to be in the water, with the fishes, to pop the mind's bubble, is the easing up of the framing. The reason things appear brighter, lively, shimmery, is that the energy used up by the framing is freed up for the rendering.
Dependent origination is the view to end all the mind's sneaky substantial/essentialist framing, and I find that contemplating it directly can be helpful. It can shift you out of the trap of spatial conniving, into something more temporal, fluxing, unpredictable, in which any sense of being perched, being awareness, or releasing into anything is clearly impossible. When this is, that is. Things arise based on causes and conditions and cease upon their cessation. No self, agent, or persisting spacial dimension anywhere to be found.
ps. I haven't really read much of the log.. just decided to chime in spontaneously. I hope it's helpful!
You're clearly having moments where this framing eases up, and shargrol's aquarium metaphor describes this well. What allows you to be in the water, with the fishes, to pop the mind's bubble, is the easing up of the framing. The reason things appear brighter, lively, shimmery, is that the energy used up by the framing is freed up for the rendering.
Dependent origination is the view to end all the mind's sneaky substantial/essentialist framing, and I find that contemplating it directly can be helpful. It can shift you out of the trap of spatial conniving, into something more temporal, fluxing, unpredictable, in which any sense of being perched, being awareness, or releasing into anything is clearly impossible. When this is, that is. Things arise based on causes and conditions and cease upon their cessation. No self, agent, or persisting spacial dimension anywhere to be found.
ps. I haven't really read much of the log.. just decided to chime in spontaneously. I hope it's helpful!
Bahiya Baby, modified 4 Months ago at 8/16/24 3:03 AM
Created 4 Months ago at 8/16/24 3:01 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Knowing is dependent on identification. If knowing is empty then identity is empty.
shargrol, modified 4 Months ago at 8/16/24 6:17 AM
Created 4 Months ago at 8/16/24 5:48 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
The experience is the experiencing and the experiencing is the experience.
Experience/experiencing does not come with a label.
We use noting/labeling because we need to fix the habit of incomplete experiences of living in a world of nearly 100% I, me, mine and experiences dominated by secondary reactions of greediness, avoidance, and ignoring.
When we can mostly experience we can notice. And we have mini-moments of clarity and start noticing the greediness, avoidance, and ignoring is unhelpful and so it begins getting dropped naturally.
In time, when greed, aversion, and ignoring all momentarily drop away, we get mirror mind/natural mind. We've had flashes of this all along, but now it's nearly constant. But we instinctually want to say mirror mind is I, me, mine at first and get more of it, but the experience of mirror mind naturally shows how creating an identity is unhelpful so the remaining identificiations with flavors of experiencing begins getting dropped naturally. But it feels like reaching the top of the mountain yet somehow needing to climb further... or take a step off the mountain and drop into a void.
When the last knot of I am the experiencer, it is me that experiences, this experience is mine is seen clearly, there is experience as experiencing and experiencing as experience.So close, accessible, simple, and good. We realize the truth of this was never untrue.
We might still doubt it for a while or the full consequences of it may be unclear for a while. Sometimes it takes "no practice" practices, or nonmeditation, for things to fully untangle. But then it's home.
And yet mist drops as dew and dew rises as fog and weeds grow and flowers wilt and civilizations come and go and life goes on.
Experience/experiencing does not come with a label.
We use noting/labeling because we need to fix the habit of incomplete experiences of living in a world of nearly 100% I, me, mine and experiences dominated by secondary reactions of greediness, avoidance, and ignoring.
When we can mostly experience we can notice. And we have mini-moments of clarity and start noticing the greediness, avoidance, and ignoring is unhelpful and so it begins getting dropped naturally.
In time, when greed, aversion, and ignoring all momentarily drop away, we get mirror mind/natural mind. We've had flashes of this all along, but now it's nearly constant. But we instinctually want to say mirror mind is I, me, mine at first and get more of it, but the experience of mirror mind naturally shows how creating an identity is unhelpful so the remaining identificiations with flavors of experiencing begins getting dropped naturally. But it feels like reaching the top of the mountain yet somehow needing to climb further... or take a step off the mountain and drop into a void.
When the last knot of I am the experiencer, it is me that experiences, this experience is mine is seen clearly, there is experience as experiencing and experiencing as experience.So close, accessible, simple, and good. We realize the truth of this was never untrue.
We might still doubt it for a while or the full consequences of it may be unclear for a while. Sometimes it takes "no practice" practices, or nonmeditation, for things to fully untangle. But then it's home.
And yet mist drops as dew and dew rises as fog and weeds grow and flowers wilt and civilizations come and go and life goes on.
Bahiya Baby, modified 4 Months ago at 8/18/24 1:38 AM
Created 4 Months ago at 8/18/24 1:17 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Practice right now is just sitting honestly with suffering. I realize that I've been doing all this practice over the years to prove something. I felt inadequate in my heart and concocted strategies in order that I might accomplish something. For years it seemed like every path led me to more and more grief until i stumbled into serious meditation which actually helped me but it also became a mechanism through which I could strive.
Something about relaxing with this seems important right now. I did some investigation of dependent origination and I did some exploration of emptiness, both were fruitful and no doubt will continue to be, but when the mechanisms of avoidance are seen as empty where else can one go but here, to the reality of ones fundamental suffering.
No more tricks. Just this.
I don't say it enough but all your advice is so helpful. Thank you everybody. I am so grateful.
Something about relaxing with this seems important right now. I did some investigation of dependent origination and I did some exploration of emptiness, both were fruitful and no doubt will continue to be, but when the mechanisms of avoidance are seen as empty where else can one go but here, to the reality of ones fundamental suffering.
No more tricks. Just this.
I don't say it enough but all your advice is so helpful. Thank you everybody. I am so grateful.
shargrol, modified 4 Months ago at 8/18/24 5:24 PM
Created 4 Months ago at 8/18/24 5:24 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 4 Months ago at 9/6/24 7:43 AM
Created 4 Months ago at 9/6/24 7:23 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
It has been years since I've read Tilopa's Song of Mahamudra.
"The Void needs no reliance; Mahamudra rests on naught.
Without making an effort, but remaining natural,
One can break the yoke thus gaining liberation.
If one looks for naught when staring into space;
If with the mind one then observes the mind;
One destroys distinctions and reaches Buddhahood."
What was fairly esoteric to me many years ago now seems like very simple reasonable practice instructions.
What had stood out then and what has been ringing in my ears all day:
"Do naught with the body but relax"
Which is excellent advice and advice I have been given many times because:
"Whoever clings to mind sees not the truth of what's beyond the mind.
Whoever strives to practice Dharma finds not the truth of Beyond-practice."
I haven't much to say at the minute, I just wanted to leave this here for any others who wander out this way.
"The Void needs no reliance; Mahamudra rests on naught.
Without making an effort, but remaining natural,
One can break the yoke thus gaining liberation.
If one looks for naught when staring into space;
If with the mind one then observes the mind;
One destroys distinctions and reaches Buddhahood."
What was fairly esoteric to me many years ago now seems like very simple reasonable practice instructions.
What had stood out then and what has been ringing in my ears all day:
"Do naught with the body but relax"
Which is excellent advice and advice I have been given many times because:
"Whoever clings to mind sees not the truth of what's beyond the mind.
Whoever strives to practice Dharma finds not the truth of Beyond-practice."
I haven't much to say at the minute, I just wanted to leave this here for any others who wander out this way.
Chris M, modified 4 Months ago at 9/6/24 8:48 AM
Created 4 Months ago at 9/6/24 8:48 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts"Whoever clings to mind sees not the truth of what's beyond the mind."
This makes me wonder just which mind is being referred to
Bahiya Baby, modified 4 Months ago at 9/6/24 5:10 PM
Created 4 Months ago at 9/6/24 4:56 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Ok I'll do a real update while I'm here.
So there was this mirror mind thing but it seemed mind just grew clearer and clearer yet somehow some fundamental issues was not resolving.
Then practice moved into the heart and at times fear, greed and aversion seemed to dissolve.
Then I would go through periods of noticing fear, greed and aversion in great detail. This process heated up and got more intense until it eventually passed.
At that point I was tired of efforting, even though a lot of efforting seems out of my control.
So then I started practicing with "do nothing but relax".
I also have noticed developing over the last few weeks this increasing capacity to let the center of attention sort of destabilize.
So I relax, I let everything decentralize and I allow sensation to just be where it's at, which makes it all brighter. It takes a very deep relaxation to arrive at the brightness. I guess this is Mahamudra or whatever. It's not just a wide or vast, the breadth of it isn't super important, I think what's important is the decentralization, the non centering and relaxation allows everything to start being known right where it's at. I guess, I don't know, I'm still just touching these things.
That's it really. I try to catch any attempts to strive after practice but sometimes they just happen. Sometimes mind is clear and practice is good, sometimes I'm obsessing over some thing stupid, but these things just happen.
So there was this mirror mind thing but it seemed mind just grew clearer and clearer yet somehow some fundamental issues was not resolving.
Then practice moved into the heart and at times fear, greed and aversion seemed to dissolve.
Then I would go through periods of noticing fear, greed and aversion in great detail. This process heated up and got more intense until it eventually passed.
At that point I was tired of efforting, even though a lot of efforting seems out of my control.
So then I started practicing with "do nothing but relax".
I also have noticed developing over the last few weeks this increasing capacity to let the center of attention sort of destabilize.
So I relax, I let everything decentralize and I allow sensation to just be where it's at, which makes it all brighter. It takes a very deep relaxation to arrive at the brightness. I guess this is Mahamudra or whatever. It's not just a wide or vast, the breadth of it isn't super important, I think what's important is the decentralization, the non centering and relaxation allows everything to start being known right where it's at. I guess, I don't know, I'm still just touching these things.
That's it really. I try to catch any attempts to strive after practice but sometimes they just happen. Sometimes mind is clear and practice is good, sometimes I'm obsessing over some thing stupid, but these things just happen.
Bahiya Baby, modified 4 Months ago at 9/6/24 6:36 PM
Created 4 Months ago at 9/6/24 6:21 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Facepalm... For lack of a better way to put into words something I've just realized: Mind is a conception.
Or there is something which seems to be mind that is a conception.
Or there is something which seems to be mind that is a conception.
shargrol, modified 4 Months ago at 9/6/24 7:20 PM
Created 4 Months ago at 9/6/24 7:20 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Q: From all you have said, Mind is the Buddha; but it is not clear as to what sort of mind is meant by this "Mind which is the Buddha".
A: How many minds have you got?
Q: But is the Buddha the ordinary mind or the Enlightened mind?
A: Where on earth do you keep your 'ordinary mind' and your 'Enlightened mind'?
A: How many minds have you got?
Q: But is the Buddha the ordinary mind or the Enlightened mind?
A: Where on earth do you keep your 'ordinary mind' and your 'Enlightened mind'?
Papa Che Dusko, modified 4 Months ago at 9/10/24 6:40 PM
Created 4 Months ago at 9/10/24 6:39 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 4 Months ago at 9/10/24 6:41 PM
Created 4 Months ago at 9/10/24 6:41 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 3 Months ago at 9/25/24 1:49 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 9/24/24 6:01 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I see that there is no lasting no-self view
There's a process of attention which creates seemingly solid states like holding patterns which give rise to projection and rumination.
Desires are holding patterns like chronic fixations in attention and because of this there is tension and thus there is a need for release, because of this need for release there is an expectation about the potential for release at some other point in time. Desire requires a payoff. The necessity of a payoff is suffering.
When attention is seen as impermanent desire arises but is not fixed. There's nothing for desire to latch on to thus no need to sate the desire.
Last couple weeks were tough. I got really stuck on attention. Let's see whats next.
It's this:
When I am practicing I can really see this, I've seen it before but now it's becoming more obviously the case, everything is interrelated yet none of the particulate matter behind everything, or even the waves of things themselves, ever really touch.
I'm super busy lately but should have a chance to do some deeper practice soon.
There's a process of attention which creates seemingly solid states like holding patterns which give rise to projection and rumination.
Desires are holding patterns like chronic fixations in attention and because of this there is tension and thus there is a need for release, because of this need for release there is an expectation about the potential for release at some other point in time. Desire requires a payoff. The necessity of a payoff is suffering.
When attention is seen as impermanent desire arises but is not fixed. There's nothing for desire to latch on to thus no need to sate the desire.
Last couple weeks were tough. I got really stuck on attention. Let's see whats next.
It's this:
Does one experience ever "touch" an other experience? But is one experience ever unrelated to any other experience?
When I am practicing I can really see this, I've seen it before but now it's becoming more obviously the case, everything is interrelated yet none of the particulate matter behind everything, or even the waves of things themselves, ever really touch.
I'm super busy lately but should have a chance to do some deeper practice soon.
Martin, modified 3 Months ago at 9/25/24 12:30 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 9/25/24 12:30 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 1064 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 3 Months ago at 10/9/24 4:16 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/9/24 4:06 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Well... If I can make the effort to spout off about politics I can make the effort to update my log.
So... Basically I went through a phase of really practicing with emptiness in a seeing that frees kind of way. I was really exploring the exercises towards the end of that book and I guess I was really noticing attention and the activity of attention and the tension of attention.
Practice felt at that time very jhanic lots of really "pure" refined states of experience.
Then that faded and I just got over all the views and no-self experiences.
There was a while where I was noticing the no selfness of everything.
Then I allowed myself to just be with the reality of experience in a really raw and analogue way. I had some interesting experiences like a strange heart opening, swooning, sighing kind of thing would happen and this led to something very hard to describe but I guess I came to experience the simple, truthful, honesty of just this experience.
So where I'm at now when I practice things can get very "Ahh yes, just this experience". The narrativizing completely stops. It's like you're really focused on a point in the night sky and then attention falls away and that point is just another glimmering patch of starlight. This isn't just strictly perceptual or to do with shape. It's not the difference between first jhana and fourth but the difference between a solid and a gas or a wall and an open window.
So I basically just practice until the simple starlight thing happens. I can't game that or do something to make it happen it just happens or it doesn't.
When it isn't happening I think a lot of what I see is the position and shape of the self sort of fluctuating in opacity like there's a literal middleman in experience that creates a here and there and that has something to do with attention, see previous post, and as that attention becomes diffuse everything starts just being the truth of what it is until there's this glimmering swoon, a deep breath, and something has vanished.and things just are the way they are.
It still wraps itself up when I stop meditating and then I go right back to worrying about the state of the world or speaking about politics on the internet. (God forgive me, I am a lowly and undeserving sinner. Punish me father for I fear there may be no limit to my iniquity and only the righteous justice of your hand might save me from my wickedness.)
So I'm just kind of exploring this. When it happens it's fucking so right but when it's gone the world is just a dream again and y'know dreams can be nice too.
My internal, ugh, I don't know like... Guidance... Eww .. says just be with it. When its not right just be with that when it is right just be with that. There's really nothing else to do now.
It's like the self is a hologram made to seem real by attention but when attention flickers the self flickers.
So... Basically I went through a phase of really practicing with emptiness in a seeing that frees kind of way. I was really exploring the exercises towards the end of that book and I guess I was really noticing attention and the activity of attention and the tension of attention.
Practice felt at that time very jhanic lots of really "pure" refined states of experience.
Then that faded and I just got over all the views and no-self experiences.
There was a while where I was noticing the no selfness of everything.
Then I allowed myself to just be with the reality of experience in a really raw and analogue way. I had some interesting experiences like a strange heart opening, swooning, sighing kind of thing would happen and this led to something very hard to describe but I guess I came to experience the simple, truthful, honesty of just this experience.
So where I'm at now when I practice things can get very "Ahh yes, just this experience". The narrativizing completely stops. It's like you're really focused on a point in the night sky and then attention falls away and that point is just another glimmering patch of starlight. This isn't just strictly perceptual or to do with shape. It's not the difference between first jhana and fourth but the difference between a solid and a gas or a wall and an open window.
So I basically just practice until the simple starlight thing happens. I can't game that or do something to make it happen it just happens or it doesn't.
When it isn't happening I think a lot of what I see is the position and shape of the self sort of fluctuating in opacity like there's a literal middleman in experience that creates a here and there and that has something to do with attention, see previous post, and as that attention becomes diffuse everything starts just being the truth of what it is until there's this glimmering swoon, a deep breath, and something has vanished.and things just are the way they are.
It still wraps itself up when I stop meditating and then I go right back to worrying about the state of the world or speaking about politics on the internet. (God forgive me, I am a lowly and undeserving sinner. Punish me father for I fear there may be no limit to my iniquity and only the righteous justice of your hand might save me from my wickedness.)
So I'm just kind of exploring this. When it happens it's fucking so right but when it's gone the world is just a dream again and y'know dreams can be nice too.
My internal, ugh, I don't know like... Guidance... Eww .. says just be with it. When its not right just be with that when it is right just be with that. There's really nothing else to do now.
It's like the self is a hologram made to seem real by attention but when attention flickers the self flickers.
shargrol, modified 3 Months ago at 10/9/24 12:32 PM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/9/24 7:22 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsBahiya Baby Well... If I can make the effort to spout off about politics I can make the effort to update my log.
So... Basically I went through a phase of really practicing with emptiness in a seeing that frees kind of way. I was really exploring the exercises towards the end of that book and I guess I was really noticing attention and the activity of attention and the tension of attention.
Good stuff, but of course this approach can never completely drop the original tension of investigating itself...
Practice felt at that time very jhanic lots of really "pure" refined states of experience. Then that faded and I just got over all the views and no-self experiences. There was a while where I was noticing the no selfness of everything. Then I allowed myself to just be with the reality of experience in a really raw and analogue way.
Honest question, how did you "do" that?
I had some interesting experiences like a strange heart opening, swooning, sighing kind of thing would happen and this led to something very hard to describe but I guess I came to experience the simple, truthful, honesty of just this experience. So where I'm at now when I practice things can get very "Ahh yes, just this experience". The narrativizing completely stops. It's like you're really focused on a point in the night sky and then attention falls away and that point is just another glimmering patch of starlight. This isn't just strictly perceptual or to do with shape. It's not the difference between first jhana and fourth but the difference between a solid and a gas or a wall and an open window.
Is this the "difference between looking at the world through a glass window and looking through the world through an open window" immersive experience?
So I basically just practice until the simple starlight thing happens. I can't game that or do something to make it happen it just happens or it doesn't. When it isn't happening I think a lot of what I see is the position and shape of the self sort of fluctuating in opacity like there's a literal middleman in experience that creates a here and there and that has something to do with attention, see previous post, and as that attention becomes diffuse everything starts just being the truth of what it is until there's this glimmering swoon, a deep breath, and something has vanished.and things just are the way they are.
Good stuff, but maybe there is still a tiny bit of restlessness and/or conceit?
You've already 99.99% seen that a self can't "exist" outside of experience... but it feels like there is still a inexcapable constant of a little bit of self-reflexive judging? (Not saying judging goes away or that you'll never have political views after awakening, but let's just keep it to the self that judges practice....) You probably know what I mean, that self-judging that doesn't quite go away for long...
It's so so minor, but because it's so ubiquitous, it's so annoying! Suffering much much less, yet still noticing it more.
In a way, you are clear on space/emptiness, but....
One thing that REALLY helped me out at this stage was reading the part of Seeing That Frees that talks about time and how there isn't a "present moment". I can't do the write-up justice, it has to be read. When you realize that all moments are still a fabrication, that there can never be a present moment, then anything contained in that moment can't be the same kind of problem it was before. For me, this was the last little bit of ignorance (ignorance about the nature of time) that kept the whole delusion in place. Without a solid present moment to "believe", it took away the endless quest for the perfect moment --- and the endless and relentless self-judging about whether I had achieved the perfect present moment.
After awakening, you'll find yourself in that raw and analog way... but the rawness is gone. That's my hunch at what you'll find. Not radically different from now. You'll still be you, but you'll know how seriously to take you.
It still wraps itself up when I stop meditating and then I go right back to worrying about the state of the world or speaking about politics on the internet. (God forgive me, I am a lowly and undeserving sinner. Punish me father for I fear there may be no limit to my iniquity and only the righteous justice of your hand might save me from my wickedness.) So I'm just kind of exploring this. When it happens it's fucking so right but when it's gone the world is just a dream again and y'know dreams can be nice too. My internal, ugh, I don't know like... Guidance... Eww .. says just be with it. When its not right just be with that when it is right just be with that. There's really nothing else to do now. It's like the self is a hologram made to seem real by attention but when attention flickers the self flickers.
The hologram is apparent awareness, apparent attention, and an apparent belief in a centerpoint of time. Ironically, it's all hologram all the way down, so trying to find the "perfect moment of the hologram" is a little bit of a fool's quest --- but only the fool's quest can lead to the wisdom of the sage. No other way.
When the time is right, you can explore "no distraction, no control, no practice" which is:
1) allowing yourself to settle into raw and analog, even letting attention itself go in and out of intensity, so that "no distraction" even includes the experience of being distracted -- your mind still knows.
(if there are fireworks at this point, you just have to go through all of that)
2) if there are no fireworks, then realizing that after 15-20 minutes of raw and analog, the mind naturally starts having preferences -- usually more clarity or more calm or more knowing -- and the judging has re-established itself again. Now intend to let it go and have "no control".
3) for the last 5-10 minutes, then have "no practice". Drop any sense that there is such a thing as practice. Exhale and say/feel I'm done. Just sit with having no practice.
This kind of practice isn't to achieve some particular endstate during sitting. As you can sense, awakening is beyond your control and probably won't happen when you intend it. You won't walk off the top of the mountain when you decide to.
It will hit you like a bird pooping on your head, shocking you out of your old view... and you'll realize that awakening isn't something you gain and even calling it a loss isn't quite right. You realize that the great matter of life and death wasn't what you thought it was, like the original premise was wrong.
Bahiya Baby, modified 3 Months ago at 10/13/24 1:21 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/13/24 1:20 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Yeah I was definitely still dealing with some restlessness/conceit.
No distraction... really helpful. You know you mentioned this practice before but I may not have been ready to learn its lessons. Where did you come across it?
I have played with this over the weekend quite a bit.
When I started with no distraction it instantly clicked. I saw no distraction as this very subtle intention that's useful to practice with but then ultimately transcends itself when you realize that "no distraction" is a distraction and also "distraction" is not really a distraction.
Then with control the same sort of thing you're working this subtle intention that eventually leads to seeing that "no control" is a form of control and the sense of control is not in control.
Then with no practice, everytime I get there, there's this immense sense of freedom and rest. These are comical intentions to work with you know, the self refuting logic of them (hah), the paradox of them I think I mean to say and when you get to no practice the joke of it all is very clear. It's really quite silly, practicing no practice. Helpful though.
No distraction... really helpful. You know you mentioned this practice before but I may not have been ready to learn its lessons. Where did you come across it?
I have played with this over the weekend quite a bit.
When I started with no distraction it instantly clicked. I saw no distraction as this very subtle intention that's useful to practice with but then ultimately transcends itself when you realize that "no distraction" is a distraction and also "distraction" is not really a distraction.
Then with control the same sort of thing you're working this subtle intention that eventually leads to seeing that "no control" is a form of control and the sense of control is not in control.
Then with no practice, everytime I get there, there's this immense sense of freedom and rest. These are comical intentions to work with you know, the self refuting logic of them (hah), the paradox of them I think I mean to say and when you get to no practice the joke of it all is very clear. It's really quite silly, practicing no practice. Helpful though.
shargrol, modified 3 Months ago at 10/13/24 7:49 AM
Created 3 Months ago at 10/13/24 6:32 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
"No distraction, no control, no practice" was given to me by Hokai when I was working with him. I looked it up and it also appears in Ken McLeod's Wake Up To Your Life on page 416 as "No distraction, no control, no work"... but I like Hokai's version better. No work tends to be seen as "just rest in experience"... which is technically correct but can create yet another practice of "trying to rest in experience"... (Hokai used the framework/progression of WUTYL and refined it to his sensibilities at the time I was working with him ~2013-14.)
Nonmeditation is also a pretty good way to say it and this is discussed as a stage (with three substages) in Clarifying the Natural State by Dakpo Tashi Namgyal on p95.
Heh, both of these references are a few pages from the end of both of these books... so I'm sorry, your time is almost up!
What Is Enlightenment? | HuffPost Life
Enlightenment and Cat Poop | Hardcore Zen
Nonmeditation is also a pretty good way to say it and this is discussed as a stage (with three substages) in Clarifying the Natural State by Dakpo Tashi Namgyal on p95.
Heh, both of these references are a few pages from the end of both of these books... so I'm sorry, your time is almost up!
What Is Enlightenment? | HuffPost Life
Enlightenment and Cat Poop | Hardcore Zen
Bahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 10/27/24 3:49 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 10/27/24 3:45 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Continuing to practice with this.
For awhile I had to always start with no distraction and work through. Then as restlessness in daily life started falling away I found myself more often able to start at no control or drop right into no practice.
For the most part no practice isn't actually a practice, it usually just happens after I've spent some time in the previous two. Usually the heart just swoons and everything swan dives and the world is just nice and where it's at, non dual I guess.
In that experience I see things such as:
Time is dependent on location. Location is the point at which attention and intention meet. Where there is no location there is no time.
I suspect this is centrelessness.
Overall things are good. Life is less restless. Life is also really fucking hectic so practice tends to be two steps forward one step back. Find myself reading more Zen stuff.
Barcelona here I come
For awhile I had to always start with no distraction and work through. Then as restlessness in daily life started falling away I found myself more often able to start at no control or drop right into no practice.
For the most part no practice isn't actually a practice, it usually just happens after I've spent some time in the previous two. Usually the heart just swoons and everything swan dives and the world is just nice and where it's at, non dual I guess.
In that experience I see things such as:
Time is dependent on location. Location is the point at which attention and intention meet. Where there is no location there is no time.
I suspect this is centrelessness.
Overall things are good. Life is less restless. Life is also really fucking hectic so practice tends to be two steps forward one step back. Find myself reading more Zen stuff.
Barcelona here I come
John L, modified 2 Months ago at 10/27/24 3:47 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 10/27/24 3:47 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 91 Join Date: 3/26/24 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 10/27/24 4:52 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 10/27/24 4:52 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 10/30/24 1:44 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 10/30/24 1:41 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Another relatively inconsequential update just to say that there are some rather userful diagnostic tools towards the end of Clarifying the natural state.
From the end of Simplicity and its Enhancements
"At some point after this, you will experience the pure and uncontaminated yoga of realizing all the phenomena of samsara and nirvana to be of One Taste, the Mahamudra of being free from accepting and rejecting them as with or without the conceptual constructs of arising and ceasing, empty or not empty and so forth."
Or how it seems to me: Simplicity gives way to One Taste when the search for emptiness is relinquished.
It lays out these stages of One Pointedness, Simplicity, One Taste & Non Meditation and I think it's all quite insightful. It's all relatively short and yet quite a useful tool for reflection at this stage of practice. Particularly now that I'm practicing several hours a day, I want to keep a relatively high standard but I don't really have much bandwidth for dense reading, so it is useful in that regard. At this point everything is very post lexical, your experiencing undefinable things and I personally have little capacity, interest or desire to be defining them myself, I'd rather just sit, so I'm glad someone went to the trouble of writing this all down.
"The lesser One Taste is when you have realized that all thoughts and perceptions are of one taste in being the Mahamudra of mind essence. However, you still retain a bind: the conviction of savoring and clinging to that."
They know me too well
From the end of Simplicity and its Enhancements
"At some point after this, you will experience the pure and uncontaminated yoga of realizing all the phenomena of samsara and nirvana to be of One Taste, the Mahamudra of being free from accepting and rejecting them as with or without the conceptual constructs of arising and ceasing, empty or not empty and so forth."
Or how it seems to me: Simplicity gives way to One Taste when the search for emptiness is relinquished.
It lays out these stages of One Pointedness, Simplicity, One Taste & Non Meditation and I think it's all quite insightful. It's all relatively short and yet quite a useful tool for reflection at this stage of practice. Particularly now that I'm practicing several hours a day, I want to keep a relatively high standard but I don't really have much bandwidth for dense reading, so it is useful in that regard. At this point everything is very post lexical, your experiencing undefinable things and I personally have little capacity, interest or desire to be defining them myself, I'd rather just sit, so I'm glad someone went to the trouble of writing this all down.
"The lesser One Taste is when you have realized that all thoughts and perceptions are of one taste in being the Mahamudra of mind essence. However, you still retain a bind: the conviction of savoring and clinging to that."
They know me too well
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 2 Months ago at 10/31/24 2:57 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 10/31/24 2:57 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsChris M, modified 2 Months ago at 10/31/24 3:09 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 10/31/24 3:09 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts... quite a useful tool for reflection at this stage of practice.
For clarity's sake, can you explain what stage of practice this refers to?
Bahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 10/31/24 4:23 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 10/31/24 3:58 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Sure, when the subject object-split begins to dissolve, when the sense that there's a controller of the body, thoughts and of meditation itself begins to drop away and as no control/no practice becomes the default mode of experiencing the world.
I don't know what "stage" that is in a maps sense, I just mean stage as in this must be some kind of stage of meditative development as it is happening to me and seems to correlate with what's being discussed in clarifying the natural state.
I am beginning to get the impression it would be impossible for me to define
As in even the idea that there are stages is kind of funny now that I think about it.
The idea of stages is symptomatic of an implicit cognitive bias towards progression, it's a worldview, or a Sankhara I suppose.
I don't know what "stage" that is in a maps sense, I just mean stage as in this must be some kind of stage of meditative development as it is happening to me and seems to correlate with what's being discussed in clarifying the natural state.
I am beginning to get the impression it would be impossible for me to define
As in even the idea that there are stages is kind of funny now that I think about it.
The idea of stages is symptomatic of an implicit cognitive bias towards progression, it's a worldview, or a Sankhara I suppose.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 10/31/24 6:14 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 10/31/24 6:14 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 10/31/24 6:37 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 10/31/24 6:37 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 11/1/24 4:32 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/1/24 4:32 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Without stages one might logically infer that there is no attainment
There goes that gong again
There goes that gong again
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 2 Months ago at 11/1/24 5:17 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/1/24 5:17 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 3:57 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 3:57 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Postsshargrol, modified 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:31 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 4:31 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Postspixelcloud *, modified 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 6:34 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 6:34 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 42 Join Date: 10/25/24 Recent Posts
I'm sort of at the same non-stage. So it's always interesting to check in on your log. The Anagami thing deepening, more layers of subject/object surfacing and dropping, for me it's kinda like approaching a singularity, where all sorts of dualisms start to break down (well, duh). All the partial insights into the depths of anatta, all sorts of craving and clinging surfacing, twisting, struggling, relaxing, dropping, all turning out to have the one taste, all the phenomenal display doing it's momentary thing. Kinda funny to see that sensations don't touch, that there is no bond tying them together, and some process still trying to pull back - from itself. Like a (k)not that insists on (k)not yet seing it was never tied. And then writes about it on the DhO.
So yeah, who came up with this stuff?
So yeah, who came up with this stuff?
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 6:43 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 6:43 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
"who invented this meditation stuff??"
Let me have a stab at it;
the seeker? The dog chasing its tail?
I don't know!
Let me have a stab at it;
the seeker? The dog chasing its tail?
I don't know!
shargrol, modified 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 9:08 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 9:07 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
the self creates an idea of the greatest self (the enlightened self or even the not-a-self-self) and searches for it... and the seeking doesn't result in greatness and it negates any solid sense of self -- a kind of poetic justice.
(I remember someone from the early DhO days saying something like, I don't like this zen stuff, the joke of the story is always me.)
(I remember someone from the early DhO days saying something like, I don't like this zen stuff, the joke of the story is always me.)
Bahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 9:24 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 9:24 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 10:49 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/2/24 10:48 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsI'm sort of at the same non-stage. So it's always interesting to check in on your log
I started the first log because I was fucked up, I keep at it because it helps and I know there's people lurking that may find it useful now or in the future. If they can parse through my nonsense. Don't be a stranger
Same goes to any other lurkers out there. It is a community and sometimes I suspect a slightly larger community than it appears on the surface. Don't be afraid to say hi. If yall out there are anything like me if we did a hangout no one would turn up
Bahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 11/3/24 1:21 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/3/24 1:20 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
It feels like I can sit here and not put anything on it.
Not in some profound crystal clear way. There are thoughts, sometimes thoughts arise as a natural flowing part of the mindstream, at other times they're more embroiled or restless but there's no more judgement. It can just carry on.
I'm lying on my sitting room floor with my head on a bean bag. Sort of meditating, sort of thinking about writing postcards for Christmas, something I have never done, the nextdoor neighbour is mowing their lawn, there is dukkha pockmarked throughout me. None of this is perfect yet none of it requires judgement.
Throughout my body there is a growing, pervasive, natural sense of compassion.
I am very talkative lately. I think that happens when I up the practice hours lol, forgive me.
Not in some profound crystal clear way. There are thoughts, sometimes thoughts arise as a natural flowing part of the mindstream, at other times they're more embroiled or restless but there's no more judgement. It can just carry on.
I'm lying on my sitting room floor with my head on a bean bag. Sort of meditating, sort of thinking about writing postcards for Christmas, something I have never done, the nextdoor neighbour is mowing their lawn, there is dukkha pockmarked throughout me. None of this is perfect yet none of it requires judgement.
Throughout my body there is a growing, pervasive, natural sense of compassion.
I am very talkative lately. I think that happens when I up the practice hours lol, forgive me.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 11/3/24 5:50 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/3/24 5:50 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
There is nothing there! And yet there is nothing there but not in a continuous manner.
Is the whole view fake? And even if I conclude it's fake, how can I verify that?
And if something is there in a continuous manner than what is that? Can there be something continuous without myriads of things being shaded by ignorance at the same time?
But if nothing is there and yet not in a continuous way then how can ignorance be?
please do ignore my rambling Need me some coffee!
Is the whole view fake? And even if I conclude it's fake, how can I verify that?
And if something is there in a continuous manner than what is that? Can there be something continuous without myriads of things being shaded by ignorance at the same time?
But if nothing is there and yet not in a continuous way then how can ignorance be?
please do ignore my rambling Need me some coffee!
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 2 Months ago at 11/3/24 3:27 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/3/24 3:27 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Poststhe self creates an idea of the greatest self
yeah there is this idea in optimization called SGD. It must stand for self gradient descent
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 11:51 AM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 11:50 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsI started the first log because I was fucked up, I keep at it because it helps and I know there's people lurking that may find it useful now or in the future. If they can parse through my nonsense. Don't be a stranger
Be careful about leaving so many half dug rabbit holes everywhere, because if you're not paying attention, you might trip and fall and hurt yourself! On your own hole too! How embarrassing would that be?
Bahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 1:54 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 1:54 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 2:14 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 2:14 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
And what do we do when we fall? We pick ourselves back up again and try again.
Just being again.
Just this.
So nice, yeah? So why the question to the next thing...
Just being again.
Just this.
So nice, yeah? So why the question to the next thing...
Bahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 4:25 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 4:24 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
It's not always nice.
Sometimes when falling it's best to stay falling if one can manage it.
It's all this picking things up and trying that gets us in such a mess to begin with.
Sometimes when falling it's best to stay falling if one can manage it.
It's all this picking things up and trying that gets us in such a mess to begin with.
Bahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 4:40 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 4:28 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Fall out of the light and into the dark, fall through the dark and out into light.
In time we realize it's the falling that's nice...
In time we realize it's the falling that's nice...
Papa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 4:42 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 4:42 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
"In time we realize it's the falling that's nice... "
You are an adrenaline junkie, bahiya babe!
You are an adrenaline junkie, bahiya babe!
Bahiya Baby, modified 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 5:26 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 5:26 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsPapa Che Dusko, modified 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 5:28 PM
Created 2 Months ago at 11/8/24 5:28 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 11/13/24 3:34 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 11/13/24 3:34 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Over the past few weeks I have been observing various aspects of the sense of control, how I seek to control things, how habits of control start up and tick away under the surface.
Overall practice is very clear and open, for a time there were many "non-dual" experiences but I've let go any need or desire for them. Instead I just sit with and notice the play of dukkha across an open, inclusive awareness.
Sometimes I notice the freedom and doneness of no meditation, sometimes I do not, I do not savor it nor try to recreate it. I just let it arise and fall away as a natural movement within practice. Meditation isn't actually happening anyway but I notice there's a thing I can put on experience that makes stuff feel very free and nice.
Today I experienced dukkha regarding an event on the weekend. I don't want to go because I want to meditate and do nothing for the day. I just sat and experienced this rather inane dilemma play out in my body, awareness tends to stay wide open as dukkha arises, it doesn't really contract around thought patterns or discomforts much anymore. I sat and watched for awhile until I saw that this hypothetical future point didn't have any substantiality. Then in the same manner I experienced a number of more nebulous points of dukkha and practiced with them in the same way.
There has been a lot of unpeeling the need for meditation to lead anywhere or achieve anything. It's easy to practice, I feel I could sit for 8 hours a day if I didn't have other obligations, I wish that I could.
It's obvious that whatever awakening will be is right here, in some non heroic ordinary way. All the magical displays of fireworks have lost their appeal though they remain beautiful to look at.
Overall practice is very clear and open, for a time there were many "non-dual" experiences but I've let go any need or desire for them. Instead I just sit with and notice the play of dukkha across an open, inclusive awareness.
Sometimes I notice the freedom and doneness of no meditation, sometimes I do not, I do not savor it nor try to recreate it. I just let it arise and fall away as a natural movement within practice. Meditation isn't actually happening anyway but I notice there's a thing I can put on experience that makes stuff feel very free and nice.
Today I experienced dukkha regarding an event on the weekend. I don't want to go because I want to meditate and do nothing for the day. I just sat and experienced this rather inane dilemma play out in my body, awareness tends to stay wide open as dukkha arises, it doesn't really contract around thought patterns or discomforts much anymore. I sat and watched for awhile until I saw that this hypothetical future point didn't have any substantiality. Then in the same manner I experienced a number of more nebulous points of dukkha and practiced with them in the same way.
There has been a lot of unpeeling the need for meditation to lead anywhere or achieve anything. It's easy to practice, I feel I could sit for 8 hours a day if I didn't have other obligations, I wish that I could.
It's obvious that whatever awakening will be is right here, in some non heroic ordinary way. All the magical displays of fireworks have lost their appeal though they remain beautiful to look at.
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 11/14/24 8:11 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 11/14/24 8:09 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I was asking myself:
What is it that's so nice about the no meditation experience?
What is it that reintroduces dukkha?
What is it that lurks behind experiences that have more obvious dukkha?
What is this dilemma? Why don't I want to go to Renfaire with my friends? Why am I so bothered by choice?
(what's he got that I ain't got huh?)
The man on the podcast discusses the implications of retrocausality on free will
Would this all be a lot nicer if I stopped pretending I had free will?
What is it that's so nice about the no meditation experience?
What is it that reintroduces dukkha?
What is it that lurks behind experiences that have more obvious dukkha?
What is this dilemma? Why don't I want to go to Renfaire with my friends? Why am I so bothered by choice?
(what's he got that I ain't got huh?)
The man on the podcast discusses the implications of retrocausality on free will
Would this all be a lot nicer if I stopped pretending I had free will?
Papa Che Dusko, modified 1 Month ago at 11/14/24 8:27 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 11/14/24 8:27 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Try this one;
how can the sense of Dukkha go through time?
"Re-introducing is likely due to some causal stuff contacting the sense doors and then triggering a reactive response but why does Dukkha keep going through time?
What makes this Dukkha appear as such?
Dukkha certainly seems to have an unpleasant feeling and some sort of bodily sensation that is perceived as unpleasant.
So why that sense of Dukkha (dread) going through time? "This is happening and is not stopping. This is happening to me and feels very real.
Beware Im having a flu and am self-medicatiing with hot whiskey tonight!
how can the sense of Dukkha go through time?
"Re-introducing is likely due to some causal stuff contacting the sense doors and then triggering a reactive response but why does Dukkha keep going through time?
What makes this Dukkha appear as such?
Dukkha certainly seems to have an unpleasant feeling and some sort of bodily sensation that is perceived as unpleasant.
So why that sense of Dukkha (dread) going through time? "This is happening and is not stopping. This is happening to me and feels very real.
Beware Im having a flu and am self-medicatiing with hot whiskey tonight!
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 11/14/24 8:53 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 11/14/24 8:53 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I just had a persistent assumption that I needed to make some kind of decision about reality and that that decision has some massive existential significance
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 11/14/24 10:00 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 11/14/24 10:00 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
This is funny, or at least I think I will find it funny in retrospect. So I'm exploring no agent, no decision, no choice, feels super free and interesting... Somebody walks through the kitchen and just drive-by pokes me right in the ego and I'm like there's no choice to be made about any of this but boy howdy that person just really hurt my feelings, there is clearly a rather large ego/self here reeling at that remark... Life is funny like that.
"The Teacher" is never far,
"The Teacher" is never far,
shargrol, modified 1 Month ago at 11/15/24 5:26 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 11/15/24 5:26 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsBahiya Baby:
I just had a persistent assumption that I needed to make some kind of decision about reality and that that decision has some massive existential significance
It's funny how small this is, yet so pervasive in almost every consideration we have, and therefore how huge this assumption is. Both very very tiny and very very big. (A classic Zen question, "how big is it?")
Even if we're mostly calm and unbothered/untraumatized, there is still "the great matter of life in death" as they say in Zen apparently hanging over our head. And to the extent we haven't seen this great matter clearly, we seek some kind of awakening that will get rid of the haunting of this great matter of life and death, to get away from it.
But as we get beaten into us through practice, the way "to get away from" is "by going through".
I think it's fair to say that awakening is viscerally resolving this matter and truly percieving it as the assumption that it is. But you simply can't make it into a intellectual exercise -- the heavens will SMACK YOU THE F**K DOWN if you try to pretend you have somehow moved beyond the real terror of the great matter of life and death on this earth.
Which leads to your next post...
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 11/15/24 5:52 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 11/15/24 5:48 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Right, I can't insight my way out of tangling with Morality and there's some moral stuff I have to deal with.
Dealing with it doesn't lead anywhere, if doesn't need to lead anywhere, that's not the point, it just has to be fucking dealt with. That's life. That's the world.
Dealing with it doesn't lead anywhere, if doesn't need to lead anywhere, that's not the point, it just has to be fucking dealt with. That's life. That's the world.
shargrol, modified 1 Month ago at 11/15/24 6:12 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 11/15/24 5:51 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsBahiya Baby
This is funny, or at least I think I will find it funny in retrospect. So I'm exploring no agent, no decision, no choice, feels super free and interesting... Somebody walks through the kitchen and just drive-by pokes me right in the ego and I'm like there's no choice to be made about any of this but boy howdy that person just really hurt my feelings, there is clearly a rather large ego/self here reeling at that remark... Life is funny like that.
"The Teacher" is never far,
This is funny, or at least I think I will find it funny in retrospect. So I'm exploring no agent, no decision, no choice, feels super free and interesting... Somebody walks through the kitchen and just drive-by pokes me right in the ego and I'm like there's no choice to be made about any of this but boy howdy that person just really hurt my feelings, there is clearly a rather large ego/self here reeling at that remark... Life is funny like that.
"The Teacher" is never far,
This is very very funny to me! It is so exactly how it goes. If there was a way to laugh your way to enlightenment, it would be by seeing this time and time again, throughout the day, and having a joyful AND RESPECTFUL laugh at the self.
The problem is it is very easy to have the ego get bruised and feel like a victim and then develop a spiteful and cruel sense of humor... which tends to carry around the "hurt" into the future. It's so important to know what kind of laugh you are laughing.
One last kind of pointing out thing:
There are a lot of fire metaphors in the buddha's teaching and I think the idea that it was because buddhism emerged within a proto-hindu culture that already had fire metaphors... but anyway, at one point this kinda clicked for me...
The buddha said the world is on fire with greed, aversion, and delusion. And that works really well with the felt-experience of friction of dukka, how there is this gritty, abrasive quality to life --- especially if we try to avoid it or go around it. Life can wear us down and burn us up. The early stage of practice is all about getting real and see the fact of this. Just facing the truth of the difficulty in our life and getting early insights into how some of our approaches to thinking/living make it worse. At some point we can't look away any more and we becomed real meditators.
In the middle stages, dukka actually does burst into flame and is a kind of light to our practice. It shows us were to look, what to consider, what to investigate, what to tease apart. Discomfort and insults really do show the way, and hopefully we're given what we can tolerate and grow from at any time --- but of course life and practice is a mixed bag and we get what we get. And sometimes apparently huge set backs result in huge steps forward.
In the later stages dukka is nirvana, or to say it in the fire metaphor: what we thought was an burning is actually a burning-out. Even with intense experiences of dukka, an escalating burning is actually an escalating burning out. It's not burning into the future, so to speak, it's extinquishing itself. Where does the fire of an experience "stay" in the mind? It really doesn't stay, except as a memory of sorts. And that can be useful for ongoing learning and development, but it isn't quite they way that dukka stays. But reality is percieved as nirvaning, a kind of burning out that leaves no remainder.
When the nirvana-ing of experience is your center of gravity, your day to day and moment to moment experience, I think you're fairly well cooked. Where any one person wants to draw the line at the level of perfection required for officially trademarked awakening is always a fun intellectual debate and a conundrum for the meditation traditions. To me it seems like there is an experience of fundamental unknotting the heart that is unlike the others that proceeded it and is worth acknowledging to youself perhaps. (It's funny no one else really cares and they shouldn't because no one can do the practice work for someone else.)
But it is also true to me that the ego gets bruised forever on this earth. But it's more funny and helpful than hurtful and damaging, so there isn't any ill will toward it. In a way, this terrifying "great matter of life and death" has been resolved. But then then the ego DOES gets bruised again and life DOES smack you down. So are we ever done? Hard to say. This what makes the so-called spiritual path so funny, it seems to dump you right back to where you started. Obviously the entire world is different, but it is still the same.
So it's hard to get egotistical about awakeneing, even though people have managed to do just that too. (It easier to get egotistical if you find enough lazy-yet-ardent people willing to turn over their autonomy and responsibility to a you as a cult leader. But who wants to be a cult leader and hang around with people like that? No wonder cult leaders wind up lashing out at their followers.)
But I like the way Ken McLeod describes the after-effects of unknotting:
"The upshot is that you are a part of the unfolding of life, rather than apart from it. You know contentment, peace, freedom, understanding and compassion, but they are not anything like what you thought they would be. They don’t seem special in anyway, and yet they are. You place less and less value on having certain experiences. It’s more important for you just to be there and to do the best you can, in ordinary situations, and in difficult ones. You stop looking for something different. Life itself points a way and you take it."
shargrol, modified 1 Month ago at 11/15/24 6:09 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 11/15/24 6:09 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsBahiya Baby
Right, I can't insight my way out of tangling with Morality and there's some moral stuff I have to deal with.
Dealing with it doesn't lead anywhere, if doesn't need to lead anywhere, that's not the point, it just has to be fucking dealt with. That's life. That's the world.
Right, I can't insight my way out of tangling with Morality and there's some moral stuff I have to deal with.
Dealing with it doesn't lead anywhere, if doesn't need to lead anywhere, that's not the point, it just has to be fucking dealt with. That's life. That's the world.
Amen. Well said.
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/1/24 8:17 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/1/24 8:14 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Been having some experience of experience as experience. Nice, though I reckon I still need a little time to cook, it's like really thoroughly seeing the object disproves the illusion of subject and thus neither subject nor object ever possessed any substantiality. Somehow including everything leads to nothing. Often Dukkha is Nirvana but... sometimes it's still just Dukkha.
There is some savouring and still some seeking after a deeper realisation in which to rest, fortunately there's nothing to be done about this.
There is an old saying "First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is", which in many respects I never really understood, I still do not, but I will say this: The first mountain appears to be still where as the last is known to be flowing. The first mountain stands and the second mountain walks.
Obviously reading Dogen.
I had written some longer notes but they seem somewhat irrelevant now. I was largely just practicing with, noticing the arising of, the sense of control, which was at the time very important though seemingly less so now.
Will continue with the non-meditation. Sorry for the vagueness, not sure what to say, but often after making a post I stumble upon more words that need to be said.
Reading Dogen is like reading something written by Quantum Mechanics (not something written about it). This is not a man who would be suprised by entanglement or retro causality.
There is some savouring and still some seeking after a deeper realisation in which to rest, fortunately there's nothing to be done about this.
There is an old saying "First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is", which in many respects I never really understood, I still do not, but I will say this: The first mountain appears to be still where as the last is known to be flowing. The first mountain stands and the second mountain walks.
Obviously reading Dogen.
I had written some longer notes but they seem somewhat irrelevant now. I was largely just practicing with, noticing the arising of, the sense of control, which was at the time very important though seemingly less so now.
Will continue with the non-meditation. Sorry for the vagueness, not sure what to say, but often after making a post I stumble upon more words that need to be said.
Reading Dogen is like reading something written by Quantum Mechanics (not something written about it). This is not a man who would be suprised by entanglement or retro causality.
Stranger_Loop Stranger_Loop, modified 1 Month ago at 12/2/24 6:43 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/2/24 6:39 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 70 Join Date: 3/17/23 Recent Posts
Similar as pixel cloud I have also been lurking in your log and might or might not be at a similar not place in not practice. It's usually ;) interesting and inspiring to read. Thank you. One random thing I started to explore last week is tantric sex practices. Alone or together with someone it's an interesting time for delusions, thoughts/images about something to reach or do to arrise. Sometimes in a very quick manner. Realizing that it was wrong about it's ideas orgasms gave my mind more thoughts about what else it could be wrong about. Keeping awareness of both myself and my partner and staying as relaxed no matter what happens/remembering there is no relaxation and contraction is a great challenge for myself.
Good luck, and I recommend Antarctica no cows there this time of the year, hehe.
THIS: "The face of a lover we have yet to know."
Good luck, and I recommend Antarctica no cows there this time of the year, hehe.
THIS: "The face of a lover we have yet to know."
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/2/24 7:23 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/2/24 7:08 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I was a student of David Deida, among others, for many years. I'm not really drawn to sex these days, not enough to pursue relationships anyhow. My art and heart are elsewhere but who knows maybe I just need to get laid.
It was healing for me to practice tantra. I really committed to it for some time but ultimately.i kept coming back to just knowing that I was suffering and I needed to wake up and absolutely no coordination of sexual experience was ever going to satisfy me.
Practicing relaxation in sexual experiences with an attractive partner is a good practice up until a point. Beyond that point it's just art. For me, when it comes to insight, nothing beats sitting on my own and just experiencing reality.
... And when it comes to art nothing beats picking up some old six string box and howling at the moon.
(I like had the connections, opportunities, hutzpa to become a qualified sex guru AHHHHH Can you imagine. So funny to me now. Christ on a bike, save me, forgive me father I am a lowly despicable sinner, a foul and wretched thing, the very devil himself would blush if he knew the extent of my machinations)
I got out of the tantra racket because they were sitting around cross legged but their dharma was weak, for the most part, not up to my standards. Except for Uncle Bubba but he was mad of course.
It was healing for me to practice tantra. I really committed to it for some time but ultimately.i kept coming back to just knowing that I was suffering and I needed to wake up and absolutely no coordination of sexual experience was ever going to satisfy me.
Practicing relaxation in sexual experiences with an attractive partner is a good practice up until a point. Beyond that point it's just art. For me, when it comes to insight, nothing beats sitting on my own and just experiencing reality.
... And when it comes to art nothing beats picking up some old six string box and howling at the moon.
(I like had the connections, opportunities, hutzpa to become a qualified sex guru AHHHHH Can you imagine. So funny to me now. Christ on a bike, save me, forgive me father I am a lowly despicable sinner, a foul and wretched thing, the very devil himself would blush if he knew the extent of my machinations)
I got out of the tantra racket because they were sitting around cross legged but their dharma was weak, for the most part, not up to my standards. Except for Uncle Bubba but he was mad of course.
Chris M, modified 1 Month ago at 12/2/24 7:46 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/2/24 7:46 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsThere is some savouring and still some seeking after a deeper realisation in which to rest, fortunately there's nothing to be done about this.
I'm going to blather now:
I'm not sure this is true - the nothing to be done part, that is. There is something we all assume to be true that isn't. It's been with us, part of our being, some might say, for as long as we can remember. If you're told what that thing is, you'd probably say, "Well, duh!" And you'd be right... from a certain perspective, but that perspective includes the assumption. It's a sneaky little bugger. It's special in more ways than one.
This is meant to be a kind of koan (and I see you're reading Dogen). Anyway, this may not be helpful at all, so take it for what you're paying for it.
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/2/24 5:22 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/2/24 5:22 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah
Yeah... That's the thing
Because the savouring and seeking that remains isn't itself a problem
It just happens to like cover up or distract from the problem
And the problem is a bit nebulous but... There's just something wrong
And I need to not avoid that.
Tis hard to pay for priceless advice. One can only hope to pay it forward.
Yeah... That's the thing
Because the savouring and seeking that remains isn't itself a problem
It just happens to like cover up or distract from the problem
And the problem is a bit nebulous but... There's just something wrong
And I need to not avoid that.
Tis hard to pay for priceless advice. One can only hope to pay it forward.
shargrol, modified 1 Month ago at 12/3/24 8:24 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/3/24 7:44 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
A good walking around/sitting non-practice practice: ask "Resistance?" like dropping a stone in a mine shaft and quietly listening for how the body/mind responds (or not) to the question.
It can also be good to check-in on whether you are a human/buddha or are actually in the deva realms (superior, maintain what I have) or asura realms (inferior, achieve something more). I still fail at this one not infrequently But I credit it as one of the best practices for establishing cracks in the sense of centerpoint. "If I wasn't superior or inferior, what would I be? ....oh!"
It can also be good to check-in on whether you are a human/buddha or are actually in the deva realms (superior, maintain what I have) or asura realms (inferior, achieve something more). I still fail at this one not infrequently But I credit it as one of the best practices for establishing cracks in the sense of centerpoint. "If I wasn't superior or inferior, what would I be? ....oh!"
Stranger_Loop Stranger_Loop, modified 1 Month ago at 12/4/24 4:17 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/4/24 4:17 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 70 Join Date: 3/17/23 Recent Posts
> I like had the connections, opportunities, hutzpa to become a qualified sex guru AHHHHH Can you imagine
Very cool, lmao. Maybe, something to go back to after awakening. Write that sex tantra book with strong dharma .
> I got out of the tantra racket because they were sitting around cross legged but their dharma was weak, for the most part, not up to my standards. Except for Uncle Bubba but he was mad of course.
Who was Uncle Bubba? I love mad people . Yea, I read two books so far and the dharma didn't seem that strong so I just applied the dharma I took from other places to sex + some tantric tech for sex. If you have any good sources for tantric tech on sex or for transforming sexual energies I would be interested from an art perspective.
> I needed to wake up and absolutely no coordination of sexual experience was ever going to satisfy me.
Definitely not. And momentarily my mind still thinks in sex that it wants things to be different than they are, so for me it's good practice. I am also doing random things like some tantric exercise while observing flickering images at 180 frames per second. I should also try there 6 realms there for sure.
Very cool, lmao. Maybe, something to go back to after awakening. Write that sex tantra book with strong dharma .
> I got out of the tantra racket because they were sitting around cross legged but their dharma was weak, for the most part, not up to my standards. Except for Uncle Bubba but he was mad of course.
Who was Uncle Bubba? I love mad people . Yea, I read two books so far and the dharma didn't seem that strong so I just applied the dharma I took from other places to sex + some tantric tech for sex. If you have any good sources for tantric tech on sex or for transforming sexual energies I would be interested from an art perspective.
> I needed to wake up and absolutely no coordination of sexual experience was ever going to satisfy me.
Definitely not. And momentarily my mind still thinks in sex that it wants things to be different than they are, so for me it's good practice. I am also doing random things like some tantric exercise while observing flickering images at 180 frames per second. I should also try there 6 realms there for sure.
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/5/24 4:11 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/5/24 4:11 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I'm surprised to find there is some humanity after all under all this Asura
Can birth really end? I can't imagine after all these years. Who would I be but some puny little person.
Can birth really end? I can't imagine after all these years. Who would I be but some puny little person.
shargrol, modified 1 Month ago at 12/5/24 5:07 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/5/24 5:04 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Right, right. This asura will strive until the end of time to become one of the chosen Devas. And these Devas will cling to the end of time to keep their heaven.
But Uncle Bubba saw their downfall -- asuras can never stop striving so they will ALWAYS push too far and create their own failure (climbing that one mountain in bad weather that is simply too high and they die in isolation and altitude that few people experience, or by going on a 100 day fire kasina meditation retreat too soon and going insane), and devas ALWAYS ignore some tiny tiny little imperfection and this imperfection winds up corrupting their body/mind and leads to their own downfall (like covering up and ignoring a tiny normal human zit that becomes infected and turns the entire body septic, or by being indifferent to their servants needs who suddenly seem to overthrow them because the devas never saw it coming).
The only safe-ish realm is the mindful human realm, but of course that is also a kind of charnel ground -- which is why compassion is also the other key aspect in the human realm.
And it turns out that with mindfulness and compassion the human becomes an unreborn buddha, who gets to live this participatory and intimate life with all beings. And our heart grows light. And when we die and have our heart weighed by Anubis it's hopefully lighter than a feather. Weighing of souls - Wikipedia
Lots of poetry in all of that, but you get the point.
The relief that comes from not having to be a asura or deva is ultimately worth the raw-and-intimate human life, but of course being a human sucks too. There is a reason humans want to become powerful gods or heavenly gods. Ironically, we can never avoid the first arrow -- all beings in all realms get shot with the first arrow -- so we might as well just accept it and not create conditions for being shot with the second arrow.
Wouldn't it be nice if we all just worked on ameliorating as much human suckiness as possible instead of trying to step over everyone else in our attempts to become an asura or deva?
What were the big plans we were going to do after we became enlightened?
But Uncle Bubba saw their downfall -- asuras can never stop striving so they will ALWAYS push too far and create their own failure (climbing that one mountain in bad weather that is simply too high and they die in isolation and altitude that few people experience, or by going on a 100 day fire kasina meditation retreat too soon and going insane), and devas ALWAYS ignore some tiny tiny little imperfection and this imperfection winds up corrupting their body/mind and leads to their own downfall (like covering up and ignoring a tiny normal human zit that becomes infected and turns the entire body septic, or by being indifferent to their servants needs who suddenly seem to overthrow them because the devas never saw it coming).
The only safe-ish realm is the mindful human realm, but of course that is also a kind of charnel ground -- which is why compassion is also the other key aspect in the human realm.
And it turns out that with mindfulness and compassion the human becomes an unreborn buddha, who gets to live this participatory and intimate life with all beings. And our heart grows light. And when we die and have our heart weighed by Anubis it's hopefully lighter than a feather. Weighing of souls - Wikipedia
Lots of poetry in all of that, but you get the point.
The relief that comes from not having to be a asura or deva is ultimately worth the raw-and-intimate human life, but of course being a human sucks too. There is a reason humans want to become powerful gods or heavenly gods. Ironically, we can never avoid the first arrow -- all beings in all realms get shot with the first arrow -- so we might as well just accept it and not create conditions for being shot with the second arrow.
Wouldn't it be nice if we all just worked on ameliorating as much human suckiness as possible instead of trying to step over everyone else in our attempts to become an asura or deva?
What were the big plans we were going to do after we became enlightened?
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/5/24 5:42 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/5/24 5:41 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
You will have to forgive me it's not a topic I care to discuss at length.
In terms of teachers, study David Deida's work and you could hypothetically go practice with John Wineland. Both have online offerings, in person stuff can be expensive, but I do think both those men are good men and there is some healing, growth, deepening that could be done with them. I would have a general skepticism of basically anyone else who calls themself a "Tantric teacher". In some cases huge amounts of skepticism and this includes some "Buddhist Tantra". In David's lineage it is not easy to become a teacher, it's years and years and years of work, this is one, but not the only, reason I have faith in the integrity of him and his students.
From an insight point of view this kind of "tantric" practice can become a trap very quickly and depending on where one is in the paths I would normally recommend against it.
You will have to forgive me it's not a topic I care to discuss at length.
In terms of teachers, study David Deida's work and you could hypothetically go practice with John Wineland. Both have online offerings, in person stuff can be expensive, but I do think both those men are good men and there is some healing, growth, deepening that could be done with them. I would have a general skepticism of basically anyone else who calls themself a "Tantric teacher". In some cases huge amounts of skepticism and this includes some "Buddhist Tantra". In David's lineage it is not easy to become a teacher, it's years and years and years of work, this is one, but not the only, reason I have faith in the integrity of him and his students.
From an insight point of view this kind of "tantric" practice can become a trap very quickly and depending on where one is in the paths I would normally recommend against it.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 1 Month ago at 12/5/24 8:37 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/5/24 8:37 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
"What were the big plans we were going to do after we became enlightened?"
Chop wood, carry water. Do the laundry?
Chop wood, carry water. Do the laundry?
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/6/24 10:25 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/6/24 10:24 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Yeah interesting. I did some noting practice. "Asura", "Deva" or "Human".
The Asura thing at the time was really pervasive but also very familiar. Once I finally saw it head on it really fell away. The Deva thing I don't feel I was as familiar with but it's there, super subtle yet always popping up. There's a real superiority to it, any fantasy that arises in that realm is super superior. There's also a solidification to it like I can see how the Deva stuff really seeps in during earlier paths because it's that same motivation to like lock in bliss, to lock in the feeling of being an awakened super hero or whatever.
The human realm feels like everything sort of gently falls into the heart. The Deva realm feels a bit trapped in the head, literally stuck in the clouds. Though for me it's much more faint or refined than the Asura stuff. Asura stuff is much more gung ho, hungry, let's go. The drive towards power is obvious, it's a part of the trip whereas with the Deva stuff the trip is dependent on the need to cling being ignored, it being a faint almost unnoticeable thing.
The Asura thing at the time was really pervasive but also very familiar. Once I finally saw it head on it really fell away. The Deva thing I don't feel I was as familiar with but it's there, super subtle yet always popping up. There's a real superiority to it, any fantasy that arises in that realm is super superior. There's also a solidification to it like I can see how the Deva stuff really seeps in during earlier paths because it's that same motivation to like lock in bliss, to lock in the feeling of being an awakened super hero or whatever.
The human realm feels like everything sort of gently falls into the heart. The Deva realm feels a bit trapped in the head, literally stuck in the clouds. Though for me it's much more faint or refined than the Asura stuff. Asura stuff is much more gung ho, hungry, let's go. The drive towards power is obvious, it's a part of the trip whereas with the Deva stuff the trip is dependent on the need to cling being ignored, it being a faint almost unnoticeable thing.
shargrol, modified 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 6:02 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/7/24 6:05 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Nice, yeah Asura becomes a bit obvious because of it's intensity, whereas Deva is a subtle kind of superiority. There is a little bit of "hiding" that seems to go along with it -- like we want our status but also want to mostly hide it and just flash it on occasions to get our ego/narcissistic/superiority hit. Mostly we just want to signal to other Devas that we are a Deva too, because everyone else seem so beneath us...
I also find the human realm very sneaky. Desire is so vast and while crude at times it can also be very subtle. Like desire for compassion versus compassion-ing in this moment. or desire for awakening versus awake-participating-in-this-moment. This is where the Zen idea of "action" can be helpful --- anything that isn't action is ego/intellect/desire a kind of hypothetical and mostly extra "thinking about" stuff. Appropriate action-in-the-moment is the path and the goal, very simple to say, but also includes all the masteries of morality, concentration, and insight within it.
For what it's worth, this is some extra stuff on the realms...
It can be helpful to think about what a buddha does in each of the realms both for our own antidote to being born there, but also to help others. In order to "teach" the beings in each realm, you need to meet them at their level, so to speak:
Heaven (blissful) Realm – a buddha teaches the gods/devas by emphasizing acceptance of imperfection and patience. Buddha is depicted as an instrument carrying musician.
Power (arrogance/envy) Realm – a buddha teaches titans/asuras by emphasizing moral restraint and discipline. Buddha is depicted as a sword carrying warrior.
Human (desire/idealism) Realm – a buddha teaches humans by emphasizing the renunciation of self-serving activities. Buddha is depicted as the historical Shakyamuni Buddha with a staff and an alms bowl, symbolizing spiritual practice and renunciation.
Animal (instinctual/survival) Realm – a buddha teaches animals/beasts by emphasizing karma or cause-and-effect. Buddha is depicted as dharma book carrying teacher.
Hungry Ghost (greed) Realm – a buddha teaches hungry ghosts/pretas by emphasizing virtue of generosity and sacrifice. Buddha is depicted as carrying a container filled with essential nourishment.
Hell (hatred) Realm – a buddha teaches hell beings by emphasizing the cooling effect of patience and forgiveness. Buddha is depicted carrying a cooling vial of water and a mirror that shows the need to recognize unwanted/ignored emotions.
(edit) Conversely, you should know how these beings get triggered, what they can't stand to hear in the moment:
To Gods/Divas "I’m right and you're wrong, and that’s just how it is."
to Jealous Gods "I’m better than you."
To Humans "I decide what is good for you."
To Animals "You are not going to survive."
Hungry Ghosts "I’m taking everything."
Hell Beings "I'm against you."
I also find the human realm very sneaky. Desire is so vast and while crude at times it can also be very subtle. Like desire for compassion versus compassion-ing in this moment. or desire for awakening versus awake-participating-in-this-moment. This is where the Zen idea of "action" can be helpful --- anything that isn't action is ego/intellect/desire a kind of hypothetical and mostly extra "thinking about" stuff. Appropriate action-in-the-moment is the path and the goal, very simple to say, but also includes all the masteries of morality, concentration, and insight within it.
For what it's worth, this is some extra stuff on the realms...
It can be helpful to think about what a buddha does in each of the realms both for our own antidote to being born there, but also to help others. In order to "teach" the beings in each realm, you need to meet them at their level, so to speak:
Heaven (blissful) Realm – a buddha teaches the gods/devas by emphasizing acceptance of imperfection and patience. Buddha is depicted as an instrument carrying musician.
Power (arrogance/envy) Realm – a buddha teaches titans/asuras by emphasizing moral restraint and discipline. Buddha is depicted as a sword carrying warrior.
Human (desire/idealism) Realm – a buddha teaches humans by emphasizing the renunciation of self-serving activities. Buddha is depicted as the historical Shakyamuni Buddha with a staff and an alms bowl, symbolizing spiritual practice and renunciation.
Animal (instinctual/survival) Realm – a buddha teaches animals/beasts by emphasizing karma or cause-and-effect. Buddha is depicted as dharma book carrying teacher.
Hungry Ghost (greed) Realm – a buddha teaches hungry ghosts/pretas by emphasizing virtue of generosity and sacrifice. Buddha is depicted as carrying a container filled with essential nourishment.
Hell (hatred) Realm – a buddha teaches hell beings by emphasizing the cooling effect of patience and forgiveness. Buddha is depicted carrying a cooling vial of water and a mirror that shows the need to recognize unwanted/ignored emotions.
(edit) Conversely, you should know how these beings get triggered, what they can't stand to hear in the moment:
To Gods/Divas "I’m right and you're wrong, and that’s just how it is."
to Jealous Gods "I’m better than you."
To Humans "I decide what is good for you."
To Animals "You are not going to survive."
Hungry Ghosts "I’m taking everything."
Hell Beings "I'm against you."
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 9:09 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 9:09 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 9:10 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 9:10 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 9:27 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 9:23 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
where does sadness fit into this? I have often found that big bouts of anger are followed by big bouts of sadness.
Chris M, modified 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 10:58 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 10:58 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
These realms describe the "costumes" we put on as we navigate the world in our ignorance. I'm not sure specific emotions are the point, rather seeing how we comport ourselves as we interact with others and live in this existence. But what do I know?
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 11:43 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 11:39 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
yeah that sounds mostly correct. I'm not sure if we put on costumes as much as we are given costumes so we can learn to play our part. It seems to me that sadness is the cold side of hell. Good thing metta often warms one up...
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 12:20 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 12:20 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
BB, did you ever hear the story of the angel and devil that became good friends by helping each other in the realm that is both heaven and hell? ;)
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 12:32 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/8/24 12:32 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 6:43 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 6:41 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I'm beginning to suspect that the material, determinate universe is a hologram fabricated by an utterly indeterminate quantum system.
Holograms are really interesting and I think are a much closer representation of the understandings we tend to translate as "illusion".
I think that there is research being done now that doesn't directly point at this but based on it we could begin to hypothesize that the human experience is a hologram produced by our nervous system out of sense data. I would put money on this being a thing that is discussed within the next decade. (I felt it was heavily, heavily implied by the people doing the quantum nanotubule super radiance paper)
Where it gets weird is... If true, then your physical sensations, this material universe and the nervous system producing the hologram is a facet of the hologram itself.
Oddly, I already thought something along these lines to be the case about reality... But I feel like I've just seen it, in that, through the whole system, type of way that really shakes you.
Holograms are really interesting and I think are a much closer representation of the understandings we tend to translate as "illusion".
I think that there is research being done now that doesn't directly point at this but based on it we could begin to hypothesize that the human experience is a hologram produced by our nervous system out of sense data. I would put money on this being a thing that is discussed within the next decade. (I felt it was heavily, heavily implied by the people doing the quantum nanotubule super radiance paper)
Where it gets weird is... If true, then your physical sensations, this material universe and the nervous system producing the hologram is a facet of the hologram itself.
Oddly, I already thought something along these lines to be the case about reality... But I feel like I've just seen it, in that, through the whole system, type of way that really shakes you.
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 6:52 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 6:52 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
An idea like Indras net is describing a holographic reality not necessarily an illusory one.
I'm not necessarily taking umbrkdge with the word illusion either. It has its uses but I reckon it gets thrown around a bit too casually in translation.
I'm not necessarily taking umbrkdge with the word illusion either. It has its uses but I reckon it gets thrown around a bit too casually in translation.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 9:27 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 9:26 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Here's some interesting youtube videos I've like that sound similar to what you're thinking through
And quantum erasure is very weird, no?
And quantum erasure is very weird, no?
Chris M, modified 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 10:08 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 9:58 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent PostsI think that there is research being done...
Yes, there is. I'd suggest a good place to start an exploration of the intersection of modern physics and human peception/consciousness is with Dr. Donald Hoffman's book, "The Case Against Reality."
From Goodreads:
Ever since Homo sapiens has walked the earth, natural selection has favored perception that hides the truth and guides us toward useful action, shaping our senses to keep us alive and reproducing. We observe a speeding car and do not walk in front of it; we see mold growing on bread and do not eat it. These impressions, though, are not objective reality. Just like a file icon on a desktop screen is a useful symbol rather than a genuine representation of what a computer file looks like, the objects we see every day are merely icons, allowing us to navigate the world safely and with ease. The real-world implications for this discovery are huge. From examining why fashion designers create clothes that give the illusion of a more “attractive” body shape to studying how companies use color to elicit specific emotions in consumers, and even dismantling the very notion that spacetime is objective reality, The Case Against Reality dares us to question everything we thought we knew about the world we see.
Geoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 10:10 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 10:10 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent Posts
Yeah Chris made me read it too, and it is very nice. The podcast episode covers a lot of same stuff in an interesting way.
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 4:23 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 4:23 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsHere's some interesting youtube videos
I had made it through most of the quantum mechanics playlist in the past but wasn't aware of the holographic universe one, or at least the word had no significance to me at the time so I didn't "see" it. Will binge watch.
In this middle of this video Stephen Wolfram makes the argument that the physical laws of the universe are dependent on the type of observer making the observation and that different kinds of observers could see different kinds of physics. It's one of the most captivating discussions on physics I've ever come across, really riveting, his work is very interesting.
Cool super radiance paper
I've also stumbled across a bunch of stuff by these other guys. The more I read, the more I realize they are very much saying Hologram out loud. I don't know anything about them really or the quality of their work, but they are certainly saying things I seem to also be saying... which is rarely a good sign
Quantum Brain Dynamics
Actually saying the Hologram part out loud
Donald Hoffman is a name that has been popping up a lot. Let's go !!!
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 4:27 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 4:27 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsGeoffrey Gatekeeper of the Gateless Gate, modified 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 6:24 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/10/24 6:24 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 692 Join Date: 10/30/23 Recent PostsChris M, modified 1 Month ago at 12/11/24 8:31 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/11/24 8:20 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 5567 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
I've been following the Wolfram Physics Project for quite a few years now (since Wolfram published the book "A New Kind of Science.") It's fascinating to contemplate that starting from simple computational rules, the entire universe emerges. Not only this entire universe but an infinite series of universes. And yes, there is congruence between what Donald Hoffman has been researching and what Stephen Wolfram has discovered about the nature/attributes of an observer determining the physics that the observer derives from observation. And the best part is that both of these theories fit well with what my practice experiences have revealed about perception.
Bahiya Baby, modified 1 Month ago at 12/12/24 2:03 PM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/12/24 2:03 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Wherever the center asserts itself there is also a inferior/superior complex. Without the complex there is "action".
It's like taking off a pair of colored sunglasses and being surprised by how much they had influenced your vision.
The realms are a bit nested too like an Asura feels inferior and thus wants to be superior. The Deva feels superior and views others as inferior in order to validate themselves.
But yeah, wherever there's a center this is going on.
It's like taking off a pair of colored sunglasses and being surprised by how much they had influenced your vision.
The realms are a bit nested too like an Asura feels inferior and thus wants to be superior. The Deva feels superior and views others as inferior in order to validate themselves.
But yeah, wherever there's a center this is going on.
shargrol, modified 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 6:52 AM
Created 1 Month ago at 12/13/24 6:52 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
It's great to have awareness of inferior/superior (and the six realms in general). It really is a go-to framework for diagnosing apparent problems that might not really be a problem. It's one of those frameworks that works well for practice and non-practice.
Another one is 5 Elements. Like 6 Realms, it can be "seen" at different levels of maturity/ability, but this framework really lends itself to investigating the 1/10 of a second contraction that occurs around a "threatening" experience. This is very very subtle stuff and a teacher/peer can sometimes help. (It did for me.) But it also spelled out in detail in Wake Up To Your Life and at there is some free info at the Unfettered Mind website (Five Elements and Five Elements / Five Dakinis). It's gets a bit magickal working with the Dakinis.
In essence, any resistance at the point of arising of an experience can trigger an instinctual reaction to:
"hold onto an experience"/become rigid - earth
"avoid an experience"/squirm away - water
"intensify an experience"/become aroused - fire
"distract with additional activity"/become busy - air
"shut down"/depression or dullness - void
Again, this is the 1/10 of a second reaction that initally happens, which can also become reinforced through a subsequent action, and which will result in being born into a realm if it continues for three seconds or so. Ken McLeod, Trungpa, and Aroter tradition (Embracing Emotions as the Path - Aro gTér Lineage) have slightly different flavors of teaching this. This is another one of those frameworks that works for practice and non-practice.
I wish I never entered a realm and never had a reactive pattern, but I do. These are lifetime practices/non-practices. Ultimately it becomes more and more instinctual to be in a realm but not of it (to be a buddha in a realm until you're reborn again). And it becomes possible to experience the raw energy of the elements and not shut-down, which means the element arises but there isn't a reinforcing reaction, which then allows the elements to show up as information/wisdom and not as a problem.
Worth what you paid for it!
Another one is 5 Elements. Like 6 Realms, it can be "seen" at different levels of maturity/ability, but this framework really lends itself to investigating the 1/10 of a second contraction that occurs around a "threatening" experience. This is very very subtle stuff and a teacher/peer can sometimes help. (It did for me.) But it also spelled out in detail in Wake Up To Your Life and at there is some free info at the Unfettered Mind website (Five Elements and Five Elements / Five Dakinis). It's gets a bit magickal working with the Dakinis.
In essence, any resistance at the point of arising of an experience can trigger an instinctual reaction to:
"hold onto an experience"/become rigid - earth
"avoid an experience"/squirm away - water
"intensify an experience"/become aroused - fire
"distract with additional activity"/become busy - air
"shut down"/depression or dullness - void
Again, this is the 1/10 of a second reaction that initally happens, which can also become reinforced through a subsequent action, and which will result in being born into a realm if it continues for three seconds or so. Ken McLeod, Trungpa, and Aroter tradition (Embracing Emotions as the Path - Aro gTér Lineage) have slightly different flavors of teaching this. This is another one of those frameworks that works for practice and non-practice.
I wish I never entered a realm and never had a reactive pattern, but I do. These are lifetime practices/non-practices. Ultimately it becomes more and more instinctual to be in a realm but not of it (to be a buddha in a realm until you're reborn again). And it becomes possible to experience the raw energy of the elements and not shut-down, which means the element arises but there isn't a reinforcing reaction, which then allows the elements to show up as information/wisdom and not as a problem.
Worth what you paid for it!
Papa Che Dusko, modified 29 Days ago at 12/13/24 5:50 PM
Created 29 Days ago at 12/13/24 5:50 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
"I wish I never entered a realm and never had a reactive pattern, but I do."
Oh cmon Shargrol Where is fun in that?!
But I think your wish might come true once D.E.A.D
Best wishes you all and enjoy the ride! Countless beings to awaken, one by one. Good stuff!
Oh cmon Shargrol Where is fun in that?!
But I think your wish might come true once D.E.A.D
Best wishes you all and enjoy the ride! Countless beings to awaken, one by one. Good stuff!
shargrol, modified 29 Days ago at 12/13/24 6:13 PM
Created 29 Days ago at 12/13/24 6:13 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 29 Days ago at 12/13/24 9:49 PM
Created 29 Days ago at 12/13/24 9:49 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I have been looking for language to describe the fast twitch split second attentional stuff. That may be useful to explore. Its really weird noticing the center destabilize and relief flooding the body only a little while later to notice something twitches and then a whole, extremely subtle, dualistic situation asserts itself.
I have a copy of WUTYL but it's in Ireland. I will have to get another.
I have a copy of WUTYL but it's in Ireland. I will have to get another.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 29 Days ago at 12/14/24 7:05 AM
Created 29 Days ago at 12/14/24 7:05 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Postsshargrol, modified 29 Days ago at 12/14/24 7:14 AM
Created 29 Days ago at 12/14/24 7:11 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Cool, yes this is exactly the realm of advanced 5 elements practice.
I think the Aroter material and the WUTYL material is both very good. They build on Trungpa's presentation and refine it for the english world.
Aroter describes the elements as the tendency to cling to the "form" aspect and avoid the "empty" aspect of five types of experience... which becomes a dwelling in five different flavors of aversion. When the aversion/empty aspect is included and unified, it becomes a wisdom-perspective experience.
For example, when there is a tendency for feeling territorial (earth) and are triggered, we feel hollow/insecure, but when we see that we can never truly "hold" onto something, then we are naturally generous and have a degree of elegance in regard to "having". The Aroter language is a bit psychological and tends to align well with moods/emotions.
Ken McLeod describes it in terms of inital reaction, reinforcing reaction, great fear, and on the other side, the sense of great space and pristine awareness. It tends to work a bit better for the 1/10 of a second micro-reactions.
For example, an inital earth reaction is to become slightly ridgid/stiff, which then can be reinforced by a feedback loop of feeling of hollowness/insecurity and a fearing further instability, which leads to even more ridigity/stiffness. Ultimately, this results in such a reaction that the world becomes an earthquake -- we fall behind in experiencing and are overwhelmed because we've trapped ourself. But when we fully experience the earthquake-ness, then we see that the knowing mind itself is already and always balanced, feelings move but the knowing mind knows without judgement.
I tend to combine the two and think about subtle-reference states as the initial condition. For whatever reason, we can carry a bias into a situation. For example, earth is a general bias toward order and structure. When we have a "tremor" like experience, there is a bias toward grasping something that is mine for stability. The primal urge that occurs in the first 1/10 of a second is grabbing or "mine!" (This is what really reveals the element in real-time experience, this mini urge.) In terms of the 5 universal emotions, this mini-emotion has a very slight tone of anger. An angry-ish "mine!" or grabbing to "this!". Depending on us and the situaton, there can be a feedback loop where in the next 3/10 of a second the grabbing for stability and the instability of the situation can create an earthquake like flash of experience and if we haven't opened to it, then out reactivity pins us down like we're buried in the earthquake and can't move. Basically, we've gotten lost/trapped in our mind and aren't experiencing the world with the space of a 1/2 second or so.
The point of 5 element training is to learn how to recover after this 1/2 second... but more importantly: learn how to open to the early "urges" and not even reinforce them in the inital 1/2 second(!) This is definitely possible (at least to a hard-to-imagine degree) and there is a quality of life that is different when we can experience the raw 5 elements and not go into reactivity. Then the element experiences become information but not reactivity. There is the possibility of "responsiveness" instead of reactivity.
I also have a hunch that some aspects of this are probably going to be personal, so I'm always interested in how this operates for others in their experience.
It's a good framework for advanced meditators, for sure.
I think the Aroter material and the WUTYL material is both very good. They build on Trungpa's presentation and refine it for the english world.
Aroter describes the elements as the tendency to cling to the "form" aspect and avoid the "empty" aspect of five types of experience... which becomes a dwelling in five different flavors of aversion. When the aversion/empty aspect is included and unified, it becomes a wisdom-perspective experience.
For example, when there is a tendency for feeling territorial (earth) and are triggered, we feel hollow/insecure, but when we see that we can never truly "hold" onto something, then we are naturally generous and have a degree of elegance in regard to "having". The Aroter language is a bit psychological and tends to align well with moods/emotions.
Ken McLeod describes it in terms of inital reaction, reinforcing reaction, great fear, and on the other side, the sense of great space and pristine awareness. It tends to work a bit better for the 1/10 of a second micro-reactions.
For example, an inital earth reaction is to become slightly ridgid/stiff, which then can be reinforced by a feedback loop of feeling of hollowness/insecurity and a fearing further instability, which leads to even more ridigity/stiffness. Ultimately, this results in such a reaction that the world becomes an earthquake -- we fall behind in experiencing and are overwhelmed because we've trapped ourself. But when we fully experience the earthquake-ness, then we see that the knowing mind itself is already and always balanced, feelings move but the knowing mind knows without judgement.
I tend to combine the two and think about subtle-reference states as the initial condition. For whatever reason, we can carry a bias into a situation. For example, earth is a general bias toward order and structure. When we have a "tremor" like experience, there is a bias toward grasping something that is mine for stability. The primal urge that occurs in the first 1/10 of a second is grabbing or "mine!" (This is what really reveals the element in real-time experience, this mini urge.) In terms of the 5 universal emotions, this mini-emotion has a very slight tone of anger. An angry-ish "mine!" or grabbing to "this!". Depending on us and the situaton, there can be a feedback loop where in the next 3/10 of a second the grabbing for stability and the instability of the situation can create an earthquake like flash of experience and if we haven't opened to it, then out reactivity pins us down like we're buried in the earthquake and can't move. Basically, we've gotten lost/trapped in our mind and aren't experiencing the world with the space of a 1/2 second or so.
The point of 5 element training is to learn how to recover after this 1/2 second... but more importantly: learn how to open to the early "urges" and not even reinforce them in the inital 1/2 second(!) This is definitely possible (at least to a hard-to-imagine degree) and there is a quality of life that is different when we can experience the raw 5 elements and not go into reactivity. Then the element experiences become information but not reactivity. There is the possibility of "responsiveness" instead of reactivity.
I also have a hunch that some aspects of this are probably going to be personal, so I'm always interested in how this operates for others in their experience.
It's a good framework for advanced meditators, for sure.
kettu, modified 29 Days ago at 12/14/24 1:29 PM
Created 29 Days ago at 12/14/24 1:29 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 66 Join Date: 10/31/17 Recent Posts
As a lurker who cannot very well communicate here, I need to mention how useful and accurate seems to be this little piece from shargrol
"Again, this is the 1/10 of a second reaction that initally happens, which can also become reinforced through a subsequent action, and which will result in being born into a realm if it continues for three seconds or so. [ - - ] Ultimately it becomes more and more instinctual to be in a realm but not of it (to be a buddha in a realm until you're reborn again). And it becomes possible to experience the raw energy of the elements and not shut-down, which means the element arises but there isn't a reinforcing reaction, which then allows the elements to show up as information/wisdom and not as a problem. "
For me it is worth much more than I paid for it - though the payment may be the use I find for it. So big thanks!
"Again, this is the 1/10 of a second reaction that initally happens, which can also become reinforced through a subsequent action, and which will result in being born into a realm if it continues for three seconds or so. [ - - ] Ultimately it becomes more and more instinctual to be in a realm but not of it (to be a buddha in a realm until you're reborn again). And it becomes possible to experience the raw energy of the elements and not shut-down, which means the element arises but there isn't a reinforcing reaction, which then allows the elements to show up as information/wisdom and not as a problem. "
For me it is worth much more than I paid for it - though the payment may be the use I find for it. So big thanks!
Bahiya Baby, modified 28 Days ago at 12/14/24 5:49 PM
Created 28 Days ago at 12/14/24 5:47 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
+1 Big thanks !!
Right and these six realms and five elements are all impermanent, suffering, not self. They can arise luminously, exactly where and as they are, without need for interference or modification.
Something about recognizing their own inherent energy meant I no longer had to resist them.
That's helpful !!!
Right and these six realms and five elements are all impermanent, suffering, not self. They can arise luminously, exactly where and as they are, without need for interference or modification.
Something about recognizing their own inherent energy meant I no longer had to resist them.
That's helpful !!!
Papa Che Dusko, modified 28 Days ago at 12/14/24 7:33 PM
Created 28 Days ago at 12/14/24 7:33 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 3284 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Lemme babble a bit;
Good thing about impermanence is that nothing lasts and is gone before we know it. This seems like an insight enough to just not suffer at all and only just be .... "just be" seems permanent so ... thats not either "it" it seems!
The 6 Realms and 5 elements do not exist, or they are not real. They are thinking, perception. A modality to make "this" easily understandable, easier to recognise.
The suffering-dukkha always seems to go through the sense of time! Isn't this fascinating?! But how is that possible if all has already passed away before we know it?
I like the way Kenneth Folk puts it, something like; Its great to watch a fascinating movie and just get lost in it! Its the very whole mark of a great movie! When we get into awakening, we also get the ability to wake up in that movie and look around and be aware of all the screen and the colors flickering and the room one is sitting in and the sofa etc ..." But then again who wants to snap out of a good movie?
Unless its a bad movie and one is troubled by it, there is this suffering of sorts accompanying the movie ... What is this suffering? The very "looking-curiosity" accompanied by the insight wisdom (dispassion) is already freeing >into< the experience.
Babble stop!
Good thing about impermanence is that nothing lasts and is gone before we know it. This seems like an insight enough to just not suffer at all and only just be .... "just be" seems permanent so ... thats not either "it" it seems!
The 6 Realms and 5 elements do not exist, or they are not real. They are thinking, perception. A modality to make "this" easily understandable, easier to recognise.
The suffering-dukkha always seems to go through the sense of time! Isn't this fascinating?! But how is that possible if all has already passed away before we know it?
I like the way Kenneth Folk puts it, something like; Its great to watch a fascinating movie and just get lost in it! Its the very whole mark of a great movie! When we get into awakening, we also get the ability to wake up in that movie and look around and be aware of all the screen and the colors flickering and the room one is sitting in and the sofa etc ..." But then again who wants to snap out of a good movie?
Unless its a bad movie and one is troubled by it, there is this suffering of sorts accompanying the movie ... What is this suffering? The very "looking-curiosity" accompanied by the insight wisdom (dispassion) is already freeing >into< the experience.
Babble stop!
shargrol, modified 28 Days ago at 12/15/24 6:09 AM
Created 28 Days ago at 12/15/24 6:09 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 2805 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Very true and this is the heart of the challenge of mature practice/non-practice.
If assume an experience is a problem - are we needlessly pathologizing normal human experience?
If we ignore a problem that might be really a problem - are we neglectfully spiritually bypassing it?
If we do decide to work on a problem... Do we allow "problemness/suffering" to self liberate (Dzogchen)? Do we immerse ourself in the full experience of it (Tantra)? Do withdraw from the situation through renunciation until we can handle it (Sutra)? Do we follow a progression of training to change our habits/patterns (Psychology)? Or do we take practical steps to re-organize/prioritize our life (Project planning and discipline)?
A lot of the time we're drawn to the right answer, but we can also be seduced by the lazy, easy, greedy, avoidant, or egotistical approach.
This is where Sangha becomes really important. All of us have blind spots and we can't always see what we're missing. Our friends and families and spiritual friends -- and enemies too -- can often help us see what we're missing.
Sometimes problems need solutions, sometimes problems aren't a problem.
If assume an experience is a problem - are we needlessly pathologizing normal human experience?
If we ignore a problem that might be really a problem - are we neglectfully spiritually bypassing it?
If we do decide to work on a problem... Do we allow "problemness/suffering" to self liberate (Dzogchen)? Do we immerse ourself in the full experience of it (Tantra)? Do withdraw from the situation through renunciation until we can handle it (Sutra)? Do we follow a progression of training to change our habits/patterns (Psychology)? Or do we take practical steps to re-organize/prioritize our life (Project planning and discipline)?
A lot of the time we're drawn to the right answer, but we can also be seduced by the lazy, easy, greedy, avoidant, or egotistical approach.
This is where Sangha becomes really important. All of us have blind spots and we can't always see what we're missing. Our friends and families and spiritual friends -- and enemies too -- can often help us see what we're missing.
Sometimes problems need solutions, sometimes problems aren't a problem.
kettu, modified 28 Days ago at 12/15/24 1:10 PM
Created 28 Days ago at 12/15/24 1:10 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 66 Join Date: 10/31/17 Recent Posts
Maybe pointers like the one I quoted are cameramans knowledge if life is a flick. Knowing how scenes are shoot helps in relating to the movie business but surely does not yet change the script.
That shargrols bit about timing got me interested again in some basic observations of feelings happening like lighting and the reactions (interpretation etc) being much slower and behind - although the interpretation many times is the only thing recognizeable. If even that is recognized! ..!
Bahiyas sentence about the births being dualistic and subtle gave a good hint also to how the scenes are built. And why sometimes the artificial setting is seen as life and not as a movie.
Well i don’t intent to steal this logs space. Hopefully this is enough to the point to serve the logs purpose.
That shargrols bit about timing got me interested again in some basic observations of feelings happening like lighting and the reactions (interpretation etc) being much slower and behind - although the interpretation many times is the only thing recognizeable. If even that is recognized! ..!
Bahiyas sentence about the births being dualistic and subtle gave a good hint also to how the scenes are built. And why sometimes the artificial setting is seen as life and not as a movie.
Well i don’t intent to steal this logs space. Hopefully this is enough to the point to serve the logs purpose.
Bahiya Baby, modified 27 Days ago at 12/15/24 11:44 PM
Created 27 Days ago at 12/15/24 11:44 PM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsAs a lurker who cannot very well communicate here
Hey Kettu !! Is this because of a language/translation reason?
Bahiya Baby, modified 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 5:55 AM
Created 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 12:54 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
I'm reading a book called "The Mind Body Prescription", his basic argument is that "Being an Asura causes tendonitis"
or "the repressed psychological trauma at the root of our perfectionism and ambition reveals itself in a variety of chronic pain syndromes"
I am a guitar player with a history of tendon and shoulder issues. I have improved a lot of those issues through biomechanics but I still get some tendon issues and reading this has made me realize that I put huge amounts of pressure on my self to be good at stuff. I do it with meditation too. I'm often able to achieve considerable aptitude in the skills I persue but I pay a heavy psychological price for it all. That's why I was so bloody burnt out around 2nd path when I showed up here. I don't necessarily know if what this dudes got to sell me is useful but it's another piece of information that has arisen and forced me to look at the consequence of a lifetime of being an ambitious, perfectionist, jealous, angry basta-Asura.
Edit: I'm starting to realize I have a lot of depressed anger. This explains a lot.
Edit 2: I'm angry because I'm not perfect.
Edit 3: I'm actually angry about basically everything. $$&@(&+_+#
Edit: it's all a bit the consequences of maladaptive behavioural patterns we learned in childhood.
or "the repressed psychological trauma at the root of our perfectionism and ambition reveals itself in a variety of chronic pain syndromes"
I am a guitar player with a history of tendon and shoulder issues. I have improved a lot of those issues through biomechanics but I still get some tendon issues and reading this has made me realize that I put huge amounts of pressure on my self to be good at stuff. I do it with meditation too. I'm often able to achieve considerable aptitude in the skills I persue but I pay a heavy psychological price for it all. That's why I was so bloody burnt out around 2nd path when I showed up here. I don't necessarily know if what this dudes got to sell me is useful but it's another piece of information that has arisen and forced me to look at the consequence of a lifetime of being an ambitious, perfectionist, jealous, angry basta-Asura.
Edit: I'm starting to realize I have a lot of depressed anger. This explains a lot.
Edit 2: I'm angry because I'm not perfect.
Edit 3: I'm actually angry about basically everything. $$&@(&+_+#
Edit: it's all a bit the consequences of maladaptive behavioural patterns we learned in childhood.
kettu, modified 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 3:47 AM
Created 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 3:47 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 66 Join Date: 10/31/17 Recent Posts
My difficulty to write here is not so much a language question - though my English and buddhist slang are clumsy, too.
Mostly it’s just some social and psychological issues i have the luxury to suffer from, having an awkward stance towards a past in spiritual groups etc that i once left ( the forum sort of simulates such groups in my psyche). And also nonbuddhist nonconstant relation to not really practicing makes it a complicated thing to participte here as one can guess. So, nothing serious, just slightly complicated and in the end unnecessary personal stuff. When to speak and why -type of questions. Mostly i don’t belong here, which is fine. Paths cross.
Thanks for asking Bahiya! It is still useful to check some logs like yours and discussions here from time to time. I try to express thanks at least once in a while when i encounter lines of wisdom.
Mostly it’s just some social and psychological issues i have the luxury to suffer from, having an awkward stance towards a past in spiritual groups etc that i once left ( the forum sort of simulates such groups in my psyche). And also nonbuddhist nonconstant relation to not really practicing makes it a complicated thing to participte here as one can guess. So, nothing serious, just slightly complicated and in the end unnecessary personal stuff. When to speak and why -type of questions. Mostly i don’t belong here, which is fine. Paths cross.
Thanks for asking Bahiya! It is still useful to check some logs like yours and discussions here from time to time. I try to express thanks at least once in a while when i encounter lines of wisdom.
Bahiya Baby, modified 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 4:52 AM
Created 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 4:52 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Postskettu, modified 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 5:54 AM
Created 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 5:54 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 66 Join Date: 10/31/17 Recent Posts
Thank you! I’ll be careful though!-)
Have good time setting free the newly found anger, the sorrow and (why not ) the love towards you-the-imperfect-whole-world.
Have good time setting free the newly found anger, the sorrow and (why not ) the love towards you-the-imperfect-whole-world.
Bahiya Baby, modified 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 5:56 AM
Created 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 5:56 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent PostsBahiya Baby, modified 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 6:04 AM
Created 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 6:04 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Also @chris I'm going to start a new log relatively soon. Once I start that one you can lock this one.
Look....we had a good run. This log maintained structural cohesion for a long time. Everybody involved has done a magnificent job. There were no major shenanigans. We shared some wisdom, we gained some wisdom, we made some friends along the way.
With this kind of integrity and intellectual rigor it's only a matter of time before we lay waste to the legions of western Buddhists at our gates. Long may their bloodshed sustain us.
Look....we had a good run. This log maintained structural cohesion for a long time. Everybody involved has done a magnificent job. There were no major shenanigans. We shared some wisdom, we gained some wisdom, we made some friends along the way.
With this kind of integrity and intellectual rigor it's only a matter of time before we lay waste to the legions of western Buddhists at our gates. Long may their bloodshed sustain us.
pixelcloud *, modified 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 6:47 AM
Created 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 6:47 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 42 Join Date: 10/25/24 Recent Posts
Ahhh, the joys of training into tendonitis. ;)
So cool that Shargrol posted the various ways to go about this above. Because there are also so many ways to construct a causal relationship/directionality in complex ecologies. You can go and call that perfectionism and anger, but it could just as well be described as infantile greed with no consideration for tomorrow. I want now, and the harder I go, the more I get. And I don't stop when I overload, I want more, and I don't wanna know that I'm hampering progress, because waaaaaaant. Been there. Big time. And so much especially in mainstream fitness after it got brainwashed by bodybuilding in the 1970's sells that to this day. I'm thinking a lot of about the glorification of overtraining these days, how it infiltrated mainstream culture via fitness and entrepeneur/hustle porn, and how that shines a light on meditation retreat practice. Because what sure as fuck won't come out of a culture of intensive retreat practice is detailed knowledge of adaptive sweet spots and ideal doses of hormetic stress and recovery, about cultivating the garden, wich to my mind would be one huge factor needed to bring mediative development into the education systems of the west.
One point here being, maybe you don't need super deeply rooted seeds of angry parental figures you'll never live up to to fall into the "tendonitis mindset". Maybe all it takes is some mild inclination towards that that finds hyperstimuli in memes about "go hard or go home" and then reward pathways just get hijacked by associating with the narrative and a like minded tribe. Grooming and pruning. A narrative tells you implicity how things work. You encounter subcultures high-fiving for going balls to the wall all round. Think of all the kids that read MCTB and took that to mean to burn themselves out with overdosed vipassana beause that seems to be their cultural background filter. The cultural role models very rarely are about being a quiet professional targeting adaptive sweet spots in a community of like minded gardeners. Everybody has heard of Steve Vai's ten hour practice routines, very few pay attention to having to build the capacity to do that in the first place. Tendonitis is simply tissue stressed beyond current capacity. It's just msising the mark of the idea of training. The old pros in the strength and conditioning game talked about "earning your volume", today we have something like "high volume is the way to earn more (volume)". The tautology of six realms stuff as the way to go. And that is just not a functional perspective on mindbody systems as adaptive ecologies. So is trauma the cause, or lack of smart and functional developmental narratives? Both cases can be made. See Shagrol's post above. So do we go dzogchen, tantra, sutra, psychology? May in part depend on what narratives are emphasized in your social niche.
The cultural role model so often is not a curious tinkerer, an artist/scientist hybrid, a gardener culitivating, the good shepherd, but a reward junkie.
Interestingly enough, you can get rats addicted to coke and heroin, but they'll loose interest in that kind of hyperstimulation as soon as they have the option of doing rat things in a rat community. Something like that also was apparent after Vietman, where many people using in Vietnam just stopped when they were integrated back in their family/friend/job self worth structures again. Wich is pretty mindblowing. Johann Hari's "Lost Connections" is a pretty interesting read, as it makes the case that we are laid out in such a manner that we need certain things in our lives, certain kinds of connection, and when these aren't there, we get what the West diagnoses as depression. Evolutionary Mismatch seems to be a very big thing in modern culture, not least because the unexamined memes that are the in the back of our heads about how to improve have become so divorced from what actually works for the permaculture of humankind. Here's to permaculture as a better conceptual frame for human development. Oh, sounds like the three trainings and the nuanced "principles over methods" apporach that Shargrol outlined above...
Hope it's ok to take up so much space here, Bahiya. If not, just tell me and we'll remove this post.
So cool that Shargrol posted the various ways to go about this above. Because there are also so many ways to construct a causal relationship/directionality in complex ecologies. You can go and call that perfectionism and anger, but it could just as well be described as infantile greed with no consideration for tomorrow. I want now, and the harder I go, the more I get. And I don't stop when I overload, I want more, and I don't wanna know that I'm hampering progress, because waaaaaaant. Been there. Big time. And so much especially in mainstream fitness after it got brainwashed by bodybuilding in the 1970's sells that to this day. I'm thinking a lot of about the glorification of overtraining these days, how it infiltrated mainstream culture via fitness and entrepeneur/hustle porn, and how that shines a light on meditation retreat practice. Because what sure as fuck won't come out of a culture of intensive retreat practice is detailed knowledge of adaptive sweet spots and ideal doses of hormetic stress and recovery, about cultivating the garden, wich to my mind would be one huge factor needed to bring mediative development into the education systems of the west.
One point here being, maybe you don't need super deeply rooted seeds of angry parental figures you'll never live up to to fall into the "tendonitis mindset". Maybe all it takes is some mild inclination towards that that finds hyperstimuli in memes about "go hard or go home" and then reward pathways just get hijacked by associating with the narrative and a like minded tribe. Grooming and pruning. A narrative tells you implicity how things work. You encounter subcultures high-fiving for going balls to the wall all round. Think of all the kids that read MCTB and took that to mean to burn themselves out with overdosed vipassana beause that seems to be their cultural background filter. The cultural role models very rarely are about being a quiet professional targeting adaptive sweet spots in a community of like minded gardeners. Everybody has heard of Steve Vai's ten hour practice routines, very few pay attention to having to build the capacity to do that in the first place. Tendonitis is simply tissue stressed beyond current capacity. It's just msising the mark of the idea of training. The old pros in the strength and conditioning game talked about "earning your volume", today we have something like "high volume is the way to earn more (volume)". The tautology of six realms stuff as the way to go. And that is just not a functional perspective on mindbody systems as adaptive ecologies. So is trauma the cause, or lack of smart and functional developmental narratives? Both cases can be made. See Shagrol's post above. So do we go dzogchen, tantra, sutra, psychology? May in part depend on what narratives are emphasized in your social niche.
The cultural role model so often is not a curious tinkerer, an artist/scientist hybrid, a gardener culitivating, the good shepherd, but a reward junkie.
Interestingly enough, you can get rats addicted to coke and heroin, but they'll loose interest in that kind of hyperstimulation as soon as they have the option of doing rat things in a rat community. Something like that also was apparent after Vietman, where many people using in Vietnam just stopped when they were integrated back in their family/friend/job self worth structures again. Wich is pretty mindblowing. Johann Hari's "Lost Connections" is a pretty interesting read, as it makes the case that we are laid out in such a manner that we need certain things in our lives, certain kinds of connection, and when these aren't there, we get what the West diagnoses as depression. Evolutionary Mismatch seems to be a very big thing in modern culture, not least because the unexamined memes that are the in the back of our heads about how to improve have become so divorced from what actually works for the permaculture of humankind. Here's to permaculture as a better conceptual frame for human development. Oh, sounds like the three trainings and the nuanced "principles over methods" apporach that Shargrol outlined above...
Hope it's ok to take up so much space here, Bahiya. If not, just tell me and we'll remove this post.
Bahiya Baby, modified 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 7:44 AM
Created 27 Days ago at 12/16/24 6:54 AM
RE: Bahiya 2: The log strikes back
Posts: 932 Join Date: 5/26/23 Recent Posts
Very cogent.
Y'know the funny thing about permaculture is I was once nearly very successful at it.
I'm not exactly a hustle porn guy... I'm just a Pokemon kid. Catch em all, be the best, like no one ever was. I know it's my destiny. Etc
But yeah you're totally right. I played guitar for years as a kid and then took some time off. When I got back in I went to hard didn't take my time with it.
It comports with this book I'm reading. The dude is saying because you're hyper ambitious you're overdoing it, creating chronic tension, being too ambitious all because you havent come to terms with trauma, etc. I can see it. I have a lot of repressed anger stuff going on. Arghle blarghle
I just listed all the things I was angry about it was a really extensive list and my heart kept being like you're not done yet and then I got to point where I saw a vision of myself over there and that me punched the me over here in the head and then I had this full body electric shock, like touching an electric fence and now I feel a lot better. A little shocked as it were. For a brief moment I was convinced I was about to die. I may have
... Even health is holographic
These bloody holograms keep kicking me in the ass.
Y'know the funny thing about permaculture is I was once nearly very successful at it.
I'm not exactly a hustle porn guy... I'm just a Pokemon kid. Catch em all, be the best, like no one ever was. I know it's my destiny. Etc
But yeah you're totally right. I played guitar for years as a kid and then took some time off. When I got back in I went to hard didn't take my time with it.
It comports with this book I'm reading. The dude is saying because you're hyper ambitious you're overdoing it, creating chronic tension, being too ambitious all because you havent come to terms with trauma, etc. I can see it. I have a lot of repressed anger stuff going on. Arghle blarghle
I just listed all the things I was angry about it was a really extensive list and my heart kept being like you're not done yet and then I got to point where I saw a vision of myself over there and that me punched the me over here in the head and then I had this full body electric shock, like touching an electric fence and now I feel a lot better. A little shocked as it were. For a brief moment I was convinced I was about to die. I may have
... Even health is holographic
These bloody holograms keep kicking me in the ass.