Kundalini itch? Vipassana sickness?

Mind over easy, modified 12 Years ago at 6/21/12 1:42 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 6/21/12 1:42 PM

Kundalini itch? Vipassana sickness?

Posts: 297 Join Date: 4/28/12 Recent Posts
Hi there.

I don't typically use the idea of Kundalini often, but it makes sense to me and seems to line up with vipassana and what experiences can happen. Forgive me for not knowing a terribly large amount about it, but I'm just trying to see if anyone else has input on this matter.

I started doing vipassana... 2 1/2 months ago, about? Anyways, I seemed to have crossed the A&P almost immediately when I started practicing. This was definitely accompanied by kundalini phenomena throughout practice and daily life. This includes lots of random twitching of muscles, vibrations, flashes of light, etc... I practiced hard from that point on for a week and a half or so, and then my practice kinda faded to complacency around what seemed to be equanimity. I got busy and kinda lost my practice habit.

About three weeks or so, I got sick. I'm 19 and I rarely ever get sick. I've never been to a doctor in my life for anything besides routine checkups. I can't ever recall being sick for longer than a few days. Anyways, it seemed to be a flu, but not quite a flu. I was feverish, but I don't think I had a fever. Jumping back to my original practice, I noticed a very dissociated, very out of it kind of feeling in the insight stage of dissolution. This specific feeling came on strong before I got sick, and I was left wondering if it was a cycle of dukkha nanas beginning or if it was just the sickness. Dunno, I guess they could've both come on at the same time. Anyways, since then, it seems like I've been just sickly off and on. I had some kind of rash in my thighs, which is odd since I have extremely thorough hygiene. It mostly went away. But there's other stuff too. I've been having trouble sleeping, I've had lots of sinus/throat/nose troubles. Lots of drainage and what looks like off and on infections. I even had some petecheaie show up on my arm, of all places.

Here's the thing that really gets me though. I have this damned itching just all over the place. It's so bad that I'll just be on the bathroom floor, itching all over, feeling like it would take 5 arms to satisfy them all. They're not located in any given place. Allergy medicine makes it go away. My mom is a nurse and works for a skin doctor. They're at odds since allergic reactions from contact would leave marks and not be itching all over like that. If it was an allergic reaction, they also said that it most likely would not be around the clock and be in my system for as long as it has been. They had me take some blood tests today. I'm definitely pursuing the medical route for this, but I have another hypothesis.

I did some googling and have found a bit of information on kundalini rashes and itching. I've also found some stories to the effect of this: when a shaman is about to become a shaman, he gets an unexplainable sickness and the sickness doesn't go away until he finds his path as a shaman. There's also this Alex Grey painting which I believe gets at this... "http://alexgrey.com/a-gallery/jrny1.html"

Anyways, I guess I'm just asking around to see if anyone has had experience with vipassana, kundalini, and medical problems such as itching or just persistent, vague symptoms of sickness that don't seems to let up. It could be completely unrelated, but as I've pursued the medical route, I think it's not a bad idea to ask around and see if any spiritual seekers have anything to add.
fivebells , modified 12 Years ago at 6/21/12 1:52 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 6/21/12 1:52 PM

RE: Kundalini itch? Vipassana sickness?

Posts: 563 Join Date: 2/25/11 Recent Posts
The "medical route" covers much more than just trying allergy medicine. Do you have dry skin? An allergy to soap? Some physical explanation seems much more likely at this stage.
Mind over easy, modified 12 Years ago at 6/21/12 2:23 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 6/21/12 2:23 PM

RE: Kundalini itch? Vipassana sickness?

Posts: 297 Join Date: 4/28/12 Recent Posts
That wasn't to say that I've exhausted the medical route. I just meant that I'm not neglecting physical ailment as the cause and writing it off as spiritual stuff. I'm taking the allergy medicine because it makes the itch go away temporarily, but I've seen a doctor and just got a few x-rays and blood work done today. I was just curious to see if any practitioners of vipassana or kundalini yoga/meditation have had any experiences like this. I've already read a few different sources which list itching/rash/sickness as being symptoms of kundalini awakening, so I figured I'd ask. I've seen kundalini described as a rewiring of the energy system of the body. I found a particular case of someone who wrote that unexplainable itches during kundalini yoga are a result of the rewiring of the energy system on the level of the skin. I dunno, no one has to buy into it and I'm not saying I do, but just knowing that the possibility is out there led me to pursue.

I've looked at my diet and any product that comes in contact with my skin. It doesn't seem as though anything new has been introduced, though I'm aware that allergies can develop for something even after previous contact. The dermatologist my mom works for said that allergies from contact will most likely leave redness/swelling/itching/blisters in a specific spot, and that the reaction would be strongest at introduction/contact with the body and taper off, rather than being persistent, baseline, and seemingly non-localized like this seems to be. We'll see what the blood tests return. Hopefully that solves this. Sickness is no fun.
Change A, modified 12 Years ago at 6/24/12 12:22 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 6/24/12 12:22 PM

RE: Kundalini itch? Vipassana sickness?

Posts: 791 Join Date: 5/24/10 Recent Posts
I sometimes feel sick like I have a kind of flu and feel feverish but no fever. Also I get some round red rashes which itch but not all over the body as you describe. I think it has to do with the "energy" starting to flow from points where it used to be blocked earlier.
Sun Burn, modified 12 Years ago at 8/13/12 4:07 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/13/12 4:07 PM

RE: Kundalini itch? Vipassana sickness?

Post: 1 Join Date: 8/12/12 Recent Posts
Hi. I've no idea what the problem is but save for the itching it sounds like a virus. Just because you never get sick does not mean there can't be a first time. People are generally not immune to viruses and they stay in the system even though the symptoms subside. Rashes accompany some mosquito borne viruses, though they are usually on the tummy to start with. Itches and rashes tend to go together too.

When i was younger i used to sometimes get an intense all over itching but only after i'd been in the shower. For some reason the hot water getting on my skin would trigger this. As you were in the bathroom at the time, was this happening once you'd been in the shower? I haven't had it for many many years but you just reminded me of it. I've no idea what that was about but it was certainly nothing to do with meditation since i didn't meditate then. I am generally a pretty healthy type of person and don't have any allergies either.
