
go back to the breath, modified 14 Years ago at 6/16/10 7:21 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 6/16/10 7:21 PM


Posts: 13 Join Date: 2/18/10 Recent Posts
About 6 months ago, when I 1st discovered Dharma Overground, I found (I thought I did) several posts/posters referencing use of Holosync, a binaural beat listening program alleged to facilitate and accelerate deep (samatha-like) meditation/concentration. Later I looked back and only found one person referencing their use of the system. It seemed the person was having a positive experience.

I was intrigued. With some trepidation, and after researching it, pro and con, on the internet, I have embarked on the program. I'm about 3 months in and I like it very much--noting some potential drawbacks along the way.

I am looking for feedback from people in this community who are actually using, or have used Holosync. Pro or con.

For those not familiar with it, forgive me for not explaining it further--I don't want to advocate, or not. Much information, pro and con, is available online, if you are interested.

Briefly, what I see as good is a deepening of my concentration practice and ability to hold concentration better and longer while listening to holosync and also while not listening...Also, I look forward to holosync sessions more than previous practice without it. emoticon

What concerns me is overly aggressive marketing strategies, email galore, once one is involved and the blatant new-agey 'get rich quick and be more attractive' spin in the mix. The creator is Bill Harris, who is one of the people involved in "The Secret" blitz. Sigh.

I just wanna meditate better--the cd's really do help.
Thank you in advance if you have experience with this to share.
This Good Self, modified 14 Years ago at 6/16/10 8:06 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 6/16/10 8:06 PM

RE: Holosync

Posts: 946 Join Date: 3/9/10 Recent Posts
I used binaural beats ages ago. My impression was that it just made it a bit easier to stay attentive and not go off on a tangent (like the breath, because it's always changing). But I wouldn't bother buying holosync. Just download something like 'cool edit pro', and create your own for free (there are other BB creating software online). You can adjust the beat frequencies, overlay chords and do all sorts of nice effects with just a few clicks. Just don't create anything musical, because if it's pleasant to listen to, you will be drawn into attachment and identification with it.

I reckon some people are better suited to attending to certain senses. If you're highly musical or into trance music, you might progress faster paying attention to sounds as opposed to the breath.
J Adam G, modified 14 Years ago at 6/17/10 12:22 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 6/17/10 12:22 AM

RE: Holosync

Posts: 286 Join Date: 9/15/09 Recent Posts
I'll briefly share my personal experience with binaural beats. (I use the shareware version of the Brainwave Generator program, then found myself preferring the greater customizability of sbagen, which is free but harder to use.)

They don't make concentration, as defined as "getting into the object" easier for me, but they absolutely make "not getting distracted" easier.

In fact, it's possible to tune the frequencies to specifically counter hindrances to meditation. Restless and overly distracted? Go for a nice alpha or theta wave pattern. Doubtful? Go for theta or delta to make the thinking mind shut up. Slothful or torporous? Beta and gamma waves are excellent at waking you up without triggering restlessness.

Actually, gamma waves seem to help regardless of my state. Gamma waves are involved in higher cognition, so it's plausible to assume that they are related to management of attention.
Clayton James Lightfoot, modified 14 Years ago at 6/17/10 2:54 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 6/17/10 2:54 AM

RE: Holosync

Posts: 41 Join Date: 1/21/10 Recent Posts
Glad you have found it useful for improving your concentration outside of sitting. I don't know from first hand experience about this program... Hopefully after developing some good concentration you will be able to move onto some insight practice, stream entry will really start to bump your daily life concentration...

Much Love,

go back to the breath, modified 14 Years ago at 6/17/10 10:51 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 6/17/10 10:51 AM

RE: Holosync

Posts: 13 Join Date: 2/18/10 Recent Posts
Thank you for great feedback : D Does anyone have experience using Holosync specifically? Especially maybe with the deeper levels? 4-8? Thank you!
Trent , modified 14 Years ago at 6/17/10 7:25 PM
Created 14 Years ago at 6/17/10 7:22 PM

RE: Holosync

Posts: 361 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts

go back to the breath:
Thank you for great feedback : D Does anyone have experience using Holosync specifically? Especially maybe with the deeper levels? 4-8? Thank you!

Yes. I used holosync (specifically) for around 50% of my sits from pre-stream entry to arhatship. I used level one and level two most of the time pre-anagami. Around the time I reached anagami, I switched to using two and three for most sits. I tried and analyzed four through eight but did not find them to be better or worse than the lower tiered ones; so I just stuck with two and three. Maybe worth noting that I sometimes would just listen to one track (30 minutes or an hours worth), then took my headphones off for the rest of the sit. I found that worked better for some stages / cycles than did continual listening for the whole sit.

I decided that my concentration strength was noticeably enhanced when listening (especially at the beginning of a session) and not just because of the benefit of blocking outside noise. I really don't know if this was a placebo type effect, or an effect of self-conditioning (meaning, it could have started out as a placebo and later been a conditioned cue), or if the neural beats were actually directly effecting the quality of my concentration. It could have been a bit of all three, too, or some combination of these three (or maybe some factor that never occurred to me).

I downloaded them for free, which I think helped...I suspect it is relatively difficult to benefit from something like this if you have something invested in it as opposed to when there's nothing to lose, no pressure to find an effect, and the like.

go back to the breath, modified 14 Years ago at 6/21/10 10:17 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 6/21/10 10:15 AM

RE: Holosync

Posts: 13 Join Date: 2/18/10 Recent Posts

Thank you for responding. I remember now--I think it was your post that initially mentioned Holosync and got me interested enough to google it. So, thank you for that too! because overall I do find it useful. Your comment that it worked best for partial sits resonates with me as well. I've been relying too much on just listening to the tracks, calling that my daily practice, and that's not so good. Yet I find when I do sit now, without listening to Holosync, my mind seems more still and stillness seems deeper.

Also, it may just be a coincidence--or not--recently have been seeing into big chunks of subconscious, previously hidden-from-me, hideous character defects/negative patterns of thinking and behaving. Awful, yet truly a gift.

I'm also glad to hear that someone at advanced stages of practice found some benefit from listening to to Holosync--as an adjunct to regular practice.

Again, thank you for posting to this thread, and all best to everyone here and all beings everywhere.
Jack Hatfield, modified 14 Years ago at 7/7/10 11:09 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 7/7/10 11:09 AM

RE: Holosync

Posts: 98 Join Date: 7/5/10 Recent Posts
[quote Does anyone have experience using Holosync specifically? Especially maybe with the deeper levels? 4-8? Thank you!
I have the first two levels plus the weight loss CD and have used them. They did nothing for me. I have been meditating for over 30 years so the effect on me might be different than for someone new to meditation.

I find them distracting not soothing and not conducive to deepening my meditation.

Jack H
Christian Michael Lenn, modified 14 Years ago at 7/19/10 11:36 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 7/19/10 11:36 AM

RE: Holosync

Posts: 4 Join Date: 7/19/10 Recent Posts
I began using holosync after about 5 years of Insight Practice. I had become frustrated with my attempts to stay concentrated and just felt adrift. I went to one of Insight Institute's 5 day workshops with Ken Wiber and friends. That is where I heard about holosync. I found the first two levels very helpful. I still use it on weekends when I take a nap(the "Floating" series).
I have read that there are cheap or free versions of binaural beat programs that are effective too. It was convenient for me to just buy it and use it.
I don't like the schlocky marketing or the price and I won't move on and purchase any other levels. I just feel like someone is selling Snake Oil.
The program did seem to help my ability to sit in concentration.
Richard Zen, modified 14 Years ago at 7/21/10 10:49 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 7/21/10 10:49 AM

RE: Holosync

Posts: 1677 Join Date: 5/18/10 Recent Posts
I've tried binaural beats and found that they could increase depth of sleep (Delta waves), reduce anxiety (Alpha waves) but it did only a little for my concentration, but I have to be thankful for the experience. The binaural beats made me curious about real meditation which has brought much more in the long run. If someone can use it as a supplement to their real practice (improve concentration) that's about all you'll get from it.