whoa, truth slammed me in the face

adam ,, modified 13 Years ago at 2/26/11 1:13 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 2/26/11 12:36 PM

whoa, truth slammed me in the face

Posts: 105 Join Date: 2/19/11 Recent Posts
Wow, major insight. I feel like I got hit by a train of awesomeness, I just suddenly totally understand how emotions come to be. It comes down to biological instinct, the desire of genes to reproduce. This desire leads to an isolation of that controlled by the genes, body/mind. This isolation causes all emotion. Emotions are all just a mechanism of protection of this imagined entity. You feel embarrassed, angry... whatever, all as a way to empower and protect the imagined isolated entity. If there is no sense of entity there is no desire to protect, Nietzche would call it will to power i guess. Suffering is just the mechanism of motivation for this protection, if there is nothing to protect there is no need for protection, and therefore no need to motivate this protection.

I got here by just thinking about how time might not exist, just moving objects, then I thought about how the objects might not exist, just changing space. Suddenly I just freaked out. whoa

the "will to power" is the will to empower what seems the isolatedness, if there is no isolation there is no will to power. If there is no will to power there is no desire to have power, if there is no desire to have power there is no need for motivation, suffering.


p.s. that desire for power is also what causes preference, preference is just the mechanism that causes suffering when the thing which will give less power to the self occcurs. f there is nothing to protect and empower, then everything is perfect.

none of this is original just another way of seeing what is already there, just like.. become one with everything, de-isolate, de-entity.

I'll see if this lasts
Bruno Loff, modified 13 Years ago at 2/26/11 1:34 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 2/26/11 1:34 PM

RE: whoa, truth slammed me in the face

Posts: 1097 Join Date: 8/30/09 Recent Posts

I'll see if this lasts

Maybe it will. But maybe not in the way you think. I would guess you are undergoing a stage called the arising and passing away (A&P). Have you read MCTB?

In this stage I would sometimes euphorically put together different pieces of what I read, imagined it formed a coherent whole, believed I had really understood something, I saw connections everywhere, etc. I believed I was getting a real insight, which in a way is true, because I was really seeing things in a new way, but none of the theories I came up with was ever any good.


Suddenly I just freaked out. whoa

If you are feeling euphoric, or hyped up, then A&P is the most likely candidate. A big change happens during this phase, and it is considered the point of no return. Let it roll and have fun emoticon Also: try to treat others fairly, during A&P one gains a sort of charismatic power, and a heightened intelligence, which can easily be used to overpower other people.

Keep us posted!
Tommy M, modified 13 Years ago at 2/26/11 2:25 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 2/26/11 1:48 PM

RE: whoa, truth slammed me in the face

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
EDIT 1: Just realized this was actually in the AF thread. Doh! Here's my vipassana related two cents worth....

Well, if you try to tell me you're not doing insight practice now then we're going to have some serious words! emoticon

I would speculate that you've hit either 1st or 2nd ñana, but this time you're getting fundamental insight through experience and not just through intellectual understanding. There's also the possibility that you've crossed the 4th ñana, Knowledge of The Arising & Passing Away, check out Daniel Ingram's thread on diagnosing this stage and see how that fits (be honest with yourself here, make sure you're not just trying to make the experience fit). There's a lot of room for misinterpreting this stuff when you're not familiar with the terminology so tread carefully and continue to practice. My own personal preference is to underestimate where I "am" on these maps, that way you'll still make progress while avoiding delusion and wishful thinking about being further ahead than you actually are.

One thing I'd suggest is that you're getting a bit bogged down in the content of the insight, stick with the sensations that are happening during practice and you won't go far wrong. Over-thinking and philosophizing may delay you from making further progress if you get too caught up on it so just note what's happening and know that, no matter how difficult it gets after this point, you're doing it right.

Another thing...."I'll see if this lasts" - Be careful what you're looking at here, impermanence will become much clearer in the upcoming days and weeks during practice and you'll find these positive, wonderful and awesome experiences are as transient, unsatisfying, and devoid of a self as any other sensation you can become aware of. The shifts in awareness encountered during the cycles of insight, while important and useful, are not the end goal so, and you'll probably notice that I mention this constantly, keep practicing 'cause nothing else will get the job done!

EDIT 2: Take a closer look at your actual practice, the words you're using suggest insight practice and not PCE. Possibly just me and others misinterpreting what you've posted, so would you mind talking a bit more about what sort of techniques you were using prior to this "insight" (inverted commas to make it clear that I'm referring to something different to what you claim to be talking about). That was it'll be easier to see what's happening for you and it should be easier to diagnose a PCE as it's very distinctive and memorable in a different way to the A&P.
adam ,, modified 13 Years ago at 2/26/11 2:38 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 2/26/11 2:13 PM

RE: whoa, truth slammed me in the face

Posts: 105 Join Date: 2/19/11 Recent Posts
You can't have A&P in PCE I thought? I'm pretty sure this is PCE.

I don't feel hyped-up, I don't really feel anything other than sensation and a feeling of not having my guard up towards anything, stemming out of the insight that a the sense of self is something I create and is a cause of all suffering. I didn't really see sensation flickering or anything like that, I just feel all sensation purely and I'm definitely still feeling strong wonder. My eyes are literally wide open, because everything I look at is really cool, everything I think about is silly, everything I feel is just pure and just.. there. I did homework for about 20 minutes and I didn't lose it.

I've never noted or done any vipassana so the likelihood that I hit I'm confusing A&P seems low, doubtful that I could get A&P with no vipassana.

It really corresponds like perfectly to PCE

p.s. whatever it is I'll just stay here as long as I can xD
Bruno Loff, modified 13 Years ago at 2/27/11 6:02 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 2/27/11 6:02 AM

RE: whoa, truth slammed me in the face

Posts: 1097 Join Date: 8/30/09 Recent Posts
Well great then! emoticon Let us know if you can replicate it in the coming days/weeks/months. I'd also be curious to know about the effect it has on the rest of your life.

Have fun.
Pål S, modified 13 Years ago at 2/28/11 4:21 AM
Created 13 Years ago at 2/28/11 4:21 AM

RE: whoa, truth slammed me in the face

Posts: 196 Join Date: 8/16/10 Recent Posts
If you want you can start a practice thread; it would be interesting to follow your progress.
Jon T, modified 13 Years ago at 2/28/11 2:42 PM
Created 13 Years ago at 2/28/11 2:42 PM

RE: whoa, truth slammed me in the face

Posts: 401 Join Date: 12/30/10 Recent Posts
Thinking about the instincts and the Self is endlessly interesting: It may be mind preparing itself for EE's and PCE's.