Dreams of Demons

Daniel M Ingram, modified 7 Years ago at 6/19/17 1:29 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 6/19/17 1:29 AM

Dreams of Demons

Posts: 3275 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
I have had two dreams of demons recently, both instructive.

The first one was about 6 weeks ago when I was staying in Las Vegas, about as demonic a place as you could find on this earth. I dreamed of hanging out in a familiar park, or at least familiar in the dream. In the park were demons who were blonde, female, with fangs and blood under their claws, red eyes, and black dresses. They all looked like sisters and there were about 10 of them. There were people wandering in the park who couldn't see them, and apparently were there to be fed on, which they seemed to find pleasant, but they all seemed confused as to why they were there, and didn't seem to know that they were there to feed their demon-feeding addiction. I stopped to talk to a friend who was sitting on a park bench turned a bit away from me, asking her if she was ready to attend medical school in the Fall, and she said that she had decided to give life in a different way, and, turning to me with her red eyes, fangs, and bloody claws, I realized that she meant she had decided to go demon instead of medical school. Then, the demons around me, who had largely left me alone, suddenly seemed to know something, and, looking around, I saw that all ten demons has surrounded me and had this look of glee in their eyes, as if they were about to feed or convert me, so I flew up into the air, thinking they wouldn't be able to follow me, but they easily flew up in a circular formation around me and began to converge all at once. Realizing I was outnumbered and perhaps outpowered, intentionally bailed out of the dream and into wakefulness.

In the second dream, which happened two nights ago, I wandered into a very large room that sort of looked like an abandoned industrial building or office space, all white tile, steel and white walls, with high tiled ceilings in white. The room had maybe 30 people in it, all of whom I initially thought looked like professional males, with standard business attire. Then, all at once, they all turned to me and smiled, revealing sharp white fangs and demon eyes, though they didn't have the bloody claws of the previous dream. Then, a group of female demons showed up, and a mixed bunch of female and male demons approached me in a group. I realized they could read my internal emotions, as their reactions tracked them almost immediately. If I became angry, they became similarly angry. If I was equanimous, they seemed like they could barely see me or notice me. If I was happy in a clear, clean way, they seemed annoyed and slightly repelled. However, if I felt fear, they got this look of delighted interest, like this was a great opportunity or source of delicious nourishment for them. The dream went on for long enough to be able to really get a sense of how my inner world made the demons react. They were like a nearly perfect barometer of emotional intelligence and a skillful inner life. The dream ended without incident, as in this dream I was able to modify my feelings to keep the demons from swarming as they had in the previous dream.

These dreams differ from most previous dreams of that sort, which, in general, would have lead to combat and eventually some sort of stalemate most of the time.

I have been reading some about medieval grimoire-based magic recently, so perhaps this is the source of these lessons and themes. Anyway, just reporting.

shargrol, modified 7 Years ago at 6/19/17 6:08 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 6/19/17 6:08 AM

RE: Dreams of Demons

Posts: 2580 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Interesting stuff!

I definitely tend to sidestep a lot of direct demon thinking/confrontation, but one of the most powerful things to have available -- in case of emergency, break glass -- is the intention/wish "if it will benefit all beings, may it happen", as in "if these circling demons might decend upon me, if will benefit all beings, may it happen. Whatever happens, may it benefit all beings."

>Although your dreams do sound like demons<, people who are new to this stuff should be aware that sometimes apparent demons are actually wrathful dharmic dieties who basically are teaching "If you think you can get completely out of the interdependent world, what about this?" Wrathful dieties should hopefully connect us to the empowerment of the deepest feeling of "this is bullshit and needs to stop". Basically, to really honor the wrathful dharmic deities, you need to recognize the existence of needless suffering they are pointing out and take action. Wrathful dieties are so blatently destructive to absolutely move us and motivate action. This motivation is so strong that it overrides our sense of needing to be perfect before taking action. Our actions will probably be imperfect and have residual, but no big deal, it then informs the next action.  The wraithful deities will find a way to take you out of your comfort zone and make you honor them through awareness and action.
shargrol, modified 7 Years ago at 6/19/17 6:10 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 6/19/17 6:10 AM

RE: Dreams of Demons

Posts: 2580 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
More info from Wiki:


Wrathful deities can be divided into several categories:[1]
Ben V, modified 7 Years ago at 6/19/17 7:57 AM
Created 7 Years ago at 6/19/17 7:57 AM

RE: Dreams of Demons

Posts: 417 Join Date: 3/3/15 Recent Posts
Are you familiar with Jungian dream interpretation. I use it a lot in my line of work and I find your dreams very interesting from a Jungian point of view. But there are other valid ways of looking at dreams as well, because there seems to be different types of dreams coming from different sources in the psyche. There is one author that gives good teachings in working with one's dreams in a Jungian way: Clarissa Pinkola Estes. You can check out her stuff here:


I don't dare comment too much (make an indepth analyisis) on your dreams, apart from some general statements (bellow), because dreams can point to hignly personal matters, and also because at your level of awakening I don't know if dreams can be interpreted in any standard way! Plus, to really arrive at a satisfactory level of understanding a dream, we need the dreamer's own associations to the dreams and its images and what is happening in the life of the dreamer around the time of the dream. Dream images are often (but not always) aspects of ourselves, of our inner world, manifesting at the time the dream manifests. They can be seen as metaphorical expressions of emotionally loaded issues that are not yet ''metabolized'' in our waking state. They are attempts at metabolizing those issues. There are subjective and objective meanings possible to dream images. For example, the demons can be aspects of yourself (subjective meaning) or represent other people in your waking life (objective meaning). 

Some general statements : These ''inner demons'' may be expressing something in you in relation to your medical profession. That perhaps there is something in you (now seen as ''demons'') asking for a change of direction. That would be a subjective level interpretation. I like the evolution of  subsequent dreams (when a common dream is undergoing modification each time it is dreamed): it can mean there is forward movement (or change) in one s life on the theme the dream is expressing. 

An objective level interpretation: I'm in a helping profession as well and have dreamed of demon-vampire figures being after me. When we overloead ouselves with patients, we may end up feeling burned out, that our ''blood'' is being ''sucked out'' by the people seeking our help, by the demands of others on us.

I find what Shargrol says is very much in line with a Jungian way of seeing things as well: ''The wraithful deities will find a way to take you out of your comfort zone and make you honor them through awareness and action''.

Helpful questions could be: what are these demons expressing in your life... Where are they trying to bring you.. Where in your life do you feel like demons are after you...

Anyway, none of what I said should be taken as a written in stone . I could be wrong. 



T DC, modified 7 Years ago at 6/20/17 4:38 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 6/20/17 4:37 PM

RE: Dreams of Demons

Posts: 521 Join Date: 9/29/11 Recent Posts
The second one reminds me of a dream my sister had - she said she was in this old house and she could control the setting with her emotions.  If she moved toward a happier state the house became pleasant, the garden bursting with flowers in the summer time - if she moved toward a more depressed state, the house fell apart and it became cold and began to snow.  It sounded pretty cool and definately emotionally instructive.

Personally I tend to view dreams largely as emotional messages, as opportunites to have interesting emotional experinces we would not normally have - as well as messages from beyond.  To share, I had a dream while ago, at a time when I was injured and frusterated, that I was inside this cramped messy dark house - and it was pitchblack and raining outside and so I couldn't leave.  I realised in the dream that the house represented how I was feeling about being in my body at that time - which seemed like a novel but apt metaphor.

Anyhow interesting stuff!
tom moylan, modified 7 Years ago at 6/22/17 5:07 PM
Created 7 Years ago at 6/22/17 5:07 PM

RE: Dreams of Demons

Posts: 896 Join Date: 3/7/11 Recent Posts
very interesting stuff that.  the possibilities for interpretation are manifold.

i have mentioned in some posts here about my demonic experiences in the state called sleep paralasys.

your mention of the demons feeding or at least reacting to your emotional states mirrors much of the common consensus about that topic:  namely that demonic beings are in  aplane of existence where negative emotions are their most cherished form of energy consumption and they induce fear to enrich that "food".

in my, very realistic, encounters i was able to engage them with curiosity and without fear and they fled.

i am personally convinced that there are many, many realms and dimensions which are as real in their own ways as our consensual reality appears to us.

the realms of power, or sambogakaya, are catch all terms for these many realms and Shinzen Young talks about them.  they are the places where most of the new age channeling etc.  takes place and many mystics over the millennia have accessed them reliably over those generations.

dream on!
pleiades89, modified 5 Years ago at 1/3/19 7:38 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 1/3/19 7:38 AM

RE: Dreams of Demons

Posts: 3 Join Date: 12/23/18 Recent Posts
Not necessarily related, but it also feels a stretch to say this is entirely unrelated to you having the dream in Las Vegas. Just came across this:

'“It became really dark stuff. And then at the end of the interview I say, listen, I want to go out and celebrate now. Can you get me a date for tonight? He says, ‘what do you mean, a date?’ I go, you know, like a young man. He says, ‘well, what kind of age?’ I say, lower than Bar Mitzvah but older than 8. And he says, ‘yeah, I can put you in touch with somebody who can get you some boys like that.’”

Baron Cohen told Deadline that he decided against airing the segment and instead reported the person to law enforcement. “We immediately turned over the footage to the FBI because we thought, perhaps there’s a pedophile ring in Las Vegas that’s operating for these very wealthy men,” the comedian explained. “And this concierge had said that he’d worked for politicians and various billionaires. But in the end the FBI decided not to pursue it.”'

shargrol, modified 5 Years ago at 1/3/19 8:54 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 1/3/19 8:54 AM

RE: Dreams of Demons

Posts: 2580 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Ben V.:
Some general statements : These ''inner demons'' may be expressing something in you in relation to your medical profession. That perhaps there is something in you (now seen as ''demons'') asking for a change of direction. That would be a subjective level interpretation. I like the evolution of  subsequent dreams (when a common dream is undergoing modification each time it is dreamed): it can mean there is forward movement (or change) in one s life on the theme the dream is expressing. 

An objective level interpretation: I'm in a helping profession as well and have dreamed of demon-vampire figures being after me. When we overloead ouselves with patients, we may end up feeling burned out, that our ''blood'' is being ''sucked out'' by the people seeking our help, by the demands of others on us.

Daniel, out of curiousity, what do you think about Ben's analysis now?
Keshin lu, modified 5 Years ago at 1/6/19 6:59 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 1/6/19 6:59 PM

RE: Dreams of Demons

Posts: 34 Join Date: 7/31/18 Recent Posts
I have a dream of being trapped in and outnumbered by demons too. Having lured and put up a transparent shield, I felt fear. But I surrendered to death and walk through their shield. It was just illusions. I think the dream reflect our attitudes in dealing with conflicts. 
Eric, modified 5 Years ago at 1/7/19 9:04 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 1/7/19 9:04 PM

RE: Dreams of Demons

Posts: 2 Join Date: 1/7/19 Recent Posts
Excellent conclusion Keshin. For that reason it is interesting to me to read how it unfolds in other peoples dreams.
Bianca, modified 5 Years ago at 5/25/19 3:03 AM
Created 5 Years ago at 5/25/19 3:03 AM

RE: Dreams of Demons

Posts: 9 Join Date: 7/27/17 Recent Posts
They're not demons or wrathful deities at all from what I sense as an exorcist actually. Demons can't take advantage of free will. If you don't want them around you, they won't go around you. Unless you think you deserve them, of course, especially people with mental health problems. They're extremely rare though, mostly because most people who die aren't dangerous criminals. Most people who die are average people. It's probably just a warning, and the only one who can really interpret them is what these symbols subjectively mean for you. Look up a dream dictionary if you want online for more.

How can you tell they're negative entities or negs? Well, most places have a certain feel to them, right? Some seem more modern, relaxed and chic, some seem more dirty, heavier and distressing even if it looks completely normal. Trust that feeling if you can. It won't be accurate if you're acting based on assumptions though and when your mind is clouded by emotional bias. That's why meditation allows you to become more aware of this bias and sense this intuition more.

Good luck.
Jake Frankfurt Middenhall, modified 5 Years ago at 5/31/19 5:23 PM
Created 5 Years ago at 5/31/19 5:23 PM

RE: Dreams of Demons

Posts: 110 Join Date: 9/12/18 Recent Posts
Is that true? i always though demons would be associated with rakshas, and they would be independent creatures, so your "free will" wouldn´t matter at all... In fact i though "free will" didn´t exist.