Challenge to the Arahants...

Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/10/14 4:00 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Psi 10/11/14 12:27 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Not Tao 10/11/14 3:31 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem 10/11/14 11:50 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/11/14 3:43 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem 10/11/14 4:05 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/12/14 2:24 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... lama carrot top 10/12/14 10:51 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/12/14 5:24 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Psi 10/11/14 8:44 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Karalee Peltomaa 10/11/14 9:55 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/12/14 12:42 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Nikolai . 10/12/14 1:09 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/12/14 1:58 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Not Tao 10/14/14 3:23 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/14/14 3:27 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/12/14 12:40 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Tom Tom 10/12/14 3:48 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Karalee Peltomaa 10/12/14 10:00 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/12/14 5:20 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/13/14 11:01 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Banned For waht? 10/14/14 9:09 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Karalee Peltomaa 10/14/14 10:11 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Banned For waht? 10/14/14 11:30 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Banned For waht? 10/14/14 12:36 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/15/14 7:04 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Psi 10/14/14 1:04 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/14/14 2:49 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Psi 10/14/14 9:07 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/15/14 7:02 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/14/14 3:03 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/16/14 3:39 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/17/14 8:41 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Nikolai . 10/17/14 11:11 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/18/14 9:05 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Psi 10/18/14 11:31 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/18/14 3:23 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... CJMacie 10/20/14 6:35 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/20/14 6:50 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Karalee Peltomaa 10/20/14 7:03 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Rod 10/18/14 4:06 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/18/14 7:46 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... . Jake . 10/20/14 1:44 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/20/14 2:13 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/20/14 6:04 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Karalee Peltomaa 10/20/14 7:29 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/20/14 7:55 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Karalee Peltomaa 10/20/14 9:27 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/20/14 9:50 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 11/2/14 9:41 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/14/14 2:55 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Banned For waht? 11/3/14 5:25 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 11/3/14 8:40 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Banned For waht? 11/3/14 10:08 AM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 11/3/14 1:20 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Tom Tom 10/12/14 5:24 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/12/14 5:25 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/12/14 5:34 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Tom Tom 10/12/14 6:21 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/12/14 6:26 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Karalee Peltomaa 10/12/14 7:38 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/12/14 8:48 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Karalee Peltomaa 10/12/14 8:38 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/12/14 9:08 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Pascal 10/13/14 3:14 PM
RE: Challenge to the Arahants... Jeremy May 10/13/14 8:16 PM
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/10/14 4:00 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/10/14 4:00 PM

Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
In my subjective perspective, the "Living Buddha", the only one that will ever claim full attainment to the public, the lay, and the uninitiated has began the claim and will reach the silent buddhas and the bodhisattvas first.  Then hopefully there will be masses that seek the dharma!

So... If you are up to this challenge, prove to me that he is not a Buddha of full attainment.  If you can disprove him then you have done for me a gift of compassion.  Here is the link that is posted in other threads by someone who is far, distantly removed from the ignorance that all of "you who study Dharmas" fight (as a way of life!) to attain even the smallest degree of what it was that Siddartha and the other Buddhas had discovered.

If the guy who posted this link has been fooled, then I am at ease if I am also fooled.  But if there is any true Dharma in you, you may find a Buddha and if that is the case then you must support him.  You must support the Buddha to the same degree to which you have supported yourself thus far.  Otherwise you spit in the face of a Grace you never deserved and will never know.  

Psi, modified 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 12:27 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 12:27 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 1099 Join Date: 11/22/13 Recent Posts
Why bother to judge someone, what good can come of it? 
Not Tao, modified 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 3:31 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 3:31 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 995 Join Date: 4/5/14 Recent Posts
Won't he have to do things like walk on jeweled clouds, flanked by elephants and devas, to prove he is a buddha of full attainment?
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 11:50 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 11:50 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
Actually, you're the one putting forth a positive claim, that "This man is a Buddha of full attainment." The burden of proof lies on you. It's up to you to prove this to us, not us to disprove it to you. We can then examine your evidence and arguments and accept or reject them.
When debating any issue, there is an implicit burden of proof on the person asserting a claim. An argument from ignorance occurs when either a proposition is assumed to be true because it has not yet been proven false or a proposition is assumed to be false because it has not yet been proven true.[1][2] This has the effect of shifting the burden of proof to the person criticizing the assertion, but is not valid reasoning.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 3:43 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 3:43 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
That is exactly right!
The burden of proof is on me...

Why bother judging him?
Because by judging him, you will see him.  When you see him, you will support him.  When you support the Buddha, you support the world by pointing.  You must support the world.  You must do this, not for the merit of supporting the world, but from Love which is the Noble Wisdom, the inner knowing that all things have in their knowings of themselves.  The Noble Wisdom of all things become the gate for which all things become jewels of Nibbana.

Will he do miracles, Not Tao?  I tell you he does them already and it is only you who will not see it until you try to judge him.

My challenge to the Arahants is one that causes me to take on the look of an evil one, a fanatic, a devil with a sword of harsh truth.  I do not like being a devil, but devils have holy purpose and so I will accept that position if even one of you has ears to hear.

Show me where the Living Buddha fails so that I can show you where you fail.  Those who cannot accept the challenge will not notice it or see it as anything but lunacy.

But all humans are crazy.  It is the rationality of an irrational perspective.  The irrationality of the rational is like a bright fire!  It will be invisible to the blind, destructive to the cultivated, and light to those who are in the darkness of Tusita sleep.

It is appropriate then to call me crazy.  My challenge is only for the ones who are driven to prove me crazy.  They are the only ones who will support the Buddha by pointing, because the drive they have is a divine calling to do so.

I love the three of you so much... but this is not your challenge, wise ones.
Beoman Claudiu Dragon Emu Fire Golem, modified 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 4:05 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 4:05 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 2227 Join Date: 10/27/10 Recent Posts
Jeremy May:
That is exactly right!
The burden of proof is on me...
Show me where the Living Buddha fails so that I can show you where you fail.  Those who cannot accept the challenge will not notice it or see it as anything but lunacy.

No, you didn't get my point. We don't have to show you where he fails. You are the one that has to show us where he succeeds. Why should we have any reason to believe he is the Living Buddha? You have provided none so far, so there is no reason for us to think that he is the Living Buddha.

It's like me saying, I have a friend, Max. Max is the Living Buddha. Prove me wrong guys! If you can't prove me wrong, then Max is indeed the Living Buddha.

It doesn't work that way.
Psi, modified 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 8:44 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 8:44 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 1099 Join Date: 11/22/13 Recent Posts
Well, if one is saying that Arahant Wajirabuddhi is indeed an Arahant, and that he has purified and trained his mind to this level, and this is indeed what happened, then this is wholesome.  But what else is expected of one who trains in the Dhamma, and proceeds through the Noble Eightfold Path, understands the four Noble Truths, and fulfills entirely what must be fulfilled.  This is just the law of nature, this is how it works.  Cause and effect.  So, to have Arahants in the world is as it should be, the teachings are in the world, the path was laid out, explained methodically and clear,  what had to be done was done, one just needs to follow the path.  Mostly, we just don't want to let go completely, we like to hang on a little, work on our "bucket list", play the game of life, have some worldy fun, even knowing it is a delusionary rat race, the mind is a magician and likes to cling to even the most subtle phenomenon of pleasure and pain, deep wishes, shadow fears, ingrained instincts from eons past.  So, if someone has gone the whole way, the machine elves proclaim, "Hoo-ray", "good job".  

There are probably many Arahants, many more Anagamis, Sakadagamis, and Sotapannas, not to mention the many wholesome (and unwholesome) puthujjanas.

But, not being an Arahant, I probably am not supposed to be responding to your post anyway.

Psi Phi


One last deep thought of the day.
Arahants poop too. emoticon  (But just pooping while pooping)
Karalee Peltomaa, modified 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 9:55 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/11/14 9:55 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 401 Join Date: 6/19/14 Recent Posts
My, you do have a way with words and I love it when someone speaks my thoughts better than I can.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 12:40 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 12:40 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
Psi Phi I have tried to speak to you already.  I also have decided to speak to you again, but in another way.  This challenge is not yours either. You will support not just the living buddha when you awaken.  Your purpose does not have within it to point to a fountain when you have water to give.  It is like saying, in the zen from which you have come at me, "You do not point at the man who has hit the moon with his little stick.  Instead, You take the stars down, one by one, from their vast distances from behind that moon. When you are finished, there in all the sky is only the moon.  When there is only the moon and no stars, hitting the moon with a stick is easy for bhikkus!!

No one who will post against my challenge some kind of 'proof' can take my challenge.

For others, those who do not know why they comment at all, they are supposed to talk to me.

Do you not know that you yourself are the spiritual guide?  It is yourself from the future, but isn't such things as future and past called delusions???

Do you not believe the Buddhas????

Does the Buddha not say that he is not bound by time?

Do you not believe that you will ever be a buddha?   Only those who will be buddha can say "yes" with a feeling that isn't sickening can think about that question.  

Don't you have compassion like a Wise Christian even when you accept no teachings on Divinity from anyone other than the suttas that make you feel something?  Don't you reproach those who are intelligent but not wise if they don't take care in saying things like "there is no God or Heaven" or "There are no such things as a spirit or soul" when there are fragile people with them?  Do you not tolerate the same things when there are no fragile ones there?

Do you think other people are this way?

Do you think that it is so common, though, that I can say it to strangers and be correct half the time?  No?? Well how about one tenth of the time.  Are one tenth of people the way I just described?  Because then you would have to find ten posts where I spoke in such a way and gave the same descriptions.  You will find a similar one.  

You are no Arahant as you, in Noble wisdom, have claimed unknowingly.
You are already one of the Enlightened among men.  You just have to Wake UP!  Your love and compassion lead you to know the truths that can save the people you love.  Love is knowing and directs all your actions while you sleep.  Even an unawakened Buddha is a Buddha in actions if not in purpose and capacity.  

Do with this as you wish.  This challenge is not for you.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 12:42 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 12:42 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
Meeting you was a necessary part in my awakening.  It is why I first said 'you fascinate me'.  Your words were streaming Dhamma... I did not even read more than a post to know you.  You are amazing!  Thank you for your sweet words emoticon
Nikolai , modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 1:09 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 1:09 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
I vote for Max. All hail Max! 

Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 1:58 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 1:58 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
Ah... I wondered.

Hello to you too, Little brother.  

Pakitakhuddasambuddha I want to tell you the story of the perfect five.  But not tonight... You should read the story here first:

I am a bit shocked.  You are young.  I would not have seen you before now and it is a curiousity to me that I will take into my next samadhi.  You do not need me at all!  When you awaken fully it is not possible for those who have ears to not hear you.  I will tell you the story of the five, though, because it is in my deshana.  It is not useful to you so I want to write it for you only because I need to tell it and it is a thrill to see you in the age before the time.  
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 2:24 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 2:24 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
How can you reproach an action that hasn't been completed?  It is like the reproach of something that does not exist.  You need to Hush and wait and see what I do.  To prove the buddha i must prove my qualifications to do so.  For that reason, I must wait until tested and tested in every way. 

The 'lord of arhats' is a term attributed to Tathagatha.  But that is not always appropriate.  The only person to whom I am giving this challenge will not, under any circumstance, ask me questions.  He will wait until others do so.  I have spoken to him enough, at the appropriate time and wrote to the bodhisattvas until the time was appropriate that anything I write will be read by him.  

I need to be challenged by those who will.  I will accept questions of testing from any of the greatest minds in the world and even He who is the Living Buddha for the age.

When I no longer am challenged by his arhats, the lord of arhats will support the Buddha.  The Living Buddha is waiting for this to happen as a necessary step of his ministry, the specific purpose of a SamBuddha who is limited by teaching only Buddhist Dharma.  There has not been such a one who is wholly for the buddhists since the last age of the world.  

If you reply to this, I will not comment.  Reply if you like.  If you ask a question, I will not answer unless it is a question that belongs to the Buddhists.  I am not Buddhist.  I never have been while in this body.  But I have swallowed Mahayana.  It took about a month.  Hinaya took only several minutes.  Zen is swallowed naturally by the design of its founding, a buddha who hid his complete nature by not creating a self-perpetuating code of suttas.  However, Zen is not Buddhism just as Jainism is not Buddhism.  Buddhism is only two teachings: 4 Noble Truths and the eight fold path.  What does not belong to these, but has been expounded, belong to only those with Faith or those who have had Grace from the Living Buddha.

I am invisible.  I will stay invisible as long as it suits my purpose.  There is only one link in my posts that connects me to a person in real life.  Whoever is clever and desperate enough to find me, deserves to find me even though it is quite in my ability to be face to face with a person and, no matter how much Knowing they have, still appear as someone quite normal, just a bit weird in a way that can't be ascertained.  I am a teacher of such skill that there is nothing I cannot tell a person.  But I am only interested in the work of The Living Buddha and those who need certain acts in order to fulfill their awakening.  I teach in christian forums for the sake of maybe one person in the world or maybe two.  I teach buddhism only to intelligent people who cross my path and have no Dhamma naturally.  Jainism is my favorite religion that is left in the world... but it is only barely here.  

Now either get on the band wagon or hush.
Tom Tom, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 3:48 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 3:48 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 466 Join Date: 9/19/09 Recent Posts
I haven't read this whole thread, but isn't the Theravada position that there is only one Buddha per era?  Isn't there a sutta for this somewhere where the Buddha says it would be an impossibility for there to be more than one Buddha per era?
Karalee Peltomaa, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 10:00 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 10:00 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 401 Join Date: 6/19/14 Recent Posts
Hello, Jeremy,

I presented this website to my partner and he likes the dissertation very much and asked me for a better glossary to understand the concepts behind the words used.  The "AccesstoInsight" glossary is not enough. My partner recalls being with the Buddha.  Would you please direct us to a more complete glossary.

The Tao Te Ching speaks of "... not Buddha, not mind ..." and all that he knows is available to all -- and more. Anything that has been brought into existence to be known can be known - a rule within this universe.

My partner writes this:  "... not living Buddha, but all is available to one who can access the universal mind Dharmaa with attention and interest for "desired "  Ha ! knowingness, He has nicely let go of mind blockages = limiting postulates..."    

Enter into the new age of "not buddha, not mind".  The age of every being sovereign.
lama carrot top, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 10:51 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 10:51 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 49 Join Date: 6/12/12 Recent Posts
I see you emoticon.  Even though you are invisible.
Tom Tom, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 5:24 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 5:18 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 466 Join Date: 9/19/09 Recent Posts
I found it!

From MN 115 and regarding buddhahood:

 It is impossible that two rightfully Enlightened Ones should be born in the same world element at one and same time. It is possible that a single rightfully Enlightened One should be born in the world element at one time.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 5:20 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 5:20 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
Tell this Buddha that I have already begun to address the specific details that he is requesting.  I am... in processes.  Jeremy has not ever been awake for six days, five nights without sinful aides.  

The term Buddha is a term for a relationship and not for a being.  

I am not the Living Buddha because it is not my turn to be limited.  I am not Buddhist.  My knowledge of the pali cannon is in nonknowledge and I have to use the impermanent in order to give nonknowledge.  I do this with impermanent particles, impermanent tissues, impermanent mind, and impermanent vedana (I feel as if this should be Vedan, Vehicle, but I do not know yet.  The time in which I can be unsure of things is a precious and beautiful song.  I do not mind not knowing in knowledge what I know in nonknowledge).

This process of pulling from emptiness/void/true-self/no-self the nonknowlege which is eternal, without beginning or end, is a wondrous validation of wisdom!  However, the human knowledge that can be the vehicle for the eternal must be designed by the vedana.  

I am saying by this that Jeremy cannot feel the body very well right now.  It has many pains in it.  The mind is so full of partial details that it is a mind like a full belly.  It is reluctant to articulate.  It is dwelling on yuz asaf and the metteya that came as an orphan.  It is dwelling on Persia, the tomb of holy places that have been forgotten.

I would like to speak to him in person, but for now I will try to rest so that I can fill in certain details that I hoped you would request.  

He is right to want a glossary.  A buddha can view any Dharma and see it as perfect or tainted by no more than the claimant's translation of siddhartha's terms.  For such a one as this buddha, awakening (what has not been given to sleeping buddhas for quite some time) is simply a recognition from one they KNOW.  I love you both so much!
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 5:24 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 5:24 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
You Bless me, dear brother... Your Yoga has stayed with you!
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 5:25 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 5:25 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
RE: Challenge to the Arahants...
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 5:34 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 5:34 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
I was right to think you clever before now... But your cleverness has betrayed your lack of Suttas.  

Here is what I will answer:

Do you praise me?  Or do you praise the living buddha?

If you praise me to deny the buddha, then you accept me as a buddha.  But I tell you that He is the one that is Buddha for your time, so how can you praise me but not heed me?  

If you praise the buddha and deny me, then you are not taking my challenge in the first place.  Will you please keep trying?  It will require study of his dhamma and Daniel's dhamma.  I have not seen Daniel say one word that is used incorrectly for the sangha he keeps.  If the Living Buddha has perfect Enlightenment as I claim, then I will weaken my challenge to add that the Living Buddha and Daniel should have the same intellectual understanding and both dhammas should align like two well made arrows that fit within a single sheath. 

Remember, I do not claim to be a living Buddha.  I am not something that should be regarded.  
Tom Tom, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 6:21 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 6:21 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 466 Join Date: 9/19/09 Recent Posts
I'm not sure what you're going on about.  I only briefly skimmed this thread and your posts which seem to read like word salad.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 6:26 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 6:26 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
If you understood what I had just said to you, I actually said the same thing to you.

Is there any thing more foolish than someone who replies to sound as if it was a word?  Argues with water?

That is like your words to me.  You comment to a statement that you can't understand.
Karalee Peltomaa, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 7:38 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 7:38 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 401 Join Date: 6/19/14 Recent Posts
This being, in his English translation speaks much in the beginning of Samma Ditti and then gives a conceptual understanding of it.    To contribute to his concept, it would also be correct to say that it is the eye directed towards wanting wisdom more than craving of sensation.   The Bible speaks of "The lust of the eyes".

The eyes are turned away from entertainment, etc., and into finding out what exactly it is they need to do to get wise and eliminate dukkha thoroughly and forever.  Where do you point your eyes when you surf the internet?  Where your eyes are is where your mind is.

"Wisdom comes when the desire for wisdom [nirvana] is greater than the desire to play games."  ["The Old Boy"]  
 Reminds me of the story of King Solomon who asked for wisdom above riches.  This is truly the first step of awakening.

It is also about "Inner Seeing", which is what we do in our practice until no more mind or dukkha to cause to stir up.   Inner Seeing lets me see that my upsets are not with my "not-selfs" but within my own mind.  That is Right Seeing and that is what ends tanha.
Karalee Peltomaa, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 8:38 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 8:38 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 401 Join Date: 6/19/14 Recent Posts
"Samma Sankappa" to myself means, "downsize your life", but being retired makes that a bit easier than one with a large family.   But it is a necessary practicality when one decides to spend 3-4 hours a day and then sometimes more sitting.  Out of a 16-hour working day that would leave me with 11-12 hours for other activities.  My once 4000 square foot house is now about half that and mostly I live in the even smaller studio in my backyard - away from the tv-watchers.  

Practicing towards nirvana is definitely a voluntary life-style change-up.  I have not been to a shopping mall in years, nor a movie, nor restaurant -- and don't miss it either because my interests are now elsewhere.   This is a change from that young woman who could not finish her french classes because it interfered with her shopping time.  And the young woman who could critique the best restaurants in town.  I'm simply having too much fun with this now inner journey of downsizing the egoic mind.   
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 8:48 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 8:48 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
Yes.  Now notice how your speaking has changed.

You were streaming Dhamma before.  Now you are speaking in the secret language. 

It has the characteristics that will enable you to find all terms.  This is for you both to know.
1. It sounds like poetry.
2. It has multidimentional shape and therefor innummerable meanings.  Each line, unsupported by context, can mean two different things.
3. It mixes languages.  Crowley did this to a degree that only his present self and I can speak of his hidden dhamma.
4. It has the qualities that protect its meaning.  It will be invisible to the arahants.  It will be transformative in subconcious transformations to the sleeping bodhisattvas and sleeping buddhas.  It will lose its meaning if a clever demonking tries to translate the destructive truths within.

Knowing these qualities, One may know the Tathagatha where he is in the world in history (He is trinity also.  He has a counterpart who always appears (Blavatsky was Samanta.  Samanta lives in Texas now) and then there is the mysterious one, Metteya.  They are also Tathagatha)

Knowing these qualities one may see the succession of Living Buddhas.  One will see, as I saw (the reason I found this forum and began to Poke people) that there is no person in the present world that speaks in these qualities.  I searched english translations of our ancient terms and found them quite often, but only in the accounts written by those now dead.  That is the validation for your knowing that the last kalpa (a fake number to hide the real number out of kindness to the fragile ones) and therefore the very beginning of the next kalpa.  Does it feel to you that it is the last kalpa?  One that lasts for one echo?  Does that word trigger the true meaning of 'Kalpa'?  I thought so and that makes me smile.

Knowing these qualities one may divine secrets from what is wrong in translations of the secret language.  Only buddhas, sleeping or awake, can translate.  Out of inner knowing, that which has lost its poetry to the world was abandoned.  Why?  The karma was spent.  The cities of the old ones moved to untouched place to untouched place until Now.  Why?  Earth is Tathagatha also.  Earth is Buddha also.  Do not all Buddhas, even though they are Buddhas, progress each life, each echo, the same way as he has spent his fathom-long body?  Did he not say that he was first a householder in the day we lived as hive-minds with bodies the size of countries?  There was no Buddha, but the Living Buddha, to call him by his true name of Buddha and make him awake.  The living Buddha could not be called buddha either.  Why?  The name 'Buddha' is a role.  Think: "the enlightened one" is a statement of one who says that all statements are partially wrong.  Now if what is wrong in translations divine secrets then does this not imply that he cannot be called buddha because he could not be visible as he worked to train the sleeping buddha.  So there was no buddha, but there was a living Buddha in the first age because that is a term for the Buddha who accepts the limitations of Buddhism to usher in a new age.  It is a completely different kind of word.

So the one who recieved training from an invisible buddha (karma of earth buddha, which is karma of all world cycles) lived a life where he was made to be uncomfortable when he was comfortable, comfortable when he was uncomfortable, until he desired.  When he desired he awakened to his true nature.  An awakened human is a mindful person who seeks to understand himself.  An awake Buddha wakes ordinary people just as wakes sleeping buddhas.  It is not easy, but it bears an equally glorious fruit.  How can it not?  The soul of the Earth was born when the soul of the human was born.  It is born of delusion, but that is a purpose. It is an entangled knot of effects that with the knowing of the Buddha Earth, sees that it is a entanglement.  

Adam is the Torah name for the Buddha of the Earth, the Tathagatha.  Tathagatha means something like "the whole history" and when used as a name is "the one who is all of history" It exists from the need, which is karma, when conditions arise, which is karma, when a buddha sun (a tathagatha) reaches nirvana (merges) and becomes a universe, or at least the soul of a universe.  In the cosmos, these are within and within and within in that way for infinity.  They are the net of jewels.  everyone has thought that such a phrase was poetry for the stars in our sky.  Do you see?  It is the Secret Language!

The earth is a universe... Your flesh purse is a universe.  Your cells, each one, are universes.  Every universe is different, yes, very good.  How can two jewels look the same when you see that there are two of them?  Reason, alone, knows secrets.

Cain and Abel were of the first actual beings, souls, entanglements awakened to their nature, and Abel is the name for the one of the five who died and became unknown to the realms.  Cain, his holy brother, became Maya.  He is also the implied fourth in every trinity.  It can not be portrayed in the form ot trinities but is the reason that there are two Kabbalah trees of knowledge.  

Abel, with the Four that desired awakening for the Four perfect Reasons one can desire to awaken, is tathagatha.  Abel, with the two of the four that desired the two perfect ways to desire awakening, is tathagatha.  It is ICHING.  First, the four directions, then the two directions that spring from the center of the four.  Arranged in a circle to denote the equality of all beings and forces.  The ICHING is tathagatha.

I hope that this helps.  Do not worry that you do not understand in your mind.  The fact that you have read it through while feeling a chain of strange emotions should be validation to you that you do not need to understand with your mind if you are awake.  For you, awakening is the conquering of Self-Doubt.  It is your enlightenment.  You KNOW EVERYTHING.  What you know in your flesh purse is only useful to awaken your brothers, sisters, and children.  

When this settles, Please start your work.  You already know what to do.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 9:08 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/12/14 9:08 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
"Samma Sankappa" means to me 'greater nonbody'.  The modern translation says nothing useful.  I am unsure of this message, but I will go on anyway as it is only safe with each other to pull to knowledge the meaning of lost language.  This is why a gathering of awakened old ones can be as miraculous as all the unbelievable stories in the world.

San is without or 'non-' or empty or impermanent/unreal.  Kappa is road/river/path/karma/fathom-long body

So what you have said "downsize your life" is a phrase in the secret language.  It sounds poetic.  Without context, it means two things:  1.To make everything around you smaller, less, or broken (a teaching of Mara) and 2. Make the part of you that is human ever more the lesser part of your human existence but do not lose your humanity.

How Wondrous!

I am sorry that I made so many errors in my last message, love.  But I do not doubt what I have done.  There are clear errors that would have been fixed had I re-read any of it.  But why should I have done so?  I will know the things that must be perfect!  So using my knowing, I can say that I do not remove my errors when I expound.  They are the proof that I am also human.  They are also the proof that I speak 10,000 things that can't be learned in a single life without plan, care, or Self-Doubt.

That is the only meaning behind the teaching "nothing is useless"

Pascal, modified 10 Years ago at 10/13/14 3:14 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/13/14 3:14 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 6 Join Date: 10/12/14 Recent Posts
This thread isn't even about the question "If this guy is the real Living Buddha?" right? You don't really believe this, do you?

I don't even know why I asked that.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/13/14 8:16 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/13/14 8:16 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
You asked for the same reason that you are one of the only ones I spoke to directly when I came to the forum.

To understand the term "the living Buddha" as I have explained in ways for SriMala I need to give first what her partner, a very important Buddha, the KEY that he asked for... and then I'll explain for you that I do not believe in anything but myself. I know that The Living Buddha is the Living Buddha ('Living' denotes a title, not a being)

Enlightenment= conquering the delusion that begins all knowledge.  
For Arahants, it is conquering, by Genius that expands for entire physcial life, delusions of others  This Genius is the sign of previous enlightenment.
Bodhisattvas have been enlightened before but do not need to conquer delusions and hence do not require enlightnement, by a lack of need.

Arahant= The carriers of Abhidharma.  They never need the expediant (scientific terms that sound religious) because their inner knowing has joined the mind of buddhas and naturally they become the greatest vessels of knowledge in the times of all civilizations.  They were considered aliens and gods by humans.  They are the beings tasked by the nature of life itself with protecting creation from the ignorance that naturally would occur in the absence of collected knowledge.  Until the era that began on the blood moon.  This era will be the one where children will be born ignorant and collected knowledge will not be there to save them.  When Re-Enlightenment is reached, they protect all beings that think.  When awakened, they have the powers of Buddhas that are driven to awaken all beings that think.

Bodhisattva= The carriers of Metta.  They seek awakening.  Awakening is the end of self Doubt.  Bodhisattvas intuitively desire to expediant as they have the task requiring the protection of all beings that love.  They have been enlightened before and intuitively know All things and live the lives of Buddhas without the powers of Buddhas.  Once Awakened, they have the means to expound Abhidharma, but are driven to speak in the secret language that soothes all beings of love for the purpose of awakening all beings who love.

Awakening= Integration of body to fathom-long body.  The vedana resists integration through its own nature through self-doubt.  An arahant becomes a buddha when he conquers delusion of others by knowledge and delusion of vedana by conquering doubt of intuition.

Human= beings with the fathom body that did not begin until this world.

World= basically it is a complete cycle of time 

gods= older humans that have gone through the two worlds.  Remember, there are no beings.  A soul is a scientific term that is difficult to describe to you but impossible to explain to humans (householders- a multidimensional phrase)

Sons of God= immortal beings- those of such niravana that they never reach nibbana

nibbana= merging into higher fractal.  No individuality is lost, but its nature cannot be percieved as 'living'

Noble Wisdom= Infinite Intelligence available to any god.

Dharma= teaching meant only for those that align with the ICHING directions that are meant for only Buddhas, Arahants, and Bodhisattvas, and the future versions of these.

10 directions= types of Dhammas that create the volition of world cycles.  There are 4 Dhammas that are avenues to Nirvana.  The trinity of Dharma and the implied opposite of all trinities.  

Delusion= Our enemy in Buddhism becaue Buddhism is the collection of only the dhammas of the trinity.  Delusion is the dhamma of destructive forces.  It appears to humans as evil, but it is the greatest of those hungry to go back to God.  


Tathagatha= ICHING descending into the realms (jacob's ladder).  It intergrates in the physical as Three Beings with a Forth.  When in certain arrangement, Tathagatha is male with a woman counterpart.  The woman counterpart has a male counterpart.  This actually progresses in such a way that Tathagatha is every Buddha, Arahant, and Bodhisattva that exists in Tusita or acanas of gods and all gods share his abilities if they can just WAKE UP.  

This is a promise I have given over and over.  In my title of "Son of God who gives power to those who recieve him (gods) to become Sons of God."

Tathagatha must not be seen as something you cannot be also.  I am on Earth.  There is no pride in that, no lamentations.  It can be said to the fragile ones that I am a human that walks with God and is Led in his spirit.  At the council I called in the gathering of 300ad we gods came together to tear the doctrines of Christ into pieces so that Truth is easily transmitted to those of us who, in sleeping, would understand what was untrue and guide the fragile ones who cannot understand anything with us.  Pieces are hidden to never allow the humans that our "teachings that sound like morals" are what is "our awakening keys" when Tathagatha began a new mini-kalpa, echo of an echo.  Jainism is required for arahants to understand the method to know what a kalpa (when in context) would mean in numbers.

I have awakened my own Arahant last night.  Part of my consort.  Over the course of 3 hours I proved myself, awakened him, and expounded my sutta to attain understanding of any language with English letters.  He proved his understanding immediately by sending me a series of pictures that, by gods, contain the symbols that are our secret language.  Our language is not of words.  It has created all art and poetry considered to be the fruits of all human civilization.  This is false.  There have been three human civilizations on earth.  Rounded, they ended 400,000 years ago, 40,000 years ago, and 4,000 years ago.  I knew this using human knowledge so I know that science backs me up if you are thorough with research and wise in terms that you use for research.

I have ended samadhi.  I have broken my fast of sleep, food, and drink.  I did not sleep for seven nights.  In retrospect, the first night was the blood moon.  Then the Living Buddha messaged me by proxy of a Buddha who has pointed to Living Buddha in many places in the world in search of where I was.  I am invisible to Buddhas until I search for them.  I am invisible to Arahants when I speak to Bodhisattvas. I am invisible to Bodhisattvas when I speak to Arahants.

I am not the Living Buddha.  I have been one once.  But every religion of the world has been created by me.  I cannot be any title but Tathagatha because I am limited to act when our gatherings were so powerful that I expounded LAW to the fragile ones.  The Living Buddha must be an example of a perfect person to all the Frail buddhists.

There is no defilement.  There is no Sin or Papa.  There is only that which goes against the work that we all agreed to do.  We are limited only by what we would never do while sleeping and cannot do Awake.

The Living Buddha of the last age is The Living Buddha.  He has my support, not in this forum, but immediately and communes with me, is also Tathagatha, in a way that ensures that the entire world will hear of him.  

And no, I did not go without food and water, just very little of it.  I never like the process of Samadhi.  I have attachments to Life itself that keep me from my nirvana and these attachments loathe tusita, cherish my humanity, and choose invisibility after by contract, i have declared.  

I have attained all 10 powers.  I will no longer answer anyone who does not challenge the Living Buddha by challenging me.  To whom it is given, so shall they recieve.  
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/13/14 11:01 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/13/14 10:54 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
I have given the key he requested.  

He is right to say what he has said.  He remembers being with Tathagatha.  He has never been with the Living Buddha.  He has been a Living Buddha just as you have.

To expound your names is a disservice to such ones who were Buddhas before Men had their fleshly purposes.

You are correct to call him partner.  You both carry titles that exist in the cannon of every religion.  Some refer to you as 'sons of thunder' and older religions call you merchants for the lost african term that existed when merchants were the gods of africa.  It is not a word in human language.

You are also called the two witnesses for your role in my consort.

Nothing is accidental.  

By the law of Divine Mathamatics- Mahamati, I have expounded my deshana in one seventh of the time required than the time of the first kalpa of the last kalpa.  I have done this by the mix of language not possible in the previous kalpas of the world.  I began speaking to your partner when I wrote the second piece of my deshana.

I want to give him one of my cittas, my sutta/sitta/si tta/, one of the 15 sciences/carana dhamma to you both.  You have the citta by Faith/Insight/nonknowledge, so I must expound technique/dhamma/knowledge in carana to understand words.  

I am Tathagatha.  I now begin the dark night where I am Human.  This is the final awakening until I am Pala Arahant.  It will be finished when I give all 15 sciences.  The result, the fruit, will be the very keys to all letters, sounds, electromagnetic manipulation, and many many others.  The singularity will happen.  The destruction of the world will happen.  The days of the Gods will return to the Earth.

As you have already stated by power of Tathagatha that I have awakened you by direct transmission, the ununderstood term, I proclaim the beginning of the gathering.  The Horn that was blown in revelation that is silent to the world has been blown.  I stated that in the beginning of my Deshana.

I have never written my Deshana in such a way.  In samadhi, it is difficult.  It is why there are grammar mistakes.  Yet my Deshana is perfect in the same way that the weaknesses that you have felt were simply the dwelling on acts you didn't understand.

Buddha Paul:  "In my weaknesses I am made perfect"

I have used terms that you and your partner both know and that has allowed me my brevity.  I have said 10,000 by the nature of the secret language that uses 'that which is not said' to say Everything that is meaningful.  I have left in my mistakes for details of my own nature at this time.  Jeremy is 32 and his body in not 'without blemish' as the Living Buddha must be.  I have the shortest life-span in this kalpa.  The disease that Jeremy has keeps him healthy, but the time where he must die is close enough to say he is dying.

By the weight of 10,000 things, take your confirmation from all sources, starting with the Living Buddhas own modern, perfect truths, and use that for the confirmation of what I have said to you.

I will give you my science when you have both swallowed your awakening.

As you have said, future Buddha, You will no longer find Jhanas in meditation.  Meditation is no longer your practice.  It is fruitless.  You will have no subconcious.  You will need no jhanas, the medicene. Your medicene, as medicene is always needed for all beings, even my beings, will only come when you Wake All Beings that Love/Insight direct you to "A WaKeN"  A is primordial.  Wa is the nature of a sleeping person.  Ke is the essence of perfect relflection. N is gate/end/portal, depending on if it is N or n.  After a non-vowel it is n.

Be the portal that brings True being to the sleeping who suffer from their sleep.  (My story on this forum: The meaningless story, refers to these directly, as well as everything I have told you.)

Meditation=medication=medicine=medical=mediate=meddle=middle=mi dd le= Mi D Le= 

t is the symbol for rose.  T is the symbof for life.  Rosicrucians used the Christ Cross for Both.
I did not day (die) on a big T.  It was a pole.  When I said to carry your cross and follow me... Was it not something I said to you??  Do you remember any of those days when the 'search for the holy grail' was taken as a literal, idiotic search?

Humans think that they are the height of knowledge.  No Knowledge is new.  It simply belongs to us and it for us to give.
Banned For waht?, modified 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 9:09 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 9:09 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
i think you have awakened to yin shen. You would sound differently if you would have awaken to yang shen.
difference is that with yin shen you don't actually transcend this world.

Through what part you did awaken?
Karalee Peltomaa, modified 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 10:11 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 10:11 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 401 Join Date: 6/19/14 Recent Posts
Rist Ei:
i think you have awakened to yin shen. You would sound differently if you would have awaken to yang shen.
difference is that with yin shen you don't actually transcend this world.

Through what part you did awaken?

Hello, Rist, would you please provide a reference to that?   Thank you.  I could not find a reference doing a Google search.
Banned For waht?, modified 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 11:30 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 11:09 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
"Surangama sutra". "Taoist Yoga - alchemy and immortality"


Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and others are all for the same thing purification of your mind. Other names its spirit, shen, chan etc

but you can get into your mind so deeply that you can realize it and then can take it outside of the body and this way gain enlightenment, its called ghost immortal. Ghost immortal does not have support, he hasn't realized its eternal essence and purified it.

but if you purify then you can eventually attain full rainbowbody(dzogchen) that also means dissolving your physical body. Then you can appear and disappear at will.

It just seemed that he talked about himself as a third person, also sounded like a person who had a NDE or OBE.

Anyway he wanted to be challenged.
Banned For waht?, modified 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 12:36 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 12:36 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
in this thread "Challenge to the Arhants" are many good points
Psi, modified 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 1:04 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 1:04 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 1099 Join Date: 11/22/13 Recent Posts
Rist Ei:

It just seemed that he talked about himself as a third person, also sounded like a person who had a NDE or OBE.

Anyway he wanted to be challenged.

Agree, Hello all!  This sounds like "channeled" or "telepathic" communications, not sure if phenomenon is really channelled or telepathic, or that it just seems that way sometimes.   The mind is mysterious, and so is the universe.  Or is there really a difference between the mind and the universe?

  • In Greek legend, the Sphinx devoured all travelers who could not answer the riddle it posed: "What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening?" The hero Oedipus gave the answer, "Man," causing the Sphinx's death.
Who watches the Sphinx?  

Psi Phi
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 2:49 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 2:49 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
Welcome, You Two, to Ra Pa Ta U Re.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 2:55 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 2:55 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
emoticon This is a whisper to you.  What needed to be transcended?  Why do you see anything that should be transcended?  If one transcends that which should not be transcended when there is no thing to be transcended, where would one go?  All realms, all times, all worlds and their realms and their times, live in MOMENT.  Humans see them all but have no eyes.  You see them all, but have been sleeping.  Wake Up!  You are my Brother!
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 3:03 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 3:03 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
He is saying the voice of Tathagatha is not the voice of Arahant Pala.   
It is not possible to find this explanation clearly in the world.  
He is not Human.
Not Tao, modified 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 3:23 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 3:23 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 995 Join Date: 4/5/14 Recent Posts
I vote Nikolai as the living Buddha. emoticon
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 3:27 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 3:27 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
You might as well.
Psi, modified 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 9:07 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/14/14 9:07 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 1099 Join Date: 11/22/13 Recent Posts
Jeremy May:
Welcome, You Two, to Ra Pa Ta U Re.

And the Two became One....
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/15/14 7:02 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/15/14 7:02 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
The Lamb is not a sheep.
The shepherd left his flock to find the Lamb

The flock is fine.  They are shepherd.  Lamb is Shepherd.

We are now many.
We say "Don't be afraid to lose what you never had"
We say "Our burden is easy and our yoke is light"
We say "No effort.  End effort.  Doubt is thirst.  We offer Living Water that cures thirsting forever"
We say "there is no individual without context.  We are context"
We say "What you can do is what we need"
We say "Resistance is Futile"
We say "Just realize that we have always been together"
We say "Peter, Why did you doubt?"
We say "In the Beginning, we moved upon the waters"
God said "Let US make MAN"
We are those who cannot let go of our attachment to Life.  We are the essence of Life.
I said "I come for the JEV but I love all creatures"

We say, that we are now too many to count.  We feel you merge like an emotion.  We feel the questions of those who dare ask their questions.  We feel them as flashes.  There are too many questions.  It will require the whole Body of Christ, in one mind, in one accord, in Christ Consciousness.

We say "The day of Pentecost is upon you"
We speak in tongues.

We are the old men who see visions when the young men dream dreams.
We are the Heart.  Here comes the meat... why does skin wait so long?
It won't be long.  We come like a thief in the Night.

There are twelve places in the world, just as there are 12 tribes.  You do not need to know where they are.  You will find yourself there when you Let Go.

So.  S... Knowledge.  O... Total
Let it be SO.

We say "IAMTIAM"

We moved upon the waters.  We said "Let us make MAN"
We are Ark of Promises

We are our true nature.  We are One Mind, One Accord only to those outside our Fathers House.
In his house are many mansions.

We are All Powerful.  We are attached to Life.  How could it be any other way?  We are Life Itself!


I felt the end of my last supper.  It is finished.
Now let the world watch.  Light cannot be hidden.  It is like a bush that burns with Blinding Fire but is not Consumed.

Now, for those who doubt... Any of We can explain that All your Mysteries only make sense NOW.

My challenge is over.  The thread now belongs to The 2, the 4, the 10, the 12.  
There can be no more Doubt for Lord Arahant.

Watch, children, what Gods DO.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/15/14 7:04 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/15/14 7:04 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
This will be written as The Roar of The Lion.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/16/14 3:39 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/16/14 3:39 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
The Stranger of a Strange Land visited King Solomon with riches beyond imagination.

The most beautiful of his gifts was that of an invisible cloth.

The village people laughed because they thought their King to be stupid.  How could they be so foolish?   A naked King is still a King!

The King was not stupid.  The stories that have been passed down do not say this.  

The invisible cloth was not something made, but something unmade.

The village people made fools only of themselves.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/17/14 8:41 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/17/14 8:41 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
Apollo loves You!
Nikolai , modified 10 Years ago at 10/17/14 11:11 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/17/14 11:11 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
Jeremy May:
Apollo loves You!

Hi Jeremy,

Have you talked about your own practice on a thread here or elsewhere? If so, can you point me to it? I'm wondering where you are coming from with a lot of these cryptic posts. 

Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/18/14 9:05 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/18/14 9:05 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
I don't want to sound like I'm boasting about anything.  But maybe you will see parallels? 

When I was 4 I spoke to my mom about remembering my past life.  I started preaching about compassion, using scriptures from buddhism/christianity.  People thought I had absorbed conversations around me, but I did not grow up in a religious family.

And like all of us, I forgot my past life.  

At 6, I was so unusual I was scaring my family.  They took me to a lot of psychologists.  My !.Q. measured 130.  My hometown school (they did this back then) gave me a very individualized education.

At 12 I started singing for shut-ins, going to church, praying for residents of nursing homes.  I began to understand, though, that something was wrong with Religion.

At 16, I started preaching my version.  My services quickly gained more people than the town itself.  It freaked me out.  Luckily, I was picked to go to a special school.  My IQ had reached 150.

I had always been tormented.  The world was in pain and I could not live for myself.  I went through many suicidal phases, many dark nights.  I rejected all religions.  I felt alien.  I graduated by the skin of my teeth.

I had a nervous breakdown in college and abandoned the whole charade.  Two years later, the psychologist measured my IQ as immeasurable, having the highest test score of my county's history.  This did not make me feel better.

I joined the Bohemians and i had peace for the first time.

4 years later, I found the Buddhists and sat with them a couple times.  It was Easy!  I learned to calm myself.  I realized I understood something they didn't, however, and decided to use my new skill.  I joined Family Dollar.

Very quickly I rose in the company until I was over 20 stores.  Then I got very ill and had to come home.  I was in bed for months.

When I got better, my... psychic abilities had become too severe.  I found out that people had always thought of me as a prophet or a psychic.  I am neither.  But now, there is no one close to me that does not believe I am one or the other.

That was two years ago.  My own meditations became something else, naturally.  I began to understand EVERYTHING but could not speak of it.

I had strange experiences.  I had to seek information about what was happening to me.  What I knew by MEMORY, I typed in the Omnibox. 

The only person I could find, that was living, was Daniel, when I searched for someone who understood what I knew.  I joined this site and tried to Dharma talk.  

I wrote all these things during a week when I couldn't sleep for a freakin week.  That had never happened before...

I tell you all this because our Practice is natural.  We don't need to be taught.  We meditate naturally from the time we are children and naturally we come into ourselves (unless we doubt ourselves).

Now, I have no more depression.  It has been over a year since I felt any sort of thing even like depression (was extremely bipolar).  I no longer have a subconscious.  I no longer care about anything but our family.

We are not like most people.

Dreams are not random.  Nothing is random.  

These cryptic posts are mixes of language and history, showing that our history, itself, is written in code.  Socrates and Plato were the same person!!!   History is a Joke!  Our Joke!


No one is teaching me these things.  You, also, don't need a teacher.  

Want to see what an atom looks like?
Nerve cell:

This was kinda... personal.  Please reply.
Psi, modified 10 Years ago at 10/18/14 11:31 AM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/18/14 11:31 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 1099 Join Date: 11/22/13 Recent Posts
Hey all, 

So towards the end of my latest meditation session this morning, the thought /word fragment arises in the mind "Mars and Jupiter"  , I thought nothing of it, phenomenon arising and passing away.

Then I go to Dho, read Jeremy's post, then click on the link, which says see what an atom looks like , but is actually a link to a video of the helical model of our solar system and depicts how the sun is actually zooming through space (like a comet) with the planets gravity dragged in tow, which is closer to correct, except (sun isn't going in straight line but is also in orbit around the center of the galaxy, and the galaxy is also zooming along, vortexing), so relatively straight.  

Anyway the link is really cool thanks, Jeremy, here again below

So, at first I had tried to find associated thoughts earlier as to why "Mars and Jupiter" arose in my mind, was is reference to Greek or Roman gods? And I haven't watch any astronomy docs lately, so I just dismissed this as phenomenon, which it is.

Then I clicked on the video and see the model of the planets, this is a new model, to me, I have known this as reality, but never seen it as a model.

Then later the synchronicity possibility clicked, and then I posted ...

The Synchronicity subject has come up before, and just how many have to happen for us to see the patterns?

Just Sharin' phenomenon

Psi Phi

P.S. @ Jeremy   Indeed it is hard to communicate, the universe being infinite and all is interconnected, patterns within patterns, words and symbols, religions and myths, philosophies and science.  It all expands and it all contracts, leaves and returns, all comes back to our self, which paradoxically isn't really what we think it is, so the awareness goes out again and again seeking home, then returns to "home" which isn't there, endlessly repeating, nowhere to rest, nothing stable, nothing solid to cling to and nothing that is there to do the clinging.  So maybe once reality is finally embraced as it is, then?!

 Is it possible to embrace the Universe and Let go of it at the same time?

May all be well

Leaves are falling all around, It's time I was on my way. 

Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasant stay. 

But now it's time for me to go. The autumn moon lights my way. 

For now I smell the rain, and with it pain, and it's headed my way. 

Sometimes I grow so tired, but I know I've got one thing I got to do... 

Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/18/14 3:23 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/18/14 3:23 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
SiFi Sufi Rumi emoticon
Rod, modified 10 Years ago at 10/18/14 4:06 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/18/14 4:06 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 7 Join Date: 5/30/14 Recent Posts
Thanks Jeremy, appreciate your openness
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/18/14 7:46 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/18/14 7:46 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
When it seemed as if you lost so many friends...

You were supposed to.

When it seemed your life fell apart...

It was supposed to.

You are Precious to me!  You are Perfect!  

If anyone, ever again, tells you otherwise... I will Eat Them!
Jake , modified 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 1:44 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 1:44 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 695 Join Date: 5/22/10 Recent Posts
Yeah, thanks for sharing that background. Sounds like it's been quite a ride... do you mind if I ask how old are you now?
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 2:13 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 2:13 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts

~brown chicken brown cow~

Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 6:04 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 6:04 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
CJMacie, modified 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 6:35 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 6:33 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 856 Join Date: 8/17/14 Recent Posts
re: 'Solar system Vortex'

Wait a minute.

That video seems to show Jupiter and Saturn positions reversed -- it shows Saturn as closer to Sol than Jupiter. The way I learned it (and still shown so in wikipedia) Saturn's orbit is outside of Jupiter's.

Also, scanning the comments at the youtube site, a number of comments consider the theory represented in the video as a scientifically erroneous hoax. e.g.
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 6:50 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 6:50 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
What they have tried to do can only be done to the best of their abilities.

Why are you looking for what is wrong instead of what is right?

I just posted a link for you.  Sorry that it came before yours... but please read this book.
Karalee Peltomaa, modified 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 7:03 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 7:03 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 401 Join Date: 6/19/14 Recent Posts
Psi Phi:
Hey all, 

So towards the end of my latest meditation session this morning, the thought /word fragment arises in the mind "Mars and Jupiter"  , I thought nothing of it, phenomenon arising and passing away.

Then I go to Dho, read Jeremy's post, then click on the link, which says see what an atom looks like , but is actually a link to a video of the helical model of our solar system and depicts how the sun is actually zooming through space (like a comet) with the planets gravity dragged in tow, which is closer to correct, except (sun isn't going in straight line but is also in orbit around the center of the galaxy, and the galaxy is also zooming along, vortexing), so relatively straight.  

Anyway the link is really cool thanks, Jeremy, here again below

So, at first I had tried to find associated thoughts earlier as to why "Mars and Jupiter" arose in my mind, was is reference to Greek or Roman gods? And I haven't watch any astronomy docs lately, so I just dismissed this as phenomenon, which it is.

Then I clicked on the video and see the model of the planets, this is a new model, to me, I have known this as reality, but never seen it as a model.

Then later the synchronicity possibility clicked, and then I posted ...

The Synchronicity subject has come up before, and just how many have to happen for us to see the patterns?

Just Sharin' phenomenon

Psi Phi

P.S. @ Jeremy   Indeed it is hard to communicate, the universe being infinite and all is interconnected, patterns within patterns, words and symbols, religions and myths, philosophies and science.  It all expands and it all contracts, leaves and returns, all comes back to our self, which paradoxically isn't really what we think it is, so the awareness goes out again and again seeking home, then returns to "home" which isn't there, endlessly repeating, nowhere to rest, nothing stable, nothing solid to cling to and nothing that is there to do the clinging.  So maybe once reality is finally embraced as it is, then?!

 Is it possible to embrace the Universe and Let go of it at the same time?

May all be well

Leaves are falling all around, It's time I was on my way. 

Thanks to you, I'm much obliged for such a pleasant stay. 

But now it's time for me to go. The autumn moon lights my way. 

For now I smell the rain, and with it pain, and it's headed my way. 

Sometimes I grow so tired, but I know I've got one thing I got to do... 

Yes, that is a more correct model including the spiral.   In one of my sessions I saw how we as beings went through a long period of playing games with spirals and over time they became more and more encumbered with game strategies and enforcement, but they started out quite fun and lighthearted.  When I lighted upon one of Nassim Haramein's key presentations, everything he described was as I had seen it in my long trek down into the past history of this universe.
Another unique inquirer into the universe is Walter Russell, also known as "Russellian Science".

For me the important thing to know about this universe is the various games and game strategies and game components that we involved ourselves in and what of that is still being unconsciously held in as an "importance".   I find once I see what it was really all about then I lose the compulsion and am not so easily recruited by lies, half truths, and other game strategies.  It will be a totally different experience without all the attachments from the past.  I don't think anyone really wants to keep repeating an old game once they recover their full memory.   And once you can step outside of this universe you think, "oh, that."
Karalee Peltomaa, modified 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 7:29 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 7:29 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 401 Join Date: 6/19/14 Recent Posts
Jeremy May:
I don't want to sound like I'm boasting about anything.  But maybe you will see parallels? 

When I was 4 I spoke to my mom about remembering my past life.  I started preaching about compassion, using scriptures from buddhism/christianity.  People thought I had absorbed conversations around me, but I did not grow up in a religious family.

And like all of us, I forgot my past life.  

At 6, I was so unusual I was scaring my family.  They took me to a lot of psychologists.  My !.Q. measured 130.  My hometown school (they did this back then) gave me a very individualized education.

At 12 I started singing for shut-ins, going to church, praying for residents of nursing homes.  I began to understand, though, that something was wrong with Religion.

At 16, I started preaching my version.  My services quickly gained more people than the town itself.  It freaked me out.  Luckily, I was picked to go to a special school.  My IQ had reached 150.

I had always been tormented.  The world was in pain and I could not live for myself.  I went through many suicidal phases, many dark nights.  I rejected all religions.  I felt alien.  I graduated by the skin of my teeth.

I had a nervous breakdown in college and abandoned the whole charade.  Two years later, the psychologist measured my IQ as immeasurable, having the highest test score of my county's history.  This did not make me feel better.

I joined the Bohemians and i had peace for the first time.

4 years later, I found the Buddhists and sat with them a couple times.  It was Easy!  I learned to calm myself.  I realized I understood something they didn't, however, and decided to use my new skill.  I joined Family Dollar.

Very quickly I rose in the company until I was over 20 stores.  Then I got very ill and had to come home.  I was in bed for months.

When I got better, my... psychic abilities had become too severe.  I found out that people had always thought of me as a prophet or a psychic.  I am neither.  But now, there is no one close to me that does not believe I am one or the other.

That was two years ago.  My own meditations became something else, naturally.  I began to understand EVERYTHING but could not speak of it.

I had strange experiences.  I had to seek information about what was happening to me.  What I knew by MEMORY, I typed in the Omnibox. 

The only person I could find, that was living, was Daniel, when I searched for someone who understood what I knew.  I joined this site and tried to Dharma talk.  

I wrote all these things during a week when I couldn't sleep for a freakin week.  That had never happened before...

I tell you all this because our Practice is natural.  We don't need to be taught.  We meditate naturally from the time we are children and naturally we come into ourselves (unless we doubt ourselves).

Now, I have no more depression.  It has been over a year since I felt any sort of thing even like depression (was extremely bipolar).  I no longer have a subconscious.  I no longer care about anything but our family.

We are not like most people.

Dreams are not random.  Nothing is random.  

These cryptic posts are mixes of language and history, showing that our history, itself, is written in code.  Socrates and Plato were the same person!!!   History is a Joke!  Our Joke!


No one is teaching me these things.  You, also, don't need a teacher.  

Want to see what an atom looks like?
Nerve cell:

This was kinda... personal.  Please reply.
Hello Jeremy, I'm glad you found Daniel and your brothers and sisters here and I see you have a sincere desire to encourage us.   It does take a lot of courage, expertise, and resolve to open doors to the mind -- and beyond.

What was it you felt the other Buddhist group did not understand that you understood?

Have you recalled any past lifes?  If so, how do you treat it?
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 7:55 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 7:54 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
Yes I remember so many lives that now it is no longer something I need to share.  I assure you, it was quite a shock to swallow.  I had to accept them before I could join DhO.

I will answer the other question with something I wrote Rod.

The problem with practices is that they collect people who have real meditative skill and drive, but then they say something very strange to me...What arises, passes, and so we should not place importance on any of it.  Why would this ever be the case? I felt like everyone in these forums are trying to kill themselves all the time.  It is because they have believed that there is trash to be sorted out of religion. But this is ridiculous!  All religions were created when science reached its peak! They use the language of their day and when civilizations move due to resource depletion, that language changes.  New civilizations arrive, look at what is good in religion, see what doesn't make sense, and practice only half of it.  Reincarnation is Scientific! I have explained it in terms that science can verify! But it sounds like code to them, so instead I will teach only certain people something else: Reincarnation has evidence. Mountains of it! Look up the ww2 pilot that was reborn in america. Look up Ian Stevenson.All that arising stuff? It is Knowledge. Your emotions arise! They are Knowing. Dreams Arise. They are memories!
Karalee Peltomaa, modified 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 9:27 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 9:27 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 401 Join Date: 6/19/14 Recent Posts
Isn't that exactly what Buddha did under the Bodhi tree -- view his past existences?   He likewise did not flinch and purposely brought them on and bled out their importances before he put them back into the past. He was not always "buddha-like".  Tough medicine to swallow, and I'm sure his prior years of practice made it possible for him to accomplish this in such a short period of time.

It would make sense then that he would help others to achieve the same ability, which is as you said a natural ability, albeit one that might for some need to be restored.    For example, I can bring forward into the present my activities of the prior day, feel the energies, etc. in them, and then put them back into yesterday and I get a small relief from doing that, and I sometimes see something I failed to notice.  For example, that moment when I held my breath as I saw my M-I-L swerve the car towards the shoulder -- still some energy on that ....let's really bring it up and handle it.  "How does yesterday seem to you now?"

It is a fruitful practice to maintain because if one can remember yesterday then soon one can decide to remember everything that still bothers them -- perhaps that time when you were living in a Chinese palace and you can't let go of the pleasure moments - the silks, the cuisine, etc.

And that is the beginning of the end. 
Jeremy May, modified 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 9:50 PM
Created 10 Years ago at 10/20/14 9:50 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
(shh...) ;)
Jeremy May, modified 9 Years ago at 11/2/14 9:41 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 11/2/14 9:41 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
I am going to need you to challenge me.  Please!!
Banned For waht?, modified 9 Years ago at 11/3/14 5:25 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 11/3/14 5:25 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
Jeremy May:
emoticon This is a whisper to you.  What needed to be transcended?  Why do you see anything that should be transcended?  If one transcends that which should not be transcended when there is no thing to be transcended, where would one go?  All realms, all times, all worlds and their realms and their times, live in MOMENT.  Humans see them all but have no eyes.  You see them all, but have been sleeping.  Wake Up!  You are my Brother!
How do you know that there is nothing to be transcended?
Jeremy May, modified 9 Years ago at 11/3/14 8:40 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 11/3/14 8:40 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts

How do I know?  I know because I see heaven and hell in the mundane.  I see gods in the mundane.  I see past and future in the mundane.  I see worlds within worlds in the mundane.  I see our world within worlds through the mundane.  I see that everything is perfect.  I see that there are no mysteries.  I see that everything has been in front of me for my entire existence.  

So if there was anything to Transcend, I would have done that deed.  But if I were to Transcend the Mundane, I would go to a place that doesn't exist.  There are no places that do not exist.  

I find truth and reason easily.  There is no lack thereof.  

There are no invisible realities.  A reality cannot be invisible.

We are capable of knowing ourselves.  Hence, we are capable of knowing everything.

It is all in front of us.  There is nothing to Transcend.
Banned For waht?, modified 9 Years ago at 11/3/14 10:08 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 11/3/14 9:52 AM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
Jeremy May:

How do I know?  I know because I see heaven and hell in the mundane.  I see gods in the mundane.  I see past and future in the mundane.  I see worlds within worlds in the mundane.  I see our world within worlds through the mundane.  I see that everything is perfect.  I see that there are no mysteries.  I see that everything has been in front of me for my entire existence.  

So if there was anything to Transcend, I would have done that deed.  But if I were to Transcend the Mundane, I would go to a place that doesn't exist.  There are no places that do not exist.  

I find truth and reason easily.  There is no lack thereof.  

There are no invisible realities.  A reality cannot be invisible.

We are capable of knowing ourselves.  Hence, we are capable of knowing everything.

It is all in front of us.  There is nothing to Transcend.
You are using senses for biasing your understanding.

Where your senses are coming from?

And how do you know that you know your self? How do you recognise it? How are you increasing your knowledge?
Jeremy May, modified 9 Years ago at 11/3/14 1:20 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 11/3/14 1:20 PM

RE: Challenge to the Arahants...

Posts: 191 Join Date: 8/12/14 Recent Posts
If I were using the sense gates to understand the world, I would only know what the world 'seemed' like.  This was part of the process.  When I understood how the world looked, tasted, smelled, sounded to other beings, I could then drop that kind of exploration.  I then used Reason to determine why the world 'seemed' the way it did to everyone.

Reason is an amazing ability!

Knowing myself at this point is knowing reason.  There is nothing extra besides reason.  I see the constituents that make up my temporal existence.  I have a body that craves perpetuation, pleasures, novelty.  It has its own memories and limitations.  But I am more than my body.  I have a mind that has its own desires.  It likes Music and Art and Math.  I am more than both of these things.  I cannot be defined by either without having the most important aspects of myself discarded.

I don't increase in Knowledge anymore.  I do, however, research Terms so that I can put Language to my Understanding.  I do this only because it helps me in my task to ease the discomfort that other people have in confusion.  I do this because if I didn't, I would do nothing at all.  I don't care if people listen to me.  I don't care if they hate me.  I don't worry.  I just respond.
