Home Pages

Daniel M Ingram, modified 14 Years ago at 1/13/10 2:34 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/13/10 2:34 PM

Home Pages

Posts: 3275 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Dear All DhO Tech Types,

Alright, the PM feature appears to be done! Yeah.

Next up: DhO personal home pages.

When we click on someone's name, we get a mix of strange applications with flags and stuff.

This is obviously a problem.

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to take this on?

I want people to have their own meditations blogs that they can write on if they wish, as well as a text box there with a profile about themselves and their meditation practice, any contact info they wish to post, and the like.

Warning: apparently in Liferay 5.2.2 or 5.2.3, there is this problem where you can't globally go back and rework the home pages en masse. Thus, I was wondering if someone can come up with a script or application that will do this, or modify the Liferay Platform itself to do this, as doing by hand at this point would be a pain in the ass.

Also, I was wanting someone to modify the Liferay Blog Aggregator application so that there was an option to have private communities (e.g. DhU) can be filtered out of it, thus allowing us to have a page that aggregates people's personal meditation blogs so that to find them you don't have to go to everyone's home page each time.

Please let me know if anyone can lend any time or talent to this. It would be most appreciated.

I paid a little over a grand to get the PM feature written, but am trying to avoid this sort of thing for upcoming projects if I can.

Thus, if you have appreciated what this place has offered you, please make a donation of time or wisdom or thoughts to help us make this place even better, more of a community, and more people-friendly.


Marin Ramesa, modified 14 Years ago at 1/16/10 8:24 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/16/10 8:24 AM

RE: Home Pages

Posts: 2 Join Date: 9/9/09 Recent Posts
Hi Daniel,

I've just had a look at the admin guide for this software. My first idea would be to define new User Groups that will contain page templates, for example like: "Blogging" and "Personal Info" groups, and then include all the users into those groups, or at least those users who want to add content. In that way they will automatically receive the template (at least the manual says so)

I have some free time currently. I could start working on this if it's still needed.

Florian, modified 14 Years ago at 1/22/10 8:49 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/22/10 8:49 AM

RE: Home Pages

Posts: 1028 Join Date: 4/28/09 Recent Posts
Hi Marin,

I've set up a simple blog-and-web content page on my "home" page. The blog bit is simple, but the text box is actually "web content" displayed in a "web content" portlet - way baroque. A simple click-and-edit text box would be preferable, but I've yet to find an appropriate portlet.


Daniel M Ingram, modified 14 Years ago at 1/23/10 2:10 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/23/10 2:10 PM

RE: Home Pages

Posts: 3275 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Dear Marin,

Hey, thanks for your offer. Sorry for my late reply: I have been working a lot.

Give it a try.

I have made you an administrator: don't do anything crazy! ;)

Please let me know how this goes,

Marin Ramesa, modified 14 Years ago at 1/24/10 12:52 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 1/24/10 12:51 PM

RE: Home Pages

Posts: 2 Join Date: 9/9/09 Recent Posts
Ok. I'll create several 'test users' and play a little bit to see how this thing works. It will take some time to learn it.

@Florian: Yeah, the portlets are too much. Liferay is supposed to be some kind of a portal server. It's too big for DhO (for now). I'll get some simple html templates up soon.
Tom Smith, modified 14 Years ago at 2/18/10 11:01 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 2/18/10 11:01 AM

RE: Home Pages

Posts: 140 Join Date: 2/17/10 Recent Posts
If I am posting this question in the wrong place please tell me, but I could not find a better place.

Question: How do I add a picture of myself that comes up next to every post?
Eran G, modified 14 Years ago at 2/18/10 12:56 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 2/18/10 12:56 PM

RE: Home Pages

Posts: 182 Join Date: 1/5/10 Recent Posts
Tom Carr:

Question: How do I add a picture of myself that comes up next to every post?

At the top right of the page there should be a little box that says "Welcome Tom Carr!" hover over that and a menu opens. click "My Account" in that menu and you should see a page with an option to upload a photo.
Tom Smith, modified 14 Years ago at 2/20/10 11:51 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 2/20/10 11:51 AM

RE: Home Pages

Posts: 140 Join Date: 2/17/10 Recent Posts
Thanks Eran. I went there and it says: "Upload a GIF or JPEG that is 120 pixels tall and 100 pixels wide."

I have a windows XP computer. Is there a tool somewhere that will let me reduce the size to 120 pixels tall and 100 pixels wide? I can't find anything that will do it.
Eran G, modified 14 Years ago at 2/20/10 1:42 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 2/20/10 1:42 PM

RE: Home Pages

Posts: 182 Join Date: 1/5/10 Recent Posts
You can probably find some free photo editing tools online. I believe there's some websites that would do that for you as well. However, since we're going pretty far off-topic here I suggest you direct message me if you have any other questions about this.

Tom Smith, modified 14 Years ago at 2/20/10 3:09 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 2/20/10 3:08 PM

RE: Home Pages

Posts: 140 Join Date: 2/17/10 Recent Posts
I don't want to go off topic. Is there some topic here on the discussion forum where I can ask general technical questions about using the site? For example, I don't see where I would send a direct message.

I will delete these off topic messages as soon as I figure out how to use the site. Thanks.
Florian, modified 14 Years ago at 2/20/10 4:19 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 2/20/10 4:19 PM

RE: Home Pages

Posts: 1028 Join Date: 4/28/09 Recent Posts
Hi Tom,


Tom Carr:
I don't want to go off topic. Is there some topic here on the discussion forum where I can ask general technical questions about using the site? For example, I don't see where I would send a direct message.

I will delete these off topic messages as soon as I figure out how to use the site. Thanks.

To the very right of the grey bar underneath the "Dharma Overground" Masthead, you'll find a button called "Messages". This is the private message feature.

The "Tech Stuff" forum is quite appropriate for this kind of discussion, so don't worry about deleting anything.

Nice to have you here,

Tom Smith, modified 14 Years ago at 2/20/10 9:51 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 2/20/10 9:51 PM

RE: Home Pages

Posts: 140 Join Date: 2/17/10 Recent Posts
The "Tech Stuff" forum is quite appropriate for this kind of discussion, so don't worry about deleting anything.

Good. So I'll just ask here if anyone knows how I can change a picture of myself to the 100 by 120 pixel format that I need to upload it. I don't know where to look for free software to do this.