What are your "Concrete Insights" - Discussion
What are your "Concrete Insights"
Geoff W, modified 8 Years ago at 1/2/17 6:49 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 1/2/17 6:48 PM
What are your "Concrete Insights"
Posts: 121 Join Date: 1/2/17 Recent Posts
In a lot of the maps I have read, Daniel's included, description of the "concrete insights" are often ignored or skipped over entirely to keep focus on deeper meditative insights. There's a lot of "you'll see improvements in your life, but let's talk about non-duality now" -- this makes sense to me, there's no way an author can tell me what kind of concrete insights I'll experience, but I'd still like to acknowledge and appreciate that meditation is a boon for our mundane human lives with our mundane human issues.
So I ask you - what sort of non-dharma insights have you experienced as a result of meditation practice? For example, more focus at work - less emotional reactions to situations - more present for conversations, etc.
So I ask you - what sort of non-dharma insights have you experienced as a result of meditation practice? For example, more focus at work - less emotional reactions to situations - more present for conversations, etc.
Chris M, modified 8 Years ago at 1/3/17 9:11 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 1/3/17 8:53 AM
RE: What are your "Concrete Insights"
Posts: 5603 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
There are several I'll list here:
1. More patience, with everything - people and experience
2. Better concentration and easier access to "flow" states
3. Able to see my mental and behavioral bullshit as it occurs, which often allows me to cut it off before I act on it
4. Lack of the inclination to see everthing as "self" or "other" which allows for much more non-reactive responses and actions
1. More patience, with everything - people and experience
2. Better concentration and easier access to "flow" states
3. Able to see my mental and behavioral bullshit as it occurs, which often allows me to cut it off before I act on it
4. Lack of the inclination to see everthing as "self" or "other" which allows for much more non-reactive responses and actions
Chris O, modified 8 Years ago at 1/3/17 10:55 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 1/3/17 10:36 AM
RE: What are your "Concrete Insights"
Posts: 54 Join Date: 10/8/16 Recent Posts
I'm still early into my journey, but...
- Seeing the *chain* of cause and effect more clearly, i.e. noticing the role I've played in things where I previously would've written off my involvement as negligible or dismissed having any role.
- Less "skin in the game" and more care-free. Feel less like I must try to control or direct the outcome of things. Not as much need to impose my will or cling to a pre-conceived idea of what should happen.
- Better partner to my wife. Less reactive. More patient. Care less about semantics and being "right." Care less about being understood; care more about understanding. While at home, more present, less engaged with phone, laptop, and work.
- Emotional discomfort and impulses are easier to tolerate, and without identifying with. I know that they will pass, just like an itch on the cushion, and everything else in this world.
Maybe these are just phases, but couple negatives, too:
- Career ambition has faded. Lucky that I'm already in a good place in my career, but don't feel compelled to strive for having more. Perfectionist tendencies have decreased.
- Less physically active. Was into weight training and powerlifting seriously for 12 years. Believe the training gave me a huge edge in meditation (dedication and discipline toward practice, already very much tuned into being mindful of the body, accustomed to working through, accepting, and not identifying with pain), but on the flip side, I've "let go" of my training goals to a large extent.
- Seeing the *chain* of cause and effect more clearly, i.e. noticing the role I've played in things where I previously would've written off my involvement as negligible or dismissed having any role.
- Less "skin in the game" and more care-free. Feel less like I must try to control or direct the outcome of things. Not as much need to impose my will or cling to a pre-conceived idea of what should happen.
- Better partner to my wife. Less reactive. More patient. Care less about semantics and being "right." Care less about being understood; care more about understanding. While at home, more present, less engaged with phone, laptop, and work.
- Emotional discomfort and impulses are easier to tolerate, and without identifying with. I know that they will pass, just like an itch on the cushion, and everything else in this world.
Maybe these are just phases, but couple negatives, too:
- Career ambition has faded. Lucky that I'm already in a good place in my career, but don't feel compelled to strive for having more. Perfectionist tendencies have decreased.
- Less physically active. Was into weight training and powerlifting seriously for 12 years. Believe the training gave me a huge edge in meditation (dedication and discipline toward practice, already very much tuned into being mindful of the body, accustomed to working through, accepting, and not identifying with pain), but on the flip side, I've "let go" of my training goals to a large extent.
Stirling Campbell, modified 8 Years ago at 1/3/17 12:09 PM
Created 8 Years ago at 1/3/17 12:06 PM
RE: What are your "Concrete Insights"
Posts: 636 Join Date: 3/13/16 Recent Posts
I have a feeling you'll get similar statements here, but it's interesting to see the ones so far, while similar to what I would say, described from a slightly different angle.
Speaking for myself:
An eagle in the sky view of life situations (mine and those of others) that would have been cause for anxiety or alarm, and the instant arising of the right thing to say, or right action to take in them at the appropriate moment.
Complete trust that what needs to happen will arise when the conditions are ripe. No need to continually remind myself of upcoming events, or worrying about planning, etc. Planning happens when needed. Events are remembered at the right time. Tasks are completed when necessary.
Loss of the tension/release pleasure response... that risky/nervous feeling you might get before doing something you have doubt about, and the intense pleasure pay-off. This is replaced by a more calm, warm, contentment that infuses most moments of daily life.
Loss of anxiety and fear, except as a sort of echo in what is left of the body response to them. What I would have called "nervous stomach" before, for example, is just a weaker physical sensation without a "value".
No fear of death.
General acceptance of things as they are, without mental struggle/cognitive dissonance.
Negative reactions last seconds and are gone. There is nowhere for them to stick. No carrying around anger all day, etc.
When sitting, jhana states arise within minutes with no effort.
A complete knowing and faith without doubt in the path and it's continued advancement.
As a former extrovert (and that CAN still be there, in appearance) I am a markedly quieter and more reserved person, now comfortable (happier?) with silence.
Continuing trend of mind getting quieter, in shallow meditation much/most of the day in all situations.
Continuing trend of thoughts more and more rarely arising, and so items in view seen largely as an unlabeled play of color/light/change until interaction with another person collapses that view.
Almost complete loss of interest in some previous activities/hobbies, especially, it seems, ones that I might have "identified" my "self" with, like playing music, etc.
Strange "Man Who Fell to Earth" loneliness and isolation. It's why I come here really. People to talk about this change with. I'm married with two 18 year olds, and none of them are going to "get it".
There are also a set of core "truths" about how things are that I imagine most WON'T share. While I would have thought this was frustrating bullshit before, my feeling about this now is that it makes it easier to differentiate those who "know" from those who don't if those ideas and language remain harder to come by. Even if it was all common vernacular, someone who had seen "what is" would still be able to ask questions someone who hadn't probably couldn't answer convincingly.
Speaking for myself:
An eagle in the sky view of life situations (mine and those of others) that would have been cause for anxiety or alarm, and the instant arising of the right thing to say, or right action to take in them at the appropriate moment.
Complete trust that what needs to happen will arise when the conditions are ripe. No need to continually remind myself of upcoming events, or worrying about planning, etc. Planning happens when needed. Events are remembered at the right time. Tasks are completed when necessary.
Loss of the tension/release pleasure response... that risky/nervous feeling you might get before doing something you have doubt about, and the intense pleasure pay-off. This is replaced by a more calm, warm, contentment that infuses most moments of daily life.
Loss of anxiety and fear, except as a sort of echo in what is left of the body response to them. What I would have called "nervous stomach" before, for example, is just a weaker physical sensation without a "value".
No fear of death.
General acceptance of things as they are, without mental struggle/cognitive dissonance.
Negative reactions last seconds and are gone. There is nowhere for them to stick. No carrying around anger all day, etc.
When sitting, jhana states arise within minutes with no effort.
A complete knowing and faith without doubt in the path and it's continued advancement.
As a former extrovert (and that CAN still be there, in appearance) I am a markedly quieter and more reserved person, now comfortable (happier?) with silence.
Continuing trend of mind getting quieter, in shallow meditation much/most of the day in all situations.
Continuing trend of thoughts more and more rarely arising, and so items in view seen largely as an unlabeled play of color/light/change until interaction with another person collapses that view.
Almost complete loss of interest in some previous activities/hobbies, especially, it seems, ones that I might have "identified" my "self" with, like playing music, etc.
Strange "Man Who Fell to Earth" loneliness and isolation. It's why I come here really. People to talk about this change with. I'm married with two 18 year olds, and none of them are going to "get it".
There are also a set of core "truths" about how things are that I imagine most WON'T share. While I would have thought this was frustrating bullshit before, my feeling about this now is that it makes it easier to differentiate those who "know" from those who don't if those ideas and language remain harder to come by. Even if it was all common vernacular, someone who had seen "what is" would still be able to ask questions someone who hadn't probably couldn't answer convincingly.
“Truth has nothing to do with words. Truth can be likened to the bright moon in the sky. Words, in this case, can be likened to a finger. The finger can point to the moon’s location. However, the finger is not the moon. To look at the moon, it is necessary to gaze beyond the finger, right?”
Jehanne S Peacock, modified 8 Years ago at 1/4/17 4:02 AM
Created 8 Years ago at 1/4/17 4:00 AM
RE: What are your "Concrete Insights"
Posts: 167 Join Date: 2/14/14 Recent Posts
I agree with the comments above!
I did scetch my own answers yesterday prior to anyone responding. I'll add them here just to give perhaps another agle to the thing, as Stirling Campbell mentioned.
I'm less prone to become angry when being insulted or shamed. This keeps getting better and better as time goes on. This non-reactive coolness, just observing not taking it personally, was first taken to its maximum so to speak in work related situations. While I was totally cool under any pressure at work, even when somebody was accusing and shouting at me, I would still react strongly at home with loved ones. Around last summer I noticed I could keep my coolnes in extremely severe arguments even at home. This does not mean I am indifferent or do not care about the issues brought up (if I messed up or caused somebody harm by accident for example). I see it all, I feel compassion, but I'n not being pulled into the hurricane.
I've realized the relative, empty nature of all words and communication. This means I'n not stuck obsessively with what anybody says and then getting into a mode where I'm "knowning" they are completely wrong because they used this word and not that word.
I do not trust my memory anymore, for I know that it can pull all sorts of tricks on me. Same with vision, hearing, thougts. I have memory, I see stuff, I hear things, I have thoughts, but so what? I will not get easily into arguments about something that I surely remember happened this way and the other persons surely remembers happened the other way. These matters are also not indifferent, as these sorts of discussions and memories are shaping the reality of where we live, so I will surely discuss them, of course, but I am not pulled into the argument in the same way I used to, because I'm not believing any of it.
I used to be afraid of wasps and would run away. Now I just stay there and know everything is ok, even if it stings me.
My nightmares do not frighten me anymore. Even if they are of the lucid, sleep paralysis type that first time around make you never want try sleeping again. And the fear is still there, detectable, but it's not doing anything to me, I'm just looking at it, ready to try it again if it happens to happen again.
If I hit my toe and it hurts a lot, I'm more able to just stay with the pain and do not choose to scream and jump around.
I'm more willing to look at my own faults and shortcomings and also discuss them. It's hard sometimes and I can't pull it of completely yet (ie. do become annoyed and angry at some point). But if I compare this to some of my close friends, for example, I see a huge difference there.
Also not afraid of death (not sure if I was before, though).
Contrary to Chris O. I only started excercising after taking up meditation, so for me physical activity and appreciation for it has increased.
I did scetch my own answers yesterday prior to anyone responding. I'll add them here just to give perhaps another agle to the thing, as Stirling Campbell mentioned.
I'm less prone to become angry when being insulted or shamed. This keeps getting better and better as time goes on. This non-reactive coolness, just observing not taking it personally, was first taken to its maximum so to speak in work related situations. While I was totally cool under any pressure at work, even when somebody was accusing and shouting at me, I would still react strongly at home with loved ones. Around last summer I noticed I could keep my coolnes in extremely severe arguments even at home. This does not mean I am indifferent or do not care about the issues brought up (if I messed up or caused somebody harm by accident for example). I see it all, I feel compassion, but I'n not being pulled into the hurricane.
I've realized the relative, empty nature of all words and communication. This means I'n not stuck obsessively with what anybody says and then getting into a mode where I'm "knowning" they are completely wrong because they used this word and not that word.
I do not trust my memory anymore, for I know that it can pull all sorts of tricks on me. Same with vision, hearing, thougts. I have memory, I see stuff, I hear things, I have thoughts, but so what? I will not get easily into arguments about something that I surely remember happened this way and the other persons surely remembers happened the other way. These matters are also not indifferent, as these sorts of discussions and memories are shaping the reality of where we live, so I will surely discuss them, of course, but I am not pulled into the argument in the same way I used to, because I'm not believing any of it.
I used to be afraid of wasps and would run away. Now I just stay there and know everything is ok, even if it stings me.
My nightmares do not frighten me anymore. Even if they are of the lucid, sleep paralysis type that first time around make you never want try sleeping again. And the fear is still there, detectable, but it's not doing anything to me, I'm just looking at it, ready to try it again if it happens to happen again.
If I hit my toe and it hurts a lot, I'm more able to just stay with the pain and do not choose to scream and jump around.
I'm more willing to look at my own faults and shortcomings and also discuss them. It's hard sometimes and I can't pull it of completely yet (ie. do become annoyed and angry at some point). But if I compare this to some of my close friends, for example, I see a huge difference there.
Also not afraid of death (not sure if I was before, though).
Contrary to Chris O. I only started excercising after taking up meditation, so for me physical activity and appreciation for it has increased.