The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Tom M A, modified 12 Years ago at 8/27/12 4:18 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/27/12 4:18 PM

The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 67 Join Date: 8/22/12 Recent Posts

Clearly shows us how we can harness the forces within to achieve health, vitality and prosperity.

This is the story of a miraculous change that takes place in a man after he meets a true master of life.

He learns - and shares with us - secret teachings that allow him to develop his powers so that he can accomplish anything he desires.

The Message of A Master shows us how to accomplish our desires and live our deepest dreams.

It gives not only the theory, but the actual practises necessary to become absolute masters of our lives.
Adam , modified 12 Years ago at 8/27/12 6:31 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/27/12 6:31 PM

RE: The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 613 Join Date: 3/20/12 Recent Posts
What have your experiences been with those teachings, Tom m a?
Tom M A, modified 12 Years ago at 8/28/12 8:17 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/28/12 8:17 AM

RE: The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 67 Join Date: 8/22/12 Recent Posts
Well since beginning to apply these teachings, which was more of a test rather than expecting them to really work, I've had a few small wins on the lottery, never had won anything before. I've had money come from totally unexpected sources, never experienced that either. I've been presented with some new business opportunities which are within my moral spectrum. I find I just have more money without trying.

I'm setting my mind on very specifics now. Such as a plot of land so I can build eco-homes for my family and a few for friends too. I want enough land for 15 homes and ground to grow our own food utilizing bio-dynamic methods.

When I began it was due to a friend who is obsessed with the film, the secret. He bought the book, the film and follow up material. I thought well that's exactly how it works... people buy into it and make the authors rich! But then I got to thinking about my own life and whether I did "consciously create" any of it. Obviously some things I have, some things I just seemed to stumble upon or into, most was due to following others instructions though. But I thought, "I've got to test it out", and looked for the origins of rhonda byrne's secret material. There are tons of free books around. Although a bit dated with the language they are clear enough to follow.
m m a, modified 12 Years ago at 8/28/12 10:03 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/28/12 9:55 AM

RE: The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 153 Join Date: 6/9/11 Recent Posts
Maybe you should start with 1 home, and put the 14 others off for a bit emoticon

Instead of focusing on material gains such as money and land, you could use similar techniques to focus on less tangible yet potentially more rewarding aspects of existence.

Perhaps focus on something you can rely on past luck or circumstance such that you and your loved ones can be OK through times of hardship as well as fully appreciate the recent string of good fortune you have.

You do have the power to change your relationship to the world for the better with your mind, but the vehicle is acceptance, friendliness, metta, and diligence, not greed.

I believe the Secret/Message of the master is nothing new, everyone knows that positive thinking increases one's well-being. Peter Pan's timeless mesage of 'Think happy thoughts and you can fly!' has just been repackaged and sold at a mark-up.

There are countless free and beloved teachings that encompasses all this stuff and more minus what you correctly identified (albeit only initially) as bullcrap.

I could direct you to these if you'd like. I think it wouldn't take long to identify the nugget of wisdom you see in 'The Secret' or Mcdonalds books, but multiplied times 100 on every page.

Tom M A, modified 12 Years ago at 8/28/12 12:02 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/28/12 12:01 PM

RE: The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 67 Join Date: 8/22/12 Recent Posts
m m a:
Maybe you should start with 1 home, and put the 14 others off for a bit emoticon

Instead of focusing on material gains such as money and land, you could use similar techniques to focus on less tangible yet potentially more rewarding aspects of existence.

Perhaps focus on something you can rely on past luck or circumstance such that you and your loved ones can be OK through times of hardship as well as fully appreciate the recent string of good fortune you have.

You do have the power to change your relationship to the world for the better with your mind, but the vehicle is acceptance, friendliness, metta, and diligence, not greed.

I believe the Secret/Message of the master is nothing new, everyone knows that positive thinking increases one's well-being. Peter Pan's timeless mesage of 'Think happy thoughts and you can fly!' has just been repackaged and sold at a mark-up.

There are countless free and beloved teachings that encompasses all this stuff and more minus what you correctly identified (albeit only initially) as bullcrap.

I could direct you to these if you'd like. I think it wouldn't take long to identify the nugget of wisdom you see in 'The Secret' or Mcdonalds books, but multiplied times 100 on every page.


As I said, I'm testing the theory. If somebody claims that they or anybody else can actually materially manifest more money simply by mind power then I'll test that out in the only way it can be tested. Tangibles are an essential aspect of our life. We wouldn't be too happy without clothes, food or homes. Sure we could grin and bear it, but why? We have the ability to make things, to improve things, all via mind power in one form or another! There is nothing wrong in taking shelter nor food, nor water. This material life needs materials to sustain it. To deny that is to endure hardship for no other reason than stupidity.

I really can't see any problem between having material things and an exploration of the meaning of life. Indeed if we know anything of history we know that the imcompatibility was simply a ruse to manipulate the masses into believing they have to be poor to be good and to give all their excess money to the brahman, to the church or whoever.

Sure if you can point me towards any books which are better than the secret, that would be most kind... especially if they offer me 100x the poweremoticon
m m a, modified 12 Years ago at 8/28/12 12:54 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/28/12 12:52 PM

RE: The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 153 Join Date: 6/9/11 Recent Posts
If I claimed that jumping off of a tall building landed you in heaven, which is the fucking best place ever, would you test it?

I think you can do real harm by ignoring certain teachings and expanding others to grotesque proportions.

I am absolutely NOT suggesting you intentionally deprive yourself of material things, enduring fasting and the like, I'm suggesting what some refer to as the 'middle way'. One that doesn't feed and develop ego, but one that simply lets ego be and lives. One that observes the mundane and the special with a discerning mind, seeing things as they are and not getting caught up in the turbulence of emotions and experiences.

I'll offer one of the books of power emoticon , but the deep irony is that once you've achieved the power (been delivered from suffering, attained enlightenment, whatever) you might wonder at the fact that it doesn't seem so powerful anymore , and yet you cannot imagine a world without this insight. maybe thats too cryptic, but I'm trying to poke at something ineffable while simultaneously whetting your appetite.

Many of the books are actually meditation manuals, as is (i suspect) 'the secret', in its own way. Instead of sitting down and focusing on power wealth and glory, these manuals will turn your attention to the world as is.

you might try 'mastering the core teachings of the buddha' if you wanna skip right to the hardcore stuff.

A path with heart by jack kornfield seems like a book you might get something out of (even with the corny title)
Tom M A, modified 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 10:29 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 10:29 AM

RE: The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 67 Join Date: 8/22/12 Recent Posts
m m a:
If I claimed that jumping off of a tall building landed you in heaven, which is the fucking best place ever, would you test it?

I think you can do real harm by ignoring certain teachings and expanding others to grotesque proportions.

I am absolutely NOT suggesting you intentionally deprive yourself of material things, enduring fasting and the like, I'm suggesting what some refer to as the 'middle way'. One that doesn't feed and develop ego, but one that simply lets ego be and lives. One that observes the mundane and the special with a discerning mind, seeing things as they are and not getting caught up in the turbulence of emotions and experiences.

I'll offer one of the books of power emoticon , but the deep irony is that once you've achieved the power (been delivered from suffering, attained enlightenment, whatever) you might wonder at the fact that it doesn't seem so powerful anymore , and yet you cannot imagine a world without this insight. maybe thats too cryptic, but I'm trying to poke at something ineffable while simultaneously whetting your appetite.

Many of the books are actually meditation manuals, as is (i suspect) 'the secret', in its own way. Instead of sitting down and focusing on power wealth and glory, these manuals will turn your attention to the world as is.

you might try 'mastering the core teachings of the buddha' if you wanna skip right to the hardcore stuff.

A path with heart by jack kornfield seems like a book you might get something out of (even with the corny title)

Some things do require testing, and do require direct experience. What I'm not getting is, why do you assume I need such advice about "the middle way". By testing something out isn't feeding the ego. You'd could just as easily say that meditation practice feeds the ego (and obviously it can if you meet up with some of the people I've encountered over the years). What I'm doing is simply seeing if there is a way to manifest ones needs without the usual get a job, get two jobs routine. I'm not emotionally attached to the outcome. It does seem to be working and hence my bigger aim, If that comes into my reality then that free's me and others from working 50 hours per week and having little control over our life due to work commitments.

Also, I was joking about the power thing. I don't want power, I'm seeking an understanding of life from the only point of reference that makes any sense. All I know is that I am. What I am I'm not really sure of yet, but having money or houses doesn't worry me in anyway. Not having money or a house would be a bit of a worry as I have a family and why should anyone scavenge or live off the state or whatever other alternative there is. It seems sensible to get rich if you have the opportunity and then forget about money and focus on the more serious matters of life. To me that is part of the middle way.

It's not about being stupid about beliefs or depending on wishfilfillment or even blowing things out of proportion, just a simple test to see what results. It's not about being greedy or wanting glory, it's a possible means to a certain form of freedom, just as meditation is a possible form to freedom. Everything in our life is about how we approach it. I know my job is a necessity, but I would rather have more time to myself. So when I learned about this law of attraction stuff, I thought I'd better check it out properly rather than just dismiss it as airy fairy nonsense.

I've not read the core teachings yet or cornfield's books as I don't want to be greedily grasping at enlightmentemoticon
m m a, modified 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 12:33 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 12:26 PM

RE: The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 153 Join Date: 6/9/11 Recent Posts
I really don't want to argue about which is a better guru whose teachings to follow: The Buddha or Rhonda Byrne.

I don't know why you're posting... if not to simply defend and reinforce the ideas you already have.

jackie chan sez: How can you fill your cup when it is already full?
m m a, modified 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 12:36 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 12:35 PM

RE: The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 153 Join Date: 6/9/11 Recent Posts
In my experience, if it sounds to good too be true (quit working 50 hours a week and just think about having more wealth and you'll be fine)... it probably is. But then again, if you had told me a few years ago the buddha could deliver me and all beings from suffering, permanently, i may have been skeptical about that too.

Actually, if you had told me I'd be on the internet arguing about whether or not the secret is a worthwhile read... I wouldn't have believed that either.
Tom M A, modified 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 2:01 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 2:01 PM

RE: The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 67 Join Date: 8/22/12 Recent Posts
m m a:
I really don't want to argue about which is a better guru whose teachings to follow: The Buddha or Rhonda Byrne.

I don't know why you're posting... if not to simply defend and reinforce the ideas you already have.

jackie chan sez: How can you fill your cup when it is already full?

I don't know where you're getting the arguing bit from, nor the defending bit, but seems to be a hazard of any dialogue online... if you're not in total agreement, you're in opposition. Sad that, but I don't mind. You're free to intrepret as you only can.
m m a, modified 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 3:04 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 3:04 PM

RE: The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 153 Join Date: 6/9/11 Recent Posts
OK, lemme throw something out there then.

I believe that the 'Law of Attraction' is not only ridiculous but asinine and harmful.
Tom M A, modified 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 4:19 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 4:19 PM

RE: The Message of A Master by John MacDonald

Posts: 67 Join Date: 8/22/12 Recent Posts
m m a:
OK, lemme throw something out there then.

I believe that the 'Law of Attraction' is not only ridiculous but asinine and harmful.

Personally I'd throw that out too as it says nothingemoticon but seriously please elaborate why you consider it to be ridiculous, foolish and harmful.
