RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Pawel K, modified 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 9:23 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 5/21/24 11:04 AM

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Posts: 1172 Join Date: 2/22/20 Recent Posts
Imho the Ultimate Reality is the center point.
There is one ultimate rule there and therefore only crazy people go there.
You need to figure it yourself and then you attain Enlightenment. By this point you probably already have realized it and just knowing you don't absolutely need it you still find it inappropriate to go empty handed. It is not the one rule. It is just a custom. It is related to the only rule.
Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain

What you receive out is proportional to what you give in. Better be sure you bring your best!

As for space itself, its like a fine cushion.
So soft, pure and comfy <3
You don't need that much space though.
Don't be greedy in these things or you shall receive nothing!

p.s. In some sense what I wrote is related to the topic... still mostly crazy people talking!

Also there is an edge to space
Something tells me everything people say is untrue emoticon
Or maybe you just refer to forms. Then it can be totally boundless and centerless. It can be whatever you can imagine. Literally emoticon
Chris M, modified 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 9:23 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 5/21/24 11:28 AM

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Posts: 5417 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
As for space itself, its like a fine cushion.
So soft, pure and comfy <3
You don't need that much space though.
Don't be greedy in these things or you shall receive nothing!

p.s. In some sense what I wrote is related to the topic... still mostly crazy people talking!

Also there is an edge to space
Something tells me everything people say is untrue emoticon
Or maybe you just refer to forms. Then it can be totally boundless and centerless. It can be whatever you can imagine. Literally emoticon

I'm curious. Ni Nurta - how is this supposed to help the poster who asked the original question? Or is that not your intent? If not, what is your intent? To entertain? To confuse? To annoy?

I'd appreciate a serious and communicative response.

- Chris M
Pawel K, modified 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 9:23 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 5/21/24 3:21 PM

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Posts: 1172 Join Date: 2/22/20 Recent Posts
I provided response to OP in post 28170533
This one wasn't aimed at OP and his space related terror nana has most probably already passed.
There is functionality on DhO to write responses to individual posts and I used it. Post about visualizations about space, center, boundlessness, etc. fit as a response to post about visualizations.

If you have any specific complaint as to where I broke site regulations please state them correctly.
Olivier S, modified 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 9:23 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 5/21/24 3:28 PM

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Posts: 983 Join Date: 4/27/19 Recent Posts
Trolls gonna troll !
Pawel K, modified 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 9:23 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 5/21/24 3:36 PM

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Posts: 1172 Join Date: 2/22/20 Recent Posts
You take me as troll?
Olivier S, modified 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 9:23 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 5/21/24 4:36 PM

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Posts: 983 Join Date: 4/27/19 Recent Posts
Kind of, I have to say. 
Chris M, modified 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 9:23 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 5/22/24 7:20 AM

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Posts: 5417 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Ni Nurta, it seems you just post misleading or meaningless nonsense much of the time. It's just not serious - this topic is a prime example. You have a private language that you use. I suspect much of what you post is meant to distract or confuse others and to entertain one person - that person being you. I've grown weary of trying to understand what you post, and I suspect your intent is to get us to waste time trying to understand the gibberish. I know you can be clear, precise, and communicative when you want to be. I expect that of you from now on, for the good of the DhO.
Olivier S, modified 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 9:23 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 5/22/24 1:22 PM

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Posts: 983 Join Date: 4/27/19 Recent Posts
Pawel K, modified 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 9:23 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 3:27 AM

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Posts: 1172 Join Date: 2/22/20 Recent Posts
The truth is you also grew weary of trying to understand yourself.
You always say you are too old to want to understand anything new.
You don't understand yourself, don't you?

Chris, let's do it like this: describe your THIS using your language until it doesn't feel you are leaving anything on the table, nothing left undescribed precisely. Then I will know English with which I can talk to you - maybe to other people also.

If I was to describe anything with your current precision levels it should be...NIBBANA... and/or VAJRA and/or TRUE SELF and or SYNESTHESIA and/or DECOHERENCE
But you see, not only it isn't one thing which I assume everyone has but I can enable or disable features of these five axes of development (hence I claimed 5th Path - makes as much sense as any other way to estimate these things) freely. If I add some amount of all five I arrive at something I could call as THIS to indicate I do have preferred resting state but I don't call it that. Each one is by itself the solution to dukkha.

Is it the same as your THIS?
Nope. Nothing indicates your THIS is the same as any of the capital letter thingy I just mentioned.
In fact THIS I just call CHRIS'S THIS emoticon
I get basic idea but its hard to nail it down without your support. Just spout first things that come to mind when you experience THIS and that will be enough to help me get it more precisely. I know how to meditate my neurons.

Am I spouting nonsense?
You are however spouting nonsense when saying things like there being some THIS that is the same for everyone and therefore there is no need to describe it. Or saying it is impossible to describe it.
It is just impossible to describe it so that everyone gets it. You need to be ready to get it.
Then again are we so deluded to not know how dharma works to not know how to use these descriptions?
Person has to have certain level of... purity of heart, let's call it that, in order to be able to get anything from me.

One time I literally described it to you Chris how I understand how 'transmissions' work - at least in the mundane sense.
Super-mundane explanations I find extremely unpragmatic. People should not indulge in dogmatic delusions. We are pragmatists - we should know how stuff work in the mundane sense so we are not delusional. We should focus on this - not on patting oneself on the back pretending that what we got is some ultimate state and making sure no one says anything in their own words to be able to pretend it is the same thing. It is you who don't understand dharma and its language, not me. Also if I developed something myself I get all rights to use my own terms to describe it. Kapish?

Too meta for your tastes?
Its "you issue" not "me issue"
I do hope it was "clear, precise, and communicative".
I actually always intend my messages to be that. Unless its light-hearted post about visualizations.
Everyone makes light-hearted posts once in a while. No reason to bash me for it specifically just because you don't like me.
You are moderator of pragmatic dharma forum and yet you mock users for being not dogmatic enough?
Are you sure you are fit for the role? Gotta ask Daniel about that...

Metta Fruitions,

@ Oliver
And your problem with me is...?
I would say it is the same problem as everyone else has: you feel intimidated by my ego which I never claimed to have eliminated but rather cultivated so the only copying mechanism your mind can come up with is to call me a troll.
Not nice, very not nice.
Says a lot about you and your insecurities, not me.

BTW. I can imagine Buddha when he claimed supreme enlightenment there were people (especially at the beginning) who called him troll (or however it was called in ancient India) and he was like "whatever you say, boss!" but of course with better mannered attitude. He was son of king after all, received the best education about these things. In comparison I am simple humble person from (hopefully!) middle caste. I need to respect that, you know?
Chris M, modified 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 10:33 AM
Created 5 Months ago at 5/23/24 8:04 AM

RE: Emptiness and fabrication is kinda disturbing. Am I misunderstanding it

Posts: 5417 Join Date: 1/26/13 Recent Posts
Pawel K or Ni Nurta, why are you deflecting from the obvious problem? This is about your posting behavior and its effects on everyone else here. Just change it, as I know you can. Here's the DhO policy that's appropriate in your case: ​​​​​​​

The purpose of the DhO is to foster honest, forthright communication and the sharing of information and practices around the pursuit of meditation and the fruits of spiritual life. Honest communication cannot occur when subterfuge, dishonesty, and hidden agendas exist among people.

I expect that you will stop posting gibberish, stop trolling for your personal amusement, be a good DhO citizen, and communicate clearly with everyone else.

*** You may post whatever suits your fancy on your own topics, but I want you to stop ruining other topics with excessively long, meandering, and uncommunicative comments. Failure to follow this direction will result in the loss of your access to your accounts.***


- Chris M
DhO Moderator

