Who Knows? Ajan Sumedho dhamma talk - Discussion
Who Knows? Ajan Sumedho dhamma talk
Papa Che Dusko, modified 3 Years ago at 8/20/21 3:03 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 8/20/21 3:03 AM
Who Knows? Ajan Sumedho dhamma talk
Posts: 3313 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Most here will know that I dont link to dhamma talks at all really but had to post this one as it touches on something very important and that is "running away from conditions into tranquility, equanimity and perfected meditative states and stages, away from the wordly life and what it entails, and from things the way they are right now, etc ..."
BTW, Im at 44 minutes of the video and am yet to hear it to the end ... must bring some garbage to the local recycling bin now so will continue later. I hope this dhamma talk to be of benefit to all.
BTW, Im at 44 minutes of the video and am yet to hear it to the end ... must bring some garbage to the local recycling bin now so will continue later. I hope this dhamma talk to be of benefit to all.