Direct pointing/Direct path - Vipassana - Stream Entry

Mike Gee, modified 11 Years ago at 5/2/13 6:09 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 5/2/13 6:09 AM

Direct pointing/Direct path - Vipassana - Stream Entry

Posts: 47 Join Date: 3/15/10 Recent Posts
Hello all.
I've been searching like crazy, and there are probably threads on this scattered around DhO, so I would appreciate if anyone has access to these and can point me to them. :-)

Also I would like to ask about your current opinions/knowledge about this.

The two worlds of Vipassana Nanas and NonDuality seem to be quite separated on the web.
Some say "No, nonduality messes it all up". And some say "It's all the same".

If you see through the illusion of self, and realize that all is awareness through the direct methods, is this in any way positive for then pursuing Stream Entry? I understand some at this point lose the will to continue searching, but...
Or is the direct path an impediment for more Mahasi-kind of work? I haven't read Bikkhu Bodhis negative commentary about nondual practices yet, but will do it soon...

How does one reconcile these methods and respective 'insights'?

Thanks for your input, guys.
m m a, modified 11 Years ago at 5/2/13 8:40 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 5/2/13 8:40 AM

RE: Direct pointing/Direct path - Vipassana - Stream Entry

Posts: 153 Join Date: 6/9/11 Recent Posts
I'm not sure a reconciliation is necessary

Why do you feel that there is a conflict? What are you goals of practice?
Mike Gee, modified 11 Years ago at 5/2/13 8:52 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 5/2/13 8:52 AM

RE: Direct pointing/Direct path - Vipassana - Stream Entry

Posts: 47 Join Date: 3/15/10 Recent Posts
Interesting question.
Ever increasing insight and liberation I guess. Which is a damn fuzzy answer.
Normally a good thing is to specify a measurable goal, but since I don't know what life will be like afterwards, that would be sort of futile.
Maybe I should quantify suffering and set a suffering ever closer to zero goal for my practice?

Is it fruitful to practice both ways? And if so, in any special order?

The conflict seems to be in that in one school there is talking about stream entry, progress of insight, anagami, arhat, and so on.
In the other one there is talk about awareness, I am, and more of an instant realization.

I haven't found a good Google translate between the two.
And also people tend to keep with one way over the other, but seemingly not in order to reach the same goal..?

Maybe ultimately, but non-dualists don't tend to seek stream entry emoticon
R Gabriel Hill, modified 11 Years ago at 5/2/13 6:36 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 5/2/13 6:36 PM

RE: Direct pointing/Direct path - Vipassana - Stream Entry

Posts: 27 Join Date: 5/4/10 Recent Posts
Here's a short article you might find interesting. Are you aware of Kenneth Folk's work? His ideas and teachings are pretty influential among the DhO crowd, I think it's safe to say. Anyway, in this article, he's explaining his concept of the "Three Speed Transmission", which is a very useful way of approaching Vipassana, Self-Inquiry/Advaita, and Non-Dual modes of practice. He explains how these various approaches are actually quite supportive of each other, instead of in conflict. It covers exactly the topic you bring up in concise language.
I feel like I should say, too, that Folk was my primary guide for a few years and so I can happily speak from experience and say that he is not only a very good teacher, but this this concept of the Three Speeds is actually really useful in bringing together a lot of the spiritual jargon and practices that saturate the internet, bookstores and dharma halls these days!
Best wishes,
Mike Gee, modified 11 Years ago at 5/2/13 11:49 PM
Created 11 Years ago at 5/2/13 11:49 PM

RE: Direct pointing/Direct path - Vipassana - Stream Entry

Posts: 47 Join Date: 3/15/10 Recent Posts
Thank you, Gabriel!
Very good fit for my questions indeed emoticon
Jack Hatfield, modified 11 Years ago at 5/3/13 11:59 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 5/3/13 11:59 AM

RE: Direct pointing/Direct path - Vipassana - Stream Entry

Posts: 98 Join Date: 7/5/10 Recent Posts
My personal experience for what it is worth: I do both vipassana noting and direct path meditation every day with a little self-inquiry thrown in. I do them at different parts of the day. Each seems to fill a need.
Mike Gee, modified 11 Years ago at 5/4/13 10:01 AM
Created 11 Years ago at 5/4/13 10:01 AM

RE: Direct pointing/Direct path - Vipassana - Stream Entry

Posts: 47 Join Date: 3/15/10 Recent Posts
I found a video that seems to rhyme with this, Jack and Gabriel.
Don't know who he is though...

But, purist scholars don't seem to agree...
