Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.04.26. 15:48
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.05.02. 17:50
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Edward Prunesquallor 2021.05.03. 7:48
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state B B 2021.05.03. 13:17
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Daniel M. Ingram 2021.05.03. 16:04
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.05.08. 1:04
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.05.09. 19:24
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.05.19. 16:57
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.05.20. 22:22
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Stian Gudmundsen Høiland 2021.05.20. 21:00
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.05.21. 17:15
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state George S 2021.05.21. 17:40
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Robin Woods 2021.05.22. 4:48
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.05.23. 0:58
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.05.25. 15:35
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state George S 2021.05.26. 10:09
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state T 2021.05.27. 7:16
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.05.27. 18:56
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state George S 2021.05.27. 19:47
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state T 2021.05.28. 11:02
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.05.28. 12:09
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state George S 2021.05.28. 16:41
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.05.31. 9:12
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Stickman3 2021.06.01. 8:39
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state terry 2021.05.31. 14:52
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state terry 2021.05.31. 15:24
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state terry 2021.05.31. 15:43
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.06.01. 16:54
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Stickman3 2021.06.02. 12:41
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.06.02. 7:00
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Jake Frankfurt Middenhall 2021.06.02. 13:04
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state B B 2021.06.02. 13:20
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Stickman3 2021.06.03. 12:51
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.06.03. 13:03
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state terry 2021.06.04. 15:59
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.06.05. 16:42
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Stickman3 2021.06.06. 12:15
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.06.05. 16:59
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Josef C 2021.06.06. 20:06
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state terry 2021.06.06. 13:54
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state terry 2021.06.06. 15:48
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.06.07. 11:59
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Stickman3 2021.06.08. 6:53
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state terry 2021.06.07. 15:52
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Chris M 2021.06.07. 16:57
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.06.08. 21:34
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Stickman3 2021.06.09. 7:12
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state George S 2021.06.09. 9:36
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state terry 2021.06.10. 15:25
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Robin Woods 2021.06.10. 17:07
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Stickman3 2021.06.11. 6:57
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state George S 2021.06.11. 8:46
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state terry 2021.06.11. 12:47
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.06.15. 14:18
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state George S 2021.06.15. 18:54
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Stickman3 2021.06.16. 6:59
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.06.28. 11:55
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state B B 2021.06.28. 15:38
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state J Hudson 2021.09.21. 20:17
RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state Chris M 2021.09.22. 7:26
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.04.26. 15:48
Created 3 év ago at 2021.04.26. 15:48

Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
I am a long time lurker of this site, I decided I had to join after watching Daniel on a podcast regarding CE5 experiences that was recently recorded. 
Daniel's book changed my life, I think it is one of the best books ever written.  It was a revelation to see him on video and listen to him for the first time. 
Sadly, I bring grim warnings and dire news I have learned from more than a few difficult inquiries into present reality.  
We must be capable of pealing back the surface level appearances and dealing with the underlying truths of some of these emerging social forms that have begun to dominate human culture.  
I spent a lot of time, for instance, investigating the "Rainbow Gathering." What is intended to be a holdover peace movement of free association that started in the 1960s.  I first started attending, looking for a real alternative to the feeling that passively I was part of a global, murderous war effort after 9/11. 
In 2017 I finally realized the entire movement had been taken over by police undercovers, and when I went to Oregon every experience I had was forms of entrapment to see if I was some kind of murderer myself.  The police distribute drugs and then see what kind of crime you might commit. 
In 2013, however, I met someone I thought was a friend.  And this friend introduced me to both retreats, of which I have now completed three, as well as MCTB.  This friend eventually betrayed me in a devastating way and revealed that he is also an agent of some kind who had been infiltrating the rainbow gathering.   
I left the country after realizing how so much of my experience had been fake, a trap.  I came to many realizations when I had some time to sit and ponder in europe, away from everything.  That many of the mean tricksters I had encountered through websites like craigslist, facebook and reddit were not all just random evil people I had met, but that there was a real concerted effort to attack the lives of people like myself.  If you study the company known as Palantir, and how this aggregates all of your data and feeds it to the agencies known to do these type of 'cointelpro' operations against activists, especially peaceful ones and ones who have a history of organizing, as I do, it is easy to see how nearly invisible programs of oppression and harassment could exist. 
If you cannot see this, I really doubt you as a person.  So many times I have tried to report it, I have been told I am insane for one reason or another for even thinking so, even though this mountain of evidence exists it is happening. It is the script of said agents to reflect any such discussion back on the person who has seen the evidence, as paranoia.  And ultimately to isolate and disturb the unwanted person until they are excluded from society and possibly interned.  
In 2020, after three employment experiences in Germany where I had experience various other kinds of harassment and bizarre disruptive behavior of my professional life in my information tech career, I decided to try living in an intentional community I found through the website 
I went to an ecohacker farm, where I thought my beliefs in sustainable energy and abilities in tech would be a welcome addition to their efforts, especially as the lockdown was starting.  Instead I found more harassment and bizarre behavior, baiting me into arguments, yelling at me, and refusal to have any discussion of anything going on in the world.  
I tried to discuss what was happening with the contacts at, but my emails and questions were not answered. 
I strongly suspect that people such as us involved in the dharma culture, meditators, seekers, and what society might call hippies or psychonauts, are being lured into these places like numundo, gatherings, also burning man, and other festival events, for control and various forms of attack, covert and overt in nature.  I do not suspect it, I know it, but I say that I suspect it to cushion it for whoever is reading.  In a way, I have learned I cannot simply state my truth and observable fact, I have been so abused verbally for even trying to do so.  
This backstory leads to the other day, as I watch someone I admire, and who has helped me immensely, discuss having his brain 'scanned' at harvard this summer, and freely discusses psychonautic topics with someone who uses facebook as a primary promotional method.  
Of all of the people who were suspect, and who have attacked my life, all of them were devoted to facebook as a useful tool and mocked anyone who wanted to avoid it for any reason. 
The person interviewing daniel, fit the profile of someone who really should not be trusted, who has no background in any movement, lures people into discussing their personal inner journeys in public or in panopticon software where it will be absorbed by Palantir and other such tools of oppression.  
Further, Harvard is far from a trustworthy institution now.  Charles Lieber is deeply involved in the coronavirus scandal, whatever is happening. He was arrested and the story of it was erased post-facto from the state department website. 
These people have every interest in luring out anyone who practices insight, or other forms of exploration, and then using that against them if they cannot in one way or another be used to further their goals.  At this point these goals can only be described as a totalitarian control mechanism, that has no use for independent thought or non-controlled criticism.  
The writings of John C. Lily come to mind, that we are dealing with a potential solid state entity, or something like the borg from star trek.  People such as Bill Gates have been researching nano-tech for use in the human body, as well as mind control.  
I do not think it is skillful or wise for anyone to be brain scanned by these people, or have open discussions with them on facebook or any other such platform.  Our internal minds and dialogues are our primary tool to protect ourselves, and maybe society, from tyranny.  You cannot oppose an enemy if the enemy knows all of your secrets.  If your enemy can outright make a copy of you with your help, would that not be giving up?  If your enemy can just mock you for having past lives as a skunk or having talked with aliens, how do you expect to have a professional life if every potential employer can read that when they pay for your background check?  
Further, if every attempt of those who do want a different world, who do believe in peaceful evolution, and symbiotic interaction use the tools of the enemy to organize, how could we ever succeed?  I have seen over two decades how my every attempt to do so was undermined, disrupted, and used to destroy my life.  
I come here as a sort of last resort, on the DhO miscellaneous page, reaching out to a community I immensely respect, hoping for some ideas for what can be done, albeit in the eye of those watching who intend to even use this against us, no doubt.  
And maybe my report to the greater community, I sacrificed a lot to learn these things and I am surprised I have made it this far.  Daniel says the world is "challenging", but when you are dealing with the united states army that has unlimited resources to make sure your life goals are not accomplished, I wonder if that word suffices.  The list of cruel psychological torments they have put me through at this point, and the fear I have to live with knowing what they are capable of, and how much they clearly despise me, and the truth, is quite a burden on top of the other Dark Night stuff I already try to wade out of. 
I wrote a book to try to help others, and deal with it myself, actually 4 books, and I have tried to promote them, but I have been censored at over a dozen websites for trying to do so.  
Here they are, 
mental self defense
definitions for important words
collection of memes
4 short dramatic works
But if you were to read just one thing, this may help you identify people in your life who are not real, and I promise you they are infiltrating and abundant in dharma culture and places like the festival scene:

My efforts to keep a homepage up failed as no one contributed, as there was no place I could promote my work without dealing with forum trolls and disinformation strategies to prevent my work from being seen.  

I believe that their efforts, regardless of how ignorant those on the lower rungs of the control mechanism might be, are indicative of a dominant cult at the higher levels of our society which is trying to stamp out any alternative that might question it, and plays with people like us at a cat might toy with a mouse, before it eats it.  And I feel from it a distinctly demonic energy, for what that may be worth to you.  
I hope at the least Daniel sees this and reconsiders his friendly brain scan appointment, at the center of this the culture which epitomizes these things.
I encourage everyone else who reads it to get google, facebook, discord and fake networking tools like numundo out of your life and seek and create other alternatives.   
Anyone else who might wonder how I am doing, I think I am blacklisted and cannot find a job. My resume no longer brings responses, and as my last 3 jobs have resulted in various forms of professional attack against me, I am not at all certain how I will be able to survive.  The new order being implemented does not need, writers, musicians, or system administrators who help people use private alternatives to surveillance tech, or apparently want to hear anything else I have to say.
Which is as ominous and forboding as it is tragic.  
Any suggestions for skillful methods forward, will be heartily considered.
Thank you for considering my witness, and to the community for providing useful words for me over the years. 
J. Michael
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.02. 17:50
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.02. 17:47

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
To add further context, and since in the week since I posted this not one of the nearly 300 people who read it has had had any response, I thought I would share this infuriating article about a man who took his own life.

Notice how the "mental health" establishment and drugs he was given did nothing but make his problem worse. Notice how is own brother pretends like he did everything to help him when he basically phoned in his feeble attempt to find push button, external, superficial resolutions to the issue.  Notice how his failure to find or keep work is entirely blamed on the individual, that there is no mention of the absurd, callous and mechanistic anti-social environment at places of work.  "Poor self-image" is how his own brother summarizes why he must have gotten fired from his jobs, which sounds like complete bullshit.  

The man described sounds like he could have benefited in every way from at least a 10 day vipassana course, but really probably would have benefitted from a 3 month course at IMS or other places suggested by MCTB.  

Consider that this is just one story and that there is an epidemic of people, people who should be the backbone of society, people who historically in other generations have thrived in middle age, from the social and economic classes that were otherwise least likely to harm themselves.  

Consider that this happened as over 50 years, the middle class has disappeared, and has been siphoned to the upper classes and international corporate entities that have no loyalty or care whatesoever for the united states or any of its citizens, if it does not outright intend to dissolve it.  Consider also that over the entire plandemic, orchestrated by the same people, the rate of siphoning has only increased.  

As at least one prominent writer has said, humans are goal-oriented people, and in the absence of goals to accomplish or the ability to socially or economically advance, to be impoverished and have to work at "entry-level" "dead end" jobs, human motivation will fail, and this is a mathematical certainly.   People from some ethnic, political and genetic heritages more than others.  

So as believers in the teachings of the buddha, are we teaching and practicing equanimity as a form of accepting slavery and being doormats to oppression? "The buddha teaches how to be the perfect slave," or worse "The buddha teaches you how to be the perfect enforcer of tyranny and will help you emotionally deal with beinga stasi agent who politically persecutes thought criminals."  Or even worse "The buddha helps you accept the meaningless of your life."  

To a large extent buddhism, especially in the united states, has been allowed because of the freedom of religion, and no establishment of religion being allowed, but is buddhism and insight practice going to silently watch these rights being taken away, as is happening? As cults, who are as evil as they are illegal, take all the reigns of power?      

Frankly, in light of these issues and other things I have stated above, much of what I have observed to be buddhism, dharma culture, and especially the "jet set" dharma crowd, are at the very least failures, and at worst, complicit in extreme violations of the Sila and betrayal of the Sanga.  

For one, the sanga has failed me, I am completely isolated in this society wide mass mania.  I do not think this is Dark Night stuff from my viewpoint, I feel pretty ok at the moment, I say these things from what appears and feels like to me at least, a balanced head.

Here is something else I recently posted regarding recent events.  This is as level headed and calm as I can respond to the radical, and sinister, changes that are being imposed upon us, that threatens all of our ability to pursue truth, spirituality and mental health, as guided by our inner lights and buddha nature.

I can understand if it is your skillful means not to respond and to discuss or ponder these things on your own.  But I wonder if you are afraid to speak up?  I wonder if you think it is skillful if everyone who rejects this mania tries to ride it out in silence?  If you should abandon the sanga to your own solo plan?   If you think everyone else's problems are everyone else's problems and that nothing buddhism or any other spirituality addresses any of these issues?  

I would certainly like to hear your any of you thoughts, and am at least glad no one here has in the last week demonstrated forum sliding or psywar tactics in response to my post, as has very, very often been the case everywhere these issues are discussed on the internet.  
I will continue to post here until I am no longer able or general things stabilize in some rational way, which seems quite unlikely.    
Edward Prunesquallor, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.03. 7:48
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.02. 23:36

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 55 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2014.10.11. Legújabb bejegyzések
I knew a man (Travis Schvochert) who had advanced knowledge of biochemistry. I've made enormous progress in recovering from a debilitating disease thanks to reading his posts.

He was active on online forums posting controversial information regarding allergens in vaccines, etc.  He mentioned that he was being stalked and harassed online by paid agents. So I believe your story.  ​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Regarding your troubles in making a living, have you considered changing your name and working in Japan? I've heard that there are lots of IT jobs there.
B B, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.03. 13:17
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.03. 13:17

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 42 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2016.09.03. Legújabb bejegyzések
So as believers in the teachings of the buddha, are we teaching and practicing equanimity as a form of accepting slavery and being doormats to oppression? "The buddha teaches how to be the perfect slave," or worse "The buddha teaches you how to be the perfect enforcer of tyranny and will help you emotionally deal with beinga stasi agent who politically persecutes thought criminals."  Or even worse "The buddha helps you accept the meaningless of your life."

Those are important questions which I'd be interested in reading more discussion on. I think it boils down to the classic challenge of balancing the Two Truths. On one hand, ultimately there is no basis for these mind-made worries of slavery, meaninglessness and tyranny. On the other hand, because our default mode of existence is cyclic, we must act in a disciplined, deliberate way to break free. Our basic nature, the Buddha matrix, is not just characterized by emptiness. It's present always with energetic output, i.e. infinite potential for compassionate wisdom. It's challenging for me to recognize that. I'm inclined towards the emptiness aspect, believing non-harming and non-doing to be the surest form of ethical conduct.

There is a common theme to my 12 years of Buddhist practice. Opening to reality always brings with it a kind of "rug pulled from underneath" experience. We discover to our disbelief that the very ground on which we seem to stand is not so solid or real after all. It collapses beneath us. In other words the basic assumptions underlying our thoughts and actions turn out to be false. As we practice, a path opens out ahead of us and we feel some comfort in the idea that we just need to follow this path over the horizon and we will reach the final destination. But then the path starts to circle back on itself. We circle and circle until at last we fall to our knees in exhaustion and cast our eyes down in despair. Only then do we question the very existence of the ground. With further practice this too collapses, and on and on. Eventually we are in a state of free fall, and with no ground what is left that is falling?

So how this pertains to your post is that it's pointing out that any story we tell ourselves about reality ultimately turns out to be fictional. We'll spin and spin around this story like a piece of driftwood caught in a whirlpool until something drastic comes along to change our course. The story you're caught up in currently seems to be characterized by suspicion, paranoia, and conspiracy. I don't mean to affirm or dismiss it; that is beside the point. Everyone participating in civilization is caught up in some kind of story. The point is to go beyond the starry-eyed clinging to stories of any kind by employing Buddhist techniques which reveal their emptiness, impermanence and unsatisfactoriness.

Aside from meditation practice, if you've got a lot of intellectual energy, you could try exposing your mind to stories that are looking at the world from a completely different point of view. For example, I read recently an absolutely mind-blowing book by the sociologist William Catton called Overshoot. It views humanity from an ecological perspective, as just one among many other species who are all subject to the same basic limitations, such as a tendency to over-reproduce in response to some new form of energy/food supply (e.g. fossil fuels). They are making a different set of assumptions to support their narrative.

Another question you could try asking yourself: is this the most important thing I should be concerned with, or is this a way of distracting myself from issues of greater importance which I feel less comfortable about dealing with? For me, Buddhist practice is when I feel like I've hit bedrock in terms of significance, and a level up from that is taking action on climate chaos and environmental destruction. Without radical action on a global scale on that front in the next few years, we could pass a threshold of spiralling feedback loops causing ever-greater greenhouse gas emissions, eventually resulting in crop failures, mass migrations, wars, and a general collapse of civilization. Literally there could be only a billion people remaining by the end of the century. Even the UN Secretary General described our current impact on the planet as "suicidal".
Daniel M Ingram, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.03. 16:04
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.03. 16:04

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 3275 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2009.04.20. Legújabb bejegyzések
Hey, thanks for posting. Don't have the time now to address everything in your posts, as working hard on these projects and, but can say a few things now:

1) The Harvard study was devised by me and a good friend whom I know well and will be ethical. We have created the protocol, found the money, helped design the analysis algorithms, will have the data and control its distribution, etc. It is our study, and I also happen to be a study subject. I know and have had a hand in picking and recruiting the people who will collect the data, do the analysis, write up the results, etc. These are all friend and colleagues that I trust. So, if some bad actor has figured out a way to fool me and use this for nefarious purposes, color me impressed.

2) Yes, narcs, moles, and the like abound in scenes such as those you mention. Such has been the case, is the case, and will be the case.

3) I profoundly distrust FaceBook and have never had an account there, and working hard to get all my friends off of WhatsApp and onto Signal and Telegram.

4) Very sorry that you have been harrassed and the like: ouch. The realm of samsara ruled by the demon Mara: what do you expect? ;) I also get various forms of harrassment, and the occasional death threat, in fact, so I get it.

5) It is not only the police state that work at character assassination, spread misleading information, and the like, but also groups like Mindfulness, as noted in the hit piece article about me last May. There will always be sectarian and political groups fighting dirty to try to control the narrative, perception, ontologies, orthodoxies, paradigms, money, power, and the like. Such is also life, and the ancient texts bear out that this is not new.

Best wishes,

J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.08. 1:04
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.08. 1:04

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
Thank you all three very much for your replies and consideration. I thought about responses for a few days. 

Edward, like I said, my experiences are very similar to wikileaks staff and classic 1970s cointelpro tactics in most ways.  Some of it is due to having advocated for palestine and for boycotting their oppressors, and those people are known to aggressively attack and undermine anyone who dares question that oppression.  Sadly, we are pretty much all palestinians now in their eyes and their reach is global and never tires.  

At some point though if you are truly independent it feels like being a minnow in a shark tank with all kinds of sharks.  And any employer you, you simply bring those sharks following you.  The idea to move to a different country with more rights, I have already tried.  In IT there is a fear of anyone being a spook and if you are not a spook then you might be a potential source for wikleaks, I could not simply walk into a company in japan without this cycle of suspicion following, and the sharks. I would like to teach, and I could do that in Japan, but "saving money" for such things is sadly very difficult when you deal with these problems.  And do the sharks or spooks want you replicating yourself in students?  Nope. It is a real mess. 

BB, I have spent a lot of time reading about the climate issue.  Guy McPherson's work is particularly troubling.  I tried to start a company based upon this idea for a new packaging method that would eliminate a lot of the plastic waste.  It was as if no one saw my idea on the "crowd-funding" sites and twitter, it was like talking in an echo chamber.  If anyone wanted to invest in that kind of startup, it would be great, but what investor is going to see someone being stalked and repressed as Ted talk material?  That is just another one of the ways that they exclude those from the entire system of control and big money.  It prevents anyone from entering their echo chamber, and further, they have the ability to simply steal any intellectual property and bully anyone with lawyers.  You have to fully conform, somehow without instruction, to this group-think that is highly regimented and in my estimation globally suicidal madness to maybe have a chance to bring new ideas to the conundrum.  It is infuriating then to read about the gyre in the pacific and David Rothchild's fancy new recycled plastic boat that has done nothing to solve the issue, while you sit on real solutions. This and other solutions sit behind the main issue I am bringing here, that there is a totalitarian force of total control at work repressing anyone who dares practice the slogan of thinking differently, and if that is not addresse, the circling of the drain and the mad clown world will continue apace. 

Daniel, I appreciate that you distrust facebook and harvard.  You are taking precautions and know the people you are working with well, this is comforting.  However, Facebook and harvard are just two bad actors, from so many angles.  I would like to challenge you to join me in not just refusing to have a facebook account and using the platform, but rejecting any media from anyone who uses it as well.  The idea of a facebook group for people to talk about their meditation and psychoautic experiences is just atrocious, an actual atrocity.  I tried that on reddit, and you can see where it has led me.  It just flags you, that all goes in your palantir profile.  Employers, police harassers, private harassers, advanced persistent threats can use that as a guidebook to try to drive you insane in so many ways.   Anyone who doesn't know that, and is still feeding those people data, is very very likely a bad actor and part of that mechanism.  And if not they need to be sternly told to stop what they are doing.  The guy who interviewed you a few weeks ago in every way fits that profile.  Freindly and nice means very very little. They are all friendly and nice while they are getting you to spill your brains for study and lure out people to do the same. 

I wish I could think of a better institution than harvard, but frankly, UCLA, University of Toronto, Columbia, Johns Hopkins, they are all neck deep in spooky spy agency research and shennanigans. Academia in our time is really corrupt.  And we know they are heavy into transhumanism, transdermal chips, and all manner of weaponization of these technologies for control, domination, and whoknowswhat.  5th gen wireless tech and the new 802 wifi standard, developed and pushed by the Chinese communist party, is a vast horrorshow of capacities to affect the human mind and body.   

In every other way in china they try to detect "wrong think" at the time it happens, why would they not try to scan your brain for unwanted patterns?  When have they ever held back for an ethical concern over centralized state power?  Rape, torture, murder, organ harvesting, they have still to date not drawn any ethical line anywhere.  I can't say hardly anything better about the united states, William Binney and Edward Snowden have over and over again stated that there is no effective overisight of what these agencies are doing, and with high energy towers everywhere, that have the ability to form beams, or be sensitive receivers, now is simply not the time to help them identify brainscans for their catalogues.  

If all it takes to be declared a luny is not to believe the official story of JFK or 9/11, or to refuse an untested gene therapy for a hyped pandemic, as with china there is no end in sight to what they will declare insane for the convenience of the powerful people pulling the strings who want a permanent slave class.  

I fully trust your intentions are academic, and in the pursuit of truth, and to benefit mental health, and humanity, but in every other case these people have abused such intentions for their gain.  Again, they are always friendly while you are a source of information.  And I'm telling you that always flips on a dime once they have what they want.  They build a model of reality based on initial scouting reports, then those higher up tell those below who can stay and who must go.  Who gets the carrot and who gets the stick.  

I would love to see the DSM and other manuals updated to identify who could benefit from meditation and flip the paradigm away from drug cocktails and internment for insurance bucks, but my gut tells me you are building a sandcastle in front of their tidal wave.   That they are intent in removing a certain type of person from this earth, because only functionaries are useful to them, not people like us.  

Which is to say, it is one thing to accept this is all a mess, and the demon mara is in charge here, but another to naively play into his game plan. Or to say, as I think a lot of buddhism does, this is the best of all possible worlds, nothing can be done, the only path is to walk right into the trap.  Or that to actually oppose something, skillfully, and with force if necessary, is not equanamous.  

At one of my vipassana gatherings, my first one, I asked some form of this question to the instructor who was not especially conversant in english.  The friend who turned out to be an agent was there in the student section listening, and there was another guy there who I now believe was one of them, a smaller guy with glasses.  Near 29 palms.  I asked, in so many words, 'you see on person hurting another, so what are you supposed to do, just sit there and observe respiration?'  The teacher said, basically, yes, but I don't think he got the question really.  

The guy with the glassess said, 'why is it so hard to just wish someone happiness? could you be the surgeon and not the butcher?' And gosh I have spent a bajillion hours pondering on this.  

I feel you are trying to be the surgeon and but are arming the butchers, with your facebook interview and brainscan at harvard.  

I feel these butchers are the cancer that must be removed by the surgeon, as in, they are using anti-mafia psychological warfare against the sanga and other peaceful religious people and civilians, at the behest of a ruling class that is deeply corrupt, while the mafia itself runs the show.  

And if you or anyone else is not addressing this, then your sandcastle will end up in the tidal wave.  Maybe that is just the name of the game here, we are at best the self-immolating monks prior to the vietnam war, that the singularity has come already, and somehow we are rolled up in it in a kindof roco's basalisk kindof way already.  If so, I am at a deep loss to say what the point of any of this is for anyone, but in every other way I detect real evil in this samsara wheel and I see no reason to side with it, or feed it, in any way.  

I'm not going to help them create the borg, or "reduce the population", or create a perfect slave, or reduce the human equation to a matter of brainscans, injection documentation and numbers.  Although to date, I admit I haven't accomplished much to the contrary, I do know I have been an obstacle and in any situation where I will have to give account for myself, I am confident this is the kind of thing I'll be proud to point to rather than just going with the flow.

I read all the I's here. It is difficult to feel the oneness when so many mean things are being done, and when I'm so isolated.  I try.  The sensations that feel like me tries. lol. I'm not chasing the end of suffering, but this much suffering and the risk of more is absurd though by any rubrik.  I know even this bonkers world will pass....maybe especially so...  I did try to drop all this content over the last year, just let it all be.  If I have to do something though, and it seems that way, I will be the surgeon, if I am allowed to be by those who ruled this mess before I was even born.  

As an actual surgeon, I welcome you to correct me in my methods and attitude.  It is, for me, one of the deepest conundrums if not the deepest one, like this is the final question on the exam and the next page is blank.   


J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.09. 19:24
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.09. 19:24

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
As an afterthought that probably should not be, 2 of the three responses to this post fit the absolute definition of forum agents. 
-slide the topic
-do not address primary concerns
-pretend police state infiltration does not exist
-suggest absurd non-solutions like change name and move to japan
-change the subject, 'why not talk about climate change instead' aka whataboutism 'what about climate change?', and at length

If I were admin of the site I would ban both of these users, but at the very least anyone reading this should examine all other posts of these two accounts and study the way this forum itself is being infiltrated. 

I would like to ask both to not respond to this thread, further, as politely as I can given that your actions here amount to an attack. 

I assume these things will happen, I expected it here, but I am hoping this skillfully gives everyone whose eyeballs see this insight into what is happening, how pervasive this is, and how deeply someone is threatened by any discussion of the control mechanisms in play.  And of course, my work. 

Some people may have the luxury of pretending this may not be happening, for a time, but I do not.  

For Daniel and anyone else considiering this topic of brain scanning, here is a list of films that address the topic and its dystopian tendencies. 
-Brainstorm with Christopher Walken
-Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
-Dark Mirror, multiple episodes, White Christmas especially
-Dark City
-Minority Report, and other works of Phillip K Dick
-Lawnmower Man
-The Matrix, obligatory
-The Cube trilogy

It has become a cliche even, the potential for trans-cranial technology to torture and enslave humans.  To consider embarking on this sort of endeavor, while still trusting known bad actors and demonstratedly oppressive systemic forces not to abuse it, is a really, really bad idea, if not the worst idea.  Geneva conventions and nuremburg statutes against human experimentation having been quietly discarded, and the disgust of the present powers that be at the mere mention of the once proposed U.N. Charter on Human Rights, should be enough to tell you that these are oppositional forces to humanity and everything good in the world.  

That they can't even let such things as age old east german style zersetzung and ancient persecution strategies be discussed on a board such as this one, is quite indicative of the danger at hand.  And how closely people like us are watched, and disrupted in every possible way.  

If anyone wants to discuss these things outside of this forum, they are also welcome to contact me at jmichael at and I will gladly respond when whoever repeatedly fail-logs into my account to deny me access to it, are on break.   

Not like I really trust protonmail, but if you are still using microsoft, google or apple communication services, perhaps it goes without saying, but I will not feed those beasts any further with my brain activity.  
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.19. 16:57
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.19. 16:57

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
1200 views, no real responses besides Daniel's.  No one has contacted me to discuss or with more information either. 

Perhaps in light of how much light is being shown already on what they are doing, the propaganda apparatus Newsweek has decided to let us in on what is really happening, and in so doing confirms what I have been telling you.  You should assume that blm, antifa, jan 6, etc events are fully infiltrated by these types, as is everything and everyone that uses facebook and/or 'smart' phones to 'organize.'

Which is to say the entire narrative of the last few years has been staged and is in no way organic.  

In one of my other investigations and attempts to earn and survive as an author in a climate of extreme censorship and madness, I attempted to use a profile at the crypto website 'Steemit' a few years back.  After meeting no one who could at least come half-way close to being real there, and finding out that it was a lockheed martin project in the first place, I gave up after writing 100k of articles there for worthless crypto internet points.  

I did notice other groups there however that did seem to be popular with groups of users that seemed oddly insular.  

Earth nation was one of them. 

This group of dozens of proud activists with facebook profiles was changing the world, starting a new community that would work miracles and offer an alternative way of life, living with nature, generating income, uniting with indian tribes and so on. 

Guess who they also endorse?  None other than  

I cannot detect any activity from this group in all of the last three years, all of these people seem to have disappeared...or been reassigned.  

As the newsweek article states, there is a literal army of undercovers with 'avatar' personalities and 'persona management software' that has infiltrated the entire united states, and I have every reason to believe numundo and earthnation are them, and they used steemit for a time as a means to gather data on people like me who were fleeing the censorship, central control, and generally the banking system.  Since we know the system is corrupt and offers no real chance for people like us, they have anticipated our desire to find alternatives, and have gone ahead and at great expense founded those alternatives themselves, and absorbed anyone into them so naive to trust people who just have facebook profiles and faces.   My experiences at were sadly similar. 

With this attitide I look into Daniel's projects to change the DSM and investigate emergent phenomena, changing psychology with an understanding of the teachings of the buddha and sangha.  I would love nothing more than to freely discuss and share with some credible organization my experiences, which have skyrocketed in intensity and frequency over the past 18 months.  However, I need to be certain this will not be used to attack my life, to help someone tune new weapons of war against my mind.  

Can the sandcastle of a fledgling neo-buddhist and academic unity organization survive the tidal wave of totalitarian control obsessions and ancient supremacist cults?   If not a single person on this forum can in the month this topic has been proposed address what is really going on here, because thy are already terrified to do so?   I agree with Daniel's assessment at least that these forces will continue and we should skillfully deal with this reality, but are we?  

I'm telling you, these are not forces that can be bargained with or ignored.  These people have in any conventional assessment of what success and thriving is in the united states, or earth, in our time, 'ruined my life.'  They have not been friendly or benign.  They have been demonic and evil towards me in frightening ways.  Always 'nice' at first, then they pull the rug out from under your life.  Hide who they really are and then scrutinize you to the point of paralysis, nitpicking your entire character and every decision you have ever made looking for faults, when often associates of their were the ones who backed you into whichever corner where you had few options anyway.  Gaslighting is their primary tool of operation, they do absurd and bizarre things to you and then use your response to their absurdity to hang flaming tires around your neck.  Facebook and other social media make this incredibly simple for them, as they control all of the backend algorithms and view your life as a discrete network of connections, which they then strategically and tactically destroy.  

Are these the people you want to hand a copy of your brainscan to?  Are they going to over time preserve the core teachings and share the paths to liberation, or are they going to take what is useful for social control and run rampant with nightmare abuse scenarios on a grand scale?  

I cannot see any case to be made other than the latter.  These are real enemies of everything good, friend-ish faces that lure you into traps and tell every lie imaginable to get you to reveal all your secrets, that they will then use to drive you insane and imprison you, in one way or another. 

Or worse.  

False hope is worse than no hope.  The luring of people into situations where they think they may escape, and then attacking those people in a trap, is one of the core teachings of evil.  

Build your house on sand, not rock. By their fruits ye shall know them.  

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.  

This system is one of genocide, murder and slavery.  It is global in nature.  The bombing of defenseless civilians continues as I write this and the contribution of all americans' tax dollars to this continues as well, without question in the halls of power.  I see equanimity in the face of such as just another tool in the toolbox of oppression, it is quite helpful to ensure our energy is kept directed away from anything that might threaten this great evil that is upon us.  

Please, say something intelligent about the problem.  


For what it is worth, I would love to share my music with a dharma band, I just feel we have bigger fish to fry.  Hoping also I don't get evicted in the next month for being unable to earn currency when my resume is blacklisted for writing things such as this. 

Got no time
Mr Didio

Rattlesnakes can be found here, as well as some monologues:

"If you're just a bunch of rattlesnakes I'd rather be alone." - me
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.20. 22:22
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.20. 17:55

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
This is a non-reply to my post, do not respond to this thread again. 
You divert the topic back upon me, slide the thread, and block the central idea being discussed. 
I am not frustrated with the contemplative community for not being revolutionary, so you get, at best, an F on reading comprehension.  
Daniel's brainscan and other initiatives to attempt to change the mental health system to allow for divergent and emergent spirituality and/or mental phenomenon, IS revolutionary. 
What I am saying is that a fake revolutionary movement is worse than doing nothing, as it lures people out to be abused by the system they are seeking to change, giving false hope, and then making it very easy for the bad actors within the system to continue further oppression of humanity.  
At the moment what they are doing is branding anyone who is intuitive as a "schizo" and anyone who is highly intelligent yet useless to the system as an "autist".  These are the initial stages of making all "thinking differently" illegal and punisheable.    
Foolish action on this front will simply enable them to, for instance, use brainscans, to detect unwanted people, possibly at a distance.  Or worse, interfere with people's minds who are on some list and make everyone else into the perfect slaves.  Detect wrongthinkers and turn them into unpersons, while making the perfect goodthinker slaves. 
3/4 responders to this topic have failed to pass my sniff test and have exhibited traits of agents, blocking the topic and diverting it back onto myself like it is my personal issue I am bringing up here.  These are very sophisticated and deceptive disinformation tactics.  If you are not one of them you should learn from this.  
Since I am neck deep in this already, I have only a path forward to follow.  If it were up to me, I would be somewhere distant avoiding this entire idiotic phase of human history.   Mass media fear mongering, mass poisoning presented as a medicine, trading rights for the fantasy of 'biosecurity.' etc. etc. 
But here we are and I have to say something intelligent and try to contribute something positive to this, and this is the best I can do, today.  
Plus some music posted above. And my books are quite good, especially How to Build a Boat Out of Water.
In any sane world I would be making this into animation features and have no problems being threatened with eviction or with piles of meaningless paperwork, having to beg even though I have contributed a vast amount of free content to make the internet someplace worth going.  Much of which is being retroactively erased as I type this.  
If they make a world where independent insight practice is impossible, as all independent thought will be if the current 'globalization' agenda continues, that would be a very good example of unskillful practice on the part of insight practitioners, I would say.   
Here is one more link to a discussion of nanowires, and charles lieber, who has had a lot to do with the wuhan lab and the alleged vaccines, was working on this for decades. See attached.
The evidence, all of it, points to nefarious intentions.  One of my favorite quotes is, "man cannot improve himself without pain, as he is both the marble and the sculptor", but in the world they are building, Daniel's brainscan would be the last such sculpture and would be a nice museum piece, or trophy in some oligarch's collection, a historical relic, rather than a hopeful guide forward for humanity.  
Stian Gudmundsen Høiland, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.20. 21:00
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.20. 21:00

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 296 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2010.09.05. Legújabb bejegyzések
Seek help to face your own demons, J. Michael—they are driving you mad. You can be much more to the world than this, but you need help. Consider this message my one and only reply to you and heed it accordingly.
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.21. 17:15
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.21. 17:15

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
4/5 failures to address the issue, use psychological warfare tactics to block the issue being presented for discussion and divert it as a psychological problem of the person bringing the topic up for discussion.  
I already said do not bother to post if that is all you have to say.  
I am fine, internally, we are dealing with a maniacal society and that is what we should be discussing, not accusing people of insanity for wanting to discuss it.  
The form of this attack is intended to infuriate me, dismiss claims, tell me a variation of 'take meds schizo' or 'you need to see a psychologist' etc.  
I admit, it is infuriating to make a reasoned case for a serious idea, with evidence and decades of your life's work spent coming to these determinations, and be ridiculed or told it is 'all in your head'. 
That is psychological warfare for you, it is not waged with weapons, it is waged with rudeness, accusations, inuendo, manipulation, tricks, and more rudeness.  
You think, certainly here, at a place for discussing the dharma and the buddha, it will not happen, but they are especially here.  
And it is ironic, because I am asking for help, already.  I know I need help, but I know I will never receive any at a psychologists office.
We exist in a deeply sick society that attacks and undermines the lives of those who either seek to exit from it, or who seek to alter it, and I am a witness to that. 
Take it or leave it.  
I do not have a psychological problem beyond anger at this evil.
Which I find totally justified and healthy.    
George S, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.21. 17:40
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.21. 17:40

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2722 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.02.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
What kind of help do you need?
Robin Woods, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.22. 4:48
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.22. 4:47

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 191 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.05.28. Legújabb bejegyzések
Why are you so convinced that COVID is all a big conspiracy? Do you also think that the Black Death, smallpox and Spanish flu were also conspiracies? 

Have you ever read Robert Anton Wilson? He covers A LOT of what you bring up here...
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.23. 0:58
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.23. 0:58

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
I am doing a public service for this community, teaching and demonstrating what psychological warfare is and how to respond to it.  This has been my experience trying to share my ideas on the internet for over ten years. These strategies are very manipulative and deceptive, they appear to be one thing, but are another.  

Robin, for instance, blocks the topic of undercover infiltration of dharma and potential escape communities like and "earth nation" just like earlier posters did, ignoring the elefant in the room, the main topics I am trying to discuss, and says "What about the coronavirus and what about robert anton wilson."  This slides the topic, exhausts potential readers, and sounds like it is generally on topic, but it is not. 

For reading comprehension and contribution to the topic, it gets and F- with prejudice, "robin" do not respond again to this thread.  

George S. is even more deceptive. If he had read the presented material and intended to help, he would have several ideas how to help.  He could email me personally rather than try to get me to specifically state my plans and intentions for the people who are undermining my life to see.  

The number 1 thing that would help me is for people to acknowledge that what I am saying is real, that there is a real danger to all of the dharma communities, and daniel's project to the change the evil psychiatry practices in the united states and world.  Perhaps consider some of the ideas in the books I posted and say something intelligent about them.   

You know, actual community.  Asking me to list what I specifically need at this point in time, or want, is a way of giving me 'enough rope to entangle myself in', and is extremely unhelpful and is very likely intended to be so.  It also gives me the impossible choice of either asking for specific things, and seeming greedy, or responding critically, and seeming ungracious.  'how dare you spurn my simple appearance of offering kindness' etc etc. 

If all I can do in response is potentially teach and show others how these entities operate to disrupt and undermine those who attempt to publicize what is going on, how bad the situation really is, then that is what I will do.  

Here is an article about another writer who has written about the entities that harass dissidents in the united states, and how he is having difficulties applying for asylum in the UK.  He walked up to a protest and very likely was being tracked, and he was offered to help hold a sign, and then the words in that sign were switched to say something that was illegal, that he probably did not support, immensely complicating his life.

He has started a project called Project Schwartz, to document and fight the persecution of activists in the united states, that I would be a part of if I could contact them. and "earth nation" and many of the others who have plagued my life are certainly part of the shadow "contractors" he and others exposed with the stratfor and HBGary leaks.  (If you do not know about these events, you should really rethink how you get all of your information because you are woefully ignorant of real world events that affect your rights. It was very close to the shutdown of gawker and the beginning of the monster Palantir, and fusion centers, privatization and centralization of secret police forces, and 'homeland security.')

I have attempted to contact Barrett Brown many times, and if anyone reading this wanted to help, they might find a way to inform that group about this thread and my books, which are some of the most informative works on the topic besides that of Barrett, William Binney and Edward Snowden.    

Safety and the ability to work and practice in peace are my main goals at the moment, which requires friends and/or resources. is my new website and if you are afraid to say something in public about any of these topics, write me at jmichael at  But also assume this will not be private from the forces that have to be considered the enemy at this point, but it would be a start.   

I have posted a great deal of valuable information in this thread and at more than a little risk to myself, please do not waste that.  And if you have the resources to spare, I'm not going to beg, but writing 500 pages of books and giving them away for free while you are being immensely bothered by spooks, is not something you can do forever without compensation in this 'economy.'  

If there were an award for giving a lot and getting a little, I would however like to humbling to apply for consideration.  

Here is another song I wrote a few years ago, I put a rhyme together out of all my favorite motivational quotations.

But one can only get so far on generative ideas, which is maybe the most broken thing about the world and why entropic ideas presently proliferate.  In a broken system, entropy self reinforces and are the only thing that "works" accelerating the swirling down the drain of anything resembling civilization, in absence of sufficient opposition these trends will only accelerate.   

Epitomized no more than in those who get paid to go on web forums and accuse and jacket those trying to contribute something positive or fix any of the problems, for being insane.  
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.25. 15:35
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.25. 15:25

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
It is quite sad to me that no one besides Daniel's singular post has anything intelligent to say about these issues.  
Further, it is apparent that the suppression agents have moved to new tactics, seeing as how any engagement with me only brings more of their modus operandi into the light. 
You will notice the 'hindi text' thread in the miscellaneous was bumped by a escort service spam post. 
The post regarding the "bullying" at oxford is much more sophisticated.  A highly suspect post.   One of the tactics I have noticed used many times is called 'mirroring.' When you have a pretext to know someone, you want to appear one of their colleagues, so you pretend to have things in common that you researched from their profile in the databases.  One of the things that facebk etc make it very easy to do.  Also your posts on this site.  And in the future your brainscan.   
In this case, another person comes to this forum for a vaguely similar sort of assistance and serves to slide and distract from the real person they are trying to suppress.  Now if I point out that the story about 'bullying' makes no sense, seems a rather fast escalation to legal action, uses well known police-state email address and has highly suspect timing, I appear to be 'the asshole' who is blocking someone else seeking assistance.   It is a 'mindfuck' to myself, becuase in any other case I would say it is a very important issue whether or not insincere agents of deception are either causing chaos in the sangha at oxford, or alternately in charge of it, psychologically attacking those on lists.   

You must decide.  For me, nothing about this post from Jan appears sincere and it has every aspect of fakery.  

If I, however, notice that someone is providing a lot of information, revealing a lot about themselves and the backstory of their isssue, and then see a dozen disinformation tactics surrounding their attempt to communicate, I will take what they are saying more seriously.  All truth in our time is being suppressed that is not useful to the primary narrative herding humanity in a certain direction.  Towards division, asociality, centralization, subservience, loss of independence, etc.  
That said it is also even possible that to trick the real skeptics into believing something, you may put out a fake story and then fake disinformation trolling with it as well, to target that specific crowd of more sophisticated users.  
Previously, perhaps a hundred years ago, this level of disinformation strategy would have only be used in statecraft. 

Now it may be coming from your roommate, co-worker, or in my experience also, the course manager at  

You must use real discernment to make these determinations, the surface level observations and the 'easy going' 'go with the flow' attitude will not protect you or your mind from people who are your enemy but who will pretend to be your friend while they are using you and positioning themselves where they can most harm you.  Anyone calling you 'paranoid' or saying these well known, well publicized tactics of a totalitarian police state, are 'only in your head' is at the very least not your friend.  Accusing the target of being insane and pushing them that direction is their primary strategy and tactic.  Which is, of course, insane.  And quite evil cruelty.  

There are many scenarios I could imagine where I might be excited about 'transhumanism', but when my society and government are so pre-disposed to abusing, controlling and disinforming me, trying to undermine my sanity, it is ruled out of the question.
I hope this is helpful to you, and I continue to hope for more insightful responses to this thread in the future.  
I understand it is a lot to read.  Frankly, though, if you don't like to read, in these matters, you are going to be totally lost.  
I remind everyone also that some traditional approaches to the teachings of the buddha, inspire passivity to the point of welcoming a condition of slavery, that enables evil, and ultimately the impossibility of the buddha's teachings on morality, whether in yourself of the world.  The article Daniel tweeted about the asocial nature of this world, I have found, is very definitely coming form this source, that pretends to be enlightened solutions but instead just lays traps for the world, and isolates people who may have the ability to foster sociality and the new way.  Especially in this moment, a small handful of very old men is preventing an entire generation of under 50 year olds from speaking their mind, of which I am only one.

But gosh they are determined to silence me, they sure seem to have unlimited resources to that end.  Perhaps they do.  Having a money printer must sure be nice, but as the world falls apart in nightmarish ways, that responsibility and attendant blame, falls on those with the most power(maniacally saying we need 'debt forgiveness' from them, of course).  In this moment I am sure glad that is not me.

The path of insight can also be a path of escapism and weakness, that those who want to rule you and control you would smilingly welcome.   I have found inspiration in Joseph Campbell's writings, where he suggests, the world needs those who have solved their inner riddles, not those lost in them.  

I hope this helps you. If it helps you, please help me share these messages any way you can. Especially the warnings regading the 'fake enlightenment' organizations like numundo and earth nation, and the fake enlightened like the agents in real organizations like  
George S, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.26. 10:09
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.26. 9:07

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2722 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.02.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
J Hudson
George S. is even more deceptive. If he had read the presented material and intended to help, he would have several ideas how to help.  He could email me personally rather than try to get me to specifically state my plans and intentions for the people who are undermining my life to see.  

I find your worldview fascinating, deeply researched, internally coherent and deeply concerning. The problem I have is that there are lots of equally compelling worldviews on offer which contradict each other. Practically speaking, I don’t have the time or energy to research them all, let alone the inclination to choose one and devote my life to it. Am I a product of my social, cultural and economic milieu? Yes – just like everyone else.

​​​​​​​I’ve thought about your situation and tried to come up with an idea to help. Here’s the best I could do …

It seems like money is a problem for you right now, so why not write a futuristic novel based on your research? A group of nefarious individuals controlling the government and big tech decide to conduct a program of brain research to control people's minds, using a network of meditation teachers under the banner of holistic wellness to run malicious thoughtware on people’s brains and turn them into slavish adherents of the system. I would pay $20 to read that! I would even pay $100 for a DhO Limited First Edition to help you out.

Of course you could write it as a nonfiction book, but I think you would get far more interest and run into less resistance (or polite disinterest) if you present it as a work of realistic fiction. And then once you have your network of devoted readers, you can start to blur the lines between fiction and fact, if that’s what you want to do. Stranger things have happened …
T, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.27. 7:16
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.27. 7:15

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 280 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
I agree with George S - I'd read it for sure. 
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.27. 18:56
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.27. 18:55

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
George S. , you have redeemed yourself and I have to dial my threat-o-meter back a little. But just a little.  How difficult it is to even talk about helping another person in cancel culture, or making any friend connection, in a network filled with, for lack of a better term, bad actors. 

"I find your worldview fascinating, deeply researched, internally coherent and deeply concerning." 

The nicest thing anyone has said to me for a while.  Thanks for that.  As far as choosing "world views" goes, I believe in a singular objective reality that we all strive for, and that there is great danger in believing things that are false or having false hope, or false trust.  Believe me believing might have non-cop people to meet and organize with hurt me very badly and wasted a huge amount of my time and emotional energy.  Which is just one of their strategies, if you are not doing anything wrong, and they can't imprison you or accuse you, then they just slow you down and hurt your feelings.  I have seen this in many many of their traps I have walked through to get here.  

That these exist, objectively, would be in my estimation foolish to discount as 'just another subjective take on things.'  Very foolish.  I am reporting and witnessing real things, and a vast effort to undermine any organizing, networking, or anything people of any 'spiritual' or non-business, try to do, especially those capable of anything resembling leadership.  For me because I have spoken a lot in public and have no fear of it, and because I have spent most of my life studying and getting better at everything I do, I am in a way their worst enemy, a source of novelty they will never control. 

And for me, they are my worst enemy, an army of people who spew bullshit. They know my personality type maybe better than me, I thrive on rational dialogue and exchange, and they destroy this everywhere it appears on the internet. They know ten seconds of typing can infuriate me, tell me to put on my tinfoil hat for the millionth time, or take my meds for the billionth time, and it is -very- difficult me to respond with anything less than rage.  Demonstrated in this thread.  

And the people behind this, paying the wages and making the vast organization of psychological warfare on the public, are the same who write books about the "Open Society" and declare themselves the paragons of "democracy" and "multiculturalism" at every opportunity.  That is what the demonic does, pretends to be the white knight savior guru while destroying the actual versions of those they wish they were.  Situation is bad and grim, which is why I am vociferous in this forum and taking some risks with my real name to advise someone I admire like Daniel to watch out what he is getting into.  

I hope at the very least so much is clear.  The way these things go, for instance with one of the greatest teacher Terence McKenna, is his books persist but the culture of psychonautics that he taught about became completely overrun with police officers entrapping people pretending to carry on his legacy.  

Your second suggestion, write fiction.  This reminds me of long ago, around 2004 or so, I first heard this idea 'should i actually do the thing, or write a novel about it' from an obscure midwest rapper on community radio named MC Paul Barman.  I decided at the time to do the thing, and then later ended up doing kindof both after many brick walls were encountered.  

This is why I wrote How to Build a Boat Out of Water, exactly why I wrote it.

4 short plays intended for animation, stage or screen.  A spec script, much could be done to improve it, but without a production budget and team it makes no point for me to do that now.  

The idea of a group of meditators who discovers cops and engages them, etc, has largely already been done in the works of William Gibson, Chuck P. and a novel called Nexus, plus of course Phillip K. Dick as mentioned.   This has really been done to death, in some sense this is also what Star Wars is about and The Matrix.  If find high-concept sci fi at the moment overdoes it and ends up distracting from the heart of the issue.  Which is why I chose short form plays or experimental theater, without a lot of fluff around it.  

We don't need another big screen Christopher Nolan movie that carefully avoids the central power conflicts by making it about various kinds of secret agents that in the end glorifies the tom cruise-esque operative, that we are intended to hope will save us, but actually doesn't.  

Since writing these four plays I have basically been blocked, I am not creating more stories until I can make these real and present them to the public in a produced way.  

Even IF I were to write a novel blending fact and fiction from my life, I would have to be a secret agent myself to get past the slush pile of the major publishers and studios.  That you even suggest what you do demonstrates you don't understand a key aspect of the system we are facing. 

>this system does not give money to people outside of its control for them to use to criticize the system

It doesn't read your book in the slush pile, it looks up your background and sees if you are part of its in-crowd or if you are one of the un-people.  

Do you see?  If I have learned one thing, it is that the 'system' sees me as an un-person, it censors me, abuses me, impoverishes me, denies me 'standing' to have any say in anything whatsoever.  To expect the same people who run youtube and creative artists agency to let me have a way to generate passive income and thrive, would be hopelessly naive.   

If there is nothing else I demonstrate, this is it, that it has nothing to do about talent or how good your story is whether you 'make it' in the creative arts, it has to do with your controllability or oppositionality to their goals.  Lil Nas did not choose to make a music video where he is satan, he was told to make that video and chosen for fame because he was the kindof person who would say yes to anything.  Im not that guy, so I get the sharp end of the stick.  

Im sitting here with a huge pile of original screenplays, music, other books, and watching the richest most famous people in the 'industries' i am banging on the door to get into, remaking 50 year old ideas WORSE than the original.  

It is about novelty, and the system of control does not want that.  Which is to some extent why people sitting around meditating is not much of a threat, but those who awaken and in a way activate themselves, very much are.  

So I am going to take you up on your offer, read How to Build a Boat Out of Water and come back here with an honest review.  And help me get THAT published, although seven stories and city lights have already passed on it, with no evidence they read it at all.  Or they looked up some things I said at some point on facebook and decided I was too hot of a potato.  I just sent one of my books to john hunt publishing and they rejected it, citing aspects of the book -that do not exist-, indicating they also did not even read it for some reason.  

Multiculturalism(tm) in our time is a censorship-happy cancel-everyone endeavor, and like I said, this is the way demons operate, and why american and western culture, has become unbearably boring and preachy of late, and why I for one spend most of my time watching movies and shows that are decades old.  Much of what I watch is not available on netflix either.   You have to really hunt for it and keep your own archive.  Which I do.  

I hope this is helpful, good questions, glad you asked them, you can now see that these are roads I have already travelled, so I can just point you at the shortcut in this case, read How to Build a Boat Out of Water and let me know what you think.  
George S, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.27. 19:47
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.27. 19:47

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2722 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.02.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
The link doesn't work and the other one is some unfamiliar russian site with no obvious document on it. Can you post a pdf here?

I think it's pretty easy to self-publish books these days.
T, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.28. 11:02
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.28. 11:02

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 280 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
If you go from his site, it's all accessible pretty easily, George S. 
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.28. 12:09
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.28. 12:09

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
Sorry, that is embarrassing.
This link works, I just tested it, I should have tested the other one. 
Document also attached.  
Remember, this is a 'spec', which is the thing you write to get someone to consider a story for production.  
Imagine it as either experimental theater like off broadway in a warehouse somewhere, or as an animation feature in 4 parts.  
For now.  
It is silly to write long and perfect high art literary things when it is already very very difficult to get anyone to read anything at all that is longer than a forum comment.  For most, there can be no true scotsman, no possibility that any art could be good if it is not coming out on netflix.  Like how could netflix possibly overlook anything good? 
This attitude is obsessed with form over content, and with the perfectly uncancellable tweet history of the creator, and may admit corruption of gatekeepers in art verbally, but will not accept the ramification that if they want to find things outside of what they are manipulated into only seeing, it is going to take some effort.  
For 300 million people, the united states of late produces very, very little original drama.  That is not accidental, a lot of effort goes into keeping the overton window of allowable thought narrow while so many consider themselves free and open-minded. 
So let's try to transcend these boundaries someone has set for us emoticon
George S, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.28. 16:41
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.28. 16:32

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2722 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.02.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
I just read How to Build a Boat out of Water and really enjoyed it. I loved the dark humor, even laughed out loud a couple of times. Favorite line:

"I don’t have time to explain the history of the world to people who didn’t go to business school."

I loved the scene with his brother and the old family drama stuff played out in that context. And the Zane character with his insurance scam. It was dark as fuck, which befits the subject, but funny as well (ok, dark humor is my thing). Nice tight dialogue, evocative. I agree with your colleague, I found the moral themes got a little too overt towards the end (not that they shouldn't be in there, just maybe more effective with a slightly lighter touch).

As soon as I was reading it I found myself imagining the whole thing playing out in my head and wondering how you would get it on stage and the production costs/logistics etc. Then it struck me - it would work great as a radio play (or audio drama or whatever they call it these days). Just a few voices, some sounds effects, maybe add a narrator or tweak some dialogue to make it work without visuals. I don't know anything about it, but people seem to produce their own podcasts pretty easily these days and get them out to the public on various platforms, and there's a lot of people listening to them on their phones etc.
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.31. 9:12
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.31. 9:12

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
 Thanks george, this is really refreshing.  I appreciate it.  Test for echo, achieved.  Today.  

You're right, it could be a radio play and this would be pretty cool.  I'm pretty good with dialects, I can pretend to be about 10 or so different characters, but it would I think undercut the concept for me to one-man-show the entire production.  I need help to do it.  And as a content creator, it is not a hobby, this is my profession, it needs to have a business strategy.  

Here is where the meta kicks in, in a system of capitalism, and crony capitalism like we have, especially, no content gets 'produced' without capital.  Money.  Financing.  No one with a script can make anything anyone will see or that will earn anything without a budget, and if it is someone's first major production, they will not have that capital unless their parents are wealthy or often they compromise themselves, or they make some connection to the 'industry' through legit means.  I am trying for the latter, and have been for over -15 years- now.  

I need a boat, not a life preserver.  A boat would be content that generates income over time, that would basically solve most of my major life problems, and give me the ability to start other productions etc etc.   

The life preserver is the 'surely you could get some volunteers to help you put this up on community radio'.  

Do you see?  It is not an issue unique to me, this is a crisis in art in the internet age, my culture, aka 'western civilization', but the same thing is happening in all cultures.  Powerful interests who want to steer culture decide who gets to be a 'creator' and have a 'platform' to express themselves to mass audiences.  They create their own popularity, make a pre-selected few go in-organically viral, and then say this is best of all possible worlds, everyone who should be famous already is, the system works, etc. etc. etc.   If you are not famous already, then your book can't be good, your movie idea must suck, etc. etc.

Yet here we are, you got a belly laugh, probably much needed and rare in the current moment, and from some 'nobody' who the 'industry' shits all over.  

Back to the original point of this thread, so when I have gone out over the last 15 years, including 3 in actual hollywood trying to meet people to work together with, or my other attempts at other communities like or steemit, or reddit/facebook/twitter, I hit a brick wall and spikey dangerous bs, there is no actual culture there to speak of and I meet a ton of bad actors/spooks who don't just refuse to work with me, but run psychological and 4th generational warfare attacks against my entire life. 

And no matter what you want to start, whether it is a band(which I have also tried), comic book, dance, invention, intentional community, or Daniel's initiative to greatly alter the psychological diagnostic meta on planet earth, this is what you will encounter, enforcing conformity and social control masquerading as culture and novelty.

It is a form of totalitarianism that is very, very deceptive, and this is just how it starts, in another generation all of this will be overt, netflix and viacom will just merge a government agency and call itself something brazenly evil like The Propaganda Agency, and that will be that. or something like it will eat up every music and culture festival,, IMS, and every yoga studio and church, and that will just be The Spiritual Agency, and so on for every human institution there is.  

Unless at this moment in time, people just like us forge new paths and confront these sneaky, batshit, cultish state-sponsored actors pretending to be The Free Market of Ideas(tm) 

That is the metaphor for the big ship at the end HTBABOOW, in the flood and disaster all small ships sink and all that's left is the state with it's submarine captain that covertly sank every other enterprise.  And it sinks them by finding fault in everything and everyone, cancelling them, while itself hiding its nature and using the submarine to make itself except and an exception to all of the scrutiny it applies to everyone else via the periscope.  

And of course, if you knew every controversial opinion I have and everything I had ever said and my 'palantir' state profile of everything I've ever done iin my life, you would have easily found a reason not to consider anything I ever wrote or said.  Not just because you would find me as a person distasteful if you knew a mistake I had made 10 years ago, but that you would be afraid of yourself being torpedoed by the exceptional cancellers.

Do you see?  

As for production of HTBAB I would love to see it on a stage with simulated water up to the neck of the swimmer, and then boats rolled out onto the stage.  It is also perfect for black/white simplistic animation, and with a limited budget this would be my choice.  But since I know the people at youtub/fb/netflix/hollywood hate my guts for reasons that aren't difficult to figure out, what platform could I possibly monetize it on?  Heck they censored a sitting president and say things like 'if you don't like it make your own internet.'  

That is what we are up against.  And I am up against, and I might go homeless in a month unless I figure something out, or someone out there helps me do my work.   Dharma and insight practice help me to handle the pressure, but in this world no one gets far without help building their boat.  Which also ties into an article Daniel retweeted recently about the profound asociality of present 'society', and this is my contribution towards creating something different, a message that diagnoses it with an effective metaphor.  

The people with all of the money want to throw out life preservers every month as a tiny basic income or 'stimulous' to deal with their failure to use their power to build a functioning society, and they do not want a bunch of other boats out there, because people with boats are not dependent upon them, and have the freedom to oppose their ill-intentioned designs. 

Attached are some drawings I put together that explain some of these concepts.  For anyone who might say this dialectic is non-dual, I would like to point out that the entire point of the predatory exceptionalist system that dominates us presently is to prevent anyone from operationally existing in a non-dual way, it individualizes everyone and sets them against each other.  The only type of system that allows anyone to operationalize unity with others and the universe is one that operates on principles of symbiotism and metaphoric harmony, teamwork, or togetherness.  

Further study along these lines will be rewarded with insight and happiness, much further in the direction earth's society is presently going will end in disaster and continued dystopia, and as a planet, we are really making a choice here, and not soon or sometime, but now.  
terry, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.31. 14:52
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.31. 14:52

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2530 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.08.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
aloha j,

   None of what you are concerned about really matters. You do have a real problem, however, for which you are seeking help albeit not mindfully.

   Your real problem is word disease, and what you need is word medicine, which is why you resort at last to a sangha. Try zen, bra. Dive below the sea of words and discover your buddha mind.

    Paranoia is contagious, mental illness is contagious. Try to contain yourself.

   Take your own advice, avoid facebook and "gatherings" which organize on line. I personally have never even seen a facebook page. I enjoy much spontaneous gathering.

   These agents you speak of will be well satisfied with you if you simply become enlightened and give up your presumaby well intentioned activism. As will we all.  

   It's all about ending suffering, bra. 

   Word medicine points to silence as the best way of coping with phenomena. In silence there is no suffering, no bliss, no distinctions. 

   The end of suffering does not mean that suffering gives way to bliss, as though all the agents of evil suddenly turn into angels of truth. In truth, billions will die, people will be eating each other raw, as a result of global warming and ensuing displacement and economic collapse in the next 200 years if not much sooner, making your concerns effectively irrelevant. If you truly care go out and clean up beaches or do forest maintenance with your own two hands instead of talk talk. More better, practice hard to overcome the mass of suffering your words reveal.

   Criticism is just more words and that's all samsara going round and round. A definitive break is needed, the embrace of silence. You need to practice very hard, you have it bad.

   All true teachers are blabbermouths but their words point to silence. Try to consume not more opinions which validate yor slice but the words of those who enjoin silence.


from "shobognenzo; zen essays by eihei dogen" trans cleary

Master Sekito was asked by Yakuzan, "I have a rough knowledge of the canonical teaching of Buddhism, but I've heard that in the South they directly point to the human mind, see its nature, and attain Buddhahood - I really do not understand this, and hope you will be so compassionate as to give me some indication of it." This is a question of Yakuzan, who originally was a lecturer. He had mastered the canonical teachings, so it seemed there was nothing further about Buddhism that was not clear to him. In ancient times. before the separate schools had arisen, just to understand the canonical teachings was considered the way of doctrinal study. Nowadays many people, being stupid, set up individual schools and assess Buddhism this way, but it is not the rule of the Buddha Way. In reply to Yakuzan's question, Sekito said, It cannot be grasped as such, it connot be grasped as not such, it cannot be grapsed at all: what about you? This is the master's statement for Yakuzan. Truly, because it cannot be grasped at all, as such or as not such, therefore it cannot be grasped as such, it cannot be grasped as not such. Such means thus. It is not limited needs for the way, t is not unlimited needs for the way. Suchness should be studied in nongrasping, and nongrasping should be sought in suchness. This suchness and nongrasping are not only confined to the measure of buddha. It is understanding not grasping, it is realizing not grasping.
terry, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.31. 15:24
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.31. 15:23

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2530 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.08.07. Legújabb bejegyzések

O youth with no knowledge of ancient ways bold
before you can tell you must hear what you're told.

O child now enrolled in the classroom of truth,
hear from the Elder what you'll learn when you're old.

As seeker you must leave the gross world behind
so philosopher's stone can melt you to gold.

Your listening is dulled by food and by sleep;
dissolve these false needs and return to the mold.

Where love's hottest rays penetrate heart and soul,
You'll burn so with God even sunshine feels cold.

Drown yourself without fear in God's deepest sea;
your curls won't be dampened when legends unfold.

Surrender comforts, give your sight to the blind;
the bright light of God your new self will uphold.

If sincerely you seek God as companion,
no doubt can exist you will bond in the fold.

Embrace life's foundation, its highs and its lows;
empty your heart 'til every craving is sold.

O Hafez, if unity is indeed your dream,
be as dust on the floor where school's carpet unrolled.

(from "the spiritual wisdom of hafez; teachings of the philosopher of love," pourafzal and montgomery)
terry, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.05.31. 15:43
Created 3 év ago at 2021.05.31. 15:43

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2530 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.08.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
I don't have time to explain the world to anyone who has been to business school.
Stickman3, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.01. 8:39
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.01. 6:35

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 166 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
"I would like to point out that the entire point of the predatory exceptionalist system that dominates us presently is to prevent anyone from operationally existing in a non-dual way, it individualizes everyone and sets them against each other."

Except that people living in non-dual experience go to work, pay their taxes, consume products and everything else. So there is still profit to be made selling products to non-dual people, living in a non-dual way isn't predicated on the end of capitalism, and therefore it's not the entire point of the predatory etc etc.

There's a small number (educated guess) of non-dual people living in off-the-grid communes separated from capitalist society (or as near as anyone can get), and a plethora of them living within capitalism (and communism, monarchy, mixed economies etc. etc. whatever you want).

Why don't you ask them how they manage that trick ?

There's a whole realm of speculative non-buddhists who love putting the boot in on buddhism for not being anti-capitalist enough. You'll get a hearing there defo. Whereas I think the audience here is more concerned with getting enlightened than becoming experts in the NSA & etc.
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.01. 16:54
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.01. 16:48

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
 Thank you for the responses.  

This system is not capitalism, it is totalitarian oligarchy and occultism, predatory exceptionalism.  Sure people who run things have capital, but the focus is not on business and commerce, but control.  The atomization of humans into eternally sparring identity-obsessed individuals is just one of its many strategies to dominate.  This is not new, its source is known, we are just discussing the response and/or survival strategies at this point.   

I have spent more time in silence in the last two years than ever, writing words that only I tend to read, and in meditation.  This exchange has been a rare treat.  I have also spent an inordinate amount of time trying to participate in the economy that I do not want to participate in or feed in any way.  Outside of 'getting a job', I have expended major effort towards providing value to others, like the creations I share here and what I am even now typing.   I have really, really, tried to balance this with the non-dual approach.  Succeeded much, the sensation known as 'me' has.  And there has been joy at times.  

That is all failing now. I have also attempted, desparately and at great risk over a long period of time, to find community that exists outside of 'the grid' so I could practice insight and live more according to what I believe.  Commerce is not the issue, anti-capitalism is misguided energy, this is concentration and corruption of power, and a cult that is taking over.  Or took over a long time ago and is now solidifying it's grasp on us all.     

You can jet set away from it, only for a time.  But it will come for you.  Listen to me or don't, but I am sounding a warning.  I have seen about all on the internet that there is to find on the topic of evading them, and if I were to say one arrogant thing, the information contained in this singular dharmaO page is the best you will find on how to evade them if that is your intention.   My gift to you and sangha.  I advise you not to spit on it, it is the work of an entire life and much suffering.  But from suffering does often come such insights.  I believe it is noble to share them with those they could help, and not a spreading illness.  Paranoia is unjustified fear, but I promise you, this fear is justified.  

What illusterates this further is having watched as others who earnestly pursue dharma are mislead, trapped, tricked, by mercenary, at best, agents of this power who betray at every opportunity, and watched as many die, go insane, get addicted or resort to living on the streets, who would have under better circumstances gladly taken a path towards insight and sanga.  

I sure do believe that there are some who practice non-duality in the day to day of our system, and believe there are some who have escaped it and live a more monastic lifestyle where they are not burdened by these contemporary dilemmas of electronics, surveillance, and other control mechanisms.  I wonder how the monks in myanmar however are handling the current events over there, however.  With an invitation I would join your efforts, but now you fear I would bring this all following with me.  But then who has irrational fear?  

This word disease here I am spouting is not my first option and never was, this is the last resort.  If you here that are interested primarily in getting enlightened ignore people like myself, and Daniel, who engage with the system trying to affect change that might make it easier for you and others to get enlightened, calling it samsara engagement and some or another illness, well, maybe you are above all of it, but what if you are wrong?  What if your silence and inaction is complicity?  What if it is a form of arrogance and a lack of compassion, that mocks the concept of sangha?

 I think often of the monk who lit himself on fire in vietnam at the start of that conflict.  I researched his life.  He had built dozens maybe hundreds of monastaries all over vietnam and had believed in a new age for his people after the end of the conflict with France.  He watched it all go up in flame so he went with it, without fanfare, without announcement, that we have this image of his statement is actually a wildly bizarre unlikelyhood.  

Perhaps this is inevitable to our planet.  Perhaps my words accomplish nothing but torment myself and those who read them.  Perhaps I should emotionlessly accept diogenesian homelessness and walk the violent streets murmuring perplexing koans to anyone with the whim to overhear them until something more awful happens to me, and then emotionlessly accept that with perfect equanimity.   

And this will accomplish nothing, and that will be nothing, I will escape samsara by proving nothing and that I am everything, and without suchness.  Etc.

I suppose the sangha will have as much say in that as I do.  I would prefer to tell stories that heal, teach what I have learned, share culture with the likeminded, and be generative rather than ride the cruel entropy wagon of our sad age.  

But if the now thousands of people, some with the resources to perhaps offer an alternative of some kind, who have read this "miscellaneous" warning and message, and stories and music of my life, -want none of it- and respond, "ho hum, just more word diesease, he would do well with a long bout of sleeping on the sidewalk and involuntary fasting" 

Then truly, I am speechless, I have no more words, for none of them, here, Here, have helped anyone or anything, least of all, the set of sensation known as me. 
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.02. 7:00
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.02. 6:45

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
After longer consideration of Terry's 'you have word disease and contagious paranoia illness' response, I have to point out there is a real possibility his response is a very carefully crafted dodge and manipulation.  If I am mistaken, maybe Terry could consider my viewpoint as I consider his, and in such case it could be an exercise for all of us.  I tend to be 'midwest nice' to my detriment sometimes on first instict, and in so doing fall into traps and manipulations, sometimes.  Maybe often.  It is a very difficult balance for all of us, and not getting any easier.  

I am a writer.  It is my occupation, it is how I am trying to get through this reality and earn a "living". (gosh i cant stand equating life itself with such corrupt economics but here we are)  

Would you go to a botanist and tell them they have 'plant disease'?  A doctor and tell them they have 'medicine disease'?  An architect and tell them they have 'building disease'?  

You would not.  It is a really insulting and demeaning thing to say.  I didn't go to the meditation forum and tell people to meditate with a lot of 'words.'  This is a specific topic I wanted to discuss with the people here, that affects everyone.  And yes this could very well be critical to your pursuit of enlightenment in this bizarro-trending-demonic world.  

Further, the 'the world is going to end anyway' is an attitude that, if it were applied at any moment in human history, for anyone, would be degenerate.  This attitude -might- have managed to invent the wheel, but certainly not the steam engine.  It is a slave mentality, or a peasant mentality at best.  It is not non-dual, it is a one-sided towards the cushion attitude, if not outright ill.  We can't live at retreat and all be monks or hold everyone to monk standards.  We do not have the option to pretend the world does not exist, unless of course Terry was born independently wealthy,  which he may be.  That is jet set dharma for you.  

In MCTOTB, Daniel writes that every sensation is worthy of investigation.  That his focus practice helps him study medicine, and he would sit and say to himself as he studied his intention was to use the time reading about medicine to help people.  He also writes, in warning, that insight into phenomena will attract the witch-hunters and constabularies of our time.  

I am reporting my experiences along these lines as I have witness them, that these people who once were to protect and serve operate in an offensive capacity, a military capacity even, against civilians who are perceived enemies of the state by someone, somewhere, with a lot of real power.    

That is what this thread is about, and besides demonstrating more than a few of their tactics and outing a few bad actors for all to see, I am 100% certain some of the people who have read this will have encountered them.  Some women will have dated them, maybe even had children with them or been abused by them.  I have seen that too.  Anyone living off the grid practicing in the fantasy many of us have, has to sincerely worry that maybe someone who looks and sounds like me who wants to participate in such a community might be one. has a serious issue with this, that people who think they are spilling their guts to their teachers are sharing that into their permanent record with the state.   Please take my word on this, I paid dearly to learn this. 

Anyone who brushes this concern off is either a fool, or one of them.  There is little room in between there.  Anyone who reflects the scrutiny of the state back on the scrutinizer, as most of the responses in this thread have done, may be one of them, or is simply trained by society to do so.  

Just because someone points out something that makes you feel bad, does not mean they have a mental illness.  There is a system, it is very often quite evil, and it trains you, intimidates you even, to 'shoot the messenger.'  Also that negativity in any capacity might be contagious, as 'the secret' teaches.  Also that unless someone has pedigree or a masthead, they must be a loony tunes wingnut of some kind.  But nothing can be improved without criticality, just as a sculpture cannot be made with every piece of the original stone still in it. 

I intend to challenge these attitudes and these aspects of the system, as does all of my work.  I have responded I think quite balanced to those who have brought me questions here, even though almost all of these responses have been in my estimation clever dodges and slides of the topic presented for discussion.  This is how they operate, they suck the fuel out of any fire that may burn against their interests and refocus all scrutiny back on the individual, and their intent is very much for people like me to be impoverished, institutionalized, or worse. 

These are forms of warfare, electronic means amplify the ability of actual soldiers and police, not to protect the public, but to protect their lawbreaking from the public eye where it might be checked.  We are moving towards a time where they won't need to hide it, where the arms of these authorities will be naked for all to see, with no possible chance for anyone to check it.  

I suppose your choice is to either silently take this knowledge and use it to protect yourself, and choose your associates more skillfully, or network actively to take some stand against it, using possible institutional means like the law and politics to protect yourself, ourselves.  

When people say they don't talk about 'politics' or someone is 'paranoid', what they are really saying most of the time in my experience is, not to scrutinize power and not to ask people what they might do with their power and the attendant responsibility.  It is a discomfort and fear of having or talking about power, and these are real aspects of the world.  

When Daniel says he might be able to change the DSM with a 'few hundred million dollars' or I say I might be able to actualize this story I wrote that satirizes and thereby undermines illgotten and misused power, this is what we are talking bout.  Even the music thread in this forum is about power, to create and realize a form of art.  

To dismiss all of this, to be afraid of it, is foolish.  To reject all of it as a form of childish duality or being tied up in samsara, is just nihilism masquerading as the teachings of the buddha.  

I admit, I struggle in this time to quiet my mind.  (I could use a few days to 'spin down' at retreat, but I do not have that luxury at the moment.)

There is too much content.  It has been well-noted that nearly everyone is 'overwhelmed' by current events.   But this is a different struggle than what I wanted to focus upon here after watching someone I respect as a great teacher making a dangerous error with technology, inviting and endorsing in a way people to share their phenomena with those who will use that knowledge not to help or seek enlightenment, but to undermine and attack.  

I consider it my duty to do so, to use the knowledge I have gained to help sangha, my country, and strangers who I wish were my friends, but who have been made distant by the same deeply flawed technologies.  

"Responsiblity accrues through privilege", says Noam Chomsky, and since knowledge is a form of privilege, and power, it is my responsibilty to share. (and what a case of 'word disease' poor Noam must have!) 

Writers write, and they tend to write about what gives them trouble, like a pebble in their shoe, what keeps them up at night.  Out of this has come the greatest works of our vast culture.  I come from a line of explorers, check my last name, it is in my elemental makeup to go seek out the boundaries of my existence and report back.  I can't deny this any more than how many fingers and toes I have.  Investigation is a sensation worthy of investigation for me, it is my dharma.  

This I share with you in the hopes it is of some value.  What I have found and share freely here cost me most of my life.  I don't regret it, knowledge is its own reward.  

If any of you would like to hear more, discuss further, or could help me with my work, or know someone who might, now would be a very good time to do so, as my present situation is tenuous.  I would enjoy the chance to discuss my work in almost any fair and these concepts in any fair forum.  

The singer for the Dresden Dolls made a podcast a few years ago that helped me, and she said, as a creator, there is no shame in asking, and so that is what I am doing.   Even though deep down I admit I feel that shame, I wish I could do it all myself, but maybe that is some of the dharma I need to learn.  

I believe that is what sangha and community are for, and well within the boundaries of the purpose of this very special site on the web.   That all said, and I know it is a lot, I would be ok if this were the last post on this thread, and I would just be happy if this all remained here for perpetuity for others to have the chance to see these ideas and my work.  


j. michael hudson
jmichael at
ps i hope you also enjoy some of my favorite inspirational and informative memetics, as well as my music, my gifts to you, as they were gifts to me
Stickman3, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.02. 12:41
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.02. 12:40

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 166 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
"The atomization of humans into eternally sparring identity-obsessed individuals is just one of its many strategies to dominate.  This is not new, its source is known, we are just discussing the response and/or survival strategies at this point."

Creation of personal identities is indeed a social control strategy, but there are thousands of competing organisations engaged in this - from tribal societies that have yet to be contacted, to those attempting to contact them, to the very latest darknet message boards populated only by obscure, ephemeral youth cults. Inherent part of life, for better or worse, organic or calculated. The origins of social atomisation and competing cultures lies wayyy back in prehistory.
That said, industrial society (whether capitalist or socialist) is all pervasive simply, I think, because factories out-compete artisinal production.

Granted, also, that globalisation now offers the possibility of a unified world culture for the first time. However, assuming that social development has a fractal nature, and history rhymes rather than repeats, we can look forward to global society suffering the same fate as all previous empires - collapse and schism - unless there is something radically different in our time.

Prime candidates (without making firm claims) for that radical difference are transhuman tech, and the exit from the stable holocene that supported all agricultural/imperial projects, and space colonisation - but now we get into sci-fi.

So highly possible that cultural competition and heterogeneity being our future as much as our past, regardless of the UN and corporations etc.

Dunno how to squeeze dharma into all that :-)
Jake Frankfurt Middenhall, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.02. 13:04
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.02. 13:03

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 110 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2018.09.12. Legújabb bejegyzések
Beware of downloading any of that stuff guys, it may have some kind of virus.
B B, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.02. 13:20
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.02. 13:19

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 42 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2016.09.03. Legújabb bejegyzések
OP, allow me to clarify my earlier post. If you are suspicious of my intent, consider examining my previous posts on this forum. I have two accounts, both with the name “B B”. The original has posts going back to 2012. These posts should reassure you that I’m not an agent, at least not in any intentional sense.

I apologise for not addressing the core message of your original posts. However, it appeared that you were open to a broad range of responses, not necessarily just ones addressing the core message:
“Any suggestions for skillful methods forward, will be heartily considered."
“I would certainly like to hear your any of you thoughts”

Consider that forum threads often go off topic. There are numerous examples on this and other internet forums. I sympathize with your frustration with this. I have tried when creating threads in the past to provide strict parameters for responses, stating very clearly what should be addressed, and still many of the responses received were off topic. So please consider that off topic posts may not be deliberate attempts to slide the topic.

In the foundational practices of Tibetan Buddhism, there is great emphasis placed on turning the mind away from samsara. Ordinarily the concerns of this world seem overwhelmingly important, and it can seem difficult to justify the time spent on dharma practice. One of the antidotes to this mindset is contemplation of impermanence, specifically the uncertainty of the time of death, and its inevitability. It could be tomorrow. It could be next week. In the words of the 16th Karmapa, “you are going to die, and when you do, you will take nothing with you but your state of mind”.

If you are skeptical of the possibility of rebirth, consider the accounts of those who are adept at inducing out of body experiences or lucid dreams, or even better induce an out of body experience yourself. Consider the research of Ian Stevenson on the cases of children remembering past lives. I too was skeptical of rebirth, but eventually one realizes that our basic nature is beyond birth and death. It’s like a quantum system in a state of superposition, involving trillions of bits of information all entangled together. The world we are living in is very much like a dream superimposed on this quantum reality. The events of the dream can’t somehow snuff out the dreamer. There are also little spoken of esoteric experiences, such as the Dzogchen visions, which provide direct evidence of the potentiality of our basic nature, totally beyond our ordinary expectations of reality. Think consciousness splitting into higher dimensions, seeing in 360 degrees, multiple incongruous experiences occurring simultaneously. The law of karma is also immediately evident, as opposed to the delayed effect we are used to.

If you feel that you are “on the path”, I urge you to focus on your practice. That is truly worthwhile, on a level totally beyond any possible form of wordly/samsaric activity. This is because one realizes that beliefs own us, we don’t own them. Your valiant efforts to warn of police state infiltrants, etc., aren’t actually yours. Consider the next thought that enters your mind. Honestly, did you choose to think that thought? If not, why get so involved with the ordinary world, if you still have work to do in correcting perceptual distortions which are giving rise to suffering for oneself and others?

Moreover, as described in MCTB, there are phases of the path which can cause us to feel very embattled and at odds with the world. We may feel a strong aversion to the practice, and do our damndest to find excuses to avoid it. Then in a subsequent phase, the very same external circumstances can seem heavenly. It’s “all in the mind”--to an absolutely staggeringly large degree. The perceptions of an ordinary person are not just somewhat delusional, they are more or less completely false. That is a paraphrase of Rigdzin Shikpo.

Here is my basic point. Enlightenment is simply sanity. The Buddha was merely sane, in the sense of perceiving in accordance with reality. Peace, contentment, absense of suffering, capacity to truly benefit others all stem from that. Now that you’ve had the great fortune of stumbling upon the Buddhadharma in the course of your interminable wanderings in samsara, it’s absolutely imperative that you make the most of the opportunity to practice.

To reiterate, our respective worldviews aren’t truly ours. Not even a little bit. Our actions aren’t truly ours. To appreciate this, it’s just a matter of observing and accepting the extent to which dependent origination applies to our experience. Moreover, there is no apparent truly-existent glitch in the matrix to be corrected here. One could describe all moments of experience as arising without any trace of imperfection. Such a view is actually far closer to the ultimate truth than the ordinary person’s view. However, relatively speaking, human history has been a tragic litany of radical action on the basis of faulty assumptions, giving rise to negative unintended consequences, which are then hastily corrected on the basis of more faulty assumptions. All of this has been compounding over the course of millenia. And yet you believe you are capable of effective action which will somehow make a difference?

The Buddha predicted the degeneration and eventual disappearance of real dharma practice within 3000 years. For now we still have the possibility to practice effectively, and are blessed with a superabundance of dharma teachings and texts to support our practice. But it’s not at all clear that these circumstances will survive for much longer. We have a golden opportunity for now.
Stickman3, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.03. 12:51
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.03. 12:50

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 166 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
"The Buddha predicted the degeneration and eventual disappearance of real dharma practice within 3000 years."

You believe it ?
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.03. 13:03
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.03. 13:02

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
 Response to "Jake Frankfurt", if you care, use a virus scanner on them yourself, if they are infected this is an objective fact that could be investigated and you could contribute by warning everyone, including myself, of this danger.  Simply casting fear, uncertainty, and doubt, is a form of information warfare and is, especially in this thread, unwelcome, if not extremely foolish and rude.  

The risk of image files being virus laden is slim, and it would be really stupid for me to do so, at this moment, as a means to somehow get everyone.  Like really, wtf with this comment.  It is extremely suspicious.  

Response to BB, I will accept that off topic responses might just be people being people, if you will accept the real possibility that information warfare is being waged, and in this case, focused against my person.  And that if this is the case, I will not be able to live my life without a literal and digital mountain of evil falling upon me for trying to do what I think is best and help others, live my dharma.  

The rest of your comment is worthy of consideration and I will do so.  

My question in response is, "are you going to be coerced into taking a medical treatment that you do not understand and that has not been rigorously tested, that could permanently alter the core essence of your physical body and mind?"  

and, "are you going to allow your brain to be digitally scanned by people who have a history of using psychological warfare on people just like you?"  

and, "does buddhism teach absolute pacifism? Is there no point at which you would use violence to defend yourself or others?  Will you in all cases allow bullies and tyrants to have their way over you and others?  Is that in your estimation the will of buddha and the expression of his teachings?" 

Impermanence is to be kept in mind.  However, if we are somehow merged into a totalitarian system under the control of tyrants and those who wage psychological warfare, that could be a very, very, long time of extended suffering for many, many people.  

By my estimation, those behind the current agenda of nanobots and electromagnetic manipulation of the human body and mind, are exactly these types of dangerous people.  Otherwise they would not always be lying and using con artist tricks and other demonic bullshit. 

To help you and others make these decisions, I have put together a presentation.  It has taken a very long time and I have compiled the work of hundreds of other anonymous people working towards the same goal.  

All available in mp3 here in 6 parts with introduction:
And in video form with meme presentation here:
The last three segments have not been uploaded yet because it takes about 2 hours to do each one and then sometimes goes to 99.9 percent and then 'a problem has occured' and such, which is frustrating.  
If you would like to just look at the memes and infographics, they are available here
Feel very free to use antivirus of your choice, I do not absolutely trust catbox or the intermediary hops on your network, neither should you.  Clamscan works great.  If you are on windows you are always, always at much greater risk for scary virus stuff, and so you should never use windows.  It also keylogs everything you type and reports it to a central server, which is very much close to a brainscan already.  It might even be smart to make up some stuff you are not really thinking about to type to throw them off. (how is that for a zen trick? ;)

I will attach one more meme with a short typing segment I just found that I think summarizes much of what is going on.  Those behind all of this are crazen bullies, they preach "multiculturalism", but do not practice it.  Anyone, such as myself, who is unwanted in their house of card propagandathon, risks serious "demonetization" and being quite literally erased.  Or "rubbed out" as native americans have called it.  

The internet was designed to make this very difficult to do, originally, and now we must put these concepts to use, or be steamrolled.   Maybe buddha teaches being steamrolled, but I personally do not want to be on that side of history, as all of the things I love in this world, including the religious freedom to practice buddhism, at all, in the united states, were made that way by people who were not steamrolled.

I personally do not believe there is any peace and happiness, for anyone, without those who guard the wall at all times against the slavers.    

Choose wisely in the coming months, these decisions may have very, very long lasting consequences for many, many people.  

terry, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.04. 15:59
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.04. 15:58

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2530 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.08.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
aloha j,

   You have so much to say, bra, I wonder if you can hear. Takes ears.

   I'll take a slice of what seemed like it was responding to me and see if I can help with some word medicine.

   If you can't even hear, how could anyone show you the way? "If you meet a man of the way, don't ask him about the way."

   At some point you will become so frustrated with trying to effect change you will give up. Then you can make progress.

   Anyhows, you say:


This word disease here I am spouting is not my first option and never was, this is the last resort.  If you here that are interested primarily in getting enlightened ignore people like myself, and Daniel, who engage with the system trying to affect change that might make it easier for you and others to get enlightened, calling it samsara engagement and some or another illness, well, maybe you are above all of it, but what if you are wrong?  What if your silence and inaction is complicity?  What if it is a form of arrogance and a lack of compassion, that mocks the concept of sangha?



  Word disease isn't an "option." You have no options. "You" aren't an agent, "you" are a delusion. You are no more an independent entity than a blade of grass.

   I appreciate that you are trying to make it easier for us, to relieve our suffering. It doen't seem to be working out for you, though, and since you are us too, we need another, less word-oriented approach, eh?

   Interesting that you identify with daniel. A mutual tendency to value the written word and to paranoia. Not necessarily a beneficial resonance, and since I am fond of daniel, I am responding to you as well.

   I'm not wrong, bra. And my silence is neither inaction nor complicity. If you believe that, you are a fool. If you don't believe that, you are a fool. And yet, beyond belief, there is faith. Rumi says, where false coins are current, they prove that true coins must exist. It is your own heart's desire which is the true gold. It is your mind which misleads you, not your heart. Listen to your heart. In your longing there is there is that which is longed for.

   You hold the mirror to yourself. Your arrogance mocks compassion and sangha. You are smarter than everyone else, can defeat them with words, but what value is there in being right? Being right in a world where everyone is wrong, they are unenlightened, unconscious sufferers who are ignorant, deluded tools of greedy etc etc etc. This is very human (all too human), no doubt you have read nietzsche. The herd hates autonomy and only wants to be told what to do, and there as those of us, the few, who would rather lead than follow, but don't have the egotism or desire to choose the normal course of the one-eyed men and aggrandize ourselves. 

   This is the beginning of wisdom, not to follow and to be perplexed as to how to lead. Truth is, you have yet to learn what it is worthwhile to teach. When you have learned it, you find that the universe is teaching it everywhere and always, so there is no particular need to add to the store of the world's wisdom through conscious effort.

   What if I am right, bra? You have little idea how I live. Don't doubt what you don't know.

   The other day a young man was in my workshop asking me about "the truth," which he claimed to be seeking. I told him, sure, bra, I can tell you the truth in three words, here it is: "I don't know." I went on at some length about the value of "I don't know" as a philosophy of life, and mentioned socrates, and beginners mind, and taoism, buddhism, sufism, the mini world wisdom tour. But what I like about expressing myself in that manner is that if the boy goes out and tells others what he has been told, all he can say is that I told him, "I don't know." Fools will dismiss it immediately, and go back to their pachinko lives. "If fools didn't laugh, it wouldn't be the way."


 I think often of the monk who lit himself on fire in vietnam at the start of that conflict.  I researched his life.  He had built dozens maybe hundreds of monastaries all over vietnam and had believed in a new age for his people after the end of the conflict with France.  He watched it all go up in flame so he went with it, without fanfare, without announcement, that we have this image of his statement is actually a wildly bizarre unlikelyhood.  


   I often think of thich quang duc as well, just last night I was going through the imagined sensations of hair and skin burning while I asphyxiated. I often wear a tshirt to the sunday farmer's market where I sell my jewelry which has his image on it in flames, and the words "rage against the machine." I alternate that with one which says "meister eckhart" and another whch says "ta'wil," and one with a picture of a guitar and the words, "this machine kills fascists." At the wednesday market I always wer aloha shirts, of which I have a vast collection of antique silk and rayon shirts carefully selected at 2nd hand stores.

  I also admire tarek el-tayeb mohamed bouazizi whose self immolation started the arab spring. These martyrdoms were great events. You could perhaps try something like this, eh? More effective than words, very moving, I can't imagine it not having a big effect. Perhaps in front of the cia building ("And the truth shall set you free.") 

   (Try laugh, bra, works for me.)


Perhaps this is inevitable to our planet.  Perhaps my words accomplish nothing but torment myself and those who read them.  Perhaps I should emotionlessly accept diogenesian homelessness and walk the violent streets murmuring perplexing koans to anyone with the whim to overhear them until something more awful happens to me, and then emotionlessly accept that with perfect equanimity.   



   No need for violence, bra. There are peaceful streets. If you love peace, peace will find you. If you love beauty, beauty will knock on your door and ask to enter. If you hate money, you won't have any. If you like work, there is plenty to do.

   Diogenes is my favorite philosopher. "When I saw a child drink with cupped hands, I threw away my cup."

   However powerful you may be, all you can do for me is not block my sunshine.


And this will accomplish nothing, and that will be nothing, I will escape samsara by proving nothing and that I am everything, and without suchness.  Etc.

I suppose the sangha will have as much say in that as I do.  I would prefer to tell stories that heal, teach what I have learned, share culture with the likeminded, and be generative rather than ride the cruel entropy wagon of our sad age.  


All of life is the sangha. The constructive and the destructive both.

There is nothing to accomplish, bra. Everything is just the way it should be and it couldn't be any other way. Dependent origination.

I know this (your) sort of talk sounds reasonable to you but it is nonsense. We inherit this love of action and hatred of passion (passivity: suffering) from the greeks,  inventors of what we call philosophy and plato called sophistry. So suffering gets a bad rap, and men in particular need to learn to accept, let go, nurture, pray, tolerate, cooperate, join, heal; all the feminine virtues the inadequate despise. Chief among these is accepting that silence is the mother and womb af all love and healing, just let nature do its thing without interference.



But if the now thousands of people, some with the resources to perhaps offer an alternative of some kind, who have read this "miscellaneous" warning and message, and stories and music of my life, -want none of it- and respond, "ho hum, just more word diesease, he would do well with a long bout of sleeping on the sidewalk and involuntary fasting" 



Suppose you were offered such an alternative? What do you imagine it would look like? Perhaps alternatives are offered and go unrecognized or unused.

Why don't you offer such an alternative? Peaceful, non dual, not oommunist, not capitalist... Everyone wants to be a preacher. Beats working for a living.

Whta do we want of you, what does buddhism want of you? Voluntary fasting, voluntary homelessness. Voluntary innocence. Accepting suffering as a god given doorway to truth. Live life willingly. The alternative is unnecessary suffering and unhappiness. Punching walls until your knuckles bleed. It feels better when you stop, better yet when you heal. Use your hands to further life rather than fight the agents of evil. Just give it up bra, and find a way to work with your hands.

  Once you give it all up, it will all come back to you. God has a use for your skills but he doesn't need your help.

   Live "in the world but not of it." There is no permanent state to attain or arrive at, nothing to achieve all is impermanent. One minute you are in heaven and the next in hell, or so your thinking will tell you. The way is to shut all these voices up, and you have been encouraging them. Pipe down. Go for succinctness and brevity. Stop using the I word. Identify with your inner snow white and poison the dwarves. At least discipline them. Pinocchio began to be a real boy when he unhesitatingly dove into the ocean expecting to die in order to save his father. The truth is an ocean all around you, perfectly self-evident. To pretend to reveal it to people is a hustle and a lie.


Then truly, I am speechless, I have no more words, for none of them, here, Here, have helped anyone or anything, least of all, the set of sensation known as me. 

   We love you bra. Aloha nui loa. Beyond words...

Speechless is good.


“Some of you may have seen these famous Japanese movies about the blind monk, Sato-Ichi. He is called the Blind Samurai. Sato-Ichi is a very great bodhisattva. Though usually very quiet and humble by nature, he uses his samurai sword skills only to help other people. He does not like to fight at all, but if somebody needs help, Sato-Ichi instantly becomes involved in a fierce and exciting battle. Perhaps some bad men come to the temple to make trouble, or he comes across bandits stealing money from people along the road. Then his sword comes out. Many, many people are trying to attack him. They are coming from the front, from the sides, and even from behind him. There are swords slicing at him from many directions. But no one can lay a blade on him!
"Sato-Ichi cannot see anything with his eyes, but his sword is very, very meticulous. Even though he is completely blind, and even though he is sometimes fighting shoulder-to-shoulder with other people who are helping him, his sword never misses the bad man. He never hits the wrong person. And Sato-Ichi always strikes the most important point with just one blow. He doesn’t waste a shot. He does not kill someone unless he has to, prefering instead to land a careful blow that will just hurt his opponent for a short time and not kill him. How can he do this? Sound and smell and his sense of the wind created by the movement of people’s bodies tell him everything. So his nose-consciousness and ear-consciousness and body-consciousness are better than anyone’s open eyes!

"This teaches us that if you concentrate your energy, you can do anything. Sometimes you cannot see or hear or talk. But this energy goes to some place, and you become very sharp and very meticulous. If you have no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body, and no mind, then your mind-light is shining everywhere.”

Excerpt From: Zen Master Seung Sahn. “The Compass of Zen" 
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.05. 16:42
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.05. 16:42

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
  Terry, please do not respond to this thread again.  I find your response incoherent, unhelpful and a distraction from the presented topic.  I would summarize it as 'shut up' which you could have said with 2 words instead of so many.  

If you want to be non-verbal, then go be non-verbal, but you come to a place where people have chosen to be verbal and say stop being verbal, it's pretty fucked up.  And stop calling strangers "brah" with fake intimacy.  Go your way I will go mine.  

Daniel recently posted an article about how our societies are becoming sociopathic.  I was peacefully walking yesterday and came very close to being mugged again.  You cannot just pretend this is not happening or 'be above' it.

The same author has a philosophy he has given a name to for what I call 'symbiotic harmonism', in other articles he has written.  I don't see a need to make up new words when we have plenty that work just fine. 

My thesis in this thread, has been that this asociolity and societal 'bad vibes' situation is caused in a very big way by the infiltration of all organizations with military undercovers who operate to prevent the creation of social bonds that might generate or regenerate anything that might improve this. 

Recently newsweek confirmed what I have been telling people for years is going on, and many apparently simply made this the new normal.  If you are skillful you will listen to the person who wrote an entire book on how they operate prior to it being outright admitted that it is real.  People who risk being called insane to tell the truth are the ones you should listen to.

This roles together with the NDAA act of 2014 that legalizes the u.s. military to propagandize american citizens with 'fake news' and their own pretend citizen journalists.  So not only are there undercovers, but they have a lot of websites saying they are independent journalists, and asking for donations, etc. etc.  I have investigated many of them, they represent the full spectrum of opinion.  I will give you a partial list of some of them I have found, and again, the rainbow gathering was not infiltrated by them, it WAS them.  The agents take over movements and organizations and then operate them to trick people into crime and make news stories that pre-empt people from taking any action.  If you are perceived as an instigator, like me, you will have trouble leaving your house without encountering them.  And they will move in next door to you, get hired where you work, etc etc.  

2 examples of how they present themselves to the public are 'the conscious resistance' and 'project veritas'.  You will notice they say a lot of true things, but all propaganda is like that, you say 90% obvious truths, so you can tell 10% lies, and shut down the other 10% of truth you want to repress.  

My work focuses on pointing out the 10% of lies and 10% of what they do not want you to see.  You should be able to see how responders like terry distract and slide from these aspects of our reality, and call people names like 'paranoid' and say 'shut up' in various ways when you talk about these things, even though they are critical to not getting into trouble, and skillfully pursuing your goals and intentions.  

It is social engineering, to deprive you of any power that you have, so that you can be enslaved. 

DO NOT respond further to this thread unless you want to discuss the point of the thread, I believe I have said enough and do not feel the need to expand further.  If you want to hear more read my book Mental Self Defense, or fiction, or examine the way language is changing with my book on words, or dive into the meme book, all linked in the first post.  Or contact me. But assume they will be listening in.  

If you are going to be online getting information and trying to network, you have to understand these things otherwise they will destroy your life and you will end up surrounded by lies.  'When the student is ready the teacher will appear' and such natural dharma will NOT function.  

And if you are one of them, you have nothing to do with the buddha or buddhism, and are just in a cult, waging war on the public, for money.   And those cults operate with only 1/10th of the scrutiny legitimate spiritual organizations like receives.  It makes a mockery of the constitutional while pretending to defend it, as this is clearly not free speech, free assembly, or freedom of religion.    Rule by lies and weasels who prey on the defenseless and declare themselves exceptions to every rule.  

And please don't shoot the messenger, so to speak.   I used to think that per the regular parlance, persecution is 4th generational warfare, and informational warfare with mass media is 5th generation warfare.  

But now I think that is backwards, these are the first two warfares, to create a fake reality in which your enemy and prey lives, and then to attack their lives in every plausible denialable way.  And only once you have so weakened your target, THEN you pull out the weapons. 

Therefore anyone you see persecuting and disinforming, you have to assume this is only a prelude to the use of weapons.  


​​​​​​​By their fruits ye shall know them.   
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.05. 16:59
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.05. 16:50

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
Must know graphics to share widely and study, meant to attach before but there was glitch or something.  

Evidence there are scientific studies being made on how to inject people with things that allow them to be remotely controlled with EMF.  

I wish it weren't true but it is.  They also defeated genetic experimentation towards human-hybrid chimeras in congress last week, so get ready for cross-bread humans with cats, rats, and whatever.  5g is being quietly/secretly installed everywhere and they have already made laws so that you can't legislate locally against it.  Those frequencies do interact with the human body and 5g is much more energy intensive than other signals, and switzerland decided it was not healthy.  We get it imposed upon us.  sigh.  
Stickman3, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.06. 12:15
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.06. 11:00

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 166 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
"Terry, please do not respond to this thread again. I find your response incoherent, unhelpful and a distraction from the presented topic. "

I think the 'please' is an improvement on just issuing commands for people to shut up.

I can't imagine Gandhi, MLK, Mandela etc. ordering people to shut up. That's one of the reasons they prevailed.

Your whole topic is a distraction from the purpose of the website, which is to assist enlightenment. Daniel has plainly got your warning about brain scans by now, so maybe it's time you got his message about dharma ?

How do we know that you're not an agent of social atomisation ? After all, you haven't said anything that indicates you've transcended the individual self that you say (with some merit) people are inculcating in us ? Please describe your enlightenment.
terry, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.06. 13:54
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.06. 13:53

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2530 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.08.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
I can't please you.

I expected rage to alternate with your whining.

Bad dog.

If even love doesn't help you are truly lost. Bra.

​​​​​​​aloha, terry
terry, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.06. 15:48
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.06. 15:47

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2530 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.08.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
57. The Gates of Paradise

A soldier named Nobushige came to Hakuin, and asked: ‘Is there really a paradise and a hell?'

'Who are you? ' Inquired Hakuin.

‘I am a samurai,' the warrior replied.

‘You, a soldier!’ exclaimed Hakuin. 'What kind of ruler would have you as his guard? Your face looks like that of a beggar.'

Nobushige became so angry that he began to draw his sword, but Hakuin continued: 'So you have a sword! Your weapon is probably much too dull to cut off my head.'

As Nohushige drew his sword Hakuin remarked: ‘Here open the gates of hell!’

At these words the samurai, perceiving the master's discipline, sheathed his sword and bowed.

'Here open the gates of paradise,' said Hakuin. 

(from "101 zen stories," paul reps) 
Josef C, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.06. 20:06
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.06. 18:40

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 85 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2020.06.16. Legújabb bejegyzések
I am sorry but are you hearing yourself?

Evidence there are scientific studies being made on how to inject people with things that allow them to be remotely controlled with EMF.  

I wish it weren't true but it is.  They also defeated genetic experimentation towards human-hybrid chimeras in congress last week, so get ready for cross-bread humans with cats, rats, and whatever.  5g is being quietly/secretly installed everywhere and they have already made laws so that you can't legislate locally against it.  

I have a degree in biology and that it is ludicrous to say that we have the technology to even do cross breed between species. Also I have checked the article that you have cited and in no way does it say that they can control human beings to the extent that you are thinking of. 5g is fine nothing conspiratorial about it. I am sorry to say this but you sound like me when I was unable to take my medications and that caused paranoia. Have you consulted a medical professional? ( Not in an insulting way but in a worried way) 


I see where the cross breed comes from( It is an advertisement for a new netflix show)  :​​​​​​​
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.07. 11:59
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.07. 11:58

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
Joseph C, it was an actual vote in congress nothing to do with that show.  Any sane moderator would delete your post and that image form this thread.

The image I linked is to the direct scientific paper where actual researchers at universitites study emf affecting tech injected into the human body, if you were serious you would question that article rather than write nonsense.  

Terry, bye.  You are not welcome here.  You wrote a lot of words but contributed nothing besides joking about suicide and posting something about blind samurais.  You revealed who you are to anyone who is paying attention, it is beyond ugly.  

Unless anyone has anything actually productive to say about any of these issues, consider this thread at an end, and I will leave my words to be judged by the future.  If I were a moderator most of the comments in this thread would be minimized or hidden, only to be seen by people who wanted to see the troll/disinfo responses as a means to study them and assess the fairness and accuracy of the moderators.  As it is, in forums that are not so moderated it is very easy for operators of intentional suffering on this planet to inject their fake and harmful words.  

Hopefully everyone here in earnest will have learned something about how many non-earnest people there are in this forum, and pretending to be in the sangha, and how to detect such in the future, or in the past.  

I will rest well having provided books, songs, evidence, infographics, and insight on difficult topics and in the face of intimidation and the solitude one experiences when one chooses paths less traveled in times of great deceit and tyranny.  

terry, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.07. 15:52
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.07. 15:50

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2530 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.08.07. Legújabb bejegyzések

"beyond ugly," I like that; could be my epitaph..

bye j, good luck with your windmills...

Chris M, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.07. 16:57
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.07. 16:51

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 5265 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2013.01.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
Any sane moderator would delete your post and that image form this thread. 

If I were a moderator most of the comments in this thread would be minimized or hidden, only to be seen by people who wanted to see the troll/disinfo responses as a means to study them and assess the fairness and accuracy of the moderators.  As it is, in forums that are not so moderated it is very easy for operators of intentional suffering on this planet to inject their fake and harmful words.  

The moderators (me and one other person) have left every word posted on this topic up for everyone to read and comment on if they see fit. And that is exactly as it should be. No rules or forum etiquette have been broken or violated. There has been no need whatsoever to remove or hide anything.

Chris Marti
DhO Moderator
Stickman3, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.08. 6:53
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.08. 6:39

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 166 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
Some interesting links. Still, buddha and Che Guevara aren't the same thing despite the best efforts of people to blend them, and neither Assange, Snowden (& etc) or indeed any of their persecuters are enlightened (unless they're very quiet about it). Whereas the boring people who wash their cars or empty their trash might be.
Granting that the people who empty Assange's or Snowden's trash might well be spooks, so maybe the people who fix the tires on the trash trucks driven by the spooks assigned to poke through Snowden's trash, they are boring and enlightened. OK they too might be spooks assigned to watch the other spooks and steal Snowden's trash off them, so maybe the people who fix the roads for the trash truck maintained and driven by the spooks assigned to fight over Snowden's trash - they might be the boring people, far from all the the drama, who might be really enlightened.
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.08. 21:34
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.08. 21:33

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
 Terry, posting again after being asked not to is harassment.  Further, thinking you are against 'fascism' while participating in contemporary american society without protest of any kind and mocking those who do, is funny, stupid, and sick all at once.   Your words make your soul naked here, everyone who sees it is aghast, so who has the disease? Physician heal thy self.  

You think I should be different, I don't, fine, come, sit, observe respiration.

Stickman, this is interesting and humorous, thank you for it.   Everyone must decide if they want a belief structure that simply lightens the burden of enduring slavery and passively watching the oppression and predation upon their fellows, and their children, or something else.  In my wildest fantasies of success I would be on the road crew building fixing potholes so that someone can pick through snowden's garbage piece by piece, lol.  Not really.

I clearly ponder something else.  At the very least I do not want to participate in 'the horror' or feed it, thus my concern for daniel and his 'harvard brainscan.'  I have made my case.  I am but a counselor and investigator, being ignored is not my favorite thing but there are worse fates.  I may not be able to escape them.  But I am certainly not the boss of anyone.  I take the chance of putting myself out there, stating my view, it is healthier for me at least, I do not think I harm anyone by doing so.  I am on the side of truth come hell or high water, let cards fall where they may.  I will share as much of it as I can in my time, if I am lucky mara will stumble, someone else's road to enlightenment might be without a few stumbling blocks.  

If not now, when? 

Maybe this is what the buddha meant when he predicted his teachings would not last, that he knew there could be no 'middle way' in dealing with the forces of mara that accumulate on places such as our planet/galaxy/universe.  I personally do not particularly revere Che, although it is fair to use him to represent a paradigm.  If you want to be dangerous, consider Kurtz in the jungle, who rejects both sides and fights both sides, desiring Apocalypse Now, to end the suffering and clowning of all virtue in pursuit of byzantine goals with long forgotten justifications.  

Chris, this is fair enough, thanks for chiming in.  I appreciate very much the lack of censorship here, I can at least respond to whatever.  I have thought many years, decades now, and wrote a book I was mocked for in 2004, about this issue of moderation, which I have gradually and sadly learned ties very much into the whirling violence of the sides Kurtz and the Buddha both refuse to join.  I have written millions of words on the internet in pursuit of simply sharing truth and trying to help others, can't earn a dime for it, while hundreds of thousands if not millions are paid to spread lies.  That is where we are at.  Normalization of psychological warfare on the public in all times and all places.  Every intuitive comment that makes the tyranny uncomfortable auto-responded to with accusations of insanity and paranoia.  

It could have been a lot worse in this thread, so I am thankful that it wasn't at least.  Got the tabloid bat-boy image in here, great stuff.  A forum that dealt with the forms of psychological warfare pro-actively, and fairly, would require great skill and vast knowledge of the modus operandi of the enemies of the public waging war against the mind itself.  That alone would take a lifetime, and organizationally prohibiting the same forces from infiltrating the moderators circle, or just murdering this source of sanity on the planet, may be as difficult as starting a nation.  Cost estimates on this widely vary lol.  It would itself be a revolution of the mind, for many who do not want their pay grade affected, requiring at some point at least defensive violence and thus being drawn into the whirlwind.  Just enforcing a rule on some public space against calling another person insane or paranoid, much less being blatantly off topic, or using some of the more obvious psychological warfare tactics, would require a spikey and pricey defensive perimeter.

We can imagine something like Picard's starfleet, and what components it might require, but between here and there be dragons.  

I once imagined a virtual debate society, an organization that just did this, specifically for moderators of forums, like you and I.  I might as well have imagined building a titanic battleship in space, would have been more within my capacity given the constraints of my life. 

In this light, it is pretty amazing actually I, we, have gotten this far, with as much truth and wisdom as we have, in the cracks of the system of control being created behind the infinitely-funded smoke and mirrors.  

Anything else related to this thread, you should contact me personally, if you aren't waging psychological warfare against me and everyone, I would probably enjoy the dialogue.  Especially on a podcast or in person, if you dare, lol.  
jmichael at protonmail dot com
To date, no one from this forum has, and this makes me sad but I can handle it.     
I will leave the last word to mr gautama, if you think you can 1-up him, then go ahead and try, but at this particular moment, I advise against it.  



Stickman3, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.09. 7:12
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.09. 7:10

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 166 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
"Your words make your soul naked here, everyone who sees it is aghast"
George S, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.09. 9:36
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.09. 9:34

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2722 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.02.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
J Hudson
Everyone must decide if they want a belief structure ...

In my personal experience, beliefs are a great source of suffering which need to be let go if one is to find any kind of peace in this world.
terry, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.10. 15:25
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.10. 15:23

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2530 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.08.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
(bob dylan)

Crimson flames tied through my ears, rollin' high and mighty traps
Pounced with fire on flaming roads using ideas as my maps
"We'll meet on edges, soon, " said I, proud 'neath heated brow
Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now

Half-wracked prejudice leaped forth, "rip down all hate, " I screamed
Lies that life is black and white spoke from my skull, I dreamed
Romantic facts of musketeers foundationed deep, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now

Girls' faces formed the forward path from phony jealousy
To memorizing politics of ancient history
Flung down by corpse evangelists, unthought of, though somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then. I'm younger than that now

A self-ordained professor's tongue too serious to fool
Spouted out that liberty is just equality in school
"Equality, " I spoke the word as if a wedding vow
Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now

In a soldier's stance, I aimed my hand at the mongrel dogs who teach
Fearing not that I'd become my enemy in the instant that I preach
My existence led by confusion boats, mutiny from stern to bow
Ah, but I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now
Yes, my guard stood hard when abstract threats too noble to neglect
Deceived me into thinking I had something to protect
Good and bad, I define these terms quite clear, no doubt, somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then I'm younger than that now
Robin Woods, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.10. 17:07
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.10. 17:05

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 191 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2012.05.28. Legújabb bejegyzések
At midnight all the agents
And the superhuman crew
Come out and round up everyone
That knows more than they do
Then they bring them to the factory
Where the heart attack machine
Is strapped across their shoulders ...

​​​​​​​Bob Dylan - Desolation Row
Stickman3, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.11. 6:57
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.11. 6:28

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 166 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
You see, if you don some leather boy gear, stack up the Marshalls and write some riffs, not only will people not moan about you, but they'll chant your name and throw millions of dollars at you for, basically, the same message. And you can be as grandiose as you want, in fact in metal it's expected. Mark this solved.

Up here in space
I'm looking down on you
My lasers trace
Everything you do
You think you've private lives
Think nothing of the kind
There is no true escape
I'm watching all the time
I'm made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean
I'm elected electric spy
I'm protected electric eye
Always in focus
You can't feel my stare
I zoom into you
You don't know I'm there
I take a pride in probing all your secret moves
My tearless retina takes pictures that can prove
I'm made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean
I'm elected electric spy
I'm protected electric eye
Electric eye, in the sky
Feel my stare, always there
There's nothing you can do about it
Develop and expose
I feed upon your every thought
And so my power grows
I'm made of metal
My circuits gleam
I am perpetual
I keep the country clean
I'm elected electric spy
I'm protected electric eye
George S, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.11. 8:46
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.11. 8:44

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2722 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.02.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
J. Michael, no one deserves to suffer as much as you are suffering right now.
terry, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.11. 12:47
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.11. 12:46

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2530 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2017.08.07. Legújabb bejegyzések
The king of the Philistines his soldiers to save
Puts jawbones on their tombstones and flatters their graves
Puts the pied pipers in prison and fattens the slaves
Then sends them out to the jungle

Gypsy Davey, with a blowtorch he burns out their camps
With his faithful slave Pedro behind him, he tramps
With a fantastic collection of stamps
To win friends and influence his uncle

Mama's in the fact'ry, she ain't got no shoes
Daddy's in the alley, he's lookin' for food
I'm in trouble with the tombstone blues

The geometry of innocent, flesh on the bone
Causes Galileo's math book to get thrown
At Delilah, who's sitting worthlessly alone
But the tears on her cheeks are from laughter

I wish I could give Brother Bill his great thrill
I would set him in chains at the top of the hill
Then send out for some pillars and Cecil B. DeMille
He could die happily ever after

from ​​​​​​​tombstone blues, bob dylan
J Hudson, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.15. 14:18
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.15. 14:16

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
Stickman, defending the guy joking about suicide, harassing, and posting irrelevant quotations. More distraction from the topic, stoking a conflict with fake concern. smh. 

George S, quoting the nihillists in The Big Lebowski, like having no beliefs does not qualify as a belief, contradicting the direct quote of the Buddha I had just posted about how to carefully choose what to believe.  After previously deflecting and obstructing the topic saying 'I should write fiction' instead of reporting my experiences being targeted, harassed, and entrapped at places like and  When I posted my fiction, it appeared he read it, but actually only provided evidence he skimmed it in a cliff notes sort of way after saying he would even go so far as to purchase my work.  If he was a seventh grader I would score his comprehension of How to Build a Boat out of Water a C-, anyone over 14 years old would get a solid F.  

Then Terry, responding after being asked not to, proving he is here to harass.  

What better demonstration could I make for sangha about how these forces operate?  How deeply they are interested in even just this one website?  

The only response that was real was Daniel's, bless his heart.  I do wish I would know his respone, what is the proper response when you know dozens of people over dozens of years have been trying to undermine your psychology, and you have to expect them at any retreat or community event you might ever attend?    

The other responses, barring the site admin, were textbook gaslighting.  Obstruct the discussion of the totalitarian control mechanisms and their obvious illegality and evil, deflect the scrutiny back onto the person testifying they are real in such a way that person and the forum lose credibility.  If possible, make the reporter look mentally unhealthy or somehow unrepresentative of the community they are reporting to.  Slide the topic, flood the page with inuendo, wide spacing, random diversions, anti-intellectualism, personal criticism.   

Me: "The system is sick, there is danger" 
Cops pretending not to be cops: "No, you are sick, you are danger"  

Some say there is a pandemic affecting the body, I see a far more dangerous one affecting the mind, where no one can address a topic constructively. Or recognize the methodology of those who wage war without weapons.  Or protect those who have tried to suggest and stand up for a better world.  If cops spent half the time protecting the public that they spent psychologically assaulting it on web forums and at buddhist retreats, just imagine how the world might be.

This attempt to share with you some important ideas went worse than I would have ever imagined.  Even still, if this has happened to you, the truth will set you free, much of the negativity you have experienced in your life was just the state and cults performing calculated social engineering against your soul itself.  We live in a scary time, do not blame yourself for it like I once did in ignorance and misplaced trust.  

Believing there was some line of dignity or rationality cops would not cross in trying to drive people insane, or that if you were peaceful enough or spoke carefully enough you would evade their concern, when there are no such lines.  Their psychological warfare on the public is unrestricted and you should do your best to protect yourself any way that you can.      

​​​​​​​That is the heart of my message to you.  

Who has eyes to see, see. 

---Do not respond further to this topic, make a new one with your question about it if you would like.  Otherwise the psych troll cops will keep posting more of their garbage--- 
George S, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.15. 18:54
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.15. 18:36

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 2722 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2019.02.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
J Hudson
George S, quoting the nihillists in The Big Lebowski, like having no beliefs does not qualify as a belief, contradicting the direct quote of the Buddha I had just posted about how to carefully choose what to believe. 

It's a fake quote:

The original actually tells you specifically not to go by reports, logical conjecture, inference, analogies or pondering views ...

“Now, Kalamas, don’t go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, ‘This contemplative is our teacher.’ When you know for yourselves that, ‘These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness’ — then you should enter & remain in them.”

Beliefs are a source of suffering. That’s not a belief, that’s my direct experience of holding beliefs.
Stickman3, módosítva 3 év-val korábban at 2021.06.16. 6:59
Created 3 év ago at 2021.06.16. 6:52

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 166 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.01.15. Legújabb bejegyzések
J Hudson, módosítva 2 év-val korábban at 2021.06.28. 11:55
Created 2 év ago at 2021.06.28. 11:54

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
Note the repetition of the pattern, ignore the main topic, slide the thread, be infuriating, play rhetorical games, quibble about tertiary concepts like the definition of the word belief.  I admit I want to lash out and call them names, which would make me appear 'unenlightenend' and they would mock me for daring to express 'suffering' on a board where everyone only listens to someone if they appear 'enlightened' all the time.  

The quote I posted is not 'fake' it is a mistranslation, and the primary concern of the 'fake buddha quotes' site owner, who I like quite a bit after reading his site, is that it may be intentionally mistranslated to make the buddha sound more like a rationalist who most prizes reason.  Not because this quibble over believing.  If george wants to start his own topic about how 'believing nothing' and the belief that believing is some form of suffering inducing mind sickness, then he should.  Or how 'go by' and 'belief' are not synonymous and dig deep into this critical issue.

But he won't because he is here to wage psychological warfare against me and everyone who reads this topic.  

What this topic has been for me, though, is a test.  A turing test even.  And the responding members of the 'community' here have failed it, miserably.  I except Daniel to some extent, but actually, his was at best a very skillful dodge, the bare minimum required to appease without getting hands too dirty.  (to be very clear, I am not upset with him)

Of all my thoughts regarding this thread, the vast majority of the time was spent pondering the meaning, purpose, intent of his response.  And perhaps wondering how his brain scan will go, and what the ramifications of it will be, and how long we all have until our brainscans are used against us by the same state that sends police agents to meditation courses and operates every music festival and distributes the drugs it declares illegal.     

Anything I would have hoped from the sangha that would have been of assistance in what I am trying to do, has been absent.  Assistance investigating, legal assistance, talk with a journalist, encouraging words, similar experiences, refuge of any kind, real discussion about my written works, all absent.  

I only encountered suffering-exacerbation here, and then was mocked for suffering, 'youre suffering so much brah', which in the context of this site, is equivalent to 'haha look at this unenlightened person.'  Impressive enlightenment indeed. 

That's some evil shit going on here.  Even as psych trolling goes, even if you were all mara controlled robotic gpt-3 responders, it is wildly incompetent.   I answered all of your questions and accusations.  I am not affected much by them, I am astounded and puzzled that anyone who creates artificiality that is so naked and obvious, and that this is the shamelessly fake environment I have no choice but to inhabit.  The 'dead internet'.  

Go back to trying to start a 'dharma band', endlessly discussing the software that runs this site and reporting your mental statuses to help thought police increase their efficiency, which, after now some rigorous testing, seems to be what best suits the depth and nature of whatever entities inhabit this place.  

If any human lurker read this thread and was scared shitless because what has happened to me might happen to you, and for this reason did not post, please excuse me, this and my frustration is not directed at you.  I understand and this caution is well justified.  

To clarify just one last thing, when I criticize the Goenke founded organization and the retreat centers, it is not to say they are cops, it is to say they are cop infested to the course manager level, and that they are likely intimidated or tricked into letting agents of the state thought police operate within its courses.  Long term they should of course make efforts to ensure they do not become operated by three letter agencies and I believe they will.  Whether they will succeed in protecting themselves, however, at this rate, is debatable.    

But IS cops.  This difference is significant and substantial.  

And please note I have refrained from naming names of the many agents and operators who have done many, many cruel, yet plausibly deniable, things to me over the last two decades.  And I sure could have.  These people have names and websites and neaerly always facegag profiles, and their 'avatar' personalities are quite verifiable, and you will notice that in the struggle to determine the events of the January 6th events at the capitol building of the united states, tactics like exactly what I am describing were used en masse as provocateurs.  

Who has eyes to see, let them see.  My moral obligation to report and warn what I have learned through skillful means is more than fulfilled.  

And I will rest well in this knowledge.  

jmichael at protonmail dot com
(and who is betting the psych warfare trolls are going to want to take this opportunity to infuriate to post random song lyrics or quibble further about irrelevant minutaei and wink at each other? at this rate smart money is they will, heaven forbid there be an actual conversation on the internet without their garbage)
B B, módosítva 2 év-val korábban at 2021.06.28. 15:38
Created 2 év ago at 2021.06.28. 15:36

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 42 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2016.09.03. Legújabb bejegyzések
JMH, I relate with you, your independent-mindedness, your pursuit of the truth at all costs, your mistrust of simplistic views, and I sympathize with your frustration at how this thread has played out. Honestly I find this forum is often pretty maddening to spend time on. However, I assure you the complaints you listed above regarding the responses you've received could be applied to a very large percentage of the threads on this forum, regardless of topic.

You may be familiar with Hanlon's razor: never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Consider the possibility that the posters on this thread have merely failed to grasp the seriousness of the topic and the need for direct engagement with the core message, as one might engage a whistleblower. Perhaps this is more likely than the possibility that they are agents actively attempting to undermine your credibility, no?

You say you are "hoping for some ideas for what can be done" and welcome "any suggestions for skillful methods forward", yet your responses suggest you are really looking for collaborators or supporters, like-minded individuals who will prop you up on your solitary path. I can't give you the satisfaction of entirely affirming your worldview and the direction you've taken in life. That's dukkha for you. I can, however, attest to the possibility of freeing one's mind from all of the stress and existential angst and alienation that ordinarily plague us. I can attest to the fact that it completely overhauls one's whole sense of what's important and worthwhile in life.

If you are absolutely convinced that fighting tyranny is of greater importance than your dharma practice, and there is no possibility that you are mistaken in your priorities, your orientation is like that of a long path bodhisattva, for example the "shepherd-like" or "boatman-like" bodhisattva. You will need practices to strengthen your connection with the dharma so that it resurfaces in future lifetimes, e.g. the seven-limb practice. If you are motivated by compassion rather than a desire for personal liberation, one of the most essential is the cultivation of bodhicitta. Whenever you've completed any meritorious act, you can practice dedicating the merit. I recommend reading Shantideva's Bodhicaryāvatāra, including the commentary by Kunzang Pelden. Consider reciting a mantra, such as the famous "om mani padme hum". You can integrate dharma practice in a harmonious way with your life.
J Hudson, módosítva 2 év-val korábban at 2021.09.21. 20:17
Created 2 év ago at 2021.09.21. 20:17

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 22 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2021.04.26. Legújabb bejegyzések

bb, what else can I say but your response is a complete fail.  You did exactly what I said not to do, you ignored the topic of the thread and you diverted scrutiny back on the person who brought up the topic.  

Are you an idiot?  Did I say I had a problem with mantras or that I had taken a boddisatva vow, which I have not?  Did I say I was looking for followers? No I did not.  Why are you obsessed with putting words into my mouth and fantasizing about what intentions I may 'seem' to have?  What the fuck is wrong with you?  Don't answer, I don't care, not my problem.    

What I said, in fact, is that not just here but everywhere, the inability of other beings to respond to an actual, plainly stated inquiry makes me doubt 1. whether or not I am in a contiguous reality with other people and 2. the competence of whoever is running the simulation.  That's not my problem, that is your problem.  I actually feel pretty good and am not having any problem at all staying on topic, whatever it might be.  Sure I'm going to insult you for writing things that should not have been written in the first place, but here I am, continuing on the topic in the topic of the thread.   

Your answer is so bad though, that the only answer I can come up with as to the entity who wrote it is that you are badly designed computer intelligence, who is also an insufferable jerk.  And reading all of the other posts here in miscellaneous in the two months since I last posted, I have hardly anything better to say about anyone else here.  'contact me at my gmail I want to talk about dharma', wow, can you spell 'entrapment' with capital letters? 

Consider this metaphor and feed it into your databank, let's try one more time, maybe you can improve and not sound like such a fool.    But I would rather you just shut up and listen, maybe try to talk with me again in a few years after you have pulled your head out of your own ass.    

Everyone here wants to cross a river.  I've spent a lot of time in this river.  In the river I encountered not only snakes and alligators, but also other alleged human beings who worship snakes and alligators, and tried to feed me to them in various ways.  And they have yet to stop trying. 

Daniel wrote a book where he said there would be snakes and alligators and those who serve them, but I wrote books about the tactics methods of those snakes and alligators and those who serve them.  

On this side of the river there are sites like this one, where people discuss the crossing and methods of crossing, and I point out in myriad ways how the enemies of your objective inhabit this place and many others like it.  I describe their boats with trapdoors and what they look like.  I describe the manipulative trickery of scorpions who want to ride on your back.  I describe their language and semantic tricks, their rhetoric, and infinite manipulations.  I describe from deduction their likely organizational structure and even their beliefs, to the extent I can fathom it.  

You could have sat in silence, you could have ignored me entirely.  But no, you came here to this thread and opened your idiotic, disingenuous, manipulative mouths.  One says I have 'word disease' the other said I 'need mantras.'  Endless speculation of my intentions, plans, what might be a better strategy, exhaustive semantical nitpicking, just utter Shit.  

I expect the idiocy and the manipulative, passive aggressive, accusatory, insulting 'pretend friend' talk, but I am simply surprised that there is not one who says anything about the actual topic: the snakes and alligators in the river and those who feed you to them.  

Not one response to address the topic clearly stated in the title of the thread itself, and we are now how many dozens of pages in?  

This astounds me, and it is not just here, it is on the entire internet, and my entire life.  You fail my turing test, you are poorly constructed robots and if you are human beings, I can't believe it, but if you are then you just suck at it. Even for psych warfare trolls, you are utterly incompetent pissants.

For all the millions of words in the other threads on breath practice or sitting posture or the teachings of thousand year old texts, not one person who sees this can pass my test, which any high school student should be able to pass with average reading comprehension skills.  

What the fuck is wrong with all of you?  I mean I have listened to several of Daniel's podcasts even where nearly every neurosis and sociological interaction on retreat or that can arise between teacher and student is discussed in minute detail.  

Yet none of you can stare down what it means that the spooky government is running something like to lure and entrap people who want to seek dharma in a lifestyle other than wage/salary slavery based out of atomized condos in the service of an increasingly non-dharma-friendly hierarchical bullshit society.  That also at the moment is threatening to starve you if you do not take an injection which more than a little evidence shows may permanently alter the makeup of your soul, or just kill you, or expand your balls to the size of milk jugs.     

Sure, insight is not about a river, you accomplish it where you are sitting right now, but getting through life and inevitably dying, soul intact, IS a journey analogous to a cliche river crossing and what is being taught by all of these trolls is false.  

If the insight does not serve the journey, and your teacher tells you to ignore the crocodiles, that your insight achievements will just protect you from them without skillful action, they are fools and possibly, if not likely, in service of the crocodiles.  To some extent it does not matter who serves whom, if you are just walking into their gaping jaws after giving them a free pass to the inner workings of your mind, that is what should be your primary concern.  

And not one of the responders to this thread demonstrates this, which calls all of them and their intentions into question.  

And obviously so.  Wisdom and insight is not about seeing, it is about seeing through things.  

And what I see through here is a bunch of voices who have utterly, utterly failed to convince me they are either even human, much less of the sangha.  You all sound like you prefer the company of crocodiles.    

And if you read this, and you are a human, that should concern you.     

And if all this means is that everyone and everything and every person I have met in this life is an embodiment of the demon mara or whatever operator, well fine I guess, but I want to let it know that it sucks at its job, this shit isn't even close to believable.  

btw here is my biography, still in progress.  I find my life and accomplishments beautiful and of great value, and worthy of note, as is my right.,_musician,_technologist)

And just one more note, and reminder, if someone presents you with a book, or a question, or a piece of writing, and that is the topic presented, you have 2 options that have the chance of being worthy of any respect whatsoever:    
1. read and address the presented material and topic
2. shut your mouth

I withhold namaste this time, because I see no divinity sitting across from me, just gaping jaws and void. And irritating little shits in service of them.   
Chris M, módosítva 2 év-val korábban at 2021.09.22. 7:26
Created 2 év ago at 2021.09.22. 7:26

RE: Concerns for Daniel and community regarding police state

Bejegyzések: 5265 Csatlakozás dátuma: 2013.01.26. Legújabb bejegyzések
When a topic creator crosses the line into name-calling and related ranting against the rest of the members here, it's probably time to freeze the topic for a while to let things cool down. So that's what I'm doing right now. The topic content will remain visible to all but no one will be able to post on it.

Chris Marti
DhO Moderator
