RE: Psilocybin Sensitivity

Eric G, modified 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 9:05 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 9:05 AM

Psilocybin Sensitivity

Posts: 133 Join Date: 5/6/10 Recent Posts
Along the path I got very into psilocybin, i.e. magic mushrooms, as a result of reading the 2006 paper by Griffiths that likened psilocybin experiences to the genuine mystical experiences of spiritual practitioners.

There are many ways in which I felt these experiences helped me, from showing me jhanas and pure consciousness experiences, to psychological healing.  But somewhere in the wake of what people would call second path or so, I found that I was getting more intense experiences and needed to decrease the dosage.  It struck me as really weird at the time, I couldn't really believe that the dose need to change.  I kept trying my usual dose but eventually the message was clear, that the dose had to come down, and it did significantly.  I ended up using between 5% and 10% of my usual dose.

That much of the story, at least in the general sense of psychedelic dosage coming down among experienced meditators, that seems pretty normal from what little info we have.

But somewhere maybe seven years down the road from there, when I had lost a lot of the desire to do psychedelics but still liked to check in with the experience once or twice a year, I began to experience something very different - nausea.  Extreme nausea.  I had done mushrooms a lot, around 300 times in my life (about once a week for five years plus the rest) and had never experienced nausea.  Same batches of mushrooms, batches that other people sampled from.  And I tried everything, all the remedies.  I tried making tea, using ginger, fasting, avoiding any medications, etc.  Nothing worked.

It was an experience of a kind of chemical sensitivity as well, in that I would get very very cold and the psychedelic experience would be overwhelming and then it would turn to nausea.  With these very small amounts of mushrooms.

So I don't know.  My blood work that relates to things like liver and kidneys, all good.  The only thing that works is staying away from psilocybin.  Lord knows I've gotten about everything out of it that I can.  I have considered trying an anti-nausea medication, but that's a whole 'nother road to go down.  Hang up the phone I guess.

Just kind of wondering if anyone else has experienced this.  For me this was happening about eight years past stream entry.
finding-oneself ♤, modified 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 9:39 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 9:39 AM

RE: Psilocybin Sensitivity

Posts: 576 Join Date: 1/7/14 Recent Posts
I've had a different experience so far.

Yes I have experienced changes but I always thought that was because of psychedelics. Then when I read MCTB I realized it was a mix of exogenous/endogenously generated experiences.

The first thing was that alcohol turned from a pleasant drug into a physical poison with no positive effects, ever. Weed became very strong. To this day, CBD full spectrum extract is too much. It's literally an ordeal to take a few MG of THC.

I had my A&P  event on low dose LSA/Hawaiian baby wood rose. After that the few psychedelics I tried seemed weaker. Except mushrooms which was insanely strong at 3.5 grams of a stronger strain. I Think that's when weed got stronger if I remember.

But I haven't done any psychedelics in years now.

I hope you can figure out a way to fix it, since you feel drawn to it again. Maybe it's psilocybin specific and another type psychedelic wouldn't do that. Or maybe another ROA that bypasses the stomach, like sublingual. Good luck.
George S, modified 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 12:36 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 12:36 PM

RE: Psilocybin Sensitivity

Posts: 2722 Join Date: 2/26/19 Recent Posts
Maybe your body rejecting the medicine is its way of telling you that you have the ability to generate the experiences you need to experience unassisted now ...
terry, modified 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 2:02 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 2:02 PM

RE: Psilocybin Sensitivity

Posts: 2722 Join Date: 8/7/17 Recent Posts
try lsd

or pharmaceutical silly cybin...

could just be the shroomz

recently I found mushrooms mildly disagreeable due to indigestion and found lsd to be smooth and digestionally insignificant...

but whats a little nausea in pursuit of the ultimate...
terry, modified 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 2:07 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 2:07 PM

RE: Psilocybin Sensitivity

Posts: 2722 Join Date: 8/7/17 Recent Posts
hawaiian baby woodrose!!!!<br /><br />and to think we only use them for decoration...<br /><br />how do you get high on woodrose?<br /><br />(lsa?)<br /><br /><br /><br /> 
finding-oneself ♤, modified 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 2:40 PM
Created 2 Years ago at 4/29/22 2:40 PM

RE: Psilocybin Sensitivity

Posts: 576 Join Date: 1/7/14 Recent Posts
Hahaha, that had me cracking up. Alright, I'm pretty sure people extract them... but I would just grind them up and chew them.

If memory serves me correctly I usually ate 3-6 seeds. Up to 12, but the problem with them, and why they are less popular is a body load from an extra chemical in them that constricts veins, proportional to dose.

That's why I liked the low doses. The A&P happened on a low dose.

They were incredibly potent at first for my young psychedelic naive brain. I don't know if I would recommend them. But they are legal.

And yes the active ingredient is LSA, lysergic acid amide. LSDs cousin.