Elbólintós P-Log 2.

Balint P, modified 1 Year ago at 3/19/23 4:00 PM
Created 1 Year ago at 3/19/23 3:11 PM

Elbólintós P-Log 2.

Posts: 70 Join Date: 8/3/18 Recent Posts
Hi Sangha. This is a reboot of my practice log from before. Comments welcome. Love you all.

Week 2, Monday. 35 min sit, eyes closed. Unstructured.
Body scan, following the breath, counting difficult - mind more scattered than usual (on account of not getting enough sleep the night before) - followed the breath nevertheless while noting at the same time.
Some metta - self-compassion arose on its own, lots of smiling, At one point, the visual field "came alive". Kept FB & noting. Tension in the left shoulder/neck area, breathing into it. The tension did move around a little, not too much (does not really apper 'flickering' but also not entirely rigid). 
When done: hungry for more.

Tue. 35 min, a 'difficult' sit
Started late in the day, exhausted, not properly rested, a bit sick.
Counting, noting difficulty, noting sensations, states, thinking, smiling, pain, posture
A bit of noting aloud. Noting impatience. A bit of metta, felt good.

Wed. 35 min, no notes taken. 
Practically fell asleep several times, with dream sequence just about to start then return to the breath.

Thursday & Friday - 35 min each, no notes taken.
I remember something involving dullness emoticon

Sat. 35 min + 70 min - the latter was a bit long, it's probably best to stick to more frequent shorter sits. Still, I did it. No notes taken.
Edit: I realize I had a heart rate monitor on and it clearly shows a lower HR near the end of the sit, which might or might not be relevant. Also, this section I was noting aloud. (The minute count shows not exactly 70 mins as I was disturbed along the way and got up for a few mins then sat back). 
Open photo

Sun. Sat for 35 min in the morning (noonish, really) + 35 min walking meditation in the park. Noted down-up, down-up (short for lifting, placing... the monosyllabic format seems to work better these days), then went for a more experimental format mixing down-up and see-hear-feel like so: down-up-see-down-up-see-down-up-hear-down-up-feel etc. Colours and such seemed pretty cool, maybe just a change in the light as sunset approached.  

Goals for next week:
1. Keep the 35 min sits - all seven days of the week.
2. If possible, sit in the morning before work (i.e. manage to wake up in time for that).
3. If possible, take notes after every sit (at least after one sit a day if there is more).
4. Have either a second sit or do walking med some of the days (say, on at least days of the week)
5. In any case, aim for consistency, not heroics.
Balint P, modified 14 Days ago at 10/7/24 1:47 PM
Created 14 Days ago at 10/7/24 1:42 PM

RE: Elbólintós P-Log 2.

Posts: 70 Join Date: 8/3/18 Recent Posts

Today:  one 60m evening sit: 30 min TMI (lots of mental chatter, reached a point near the very end where there were nice layered tingling sensations in one or two spots on the nose calling for further exploration) followed by 30 min silent noting starting with what was reffered to in maybe Barros' log as Shargrol's simplifed noting (noting falling on the outbreath and noting whatever comes up otherwise), then just plain silent noting till the end. Also lots of mental chatter here, which was sometimes, but not always, noted. Even though I was a tad sleep deprived, felt rather refreshed for maybe the last 15 mins and feeling somewhat cheerful right now.

(Edited for clarity plus additional details a few times right after the initial posting.)
Balint P, modified 14 Days ago at 10/8/24 1:21 AM
Created 14 Days ago at 10/8/24 1:21 AM

RE: Elbólintós P-Log 2.

Posts: 70 Join Date: 8/3/18 Recent Posts
Morning: 60m. 40 min TMI (lots of chatter and also dullness) + 20 min noting.

Nothing fancy, but I'm happy I managed to have a proper sit before work.
Balint P, modified 12 Days ago at 10/10/24 2:40 AM
Created 12 Days ago at 10/10/24 2:40 AM

RE: Elbólintós P-Log 2.

Posts: 70 Join Date: 8/3/18 Recent Posts
Yesterday morning: 30 min (TMI + Noting). Didn't take notes, don't remember much.

Night: feeling exhausted, it seemed like a good idea to try to meditate in bed for 30 minutes instead of on the couch. Obviously, most of the time I was at least half asleep. It still was nice emoticon

This morning:
15 min focusing exercise: letting whatever arise in the body, staying with it, describing it (in actual words, though silently), "seeing" if the description fits, checking into how the original whatever stayed the same, shifted, or moved on, then rinse & repeat. This is something new I wish to play around more with. It is similar to but still different from noting. There is a gentle quality to it, the pace is slower, and  looking for the words and checking if they fit gives a nice handle to feeling into phenomena.
15 min TMI - started out well grounded. 
15 min silent noting. Nice.
Papa Che Dusko, modified 10 Days ago at 10/11/24 7:58 PM
Created 10 Days ago at 10/11/24 7:58 PM

RE: Elbólintós P-Log 2.

Posts: 3054 Join Date: 3/1/20 Recent Posts
Best wishes to you! emoticon 
Balint P, modified 6 Days ago at 10/16/24 1:53 AM
Created 6 Days ago at 10/16/24 1:53 AM

RE: Elbólintós P-Log 2.

Posts: 70 Join Date: 8/3/18 Recent Posts
Thank you, Papa!

Friday evening - 30 min only. The most scattered-brained sit of recent times.

Saturday - 45 min.

Sunday - 90 min seated med: - 6*15 min.

     1. Started with 4 elements, scanning body for solidity, fluidity etc. It's been a long time since I last did this based on one of Analayo's books, felt a bit rusty. Switched at 15' to
     2. Practicing with four foundations of mofoness -  knowing the long/short breath as the long/short breath (basically 'connecting' from TMI), then observing phenomena in the body, then emotions etc. At 45', switched to 
     3. Simple noting, focusing on a, emotions then b, vedana.
     4. At 75', decided to move a little for the knees' sake - standing up, a few relatively mindful stretches, then sitting back down again, following breath for until the last chime. Noting grasping, wanting. 

Looking back, I was working with the assumption that this would be a longer sit when there is time do do more and also to do proper grounding, but instead of really going for that, I made a big fuss about it mentally but then only dabbled in this and that.

Recently I've been at a point where 'long sits' last 60 mins, maybe a few minutes more. Given that it was the weekend with more time on my hands it was a reasonable idea to try to sit longer but probably to focussed 45 m sits would have been more worthwhile. Nevertheless, I have the intention to periodically sit for longer. 

Mo - no sit
Tue - no sit

I haven't missed two day for a long time.
shargrol, modified 5 Days ago at 10/16/24 5:11 PM
Created 5 Days ago at 10/16/24 5:11 PM

RE: Elbólintós P-Log 2.

Posts: 2688 Join Date: 2/8/16 Recent Posts
Balint P.:
Practicing with four foundations of mofoness

Sorry for this silly reply, but "foundations of mofoness" made me smile. emoticon

Mofo Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
