How did stream entry change you?

Nick P, modified 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 5:42 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 5:42 PM

How did stream entry change you?

Posts: 46 Join Date: 5/20/12 Recent Posts
I've read tons of posts around here, and I caught glimpses of answers to this question, but I'd like to ask it specifically and to the point. I'm curious about how others' experiences have been post stream entry.

All approaches welcome:
  • off-cushion everyday side (e.g. "I fight a lot less with my spouse")
  • off-cushion insight side (e.g. "I ride the subway and perceive vibrations all around")
  • on-the-cushion (e.g. "jhana is a lot easier to attain")

N A, modified 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 5:56 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/29/12 5:56 PM

RE: How did stream entry change you?

Posts: 157 Join Date: 7/10/11 Recent Posts
Tommy M, modified 12 Years ago at 8/30/12 8:54 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/30/12 8:54 AM

RE: How did stream entry change you?

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
I learned how to shoot blue laserbeams from my eyes... emoticon

In all honesty, knowing what changed for others will be of little help 'cause it sets up expectations, subtle but distracting expectations which, in turn, can pull you away from the practice that gets it done. It sounds really clichèd, I know, but it's literally beyond what you can imagine, purely because it leads to a more direct experiencing of the world in a way that can't really be described. It's so, so, so worth whatever it takes to 'get it', but, as I said in your other thread, it can only happen now and all the information in the world about how it changed things for others can't prepare you for the simple but profound understandings it brings.
Matt L, modified 12 Years ago at 8/30/12 9:51 AM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/30/12 9:51 AM

RE: How did stream entry change you?

Posts: 41 Join Date: 11/4/10 Recent Posts
i often reflect on this question, which leads to a clear answer of 'i'm not really sure, exactly'

there are definitely effects such as concentration in the non-meditation sense improving, concentration in the meditation sense improving, concepts become more fluid so it is somewhat (a lot maybe?) easier to learn, the mind chatters much less (which is probably why concentration is perceived to improve) and when it does can be cut off, reduction in existential angst (not eliminated), immediate intuitive understanding of a lot of spiritual texts, sense that 'something is obviously different, more open, more immediate', all sorts of small mystical experiences without any practice, meditation is a lot more interesting than it was, the mind is much more easily tuned in certain directions

all of this stuff just happens, its not something that needs to be crafted.

to put these comments in context, i notice the concept fluidity and concentration in day to day life due to studying mech engineering which is heavy on concepts and detail. also of note i went from average to top of year grades, although my raw intelligence seems to be the same as pre-SE (average).

but really, my answer of 'i'm not really sure, exactly' still stands. overall life is vastly more interesting and feels like its actually being lived rather than me living a dream. whatever it is, its pretty awesome.

not sure if helpful or not, lol.
Tommy M, modified 12 Years ago at 8/30/12 3:25 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/30/12 3:25 PM

RE: How did stream entry change you?

Posts: 1199 Join Date: 11/12/10 Recent Posts
but really, my answer of 'i'm not really sure, exactly' still stands. overall life is vastly more interesting and feels like its actually being lived rather than me living a dream. whatever it is, its pretty awesome.

I'll second that, nicely put! emoticon
fivebells , modified 12 Years ago at 8/30/12 4:07 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/30/12 4:07 PM

RE: How did stream entry change you?

Posts: 563 Join Date: 2/25/11 Recent Posts
I see and disidentify from the conditioning which is running things. Much of the time of it is still running things, but I see it and it is not me, though a lot of it believes very strongly that it in fact is.
John P, modified 12 Years ago at 8/30/12 4:52 PM
Created 12 Years ago at 8/30/12 4:46 PM

RE: How did stream entry change you?

Posts: 155 Join Date: 1/24/12 Recent Posts
I don't think I got stream entry yet, though I do think I changed a lot from what I was before, I don't think I had a reaaaallly consistent perceptual baseline shift.

Even though I said that, sometimes when I have a really good momentum in my practice, I get something which makes me think "THAT's how a stream-enterer perceives!".

Here goes my description:
It's like your awareness is not as close to your body and mental formations as before, but far only in a 4th dimension way, because the intensity is still the same.

Does it make any sense to anyone?

Also, usually I have a good body awareness going on, lately it got a little deeper, and it became a little harder to find someone else "ugly".
And my notion of time got different, something that happened 2-3 days ago seems like it happened a week ago or so.
I think I understand what you guys mean by "a more direct experiencing of the world", I think it's something I can relate to sometimes, but it's not something I can keep going for long.
