"Six Common Traps on the Path to Enlightenment" ~Shinzen Young

C4 Chaos, modified 15 Years ago at 5/21/09 10:43 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 5/21/09 10:43 AM

"Six Common Traps on the Path to Enlightenment" ~Shinzen Young

Posts: 0 Join Date: 7/26/09 Recent Posts
Forum: Dharma Overground Discussion Forum

as promised, here are a couple of fresh videos from Shinzen Young. my kind of kick ass dharma teacher emoticon

"Six Common Traps on the Path to Enlightenment" ~http://bit.ly/Fg43G

"What are your specialties as a teacher?" ~http://bit.ly/iMnDA

check it out and follow through with a discussion.

Hokai Sobol, modified 15 Years ago at 5/22/09 4:49 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 5/22/09 4:49 AM

RE: "Six Common Traps on the Path to Enlightenment" ~Shinzen Youn

Posts: 4 Join Date: 4/30/09 Recent Posts
Excellent clips, ~C4, thanks for heads up.
Chuck Kasmire, modified 15 Years ago at 5/22/09 12:07 PM
Created 15 Years ago at 5/22/09 12:07 PM

RE: "Six Common Traps on the Path to Enlightenment" ~Shinzen Youn

Posts: 560 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
"constantly take feedback from your environment"
"today's enlightenment is tomorrows mistake"
I like those. Thanks. I would love to listen in on one of those group sessions he conducts. I imagine you could learn a tremendous amount.
C4 Chaos, modified 15 Years ago at 5/22/09 9:58 PM
Created 15 Years ago at 5/22/09 9:58 PM

RE: "Six Common Traps on the Path to Enlightenment" ~Shinzen Youn

Posts: 0 Join Date: 7/26/09 Recent Posts

yes, i did learn a lot just from listening to Shinzen's recorded retreats. you can check out some of them here:
this recorded retreat is more for beginners but his dharma talks are always insightful to listen to.


C4 Chaos, modified 15 Years ago at 5/26/09 11:18 AM
Created 15 Years ago at 5/26/09 11:18 AM

RE: "Six Common Traps on the Path to Enlightenment" ~Shinzen Youn

Posts: 0 Join Date: 7/26/09 Recent Posts
CheleK (and to those who are interested),

fresh from Youtube, here's Shinzen in action guiding a student in a meditation. gives you a feel of how Shinzen conducts his retreats sessions ;)

Part 1 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkI4S9IqrXI

Part 2 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Zz_BfTdp4E (focus on change. my favorite of the Five Ways emoticon)

Part 3 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb8yiNwFBtA

Part 4 of 4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVzuhfc1wF4


Wet Paint, modified 15 Years ago at 5/26/09 6:58 PM
Created 15 Years ago at 5/26/09 6:58 PM

RE: "Six Common Traps on the Path to Enlightenment" ~Shinzen Youn

Posts: 22924 Join Date: 8/6/09 Recent Posts
Author: SoManyThoughts

Thanks for posting these links. I also just discovered your "Overview of Shinzen Young's Five Ways" article. Don't see a discussion thread for it so I'm posting here. That's good stuff! This teacher's approach really resonates with me.
J Groove, modified 15 Years ago at 6/23/09 4:28 PM
Created 15 Years ago at 6/23/09 4:28 PM

RE: "Six Common Traps on the Path to Enlightenment" ~Shinzen Youn

Posts: 59 Join Date: 9/9/09 Recent Posts
Yes, thanks. I might actually have gleaned a clue from it about the progress of my own path at this point--the tranquility trap? Hmmm...
Mike Baliman, modified 14 Years ago at 8/10/09 5:24 AM
Created 14 Years ago at 8/10/09 5:24 AM

RE: "Six Common Traps on the Path to Enlightenment" ~Shinzen Youn

Post: 1 Join Date: 8/22/09 Recent Posts
Great stuff - many thanks for introducing me to this wonderful guy C4 :-)

He is so clear and also so broad ... on the A&P his explanations of the range of occurences is really refreshing (it might be real bad, a little bad, a little good or great or you might not even notice it followed by comments on dangers of sharing such infos).

>check it out and follow through with a discussion

Well just to riff a bit I would add to his six traps:

0. not starting on the path in the first place :-D

7. doing too much on a non-doing path/stretch of the path [my own favourite mistake ;-)]

8. over-confidence in your ability to "teach yourself" ... picking far too many teachers, traditions, practices .. rather like keep throwing new things in the soup until its a completel mess OR not having enough teachers/sources and believing your random wanderings/intuition will take you the right way

thanks again!

