What does it mean to not take birth

Adi Vader, modified 2 Years ago at 3/31/22 6:07 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 3/31/22 6:06 AM

What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 415 Join Date: 6/29/20 Recent Posts
Attention and the change in its meaning as insights and path moments accrue

There is a receptivity to data from 6 sense doors. Lets call this receptivity as 'awareness'There is the ability to choose one object. This choice emerges either through intentionality or objects 'self select'. This choice is accompanies by a sharp gradient of interest and imputed salience in any given instant. The choice, the intentionality, the interest, the self selection leads to that object being known and held in short term working memory. Thereby the characteristics of that object get studied and encoded in memory. This is the phenomena of attention.'Object' can be the itch on your left buttcheek. Or it can be the aggregate level experience of being harshly criticized by your boss, with a winning lottery ticket in your right trouser pocket and deep deep inside ... one of your shoes ... your sock is slowly sliding off your foot ... and you cant fix this because ... well ... your boss! Object can also be the entirety of all objects in awareness or it can be the fire element present in an itch caused due to a mosquito bite on the pinky finger of the left foot.The sequence of events is:
  1. Objects exist in awareness
  2. Interest is taken in one of them (intentionality/self selection)
  3. A single object comes into attention, its details are held in short term working memory (smriti / sati)
  4. Because there is a chosen object thus there is an imputed chooser or subject to whom that object is happening

The creation of a subject in response to the choice of a single object is an understanding that contradicts the understanding of the 'villagers'. It is the understanding of an accomplished yogi.In the absence of this understanding (ignorance) the mind starts to infuse affective investments with this subject. The subject is a placeholder but the sanyojana/anusaya (fetters/latent tendencies) start to manifest and using the seed of this placeholder subject create an entire human being with a story.With ignorance gone, the creation of the being and the story is ended ... for ever. But the ability of the mind to get into the mode of choice, interest, short term working memory isn't lost . For ever and ever the subject is seen as just that ... an empty shell. The heart is never stuffed into this shell.Completely change the explanatory paradigm and go in the direction of background and foreground - you will still have a subject that either gets infused with life and a story ... or not. But the point remains the sameAttentional ability after insight isn't lost. But because the cloying, grasping human is not created therefore it becomes a strange and alien experience for the mind. But it just simply takes some getting used to.

The heart is never stuffed into this shell

This is the complete checking out of samsara and checking in into tathata. This is birth being ended ... forever.
genaro, modified 2 Years ago at 3/31/22 7:35 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 3/31/22 7:35 AM

RE: What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 126 Join Date: 11/23/19 Recent Posts
concise and to the point,  one of the most useful posts i've seen for a long while, thank you sir!

FWIW Mr Spock just told me it would be illogical not to have attentional ability, as that would preclude being able to function in a world of actions & events, so obviously that ability cannot be lost if you're still here ;-)
Chris M, modified 2 Years ago at 3/31/22 8:03 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 3/31/22 8:03 AM

RE: What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 5610 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Agreed - well done!
George S, modified 2 Years ago at 3/31/22 11:19 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 3/31/22 11:19 AM

RE: What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 2722 Join Date: 2/26/19 Recent Posts
'In the birth just the birth'

As far as I can see, intentions also self select.
Pawel K, modified 2 Years ago at 3/31/22 11:39 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 3/31/22 11:39 AM

RE: What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 1172 Join Date: 2/22/20 Recent Posts
Samsara - virtual reality game distributed in free-to-play model where you live your life as human being or other life forms with all memories of reality locked and unavailable during gameplay. Human build is by far most popular and 7.9 billion people currently play as humans. In currently hosted session humans live in industrial pre-space exploration society experiencing digital industrial revolution. Humans are challenged with numerous issues and live in constant fear of war and nuclear annihilation. Game takes bad to good reviews but still remains one of the most popular games in the history.

Health experts warn that despite game allowing people to experience life in lush life-friendly environment on water planet game can be both very stressful and is very addictive. People can love or hate it but they almost always continue to play after they die in the virtual world. Experts are also concerned that development of society suffers because of Samsara and similar games.

Common critique of the game is complete locking of memories which cause game to be much harder than it needs to be and can develop very negative traits in people. Game developers claim that this is part of the experience and without it Samsara would not be the same and they do not intend to make any exceptions for anyone, even themselves. They also note that in case person becomes egotistic psychopath part of the game is resocialization process called HELL that is very successful in resetting them to last known good state but they really do not recommend needing to go through it.

User reviews:
Spent sh%$load of coins on good starting build but the game was still confusing as hell. You loose all your memories and have zero instructions how to play and think this is all reality. Spent years trying to figure out how to end the gameplay. Never gonna play this $%^# again! ~Siddhattha G. Rating: 0/5 stars

Can be confusing at times until you figure what is what but it is exactly this mystery to be solved that is most interesting aspect of the gameplay. Good place to meet and have fun with as I call them "Jhanas" ~^ I really do not like playing without gold so despite being free-to-play it is pretty expensive. Great waste of time though. ~Pawel K. Rating 4/5 stars

Great game. Met my wife here and we already had numerous playthroughs together. Can be tough but also very satisfying. Key to good playthrough is being good honest character. It is like having second life, many second lives. ~John D. Rating 5/5

Traumatic experiences. Can develop really bad character traits. Resocialization in HELL very unpleasant. Almost made me regret some of the actions. By user vote I got time ban... I ask why? ~Adolf H. Rating 3/5

What does it mean to not take birth? No idea ^^
George S, modified 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 6:26 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 6:26 AM

RE: What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 2722 Join Date: 2/26/19 Recent Posts
Been playing this game for a while now. Got hooked as a teen. Was fun at first, but overplay led to a long stretch in HELL. Considered quitting at one point, but discovery of respawn and ego-resize features led to a dramatic improvement in gameplay experience. Kudos to the devs for making these features so hard to find. Game can get quite laggy when there are a lot of users on the network, but memory overwrite hack fixes this. Wouldn’t necessarily recommend playing more than once, but overall it’s been a fun game. Even introduced my kids to it. Sometimes they listen to my advice, but mostly they want to learn to play by themselves, which can be frustrating. Currently enjoying playing in multi-thread mode, which fixes resolution issue in darker realms. ~George S. Rating 4/5
Chris M, modified 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 7:45 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 7:44 AM

RE: What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 5610 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
The secret to this game is that it isn't about the player. This recognition unlocks a series of interesting strategies and tactics; compassion, empathy, and so on. Also, while there is no such thing as winning this game there IS a way to avoid the unending pain of playing and avoid hell and other nasty results.

No game rating since this isn't a game at all.
Martin V, modified 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 12:51 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 12:51 PM

RE: What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 1077 Join Date: 4/25/20 Recent Posts
Most people get stressed by this game simply because they haven't found the pause button. Finding the quit command is harder than unsubscribing from a website that has your credit card info, but I'm told it can be done. 
Pawel K, modified 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 3:56 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 3:56 PM

RE: What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 1172 Join Date: 2/22/20 Recent Posts
Might not be a computer game but you can rate it anyways...
God can take it if he screwed up ;)

I myself want for issues to be resolved, tangles untangled, routing issues not happening, neurons not be tired and generally sunshine, rainbow and cold breeze in the evenings. Ending birth solves nothing.
Chris M, modified 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 4:04 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 4:04 PM

RE: What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 5610 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Your desire to fix everything is nice.
Adi Vader, modified 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 9:24 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/1/22 9:24 PM

RE: What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 415 Join Date: 6/29/20 Recent Posts
Yes it can be done, and then you discover that the game isnt all that bad. The experience of the game play changes dramatically.

Perhaps misquoting Nisargadatta Maharaj:

"Wisdom tells me I am nothing, love tells me I am everything, between the two my life flows"
Steve Rudx, modified 2 Years ago at 4/2/22 12:20 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/2/22 12:20 PM

RE: What does it mean to not take birth

Posts: 17 Join Date: 2/26/22 Recent Posts
"This was misrepresented to me as a creative art class." -A Einstein
