On the nature of planet Earth and our Purpose

Glimpsesof Truth, modified 8 Years ago at 12/11/15 12:05 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 12/11/15 11:53 AM

On the nature of planet Earth and our Purpose

Post: 1 Join Date: 12/11/15 Recent Posts
Good day, members of Dharma Overground.

I've been reading this forum for a while and signed up today to share a document that may contain vital clues on questions of great significance to all of us.

I realize this document may not, at first glance seem relevant to the "Insight and Wisdom" section of these forums, but I ask that you read through it and judge for yourself. I stumbled upon this this link recently, although it has existed for a long while now.

Here's the link:

If the content resonates with you, the scribd page's sidebar contains two more documents on the same topic.

I hope this is of some help. Thanks everyone.
Lewis James, modified 8 Years ago at 12/13/15 9:31 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 12/13/15 9:31 AM

RE: On the nature of planet Earth and our Purpose

Posts: 155 Join Date: 5/13/15 Recent Posts
I've read a few of these, and they always smack of new age bullshit, they never really seem to get into anything particularly insightful, and the grammar/spelling is not what you'd expect from someone with an 'elite' education. Does anyone here actually buy into this stuff?
neko, modified 8 Years ago at 12/15/15 5:07 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 12/15/15 5:07 AM

RE: On the nature of planet Earth and our Purpose

Posts: 763 Join Date: 11/26/14 Recent Posts
Glimpsesof Truth:
I realize this document may not, at first glance seem relevant to the "Insight and Wisdom" section of these forums,

You're right, it doesn't.

Glimpsesof Truth:
but I ask that you read through it and judge for yourself.

Could you write a couple lines to explain why you think it is relevant?
Michał G, modified 8 Years ago at 12/15/15 6:37 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 12/15/15 6:37 AM

RE: On the nature of planet Earth and our Purpose

Posts: 50 Join Date: 5/17/15 Recent Posts
I've read about 40%, skipping some questions and answers randomly.

There is no useful information in there really, nothing specific that you can apply. This document can ba summarized as: know thyself, be careful what you believe in, grow your own wisdom.

I've read quite a few of this kind of books, mostly channeled from other beings or written by people going out of body and exploring the bigger reality. The ones I could truly reccomend if you want to stretch your mind and have an idea of possible big picture reality (don't take anything for granted, be playful with such ideas) are:

My Big TOE (Theory of Everything) by Tom Campbell, free on google books. This one I recommend for analytical, logical "left brained" people. This may be a difficult read but it's worth it. If you prefer watching/listening I highly recommend his three day workshop in Calgary, on youtube (search for Tom Campbell in Calgary, 7 videos, it's about 14 hours total). I would actually recommend this over the book.

For "right brained" crative, intuitive, feeling type people I'd recommend Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch. It gives you an intellectual understanding of how and why all of this is the way it is. You can't really be sure that's the way it is, but it gives a possible explanation.

I think this is all you need to satisfy an intellectual craving for big picture understanding. I would not spend more time reading other books about metaphysical stuff, because it's worthless until it's your experience.
