RE: Am I in the A&P

เอียน พิชฟอร์ด, modified 2 Years ago at 8/25/22 7:20 AM
Created 2 Years ago at 8/24/22 2:33 AM

RE: Am I in the A&P

Posts: 42 Join Date: 2/10/20 Recent Posts
Maps have their uses, but the main thing is to avoid the passivity endemic in Western Buddhism: it seems to be based on the belief that intense practice (concentration) can lead to intense experiences which are of themselves liberatory. That's not how it is. In fact intense experiences are often irrelevant and best ignored. The practice is one of patient skill development, generally through ānāpānasati. Its fruits are immediate because we remove the hindrances in this moment. That's basically what this thread is about. Some go as far as to claim that much of Western Buddhism is like a form of Christian mysticism in which we are exhorted to sit patiently and wait for divine grace. 

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