The Nonduality Dollar Store

Echo 10, modified 9 Years ago at 4/6/15 9:58 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 4/6/15 9:58 PM

The Nonduality Dollar Store

Posts: 18 Join Date: 3/25/15 Recent Posts
A: Hello, welcome to the NDS, how may "I" help "you"
B: Hi – why are you doing that thing with your fingers when you say I and you?
A: "I" and "you" are merely external concepts, they have no inherent existence in reality
B: Ah, "I" see, *winks*
A: So how can I help you?
B: Well I need a lawnmower and some garden gnomes for my new home business
A: Very nice, gnomes are in aisle 4, lawn mowers are at the far back

– a long time passes –

B: Sup, so I finally found my stuff, where should I pay?
A: I'll take it over here... You're total is... *squints at register*, that's odd, I've never seen this number before
B: *peers around the cashier and sees a number 2*
B: Oh that's a two! *B beams cheerfully and hands him two bucks*
A: *shakes his head in disbelief*, I don't understand...

B shrugs and leaves the store.

To be continued...
Bill F, modified 9 Years ago at 4/7/15 12:26 AM
Created 9 Years ago at 4/7/15 12:26 AM

RE: The Nonduality Dollar Store

Posts: 556 Join Date: 11/17/13 Recent Posts
An enlightened zen master in tenth century Korea went to the market to buy fish to serve with rice for the visit of an upcoming king...finding no fish he lay on his stomach on the ground of the market and was trampled.

In his next life he was reincarnated as a fish and sold to a zen master in a Korean market.
Pablum, modified 9 Years ago at 8/10/15 2:44 PM
Created 9 Years ago at 8/10/15 2:42 PM

RE: The Nonduality Dollar Store

Posts: 2 Join Date: 8/10/15 Recent Posts
Bill F.:
An enlightened zen master in tenth century Korea went to the market to buy fish to serve with rice for the visit of an upcoming king...finding no fish he lay on his stomach on the ground of the market and was trampled.

In his next life he was reincarnated as a fish and sold to a zen master in a Korean market.

It made me very happy to read this.
