Three Burning Questions

Truth Seeker, modified 3 Years ago at 4/14/21 9:19 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 4/14/21 9:19 AM

Three Burning Questions

Posts: 67 Join Date: 2/27/21 Recent Posts
  • The Three Burning Questions:
    • HOW do you flow with change from point A to point B in a skill cycle?
    • HOW do you flow from skill cycle to skill cycle?
    • HOW does that transfer and apply to moment to moment until stream entry?
  • Questions Explanation:
    • FYI I have yet to do jhana practice as you can probably tell based on the above and below questions.
    • Skill Cycle: repeatable action like breathing and point A is breathing in and point B is breathing out. Another example moving hand from one resting spot to the next.
    • I'm not sure what I'm looking for specifically, just something that I can connect with my current level of knowledge. Answers can be whatever you believe answers the question. Below are some sub questions (don't answer, just use as data to get a better grasp on what I'm shooting for the overall questions):
      • Do you suffer through change to manually build up memories on how to breathe and then slowly accept and withdraw "self" while flowing with breath that's automated?
      • Do you remember how to breathe continuously? Then once memory is ingrained it becomes much easier to remember and then once you remember enough the memory stabilizes and then you learn to let go and flow with that memory without touching?
      • Do you combine both points into a singular point and focus awareness around breathing as a whole? How would you then isolate your awareness and tether it to just the breathing action? Is it like controlled ignorance so you focus on one ongoing change while ignoring the rest intentionally? How do you tether? Focusing on the knowledge of breathing? Accepting something in its entirety and focusing that to something specific like breathing?
      • How would you go from one skill cycle to the next utilizing same method as original question? How do you know when to switch? Do you have prior intent and then you flow with change until result is accomplished from that prior intent?
      • How do you flow continuously between all changes during everyday life that's related to the first 2 questions?
Emil Jensen, modified 3 Years ago at 4/14/21 1:57 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 4/14/21 1:57 PM

RE: Three Burning Questions

Posts: 319 Join Date: 7/16/20 Recent Posts
Hey Truth Seeker,

Honestly, I would love to help you with some thoughts on this, but man..!! Like.. what? What are you asking? I have zero idea how to even begin to understand your questions.

I'm tempted to think, actually, that you very much don't need answer to these questions at all!
I'm tempted to think, that you're a very thoughful/analytical person who's trying to apply some of that intricate logic of yours to your meditation practice. But I can tell you that this kind of super complex logic does not really help you when you're on this path. You gotta dumb down a little bit, lol. Stick to the bare sensations, pre-mind boggle.

(So what is your meditation practice like?)

So how about this - and forgive me if I'm just a dummie for not understanding you, then just wait for someone smarter to answer, lol - but how about you do some good ole vippasana on this seemingly frustrating questioning mind of yours?
- Are you observing your thoughts as they arise?
- Are you observing your thoughts as they pass away?
- What do these thoughts do in the meantime, while they're there?
(- Are you doing anything to make them appear, or are they just appearing by themself? )
- Are you remembering to note the frustration you feel? (Or whatever else it is!)

In my own experience, questions like these, questions with no seemingly direct connection to your practice, are just a distraction. What I needed to do in these cases was to stick to the practice, and of course to learn how to investigate my mind when it wasn't peaceful and tranquil, but in dire need for answers too. This is what I think you might be in need of as well. In my very humble and completely uncredited opinion.

Best of all mate!
Martin, modified 3 Years ago at 4/14/21 2:13 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 4/14/21 2:13 PM

RE: Three Burning Questions

Posts: 1013 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent Posts
My thought was basically the same as Emil's but it might be possible to be more specific in answering if we knew how long you have been meditating and what set of meditation instructions you have been working from. 
Stefan Stefan, modified 3 Years ago at 4/14/21 7:26 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 4/14/21 7:26 PM

RE: Three Burning Questions

Posts: 236 Join Date: 3/28/21 Recent Posts
Here's my A to all the Qs and sub-Qs and sub-sub-Qs:

Each moment, as it is, is inescapable. Realise this and begin noticing. Now notice each sensation and how they construct the notion of the moment. 

No sensation lasts forever. No sensation is made up of itself. Each sensation, in the way it presents itself, can lead to suffering. 

This is it. This moment, recurring. Just a sensation. 

​​​​​​​Happy travels! emoticon
spatial, modified 3 Years ago at 4/15/21 6:47 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 4/15/21 6:47 AM

RE: Three Burning Questions

Posts: 615 Join Date: 5/20/18 Recent Posts
You might benefit from doing a concentration practice such as counting breaths (Count from 1-10 and then repeat, starting on the exhale. When you lose count, start back at 1).

This will cause suffering and confusion. But, your body WILL make it from one breath to the next. The point is to watch how your mind struggles with this process, as it's dragged along kicking and screaming.

​​​​​​​The existential pain will lead to learning and wisdom.
Truth Seeker, modified 3 Years ago at 4/15/21 9:27 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 4/15/21 9:27 AM

RE: Three Burning Questions

Posts: 67 Join Date: 2/27/21 Recent Posts
Would you say another way of framing your answer is to let self be absorbed with each moment in time and you start to become each moment in time instead of your ego?
While being absorbed within time are you able to fulfill obligations to ensure you don't increase suffering of others? Meaning, are you able to safely drive, perform at your job without forgetting what others tasked you with, notate important dates others hold to and expect certain things on? From my understanding the opposite approach means you are more dualistic and projecting further and more frequent into the past and future, intent and result are likewise more distant, which increases suffering since they are not aligned like they should be and causes ignorance over the in between moments of intent and result. For driving, you're able to continuously overlap the same moment to double/triple check this is the "right" course that would cause the least amount of suffering for all others around you. If you merge self like that is there any cause for concern over safety issues/causing unintentional strife?
Emil and Martin,
Here's a link to what I've been doing so far:
I understand my path might be pretty unusual compared to what I've read of others stories so far and which makes it more difficult to communicate what I'm seeking and what I know to others. I knew before posting others might have difficulty understanding what I was asking and so that's why I gave sub questions to try and give more context as to what I'm seeking in my original 3 questions.
If you did this practice, what was the insight you got from it? Would it be something along the lines of trying to tie something to what isn't only leads to more suffering and to just flow with each breath as they come or is this more to separate your automatic breath process from trying to control it? Or I guess it could be both of those
spatial, modified 3 Years ago at 4/15/21 8:10 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 4/15/21 8:10 PM

RE: Three Burning Questions

Posts: 615 Join Date: 5/20/18 Recent Posts
Truth Seeker:
Spatial,   If you did this practice, what was the insight you got from it? Would it be something along the lines of trying to tie something to what isn't only leads to more suffering and to just flow with each breath as they come or is this more to separate your automatic breath process from trying to control it? Or I guess it could be both of those ​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​Yes, I guess they're the same thing.