Looking for a place to do solitary retreats?

metta w day, modified 6 Years ago at 10/17/17 8:49 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 10/17/17 8:49 PM

Looking for a place to do solitary retreats?

Post: 1 Join Date: 10/17/17 Recent Posts
Do any fellow dharma brothers and sisters out there know of any leads on secluded cabins etc. for solitary retreats? Looking to do 3 months and will gladly pay for my stay.  If anyone has any information please feel free to respond and any other advice thats related would be much appreciated. Thanks emoticon
Yilun Ong, modified 6 Years ago at 10/17/17 10:40 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 10/17/17 10:40 PM

RE: Looking for a place to do solitary retreats?

Posts: 623 Join Date: 8/7/17 Recent Posts
metta w day:
Do any fellow dharma brothers and sisters out there know of any leads on secluded cabins etc. for solitary retreats? Looking to do 3 months and will gladly pay for my stay.  If anyone has any information please feel free to respond and any other advice thats related would be much appreciated. Thanks emoticon

Hi Metta! I just practiced you an hour ago...

You may take a look at this thread and judge if you might be interested...  emoticon
Chi, modified 6 Years ago at 10/18/17 2:15 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 10/18/17 2:15 PM

RE: Looking for a place to do solitary retreats?

Posts: 36 Join Date: 4/23/16 Recent Posts
Pål R, modified 6 Years ago at 10/19/17 8:45 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 10/19/17 8:45 AM

RE: Looking for a place to do solitary retreats?

Posts: 115 Join Date: 8/3/16 Recent Posts
Does country matter? I did a solitary retreat in Sweden last summer at a lovely place.
Adam M, modified 6 Years ago at 10/19/17 7:00 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 10/19/17 7:00 PM

RE: Looking for a place to do solitary retreats?

Posts: 51 Join Date: 8/7/17 Recent Posts
Pål R:
Does country matter? I did a solitary retreat in Sweden last summer at a lovely place.

I'm interested in solitary retreats also and sweden sounds great. Where was this?
Matt Lorean, modified 6 Years ago at 3/22/18 7:51 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 3/22/18 7:51 PM

RE: Looking for a place to do solitary retreats?

Posts: 14 Join Date: 7/27/14 Recent Posts
this place in guatemala looks amazing:
Dan Jones, modified 6 Years ago at 3/23/18 9:43 AM
Created 6 Years ago at 3/23/18 9:37 AM

RE: Looking for a place to do solitary retreats?

Posts: 40 Join Date: 3/15/18 Recent Posts
Across the Snowy Mountains in NSW there's dozens of cabins you can just go turn up and stay in, likely to have bushwalkers come by though if you stay a long time, they're public, and are from early 20th century when the place was agricultural then reclaimed to national park. Have to walk in with all food. 

Also in the blue mountains of NSW there's a few caves, some set up in the 20s, in range of retreat centers, there's one yogi I heard of through the grape vine at a retreat center who was living in a cave and going on alms rounds to the local thai restraunt. 

Probably wouldn't do this unless you've already had considerable experience with hiking / outdoors. And there's probably similar opportunities closer to your home & all around the world - where there's mountains. The blue mountains are basically the outskirts of Sydney though emoticon And every buddhist tradition has some representation in sydney, often without the filter of california / east coast - it's the immigrant communities that bought it here.

Also I know that if you've sat a number of goenka retreats, depending on the center, some centers have accomodations where someone can sit the 30 or 45 day program, but you'd have to talk to a teacher there. 

This is all probably a terrible idea and I'm just projecting on to you my fantasies ;)
terry, modified 6 Years ago at 4/2/18 4:01 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 4/2/18 4:01 PM

RE: Looking for a place to do solitary retreats?

Posts: 2603 Join Date: 8/7/17 Recent Posts
metta w day:
Do any fellow dharma brothers and sisters out there know of any leads on secluded cabins etc. for solitary retreats? Looking to do 3 months and will gladly pay for my stay.  If anyone has any information please feel free to respond and any other advice thats related would be much appreciated. Thanks emoticon

aloha metta,

   What sort of cabin do you have in mind? 

   More generally, what sort of cabin - in detail - do we think would be most appropriate for solitary meditation, for months at a time?

   Any interest in participating in building such a non-virtual retreat cabin?


"I don’t tell the murky world
to turn pure.
I purify myself
and check my reflection
in the water of the valley brook."


