Microdosing psychedelics

This Good Self, modified 7 Years ago at 12/14/16 5:09 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/14/16 5:09 AM

Microdosing psychedelics

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
Seems to be the new thing for Silicone Valley dudes trying to get to the next level of creativity.

Anyone done this?  Experiences?  Does it damage your subtle bodies or not?

Ostaron, modified 7 Years ago at 12/14/16 12:15 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/14/16 12:15 PM

RE: Microdosing psychedelics

Posts: 33 Join Date: 8/11/15 Recent Posts
Highly reccomended. 

My roommate has suffered from crippling anxiety for years - it kept him mostly locked in the house for more than half a year after he lost his last job. Micro-dosing LSD (along with CBT and some (only some, he's never been very consistent with it) meditation) helped him function again out in the world. He says that, on the days he micro-dosed, his anxiety was minimal or nonexistent. He was more open to the people around him, he received more pleasure from his sensory experiences, and he was able to observe the few anxiety symptoms that did pop up, rather than get caught up in them. The difference between the LSD and anti-anxiety meds he tried in the past, is that he says he was able to remember what the feeling of not being anxious was like when he wasn't on the drug. That's what made all the difference. It's like his brain, on the small dose of LSD, actually learned that there was a different way to function, and that stuck around more afterwards. 

It is definitely not the only thing that helped, and his anxiety is not cured. He still struggles with it. But, in addition to the other tools he used, it was a huge help to him. 

I've micro dosed both LSD and mushrooms, and I've found them both great. I don't know if it caused any damage to my subtle bodies, my awareness isn't refined enough to see that clearly myself, but I do find I am more aware of things on an energetic level than when I am at baseline. I find LSD makes me more interested and engaged with work, whatever that work is; and mushrooms give me more of an open emotional experience. 

The effects are subtle, as they should be, but very there. 

FWIW, I also find a micro-dose of either of those drugs to be very useful when I'm out at a social event where a lot of people are drinking, but I don't want to drink myself. It's juuuust enough of a baseline shift that I don't miss the alcohol at all. 
Noah D, modified 7 Years ago at 12/14/16 12:25 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/14/16 12:25 PM

RE: Microdosing psychedelics

Posts: 1211 Join Date: 9/1/16 Recent Posts
Fwiw, both adderall and low-dose lsd have had this effect on me: minimal anxiety, increased feelings of connectivity and love, increased creativity.  This was a sort of "light house beacon" for me thru my meditation career - knowing such a state was possible.  Alrthough i have only recently been able to scratch the surface of it as a baseline.
Stirling Campbell, modified 7 Years ago at 12/14/16 2:48 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/14/16 2:48 PM

RE: Microdosing psychedelics

Posts: 634 Join Date: 3/13/16 Recent Posts
What constitutes a microdose. LSD, for example? I don't really have an application for this idea, since SE decimated my anxiety (aside from body sensation my mind used to attribute anxiety to), but 30 years ago I certainly did like LSD a lot. emoticon
This Good Self, modified 7 Years ago at 12/14/16 5:12 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/14/16 5:12 PM

RE: Microdosing psychedelics

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
Highly reccomended. 

My roommate has suffered from crippling anxiety for years - it kept him mostly locked in the house for more than half a year after he lost his last job. Micro-dosing LSD (along with CBT and some (only some, he's never been very consistent with it) meditation) helped him function again out in the world. He says that, on the days he micro-dosed, his anxiety was minimal or nonexistent. He was more open to the people around him, he received more pleasure from his sensory experiences, and he was able to observe the few anxiety symptoms that did pop up, rather than get caught up in them. The difference between the LSD and anti-anxiety meds he tried in the past, is that he says he was able to remember what the feeling of not being anxious was like when he wasn't on the drug. That's what made all the difference. It's like his brain, on the small dose of LSD, actually learned that there was a different way to function, and that stuck around more afterwards. 

It is definitely not the only thing that helped, and his anxiety is not cured. He still struggles with it. But, in addition to the other tools he used, it was a huge help to him. 

I've micro dosed both LSD and mushrooms, and I've found them both great. I don't know if it caused any damage to my subtle bodies, my awareness isn't refined enough to see that clearly myself, but I do find I am more aware of things on an energetic level than when I am at baseline. I find LSD makes me more interested and engaged with work, whatever that work is; and mushrooms give me more of an open emotional experience. 

The effects are subtle, as they should be, but very there. 

FWIW, I also find a micro-dose of either of those drugs to be very useful when I'm out at a social event where a lot of people are drinking, but I don't want to drink myself. It's juuuust enough of a baseline shift that I don't miss the alcohol at all. 

Good info thanks, and to all who replied, cheers.

Anyone else?
Banned For waht?, modified 7 Years ago at 12/17/16 7:00 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/17/16 7:00 AM

RE: Microdosing psychedelics

Posts: 500 Join Date: 7/14/13 Recent Posts
How sad..
Stirling Campbell, modified 7 Years ago at 12/17/16 1:23 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 12/17/16 1:23 PM

RE: Microdosing psychedelics

Posts: 634 Join Date: 3/13/16 Recent Posts
I would imagine that your constant battle with accepting things as they are makes life difficult for you. You have my compassion and genuine wishes for freedom from that suffering.
Alex, modified 7 Years ago at 2/20/17 9:16 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 2/20/17 9:16 PM

RE: Microdosing psychedelics

Posts: 29 Join Date: 2/5/17 Recent Posts
I have had some experience with micro dosing with Ayahuasca.  At times is seems to have helped.  But, you want to take breaks from it.