How can you practice Brahmavihara and Anatta the same time?

Nicky, modified 6 Years ago at 5/31/18 4:30 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/31/18 4:30 PM

How can you practice Brahmavihara and Anatta the same time?

Posts: 484 Join Date: 8/2/14 Recent Posts
How can you practice Brahmavihara and Anatta the same time? Thanks

seth tapper, modified 6 Years ago at 5/31/18 5:22 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/31/18 5:22 PM

RE: How can you practice Brahmavihara and Anatta the same time?

Posts: 477 Join Date: 8/19/17 Recent Posts
Its a good question!   Anatta isnt really a practice, it is just whats true.  Loving isnt really a practice, its just what humans do when not lost in some scheme to make themselves happier.   Sitting and letting your love flow - - all by itself until all reality is your love is how you practive metta and anatta. 
Daniel M Ingram, modified 6 Years ago at 5/31/18 5:37 PM
Created 6 Years ago at 5/31/18 5:37 PM

RE: How can you practice Brahmavihara and Anatta the same time?

Posts: 3284 Join Date: 4/20/09 Recent Posts
Don’t. The practices have totally different assumptions. 
