Where on the ladder is "no-stick mind"?

IAMTHAT That Ami, modified 10 Years ago at 2/26/14 10:06 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 2/26/14 10:06 AM

Where on the ladder is "no-stick mind"?

Posts: 47 Join Date: 12/7/13 Recent Posts
Just wanted to check with anybody here if this is something you guys come across via your practices and all the blueprints/maps laid out by dharmaoverground as one works one's way into Enlightenment.

I was just reading my notes/diary and remember coming across several different stages of no-stick mind, where the mind/I-Construct kind of arises but has nothing to stick to, and so it falls away. It eventually becomes a permanent feature and then there is just crystal clear clarity and peace of no-thought. Though when thought is needed, the mind, at a very bare minimum, is pulled back up, or recalled if you will, for the sake of its use in thought, discussion, etc.

Anything similar in your own practice & blueprints?
tom moylan, modified 10 Years ago at 2/27/14 7:39 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 2/27/14 7:39 AM

RE: Where on the ladder is "no-stick mind"?

Posts: 896 Join Date: 3/7/11 Recent Posts
the first removal of the glue happens at stream entry in theory, at least as a standard part of one's experience. the mind can pass through lots of stages along the way (in jhana etc.) where it is temporarily unbound from its annoying proclivities.

is that what you are getting at?

Dream Walker, modified 10 Years ago at 2/27/14 4:36 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 2/27/14 4:36 PM

RE: Where on the ladder is "no-stick mind"?

Posts: 1770 Join Date: 1/18/12 Recent Posts
I was just reading my notes/diary and remember coming across several different stages of no-stick mind, where the mind/I-Construct kind of arises but has nothing to stick to, and so it falls away. It eventually becomes a permanent feature and then there is just crystal clear clarity and peace of no-thought. Though when thought is needed, the mind, at a very bare minimum, is pulled back up, or recalled if you will, for the sake of its use in thought, discussion, etc.

Anything similar in your own practice & blueprints?
Well it's hard to tell from such a brief description.
here is Daniels description of 4th path
Daniel M. Ingram:
Since the topic has come up so often and been so bandied about so many times by so many people, let me state here what I mean by 4th path, regardless of what anyone else means by it. It has the following qualities:

1) Utter centerlessness: no watcher, no sense of a watcher, no subtle watcher, no possibility of a watcher. This is immediately obvious just as color is to a man with good eyesight as the old saying goes. Thus, anything and everything simply and obviously manifest just where they are. No phenomena observe any others and never did or could.

2) Utter agencylessness: meaning no agency, no sense of doing, no sense of doer, no sense that there could be any agent or doer, no way to find anything that seems to be in control at all. Whatever effort or intent or anything like that that arises does so naturally, causally, inevitably, as it always actually did. This is immediately obvious, though not always the forefront of attention.

3) No cycles change or stages or states or anything else like that do anything to this direct comprehension of simple truths at all.

4) There is no deepening in it to do. The understanding stands on its own and holds up over cycles, moods, years, etc and doesn't change at all. I have nothing to add to my initial assessment of it from 9 years ago.

5) There is nothing subtle about it: anything and everything that arises exhibits these same qualities directly, clearly. When I was third path, particularly late in it, those things that didn't exhibit these qualities were exceedingly subtle, and trying to find the gaps in the thing was exceedingly difficult and took years and many cycles. I had periods from weeks to months where it felt done and then some subtle exception would show up and I would realize I was wrong yet again, so this is natural and understandable, and if someone claims 4th as I define it here and later says they got it wrong, have sympathy for them, as this territory is not easy and can easily fool people, as it did me many, many times over about 5 years or so. However, 4th, as I term it, ended that and 9 years later that same thing holds, which is a very long time in this business.

Here is another description that I like - the-first-awakening
Anything correlate?
