Practicing With Offspring

Nikolai , modified 9 Years ago at 2/15/15 5:09 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 2/15/15 5:09 AM

Practicing With Offspring

Posts: 1678 Join Date: 1/23/10 Recent Posts
I have felt the need to start practicing more seriously again but I really cannot practice without having a baby in the room as mummy chill out-time has taken over my sitting times. So i am looking after little bubs while I attempt to "practice" in the sitting position. Does anyone esle have any tips on practicing with kids in the room?

I am starting a blog to keep myself somewhat interested in maintaining this experiment in shared sitting time. We'll see how long I last. 
Simon Ekstrand, modified 9 Years ago at 2/15/15 7:13 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 2/15/15 7:13 AM

RE: Practicing With Offspring

Posts: 245 Join Date: 9/23/11 Recent Posts
This is a really interesting question. I think in part the answers vary depending on the age of the children.

I currently have three, aged 13, 3 and 4 months. They all have very different needs so any attempts at practice will vary based on which kids are involved.

The 13 year old is basically a none issue, she's old enough that she pretty much takes care of herself.

With the 3 year old, for me, it's a lot about sneaking the practice in. When we get up in the morning we usually sit in front of the tv for half an hour while waking up. I usually get some sitting done in the couch then. I also try to get some practice time in when I put here to bed, after I've read for her and before she falls asleep. My primary "proper" sitting time is usually when I've put her to sleep in the evening, before I leave the bedroom and join the rest of the family. I usually do the same on weekends when I put her to bed at lunch. I have a bench set up in the bedroom.

The 4 month old is different. She takes more active watching, but she is also more still. It's easier to just try to sit and watch the 4 month old playing in her gym or whatever and try to make some sort of practice of that. On the other hand she has just started turning over from back to front so you have to constantly be turning her back, so I don't know.

Kids take a lot of time so yeah, any tips on how to integrate that with practice is appreciated from me to.

