New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people up! - Discussion
New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people up!
Artem Zen, modified 3 Years ago at 12/11/21 1:57 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/11/21 1:57 PM
New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people up!
Posts: 36 Join Date: 4/28/21 Recent Posts
Hello Dharmanites,
I just had the privilege to interview Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people up.
He is one of the most precise pointers and teachers of awakening I have come across.
Angelo is the author of “Awake: It’s Your Turn” - a book that serves as a comprehensive yet simple guide in facilitating awakening.
He experienced awakening at the age of 24 but didn’t start teaching until many years later when he noticed that while having regular conversations with people they would start experiencing profound shifts in their experience to reality.
In this episode, we talk about awakening, suffering, spiritual materialism, and the paradoxical nature of reality.
[Show Notes]
0:00 - Intro 2:12 - Angelo speaks on his spontaneous free flowing approach to awakening 5:21 - Explaining awakening to the broadest audience 11:45 - What is the difference between awakening and liberation?20:45 - Does suffering remain after awakening? 28:35 - Artem speaks about his experience with 5-me0-DMT30:56- Are there people who are awakened that don’t know they are awakened?35:37 - How we create our own suffering 39:52 - What is a thought? (The reflective nature of thoughts)52:30 - What is spiritual materialism and is it inevitable?1:02:48 - Is meditation neccessary for awakening?1:07:37 - How is inquiry different than meditation?1:13:55 - The role of beliefs in the awakening process1:19:43 - Can the relational practice of circling facilitate awakening?1:25:19 - Can psychedelics contribute to awakening?1:30:06 - Angelo unpacks the insight of “There is no way that things are”1:38:11 - Why do so many people doubt the possibility of awakening?1:45:49 - The paradoxical nature of reality
I just had the privilege to interview Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people up.
He is one of the most precise pointers and teachers of awakening I have come across.
Angelo is the author of “Awake: It’s Your Turn” - a book that serves as a comprehensive yet simple guide in facilitating awakening.
He experienced awakening at the age of 24 but didn’t start teaching until many years later when he noticed that while having regular conversations with people they would start experiencing profound shifts in their experience to reality.
In this episode, we talk about awakening, suffering, spiritual materialism, and the paradoxical nature of reality.
[Show Notes]
0:00 - Intro 2:12 - Angelo speaks on his spontaneous free flowing approach to awakening 5:21 - Explaining awakening to the broadest audience 11:45 - What is the difference between awakening and liberation?20:45 - Does suffering remain after awakening? 28:35 - Artem speaks about his experience with 5-me0-DMT30:56- Are there people who are awakened that don’t know they are awakened?35:37 - How we create our own suffering 39:52 - What is a thought? (The reflective nature of thoughts)52:30 - What is spiritual materialism and is it inevitable?1:02:48 - Is meditation neccessary for awakening?1:07:37 - How is inquiry different than meditation?1:13:55 - The role of beliefs in the awakening process1:19:43 - Can the relational practice of circling facilitate awakening?1:25:19 - Can psychedelics contribute to awakening?1:30:06 - Angelo unpacks the insight of “There is no way that things are”1:38:11 - Why do so many people doubt the possibility of awakening?1:45:49 - The paradoxical nature of reality
Papa Che Dusko, modified 3 Years ago at 12/11/21 4:43 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/11/21 4:43 PM
RE: New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people
Posts: 3320 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
So ... if I'm to talk to Him then I might feel something profound, some shift in my reality?
How much does it cost? Does He charge per session or per attainment?
Please do ignore my silliness, I'm sure he is a good lad
May all beings be the light onto themselves
How much does it cost? Does He charge per session or per attainment?
Please do ignore my silliness, I'm sure he is a good lad
May all beings be the light onto themselves
Pepe ·, modified 3 Years ago at 12/11/21 8:39 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/11/21 8:39 PM
RE: New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people
Posts: 764 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
Angelo is a really nice guy, maybe not your cup of tea Papa Che. He gives all for free: texts, videos, personal advice, etc. No charges at all. He works full time, so IIRC he doesn't do one-on-one online sessions. He has answered me a couple of times through audio responses with precise instructions. Somewhere he said his reward (my wording) is enjoying others' awakening.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 3 Years ago at 12/12/21 1:43 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/12/21 1:43 AM
RE: New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people
Posts: 3320 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
I hear you Pepe.
Glad he was of help to you and others!
But yes, he likely ain't my my cup of tea
Best wishes Pepe!
Glad he was of help to you and others!
But yes, he likely ain't my my cup of tea
Best wishes Pepe!
Adi Vader, modified 3 Years ago at 12/17/21 12:28 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/17/21 12:28 AM
RE: New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people
Posts: 408 Join Date: 6/29/20 Recent Posts
Nice. I think I really like this guy. I am very happy to know that interacting with him has helped your practice. Generally I find the zen / advaita folks have very imprecise language. Thus I have always stayed away from their content. But I will check out Angelo on youtube.
Mind over easy, modified 3 Years ago at 12/13/21 2:53 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/13/21 2:53 PM
RE: New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people
Posts: 297 Join Date: 4/28/12 Recent Posts
Thanks for the share, I haven't done a deep dive into his content but I'm liking what I see so far. Hard for me to think about practice or getting it done using things other than the 4-path model as presented in MCTB and the like, but I often appreciate some of the stuff that's more in the immediate awakening type realms. If nothing else it seems like he's speaking to a lot of the same kind of insights that people getting it done are speaking about. Seems like a cool dude to bat!
Jim Smith, modified 3 Years ago at 12/13/21 11:06 PM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/13/21 11:05 PM
RE: New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people
Posts: 1830 Join Date: 1/17/15 Recent PostsPepe ·, modified 3 Years ago at 12/14/21 6:14 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/14/21 6:13 AM
RE: New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people
Posts: 764 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent PostsPepe ·, modified 3 Years ago at 12/14/21 6:35 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/14/21 6:35 AM
RE: New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people
Posts: 764 Join Date: 9/26/18 Recent Posts
Some months ago I posted in my practice log a (trimmed) transcription of one of Angelo's videos. As thay may no be visible for most of DhOers, I place it here too for better accessibility.
How to arrive at unbound consciousness, and what to do when you are experiencing unbound consciousness
The usual experience of consciousness is a polarized internal process, where we're taking ourselves to be the subject, experiencing an objective world. That dualistic experience inside of consciousness is a sort of hypnotic spell, caused by thought caused by polarized thinking. The first step in waking up from the dream of separation is to break that spell. One of the steps in breaking that spell, that gets you right at the edge of awakening, is to recognize what unbound consciousness is experientially. Not to understand it intellectually. It has to be experiential. You have to be knowingly conscious without an object of consciousness, without an object of thought, without experiencing an objective world made out of thought. This is to be pure subjectivity, pure I, pure sense of I am. This is unbound consciousness.
For approaching this, I’ll point to it from two angles.
(1) Approach thought by feel
The first angle is to approach thought by feel, to become interested in what the experience of thinking is. Turning our attention towards thought. Feel into the texture of what a thought is, how it moves, how it arises. And what it moves in. Look and feel into what it feels like to be the thinker. Any thought that arises, regardless of the content: it can be words, it can be an image. Whatever thought is arising in your mind, just give it your attention. Don't wrestle with it. Don't try to change into something else. Just experience it. As if to say “what is that?”, “what is it made out of?”
A thought is kind of like watching a movie in your mind. But if you got curious enough about that movie, or the screen it's playing on, you could walk right up to it. Put your hand in that light. See what it's made out of. Turn towards the projector. What is consciousness as it turns into thought?
When you start to get a feel for the mysteriousness of a thought, keeping your attention right on the thought, you can start to feel your way back to the subject, to the thinker. And notice the thinker is made out of the same substance as the thought.
The thinker and the thought are not two in this space. The sense of you, the sense of the listener, the sense of the awareness, the aware one, the conscious one. Can you find a place where that exists separate from any thought?
Now, when you recognize this sameness, the thinker and the thought aren't separate, and you just kind of rest there, it might feel like a little bit of a movement or a wave. You might feel like your attention's sloshing around in your mind and consciousness. Or just kind of moving in an easy way. Or even a circuit. It might just feel like movement of thought with no content. It might feel like pure self moving out in all directions, including every thought, including all of the space of the thinker, of the thinking, until it's all just one continuous experience of consciousness, one continuous experience of being or I.
Now, if you can feel into that, you just sort of remain there. There's an alertness to it but it can be completely content-less. Meaning no thoughts are forming. Just kind of an awareness that's aware in every direction. A knowing that's self-knowing. Knowing only the knowing. Just like a purity of the knower. Requiring no object, because every object is also part of the knower, it's part of the knowing. This is pure consciousness, unbound consciousness. It's not bound to an object of thought.
(2) De-identification from thoughts
The other angle is to de-identify from thoughts, one by one. As soon as we recognize the thought as a thought, then we can kind of turn our attention to what else is here. Because we're recognizing that usually thoughts are structuring our experience. But when we disregard the thought as not actually here (because it's always pointing somewhere else, or it's saying something that's not directly experienceable right here and right now, like a sound is, or a sensation is, or a visual experience is) then we can let it go. We can turn our attention somewhere else. So, what's the next thought?
Just be ready. And as soon as you recognize it as a thought ( as an arising thought, or a formed thought) just set it aside: “oh that's a thought, now what else is here?” And you notice the gap before another thought comes, don't make any more thoughts. Stay in the gap, but be alert for a thought to come spontaneously. And just notice the gap expand, until the next thought arrives. Might last a few seconds, might last 20 or 30 seconds. It might last longer.
This gap might also feel like the pure sense of I. Or it might not feel like anything specific because we're not thinking, we're not labeling. So it's pure alert attention. But not interested in thinking. So in that gap (and remember gap is also a thought), in that absence of thoughts (that's what I'm pointing to when I say unbound consciousness) you're not asleep but you're also not thinking.
The mind is sneaky. It'll tell you that without thinking you can't know its unbound consciousness. But that is one thought. You can just disregard that as another thought and return to the gap. Because you absolutely can know unbound consciousness with no thoughts at all. So just stay right there.
Now, what to do when you've arrived at unbound consciousness? And is that actually awakening to experience unbound consciousness?
Well, it's not awakening yet, but it's very fertile ground for awakening. Once you come to this place there's nothing more you can do. You can give yourself to this experience of pure conscious experience, pure conscious being, and remain alert. Remain in that thoughtless space.
But there's nothing more you can do, but just commit to just remaining here, regardless of how you feel, regardless of how the body reacts. It's very common that the body will have a strong response, a fear response. Without thoughts, it's literally a physiologic experience. Just stay there. Stay with that unbound consciousness. And the fear response will subside, it won't last forever. It might be intense for a while, but even intense is a descriptor, a thought. Just let the body experience what it needs to experience. And as you remain in this unbound conscious state, at some point the body will calm down. And it will just be a neutral, aware, thoughtless conscious space. Is this awakening? Not yet.
Just remain here. Once you're able to cultivate this, and once you've gone through a fear barrier (if you do … most people do, but it doesn't mean you will) don't think about it, don't obsess over whether it was there or not. That's just thoughts. But if it comes it's okay. If it doesn't come, it's okay. But if you've cultivated the ability to remain in this thoughtless space for a time, and/or gone through that fear threshold, then again there's nothing more to do. Just stay here. Just remain with it. Reality will do the work.
Just be very alert for the thoughts that are practice thoughts, self-monitoring thoughts, and just keep letting go when you recognize that's just another thought.
And just go back to that space exquisitely neutral. It's contentless. It's uninteresting to the thought process, because the thought process can say nothing about it. But the thought process is dissolved fully in it and it's made fully out of it. So everything you've ever thought is already here. Everything you ever thought you were is here. Everything you ever thought the world was is here. In its pure form, in its unmanifested form. Pure conscious, without having to turn into anything.
So just remain in that alert thoughtless neutral space. Don't move. Remain in that neutrality. That's your practice. That's all there is to do. And then be patient. If you can really remain here, and you're not getting entangled in thoughts again, it's just a matter of time.
How to arrive at unbound consciousness, and what to do when you are experiencing unbound consciousness
The usual experience of consciousness is a polarized internal process, where we're taking ourselves to be the subject, experiencing an objective world. That dualistic experience inside of consciousness is a sort of hypnotic spell, caused by thought caused by polarized thinking. The first step in waking up from the dream of separation is to break that spell. One of the steps in breaking that spell, that gets you right at the edge of awakening, is to recognize what unbound consciousness is experientially. Not to understand it intellectually. It has to be experiential. You have to be knowingly conscious without an object of consciousness, without an object of thought, without experiencing an objective world made out of thought. This is to be pure subjectivity, pure I, pure sense of I am. This is unbound consciousness.
For approaching this, I’ll point to it from two angles.
(1) Approach thought by feel
The first angle is to approach thought by feel, to become interested in what the experience of thinking is. Turning our attention towards thought. Feel into the texture of what a thought is, how it moves, how it arises. And what it moves in. Look and feel into what it feels like to be the thinker. Any thought that arises, regardless of the content: it can be words, it can be an image. Whatever thought is arising in your mind, just give it your attention. Don't wrestle with it. Don't try to change into something else. Just experience it. As if to say “what is that?”, “what is it made out of?”
A thought is kind of like watching a movie in your mind. But if you got curious enough about that movie, or the screen it's playing on, you could walk right up to it. Put your hand in that light. See what it's made out of. Turn towards the projector. What is consciousness as it turns into thought?
When you start to get a feel for the mysteriousness of a thought, keeping your attention right on the thought, you can start to feel your way back to the subject, to the thinker. And notice the thinker is made out of the same substance as the thought.
The thinker and the thought are not two in this space. The sense of you, the sense of the listener, the sense of the awareness, the aware one, the conscious one. Can you find a place where that exists separate from any thought?
Now, when you recognize this sameness, the thinker and the thought aren't separate, and you just kind of rest there, it might feel like a little bit of a movement or a wave. You might feel like your attention's sloshing around in your mind and consciousness. Or just kind of moving in an easy way. Or even a circuit. It might just feel like movement of thought with no content. It might feel like pure self moving out in all directions, including every thought, including all of the space of the thinker, of the thinking, until it's all just one continuous experience of consciousness, one continuous experience of being or I.
Now, if you can feel into that, you just sort of remain there. There's an alertness to it but it can be completely content-less. Meaning no thoughts are forming. Just kind of an awareness that's aware in every direction. A knowing that's self-knowing. Knowing only the knowing. Just like a purity of the knower. Requiring no object, because every object is also part of the knower, it's part of the knowing. This is pure consciousness, unbound consciousness. It's not bound to an object of thought.
(2) De-identification from thoughts
The other angle is to de-identify from thoughts, one by one. As soon as we recognize the thought as a thought, then we can kind of turn our attention to what else is here. Because we're recognizing that usually thoughts are structuring our experience. But when we disregard the thought as not actually here (because it's always pointing somewhere else, or it's saying something that's not directly experienceable right here and right now, like a sound is, or a sensation is, or a visual experience is) then we can let it go. We can turn our attention somewhere else. So, what's the next thought?
Just be ready. And as soon as you recognize it as a thought ( as an arising thought, or a formed thought) just set it aside: “oh that's a thought, now what else is here?” And you notice the gap before another thought comes, don't make any more thoughts. Stay in the gap, but be alert for a thought to come spontaneously. And just notice the gap expand, until the next thought arrives. Might last a few seconds, might last 20 or 30 seconds. It might last longer.
This gap might also feel like the pure sense of I. Or it might not feel like anything specific because we're not thinking, we're not labeling. So it's pure alert attention. But not interested in thinking. So in that gap (and remember gap is also a thought), in that absence of thoughts (that's what I'm pointing to when I say unbound consciousness) you're not asleep but you're also not thinking.
The mind is sneaky. It'll tell you that without thinking you can't know its unbound consciousness. But that is one thought. You can just disregard that as another thought and return to the gap. Because you absolutely can know unbound consciousness with no thoughts at all. So just stay right there.
Now, what to do when you've arrived at unbound consciousness? And is that actually awakening to experience unbound consciousness?
Well, it's not awakening yet, but it's very fertile ground for awakening. Once you come to this place there's nothing more you can do. You can give yourself to this experience of pure conscious experience, pure conscious being, and remain alert. Remain in that thoughtless space.
But there's nothing more you can do, but just commit to just remaining here, regardless of how you feel, regardless of how the body reacts. It's very common that the body will have a strong response, a fear response. Without thoughts, it's literally a physiologic experience. Just stay there. Stay with that unbound consciousness. And the fear response will subside, it won't last forever. It might be intense for a while, but even intense is a descriptor, a thought. Just let the body experience what it needs to experience. And as you remain in this unbound conscious state, at some point the body will calm down. And it will just be a neutral, aware, thoughtless conscious space. Is this awakening? Not yet.
Just remain here. Once you're able to cultivate this, and once you've gone through a fear barrier (if you do … most people do, but it doesn't mean you will) don't think about it, don't obsess over whether it was there or not. That's just thoughts. But if it comes it's okay. If it doesn't come, it's okay. But if you've cultivated the ability to remain in this thoughtless space for a time, and/or gone through that fear threshold, then again there's nothing more to do. Just stay here. Just remain with it. Reality will do the work.
Just be very alert for the thoughts that are practice thoughts, self-monitoring thoughts, and just keep letting go when you recognize that's just another thought.
And just go back to that space exquisitely neutral. It's contentless. It's uninteresting to the thought process, because the thought process can say nothing about it. But the thought process is dissolved fully in it and it's made fully out of it. So everything you've ever thought is already here. Everything you ever thought you were is here. Everything you ever thought the world was is here. In its pure form, in its unmanifested form. Pure conscious, without having to turn into anything.
So just remain in that alert thoughtless neutral space. Don't move. Remain in that neutrality. That's your practice. That's all there is to do. And then be patient. If you can really remain here, and you're not getting entangled in thoughts again, it's just a matter of time.
George S, modified 3 Years ago at 12/18/21 7:48 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/18/21 7:48 AM
RE: New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people
Posts: 2722 Join Date: 2/26/19 Recent Posts
In the interview Angelo recommends a film called The Work, which is a documentary about a group therapy retreat in Folsom Prison. I just watched it and found it extremely powerful.
finding-oneself ♤, modified 3 Years ago at 12/19/21 10:04 AM
Created 3 Years ago at 12/19/21 10:04 AM
RE: New podcast with Angelo Dilullo - The Anesthesiologist who wakes people
Posts: 577 Join Date: 1/7/14 Recent Posts
I need more present-moment type teachings to balance myself out. It hit home during the "How we create our own suffering" part.
It really helps to be able to experience a real person's personality that the teachings come though. Like if I only read his book it doesnt hit as hard. This is a great resource which I will likely come back too.
Thanks so much for the interview. (And other ones too).
I enjoy your smiling energy. C:
It really helps to be able to experience a real person's personality that the teachings come though. Like if I only read his book it doesnt hit as hard. This is a great resource which I will likely come back too.
Thanks so much for the interview. (And other ones too).
I enjoy your smiling energy. C: