Lumbini – The Birth Place of Lord Buddha is at risk

Anicca Everywhere, modified 14 Years ago at 4/15/10 9:36 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 4/15/10 9:36 PM

Lumbini – The Birth Place of Lord Buddha is at risk

Posts: 3 Join Date: 4/11/10 Recent Posts
Dear All,

I'm, Vasanth and my brother Prem are part of Lumbini Environment Protection Alliance. We are Vipassana Meditators too. Recently we had been to Lumbini. There we could find that so many heavy industries are coming up around Lumbini.

The rapid and uncontrolled growth of heavy industry along the Lumbini Road Industrial Corridor now threatens the very existence of this World Heritage site.

We are writing petitions to the whole lot of Government bodies of Nepal ranging from the Prime Minister’s office to the Environment Officer/ International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Nepal.

For the full petition prepared by LEPA with complete background information is viewable at

We request you to go to the following online petition site

Please sign-up the petition and submit. This timely help from your side will help urge the Nepal Government to act fast in protecting the Lumbini’s surrounding environment. We hereby also request you to pass on the message to the like minded personnel. Let them too sign-up the petition and submit. So far more than 100 sign-ups have been received already.

May this kind act of yours bring a lot of Peace and Happiness to you and your family. May you all be healthy, happy, peaceful and get liberated

With Much Metta
Robert Lydon, modified 1 Year ago at 7/4/23 6:23 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 7/4/23 6:23 PM

RE: Lumbini – The Birth Place of Lord Buddha is at risk

Posts: 77 Join Date: 6/19/23 Recent Posts
I appreciate your efforts Anicca Everywhere but doesn't your name have the answer? Have no dukka about change is a motto of no-one. Presently the land of the Buddha before is a strip mall, don't you know.

Keep on fighting but with a loose grip.
Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 7/5/23 5:00 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 7/5/23 5:00 AM

RE: Lumbini – The Birth Place of Lord Buddha is at risk

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts
Hello Vasanth,
your links don't seem to work for me. Please check them (or is it my connection, anyone) ?

Good luck with your endeavour!

To Robert, that was a stupid, patronizing comment, if you ask me, not giving the best image of this community.
Brian, modified 1 Year ago at 7/5/23 5:38 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 7/5/23 5:38 AM

RE: Lumbini – The Birth Place of Lord Buddha is at risk

Posts: 114 Join Date: 1/21/19 Recent Posts
I think the links died because this post is very old.
Smiling Stone, modified 1 Year ago at 7/5/23 2:51 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 7/5/23 2:51 PM

RE: Lumbini – The Birth Place of Lord Buddha is at risk

Posts: 345 Join Date: 5/10/16 Recent Posts
Houla, thanks Brian for pointing to that. I should have noticed, given it's a Robert's habit to revive old threads with ... comments.
I still stand by what I said here earlier regarding this one.
​​​​​​​Ok, Robert, time's a construct all right...
Robert Lydon, modified 1 Year ago at 7/8/23 1:12 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 7/8/23 1:12 AM

RE: Lumbini – The Birth Place of Lord Buddha is at risk

Posts: 77 Join Date: 6/19/23 Recent Posts
Take a chill pill smiling stone. No need to attack. Is there something that you are attached to?
Chris M, modified 1 Year ago at 7/8/23 9:07 AM
Created 1 Year ago at 7/8/23 9:07 AM

RE: Lumbini – The Birth Place of Lord Buddha is at risk

Posts: 5339 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Take a chill pill smiling stone. No need to attack. Is there something that you are attached to?

Robert, I think you should thank Smilling Stone for calling you out and thus providing you with an opportunity to self-reflect on your own behavior. My observation is that you're not participating here as a dedicated practitioner but rather, well... periodically someone arrives here on DhO and wants to entertain everyone with their wit. Maybe that's what you're doing.

If you want to argue the point I'm happy to but let's do that in the thread Linda created for that purpose.

Robert Lydon, modified 12 Months ago at 7/29/23 1:50 PM
Created 12 Months ago at 7/29/23 1:45 PM

RE: Lumbini – The Birth Place of Lord Buddha is at risk

Posts: 77 Join Date: 6/19/23 Recent Posts
Nice to be attacked for posting. Great demonstration of forum culture. Simply trying to point out that attachment to ground is an attachment. Also to keep pursuing the protecting of it but with a loose grip so as to not become too attached. What about that is stupid and patrionizing? What about that is just to display wit? Could it be to get you to ponder and think? Welcome to jump to the designated space to duke it out but also welcome civil discussion about dharma. Last I'd checked, old posts are not off limits from reviving and commenting. Especially since there are many with no responses from the "community." It seems like some are attached to the recent posts feature and what can be in there. 
